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Popular Music in a Digital Music Economy: Problems and Practices for an Emerging Service Industry (Routledge Research in Music)

by Tim J. Anderson

In the late 1990s, the MP3 became the de facto standard for digital audio files and the networked computer began to claim a significant place in the lives of more and more listeners. The dovetailing of these two circumstances is the basis of a new mode of musical production and distribution where new practices emerge. This book is not a definitive statement about what the new music industry is. Rather, it is devoted to what this new industry is becoming by examining these practices as experiments, dedicated to negotiating what is replacing an "object based" industry oriented around the production and exchange of physical recordings. In this new economy, constant attention is paid to the production and licensing of intellectual property and the rise of the "social musician" who has been encouraged to become more entrepreneurial. Finally, every element of the industry now must consider a new type of audience, the "end user", and their productive and distributive capacities around which services and musicians must orient their practices and investments.

Popular Music in the Nostalgia Video Game: The Way It Never Sounded (Palgrave Studies in Audio-Visual Culture)

by Andra Ivănescu

This book looks at the uses of popular music in the newly-redefined category of the nostalgia game, exploring the relationship between video games, popular music, nostalgia, and socio-cultural contexts. History, gender, race, and media all make significant appearances in this interdisciplinary work, as it explores what some of the most critically acclaimed games of the past two decades (including both AAA titles like Fallout and BioShock, and more cult releases like Gone Home and Evoland) tell us about our relationship to our past and our future. Appropriated music is the common thread throughout these chapters, engaging these broader discourses in heterogeneous ways. This volume offers new perspectives on how the intersection between popular music, nostalgia, and video games, can be examined, revealing much about our relationship to the past and our hopes for the future.

Popular Postcolonialisms: Discourses of Empire and Popular Culture (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)

by Nadia Atia Kate Houlden

Drawing together the insights of postcolonial scholarship and cultural studies, Popular Postcolonialisms questions the place of ‘the popular’ in the postcolonial paradigm. Multidisciplinary in focus, this collection explores the extent to which popular forms are infused with colonial logics, and whether they can be employed by those advocating for change. It considers a range of fiction, film, and non-hegemonic cultural forms, engaging with topics such as environmental change, language activism, and cultural imperialism alongside analysis of figures like Tarzan and Frankenstein. Building on the work of cultural theorists, it asks whether the popular is actually where elite conceptions of the world may best be challenged. It also addresses middlebrow cultural production, which has tended to be seen as antithetical to radical traditions, asking whether this might, in fact, form an unlikely realm from which to question, critique, or challenge colonial tropes. Examining the ways in which the imprint of colonial history is in evidence (interrogated, mythologized or sublimated) within popular cultural production, this book raises a series of speculative questions exploring the interrelation of the popular and the postcolonial.

Popular Theatres of Nineteenth Century France

by John McCormick

This is the only book to provide an account of how popular theatre developed from the fairground booths of the eighteenth century to become a vehicle of mass entertainment in the following century. Whereas other studies offer a traditional approach to the theatres of high culture, John McCormick takes the role of impartial historian, uncovering the popular theatres of the boulevards, suburbs and fairgrounds. He focuses on the social and economic context in which vaudevilles, pantomimes and melodramas were performed, and explores the audiences who enjoyed them.

Popularität – Lied und Lyrik vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert (Studien zu Musik und Gender)

by Hannah Berner Frédérique Renno Sarah Ruppe

Was bedeutet Popularität in Bezug auf Lied und Lyrik? Welche Rolle spielen dafür deren Produktion, Medialität und Rezeption? Der vorliegende Band legt den Schwerpunkt auf Musik, Poesie und ihr Zusammenspiel in dem epochenübergreifenden Zeitraum vom 16. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert. Illustriert werden die entsprechenden produktionsästhetischen Voraussetzungen, medialen Aspekte und rezeptionsgeschichtlichen Zusammenhänge, um der Frage nachzugehen, welche Komponenten ein Lied oder ein Gedicht haben muss, damit es als populär charakterisiert werden kann. Zwölf Beiträge untersuchen und definieren das Phänomen Popularität aus literatur-, sprach-, musikwissenschaftlicher und theologischer Perspektive und dienen als Diskussionsgrundlage für eine kulturwissenschaftliche Erforschung von Popularität.

