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La Victoria Stitch 3 - Misteriosa i espurnejant (La Victoria Stitch #Volumen 3)

by Harriet Muncaster

Res no pot aturar la misteriosa i espurnejant Victoria Stitch!Una nova aventura de la saga màgica de la Harriet Muncaster, creadora de la Isadora Moon.Per fi, la Victoria Stitch és la reina del Bosquet, juntament amb la seva germana Celestine. També és l'orgullosa tieta de la princesa Minnie Stitch, un nadó diamant que heretarà el tron.Quan els vells enemics segresten la Minnie, la Victoria farà el que calgui per recuperar-la. Fins i tot, tornar al món dels humans i lluitar amb l'ajuda de la seva amiga Naomi. Ha arribat el moment de tornar a lluir-se i de recordar a tothom que la Victoria Stitch és... la reina!

La Vida Vampire

by Nancy Haddock

First in a delightfully irreverent new series-and second to none when it comes to beautiful 227-year-old career women. Being dead isn't all it's cracked up to be. Take it from Francesca Marinelli, trapped underground for over 200 years and rediscovered during the renovation of a Victorian mansion in historic St. Augustine. A tourist attraction herself, she's well suited for a job as an Old Ghost Town Tour guide. Francesca's due for a new lease on afterlife-and with enough sunblock, she can finally live it. Unfortunately, everything she learned about men is a little dated. And when people in her tour group turn up dead, naturally the police suspect her. After all, she is a vampire. Which is why a crazed vampire-hunting vigilante squad is out to get her as well. Between the dead bodies, the stalkers, and a seriously non-existent love life, she's starting to wish she was dead. Or at least buried, where she was safe.

La ville des tentations

by Virginie Lecomte Stefania Gil

Mike, un homme charismatique et énigmatique, arrive à Las Vegas pour profiter de ses seules 48 heures de vacances à l'année. La chance lui sourit quand il gagne le jackpot aux machines à sous, dans le casino du grand Hôtel Bellagio ; il y rencontre Christine, la femme qui va faire naître en lui des sentiments nouveaux. Mike parviendra-t-il à conquérir Christine, quand elle va découvrir l'immense secret qu'il cache sur sa véritable identité ?

La vipera d'oro: Un'epica opera spaziale/d'avventura e del viaggio temporale (Il portatore di morte cremisi - Libro 2 #2)

by Sean Robins

Kanoor è caduto. Gli Xortaag sono tornati per vendicarsi. Non essendo tipi perdona e dimentica, hanno conquistato il pianeta natale di Akakie e ora hanno messo gli occhi sulla Terra. Dopo aver decodificato la tecnologia avanzata che hanno recuperato su Kanoor, ora detengono la chiave per governare l'universo per sempre. Ora tocca a Jim e ai suoi amici salvare non solo l'umanità, ma ogni specie senziente della galassia. A peggiorare le cose, una minaccia ancora più sinistra incombe nell'oscurità. All'insaputa dei nostri eroi, una flotta aliena che viaggia nel tempo è in viaggio verso il nostro istmo dei boschi galattici. Pensavi che la posta in gioco fosse alta durante la prima guerra intergalattica umani-Akakie-Xortaag? Non hai ancora visto niente! La vipera d'oro, il secondo libro della serie "il portatore di morte cremisi", vanta le stesse sequenze d'azione ad alto numero di ottani e senza sosta del primo e, combinate con i suoi momenti di risate, colpi di scena scioccanti e nuovi personaggi indimenticabili; è una lettura obbligata per tutti gli appassionati di space opera/fantascienza militare. Immergiti nella prossima serie di avventure di Jim!

La vita a terra (Terra e stelle #2)

by Kevin Killiany

I ribelli stanno a terra. “La vita a terra è pieno zeppo di personaggi indimenticabili e affascinante prosa che fanno pensare ai principali romanzi di formazione come The Dark Beyond the Stars e The Testament of Jessie Lamb, e del genere di narrazione in prima persona piena di tecnologia che farebbe sorridere Andy Weir”. ~ Dayton Ward, autore bestseller NYT, “Star Trek: Headlong Flight” Sessant’anni fa fu creato il Servizio Spaziale degli Stati Uniti, con l’incarico di proteggere la ricchezza e la conoscenza potenzialmente illimitate dello spazio a beneficio dell’intera umanità. Guardiano della tecnologia di fusione e di tutto ciò che è al di sopra dell’atmosfera, il Servizio Spaziale controlla il flusso di persone, materiali e informazioni tra la Terra e le stazioni spaziali, la Luna e Marte. Chiunque sia nello spazio è vincolato al Servizio Spaziale, e tutti gli spaziali appartengono all’élite razziale imposta dal Servizio. Il Servizio Spaziale possiede le stelle… e non intende condividerle. La diciassettenne Mara Duval, nata nello spazio, era destinata a far parte della prima missione dell’umanità verso le lune di Giove, finché un incidente medico non l’ha lasciata in quarantena a terra per sempre. Ma terra non è la devastata desolazione che le era stato insegnato a credere, e il Servizio Spaziale sta tenendo in ostaggio il futuro dell’umanità dietro un muro di bugie. Ora Mara sta contrattaccando, trasmettendo video della verità ai suoi amici nello spazio, facendosi sentire ogni volta che può, e condividendo tecnologia e segreti con la sua alleata terricola Jael Alden, una giovane visionaria decisa a sfondare la barriera razziale del Servizio Spaziale. Sa di non avere molto tempo prima che il Servizio Spaziale si renda conto di quello che sta facendo e la fermi. Ma fino ad allora, Mara intende ricavare il meglio dalla sua vita a terra. “La

La vita che non ho scelto

by Lorena Franco Daniela Barca

Le decisione che prendiamo, per piccole che possano sembrare segnano la direzione che prenderà nostra vita. Quando Nora Clayton, la bella vicepresidente esecutova di un'importante casa farmaceutica di New York, deve licenziare diecimila dipendenti per sostituirli con sofisticati macchinari, scatena l'ira di Bonnie Larson, una donna invisibile per la società, che proviene dda una grande stirpe di malefiche streghe. Decide dopo molto tempo senza usare la sua magia, fa un maleficio a Nora che vedrà la sua vita cambiare di 360°. Le persone con cui condivide la sua agiata esistenza non la riconoscono, il suo lussuoso appartamento dell'Upper East Side non le appartiene e l'unica opzione che le resta è tornare a Kutztown, Pennsylvania, il paese dov'è nata, riprendere la relazione inesistente con sua madre e cominciare a vivere la vita che non ha scelto. Una storia di mondi paralleli, decisioni che non prendiamo, i ricordi , la vita, l'amore e in dei conti il destino. Una lezione sulla vita, pagina dopo pagina. Biografia dell'autore: Lorena Franco, (Barcellona 1983) è attrice e presentatrice. Ha partecipato a popolari serie TV (Il Segreto, Gavilanes, Pelotas, tra le tante) programmi, cinema, pubblicità, a livello nazionale e internazionale. Ha vinto diversi concorsi letterari, scrive per molti blog, la sua passione è creare storie e approfondirle nei suoi romanzi. Il suo non romanzo, LA VIAJERA DEL TIEMPO in spagnolo, è stato finalista nel CONCORSO INDIE 2016 ed è un best seller nella sezione Fantasy e Viaggi nel tempo, in Spagna e negli Stati Uniti. Altri romanzi in formato digitale e cartaceo in spagnolo sono: Sucedió en Toscana, Las horas perdidas, Feliz vida, La vida que no elegí, Quédate conmigo, El fantasma de Marilyn, Historia de dos almas, Donde habita el olvido, Lo que el tiempo olvidó o Palabras "Una breve historia de los que se van". Titoli che confermano il suo percorso letterario che ha conq

