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JasperReports 3.5 for Java Developers

by David R. Heffelfinger

This book is a comprehensive and practical guide aimed at getting the results you want as quickly as possible. The chapters gradually build up your skills and by the end of the book you will be confident enough to design powerful reports. Each concept is clearly illustrated with diagrams and screen shots and easy-to-understand code. If you are a Java developer who wants to create rich reports for either the Web or print, and wants to get started quickly with JasperReports to do this, this book is for you. No knowledge of JasperReports is presumed.

JasperReports for Java Developers

by David R. Heffelfinger

This book is a concise and practical guide aimed at getting the results you want as quickly as possible. This book is for Java developers who want to create rich reports for either the web or print, and want to get started quickly with JasperReports to do this. No knowledge of JasperReports is presumed, although obviously familiarity with Java, SQL, and XML are assumed where they are required.

Java EE 5 Development with NetBeans 6

by David R. Heffelfinger

This book takes you through the important parts of Java EE development and, with clear, careful instructions and screenshots, shows you the relevant features of the NetBeans IDE. The book is aimed at Java developers who wish to develop Java EE applications while taking advantage of NetBeans functionality to automate repetitive tasks and to ease their software development efforts. Familiarity with Java EE is not assumed.

Java EE 5 Development with NetBeans 6

by David R. Heffelfinger

This book takes you through the important parts of Java EE development and, with clear, careful instructions and screenshots, shows you the relevant features of the NetBeans IDE. The book is aimed at Java developers who wish to develop Java EE applications while taking advantage of NetBeans functionality to automate repetitive tasks and to ease their software development efforts. Familiarity with Java EE is not assumed.

Java EE 6 Development with NetBeans 7

by David R. Heffelfinger

The book is a practical guide explaining the various features of the NetBeans IDE related to enterprise application development. The book is aimed at Java developers who wish to develop Java EE applications while taking advantage of NetBeans functionality to automate repetitive tasks and to ease their software development efforts. Familiarity with NetBeans or Java EE is not assumed.

Java EE 6 with GlassFish 3 Application Server

by David R. Heffelfinger

This book is a practical guide with a very user-friendly approach. It aims to speed up the reader in Java EE 6 development. All major Java EE 6 APIs and the details of the GlassFish 3 server are covered followed by examples of its use. If you are a Java developer and wish to become proficient with Java EE 6, then this book is for you. You are expected to have some experience with Java and to have developed and deployed applications in the past, but need no previous knowledge of Java EE or J2EE. You will also learn how to use GlassFish 3 to develop and deploy applications.

Java EE 7 with GlassFish 4 Application Server

by David R. Heffelfinger

This book is a practical guide and follows a very user-friendly approach. The book aims to get the reader up to speed in Java EE 7 development. All major Java EE 7 APIs and the details of the GlassFish 4 server are covered followed by examples of their use. If you are a Java developers who wants to become proficient with Java EE 7 this book is ideal for you. Readers are expected to have some experience with Java and to have developed and deployed applications in the past, but don’t need any previous knowledge of Java EE or J2EE. It teaches the reader how to use GlassFish 4 to develop and deploy applications.

