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Showing 34,651 through 34,675 of 79,179 results

Metamorfosis en el cielo

by Mathias Malzieu

Una fábula que nos habla del poder de la vida y del amor. Todos tenemos sueños, y el del joven Tom «Hematoma» Cloudman es volar. Por eso es acróbata -algunos dicen que el peor acróbata del mundo- y especialista en escenas de riesgo, pues así se siente más cerca del cielo. Entre saltos y piruetas su cuerpo se desgasta, hasta que un día le detectan una grave enfermedad. Pero el destino de Tom no es el de cualquiera, y si le acompañamos veremos que poco después, en uno de sus paseos nocturnos por la clínica, conoce a una fascinante criatura, mitad mujer y mitad pájaro, de quien cae fulminantemente enamorado. ¡Pobre Tom! Lo que no sabe es que esa criatura tiene la llave de su destino. La mujer pájaro le propone un trato: «Yo puedo convertirte en pájaro y curarte, aunque tienes que asumir todas lasconsecuencias. Para activar tu metamorfosis, tienes que hacerme el amor.La metamorfosis del amor podría salvar tu vida. O no.» Si Tom es fiel a sus sentimientos, tendrá que dar un paso irreversible: transformarse y abandonar la vida humana por una nueva aventura... y es que, ¿en qué estamos dispuestos a convertirnos por amor? La crítica ha dicho...«Uno de los libros más cautivadores de la temporada.»El País

Metamorfosi Digitale

by Claudio Pardo Molina

Siamo in un secolo in cui la civiltà celebra il progresso della tecnologia digitale e la sua interferenza in tutte le interazioni umane. L'elettronica è diventata parte della nostra vita come una benedizione, che ci avvicina sempre più a ciò che supponiamo siano i poteri di Dio. Questa storia parla della vita di Gabriel Kafka, un giovane qualsiasi, che un giorno si risveglia fisicamente trasformato in un essere digitale mostruoso, e che cerca di inserirsi in una famiglia che lo apprezza solo per quello che può contribuire economicamente Nel mezzo di questo cambiamento fisico, e di fronte a una società piena di interessi superficiali, come il potere e la fama, cerca di rispondere alla domanda: cosa ci rende umani? Le nostre azioni, le nostre emozioni o il nostro corpo?

Metamorfosi al cel

by Mathias Malzieu

Una faula que ens parla del poder de la vida i de l'amor. Tots tenim somnis, el del jove Tom «Hematoma» Cloudman és volar. Per això, Tom és acròbata -hi ha qui diu que és el pitjor acròbata del món- i especialista en escenes de risc, ja que així se sent més a prop del cel. Entre salts i piruetes el seu cos es desgasta, fins que un dia li detecten una malaltia greu. Però el destí de Tom no és com el de qualsevol altre i, si l'acompanyem, sabrem que poc després, en un dels desús passejos nocturns per la clínica, coneix una criatura fascinant, meitat dona i meitat ocell, i se n'enamora fulminantment. Pobre Tom!, el que no sap és que aquesta criatura té la clau del seu destí. La dona ocell li proposa un tracte: «Jo puc convertir-te en ocell i curar-te, però hauràs d'assumir-ne totesles conseqüències. Per activar la metamorfosi has de fer-me l'amor.La metamorfosi podria salvar-te la vida. O no.» Si Tom és fidel als seus sentiments haurà de fer un pas irreversible, transformar-se i abandonar la vida humana per viure una nova aventura... i és que, en què estem disposats a convertir-nos per amor? La crítica ha dit...«Un dels llibres més captivadors de la temporada.»El País


by Ella Drake

Revenge may kill her...but love may kill them all. Prince to a dying planet, Lye the Keeper has made a deal with the devil. For the price of his blood, the Drianti Syndicate offer a seat on their council...and put the end to their decade-long occupation of his planet within his grasp. Working with the Syndicate feels like betraying everything he's worked for these last ten years, but it pales in comparison to the pain of his monthly mating imperative. The red-haired temptress who lands in his path holds the key to Lye's freedom--and an end to his pain--but the price is too high. Touching her would defile the royal line that ends with him. The lure to possess her, however, proves irresistible. Privateer Jazzelina Eval will do anything to bring down the Syndicate, anything from robbing spaceships to kidnapping a prince. Anything but settle down and give up the revenge game. Or bed a mark who's made a deal with her enemy. But once she has Lye in her hands, she can't let him go...even if the price of keeping him is war. WARNING: Explicit content, exploding space ships, and creepy biomechanical bugs61,000 Words

Metallic Love

by Tanith Lee

Twelve years have passed since the end of The Silver Metal Lover. Silver -- the robot with a soul whom Jane had fallen in love with -- has been melted down, and Jane has moved on. Loren is a slum child, abandoned by her mother and raised by the religious cult, the Apocalytes. One day, she discovers an illegal copy of Jane's book -- the story of Jane and Silver's love that has become a cult classic -- and it changes her life. Motivated by her desire to taste the life that Jane and Silver had, she runs away...