Popularität und Relevanz in der Suche: Ein Experiment zur Erforschung von Relevanzkriterien in akademischen Suchsystemen

by Christiane Behnert

In diesem Open-Access-Buch wird mithilfe eines großangelegten Online-Experiments untersucht, wie sich die Anzeige von Zitationen oder Downloads auf die Relevanzbewertung in akademischen Suchsystemen auswirkt. Bei der Suche nach Informationen verwenden Menschen diverse Kriterien, anhand derer sie die Relevanz der Suchergebnisse bewerten. In diesem Buch wird erstmals eine systematische Übersicht über die Einflüsse im Prozess der Relevanzbewertung von Suchergebnissen in akademischen Suchsystemen aufgezeigt. Zudem wird ein anspruchsvolles und komplexes Methodenframework zur experimentellen Untersuchung von Relevanzkriterien vorgestellt. Dieses eignet sich für die weitergehende Erforschung von Relevanzkriterien im informationswissenschaftlichen Bereich.

Popularizing Japanese TV: The Cultural, Economic, and Emotional Dimensions of Infotainment Discourse (Cultural Discourse Studies Series)

by Hakan Ergül

Over the past years, the view has emerged that Japanese TV is dominated by an infotainment mode of discourse. The book extends this view, detailing and interpreting the cultural, economic, and emotional dimensions of this communication phenomenon from an ethnographic perspective. It examines the complex ways in which infotainment works in an advanced capitalist society. As such, this is more than a book about Japan; it is a work that fits within media ethnography and cultural studies, and appeals to readers interested in the question of how television, at the heart of the global media stream, successfully turns into a persuasive, intimate, and powerful member of a televisual audience-family through carefully engineered televisual discourses, linguistic/non-linguistic component, audiovisual strategies, and economic and cultural elements. Drawing on ethnographic observations in TV stations in two major cities, Sendai and Tokyo, the book reveals several essential components embedded within infotainment discourse. Thus, this book not only provides a panoramic picture of a core phenomenon in Japanese broadcasting since the 2000s but also discusses how both cultural discourses and economic considerations influence contemporary television broadcasting.

Popularizing Science in the Digital Era: A Multimodal Genre Perspective on TED Talk Videos (Routledge Studies in Multimodality)

by Sichen Xia

This book offers a comprehensive overview of TED talks as a digital-multimodal video genre, exploring the ways in which myriad rhetorical, structural, digital, and multimodal resources are used to communicate scientific knowledge to lay audiences. Drawing on insights from genre analysis, the systemic functional approach to multimodal discourse analysis, and the social semiotic approach to multimodality, the volume examines the communicative contexts in which TED talks are constructed, their rhetorical structure, the deployment of multimodal tools, and diachronic developments. The book reflects on the ways in which TED talks are uniquely positioned to offer new insights into how experts disseminate scientific knowledge for non-specialist audiences, constructed as they are within a community defined by a fluidity and diversity of audiences and speakers. The volume offers strategies for not only making the process of disseminating specialized knowledge more engaging and accessible but also expanding their own semiotic and communicative repertoires, increasingly crucial in our digitally driven era. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of English for Specific Purposes, multimodality, discourse analysis, and digital communication.

Popularizing the Past: Historians, Publishers, and Readers in Postwar America

by Nick Witham

Popularizing the Past tells the stories of five postwar historians who changed the way ordinary Americans thought about their nation’s history. What’s the matter with history? For decades, critics of the discipline have argued that the historical profession is dominated by scholars unable, or perhaps even unwilling, to write for the public. In Popularizing the Past, Nick Witham challenges this interpretation by telling the stories of five historians—Richard Hofstadter, Daniel Boorstin, John Hope Franklin, Howard Zinn, and Gerda Lerner—who, in the decades after World War II, published widely read books of national history. Witham compellingly argues that we should understand historians’ efforts to engage with the reading public as a vital part of their postwar identity and mission. He shows how the lives and writings of these five authors were fundamentally shaped by their desire to write histories that captivated both scholars and the elusive general reader. He also reveals how these authors’ efforts could not have succeeded without a publishing industry and a reading public hungry to engage with the cutting-edge ideas then emerging from American universities. As Witham’s book makes clear, before we can properly understand the heated controversies about American history so prominent in today’s political culture, we must first understand the postwar effort to popularize the past.

