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Showing 33,126 through 33,150 of 33,280 results

States of Emergency and Human Rights Protection: The Theory and Practice of the Visegrad Countries

by Monika Florczak-Wątor, Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz, Jan Malíř, and Max Steuer

Emergencies are ubiquitous in 21st-century societal discourses. From the rise of emergency pronouncements in the United States since 9/11 accompanied by the associated violations of fundamental rights, through talks of ‘crises’ in the EU in relation to the economy, Putin’s occupation of Crimea (as recently amplified by the full-scale invasion of Ukraine) or refugees, to the long-neglected looming climate catastrophe, emergency discourses have been catapulted to the centre of attention by the critical juncture of the COVID-19 pandemic. This volume presents and compares the existing regulations and practices of emergencies and human rights protection in the Visegrad (V4) countries. As such, the analysis covers Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. Although these European countries share a common historical experience and are now members of the EU and NATO, they differ in some of their constitutional traditions and, also, in the dynamics of their political regimes. Divided into three parts, the first two comprehensively discuss the constitutional models of emergency and human rights protection in each of the V4 countries, while the third part illustrates how these models and the general framework of rights protection materialised in the limitations of the selected human rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. The volume provides a compass for more in-depth, comparative, and interdisciplinary inquiries into the forms and practices of emergencies in one of the EU regions that faces illiberalisation and the consequences of the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on its eastern borders. It will be a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and policymakers working in the areas of Constitutional Law and Politics.

Steuerstrafrecht (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Dennis Bock Friedrich Sebastian Fülscher

Dieses Buch enthält – insbesondere für Studierende, aber auch Berufseinsteiger – eine Einführung in das Steuerstrafrecht sowohl in materieller als auch verfahrensrechtlicher Hinsicht. Die Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis verbinden ihre Erfahrungen zu einem mit zahlreichen Beispielsfällen (vornehmlich aus der aktuellen Rechtsprechung) versehenen Lehrwerk, welches sich zum Ziel setzt, eine auf den ersten Blick nicht leicht zugängliche Materie einprägsam darzustellen.

The Straight Bill of Lading

by Michiel Spanjaart

The bill of lading has been the subject of numerous articles, dissertations, and textbooks over the years, and this is hardly surprising. The bill of lading has a fascinating history, it has several functions with roots in both contract and property law, and its issuance may trigger the application of an international convention on the carriage of goods by sea, the Hague–Visby Rules. Whereas most books on the subject deal with the bill of lading in general, this book zooms in on the straight bill of lading and covers the differences (and similarities) with a negotiable (order or bearer) bill of lading.

Strategic Litigation and Corporate Complicity in Crimes Under International Law: A TWAIL Analysis

by Kalika Mehta

This book provides a comprehensive account of how non-state actors rely on international criminal law as a tool in the service of progressive political causes. The argument that international criminal law and its institutions serve as an instrument in the hands of a few powerful states, and that its practice is characterized by double standards and selectivity, has received considerable attention. This book, however, focuses on a practice that is informed by this argument. Its focus is on an alternative practice within international criminal law, where non-state actors navigate what critical scholars call a structurally biased legal system, in order to achieve long-term political objectives. Innovatively, the book combines the concerns expressed by Third World Approaches to International Law with strategic litigation that focuses on the accountability of corporations for their complicity in crimes under international law. Analysing this litigation, the book demonstrates that, while it is crucial to highlight the blind spots of the international criminal legal framework, it is also important to take into account the practice of non-state actors engaged in leveraging its emancipatory potential. This original analysis of the implementation and legitimacy of international criminal law will be of interest to a wide range of scholars and activists working in relevant areas of law, politics, criminology and international relations.