Metallic Love

by Tanith Lee

As an orphan growing up in the slums, Loren read her clandestine copy of Jane's Story over and over, relishing every word. But Loren is no Jane. Savvy and street-smart, Loren could never be stirred by a man of metal, her passion never ignited by an almost-human - even one designed for pleasure. Still, when the META corporation does the unthinkable and brings back updated versions of robots past-Loren knows she must see Silver. And just like Jane, it is love at first sight. But Silver is now Verlis. If he was perfection before, he is now like a god. Yet he is more human than his creators think - or fear. While Loren doesn't quite trust him, she will follow her twice-born lover into a battle to control his own destiny - one that will reveal to her the most astonishing illusion of all.

Metal Swarm

by Kevin J. Anderson

The alien hydrogues have been defeated, driven back into the cores of their gas-giant planets by an alliance of the Earth Defence Forces, the ancient Ildiran Empire, the gypsy-like Roamer clans and gigantic living 'treeships'. The various factions try to recover - but the deep-seated wounds may prove fatal. The Hansa's brutal Chairman Basil Wenceslas struggles to crush any resistance even as King Peter breaks away to form his own new Confederation among the green priests on Theroc, the Roamer clans and an ever-growing number of colonies who have declared their independence. Like jackals smelling wounded prey, swarms of ancient black robots built by the lost insectoid Klikiss race continue their depredations on helpless worlds with stolen Earth battleships. A race of terrifying fiery elementals, the faeros, has joined with an Ildiran madman to declare war against all life. And the original, voracious Klikiss race - long thought to be extinct - have returned, intent on conquering their former worlds and willing to annihilate anyone who happens to be in the way.

Metal Swarm

by Kevin J. Anderson

The alien hydrogues have been defeated, driven back into the cores of their gas-giant planets by an alliance of the Earth Defence Forces, the ancient Ildiran Empire, the gypsy-like Roamer clans and gigantic living 'treeships'. The various factions try to recover - but the deep-seated wounds may prove fatal. The Hansa's brutal Chairman Basil Wenceslas struggles to crush any resistance even as King Peter breaks away to form his own new Confederation among the green priests on Theroc, the Roamer clans and an ever-growing number of colonies who have declared their independence. Like jackals smelling wounded prey, swarms of ancient black robots built by the lost insectoid Klikiss race continue their depredations on helpless worlds with stolen Earth battleships. A race of terrifying fiery elementals, the faeros, has joined with an Ildiran madman to declare war against all life. And the original, voracious Klikiss race - long thought to be extinct - have returned, intent on conquering their former worlds and willing to annihilate anyone who happens to be in the way.

Metal Swarm: The Saga of Seven Suns, Book 6 (The Saga of Seven Suns #6)

by Kevin J. Anderson

In the aftermath of a devastating war, swarms of ancient black robots built by the lost insectoid Klikiss race continue their depredations on helpless worlds with stolen and heavily armed Earth battleships.Among the humans, the Hansa's brutal Chairman struggles to crush any resistance even as King Peter breaks away to form his own new Confederation among the colonies who have declared their independence.And meanwhile, the original, voracious Klikiss race, long thought to be extinct, has returned, intent on conquering their former worlds and willing to annihilate anyone in the way.

The Metal Smile

by Damon Knight

Do not fold, bend or mutilate was how our cybernetic society began, how will it end? The varied answers to that question have proved to be fertile ground for some of the greatest science fiction imaginations. But perhaps we shouldn't look too closely into the future of cybernetics. It may be that the survival capacity of thinking machines is greater than that of the maker ... This collection of short science fiction stories includes: The New Father Christmas by Brian Aldiss, Answer by Fredric Brown, Fool's Mate by Robert Sheckley, Quixote and the Windmill by Poul Anderson, Two-handed Engine by Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore, First to Serve by Algis Budrys, I Made You by Walter Miller, Monkey Wrench by Gordon Dickson, Imposter by Philip K. Dick, Someday by Isaac Asimov, Short in the Chest by Idris Seabright, Nightmare Number Three by Stephen Vincent Benet