La vita occulta di Marcus Schmitt

by Luis Vendramel

Marcus Schmitt, un soggetto dall’ufficio pacato e onesto, che non dimostra grandi ambizioni. A quanto pare sarebbe questo. Che dir si voglia, la stessa l’innamorata Eduarda gli stava addosso e è venuto a scoprire il suo lato occulto. Chi cerca trova. Racconti veri di un mondo immaginario. Una serie di racconti dove persiste il dubbio: realtà o narrativa?

La voce delle Sirene - I racconti di Skylge 1

by Jen Minkman Valeria Poropat

Un'antica terra protetta da una Torre di Luce, un popolo ammaliato dal canto delle Sirene, e una ragazza che si innamora del ragazzo sbagliato. Sull'isola di Skylge l'elettricità è riservata ai Correnti, la ricca classe dirigente che è venuta dal mare e portato il Sacro Fuoco di San Brandano su Skylge. Da allora, la luce della Torre Brandaris ha protetto gli isolani. Con il loro canto, le Sirene attirano le persone in mare e rubano loro l'anima ma la luce sacra della Torre respinge il popolo del mare. Quando Enna, una ragazza Skylger, accoglie suo fratello di ritorno da un lungo viaggio in mare riceve un regalo speciale dalla terraferma: un disco di musica che può essere ascoltato solo con un dispositivo dei Correnti. Il problema è che Royce Bolton, rampollo Corrente e pianista più bravo dell'isola, vuole il disco. Dopo che Enna si rifiuta testardamente di vendergli l'LP, lui suggerisce di condividerlo incontrandosi di nascosto nel suo cottage. Sorpresa e insieme intrigata, Enna acconsente e scopre che c'è molto più di quello che si vede nella società Corrente e nella storia di Skylge. Perché le Sirene attirano gli isolani in mare? E da dove proviene realmente il monopolio sull'elettricità dei Correnti? Mentre combatte con queste domande, Enna comincia a innamorarsi di Royce, rischiando tutto pur di stare con un ragazzo che è palesemente fuori dalla sua portata. Imparerà che il canto delle Sirene non è il pericolo più grande.

La voie du loup (Le Grand Dévoilement #1)

by Susan Laine Bénédicte Girault

Le Grand Dévoilement, tome 1 Kris Ellis pensait que le temps des mariages arrangés appartenait au passé - mais c'était avant le Grand Dévoilement qui révéla que des créatures mythiques vivaient parmi les humains. Maintenant, un simple test médical de routine a pu déterminer que Kris avait un compagnon, un loup-garou nommé Rafael King. Kris est fraîchement diplômé de l'université et a des projets bien établis pour sa vie future. Aucun d'entre eux n'inclut d'être lié pour toujours à quelqu'un qu'il n'a jamais rencontré. Mais lorsque Rafe l'appelle, Kris est prêt à reconsidérer sa position. Après tout, qu'est-ce qui est pire que d'avoir attendu son âme sœur pendant près de deux cents ans ? Rafe est patient, fort et gentil, sans oublier qu'il est très attirant. Exactement comme ce que Kris avait entendu dire à propos des compagnons prédestinés, des étincelles éclatent à la seconde où ils se rencontrent. Mais Kris et Rafe sont très différents et la vie avec un loup-garou peut s'avérer dangereuse. Un combat pour l'amour en vaut-il vraiment la peine ?

Lab 6 (Watchers #6)

by Peter Lerangis

Something is wrong in Lab 6—what are Sam&’s parents hiding?Sam Hughes has always been too smart for his own good. It&’s in his genes—both his parents are scientists who specialize in artificial intelligence—and sometimes it gets him into trouble. Sick of the bully who always steals his computer homework, Sam gives him a disk laced with a virus as a prank. To escape the bully&’s wrath, Sam runs and hides in his parents&’ lab. Inside, Sam hears a voice calling to him from behind a locked door labeled &“Lab 6.&” His parents are in there, and though he can hear them, he doesn&’t understand what they&’re talking about. Are his parents hiding a body in their lab? Something strange is going on, and Sam knows the answers lie somewhere in Lab 6. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Peter Lerangis including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Lab Test

by Nancy Loyan

Samantha Evans is a dog. It wasn't always this way. In fact, she once was a normal human: a college graduate, former homecoming queen, and the possessor of a six-figure income. But she was in the mood for a change - and she got more than she bargained for (much more) thanks to a gypsy's spell.Daniel O'Brien never needed anyone or anything until he finds a stray dog . . . not just any dog . . . Sam. Sam changes his life by turning it upside down and inside out.Can the unconditional love shared by dog and master lead to true love between a man and a woman?Sensuality Level: Sensual

Lab Test

by Nancy Loyan

Samantha Evans is a dog. It wasn’t always this way. In fact, she once was a normal human: a college graduate, former homecoming queen, and the possessor of a six-figure income. But she was in the mood for a change - and she got more than she bargained for (much more) thanks to a gypsy’s spell.<P><P> Daniel O’Brien never needed anyone or anything until he finds a stray dog... not just any dog... Sam. Sam changes his life by turning it upside down and inside out.<P> Can the unconditional love shared by dog and master lead to true love between a man and a woman?

Laberinto: El segundo libro de Morgan's Tale (Una fantasía épica de Lilliehaven #2)

by Greg Alldredge

Los muertos rara vez permanecen enterrados ... ¿Por qué Morgan dejó que los elfos la llevaran a un lugar tan peligroso? Sabía poco del Laberinto, excepto que era el caldo de cultivo de los monstruos que aterrorizaban la superficie. Con Nigromante devastando su Imperio, Morgan debe buscar amigos y aliados en todo momento, o al menos eso es lo que exigía el fantasma de su padre. ¿Morgan podrá escapar de la oscuridad con vida? ¿Recuperará alguna vez el trono imperial? Sigue a Morgan mientras la misión lleva a su compañía de aventureros a territorios desenterrados. Lea el segundo libro de la serie Lilliehaven para conocer su destino y el de la tierra extraña que Morgan llama hogar. La intriga y el suspenso te atraparán a medida que se desarrolle la aventura.

