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S2k-Leitlinie Notfallpsychiatrie

by Frank-Gerald Pajonk Thomas Messer Horst Berzewski

Der klinische Alltag zeigt, dass es nicht nur in der Psychiatrie, sondern in vielen medizinischen Disziplinen zu Notfallsituationen durch psychische Störungen kommt und deren Häufigkeit im Gefolge soziodemographischer, gesellschaftspolitischer und versorgungspolitischer Veränderungen wohl zunimmt. Diese Notfallsituationen sind oft komplex, potenziell lebensbedrohlich und führen durch vielfältige, für Anwesende und Helfer oft unverständliche Verhaltensstörungen der Patienten zu einem hohen Ausmaß an Verunsicherung hinsichtlich der zu treffenden Maßnahmen. Diese unter Federführung des Referats Notfallpsychiatrie der DGPPN interdisziplinär erarbeitete Leitlinie bietet erstmals im deutschen und wohl auch internationalen Sprachraum auf Leitlinienniveau - eine Übersicht über die notfallmedizinisch relevanten psychiatrischen Erkrankungen und Störungsbilder und - von verschiedenen Fachgesellschaften konsentierte Empfehlungen zur Behandlung und zum Management dieser Störungen nach systematischer Auswertung der vorliegenden klinischen Studien. Ziel dieser Leitlinie ist eine qualitative Verbesserung in der prästationären und stationären Versorgung psychiatrischer Notfallpatienten.

Criminal Psychology

by Francis Pakes Suzanne Pakes

This book provides an accessible introduction to the increasingly popular subject of criminal psychology. It explores the application of psychology to understanding the crime phenomenon, criminal behaviour,solving crimes, the court process and punishment rehabilitation. It will be an invaluable resource for anybody taking courses in this field, in particular students taking the criminal psychology/forensic psychology components of the main A-level psychology specifications. The book is fully in line with the new A-level specifications being taught from September 2009. Each chapter includes case studies, keystudies, evaluations and a range of discussion questions. Apart from providing in depth and up-to-date knowledge on criminal psychology, the book is equally up-to-date on trends and issues in criminal justice today.

Radical Sociality

by Margarita Palacios

A philosophical and psychoanalytic investigation of relations to otherness, violence, disobedience and belonging, Radical Sociality explores the possibilities and vicissitudes of contemporary forms of belonging and the limits and challenges of democracy.

The Hidden Games of Organizations

by Mara Selvini Palazzoli Luigi Anolli Paola Di Blasio Lucia Giossi Innocenzo Pisano Carlo Ricci Marica Sacchi Valeria Ugazio

This book describes conflicts inside four organizations: a corporation, a hospital unit, a training institute, and a school. It explains what solutions were recommended and stresses the importance of communication to create good working conditions in the organizations.

The Couple

by Alfred Palca Monte Ghertler

A husband and wife's utterly frank account of their experience in the Masters & Johnson sex clinic.

