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A Quest for More: Living for Something Bigger Than You

by Paul David Tripp

A Quest for More speaks to those who are beginning their spiritual journeys as well as those who can reflect on full lives spent in service to God.

What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage

by Paul David Tripp

A longtime pastor, noted author, and international conference speaker calls engaged and married couples to a grace-based lifestyle of daily reconciliation, marked by six practical commitments. Marriage, according to Scripture, will always involve two flawed people living with each other in a fallen world. Yet, in pastor Paul Tripp's professional experience, the majority of couples enter marriage with unrealistic expectations, leaving them unprepared for the day-to-day realities of married life. This unique book introduces a biblical and practical approach to those realities that is rooted in God's faithfulness and Scripture's teaching on sin and grace. "Spouses need to be reconciled to each other and to God on a daily basis," Tripp declares. "Since we're always sinners married to sinners, reconciliation isn't just the right response in moments of failure. It must be the lifestyle of any healthy marriage." What Did You Expect? presents six practical commitments that give shape and momentum to such a lifestyle. These commitments, which include honestly facing sin, weakness, and failure; willingness to change; and embodying Christ's love, will equip couples to develop a thriving, grace-based marriage in all circumstances and seasons of their relationship.

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making

by Paul David Tripp Timothy S. Lane

While skillfully identifying the deeper issues that keep relationships less than they are designed to be, Tim Lane and Paul Tripp show readers how to experience the other side of relationships as well. They convincingly testify of the power of God's presence to bring believers to the place where: Conflicts actually get resolved Tough conversations turn out positive Forgiveness is granted and real love is expressed and shared Casual relationships mature into deep friendships Weaknesses are overlooked and strengths are applauded People are honest without being meanA book about relationships, written within the context of their own friendship, Tim and Paul's new offering is straightforward about the relational disappointments that we all suffer. But they are also optimistic about the power of grace to redeem and restore our relationships. Rather than presenting new or sophisticated techniques to make relationships flourish, the authors instead focus on the basic character qualities that can only be formed in the heart by the gospel."We are called to be people of great character so that when we do come in contact with the world our character shapes and influences those around us. Even though relationships are messy, they are also what God uses to rescue us from ourselves," say Tim and Paul.

Relationships: A Mess Worth Making

by Paul David Tripp Timothy S. Lane

With penetrating insight and practical applications, Relationships: A Mess Worth Making identifies how to work through the most stubborn problems that plague any contemporary relationship - be it marriage, parent-child, or friendship.

Why Worry?: Stop Coping and Start Living

by Kathryn Tristan

Knock fear out of the driver's seat and take control of your own life through simple, proven strategies. There always seems to be plenty to worry about, and worry we do--from nagging concerns to full-blown anxiety. It's time to stop worrying and instead create a more peaceful, powerful, and purposeful life. Kathryn Tristan's hands-on, solution-oriented book empowers you to break free from constant fear, worry, and anxiety. She shows how to eliminate automatic doomsday thinking and take back control of your own life. This no-nonsense approach draws from a variety of disciplines to offer a comprehensive guide for rewiring your brain that includes restructuring how you think, easy relaxation exercises, simple lifestyle changes, and transformative spiritual practices. Through personal anecdotes and inspiring true stories, including self-assessment quizzes and the latest science, you'll discover the secrets to a worry-free existence, including how to: * recognize and eliminate inner trash talk and negative thinking; * create outlook makeovers to slash stress and worry; * master sure-fire worry busters; * and discover calm during chaos.

Eastern Customs in Bible Lands

by H B Tristram

Eastern Customs in Bible Lands by H. B. Tristram is an illuminating exploration of the cultural and social practices of the ancient Near East, offering readers valuable insights into the customs and traditions that shaped the biblical world. Tristram, a respected scholar and traveler, draws on his extensive knowledge and firsthand experiences in the Middle East to provide a detailed account of the everyday life, rituals, and practices that are essential to understanding the context of the Bible.This richly informative book delves into a wide range of topics, including family life, religious ceremonies, agricultural practices, and social structures, all of which play a crucial role in the narratives and teachings of the Bible. Tristram’s vivid descriptions and engaging storytelling bring the ancient world to life, helping readers to see the Bible through the eyes of those who lived in its time.Eastern Customs in Bible Lands is not just a historical study; it is a cultural guide that bridges the gap between modern readers and the ancient text. By exploring the customs and traditions mentioned in the Bible, Tristram provides a deeper understanding of the Scriptures, revealing the significance behind many of the events and teachings that might otherwise be lost to contemporary audiences.Tristram’s work is thoroughly researched and enriched by his personal travels and observations, making it both authoritative and accessible. His detailed accounts of life in Bible lands offer readers a fresh perspective on familiar stories, enhancing their appreciation of the cultural and historical context in which the Bible was written.This book is an invaluable resource for Bible students, scholars, and anyone interested in the cultural background of the Scriptures. Eastern Customs in Bible Lands not only enhances the study of the Bible but also deepens the reader’s connection to the ancient world, providing a richer and more nuanced understanding of the text.H. B. Tristram’s insightful analysis and evocative writing make Eastern Customs in Bible Lands a timeless work that continues to offer fresh perspectives on the Bible and its enduring relevance.