Populating the Novel: Literary Form and the Politics of Surplus Life

by Emily Steinlight

From the teeming streets of Dickens’s London to the households of domestic fiction, nineteenth-century British writers constructed worlds crammed beyond capacity with human life. In Populating the Novel, Emily Steinlight contends that rather than simply reflecting demographic growth, such pervasive literary crowding contributed to a seismic shift in British political thought. She shows how the nineteenth-century novel in particular claimed a new cultural role as it took on the task of narrating human aggregation at a moment when the Malthusian specter of surplus population suddenly and quite unexpectedly became a central premise of modern politics.In readings of novels by Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, Charles Dickens, Mary Braddon, Thomas Hardy, and Joseph Conrad that link fiction and biopolitics, Steinlight brings the crowds that pervade nineteenth-century fiction into the foreground. In so doing, she transforms the subject and political stakes of the Victorian novel, dislodging the longstanding idea that its central category is the individual by demonstrating how fiction is altered by its emerging concern with population. By overpopulating narrative space and imagining the human species perpetually in excess of the existing social order, she shows, fiction made it necessary to radically reimagine life in the aggregate.

Populism and Populist Discourse in North America

by Marcia Macaulay

This book examines the origins of populism in Canada and the United States and its development into a powerful and at times disturbing political force. Focus is on five historical periods: The Populist Party of the United States in the 1890s, Prairie Populism in Canada during the early and mid-20th century, the Reform Party of Canada in the 1980s and 90s, the ‘left’ and ‘right’ populism of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump in the early 21st century, and the phenomenon of Ford Nation in modern day Ontario, Canada. The author extends Ernesto Laclau’s analysis of populism as a ‘logic’ in On Populist Reason (2005) to explore how a ‘people’ come into being in their conflict or clash with an ‘elite,’ defined by Chartists in the 19th century as “idlers,” providing a contrast between ‘producers’ and ‘non-producers.’ The author examines the linguistic media (speeches, books, radio, twitter, Facebook) used in populist discourse to convey a political message and to articulate the needs, wishes and will of a newly born ‘people’ in their numerous guises and expressions, from “the plain people,” to “the little guy,” or to “brothers and sisters.” This volume will be of interest to researchers in an interdisciplinary range of fields, including discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, rhetoric and stylistics, political communication, social movements theory, media studies, and Canadian and American history.

Populismus – Staat – Demokratie: Ein interdisziplinäres Streitgespräch (Staat – Souveränität – Nation)

by Isabelle-Christine Panreck

Zwar fällt die Populismusforschung auf den ersten Blick ins Kerngebiet der Politikwissenschaft, aber keine Geistes- oder Sozialwissenschaft verschließt sich der Debatte. Dabei erfolgt eine interdisziplinäre Verknüpfung der einzelnen Diskussionsfäden bislang nur vereinzelt. Der Sammelband stößt in die Lücke, indem er erstmals Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der Kunst-geschichte, Ökonomie, Philosophie, Politikwissenschaft, Politolinguistik, Städtebau/Architektur und Theologie zum Streitgespräch versammelt.

Populist Discourse: Critical Approaches to Contemporary Politics

by Encarnación Hidalgo-Tenorio Miguel-Ángel Benítez-Castro Francesca De Cesare

Populist Discourse brings together experts from both linguistics and political science to analyse the language of populist leaders and the media's representation of populism in different temporal, geographical and ideological contexts, including Nazi Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Greece, the UK, the US and South America. With 17 contributions split into four sections, Populist Discourse covers a variety of approaches such as corpus-based discourse analysis, critical discourse analysis and political perspectives, making it a timely dissection for students and researchers working in linguistics, political science and communication.