Inklusiver Leseunterricht: Leseentwicklung, Diagnostik und Konzepte

by Lisa Paleczek Susanne Seifert

Neben entwicklungstheoretischen Aspekten zeigt das Buch Gelingensfaktoren effektiven Leseunterrichts in inklusiven Settings auf und stellt konkrete Umsetzungsvorschläge vor. Wiederholt wird betont, dass dabei die Diversität der Voraussetzungen, die die Kinder mitbringen, stets wertschätzend Berücksichtigung finden soll. Der Inhalt Entwicklung der Lese(teil-)fähigkeiten • Zusammenhänge der Lesefähigkeiten mit anderen Fähigkeiten• Österreichischer RahmenLesePlan • Transitionsprozesse • Diagnostik von Lesefähigkeiten und anderen leserelevanten Fähigkeiten • Response to Intervention • Inklusiver Schriftspracherwerb • Fortbildungsreihe Didaktische Pakete • Fachintegriertes Leseflüssigkeitstraining Filius • Kooperative Lernmethoden • Digitalisierung im Leseunterricht • Leseförderprogramm LARS Die Herausgeberinnen Mag.a Mestre Lisa Paleczek, PhD arbeitet im Bereich Inklusion an der Kirchlichen Pädagogischen Hochschule Graz und ist Lektorin im Bereich Integrationspädagogik und Heilpädagogische Psychologie an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte: inklusive Unterrichtsgestaltung, Erstellung differenzierter Lesematerialien für die Primarstufe, Diagnostik, Sprach- und Leseentwicklung bei Kindern mit anderen Erstsprachen. Susanne Seifert, PhD arbeitet im Bereich Integrationspädagogik und Heilpädagogische Psychologie an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz. Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte: Leseintervention, Diagnostik von Lese- und Sprachfähigkeiten, differenzierte Lesemethoden, Lesen bei Kindern mit anderen Erstsprachen.

The Group Therapy Treatment Planner

by Kim Paleg Jongsma Arthur E.

The Group Therapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal review agencies. A critical tool for mental health professionals developing formal treatment plans for working with a variety of groups New edition features expanded coverage and outlines entirely new areas including utilizing group therapy to treat panic/agoraphobia, PTSD/trauma, adult ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and borderline personality disorder Streamlined interventions and fully updated language make this edition easier to use and more clinically applicable Saves you hours of time-consuming paperwork, yet offers the freedom to develop customized treatment plans Organized around 33 main presenting problems with a focus on applying a group therapy approach to a wide variety of disorders Over 1,000 well-crafted, clear statements describe the behavioral manifestations of each relational problem, long-term goals, short-term objectives, and clinically tested treatment options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem or DSM-IV-TR diagnosis Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies (including HCFA, JCAHO, and NCQA)

Coping With Uncertainty: Behavioral and Developmental Perspectives (Penn State Series on Child and Adolescent Development)

by David S. Palermo

The first volume in this new series from The Center for the Study of Child and Adolescent Development at The Pennsylvania State University focuses on the relationship between the biological stress circuits and the behavioral concomitants to stress in animals and humans. The participants at this conference, a tribute to Dean Evan G. Pattishall, Jr., discuss the developmental implications of their work in relation to the periods of infancy, childhood, and adolescence. For professionals, clinicians, and researchers in clinical, developmental, experimental, and health psychology, behavioral medicine, psychiatry, psychotherapy, and the neurosciences.

Le donné en question dans la phénoménologie et le néokantisme

by Virginie Palette

Cet ouvrage explore les critiques du donné dans le néokantisme et la phénoménologie allemands. Il révèle la portée considérable de ces critiques, qui impliquent en même temps une controverse avec le positivisme de la fin du XIXème siècle et un dialogue substantiel avec l’Esthétique transcendantale de Kant. En posant les questions de la sensation et de la perception, la présente monographie permet de ménager un accès privilégié aux enjeux fondamentaux de la philosophie austro-allemande au tournant du XXème siècle. Lorsqu’il est question du donné ou des critiques du donné dans le discours philosophique contemporain, et cela arrive souvent dans les débats sur la perception en philosophie de l’esprit, c’est toujours à la controverse analytique autour du « mythe du donné » que l’on fait référence – controverse, qui a vu le jour en 1956, lorsque le philosophe américain Wilfrid Sellars publie Empirisme et philosophie de l’esprit. Or, il est intéressant d’observer que la critique sellarsienne du « mythe du donné » a été préfigurée, en un sens partiel mais important, par les objections que les néokantiens et les phénoménologues ont adressées à la notion de donné au tournant du XXesiècle. La présente monographie comble cette lacune béante de l’historiographie classique, qui a jusqu’ici accordé peu d’attention à la constance de cette critique dans toutes les philosophies marquées par l’héritage de Kant.