What I Wish I Knew at 18: Life Lessons for the Road Ahead

by Dennis Trittin

What I Wish I Knew at 18 is an engaging, comprehensive, and conversational book written to help young adults achieve success in life. It contains illustrations, simple instructions, and practical, reflective questions.

Main Samay Hoon: मैं समय हूँ

by Deep Trivedi

‘मैं समय हूँ’ यह पुस्तक बेस्टसेलर्स ‘मैं मन हूँ’, ‘मैं कृष्ण हूँ’ और ‘101 सदाबहार कहानियां’ के लेखक तथा स्पीरिच्युअल सायको-डाइनैमिक्स के पायनियर दीप त्रिवेदी ने लिखी है। मनुष्यजीवन को गहराई से समझने और समझाने वाले दीप त्रिवेदी ने विश्व की अंतिम और निर्णायक सत्ता समय के रहस्यों का अपनी किताब ‘मैं समय हूँ’ में रहस्योद्घाटन किया है। इस किताब में दीप त्रिवेदी ने घड़ी की सूइयों से परे समय के कई स्वरूपों का खुलासा किया है। यही नहीं, उन्होंने न सिर्फ इन सभी स्वरूपों की विस्तार से चर्चा की है, बल्कि उनके प्रभावों को भी समझाया है। इस किताब की सबसे विशेष बात यह कि लेखक ने इसमें इतनी सरल भाषा का उपयोग किया है जिससे कि एक सामान्य मनुष्य भी समय जैसी महासत्ता की पूरी कार्यप्रणाली आसानी से समझ सके। इस किताब में यह स्पष्ट होता है कि एक समय ही है जिस कारण न सिर्फ मनुष्य बल्कि यह पूरा ब्रह्मांड भी चलायमान है तथा मनुष्य के जीवन में घटने वाली तमाम ऊंच-नीच भी समय के ही अधीन है। अतः चाहे मनुष्यजीवन सरल बनाना हो या फिर ब्रह्मांड के गहरे रहस्य समझने हों, समय के गहरे स्वरूपों को समझे बिना इनमें से कुछ भी शक्य नहीं है। इसीलिए इस बात पर विशेष ध्यान देते हुए लेखक ने मनुष्यों को उनका बिगड़ा समय संवारने के कई सरल उपाय भी दिये हैं। यह बात तय है कि जो भी समय की ताल-से-ताल मिला लेगा, एक सुखी और सफल जीवन गुजारना उसका भाग्य हो जाएगा।

10 Steps to Change Your Life: A Step-By-Step Guide

by Marcelo C Troche Annette

Throughout our lives we have encountered different situations making us question ourselves about who we are, what path to follow, and how to achieve happiness. Although it seems somewhat complex to solve, we do not really realize within ourselves are the answers to those questions. You will realize after reading this book, how following these simple steps will enable you to find a path to help you view your life in a positive way, to achieve all your goals and purposes, and thus from inside you finding the answers to those questions that somehow have not allowed you to lead a full and happy life. Do not be afraid to accept yourself as you are, to change, to trust in yourself, to open the doors to a better life with an inner transformation, dare to be happy. What would you think if I told you internally lies the key to change your life? What if I also said that you can be who you've always wanted to be and get everything you want? Surely internally answering these questions you have visualized what you have always wanted to have, what you have always wanted to be, right? What are you waiting for? It is your time to ACT AS IF. If I can, if I have goals, if I get what I want, if I am fully happy, etcetera. ... Break your chains, overcome your fears and let me accompany you in the discovery of changing your current "I" for the successful "I"... I already am, and you?