Metal Sky

by Jay Caselberg

Two years after the events of Wyrmhole, Jack is a professional P.I. on a case to track down a missing artifact-a tablet made of a metal that cannot be identified. But when the woman he's working for disappears and his lead suspect turns up dead, Jack's investigation will lead him into the clutches of a shadowy political organization that knows the secret of the tablet…

Metal Pesado: Serie de Magia Heavy Metal: Historias de Origen

by Margo Bond Collins

Con una maldición por un demonio, la cazadora Blaize Silver se enfrenta a licántropos, chupacabras, vampiros, y otros seres sobrenaturales en esta colección de novelas e historias cortas. Salvaje & Silver Blaize y su prima Grace se enfrentan a los licántropos en Tombstone, Arizona, ¡Y se encuentran de cara con un problema mucho más grande! Campanas Infernales de los Silver La cazadora de monstruos Blaize Silver y su nuevo compañero Lobo siguen su maldición a un pequeño pueblo en las Montañas San Juan, en Colorado, donde la nieve esconde un secreto mortal. Resoluciones Blaize y Lobo conocen a MaddieAnne Honeycutt, ¡Y descubren que hay una nueva cazadora en el pueblo! Hechicería & Silver ¡Blaize y Lobo terminan en un rancho abandonado y se encuentran en un combate con un enemigo muy inusual! ¡También incluye la novela de Ruby Silver: Regalos No Deseados! Aprendan como la ancestro de Blaize Silver, Ruby, terminó maldita con alergia a la plata y una compulsión a cazar monstruos.

El metal perdido (Nacidos de la bruma [Mistborn] #Volumen 7)

by Brandon Sanderson

El metal perdido es el séptimo libro de Nacidos de la Bruma (Mistborn), la saga de fantasía épica que ha conquistado el mundo y parte imprescindible del Cosmere, el universo destinado a convertirse en la serie más extensa y fascinante jamás escrita en cualquier género. Waxillium Ladrian, vigilante de la ley convertido en senador de la gran ciudad, lleva años intentando dar caza a la sombría organización llamada el Grupo -entre cuyos líderes se cuentan su difunto tío y su hermana-, desde que empezaron a secuestrar a personas con el poder de la alomancia en su linaje. Cuando la detective Marasi Colms y su compañero Wayne encuentran un almacén ilegal de armas con destino a la ciudad exterior de Bilming, se abre ante ellos una nueva pista. El conflicto entre Elendel y las ciudades exteriores favorece al Grupo, que ya extiende sus tentáculos hasta el Senado de Elendel -cuya corrupción pretenden destapar Wax y Steris-, y la ciudad de Bilming está incluso más implicada de lo que creían. Después de que Wax descubra un nuevo tipo de explosivo capaz de desatar una destrucción sin precedentes y comprenda que el Grupo ya debe de tenerlo, un kandra inmortal al servicio del dios de Scadrial, Armonía, le revela que Bilming ha caído bajo la influencia de otro dios: Trell, venerado por el Grupo. Pero Trell no es el único factor que interviene procedente del amplio Cosmere, puesto que a Marasi la reclutan unas personas de fuera del planeta dotadas de extrañas capacidades, que afirman que su objetivo es proteger Scadrial... a toda costa. Wax deberá decidir si deja a un lado las dificultades de su relación con Dios y se convierte de nuevo en la espada que Armonía lo ha estado preparando para ser. Si nadie da el paso y actúa como el héroe que Scadrial necesita, el planeta y sus millones de habitantes sufrirán una repentina y calamitosa ruina. «Brandon Sanderson es una leyenda».Alexelcapo, @EvilAFM

The Metal Moon

by Everett C. Smith

We know that as soon as interplanetary travel is possible, expeditions from the Earth will be ranging the length and breadth of the solar system searching out the thousands of wonders that are to be discovered. It is quite possible that some of the explorers, whether through accident or desire, may colonize the other planets and develop under new and unusual conditions a new branch of the human race. It is doubtlessly true that if each of the solar planets were to be colonized, at the end of several hundred centuries there would be nine races of human beings who might differ radically from each other and in fact might not recognize each other as members of the same human stock.