A Multidisciplinary Framework of Information Propagation Online (SpringerBriefs in Complexity)

by Susannah B. Paletz Brooke E. Auxier Ewa M. Golonka

This book presents a broad, multidisciplinary review of the factors that have been shown to or might influence sharing information on social media, regardless of its veracity. Drawing on literature from psychology, sociology, political science, communication, and information studies, the book provides a high-level framework of information sharing. The framework progresses through different categories. Information is first acquired or viewed from different sources; then, the target sharer has emotional and cognitive reactions to that information. The next categories involve motivations to share and the actual ability and perceptions of that ability to share. The greater context, such as culture, language, and social networks, also influences information sharing. Finally, the book distinguishes between genuine and non-genuine (inauthentic) actors. This text will appeal to students and especially to technical researchers looking for a social science perspective.

Unthink: And how to harness the power of your unconscious

by Chris Paley

Your life is dominated by your unconscious mind: by thoughts you're unaware of and movements you don't realise you are making. Words, colours, mannerisms and other cues you don't realise are affecting you, change what you think. The confidence you have in your ability to reason and to consciously choose what to do is caused by a series of illusions that scientists are only just beginning to understand. The discovery of these illusions will change the way we see ourselves more than the discoveries of Darwin and Copernicus. Unthink explores the unconscious decisions we make, and covers a variety of topics, ranging from how we choose politicians and romantic partners to more abstract subjects such as whether we can consciously decide to move our fingers. The counter-intuitive observations that Chris makes in the book include: · If you want someone to fancy you, wear red and meet them somewhere frightening. · When waitresses repeat customers' orders back to them instead of just saying 'yes' they receive bigger tips. · To reduce your shopping bill, start at the beer and snacks end of the store and work backwards. · If you sit someone in an upright chair when you give them good news they will be prouder of their achievements. · Having a picture of your family on your desk might make you work harder, but you'll be rattier when you get home! Chris Paley shows us how we can understand ourselves and others better, by having a greater understanding of the way that the unconscious mind has an impact of the way we live our lives.

Unthink: And how to harness the power of your unconscious

by Chris Paley

Your life is dominated by your unconscious mind: by thoughts you're unaware of and movements you don't realise you are making. Words, colours, mannerisms and other cues you don't realise are affecting you, change what you think. The confidence you have in your ability to reason and to consciously choose what to do is caused by a series of illusions that scientists are only just beginning to understand. The discovery of these illusions will change the way we see ourselves more than the discoveries of Darwin and Copernicus. Unthink explores the unconscious decisions we make, and covers a variety of topics, ranging from how we choose politicians and romantic partners to more abstract subjects such as whether we can consciously decide to move our fingers. The counter-intuitive observations that Chris makes in the book include:· If you want someone to fancy you, wear red and meet them somewhere frightening.· When waitresses repeat customers' orders back to them instead of just saying 'yes' they receive bigger tips.· To reduce your shopping bill, start at the beer and snacks end of the store and work backwards.· If you sit someone in an upright chair when you give them good news they will be prouder of their achievements.· Having a picture of your family on your desk might make you work harder, but you'll be rattier when you get home!Chris Paley shows us how we can understand ourselves and others better, by having a greater understanding of the way that the unconscious mind has an impact of the way we live our lives.

Unthink: And how to harness the power of your unconscious

by Chris Paley

Your life is dominated by your unconscious mind: by thoughts you're unaware of and movements you don't realise you are making. Words, colours, mannerisms and other cues you don't realise are affecting you, change what you think. The confidence you have in your ability to reason and to consciously choose what to do is caused by a series of illusions that scientists are only just beginning to understand. The discovery of these illusions will change the way we see ourselves more than the discoveries of Darwin and Copernicus. Unthink explores the unconscious decisions we make, and covers a variety of topics, ranging from how we choose politicians and romantic partners to more abstract subjects such as whether we can consciously decide to move our fingers. The counter-intuitive observations that Chris makes in the book include:· If you want someone to fancy you, wear red and meet them somewhere frightening.· When waitresses repeat customers' orders back to them instead of just saying 'yes' they receive bigger tips.· To reduce your shopping bill, start at the beer and snacks end of the store and work backwards.· If you sit someone in an upright chair when you give them good news they will be prouder of their achievements.· Having a picture of your family on your desk might make you work harder, but you'll be rattier when you get home!Chris Paley shows us how we can understand ourselves and others better, by having a greater understanding of the way that the unconscious mind has an impact of the way we live our lives.(P)2014 Hodder & Stoughton