Java EE 8 Application Development

by David R. Heffelfinger

Develop Enterprise Java applications compliant with the latest version of the Java EE specification About This Book • This book covers all of the major Java EE 8 APIs and includes new additions such as enhanced Security, JSON-B Processing, and more • Learn additional Java EE APIs, such as the Java API for Websocket and the Java Message Service (JMS) • Develop applications by taking advantage of the latest versions of CDI, Security, Servlets, and JSF and other Java EE specifications Who This Book Is For If you are a Java developer who wants to become proficient with Java EE 8, this book is ideal for you. You are expected to have some experience with Java and to have developed and deployed applications in the past, but you don't need any previous knowledge of Java EE. What You Will Learn • Develop and deploy Java EE applications • Embrace the latest additions to the Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) specification to develop Java EE applications • Develop web-based applications by utilizing the latest version of JavaServer Faces, JSF 2.3. • Understand the steps needed to process JSON data with JSON-P and the new JSON-B Java EE API • Implement RESTful web services using the new JAX-RS 2.1 API, which also includes support for Server-Sent Events (SSE) and the new reactive client API In Detail Java EE is an Enterprise Java standard. Applications written to comply with the Java EE specification do not tie developers to a specific vendor; instead they can be deployed to any Java EE compliant application server. With this book, you'll get all the tools and techniques you need to build robust and scalable applications in Java EE 8. This book covers all the major Java EE 8 APIs including JSF 2.3, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.2, Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) 2.0, the Java API for WebSockets, JAX-RS 2.1, Servlet 4.0, and more. The book begins by introducing you to Java EE 8 application development and goes on to cover all the major Java EE 8 APIs. It goes beyond the basics to develop Java EE applications that can be deployed to any Java EE 8 compliant application server. It also introduces advanced topics such as JSON-P and JSON-B, the Java APIs for JSON processing, and the Java API for JSON binding. These topics dive deep, explaining how the two APIs (the Model API and the Streaming API) are used to process JSON data. Moving on, we cover additional Java EE APIs, such as the Java API for Websocket and the Java Message Service (JMS), which allows loosely coupled, asynchronous communication. Further on, you'll discover ways to secure Java EE applications by taking advantage of the new Java EE Security API. Finally, you'll learn more about the RESTful web service development using the latest JAX-RS 2.1 specification. You'll also get to know techniques to develop cloud-ready microservices in Java EE. Style and approach The book takes a pragmatic approach, showing you various techniques to utilize new features of Java EE 8 specification. It is packed with clear, step-by-step instructions, practical examples, and straightforward explanations.

Payara Micro Revealed: Cloud-Native Application Development with Java

by David R. Heffelfinger

Develop, configure, and deploy Java cloud-native applications using Payara Micro. This book demystifies Java cloud-native application development using standard Microprofile APIs and covers Payara-specific features such as automatic clustering and application initialization performance improvements. You will learn how to improve startup performance by taking advantage of class data sharing, and configure cloud-native applications via standard development tools such as Maven and Gradle. The book also clarifies how to develop functionality necessary in a cloud environment, such as health checks and request tracing, using MicroProfile APIs. The book begins by showing how to develop microservices using RESTful web services, followed by how to create microservice clients using MicroProfile and the REST client API. Dependency Injection via Jakarta Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) is also covered. Various approaches to application configuration are covered as well, including property files, environment variables, and system properties. You will learn to configure fault tolerance and high availability, generate system and custom application metrics, and generate health checks to automatically improve overall application health. You will know how to trace the flow of a request across service boundaries with OpenTracing. You will be able to make future maintenance easily through generating documentation, including how to automatically update documentation as your code is updated. Additionally, you will learn how to secure cloud applications and to automatically cluster applications and improve application startup performance.What You Will LearnDevelop microservices using standard Java APIsImplement cloud functionality such as request tracing and health checksDeploy applications as thin archives and as uber archivesConfigure applications via Maven and GradleGenerate custom metrics for capacity planning and proactive discovery of issuesImplement features in support of high availability and fault toleranceSecure your applications with Jason Web TokensTake advantage of Payara’s own cloud platform for easy deploymentWho This Book Is ForJava developers who wish to develop cloud-native applications and microservices, and Java EE application developers who wish to transition to developing cloud-native applications that are lightweight and easily deployed

Java EE 5 Development using GlassFish Application Server

by David Heffelfinger

The book aims to speed up the reader in Java EE 5 development. All major Java EE 5 APIs and the details of the GlassFish server are covered followed by examples of its use. This book is aimed at Java developers wishing to become proficient with Java EE 5, who are expected to have some experience with Java and to have developed and deployed applications in the past, but need no previous knowledge of Java EE or J2EE. It teaches the reader how to use GlassFish to develop and deploy applications.