Laberinto De Espejos

by Julia Vélez Ardaiz Ryan Davison

Persuasión subliminal mientras el mundo se hundeFrank se gana la vida manipulando las opiniones de la gente en su trabajo de redactor creativo. Es contratado por su talento para ayudar a ganar las elecciones a un político que odia, ¿podrá revelarse su mente ante tantos hechos injustos? Su pareja y amor verdadero lo llama para reclamar su propia consciencia.Un futuro cercano, una mini novela sobre distopía y ciencia ficción:- Cambio climático y calentamiento global- Capitalismo- Consumismo- Persuasión subliminal e influencias, sobre todo en la publicidad- Cómo de fuerte es el hechizo de la publicidad y cómo influye en nuestros pensamientos- Contaminación del medio ambiente- Contaminación mental y emocional- La gran cantidad de envases y otros desechos que la sociedad tira- Campañas electorales en los mediosSi alguna vez te has sentido frustrado por el rechazo de la sociedad consumista hacia un estilo de vida menos materialista en beneficio del planeta, o si alguna vez te has sentido frustrado por esa sensación de no importa cuánto trabajes o cuánto dinero ganes nunca te siente feliz del todo, o si alguna vez te has sentido influenciado por la publicidad en contra de tu voluntad... te verás reflejado en Laberinto de Espejos.

El Laberinto de Sombras (Serie Ulysses Moore #Volumen 9)

by Pierdomenico Baccalario

Una puerta. Un descenso al centro de la Tierra. Y un laberinto con recodos oscuros.¡Prosiguen las aventuras de «Ulysses Moore» más arriesgadas que nunca! Los Incendiarios parecen haber encontrado Kilmore Cove... o, por lo menos, se han acercado peligrosamente. Por eso, Julia, Tommi y Rick estarán alerta, pero impedirles el paso a la ciudad no será nada fácil. Mientras tanto, Anita y Jason deciden cruzar la Puerta del Tiempo y, guiados por un gigante, descenderán hasta un oscuro laberinto subterráneo que esconde la clave del misterio de las puertas... aunque también amenazas insospechadas.

El laberinto del fauno

by Cornelia Funke Guillermo Del Toro

Una novela oscura y mágica, una inolvidable colaboración entre dos de los narradores más renombrados de nuestros días. Tras un largo recorrido entre pantanos, Ofelia conoce al hombre que será su padrastro, un despiadado capitán del ejército español. Para él, el inquietante y oscuro bosque donde viven es como una jaula, que tan solo sirve de escondite para los combatientes de la resistencia en la interminable y sangrienta guerra civil. Pero Ofelia está embelesada con su mágico hogar. Obsesionada con los cuentos de hadas, descubre un laberinto que la conduce cada vez más profundamente por los caminos de un mundo mítico y misterioso acechado por el peligro, cruel y amable a la vez, benigno y mortífero. En el laberinto, nada es como parece en un principio. Es un lugar donde lo monstruoso y lo humano se confunden, donde resulta imposible distinguir la realidad de la fantasía y donde los mitos se encuentran con el devastador horror de una nación asolada por la guerra. Atmosférica y absorbente, inspirada por la cinta ganadora del Oscar, y con material original que amplía la historia, esta arrebatadora novela ilustra espléndidamente que la fantasía es el artilugio más sagaz para develar los milagros y los terrores de la realidad. "Con la monumental encomienda de adaptar un complejo relato cinematográfico a las páginas de una novela, Del Toro y Funke evitaron simplemente describir la película y en su lugar han vuelto a confeccionar la narrativa con destreza y elegancia." Kirkus "Esta historia ingeniosamente enigmática hechizará a los lectores que suelen deleitarse con la fantasía." The School and Library Journal

Laberinto en llamas (Las pruebas de Apolo #Volumen 3)

by Rick Riordan

Antes era el glorioso dios Apolo.Ahora es Lester, un simple mortal. No te pierdas el tercer libro de la saga más espectacular de Rick Riordan: #LasPruebasDeApolo. Con la ayuda de algunos amigos semidioses, Lester ha conseguido sobrevivir a las dos primeras pruebas: una en el Campamento Mestizo y la otra en Indianápolis, donde Meg recibió la profecía oscura. Las palabras que pronunció sentada en el Trono de la Memoria revelaron que un dream team de tres emperadores romanos supervillanos planea atacar el Campamento Júpiter. Mientras Leo vuela a toda velocidad para alertar a los miembros del Campamento del peligro inminente , Lester y Meg deberán cruzar el Laberinto para encontrar al tercer emperador (y a un Oráculo que habla con juegos de palabras) en algún punto de suroeste de América. Por suerte, había un verso en la profecía que les da un poco de esperanza: Solo el guía ungulado sabe cómo no perderse. Está claro que van a tener un sátiro que les acompañe y Meg sabe exactamente a quién tiene que pedir este favor. Sobre Las pruebas de Apolo se ha dicho:«Lo peor de terminar de leer un libro de Rick Riordan es tener que esperar meses hasta el siguiente; gracias a los dioses que ha empezado a publicar dos libros al año , y solo nos quedan unos pocos meses para leer algo nuevo de él.»The Best Read Yet «En La profecía oscura volvemos a encontrarnos con las claves del éxito de Rick Riordan. Este autor nunca decepciona y hace que leer sus libros sea una auténtica maravilla. Quiero muchas sagas como las publicadas hasta la fecha.»Vorágine interna «Soy una fan indiscutible de Rick Riordan y me encanta saber que no pierde la chispa. Cada historia es única, divertida, atrayente. Consigue modelar a sus personajes de tal forma que aunque haya miles, los distingues perfectamente unos de otros y, creedme, nos va a hacer falta. En resumen, estoy encantada con esta saga.»Fiebre Lectora