Strategische Wahrheiten: Desinformation und Postfakten in der strategischen Kommunikation

by Olaf Hoffjann Lucas Seeber Ina von der Wense

Strategische Kommunikation zielt mit ihren kontingenten Wirklichkeitsbeschreibungen seit jeher auf gesellschaftliche Wahrheitsmodelle. Wie häufig gesellschaftliche Wahrheitsmodelle auf strategische Kommunikationsbemühungen zurückgehen, auf Unwahrhaftigkeit beruhen und damit zumindest zeitweise zu strategischen Wahrheiten werden, zeigen eindrucksvoll zwischenzeitlich geglaubte Wahrheiten, die sich als Lüge entpuppt haben: von Walter Ulbrichts „Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten“ über Hitlers Tagebücher bis hin zu den Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak. Die erfolgreichen Kampagnen der Brexiteers und von Donald Trump 2016 haben diesem Thema zu neuer und bislang ungeahnter Aufmerksamkeit verholfen. Während die Themen Desinformation und postfaktische Gesellschaft die Journalismus-, politische Kommunikations- und Medienethikforschung aktuell zu dominieren scheinen, ist das Schweigen der deutschsprachigen und internationalen PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung auffällig. Dies ist umso bemerkenswerter, weil die PR-Wissenschaft in der Vergangenheit immer wieder versucht hat, ihren Gegenstand zu schärfen, indem sie sich am Begriff der Propaganda abgearbeitet hat. Daraus müsste eigentlich eine Affinität für das Thema Desinformation resultieren. Aber genau das Gegenteil ist offensichtlich der Fall: Hat sich die PR-Wissenschaft gerade deshalb nicht mit Desinformation beschäftigt, weil sie sich so dezidiert von Propaganda und darin eingeschlossenen desinformierenden und manipulativen Techniken abgrenzen will? Was sind die Gründe hierfür? Glauben wir, bereits alles zum Thema gesagt zu haben? Liegt dies daran, dass sich die PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung seit jeher vor allem für Unternehmen und weniger für politische und Non-Profit-Organisationen interessiert? Oder fühlen wir uns hier schlicht und ergreifend nicht zuständig? Es scheint offenkundig höchste Zeit zu sein, sich wieder eingehend mit Fragen der Desinformation aus der Perspektive der strategischen Kommunikationsforschung zu befassen. Die Beiträge des Tagungsbandes fokussieren hierzu auf neue theoretische Perspektiven, normative Bewertungen und empirische Befunde.

Strategy and Leadership as Service: How the Access Economy Meets the C-Suite

by Sara Daw

Strategy and Leadership as Service isn’t just a nice idea; it is a practical, alternative vision of the future of work for senior executives that is starting to gain significant interest and is being adopted by businesses globally. Disrupting and challenging the traditional full-time employment model, the Strategy and Leadership as Service framework provides businesses with access to the complete range of functional, emotional, and collective intelligence at the C-suite level by moving their positions from the “pay-roll” to an “access-role.”Many entrepreneurial and growing businesses don’t need, don’t want, and can’t afford full-time C-suite executives. For larger organisations, it is becoming harder to find the skills and knowledge required to fulfil all the obligations of a functional C-suite with a fixed group of individuals. By moving to the Strategy and Leadership as Service framework, the outcomes are better for all stakeholders: more engagement, access to the right skillsets and mindsets at the right time and in the right quantity to match the changing business agenda, more flexibility for senior leaders, and strengthened risk management. Through presenting a working business model, and real-world case studies throughout, this book provides executives and leaders with a complete understanding of this ground-breaking approach and its key benefits, the theory upon which it is based, its essential ingredients, the mindset change required and, most importantly, how to apply it in practice.The book provides business leaders, C-suite portfolio executives, human resource professionals, strategy consultants, leadership coaches, organisational development consultants, recruiters, professional service firms, academics, and forward-thinking business students with a radical new view of how the access economy can be applied to business strategy and leadership for more sustainable futures.

Strong Passions: A Scandalous Divorce in Old New York

by Barbara Weisberg

Shocking revelations of a wife’s adultery explode in an incendiary nineteenth-century trial, exposing upper-crust New York society and its secrets. What could possibly go wrong in a wealthy matriarch’s country home when her dilettante son, his restless wife, and his widowed brother live there together? Strong Passions, rooted in the beguiling times of Edith Wharton’s “old New York,” recounts the true story of a tumultuous marriage. In 1862, Mary Strong stunned her husband, Peter, by confessing to a two-year affair with his brother. Peter sued Mary for divorce for adultery—the only grounds in New York—but not before she accused him of forcing her into an abortion and having his own affair with the abortionist. She then kidnapped their young daughter and disappeared. The divorce trial Strong v. Strong riveted the nation during the final throes and aftermath of the Civil War, offering a shocking glimpse into the private world of New York’s powerful and privileged elite. Barbara Weisberg presents the chaotic courtroom and panoply of witnesses—governess, housekeeper, private detective, sisters-in-law, and many others—who provided contradictory and often salacious testimony. She then asks us to be the jury, deciding each spouse’s guilt and the possibility of a just resolution. Social history at its most intimate, Strong Passions charts a trial’s twists and turns to portray a family and country in turmoil as they faced conflicts over women’s changing roles, male custody of children, and men’s power—financial and otherwise—over wives.