Data Science und Statistik mit R: Anwendungslösungen für die Praxis

by Bernd Heesen

Data Science trägt wesentlich zu einer schnelleren Nutzbarmachung von Markt-, Kunden- und Nutzerdaten bei, inklusive der Analyse von Daten aus Sozialen Netzwerken. Wo früher klassische Statistik für Berechnungen und Vorhersagen herangezogen wurde, da erlauben heute Open-Source-Werkzeuge wie R Daten in unterschiedlichsten Formaten und aus beliebig vielen Quellen für die Analyse einzulesen, aufzubereiten und mit Hilfe von Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz und des Machine Learning zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse können dann anschließend perfekt visuell dargestellt werden, so dass die Entscheider schnell und effektiv davon profitieren können. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, welche Maßnahmen mit einer vorhersagbaren Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Erreichung der eigenen Ziele geeignet sind, z.B. welcher Preis für ein Angebot die gewünschte Nachfrage erzeugt oder welche Marketingmaßnahme eine gewünschte Zielgruppe erreicht.Dieses Buch vermittelt auf Basis von R, wie Sie Statistik, Data Science, Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning in der Industrie 4.0 nutzen können. Die Anwendungsbeispiele können von Lesern selbst durchgeführt werden, da das Buch die R-Anweisungen beinhaltet. Damit ist das Buch ideal für Studierende und andere Interessierte, die sich Kenntnisse in der Statistiklösung R aneignen wollen.

Effective Strategy Execution: Business Intelligence Using Microsoft Power BI (Management for Professionals)

by Bernd Heesen

Turbulent times require new approaches to strategy execution. This book demonstrates how the use of business intelligence can enhance performance by fostering a shared understanding of the strategy through a Value Scorecard. It also outlines the Strategic Alignment Process for measuring and monitoring performance. The Strategic Alignment Remote Control is presented as the ultimate tool for managers to maintain control of their business.The third edition of this book has been updated and improved. Seven case studies utilizing business intelligence applications such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power BI have been added in Chapter 6, titled 'Business Intelligence in Practice.' These case studies enable readers to learn how to work with key performance indicators and visualize them.

Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning mit R: Anwendungen im Bereich Business Analytics

by Bernd Heesen

In einer VUCA-Welt, die sich als immer unbeständiger, unsicherer und komplexer erweist, gilt es für Unternehmen, Organisation und Staaten zeitnah und adäquat auf die jeweiligen Situationen zu reagieren. Entscheidungen basierend auf in der Vergangenheit gemachten Erfahrungen zu treffen ist in diesen Zeiten weniger erfolgreich als ein akkurates Verständnis der gegenwärtigen Bedingungen. Die Bedeutung von empirischen Wissenschaften, das permanente Beobachten der Umwelt, die zeitnahe Analyse von Wirkungszusammenhängen und das daraus abgeleitete Gewinnen neuer Erkenntnissen, nimmt zu. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, welche Maßnahmen mit einer vorhersagbaren Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Erreichung der eigenen Ziele geeignet sind, z.B. welcher Preis für ein Angebot die gewünschte Nachfrage erzeugt oder welche Marketingmaßnahme eine gewünschte Zielgruppe erreicht.Wo früher klassische Statistik für Berechnungen und Vorhersagen herangezogen wurde, da erlauben heute kostenlose (Open Source) Werkzeuge wie R Daten in unterschiedlichsten Formaten und aus beliebig vielen Quellen für die Analyse einzulesen, aufzubereiten und mit Hilfe von Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz und des Machine Learning zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse können dann anschließend perfekt visuell dargestellt werden, so dass die Entscheider schnell und effektiv davon profitieren können.Das Zeitalter von Data Science ist erreicht. Digitalisierung ist mehr als ein Schlagwort oder ein Versprechen, es ist für jeden umsetzbar und nutzbar.Dieses Buch vermittelt Ihnen auf Basis der zum Zeitpunkt der Publikation aktuellsten Version von R, wie Sie Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning in der Industrie 4.0 nutzen können.

Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics: An Introduction (Graduate Texts in Physics #Vol. 80)

by Dieter W. Heermann Kurt Binder

The sixth edition of this highly successful textbook provides a detailed introduction to Monte Carlo simulation in statistical physics, which deals with the computer simulation of many-body systems in condensed matter physics and related fields of physics and beyond (traffic flows, stock market fluctuations, etc.). Using random numbers generated by a computer, these powerful simulation methods calculate probability distributions, making it possible to estimate the thermodynamic properties of various systems. The book describes the theoretical background of these methods, enabling newcomers to perform such simulations and to analyse their results. It features a modular structure, with two chapters providing a basic pedagogic introduction plus exercises suitable for university courses; the remaining chapters cover major recent developments in the field.This edition has been updated with two new chapters dealing with recently developed powerful special algorithms and with finite size scaling tools for the study of interfacial phenomena, which are important for nanoscience. Previous editions have been highly praised and widely used by both students and advanced researchers.

Implementing and Managing eGovernment: An International Text

by Richard Heeks

`Two years ago, I taught an introductory level course on eGovernment. If only I had had this book to draw upon at the time.... I strongly recommend this text to students of eGovernment, whether in universities or the public sector. Each can read the book at a different level and can reap significant gain from the variety of material available. The chapters are well organized, as is the comprehensive index, while academic readers will appreciate the extensive bibliography' - Information Technology for Development Implementing and Managing eGovernment fills an important gap. It provides comprehensive coverage of the e-government issues faced by managers, consultants and other practitioners. Richard Heeks draws on international examples to guide readers through crucial e-government management issues such as the management of strategy and projects; data security; quality; people, money and policies, and dealing with political and ethical challenges. The second part of the book focuses on the implementation of e-government systems. It explores activities such as: feasibility studies, system analysis, system design, construction and marketing. Instructive diagrams, synoptic models and case studies underpin the book's content while class and practitioner assessments will help readers monitor their understanding. Additional material is also available on a companion Website. This book will be welcomed by students pursuing an MPA, undergraduates studying public policy and administration, and practitioners on government in-service training.

Complex Event Processing

by Ulrich Hedtstück

Eine wichtige Aufgabe für die IT der vernetzten Welt ist die maschinelle Auswertung und Verarbeitung von Informationen, die für eine Anwendung relevant sind und übers Netz verschickt werden. Mit Complex Event Processing (CEP) können große Mengen von zeitbehafteten Daten unterschiedlichster Art in nahezu Echtzeit analysiert und weiterverarbeitet werden. Die grundlegende Vorgehensweise beim CEP entspricht der menschlichen Entscheidungsfindung in Prozessabläufen des täglichen Lebens und stellt eine Erweiterung bekannter Methoden des Data Analytics wie Data Mining, statistische Analyse oder regelbasierte Wissensverarbeitung dar. Typische Anwendungsgebiete sind Big-Data-Systeme, Internet of Things, Industrie 4.0.

Complex Event Processing: Verarbeitung von Ereignismustern in Datenströmen

by Ulrich Hedtstück

Eine wichtige Aufgabe für die IT der vernetzten Welt ist die maschinelle Auswertung und Verarbeitung von Informationen, die für eine Anwendung relevant sind und übers Netz verschickt werden. Mit Complex Event Processing (CEP) können große Mengen von zeitbehafteten Daten unterschiedlichster Art in nahezu Echtzeit analysiert und weiterverarbeitet werden. Die grundlegende Vorgehensweise beim CEP entspricht der menschlichen Entscheidungsfindung in Prozessabläufen des täglichen Lebens und stellt eine Erweiterung bekannter Methoden des Data Analytics wie Data Mining, statistische Analyse oder regelbasierte Wissensverarbeitung dar. Typische Anwendungsgebiete sind Big-Data-Systeme, Internet of Things, Industrie 4.0.