Come Migliorare la Tua Vita in 10 Passi

by Marcelo C Troche Simona Casaccia

Durante le nostre vite abbiamo incontrato diverse situazioni che ci hanno fatto interrogare su chi siamo, su quale strada seguire e su come raggiungere la felicità. Sebbene sembri piuttosto complesso da risolvere, non ci rendiamo davvero conto che dentro di noi c'è la risposta a queste domande. Con questa lettura si noterà come, seguendo questi semplici passi, troverete un modo per aiutare a vedere la vita in modo positivo per raggiungere tutti i vostri obiettivi e scopi, e così dal proprio interno trovare la risposta a queste domande che in qualche modo non ti hanno permesso di condurre una vita piena e felice. Non avere paura di accettarti come sei, di cambiare, di fiducia in te stesso, apri la porta a una vita migliore, dalla propria trasformazione dal di dentro, il coraggio di essere felici. Cosa penseresti se ti dicessi che in te giace la chiave che cambierebbe la tua vita? E se dicessi anche che puoi essere quello che hai sempre desiderato e ottenere tutto ciò che vuoi? Sicuramente nel rispondere a queste domande hai visualizzato ciò che hai sempre voluto avere, ciò che hai sempre voluto essere, giusto? E cosa stai aspettando? È il tuo momento di agire come se; se posso, se ho degli obiettivi, se ottengo ciò che voglio, se sono pienamente felice; e così via, eccetera. ... rompere le vostre catene, superare le tue paure e lasciate che vi accompagni alla scoperta di cambiare il tuo io negativo ad un futuro io di successo .... Io sono pronto, e voi?.

Uma Vida Sem Amor

by Marcelo C Troche Felipe A.G. Gabrielli

Introdução Muitas pessoas passam suas vidas sem conseguir superar as situações pelas quais passaram quando jovens, fazendo com que muitas delas tomem medidas drásticas e violentas, cheg- ando até ao suicídio em algumas oportunidades ou se con- formem a viver uma vida medíocre e infeliz até o final, enquanto outras tentam buscar uma vida melhor mas acabam ficando presas ao seu passado, gerando um ciclo de frustração que as impede de abrir portas para um futuro melhor. Uma vida sem Amor é una história de grande reflexão, que atravessa as etapas da vida dos personagens desde a infância até a idade adulta, em que precisam enfrentar os problemas do passado para conseguir mudar o presente.

Como Melhorar Tua Vida em 10 Passos

by Marcelo C Troche Nelson Leonel De Benedetti

INTRODUÇÃO Ao longo de nossas vidas, temos encontrado diferentes situações que nos fizeram questionar sobre quem somos, qual caminho seguir e como alcançar a felicidade. Embora pareça um tanto complexo de resolver, nós realmente não percebemos que dentro de nós está a resposta para essas questões. Com esta leitura, você vai perceber como, seguindo esses passos simples, você poderá encontrar um caminho que o ajudará a ver a sua vida de forma positiva, alcançar todas as suas metas e propósitos e, portanto, do seu próprio interior, irá encontrar a resposta a essas perguntas que de alguma forma, não permitiram que você conduzisse uma vida plena e feliz. Não tenha medo de se aceitar como você é, mudar, confiar em si mesmo, abrir as portas para uma vida melhor, a partir de uma transformação de seu próprio interior, se atreva a ser feliz. O que você pensaria se eu lhe dissesse que em você está a chave que mudaria sua vida? E se eu também dissesse que você pode ser o que você sempre quis e obter tudo o que você quer? Certamente, ao responder a essas perguntas, você visualizou o que sempre quis ter, o que você sempre quis ser, certo? E o que espera? É seu momento para agir como se; se puder, se eu tiver metas, se eu conseguir o que eu quero, se eu estiver totalmente feliz; e assim por diante um longo etcetera. ... Quebre suas correntes, vença seus medos e deixe-me acompanhá-lo na descoberta de mudar seu "eu" atual para o "eu" bem sucedido. Eu já sou e você?