Populist Disinformation in Fragmented Information Settings: Understanding the Nature and Persuasiveness of Populist and Post-factual Communication (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Michael Hameleers

In this highly relevant work, Dr. Michael Hameleers illuminates the role of traditional and social media in shaping the political consequences of populism and disinformation in a mediatized era characterized by post-factual relativism and the perseverance of a populist zeitgeist. Using comparative empirical evidence collected in the US, the UK, and the Netherlands, this book explores the politics and discursive construction of populism and disinformation, how they co-occur, their effects on society, and the antidotes used to combat the consequences of these communicative phenomena. This book is an essential text for students and academics in communication, media studies, political science, sociology, and psychology.

Populist Political Communication in Europe (Routledge Research in Communication Studies)

by Carsten Reinemann Frank Esser Jesper Stromback Toril Aalberg Claes De Vreese

In an increasing number of countries around the world, populist leaders, political parties and movements have gained prominence and influence, either by electoral successes on their own or by influencing other political parties and the national political discourse. While it is widely acknowledged that the media and the role of communication more broadly are key to understanding the rise and success of populist leaders, parties and movements, there is however very little research on populist political communication, at least in the English-speaking research literature. Originating from a research project funded by the European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST), this book seeks to advance this research. It includes examinations 24 European countries, and focuses on three areas within the context of populism and populist political communication: populist actors as communicators, the media and populism and citizens and populism.

Póquer de ases

by Manuel Vicent Fernando Vicente

En este libro no hay retratos sino radiografías de grandes escritores contemporáneos. En ellas, si se miran al trasluz, como las placas de rayos X, aparecerá todo lo que nuestra memoria debe a su genio. La vida es un caos entre dos silencios, según Samuel Beckett; ningún sabor es comparable al del pecado, dice Graham Greene; para Joseph Conrad el mar es una moral; el ciego Borges solo vislumbra la luz del ámbar; las páginas de Dorothy Parker liberan un humo de lejanas fiestas junto con el jazz, los martinis y las franelas blancas de Scott Fitzgerald; la culpa te convertirá en el escarabajo de Kafka mientras Bioy Casares se seduce a sí mismo ante el espejo y Virginia Woolf se adentra en el río con el abrigo cargado de piedras.

Por amor à língua

by Manuel Monteiro

Um livro imprescindível contra o uso incorrecto da língua portuguesa. Do autor do famoso Dicionário de erros frequentes da língua. Se chove muito, chove torrencialmente.Se aconselhamos ou recomendamos com ênfase, aconselhamos e recomendamos vivamente.Se rejeitamos ou recusamos, rejeitamos e recusamos liminarmente. Mas, se afirmamos, afirmamos categoricamente ou peremptoriamente.Quando acreditamos, acreditamos piamente; mas, quando confiamos, já confiamos cegamente. Se nos enganamos, enganamo-nos redondamente; mas, se falhamos, já falhamos rotundamente. E, quando alguém mente, não raro, recorremos à rima para o insultar: mente descaradamente. E tudo isto nos deveria IRRITAR SOLENEMENTE (quando alguém se irrita, fá-lo sempre com solenidade).

Por la libre: Obra periodística, 4 (1974-1995)

by Gabriel García Márquez

Este cuarto volumen de la obra periodística del autor contiene dos decenios de la historia del mundo y de América Latina. Por la libre (1974-1995) constituye el cuarto volumen de la obra periodística de Gabriel García Márquez. Entre el análisis del Chile del golpe de estado, con el que se abre este libro, y el perfil de Federico Mayor Zaragoza, director general de la UNESCO, que lo cierra, el lector encontrará veintiséis reportajes más que son otras tantas teselas del mosaico de dos decenios de historia del mundo y, en particular, de América Latina. Salvador Allende, Philip Agee, Fidel Castro, Alberto Camps, el general Torrijos, Juan Pablo II o Felipe González, entre otros, han configurado una época y son contemplados bajo la luz sólida, profunda y experimentada del premio Nobel latinoamericano.