Simulation diskreter Prozesse: Methoden und Anwendungen

by Ulrich Hedtstück

Dieses Buch führt in die Simulation diskreter Prozesse ein. Typische Anwendungsbeispiele sind Fertigungsprozesse, Strassenverkehrssituationen, Menschenströme und Geschäftsprozesse. Der Autor vermittelt die grundlegende ereignisorientierte Simulation sowie deren programmiertechnische Realisierung. Anhand vieler Beispiele wird die Lösung spezieller Detailprobleme mit grundlegendem Charakter gezeigt. Die durch die Optimierung von Geschäftsprozessen entstandenen neuen Herausforderungen bezüglich der Simulation bilden einen Schwerpunkt der Darstellung, ein separater Teil ist den theoretischen Grundlagen gewidmet. Lernziel des Buches ist die Fähigkeit, diskrete Prozesse mit den passenden Mitteln zu modellieren und dazu eine Simulationssoftware zu entwerfen bzw. die Mechanismen bestehender Simulationssoftware so zu begreifen, dass sie gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden kann. Die wichtigen Programmstrukturen sind in Form von Pseudocode dargestellt und dadurch völlig unabhängig von einer Programmiersprache oder Spezialsoftware. Damit ist das Buch für eine breite Leserschaft geeignet.

Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems: 16th International Conference, VECoS 2023, Marrakech, Morocco, October 18–20, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14368)

by Belgacem Ben Hedia Yassine Maleh Moez Krichen

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, VECoS 2023, held in Marrakech, Morocco, during October 18–20, 2023. The 12 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 36 submissions. The topics presented covered a range of subjects, including approaches to improving the scalability and efficiency of formal verification and their applications to blockchain, smart contracts and neural networks.

Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems: 14th International Conference, VECoS 2020, Xi'an, China, October 26–27, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12519)

by Belgacem Ben Hedia Yu-Fang Chen Gaiyun Liu Zhenhua Yu

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, VECoS 2020, which was supposed to be held in Xi’an, China, in October 2020, but was held virtually instead. The 19 full papers and 1 short paper presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 60 submissions. The aim of the VECoS conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the areas of verification, control, performance, and dependability evaluation in order to discuss state of the art and challenges in modern computer and communication systems in which functional and extra-functional properties are strongly interrelated. Thus, the main motivation for VECoS is to encourage the cross-fertilization between various formal verification and evaluation approaches, methods and techniques, and especially those developed for concurrent and distributed hardware/software systems. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: petri-net, simulation, and scheduling; formal modeling and verification, testing; and artificial intelligence and machine learning.

R2DBC Revealed: Reactive Relational Database Connectivity for Java and JVM Programmers

by Robert Hedgpeth

Understand the newest trend in database programming for developers working in Java, Kotlin, Clojure, and other JVM-based languages. This book introduces Reactive Relational Database Connectivity (R2DBC), a modern way of connecting to and querying relational databases from Java and other JVM languages. The book begins by helping you understand not only what reactive programming is, but why it is necessary. Then building on those fundamentals, the book takes you into the world of databases and the newly released Reactive Relational Database Connectivity (R2DBC) specification. Examples in the book are worked using the freely available MariaDB database along with MariaDB’s vendor-implementation of the R2DBC service-provider interface (SPI). Following along with the examples and the provided example code helps prepare you to work with any of the growing number of R2DBC implementations for popular enterprise databases such as Oracle Database and SQL Server. You’ll be well prepared for what is becoming the future of database access from Java and other languages built on the JVM.What You Will LearnUnderstand why R2DBC was created and how it utilizes the Reactive Streams API Understand the components of the R2DBC service-provider interfaceCreate and manage reactive database connections and connection pools using an R2DBC clientProgrammatically execute queries on a relational database using an R2DBC clientEffectively utilize transactions using an R2DBC clientBuild relational database-driven applications that are event-driven and non-blockingWho This Book Is ForSoftware developers building solutions using JVM languages and the JVM ecosystem, and developers who need an introduction to the R2DBC specification and reactive programming with relational databases and want to understand what Reactive Relational Database Connectivity is and why it came about. This book includes practical examples of using the R2DBC specification with Java and MariaDB that will provide developers with the knowledge they need to create their own solutions.