Bad Guys Don't Have Birthdays: Fantasy Play at Four

by Vivian Gussin Paley

Bad guys are not allowed to have birthdays, pick blueberries, or disturb the baby. So say the four-year-olds who announce life's risks and dangers as they play out the school year in Vivian Paley's classroom. Their play is filled with warnings. They invent chaos in order to show that everything is under control. They portray fear to prove that it can be conquered. No theme is too large or too small for their intense scrutiny. Fantasy play is their ever dependable pathway to knowledge and certainty. " It . . . takes a special teacher to value the young child's communications sufficiently, enter into a meaningful dialogue with the youngster, and thereby stimulate more productivity without overwhelming the child with her own ideas. Vivian Paley is such a teacher. " Maria W. Piers, in the "American Journal of Education" " Mrs. Paley's books] should be required reading wherever children are growing. Mrs. Paley does not presume to "understand" preschool children, or to theorize. Her strength lies equally in knowing that she does not know and in trying to learn. When she cannot help children because she can neither anticipate nor follow their thinking she strives not to hinder them. She avoids the arrogance of adult to small child; of teacher to student; or writer to reader. " Penelope Leach, author of "Your Baby & Child" in the "New York Times Book Review" " Paley's] stories and interpretation argue for a new type of early childhood education . . . a form of teaching that builds upon the considerable knowledge children already have and grapple with daily in fantasy play. " Alex Raskin, "Los Angeles Times Book Review" "Through the 'intuitive language' of fantasy play, Paley believes, children express their deepest concerns. They act out different roles and invent imaginative scenarios to better understand the real world. Fantasy play helps them cope with uncomfortable feelings. . . . In fantasy, any device may be used to draw safe boundaries. " Ruth J. Moss, "Psychology Today""

The Boy on the Beach: Building Community Through Play

by Vivian Gussin Paley

What can the richly imagined, impressively adaptable fantasy world of children tell us about childhood, development, education, and even life itself? Paley presents a wise appreciation of the importance of play and enduring curiosity about the nature of childhood and the imagination.

The Boy Who Would Be a Helicopter

by Vivian Gussin Paley

How does a teacher begin to appreciate and tap the rich creative resources of the fantasy world of children? What social functions do story playing and storytelling serve in the preschool classroom? And how can the child who is trapped in private fantasies be brought into the richly imaginative social play that surrounds him? The Boy Who Would Be a Helicopter focuses on the challenge posed by the isolated child to teachers and classmates alike in the unique community of the classroom. It is the dramatic story of Jason-the loner and outsider-and of his ultimate triumph and homecoming into the society of his classmates. As we follow Jason's struggle, we see that the classroom is indeed the crucible within which the young discover themselves and learn to confront new problems in their daily experience. Vivian Paley recreates the stage upon which children emerge as natural and ingenious storytellers. She supplements these real-life vignettes with brilliant insights into the teaching process, offering detailed discussions about control, authority, and the misuse of punishment in the preschool classroom. She shows a more effective and natural dynamic of limit-setting that emerges in the control children exert over their own fantasies. And here for the first time the author introduces a triumvirate of teachers (Paley herself and two apprentices) who reflect on the meaning of events unfolding before them.