The Struggle over Law in Europe (ISSN)

by Aldo Sandulli

This book examines the role of law in Europe at a time when economic policies have become dominant not only on this continent but globally. Can law be seen as a mere infrastructure? Or does it contribute to defining the social and legal order through its own inherent rules? If the second hypothesis is true, what might these rules be, and how may they be identified? Lastly, to what extent can agreeing a definition of the role of law affect the future of Europe? With the Next Generation European Union, the EU has introduced an unprecedented investment plan for economic recovery and resilience. In doing so, it has become the most important financial intermediary on the continent. But is this simply the prelude to a European economic and financial revival, or does it also aim to strengthen the European legal order in social, political, and constitutional terms? This book argues that the role of law in Europe should be to achieve a balanced relationship between freedom and solidarity; encouraging economic competition, but also social cohesion. Analyzing the role of law in the project of European integration, it maintains that law should be more than an infrastructure for finance and economics, showing how it can act as a guide and a binding force to achieve a more balanced relationship between economics, politics, and law. This book will be of interest to scholars in the fields of public law, European law, law and economics, the philosophy of law, legal history, political theory, and political science, as well as others concerned with the future of European integration.

Struggles for the Human: Violent Legality and the Politics of Rights (Global and Insurgent Legalities)

by Lara Montesinos Coleman

In Struggles for the Human, Lara Montesinos Coleman blends ethnography, political philosophy, and critical theory to reorient debates on human rights through attention to understandings of legality, ethics, and humanity in anticapitalist and decolonial struggle. Drawing on her extensive involvement with grassroots social movements in Colombia, Coleman observes that mainstream expressions of human rights have become counterparts to capitalist violence, even as this discourse disavows capitalism’s deadly implications. She rejects claims that human rights are inherently tied to capitalism, liberalism, or colonialism, instead showing how human rights can be used to combat these forces. Coleman demonstrates that social justice struggles that are rooted in marginalized communities’ lived experiences can reframe human rights in order to challenge oppressive power structures and offer a blueprint for constructing alternative political economies. By examining the practice of redefining human rights away from abstract universals and contextualizing them within concrete struggles for justice, Coleman reveals the transformative potential of human rights and invites readers to question and reshape dominant legal and ethical narratives.

A Study on the Creation, Impact and Legal Issues of Crypto Special Drawing Rights (Modern China and International Economic Law)

by Leo Zeng

This book analyzes the concept, theory, rules, and impact of the reform of the international monetary system and Crypto-SDRs and provides a feasibility analysis of the combination of blockchain technology and SDRs. It explores and summarizes the possibility of solving problems such as the inherent defects of the current international monetary system and creatively suggests that the birth of Crypto-SDR will have a positive impact on countries and industries and fields around the world, especially in anti-money laundering, cross-border asset recovery, international payments, banking, insurance, financial auditing, Fintech regulation, etc.

The Subject of Copyright: Perspectives from Law, Aesthetics and Cognitive Science (Routledge Research in Intellectual Property)

by Ewa Laskowska-Litak

Exploring the concept of copyright subject matter through the lenses of law, aesthetics and cognitive science, this book describes the historical evolution of a work into an artefact that qualifies as copyrightable subject matter. Discussing the originality requirement towards an artefactual understating of intangible goods, copyright’s present struggles with modern societies and technologies, and growing inequalities between rights holders and producers, the book adopts an interdisciplinary approach based on studies in law, aesthetics, neuroscience, and cognitive science to present a novel perspective on the non-artefactual and contextual identification of copyright subject matter. The book examines the challenges raised by aesthetic and neuroaesthetic concepts and cognitive studies, seeking to create a unifying framework of identification strategies for modern copyright law which embrace historical, philosophical and social perspectives, the book develops a research methodology that offers a new interdisciplinary and holistic approach for understanding the subject of copyright and better addressing the needs of modern society, technology and business models. Touching on normative understandings of creativity and legal-philosophical, aesthetic, and cognitive considerations with regard to the idea/expression dichotomy in copyright law, the book will be of immense interest to legal scholars, legal philosophers, aestheticians and neuroaestheticians.