The Metal Monster

by Abraham Merritt

"Dr. Goodwin is on a botanical expedition in the Himalayas. There he meets Dick Drake, the son of one of his old science acquaintances. They are witnesses of a strange aurora-like effect, but seemingly a deliberate one. As they go out to investigate, they meet Goodwin's old friends Martin and Ruth Ventnor, brother and sister scientists. The two are besieged by Persians as Darius III led when Alexander of Macedon conquered them more than two thousand years ago.The group is saved by a magnificent woman they get to know as Norhala. She commands the power of lightning and controls strange metal animate Things, living, metallic, geometric forms; an entire city of sentient cubes, globes and tetrahedrons, capable of joining together and forming colossal shapes, and wielding death rays and other armaments of destruction."

The Metal Monster: Large Print

by Abraham Merritt

In the wilds of the Trans-Himalayan region, a quartet of adventurers led by Dr. Walter T. Goodwin stumbles upon a tribe of human primitives forgotten since the age of Alexander the Great, and an awesome being of living metal commanded by the exiled Norhala. As Norhala's guests, Goodwin and his team witness the mind-boggling marvels that are the Metal Monster's way of life, and the unspeakable horrors it commits when Norhala takes it to war against her persecutors.

The Metal Maiden Collection: To Be a Woman, Shepherd, Fly Trap, and Awares (Metal Maiden)

by Piers Anthony

Four novellas in one volume—the thrilling science fiction saga of a female robot who becomes sentient and fights to save humanity from destruction. With nearly two hundred published works and more than twenty New York Times bestsellers to his credit, Piers Anthony is without a doubt one of the most prolific and creative authors in science fiction and fantasy. Among his most ingenious literary creations are the four books of his remarkable Metal Maiden saga, collected here in one volume: the breathtaking tale of Elasa, the fembot who desires nothing more than to be human. In &“To Be a Woman&” we meet Elasa, who is perfect in every way—a female machine created for pleasure, whose newborn consciousness makes her strive for more. The story moves to a distant colony planet in &“Shepherd,&” in which a young man participating in a student exchange program finds himself in another body and suddenly the caretaker of a herd of telepathic and eminently wise sheep. &“Flytrap&” brings Elasa&’s friend Mona to the colony in the body of a pregnant woman, through which she learns that her work with a young precognitive lamb could have a major impact on more than one existence and more than one world. Finally, in &“Awares,&” Elasa must work closely with a unique group of environmentally attuned beings in order to protect the earth from an onslaught of gigantic, world-devouring extraterrestrial maggots.

The Metal Eater

by E. C. Tubb

It was the last planet left for men to conquer - a planet rich in priceless urillium ore, yet no man laid a finger on this wealth that was for the taking. For the planet Vendor could not be conquered. Space-men tried time and time again, but always the Voices drove them mad and destroyed them. Some intangible power kept men away from that taunting prize - until a scientist on Deneb IV perfected a blanketing device to protect his shop through the barrier. It took him twenty years to do it and every penny he possessed, but at last his voyage to Vendor began. It was the voyage of a gambler who knew that only two alternatives faced him...illimitable wealth and glory, or failure and death. But the journey to Vendor brought hazards that neither he nor his crew had foreseen, and before its conclusion a force was unwittingly released that could have swept life from the Universe - the indestructible and horrifying force of THE METAL EATER.

The Metal Eater

by E.C. Tubb

It was the last planet left for men to conquer - a planet rich in priceless urillium ore, yet no man laid a finger on this wealth that was for the taking.For the planet Vendor could not be conquered. Space-men tried time and time again, but always the Voices drove them mad and destroyed them. Some intangible power kept men away from that taunting prize - until a scientist on Deneb IV perfected a blanketing device to protect his shop through the barrier. It took him twenty years to do it and every penny he possessed, but at last his voyage to Vendor began.It was the voyage of a gambler who knew that only two alternatives faced him...illimitable wealth and glory, or failure and death.But the journey to Vendor brought hazards that neither he nor his crew had foreseen, and before its conclusion a force was unwittingly released that could have swept life from the Universe - the indestructible and horrifying force of THE METAL EATER.