Boys & Girls: Superheroes in the Doll Corner

by Vivian Gussin Paley

With the publication of Boys and Girls in 1984, Vivian Gussin Paley took readers inside a kindergarten classroom to show them how boys and girls play#151;and how, by playing and fantasizing in different ways, they work through complicated notions of gender roles and identity. The children’s own conversations, stories, playacting, and scuffles are interwoven with Paley’s observations and accounts of her vain attempts to alter their stereotyped play. Thirty years later, the superheroes and princesses are still here, but their doll corners and block areas are fast disappearing from our kindergartens. This new edition of Paley’s classic book reignites issues that are more important than ever for a new generation of students, parents, and teachers.

A Child's Work: The Importance of Fantasy Play

by Vivian Gussin Paley

The buzz word in education today is accountability. In her new book, Vivian Gussin Paley decries this rapid disappearance of creative time and makes the case for the critical role of fantasy play in the psychological, intellectual, and social development of young children.

The Girl with the Brown Crayon

by Vivian Gussin Paley

Once again Vivian Paley takes us into the inquiring minds and the dramatic worlds of young children learning in the kindergarten classroom. As she enters her final year of teaching, Paley tells in this book a story of farewell and a story of self-discovery—through the thoughts and blossoming spirit of Reeny, a little girl with a fondness for the color brown and an astonishing sense of herself. "This brown girl dancing is me," Reeny announces, as her crayoned figures flit across the classroom walls. Soon enough we are drawn into Reeny's remarkable dance of self-revelation and celebration, and into the literary turn it takes when Reeny discovers a kindred spirit in Leo Lionni—a writer of books and a teller of tales. Led by Reeny, Paley takes us on a tour through the landscape of characters created by Lionni. These characters come to dominate a whole year of discussion and debate, as the children argue the virtues and weaknesses of Lionni's creations and his themes of self-definition and an individual's place in the community. The Girl with the Brown Crayon tells a simple personal story of a teacher and a child, interweaving the themes of race, identity, gender, and the essential human needs to create and to belong. With characteristic charm and wonder, Paley discovers how the unexplored territory unfolding before her and Reeny comes to mark the very essence of school, a common core of reference, something to ponder deeply and expand on extravagantly.

You Can't Say You Can't Play

by Vivian Gussin Paley

Who of us cannot remember the pain and humiliation of being rejected by our classmates? However thick-skinned or immune to such assaults we may become as adults, the memory of those early exclusions is as palpable to each of us today as it is common to human experience. We remember the uncertainty of separating from our home and entering school as strangers and, more than the relief of making friends, we recall the cruel moments of our own isolation as well as those children we knew were destined to remain strangers.<P> In this book Vivian Paley employs a unique strategy to probe the moral dimensions of the classroom. She departs from her previous work by extending her analysis to children through the fifth grade, all the while weaving remarkable fairy tale into her narrative description. Paley introduces a new rule-"You can't say you can't play"-to her kindergarten classroom and solicits the opinions of older children regarding the fairness of such a rule. We hear from those who are rejected as well as those who do the rejecting. One child, objecting to the rule, says, "It will be fairer, but how are we going to have any fun?" Another child defends the principle of classroom bosses as a more benign way of excluding the unwanted.<P> In a brilliant twist, Faley mixes fantasy and reality, and introduces a new voice into the debate: Magpie, a magical bird, who brings lonely people to a place where a full share of the sun is rightfully theirs. Myth and morality begin to proclaim the same message and the schoolhouse will be the crucible in which the new order is tried. A struggle ensues and even the Magpie stories cannot avoid the scrutiny of this merciless pack of social philosophers who will not be easily caught in a morality tale.<P> You Can't Say You Can't Play speaks to some of our most deeply held beliefs. Is exclusivity part of human nature? Can we legislate fairness and still nurture creativity and individuality? Can children be freed from the habit of rejection? These are some of the questions. The answers are to be found in the words of Paley's schoolchildren and in the wisdom of their teacher who respectfully listens to them.