Como Vencer as Zonas Obscuras de Tua Mente

by Marcelo C Troche Nelson Leonel De Benedetti

A vida tem algum sentido? E o que ocorre com os milhões de pessoas que desfrutam de uma vida relativamente próspera e segura? Que parecem ter tudo o que é necessário para ser feliz. Mas muitos não o conseguem. Uma e outra vez, eles vêem que o "trabalho penoso" e outras "coisas nocivas" - sejam problemas econômicos ou infortúnios como a morte de uma criança - destroem suas ilusões e esperanças. Mas ainda há algo mais que angustia essa "sensação de falta de sentido e vazio" tão difundida: a brevidade da vida. Muitas pessoas acham difícil entender que o ser humano, com tanto potencial em inúmeros campos, viva tão pouco. A dura realidade é que mesmo se nos livrarmos das piores calamidades desta vida, a morte acaba tirando tudo de nós. Será possível encontrar sentido na vida? Um rei do antigo Israel, Salomão, resumiu bem a existência do ser humano. Ele viu que as pessoas da época, como as pessoas de hoje, estavam lutando para avançar: plantavam, cultivavam, construíam uma casa, cuidavam de suas famílias... Mesmo assim, qual foi o resultado? "Nada faz sentido", concluiu ele, "é como perseguir o vento". Salomão acreditava que o ser humano, por mais que tentasse, nunca poderia dar sentido à vida? A verdade é que não. Ele simplesmente explicou de maneira realista como é a vida em um mundo imperfeito.

Jed McKennas Theorie von Allem: Die Erleuchtete Perspektive

by Susan Troeger Jed Mckenna

Wir werden von Geburt an darauf programmiert zu glauben, unsere Existenz sei ein unlösbares Rätsel, doch wenn wir uns wirklich Mühe geben, dann entdecken wir, dass das Geheimnis selbst das Rätsel ist. Nicht nur, was das große Geheimnis ist, sondern auch warum es überhaupt ein Geheimnis gibt. Und was wäre, wenn es gar keines gäbe? Was wäre, wenn das große Geheimnis nur ein innerer Glaube ohne äußere Entsprechung wäre? Was wäre, wenn die Antworten auf die größten Fragen des Lebens direkt vor uns lägen? "Wenn der Mensch schlagen will, so schlag er durch die Maske! Wie kann der Häftling denn ins Freie, wenn er die Mauer nicht durchbricht? - Herman Melville Alle, die durch die Maske schlagen wollen, werden eine Theorie von Allem begrüßen, die Sinn macht, die sich nicht auf religiöse oder wissenschaftliche Schikane verlässt und die leicht verständlich ist. Und diejenigen, die mit Jed McKenna vertraut sind, werden wissen, dass es sich nicht nur um eine Theorie handelt.

The Upcycled Self: A Memoir on the Art of Becoming Who We Are

by Tariq Trotter

&“One of hip-hop&’s greatest MCs, unpacking his harrowing, remarkable journey in his own words, with enough insights for two lifetimes.&”—Lin-Manuel Miranda, award-winning songwriter, producer, director, and creator of In the Heights and Hamilton From one of our generation&’s most powerful artists and incisive storytellers comes a brilliantly crafted work about the art—and war—of becoming who we are.upcycle verbup·cy·cle ˈəp-ˌsī-kəl: to recycle (something) in such a way that the resulting product is of a higher value than the original item: to create an object of greater value from (a discarded object of lesser value)Today Tariq Trotter—better known as Black Thought—is the platinum-selling, Grammy-winning co-founder of The Roots and one of the most exhilaratingly skillful and profound rappers our culture has ever produced. But his story begins with a tragedy: as a child, Trotter burned down his family&’s home. The years that follow are the story of a life snatched from the flames, forged in fire. In The Upcycled Self, Trotter doesn&’t only narrate a riveting and moving portrait of the artist as a young man, he gives readers a courageous model of what it means to live an examined life. In vivid vignettes, he tells the dramatic stories of the four powerful relationships that shaped him—with community, friends, art, and family—each a complex weave of love, discovery, trauma, and loss. And beyond offering the compellingly poetic account of one artist&’s creative and emotional origins, Trotter explores the vital questions we all have to confront about our formative years: How can we see the story of our own young lives clearly? How do we use that story to understand who we&’ve become? How do we forgive the people who loved and hurt us? How do we rediscover and honor our first dreams? And, finally, what do we take forward, what do we pass on, what do we leave behind? This is the beautifully bluesy story of a boy genius&’s coming-of-age that illuminates the redemptive power of the upcycle.