Sui Generis Intellectual Property Protection: Comparison of EU and U.S. Regulatory Approaches (Perspectives in Law, Business and Innovation)

by Iana Kazeeva

The standard forms of intellectual property protection, namely, copyright, patents, trademarks and trade secrets, have a long history and are well regulated in the legislative systems of most jurisdictions. However, there are specific kinds of subject matter that, due to their characteristics, cannot be adequately protected by these standard forms of intellectual property instruments. At the same time, these categories of subject matter require legal protection in order to ensure the balance between the public's access to these creations and the creators' rights. For these reasons, many jurisdictions introduce a special form of intellectual property protection, namely, sui generis regime, i.e., intellectual property legal regime “of its own kind”, designed to serve the specific needs of a particular subject matter. This book analyzes the intellectual property protection regimes in the EU and the U.S. available for three categories of subject matter that are often considered as requiring sui generis protection, namely, databases, designs and plant varieties. One of the main objectives is to evaluate whether the chosen subject matter in fact requires sui generis intellectual property protection and whether the introduced sui generis regimes have proved to be successful over time. The final chapter of this book analyses the perspectives of sui generis intellectual property protection for works generated by AI systems. This volume offers a comprehensive analysis of sui generis intellectual property rights and will be a key source for both scholars and practitioners with an interest in intellectual property law.

Supermajorities in Constitutional Courts

by Mauro Arturo Rivera León

Constitutional adjudication is a subject of fascination for scholars. Judges may annul the will of a democratically elected Parliament in counter-majoritarian fashion. Although conceived as a remedy against majoritarianism, judges also decide cases by voting. Whether they do so through simple majorities or supermajorities is not trivial.The debate around supermajorities has awakened anew amidst theories of judicial limitation and new conceptions of judicial review. This book advances our knowledge of systems employing supermajorities in constitutional adjudication by performing a comparative analysis of ten jurisdictions and twelve supermajority models. It introduces a typology of the main models of institutional design, the reasons leading policymakers to establish them, and the impact supermajorities have on courts. It explores the question of whether supermajorities grant deference and foster consensus, or if they disable constitutional courts from exercising judicial review. By analyzing the history, practice, and effects of supermajority rules in courts, this book contributes to an ongoing conversation on the democratic implications of voting protocols in constitutional courts. It will be a valuable resource for policy-makers, scholars, and researchers working in the areas of comparative constitutional law and constitutional politics.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.

Superstition, Management and Organisations: Irrationality, Randomness, and Chaos in Decision Making (Palgrave Studies in Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment)

by Joanna Crossman

This book addresses how people and organisations sometimes respond to uncertainty in making decisions. Those decisions are rooted in beliefs and behaviours that are not always rational, especially in response to perceived randomness, chaos and unexpected circumstances. The author uses a transdisciplinary approach to the study of superstition in the context of business and management, taking care to acknowledge that what is regarded as superstition to one person may well be constructed as a spiritual belief by another. Respect and sensitivity in explicating individual and social constructions of spirituality is a core value in structuring the narrative of the text. The work also explores the interwoven relationships amongst superstition, religion, spirituality and empiricism and how cultural, political, economic and environmental factors are likely to influence organisations and those who are employed by them. Further, it examines the influence of beliefs related to topics such as feng shui, astrology, phrenology and the I Ching in recruitment. This comprehensive treatment of the role of superstition in business will advance the scholarly conversation on uncertainty in decision making. It points to the power of belief that defies empirical validation and how it can be used in a variety of contexts, such as the marketing of products and images to manipulate unwary consumers or inhibit the implementation of health advice in times of COVID-19.