Laberinto en llamas (Las pruebas de Apolo #Volumen 3)

by Rick Riordan

Antes era el glorioso dios Apolo.Ahora es Lester, un simple mortal. No te pierdas el tercer libro de la saga más espectacular de Rick Riordan: #LasPruebasDeApolo. Con la ayuda de algunos amigos semidioses, Lester ha conseguido sobrevivir a las dos primeras pruebas: una en el Campamento Mestizo y la otra en Indianápolis, donde Meg recibió la profecía oscura. Las palabras que pronunció sentada en el Trono de la Memoria revelaron que un dream team de tres emperadores romanos supervillanos planea atacar el Campamento Júpiter. Mientras Leo vuela a toda velocidad para alertar a los miembros del Campamento del peligro inminente , Lester y Meg deberán cruzar el Laberinto para encontrar al tercer emperador (y a un Oráculo que habla con juegos de palabras) en algún punto de suroeste de América. Por suerte, había un verso en la profecía que les da un poco de esperanza: Solo el guía ungulado sabe cómo no perderse. Está claro que van a tener un sátiro que les acompañe y Meg sabe exactamente a quién tiene que pedir este favor. Sobre Las pruebas de Apolo se ha dicho:«Lo peor de terminar de leer un libro de Rick Riordan es tener que esperar meses hasta el siguiente; gracias a los dioses que ha empezado a publicar dos libros al año , y solo nos quedan unos pocos meses para leer algo nuevo de él.»The Best Read Yet «En La profecía oscura volvemos a encontrarnos con las claves del éxito de Rick Riordan. Este autor nunca decepciona y hace que leer sus libros sea una auténtica maravilla. Quiero muchas sagas como las publicadas hasta la fecha.»Vorágine interna «Soy una fan indiscutible de Rick Riordan y me encanta saber que no pierde la chispa. Cada historia es única, divertida, atrayente. Consigue modelar a sus personajes de tal forma que aunque haya miles, los distingues perfectamente unos de otros y, creedme, nos va a hacer falta. En resumen, estoy encantada con esta saga.»Fiebre Lectora

Labirinto di Specchi

by Ryan Davison Valerio Dalla Ragione

Persuasione subliminale mentre il mondo annega. Con il suo lavoro da copywriter, Frank si guadagna da vivere manipolando le opinioni delle persone. Ingaggiato per utilizzare il suo talento in vista delle elezioni presidenziali per un politico che lui stesso odia, potrà la sua sola mente ribellarsi a tutto ciò? Il suo vero amore lo richiama alla coscienza individuale. Un racconto sci-fi ambientato in un futuro prossimo e distopico incentrato su: Riscaldamento globale/cambiamenti climatici Capitalismo Consumismo Persuasione e influenza subliminale, specialmente nelle pubblicità Quanto esplicitamente le immagini delle pubblicità incidono sulla nostra immaginazione Inquinamento ambientale Inquinamento psichico/emotivo Le grandi quantità di imballaggi e altri rifiuti prodotti dalla nostra società Propaganda politica Se ti sei mai sentito frustrato per il rifiuto delle persone di rivedere il loro stile di vita materialistico per il bene del pianeta... O se ti sei mai sentito frustrato perché non importa quanto tu ti impegni nel lavoro e quanto guadagni: non sei comunque felice... O se ti sei mai sentito influenzato contro il tuo volere dalle pubblicità... Puoi rispecchiarti in Mirror Maze.


by Jessie Nelson Hopkins Karen Leigh

Zach isn't impressed with his new dog, Larry, at first. He'd hoped for a chocolate lab or a spaniel, not this funny looking mish-mash of a dog with a great long tail. And who names a dog "Larry," anyway? But Zach discovers that when Larry twirls that ridiculously long tail - Labracadabra! - amazing things happen. It's not very long before Zach knows that he and Larry will be Best Friends Forever! .

Labrando su destino: Saga: Entremundos

by Germán G. Cobián

Tú tienes todo el potencial de las estrellas dentro de ti. Busca y encontrarás. <P><P>Labrando su Destino es el primer libro de la tetralogía Entremundos. La historia se desarrolla en un futuro no tan lejano en el que el hombre, después de haber estado en grave peligro de extinción, se ha polarizado cultural, social y tecnológicamente. <P><P>En este nuevo escenario, las dos sociedades más desarrolladas tecnológicamente, la individualista y la colectivista, dominan el mundo, y las tribus, mucho menos desarrolladas, son manipuladas y esquilmadas por estas sociedades. <P><P> Pepe, quien protagoniza esta primera entrega, es el producto de la época que le ha tocado vivir y, por una serie de circunstancias, ha vivido en las sociedades individualista, colectivista, científica y en dos de las tribus más poderosas, la tribu del sur y la del este. Pepe es un hombre diferente a la mayoría, alguien que antepone el bien de los demás al suyo propio.

The Labyrinth

by Robert Holdstock

One man against the monstrous forces of evil. The sixth book in the Nighthunter series.

Labyrinth (Level Up Ser.)

by Israel Keats

SuprSolvr has the opportunity to test a game set in a mechanical labyrinth by playing inside of it, which she's thrilled about. The guy she's partnered with? Not so much. But as they soon face robotic bugs, word puzzles, and obstacles, they realize that they must work together to reach the center of the labyrinth or risk being trapped in virtual reality forever.

Labyrinth (Level Up)

by Israel Keats

SuprSolvr has the opportunity to test a game set in a mechanical labyrinth by playing inside of it, which she's thrilled about. The guy she's partnered with? Not so much. But as they soon face robotic bugs, word puzzles, and obstacles, they realize that they must work together to reach the center of the labyrinth or risk being trapped in virtual reality forever.

Labyrinth (Languedoc #1)

by Kate Mosse

July 2005. In the Pyrenees mountains near Carcassonne, Alice, a volunteer at an archaeological dig, stumbles into a cave and makes a startling discovery-two crumbling skeletons, strange writings on the walls, and the pattern of a labyrinth. Eight hundred years earlier, on the eve of a brutal crusade that will rip apart southern France, a young woman named Alais is given a ring and a mysterious book for safekeeping by her father. The book, he says, contains the secret of the true Grail, and the ring, inscribed with a labyrinth, will identify a guardian of the Grail. Now, as crusading armies gather outside the city walls of Carcassonne, it will take a tremendous sacrifice to keep the secret of the labyrinth safe.

Labyrinth (Greywalker #5)

by Kat Richardson

Just back from London, Harper picked up some new skills while she was away. But instead of taking the time to hone them, she'd rather focus on what's important. Like finding the two-bit perp who 'killed' her. She's convinced he's a valuable clue in the puzzle of her past and her missing father, as well as a key to figuring out who's trying to manipulate her powers and why. There's just one problem. Turns out the man who "killed" her was murdered himself while she was away. Lucky for Harper, she has an airtight alibi, but that doesn't mean the police are going to play nice. With Seattle's recent surge in violence - thanks to the vampires - she's already under suspicion. Which means Harper has to watch her step. Because finding the ghost of her 'killer' - and rescuing her father - will mean entering into the Grey. And with her growing powers pulling her more deeply into that paranormal world, Harper's afraid she may not be able to come back out. . .

Labyrinth: Number 5 in series (Greywalker #5)

by Kat Richardson

Just back from London, Harper picked up some new skills while she was away. But instead of taking the time to hone them, she'd rather focus on what's important. Like finding the two-bit perp who 'killed' her. She's convinced he's a valuable clue in the puzzle of her past and her missing father, as well as a key to figuring out who's trying to manipulate her powers and why. There's just one problem. Turns out the man who "killed" her was murdered himself while she was away. Lucky for Harper, she has an airtight alibi, but that doesn't mean the police are going to play nice. With Seattle's recent surge in violence - thanks to the vampires - she's already under suspicion. Which means Harper has to watch her step. Because finding the ghost of her 'killer' - and rescuing her father - will mean entering into the Grey. And with her growing powers pulling her more deeply into that paranormal world, Harper's afraid she may not be able to come back out...