The Connected Parent: An Expert Guide to Parenting in a Digital World

by John Palfrey Urs Gasser

An essential guide for parents navigating the new frontier of hyper-connected kids.Today's teenagers spend about nine hours per day online. Parents of this ultra-connected generation struggle with decisions completely new to parenting: Should an eight-year-old be allowed to go on social media? How can parents help their children gain the most from the best aspects of the digital age? How can we keep kids safe from digital harm? John Palfrey and Urs Gasser bring together over a decade of research at Harvard to tackle parents' most urgent concerns. The Connected Parent is required reading for anyone trying to help their kids flourish in the fast-changing, uncharted territory of the digital age.

Musical Agency and the Social Listener

by Cora S. Palfy

Music as a narrative drama is an intriguing idea, which has captured explicit music theoretical attention since the nineteenth century. Investigations into narrative characters or personae has evolved into a sub-field—musical agency. In this book, Palfy contends that music has the potential to engage us in social processes and that those processes can be experienced as a social interaction with a musical agent. She explores the overlap between the psychological processes in which we participate in order to understand and engage with people, and those we engage in when we listen to music. Thinking of musical agency as a form of social process is quite different from existing theoretical frameworks for agency. It implies that we come to musical analysis by way of intuition—that our ideas are already partially formed based on our experience of the piece (and what it makes us feel or how it makes us sense it as any other) when we choose to analyze and interpret it. Palfy’s focus on social processes is a very effective way to pinpoint when and why it is that our attention is captured and engaged by musical agents.

Subjective Views of Aging: Theory, Research, and Practice (International Perspectives on Aging #33)

by Yuval Palgi Amit Shrira Manfred Diehl

This book focuses on the concept of subjective views of aging. This concept refers to the way individuals conceptualize and perceive the aging process. Social and cultural perceptions regarding older adults are incorporated and internalized into views people hold regarding their own aging process. The book contains three parts which present theoretical, empirical, and translational perspectives about subjective views of aging. The theoretical section expands the framework of subjective views of aging with the inclusion of additional concepts, and further integrates these concepts by accounting for their synergistic effects. The empirical section presents recent developments in the field starting at the intra-individual level as assessed by ecological momentary assessments, going through the level of interpersonal relationships, and concluding at the social and cultural levels. Finally, the translational section presents recent endeavours to develop interventions aimed at advancing favourable views of aging. This cutting-edge edited book includes chapters written by internationally renowned scholars in the field and serves as an up-to-date resource for scholars in the field as well as a textbook for students in courses like social gerontology, lifespan psychology, and life course sociology.

Involved Fathering and Men's Adult Development: Provisional Balances

by Rob Palkovitz

Involved Fathering and Men's Adult Development is an interdisciplinary book that synthesizes theoretical, empirical, and anecdotal writings from different fields and provides an analysis of extensive interviews with 40 fathers. Along with the exploration of the distinct contribution that fathers make to their children's development, the author pursues the parallel theme of the effect this involvement has on the fathers' own development in adulthood. This book will provide its readers with a realistic and useful beginning point to bring a synthesis of developmental theories, family studies perspectives, and men's insights about fathering that will enhance our academic understanding of fathering and adult development. This book can also spark reflective and practical application for fathers and families, whether readers are academicians, practitioners, policymakers, or fathers in the trenches.

Transitions to Parenthood

by Robin J Palkovitz Marvin B Sussman

In this unusual but exciting look at a complex topic, family scholars offer a vast array of insights into the multiple consequences, concerns, and characteristics of parenthood. The transition to parenthood--the most critical step in individual and family life cycles--is thoroughly examined from a social psychological perspective. Cultural and ethnic factors are considered as major influences in the transition to parenthood, as are changing patterns in the work force, the consequences of the gender revolution, and altered patterns of marriage and divorce--all of which have shattered the traditional ways of parenting. Family theorists, practitioners, and parents are strongly encouraged to further research and discuss the necessary elements and available options involved in facing the changes brought on by parenthood.

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