The Supreme Court and the Philosopher: How John Stuart Mill Shaped US Free Speech Protections

by Eric T. Kasper Troy A. Kozma

The Supreme Court and the Philosopher illustrates how the modern US Supreme Court has increasingly adopted a view of the constitutional right to the freedom of expression that is classically liberal in nature, reflecting John Stuart Mill's reasoning in On Liberty. A landmark treatise outlining the merits of limiting governmental and social power over the individual, On Liberty advocates for a maximum protection of human freedom. Proceeding case by case and covering a wide array of issues, such as campaign finance, offensive speech, symbolic speech, commercial speech, online expression, and false statements, Eric T. Kasper and Troy A. Kozma show how the Supreme Court justices have struck down numerous laws for infringing on the freedom of expression.Kasper and Kozma demonstrate how the adoption of Mill's version of free speech began with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. more than a century ago and expanded over time to become the prevailing position of the Court today. The authors argue that this embrace of Mill's rationale has led to an unmistakable reorientation in the Court's understanding of free expression jurisprudence.The Supreme Court and the Philosopher is the first book to comprehensively explore how the political philosophy of Mill has influenced the highest court in the land. In targeting the underlying philosophical reasons that explain why the modern Supreme Court renders its First Amendment decisions, this book is particularly timely, as the issues of censorship and freedom of expression are debated in the public square today.

A Supreme Court Unlike Any Other: The Deepening Divide Between the Justices and the People

by Kevin J. McMahon

A data-rich examination of the US Supreme Court's unprecedented detachment from the democratic processes that buttress its legitimacy. Today’s Supreme Court is unlike any other in American history. This is not just because of its jurisprudence but also because the current Court has a tenuous relationship with the democratic processes that help establish its authority. Historically, this “democracy gap” was not nearly as severe as it is today. Simply put, past Supreme Courts were constructed in a fashion far more in line with the promise of democracy—that the people decide and the majority rules. Drawing on historical and contemporary data alongside a deep knowledge of court battles during presidencies ranging from FDR to Donald Trump, Kevin J. McMahon charts the developments that brought us here. McMahon offers insight into the altered politics of nominating and confirming justices, the shifting pool of Supreme Court hopefuls, and the increased salience of the Court in elections. A Supreme Court Unlike Any Other is an eye-opening account of today’s Court within the context of US history and the broader structure of contemporary politics.

Suspicious Activity: A Legal Thriller

by Mike Papantonio Christopher Paulos

Suspicious Activity is an epic drama of intrigue, suspense, thrills, and legal combat—torn out of today&’s headlines. &“The purpose of the lawsuit is to fully expose the bank&’s willing support to groups that are killing Americans—and others—overseas.&” This announcement by attorney Nicholas &“Deke&” Deketomis sets up the gladiatorial arena between Big Banking and a team of well-meaning activist lawyers. The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars introduced the concept of IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) and EFPs (Explosively Formed Penetrators) that seriously maim or kill. It appears that these bombs are still being made and utilized by terrorists overseas. Who is funding them? Could it possibly be a large global bank with a major branch in New York? Is a reverse money laundering scheme in place that allows money transactions to bypass Department of Justice sanctions? Deke and his colleagues—co-counsel Michael Carey and investigators Carol Morris and Jake Rutledge—set out to uncover the deceit and bring the white collar criminals to justice. With the help of Michael&’s friend and war veteran, Joel Hartbeck—who first blows the whistle against the bank—the Deketomis team quickly discovers that they may have tackled more than they bargained for. A dangerous right wing paramilitary group might be involved in protecting the bank&’s interests, and Hartbeck soon goes missing. As Deke&’s lawsuit progresses, the sudden appearance of IEDs and EFPs on US highways cause death and destruction. Who is behind this evil?Readers who devour the financial-action-legal thrillers of Joseph Finder, Stephen Frey, and James Grippando will enjoy Suspicious Activity.