The Labyrinth

by Simon Stålenhag

The Labyrinth is a unique vision of a dystopian future from one of the most sought-after visual storytellers in the world. A world covered by ruins and ash, the remnants of an otherworldly phenomenon that has ravaged the earth&’s atmosphere and forced the few survivors deep underground. Matt, Sigrid and Charlie leave the safe harbour of the enclave for an expedition onto the wastelands of the surface world. During their journey they are forced to confront dark secrets from the time before civilization&’s fall.Simon Stålenhagis the internationally acclaimed author and artist behind Tales From the Loop, Things From the Flood and The Electric State. He is world-renowned for his highly imaginative images and stories depicting illusive sci-fi phenomena in mundane, hyper-realistic Scandinavian landscapes. Perfect for fans of everything from Stranger Things to Jurassic Park to Westworld. PRAISE for SIMON STALENHAG'Tales has the magic. It's got the robots, the weirdness, the dinosaurs. But most of all, it has the wonder. No one who picks this book up will be the same person when they put it down again' NPR on Tales from the Loop'No words to describe this novel in pictures. Stahlenhag defined a whole new aesthetic for scifi in the 21st century' Damien Walter on The Electric State 'A chilling, unforgettable visual and narrative experience' Locus on The Electric State Stalenhag's 'stories crawl into my brain and mess with my memory of history, time and place' NPR on The Electric State

Labyrinth: The ABC Storybook

by Luke Flowers

Relive Jim Henson's classic film Labyrinth in a storybook that moves through the alphabet and is perfect for new and returning fans!B is for Baby Brother, lost in the labyrinth. G is for the Goblin King, whose castle lies at the maze’s center. S is for Sarah, who must go on an incredible adventure to make it right. Only by journeying across the ABCs can our hero find her way through the labyrinth, with the help of fantastic creatures she meets along the way!Jim Henson, one of the greatest creative minds of our time, created a fantasy world unlike any other in Labyrinth. Now you can relive Sarah’s adventure through the alphabet with letters for each of the film’s unforgettable characters and many twists and turns. Featuring beautiful art by acclaimed illustrator Luke Flowers, this memorable retelling will delight fans of every age.An Imprint Book

Labyrinth der Spiegel

by Ryan Davison Simon Dehne

Unterschwellige Überzeugung während die Welt ertrinkt. Als Werbetexter verdient Frank sein Geld damit die Meinungen der breiten Masse zu manipulieren. Rebelliert sein eigener Verstand gegen ihn, als er dafür angeheuert wird sein Talent dafür zu benutzen einem Politiker, den er hasst, seine Präsidentschaftswahl zu gewinnen? Seine wahre Liebe ruft ihn um die Gewalt über sein Bewusstsein zurückzuerlangen. Eine dystopische Nahzukunfts Science Fiction Kurzgeschichte über: •Die globale Erderwärmung / den Klimawandel •Kapitalismus •Konsumismus •Unterschwellige Überzeugungskraft und Beeinflussung, besonders in der Werbewelt •Wie explizite Bildgebung in der Werbung unsere Vorstellungskraft beeinflusst •Umweltverschmutzung •Mentale / emotionale Verschmutzung •Die riesigen Mengen an Verpackungen und anderen Müll den unsere Gesellschaft wegwirft •Werbung für politische Kampagnen Wenn Sie je frustriert darüber waren, dass die Menschheit sich davor weigert ihren materialistischen Lebensstil für das Gute unseres Planeten zu ändern ... Oder wenn Sie je frustriert darüber waren dass, egal wie viel Geld Sie verdienen, Sie trotzdem nicht glücklich sind ... Oder wenn Sie je das Gefühl hatten, dass Ihre Gedanken gegen Ihren Willen von der Werbung beeinflusst werden ... Dann ist das Labyrinth der Spiegel das Richtige für Sie. Achtung: Der Erzählstil ist teilweise in der Art eines Bewusstseinsstroms erzählt, um den emotionalen Zusammenbruch des Hauptcharakters darzustellen. Als Werbetexter schreibt er Werbesprüche selbst, wird aber gleichzeitig mehr als die durchschnittliche Person von diesen Worten und Bildern beeinflusst. Trotz dass er einer der Manipulatoren ist, wird er selbst im "Labyrinth der Spiegel" unserer modernen narzistischen Gesellschaft gefangen.

The Labyrinth Gate

by Kate Elliott

Transported to a magical world, a young couple must find a labyrinth city&’s hidden treasure to return home in this novel from the author of Crown of Stars. With marriage comes change, and for Sanjay and Chryse, that change is literally world altering. After their wedding reception, they accidentally drop a gift—a pack of special tarot cards—onto an elevator floor. The cards scatter, the lights go out, and all at once, they find themselves transported to Anglia. It&’s a strange parallel world not unlike Victorian England, but matriarchal in nature and shaped by powerful sorcery. While fleeing a riot in the streets, the pair is rescued by aristocrats Julian and Kate, the first of many new friends and adventures. To get home, they must find a treasure in the labyrinth city of Pariam—a quest that becomes ever more daunting as it attracts the attention of the evil Princess Blessa. Wonderfully conceived and full of memorable characters, The Labyrinth Gate is vibrant fantasy on every level.

The Labyrinth Index: A Laundry Files Novel (Laundry Files #9)

by Charles Stross

“A bizarre yet effective yoking of the spy and horror genres.” —The Washington Post Book WorldThe Lovecraftian Singularity has descended upon the world in The Labyrinth Index, beginning an exciting new story arc in Charles Stross' Hugo Award-winning Laundry Files series! Since she was promoted to the head of the Lords Select Committee on Sanguinary Affairs, every workday for Mhari Murphy has been a nightmare. It doesn’t help that her boss, the new Prime Minister of Britain, is a manipulative and deceptive pain in the butt. But what else can she expect when working under the thumb of none other than the elder god N’yar Lat-Hotep a.k.a the Creeping Chaos?Mhari's most recent assignment takes her and a ragtag team of former Laundry agents across the pond into the depths of North America. The United States president has gone missing. Not that Americans are alarmed. For some mysterious reason, most of the country has forgotten the executive branch even exists. Perhaps it has to do with the Nazgûl currently occupying the government and attempting to summon Cthulhu.It's now up to Mhari and her team to race against the Nazgûl's vampire-manned dragnet to find and, for his own protection, kidnap the president.Who knew an egomaniacal, malevolent deity would have a soft spot for international relations?At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

The Labyrinth Index: A Laundry Files Novel (Laundry Files #9)

by Charles Stross

Britain is under New Management. The disbanding of the Laundry - the British espionage agency that deals with supernatural threats, has culminated in the unthinkable - an elder god in residence in 10 Downing Street.But in true 'the enemy of my enemy' fashion, Mhari Murphy finds herself working with His Excellency Nylarlathotep on foreign policy - there are worse things, it seems, than an elder god in power, and they lie in deepest, darkest America.A thousand-mile-wide storm system has blanketed the midwest, and the president is nowhere to be found - Mhari must lead a task force of disgraced Laundry personnel into the storm front to discover the truth. But working for an elder god is never easy, and as the stakes rise, Mhari will soon question exactly where her loyalties really lie.