Smashing WordPress

by Thord Daniel Hedengren

The ultimate guide to using WordPress to make your life easierWordPress guru Thord Daniel Hedengren takes you beyond the blog to give you the tools and know-how needed to build just about anything in WordPress. You'll discover how to use WordPress as a CMS to power fully-fledged websites, photo galleries, forums, eCommerce sites, and much more. You get step-by step instructions on developing model sites from the ground up and how to utilize and build plugins that let you take WordPress to the next level.You will learn how to:· Use custom post types and custom taxonomies· Add and work with custom headers, backgrounds, and more· Build gorgeous WordPress themes with the latest features· Create custom login forms and admin themes· Control content with the loop (and alternatives to the loop)· Integrate theme options and the theme customizer· Extend WordPress with widget functionality· Build WordPress projects for SEO· Integrate WordPress with the social web· Create helpful navigation using the navigation menu· Use conditional control elements· Get started with your own responsive themes Updated and revised to cover the changes to WordPress 3.8, Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 4th Edition, is the ultimate guide to getting the most out of WordPress.

Smashing WordPress Themes

by Thord Daniel Hedengren

The ultimate guide to WordPress Themes - one of the hottest topics on the web today WordPress is so much more than a blogging platform, and Smashing WordPress Themes teaches readers how to make it look any way they like - from a corporate site, to a photography gallery and moreWordPress is one of the hottest tools on the web today and is used by sites including The New York Times, Rolling Stone, flickr, CNN, NASA and of course Smashing MagazineBeautiful full colour throughout - web designers expect nothing lessSmashing Magazine will fully support this book by by promoting it through their website and on twitter feeds

Tackling Tumblr

by Thord Daniel Hedengren

A comprehensive guide to the popular web publishing site TumblrThe popularity of Tumblr is growing by leaps and bounds, as it continues to make a name for itself as a reliable, accessible blogging platform. Yet, there is very little documentation on Tumblr, leaving newcomers confused as to where to start. That's where this helpful book comes in. Written by well-respected author Thord Hedengren, this step-by-step guide is an ideal starting point for Tumblr newcomers as well as web designers who want to take their Tumblblogs to the next level. You'll learn how to maximize the full potential of this amazing blogging and lifestreaming platform as you create your first post, make your Tumblr blog unique, create your own custom themes, and more.Introduces you to the exciting world of Tumblr, the popular web publishing platformWalks you through posting quotes, links, photos, audio, and moreAddresses finding and installing themes, using a comment system on your Tumblr site, and integrating third-party contentDemonstrates how to create your own custom theme, network in the Tumblr community, and modify your Tumblr themes with HTML and CSSExplains ways to integrate Tumblr with other services, including Facebook, Twitter, and FlickrThere's no need to grumble about learning Tumblr--this book is all you need!

SPSS/PC+ Made Simple

by John Hedderson

After twelve years of teaching SPSS, SPSSx, and SPSS/PC+, I am convinced that SPSS/PC+ is not easy for the average college student to learn. I am also convinced that it is not easy to teach from the program manuals. Students who are experienced with statistics and programming or students with a high aptitude for this type of work will learn SPSS/PC+ easily. The rest suffer. Typically, my students have scant training in statistics or programming. Often they are not comfortable with mathematics, computers, and "that sort of thing." I wrote SPSS/PC+ Made Simple to help these students and their instructors

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