What Possible Good?: Turning the Tables on Our Pain and Suffering A Study of the Pain and Suffering We All Face Living in a Fallen World and The Hope We All So Desperately Need

by Bill Trout

In the midst of our own intense storms of life, we desperately search for an anchor of hope. This book by author Bill Trout takes us on a journey towards gaining a better understanding of our pain and suffering. We will find that God alone is the one true steadfast anchor that we seek. Believers in Jesus are firmly secured to God as our anchor by a heavenly chain of very strong links. One of the most vital links is found in the answer to the following question: &‘What possible good could come from our suffering?&’ There is great news! God can and does turn bad things into good things for us. To see him at work in our lives we need to ask God to open our spiritual eyes. To improve our vision of the Master Potter at work, we will look through a number of different spiritual lenses. Each lens will permit us to see a different Biblical perspective of viewing our pain and suffering. Not only will we see a broad range of the possible causes and sources of our trials, but also we will discover additional links in the chain of hope, which may have eluded us thus far. Though we have a natural tendency to blame God for our pain and suffering, we will learn that the devil is the primary cause for most of the trials we face. But more great news! As we grow in our faith and trust in God, we realize that he is an expert at &‘turning the tables&’ on all of the devil&’s deceptive schemes to tempt, torture and destroy us. God clearly &“works for the good of the those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.&” (Romans 8:28) He is the master of turning potential defeat into decisive victory! If we hold tight to him as our anchor, we can safely and securely ride out all of the storms of life until we reach that promised eternal heavenly shore!

The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science: (The Library of Spiritual Wisdom) (The Library of Spiritual Wisdom)

by Thomas Troward

The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science is an essential new collection of Thomas Troward’s most groundbreaking work.Thomas Troward was an English author writing in the 19th century who was deeply involved in the New Thought movement. In The Edinburgh Lectures, Troward explores the ways that Mental Action influences Material Conditions, explains the reciprocal action of the universe, and much more. Deeply insightful and profound, Troward is an indispensable voice in the New Thought canon and essential reading for fans of Norman Vincent Peale and Napoleon Hill.This edition of the book also includes Your Invisible Power by Geneviève Behrend, one of Troward's students. The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science is part of The Library of Spiritual Wisdom, a beautifully designed series of curated classics written by some of the greatest spiritual teachers of all time. With books covering topics ranging from prosperity and motivation to the occult and metaphysical thought, The Library of Spiritual Wisdom is the definitive collection of texts from some of the most revolutionary thought leaders of the last two centuries and belongs on the shelves of home libraries everywhere.

Twenty-Two: Letters to a Young Woman Searching for Meaning

by Allison Trowbridge

Allison Trowbridge harnesses the power of story in a series of letters to an imagined young woman wrestling with the questions that arise as she stands on the precipice of adulthood. Our life’s journey is our life’s destination. Never in history has a young woman had so many options before her, yet never has she had less direction or guidance on what to do with them. A woman at the precipice of adulthood often finds herself with more questions than answers, with more disenchantment than direction. How is she supposed to “lean in” to a successful career while also building deeply meaningful relationships? How can she care for the community around her while simultaneously developing a global mindset and changing the world? How can she be all that she is destined to be without feeling paralyzed by the pressure of so many prospects? Allison Trowbridge knows this dilemma well. She remembers stepping into her twenties and wishing for a mentor to guide her through this dizzying season of life. In Twenty-Two, she becomes the mentor she was looking for. Drawing from her own experience and from the wisdom of others, she offers advice and counsel in a series of personal letters to “Ashley,” a fictional college student looking for mentorship from someone one step ahead in life. Over the course of twenty-two letters, Trowbridge addresses a wide range of practical issues and ties them to larger concerns such as identity, loss, social impact as a lifestyle, wisdom in the ordinary moments, and the profound way God’s work is realized in how we live every day. Subtly weaving in today’s pressing social concerns—from poverty in our neighborhoods to human trafficking across the globe—Twenty-Two will inspire a greater sense of mission and a passion to live more fully as young women embark on their own remarkable journeys.

Sharing the Covers: Every Couple's Guide to Better Sleep

by Wendy M. Troxel

Help your relationships and your body with this definitive guide on sleep for couples—with proven strategies to improve both sleep and relationship health—by a clinical psychologist named as one of the top experts on the science of sleep.Dr. Wendy Troxel is a clinical psychologist and behavioral sleep specialist whose work is frequently cited in major media outlets as well as in recent bestselling books like Arianna Huffington's The Sleep Revolution and Dr. Matthew Walker's Why We Sleep. Dr. Troxel's mission is teaching couples to prioritize sleep and helping them find solutions to maximize the sleep quality for both partners, whether sleeping together or apart.Dr. Troxel says "Great sleep is the new great sex." In Sharing the Covers, she shows couples how vital it is to "sleep like your relationship depends on it"—because in many cases, it does. With popular science and an in-depth understanding of a couple's relationship to sleep and to each other on her side, Dr. Troxel leads couples through an entirely different kind of sleep book. She tells readers how to: Manage sleep cycles and sleep disordersMaintain a healthy sex lifeDecide on whether to ask for a "sleep divorce" and more A good night's sleep is critical to any relationship. Whether it's stress, snoring, or insomnia that's keeping you up, Sharing the Covers will help couples get back to sleep and get back to each other.