Metal Angel

by Nancy Springer

A dissatisfied angel falls to Earth to pursue his long-held dream of becoming a heavy-metal rock &’n&’ roll god For Volos, heaven is a bore; the real action is in the world of mortals. So the restless celestial abandons the eternal realm, transforming himself into a beautiful, decadent example of the human male while keeping his wings intact, and sets out to become a rock star. Needing appropriate lyrics for his soon-to-be hit singles and having no firsthand experience with mortal emotions and concerns, Volos finds everything he needs in the personal writings of a sexually repressed wife and mother from the Bible Belt. The daughter of a tyrannical fundamentalist preacher, Angie composes poetry in secret, and she is shocked when she hears her own words on the radio. Surely a higher power is calling her to Los Angeles. But the music is leading her to a shining star who is more than a man yet less than human—a true soulmate capable of changing her world in ways she never could have imagined. Multiple award–winning fantasist Nancy Springer reinvigorates the fallen-angel trope in a delightfully inventive and thought-provoking story of a celestial being who is unhappy in the service of a distant and unapproachable God. Metal Angel is an enthralling exploration of belief, spirituality, sexual awakening, and superstardom.

Metal and Dust Book 2: Ty's Trick

by Eve Francis

Tycoon Wind has lived as a hacker on The Government's surveillance facility, Sector 17, since she was twelve years old. The entire time, stories have ruled her life. As The Government's librarian, she has been in charge of surveying what the people read and deleting the dangerous stories if necessary. But Ty has realized over the years that merely deleting something from the database does not fully make it disappear. Using her mother's recipe for ink, she has been writing down the stories she's been forced to delete, along with her personal stories about her mother, her life in the compound, and anything else she can remember late at night.Soon, Ty meets Mace, another young soldier forced to live and abide by The Government’s strict rules and constant surveillance. At night, they carry on a relationship that would make the love stories Ty writes out pale in comparison.For a long time, Ty believes her secret writing and smuggling of the stories outside of the compound is enough. But when another hacker, Riley Hurwitz, escapes without a trace, Ty begins to take back her own life and makes plans to escape. With the help of Mace, Ty finally writes the last line she has always wanted to see for herself: happily ever after.

Metal and Dust Book 1: The Siege

by Eve Francis

Samandra Keen is the leader of a resistance movement that has set up camp in a deserted military base in the wake of a government meltdown and disbanding of the fifty states. Now threatened by constant surveillance and with no information they can trust, people like Samandra must fend for themselves and only trust their instinct. Samandra’s biggest fear is her past coming back to haunt her -- growing up inside a mapped “red zone” and her prison time for being an activist. To fall back into the lure of time and memory, Samandra knows, will be the first act that leads her astray. In order to win and maintain her power, Samandra focuses on her tight military crew, fending off attacks from another resistance movement called The Tea Traitors, and staying hidden from The Government.When Riley Hurwitz, a young hacker and weapons maker, breaches Samandra’s military compound, she is taken prisoner. With Riley now bound to a bed and gagged, Samandra is determined to figure out why someone as smart as Riley has been caught. As Riley’s plan slowly unravels and her true intent found out, Riley strikes a deal with Samandra: they can both band together and share power -- or Samandra’s crew will be destroyed from the inside.What results between Riley and Samandra is a constant battle of wills until they both understand that their mission in this futuristic landscape is not to be bound to an idea or a cause for war -- but to one another.

Metais Pesados

by Margo Bond Collins

Conheça Blaze Silver, uma caçadora de monstros e uma maga da terra muito mal humorada que acabou sendo amaldiçoada por um demônio e que enfrenta lobisomens, demônios, vampiros e muitas outras criaturas nessa coleção de romances e contos de fantasia. Silver & Selvagens Blaize e sua prima Grace enfrentam lobisomens em Tombstone no Arizona, e ficam cara a cara com um problema muito maior do que esse! Sinos de Prata do Inferno Blaize e seu mais novo companheiro Lobo, seguem o Chamado até uma pequena cidade nas montanhas de San Juan no Colorado, onde há um segredo mortal escondido na neve. Resoluções Blaize e Lobo conhecem MaddieAnne Honeycutt e descobrem que ela pode ser a mais nova caçadora! Prata e Feitiçaria Blaize e Lobo vão parar em um rancho abandonado e acabam em uma batalha com um inimigo inusitado. Inclui também a história de Ruby Silver: "Presentes Indesejados"! Conheça como a ancestral de Blaze Silver acabou amaldiçoada com alergia à prata e com uma compulsão por caçar monstros.

The Metaconcert (Intervention #2)

by Julian May

All over the world, the metapsychics are honing their skills, learning to stretch their incredible minds far beyond the ken of ordinary humans. Most are dedicated to the harmony of the human soul. But some have darker intentions. . . If the metapsychics succeed in uniting Earth's minds to take the next step up in human evolution, a place awaits humanity among the alien peoples of the fabulous Galactic Milieu. But if evil minds prevail in their bid for power, Earth will be cut off. . . and mankind forever doomed!

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