Por la libre: Obra periodística, 4 (1974-1995)

by Gabriel García Márquez

Este cuarto volumen de la obra periodística del autor contiene dos decenios de la historia del mundo y de América Latina. Por la libre (1974-1995) constituye el cuarto volumen de la obra periodística de Gabriel García Márquez. Entre el análisis del Chile del golpe de estado, con el que se abre este libro, y el perfil de Federico Mayor Zaragoza, director general de la UNESCO, que lo cierra, el lector encontrará veintiséis reportajes más que son otras tantas teselas del mosaico de dos decenios de historia del mundo y, en particular, de América Latina. Salvador Allende, Philip Agee, Fidel Castro, Alberto Camps, el general Torrijos, Juan Pablo II o Felipe González, entre otros, han configurado una época y son contemplados bajo la luz sólida, profunda y experimentada del premio Nobel latinoamericano.

Por la mano del padre: ¿Qué razones llevan a un hombre a matar a sus tres hijos?

by Martín Moreno

A partir de la trágica noticia de un hombre que mata a sus tres hijos pequeños para vengarse de su esposa, por una supuesta infidelidad, Martín Moreno elabora en este libro un reportaje devastador. Al estilo de A sangre fría, de Truman Capote, Las dos amigas y el envenenamiento, de Alfred Döblin o Los hijos de Sánchez, de Oscar Lewis, el autor de Por la mano del padre convierte la nota roja en un trabajo periodístico. Escarba en la más profunda intimidad del asesino: su contexto social fracturado, la relación familiar marcada por la miseria, el abismo del alcohol y las drogas, los rasgos psicológicos de los padres del acusado, de su pareja sentimental, de amigos y familiares que enmarcan este drama urbano. El gran mérito del autor de El derrumbe es alejarse del juicio inmediato de quienes condenan elcrimen para ofrecer una explicación severa del por qué se dan estos brotes de maldad, qué función juega el abandono infantil, la carencia económica y de afectos, y elabora el retrato del filicida sin afán de condenar o justificar, sólo para entregar un rostro estropeado por el vicio, el desamor, el núcleo familiar despedazado. Por la mano del padre es un libro implacable, pero también conmovedor; verdugo y condenados son una sola esencia, revelan que la mano del asesino no sólo es la maldad, también es el vacío existencial y una sociedad cada vez más violenta. Fragmento del ensayo de Vicente Leñero para este libro: "Versión actualísima de aquellos 'hijos de Sánchez' que Oscar Lewis siguió y registró minuciosamente a punta de grabaciones. El mural que hizo Lewis en los años sesenta fue juzgado y censurado como denigrante, cuando lo verdaderamente denigrante para México era el fenómeno mismo de aquella pobreza humana reflejada en su espejo literario. Lo mismo puede decirse, gracias a la investigación de Martín Moreno, de lo que Por la mano del padre se trasluce en pinceladas de estos barrios carcomidos en Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, de esa gente que vive al día sin esperanza alguna de progreso."

Por los países de Colombia

by William Ospina

Los diferentes países que conviven en Colombia bajo la mirada de William Ospina Admirables ejemplos de inspiración y admirables ejemplos de laboriosidad ha producido la poesía en Colombia. Las Elegías de varones ilustres de Indias, ,el más ambicioso poema de la Conquista de América; el Nocturno de José Asunción Silva, que cambió la respiración de la poesía en nuestra lengua; clamores hondos y estremecedores como los de Barba Jacob; luminosas ironías como las de Luis Carlos López; fiestas endiabladas con el lenguaje como las de León de Greiff; intensas y agobiantes selvas verbales como las de José Eustasio Rivera; ejercicios de alquimia del lenguaje, llenos de vida y de misterio, como la Morada al sur de Aurelio Arturo; lluvias tropicales y trenos del destierro transfigurados en la obra de Álvaro Mutis; éxtasis de lo cotidiano en el místico viaje a pie de José Manuel Arango; fábulas hechas solo de música como el Canto del extranjero de Giovanni Quessep. Pido a mis dioses que me de Giovanni Quessep. Pido a mis dioses que me sea dado seguir gozando e interrogando la poesía de nuestra tierra, que me sea permitido seguir agradeciendo por ella. William Ospina