The Labyrinth Index: A Laundry Files Novel (Laundry Files #9)

by Charles Stross

Britain is under New Management. The disbanding of the Laundry - the British espionage agency that deals with supernatural threats, has culminated in the unthinkable - an elder god in residence in 10 Downing Street.But in true 'the enemy of my enemy' fashion, Mhari Murphy finds herself working with His Excellency Nylarlathotep on foreign policy - there are worse things, it seems, than an elder god in power, and they lie in deepest, darkest America.A thousand-mile-wide storm system has blanketed the midwest, and the president is nowhere to be found - Mhari must lead a task force of disgraced Laundry personnel into the storm front to discover the truth. But working for an elder god is never easy, and as the stakes rise, Mhari will soon question exactly where her loyalties really lie.

The Labyrinth Key

by Howard V. Hendrix

In a secret war waged in worlds both virtual and real, the fates of nations depend on the definitive weapon. And that weapon is knowledge—knowledge to die for. . . . The race is heating up between the U. S. and China to develop a quantum computer with infinite capabilities to crack any enemy’s codes, yet keep secure its own secrets. The government that achieves this goal will win a crucial prize. No other computer system will be safe from the reach of this master machine. Dr. Jaron Kwok was working for the U. S. government to build such a computer. But in a posh hotel in Hong Kong, a Chinese policewoman sifts through the bizarre, ashlike remains of what’s left of the doctor. With the clock ticking, alliances will be forged—and there are those who will stop at nothing to discover what the doctor knew. As the search for answers intensifies, it becomes chillingly clear that the quantum computer both sides so desperately want will be more powerful, more dangerous than anyone could have ever imagined. For in the twenty-first century, machines become gods, gods become machines, and the once-impossible now lies within reach. The key to unlimited knowledge will create the ultimate weapon of mass destruction—or humanity’s last chance to save itself. . . . From the Trade Paperback edition.

Labyrinth Lost

by Zoraida Cordova

"Enchanting and complex. Every page is filled with magic." --Danielle Paige, New York Times best-selling author of <i>Dorothy Must Die</i> <p><p>Nothing says Happy Birthday like summoning the spirits of your dead relatives. Alex is a bruja, the most powerful witch in a generation...and she hates magic. At her Deathday celebration, Alex performs a spell to rid herself of her power. But it backfires. Her whole family vanishes into thin air, leaving her alone with Nova, a brujo boy she can't trust. A boy whose intentions are as dark as the strange marks on his skin. <p><p>The only way to get her family back is to travel with Nova to Los Lagos, a land in-between, as dark as Limbo and as strange as Wonderland... <p><p>Praise for Labyrinth Lost: <p><p>"Zoraida Córdova's prose enchants from start to finish. Labyrinth Lost is pure magic." --Melissa Grey, author of The Girl at Midnight <p><p>"Magical and empowering, Labyrinth Lost is an incredible heroine's journey filled with mythos come to life; but at its heart, honors the importance of love and family." --Cindy Pon, author of Serpentine and Silver Phoenix <p><p>"A brilliant brown-girl-in-Brooklyn update on Alice in Wonderland and Dante's Inferno. Very creepy, very magical, very necessary."--Daniel Jose Older, author of Shadowshaper <p><p>"Labyrinth Lost is a magical story of love, family, and finding yourself. Enchanting from start to finish." --Amy Tintera, author of Ruined.

The Labyrinth of Dreams (G.O.D. Inc #Bk. 1)

by Jack L. Chalker

I'm Sam Horowitz. My wife Brandy and I are private eyes - and belly-up broke. This is why we agreed to trace Martin Whitlock, a hotshot banker who'd skipped town over $2,000,000 in laundered drug money. Not our usual sort of case, but even filthy mob lucre pays bills. The trail led from a posh mansion to a hick burg called McInerney, Oregon - and to G.O.D. Inc: the geeks who hawk overpriced garbage on late night TV. That's where we found our man...too often. There were three Mary Whitlocks, same prints. But one was female. One was dead. We got busted. That wasn't the worst. The mob rip-off was only one move in a caper to take over crime - not the Mafia but something bigger. A hell of lot bigger. Because McInerney, Oregon wasn't just off the map...It was off the edge of the Earth. And Brandy and I were being taken for a ride - into The Labyrinth of Dreams.

Labyrinth of Evil: Labyrinth Of Evil - Revenge Of The Sith Dark Lord - The Rise Of Darth Vader (Star Wars #51)

by James Luceno

The war that erupted in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones is nearing its boiling point, as the dauntless Separatist forces continue their assault on the teetering Republic-and the diabolical triumvirate of Count Dooku, General Grievous, and their Master, Darth Sidious, fine-tune their strategy for conquest. In Episode III Revenge of the Sith the fates of key players on both sides of the conflict will be sealed. But first, crucial events that pave the way to that time of reckoning unfold in a labyrinth of evil. . . .Capturing Trade Federation Viceroy-and Separatist Councilmember- Nute Gunray is the mission that brings Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, with a squad of clones in tow, to Neimoidia. But the treacherous ally of the Sith proves as slippery as ever, evading his Jedi pursuers even as they narrowly avoid deadly disaster. Still, their daring efforts yield an unexpected prize: a unique holotransceiver that bears intelligence capable of leading the Republic forces to their ultimate quarry, the ever-elusive Darth Sidious. Swiftly taking up the chase, Anakin and Obi-Wan follow clues from the droid factories of Charros IV to the far-flung worlds of the Outer Rim . . . every step bringing them closer to pinpointing the location of the Sith Lord-whom they suspect has been manipulating every aspect of the Separatist rebellion. Yet somehow, in the escalating galaxy-wide chess game of strikes, counterstrikes, ambushes, sabotage, and retaliations, Sidious stays constantly one move ahead.Then the trail takes a shocking turn. For Sidious and his minions have set in motion a ruthlessly orchestrated campaign to divide and overwhelm the Jedi forces-and bring the Republic to its knees.Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!

Labyrinth of Night

by Allen Steele

On Mars, a research team encounters an ancient puzzle that only a guitarist can solveIn 2029, an American research team ventures to Mars to investigate an astounding find: a labyrinth older than humanity itself, whose maze of rooms conceals the deepest secrets of the red planet. In the final chamber, strange music plays, as chilling as it is beautiful. It will be the last thing the scientist who discovers it ever hears. As the music rises to a climax, the chamber door closes, leaving him to die in the pitch dark.Where one explorer has failed, Ben Cassidy must not. An internationally famous guitarist, his music is the closest thing on Earth to Mars&’s deadly hymn. The government sends him into space to solve a planetary mystery, but what Cassidy encounters is a team of researchers whose jealous competition is every bit as dangerous as the secrets of Mars.