Sustainability Leadership: Wie Führungskräfte mitteltständischer Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeit verankern können (essentials)

by Wolfgang Zimmermann Felix Richter Andre Stuer

​Das Buch zeigt, wie Mittelstands- und Familienunternehmen die Nachhaltigkeitswende ihres Unternehmens mit Hilfe von Sustainability Leadership meistern können. Denn zunehmende staatliche Vorgaben und die ökologische Transformation veranlassen viele Unternehmer dazu, sich aktiv mit dem Thema auseinanderzusetzen. Dabei stehen Unternehmen und Organisationen vor neuen Herausforderungen – alte Führungs- und Managementmuster passen nicht mehr. Als Führungskraft ist es nicht immer leicht, angesichts hoher Komplexität und Unsicherheit die Orientierung zu behalten und die eigene Unternehmensstrategie mit den Bedürfnissen von Mitarbeitenden und externen Stakeholdern in Einklang zu bringen. Die Autoren zeigen anhand von praxisnahen Beispielen und konkreten Werkzeugen einen ganzheitlichen und integrativen Leadershipansatz auf, wie Führungskräfte mittelständischer Unternehmen Nachhaltigkeit erfolgreich in ihrem Unternehmen verankern können. Besonders bemerkenswert: Dies kann die Geburtsstunde eines „Unternehmertum 2.0“ sein. Es basiert auf den oftmals tiefen Wurzeln des Unternehmens und neuen, innovativen Perspektiven. Interviews mit Unternehmerpersönlichkeiten vermitteln Impulse und geben Einblicke zu ihren Erfahrungen mit der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation.

Sustainability Objectives in Competition and Intellectual Property Law (LIDC Contributions on Antitrust Law, Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition)

by Pranvera Këllezi Pierre Kobel Bruce Kilpatrick

This open access volume of LIDC contributions focuses on how competition and intellectual property laws incorporate sustainability objectives. Businesses are increasingly embracing sustainability objectives, driven by the international community. Although competition and intellectual property law are certainly not the only tools for addressing sustainability issues, they can play a role in moving toward a more sustainable society.Sustainability has gained prominence in competition law in all jurisdictions covered in this volume. The contributions focus on classic questions such as whether sustainability agreements restrict competition and, if so, to what extent businesses can be exempted on efficiency grounds. The papers also raise a number of questions, in particular concerning the treatment of non-market efficiencies. The soft law and case law produced by competition authorities are examined, and the leadership role of some competition authorities in the field – from advocacy to policy papers and sustainability guidelines – is highlighted. The authors call for more individual guidance to provide enhanced transparency and clarity to industry, advisors and society at large on sustainability issues, with guidelines or sustainability-related block exemptions providing even greater legal certainty.With regard to intellectual property, the contributions examine various important issues, such as the need for intellectual property rights to remain technology-neutral, ways to promote the use of sustainable technologies and incentives for licensing, and ways to promote the dissemination of sustainable technologies, including compulsory licensing, cross-licensing, open source or FRAND licensing, and replacing the destruction of counterfeit goods with recycling. The papers also discuss greenwashing and how it can be addressed through revisions to trademarks and related rights.

Sustainability of the Exploration and Use of Outer Space

by Yvonne Karimi-Schmidt

This book provides insight into the significance of the law of outer space in promoting order, cooperation, and peaceful activities in space. It emphasizes the advantages of having a legal framework in place to govern space exploration and utilization, rather than relying on power and force.

Sustainable and Responsible Business in Africa: Studies in Ethical Leadership

by Rose Ogbechie Marvel Ogah

This book provides a transnational African perspective on business management concerns and business ethics by examining the concepts of responsible business practices and sustainability across sub-Saharan Africa. Covering topics ranging from ethical advertisement to responsible pricing to waste management for sustainable business, it highlights the importance of consciously and deliberately inculcating responsible practices in the creation and operation of business activities within a corporate context to achieve sustainability in African markets. The book employs a case-by-case method for treating issues in responsible business practice and sustainability, with contributions illustrating responsible and irresponsible business practices across various areas of business management. Relevant to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it will be of great importance to academics and students of responsible business, sustainability, business ethics and African business more broadly. It will also be a helpful guide for professionals and business owners to understand some salient issues in navigating sustainable business practices in Africa.