Por mi boka: Textos de las diaspora sefardi en ladino

by Myriam Moscona Jacob Sefami

Primera selección de textos originales en judeo-español a publicarse en América Latina, da a conocer al público no especializado una literatura, una cultura y una lengua con una riquísima tradición. "Y Dios recogió tierra de las cuatro partes del mundo de cuatro colores. Con la tierra negra se crearon las entrañas, con la tierra colorada se creó la sangre; con la tierra blanca se crearon los huesos y las palabras, con la tierra amarilla se creó la carne del cuerpo." Este libro traza la trayectoria del ladino o judeoespañol desde sus inicios a finales del siglo XV hasta la muestra más reciente del siglo XXI. El lector encontrará encantadores y apasionantes textos como la Biblia de Ferrara (1553), las interpretaciones rabínicas de los misterios de la creación en el Meam Loez (1730), la conciencia del desvanecimiento de la lengua en una fascinante carta de Marcel Cohen, además de las voces únicas de poetas contemporáneos -el Premio Cervantes Juan Gelman, Clarisse Nikoïdski y Denise León-. En todos los casos se incluyen versiones al español contemporáneo, puesto que el ladino, esa lengua que vive secretamente bajo la nuestra, puede confundir a los hablantes del castellano actual. El lector podrá disfrutar también de curiosas traducciones al judeoespañol de dos clásicos de nuestra lengua: el primer capítulo de El Quijote y el inicio de Martín Fierro. NO EXISTE LIBRO SIMILAR EN TODO EL CONTINENTE.

¿Por Qué? 101 Questions about Spanish

by Judy Hochberg

<P>¿Por qué? 101 Questions about Spanish is for anyone who wants to understand how Spanish really works: students and teachers, linguists and linguaphiles, and native speakers.<P> It is the book I wish I could have read when I was getting serious about Spanish.



Recorriendo las más diversas y recónditas localidades de Chile, Patricio De la Paz presenta en las nueve crónicas de este libro la travesía de hombres y mujeres que, por muy variadas razones, han decidido instalarse lejos de todo. Recorriendo las más diversas y recónditas localidades de Chile, Patricio De la Paz presenta en las nueve crónicas de este libro la travesía de hombres y mujeres que, por muy variadas razones, han decidido instalarse lejos de todo. Porfiados indaga en los motivos que han llevado a estas personas a buscar su lugar (y en algunos casos su destino) en el fin del mundo. «Oriundo de una de las naciones más remotas de la tierra, el cronista chileno Patricio De la Paz ha salido a conocer a sus conciudadanos que han optado por vivir en los márgenes extremos de su mismo país: desde lo más alto del altiplano andino hasta la Antártica. Los resultados de esta singular búsqueda están narrados en este libro aún más singular. Gracias a la genialidad del autor en ser adoptado como uno más de la tribu donde él fuese, y de su astucia en reconocer siempre el detalle revelador, Porfiados es una travesía a través de una colección de vidas intensamente personales a lo largo de Chile. La nostalgia, los amores y las desdichas, la fuerza de la voluntad y la terquedad de la costumbre; la naturaleza en todas sus abundancias y flaquezas, y el espíritu de aventura son sólo algunos de los lazos que unen a estos seres inolvidables: chilenos, al fin y al cabo, todos.» Jon Lee Anderson

Pornographic Sensibilities: Imagining Sex and the Visceral in Premodern and Early Modern Spanish Cultural Production (Routledge Critical Junctures in Global Early Modernities)

by Nicholas R. Jones; Chad Leahy

Pornographic Sensibilities stages a conversation between two fields—Medieval/Early Modern Hispanic Studies and Porn Studies—that traditionally have had little to say to each other. The collection offers innovative new approaches to the study of gendered and sexualized bodies in medieval and early modern textual production, including literary and historical documents. The volume’s embrace of the interpretative tools of Porn Studies also inscribes a critical provocation: in what ways can contemporary modes of reading the past serve to freshly illuminate not only the contours of that same past but also the very critical assumptions of the present upon which fields like medieval and early modern Hispanic Studies are built? In this way, Pornographic Sensibilities encourages at once both rigorous historicizations of pre- and early-modern culture, and playful engagement with "presentism," considered here as a critical tool to undress the hidden assumptions of both past and present. This move substantively challenges long-held critical orthodoxies among scholars of pre-Enlightenment periods, for whom the very category of "pornography" itself has often problematically been framed as an anachronism when applied to their work.

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