A Labyrinth of Scions and Sorcery: Book Two in the Risen Kingdoms (The Risen Kingdoms #2)

by Curtis Craddock

A Labyrinth of Scions and Sorcery is the masterful second novel in Curtis Craddock's critically-acclaimed high fantasy Risen Kingdoms series, continuing the engrossing tale of courtly intrigue and breathtaking magic, and starring our fiercely intelligent heroine Isabelle des Zephyrs with her loyal musketeer Jean-Claude.Isabelle des Zephyrs has always been underestimated throughout her life, but after discovering the well of hidden magic within her, unveiling a centuries-long conspiracy, and stopping a war between rival nations, she has gained a newfound respect amongst the cutthroat court. All that is quickly taken away when Isabelle is unfairly convicted of breaking the treaty she helped write and has her political rank and status taken away. Now bereft, she nevertheless finds herself drawn into mystery when her faithful musketeer Jean-Claude uncovers a series of gruesome murders by someone calling themselves the Harvest King.As panic swells, the capital descends into chaos, when the emperor is usurped from the throne by a rival noble. Betrayed by their allies and hunted by assassins, Isabelle and Jean-Claude alone must thwart the coup, but not before it changes l’Empire forever.“A gripping tale of a woman who refuses to be defined by her physical and magical limitations, thwarting both assassins and all who see her as a pawn. A great read!”—#1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, on An Alchemy of Masques and MirrorsThe Risen Kingdom series#1 An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors#2 A Labyrinth of Scions and SorceryAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Labyrinth of Stars

by Marjorie M. Liu

Tattoos with hearts, minds, and dreams. Created to be the armor that protects my body, these obsidian shadows come alive at night--demons made flesh. After the Aetar nearly kill Maxine's unborn child, and a betrayal within her own ranks leaves Maxine's husband, Grant, poisoned and dying, Maxine is forced to attack a race of beings that possesses almost unlimited power. Doing so will require she make a deal with the devil--the devil that lives inside her--risking both her sanity and her soul as she slowly transforms into something more than human. But even that might not be enough to save Grant, because the very thing that Maxine is becoming is destined to destroy the world.

The Labyrinth of the Spirits: From the bestselling author of The Shadow of the Wind

by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

As a child, Daniel Sempere discovered among the passageways of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books an extraordinary novel that would change the course of his life. Now a young man in the Barcelona of the late 1950s, Daniel runs the Sempere & Sons bookshop and enjoys a seemingly fulfilling life with his loving wife and son. Yet the mystery surrounding the death of his mother continues to plague his soul despite the moving efforts of his wife Bea and his faithful friend Fermín to save him.Just when Daniel believes he is close to solving this enigma, a conspiracy more sinister than he could have imagined spreads its tentacles from the hellish regime. That is when Alicia Gris appears, a soul born out of the nightmare of the war. She is the one who will lead Daniel to the edge of the abyss and reveal the secret history of his family, although at a terrifying price.The Labyrinth of the Spirits is an electrifying tale of passion, intrigue and adventure. Within its haunting pages Carlos Ruiz Zafón masterfully weaves together plots and subplots in an intricate and intensely imagined homage to books, the art of storytelling and that magical bridge between literature and our lives.Read by Daniel Weyman(p) Orion Publishing Group 2018

Labyrinth of Worlds (Star Requiem #4)

by Adrian Cole

Humanity makes its final stand as the Star Requiem fantasy series reaches a mind-blowing conclusion. &“Adrian Cole has a magic touch&” (Roger Zelazny). The epic adventure reaches its zenith, as humankind fights for its very existence. The fearsome armies of the Csendook, sworn destroyers of the human race, have discovered their hidden sanctuary, all but guaranteeing their victory. With the final confrontation at last at hand, the renegade hero Ussemitus struggles to unite humans and the warriors of Innasmorn. But in the face of impending doom, the corrupt master of Man's last citadel seeks to harness the dark and elemental powers of the planet called Mother of Storms in his attempt to win back an empire. All realize that so much more is at stake, with the impending devastation that threatens to unravel the fabric of many worlds. "Adrian Cole has a magic touch." -- Roger Zelazny Don't miss the entire Star Requiem quartet: Mother of Storms, Thief of Dreams, Warlord of Heaven, Labyrinth of Worlds

Labyrinth's Heart: Rook and Rose, Book Three

by M. A. Carrick

"Lush, engrossing and full of mystery and dark magic" (BookPage), Labyrinth's Heart is the thrilling conclusion to M. A. Carrick's Rook & Rose trilogy, in which a con artist, a vigilante, and a crime lord become reluctant allies in the quest to save their city from a dangerous ancient magic.May you see the face and not the mask.Ren came to Nadežra with a plan. She would pose as the long-lost daughter of the noble house Traementis. She would secure a fortune for herself and her sister. And she would vanish without a backward glance. She ought to have known that in the city of dreams, nothing is ever so simple.Now, she is Ren, con-artist and thief. But she is also Renata, the celebrated Traementis heir. She is Arenza, the mysterious pattern-reader and political rebel. And she is the Black Rose, a vigilante who fights alongside the legendary Rook. Even with the help of Grey Serrado and Derossi Vargo, it is too many masks for one person to wear. And as the dark magic the three of them helped unleash builds to storm that could tear the very fabric of the city apart, it's only a matter of time before one of the masks slips-and everything comes crashing down around them.'The Mask of Mirrors is exactly the fantasy adventure novel you're craving: an escape into a vast, enchanting world of danger, secret identities, and glittering prose' Tasha Suri, author of The Jasmine Throne'The Mask of Mirrors kept me up reading way past my bedtime. A web of intrigue, magic, and the art of the con this novel will catch hold of your dreams and keep you from sleeping'Mary Robinette Kowal, author of The Calculating Stars'The Mask of Mirrors ushers you into the fascinating city of Nadezra, replete with complex politics, intricate magic, and mysteries that readers will be racing to unravel. Wonderfully immersive--I was unable to put it down'Andrea Stewart, author of The Bone Shard Daughter'An intricate, compelling dream of a book that kept me turning pages, with a world and characters that felt deeply real and plenty of riveting twists and turns. I loved it!'Melissa Caruso, author of The Obsidian Tower'For those who like their revenge plots served with the intrigue of The Goblin Emperor, the colonial conflict of The City of Brass, the panache of Swordspoint, and the richly detailed settings of Guy Gavriel Kay' Booklist (starred review)'Utterly captivating. Carrick spins an exciting web of mystery, magic, and political treachery in a richly drawn and innovative world.' S. A. Chakraborty, author of The City of Brass