Sustainable Development Goal 16 and the Global Governance of Violence: Critical Reflections on the Uncertain Future of Peace (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development)

by Timothy Donais Alistair D. Edgar Kirsten Van Houten

This book brings together a diverse range of scholars and practitioners working at the nexus of peace and development to reflect, at the mid-way point of the Sustainable Development Goals implementation period, what impact Goal 16 has made, or may yet make, toward reducing violence in ‘all its forms.’ Adopted in 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals include 17 objectives designed to shape and direct the global development agenda through to 2030, with Goal 16 aiming to promote ‘peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development.’ Amidst an ongoing global pandemic, evidence of a fracturing liberal international order, and the persistence of seemingly intractable conflict in large parts of the world, this volume takes stock of current progress toward providing access to justice and ensuring inclusive and democratic institutions. Across 15 chapters, the book’s contributors explore the universal aspirations of Goal 16 and its specific implications for conflict-affected states, which continue to experience ‘development in reverse,’ and for historically marginalized groups such as women, youth, the disabled, and indigenous peoples. In doing so, it offers a comprehensive assessment of Goal 16’s broader contribution to the creation of a more just, peaceful world against the realities of societies emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic and grappling with a deepening climate crisis. This volume will appeal to scholars, researchers, policymakers, and postgraduate students in sustainable development, global governance, international relations, global development, international law, and political science.

Sustainable Development, International Law, and a Turn to African Legal Cosmologies (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)

by null Godwin Eli Dzah

This original book analyses and reimagines the concept of sustainable development in international law from a non-Western legal perspective. Built upon the intersection of law, politics, and history in the context of Africa, its peoples and their experiences, customary law and other legal cosmologies, this ground-breaking study applies a critical legal analysis to Africa's interaction with conceptualising and operationalising sustainable development. It proposes a turn to non-Western legal normativity as the foundational principle for reimagining sustainable development in international law. It highlights eco-legal philosophies and principles in remaking sustainable development where ecological integrity assumes a central focus in the reimagined conceptualisation and operationalisation of sustainable development. While this pioneering book highlights Africa as its analytical pivot, its arguments and proposals are useful beyond Africa. Connecting global discourses on nature, the environment, rights and development, Godwin Eli Kwadzo Dzah illuminates our current thinking on sustainable development in international law.

Sustainable Finance Fundamentals

by Carlos Vargas

Sustainable Finance Fundamentals provides an accessible overview of this critical, rapidly growing area at the intersection of finance and sustainability. The first part showcases different approaches to sustainable finance, covering banking, impact investing, integrated reporting and strategy, and risk management. The second part covers investing, including equity, green bonds, and crowdfunding. In the final part, issues beyond sustainable finance, such as alternative investments, renewable energy, and innovation, are explored. In addition, two optional appendices provide useful introductions to the time value of money (TVM) and financial statements. Ethical and regulatory issues are addressed holistically throughout the book and sustainable finance is linked to related topics, such as environmental economics and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Each chapter has an international focus and features examples, "in a nutshell" summaries, and discussion questions. Whether you are a student or professional, Sustainable Finance Fundamentals is essential reading for anyone looking to gain a comprehensive understanding of sustainable finance, impact investing, and related areas. Lecture slides and teaching notes are also available for instructors, making this book an ideal text for courses on sustainable finance.

Sustainable Finances and the Law: Between Public and Private Solutions (Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship #16)

by Rute Saraiva Paulo Alves Pardal

Sustainable (public and private) finance is closely interlinked with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The latter focus on enhancing the protection of both social and environmental assets at the local and global level, from the real economy and everyday life to financial markets and public policies, thereby laying the groundwork for a transition. Global sustainability challenges – including climate change, natural resource depletion, and rising inequality – are affecting the commercial environment and real economy in a way that presents both risks and opportunities for the private and public financial sectors. On the one hand, policymakers and investors (including banks and pensions funds) are increasingly recognizing the environment’s implications for the financial sector through both physical and transitional risks, producing impacts on financial services and products, not to mention corporate governance. On the other hand, governments and European and international institutions are aware of their sustainability-related responsibilities and the consequences of their actions. Both regulate and supervise financial markets but also use their budgetary and tax policies (e.g. carbon tax) and their participation in financial markets (e.g. green bonds and development banks) to overcome sustainability challenges. Therefore, the objective of this book is to help readers understand how private and public financial systems can be modified to create better value for society through sustainable approaches and initiatives such as the integration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in investment, procurement, and budgeting.

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