Undone: When Coming Apart Puts You Back Together

by Laura Sumner Truax


Natural Cures "They" Don't want You To Know About

by Kevin Trudeau

Alternative medicine.

Stretch Marks: A Self-Development Tool for Mothers Who are Being Stretched in Every Direction

by Amber Trueblood

Inspiration and ideas for exhausted moms who want to reconnect with themselves—and create more time, peace, and joy in their lives. After spending a long time in the other-focused world of raising young children, women may find themselves struggling to remember how to take care of themselves. They may even feel guilty for wanting to do so, or wonder if it&’s even possible. At a time when mothers are busier, more stressed, and less healthy than ever, this book offers realistic answers you can implement into your frenetic life. You&’ll learn how to fix the disconnect between what&’s truly important to you and what you spend your time, resources, and energy on. Stretch marks serve as emotional, visual, and psychological metaphors representing your ability to grow and push past your limits—and here, Amber Trueblood addresses the challenges mothers face in a funny, entertaining, supportive, and judgment-free environment. Using her A.M.B.E.R. Mindsets, you can learn the tricks and tools necessary to stop living the life you&’re told you should be living—and start living freely.

The Unflustered Mom: How Understanding the Five Anxiety Styles Transforms the Way We Parent, Partner, Live, and Love

by Amber Trueblood

"Any moms who want more ease, confidence, and joy in their lives should definitely read this book!" —Kim West, MSW, "The Sleep Lady"Unlock your ability to unfluster your parenting by identifying your anxiety style so you can turn frustration to flourishing Many moms live under the weight of seemingly constant fear. They worry about everything from their kids' safety and emotional health to that weird little rash on their ankle. They are the referees, social planners, medics, financial consultants, cooks, travel agents, educational specialists, family therapists, and housekeepers. It's utterly exhausting. Unfortunately, it's not just exhausting, it leaves them flustered. Most of us don't have access to the support or resources we need to manage being flustered in a healthier way. Women end up with symptoms ranging from "mom guilt" and "mommy brain" to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, substance abuse, and eating disorders. Moms are more flustered now than ever before. Even women who have no previous experience with anxiety or depression find themselves changed as a result of the physiological shifts, emotional isolation, hormonal imbalances, and unrealistic expectations that accompany motherhood.The Unflustered Mom offers a healthy alternative for dealing with mom-fears. Moms can identify their anxiety, better understand their triggers, their clues, their contributing factors, and their false beliefs. Then they'll learn practical tools that can help to dismantle the fears no longer serving them—turning their fluster into flourish.Discover Your StyleLoverFighterVisionaryExecutiveDynamo

Feelings Buried Alive Never Die

by Karol K. Truman

Truman writes: "In the 90's self-examination of feelings and emotions began receiving a focus that is contributing to an emotional cleansing and healing of major proportions. At long last, humankind's willingness to retreat from denial, to own the source of their problems, accept responsibility for them and become accountable for the feelings and thoughts which created them, is establishing an energy that is opening the channels for bringing the inner peace people are so desperately seeking. People everywhere are questioning, seeking, and striving to understand what makes them tick. They want to find the cause of their suffering, their pain, and their problems. They also want to learn how to alleviate these problems and heal themselves. Perhaps what we have not comprehended before, is that our experiences in life are actually our own state of mind being projected outward. When we have a state of mind that indicates inner peace, joy, love and well-being--then peace, joy, love and well-being is what we naturally project outward and, consequently, these positive states of mind bring us positive experiences." This file should make an excellent embossed braille copy.

Healing Feelings...From Your Heart

by Karol K. Truman Tina Bockrath

Healing Feelings From Your Heart by Karol K. TrumanDid you know you have a "heart of gold"? What happened to it? How can you find it again? Walk with Karol Truman through the feelings that have taken you from your true pathway. Take the journey that will lead you back to the beauty of your soul, your "heart of gold," your true self.

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