Labyrinth's Heart: Rook and Rose, Book Three

by M. A. Carrick

"Lush, engrossing and full of mystery and dark magic" (BookPage), Labyrinth's Heart is the thrilling conclusion to M. A. Carrick's Rook & Rose trilogy, in which a con artist, a vigilante, and a crime lord become reluctant allies in the quest to save their city from a dangerous ancient magic.May you see the face and not the mask.Ren came to Nadežra with a plan. She would pose as the long-lost daughter of the noble house Traementis. She would secure a fortune for herself and her sister. And she would vanish without a backward glance. She ought to have known that in the city of dreams, nothing is ever so simple.Now, she is Ren, con-artist and thief. But she is also Renata, the celebrated Traementis heir. She is Arenza, the mysterious pattern-reader and political rebel. And she is the Black Rose, a vigilante who fights alongside the legendary Rook. Even with the help of Grey Serrado and Derossi Vargo, it is too many masks for one person to wear. And as the dark magic the three of them helped unleash builds to storm that could tear the very fabric of the city apart, it's only a matter of time before one of the masks slips-and everything comes crashing down around them.'The Mask of Mirrors is exactly the fantasy adventure novel you're craving: an escape into a vast, enchanting world of danger, secret identities, and glittering prose' Tasha Suri, author of The Jasmine Throne'The Mask of Mirrors kept me up reading way past my bedtime. A web of intrigue, magic, and the art of the con this novel will catch hold of your dreams and keep you from sleeping'Mary Robinette Kowal, author of The Calculating Stars'The Mask of Mirrors ushers you into the fascinating city of Nadezra, replete with complex politics, intricate magic, and mysteries that readers will be racing to unravel. Wonderfully immersive--I was unable to put it down'Andrea Stewart, author of The Bone Shard Daughter'An intricate, compelling dream of a book that kept me turning pages, with a world and characters that felt deeply real and plenty of riveting twists and turns. I loved it!'Melissa Caruso, author of The Obsidian Tower'For those who like their revenge plots served with the intrigue of The Goblin Emperor, the colonial conflict of The City of Brass, the panache of Swordspoint, and the richly detailed settings of Guy Gavriel Kay' Booklist (starred review)'Utterly captivating. Carrick spins an exciting web of mystery, magic, and political treachery in a richly drawn and innovative world.' S. A. Chakraborty, author of The City of Brass

Labyrinth's Heart (Rook & Rose #3)

by M. A. Carrick

&“Lush, engrossing and full of mystery and dark magic" (BookPage), Labyrinth's Heart is the thrilling conclusion to M. A. Carrick's Rook & Rose trilogy, in which a con artist, a vigilante, and a crime lord become reluctant allies in the quest to save their city from a dangerous ancient magic.May you see the face and not the mask. Ren came to Nadežra with a plan. She would pose as the long-lost daughter of the noble house Traementis. She would secure a fortune for herself and her sister. And she would vanish without a backward glance. She ought to have known that in the city of dreams, nothing is ever so simple. Now, she is Ren, con-artist and thief. But she is also Renata, the celebrated Traementis heir. She is Arenza, the mysterious pattern-reader and political rebel. And she is the Black Rose, a vigilante who fights alongside the legendary Rook. Even with the help of Grey Serrado and Derossi Vargo, it is too many masks for one person to wear. And as the dark magic the three of them helped unleash builds to storm that could tear the very fabric of the city apart, it's only a matter of time before one of the masks slips—and everything comes crashing down around them.The Rook & Rose trilogyThe Mask of Mirrors The Liar's Knot Labyrinth's Heart

L'Académie maudite Tome 1 - Le demi-vampire

by Diederich Marie-Violaine Belinda Laj

Ce livre va vous emmener dans un monde parallèle plein de mystères. Julian Laurent n'est pas comme les autres vampires : le Seigneur des immortels a refusé de le marquer. C'est la raison pour laquelle sa vie à l'Académie maudite va vite devenir un enfer : les autres immortels, vampires, anges, démons et mortels au sang mêlé, le considèrent comme un être inférieur. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, il devra gérer le retour de Mia, son ex dont il n'a plus aucun souvenir. Julian pense que sa vie d'adolescent est compliquée mais il est loin d'imaginer ce qui l'attend derrière les murs de l'Académie. Bientôt, une bande de renégats va essayer d'avoir sa peau alors qu'un pouvoir dangereusement puissant ne cesse de croitre au fond de lui. Julian prend ses responsabilités et essaye de libérer les étudiants de l'emprise de la marque, mais un lien invisible le lie au Seigneur des immortels et l'empêche de mener à bien sa mission.La vérité dépasse ses pires cauchemars.

Lacarna's Flight

by Marc Baco E. S. Dempsey

Lacarna and her family are brave warriors fighting with the rebels against the servants of the Great Old Gods. But some devastating events cause the elf to question the value of their struggle. One day her son finds and shows her a dimensional gate leading to a different world. Lacarna is conflicted between her loyalty to the rebels and a future of peace together with her family. It seems there is a great opportunity for the rebels to turn the tide. But Lacarna's intuition warns against it. She has a difficult choice to make. This short volume is the prequel to The Wheel of Fortune series.

L'accueil d'un héros

by Jan Springer

Être blessé et retenu prisonnier n’était pas ce que l’astronaute Joe Héros avait en tête quand il a accepté d’explorer une planète récemment découverte pour la NASA. Mais seul un homme mort peut rester indifférent à la médecin sexy chargée de ses soins. Une nuit de passion enflammée dans les bras de l’étranger d’une autre planète est assez pour convaincre Annie que les hommes sont bien plus que ce qu’on lui avait enseigné. Qui est cet homme sexy et pourquoi a-t-elle envie de l’accueillir dans son lit à chaque occasion qu’elle a ?

The Lace Reader: A Novel

by Brunonia Barry

Every gift has a price . . . every piece of lace has a secret.Towner Whitney, the self-confessed unreliable narrator, hails from a family of Salem women who can read the future in the patterns in lace, and who have guarded a history of secrets going back generations. Now the disappearance of two women is bringing Towner back home to Salem—and is bringing to light the shocking truth about the death of her twin sister.

Lacey the Little Mermaid Fairy: A Rainbow Magic Book (The Fairy Tale Fairies #7)

by Daisy Meadows

Join the Fairy Tale Fairies as they make sure everyone's favorite fairy tale characters get their happily ever after! Happily Ever After? Once upon a time, Rachel and Kirsty were excited to attend the special Fairy Tale Festival at TipTop Castle. But when Jack Frost steals the Fairy Tale Fairies' magic items, stories everywhere get all jumbled up. Even worse, characters from inside the books are coming to life and finding their way into the human world! The girls only have one more magic item left to find. When Lacey's magic conch shell is returned to her, the Little Mermaid will be safely back where she belongs! Find the special fairy object in each book and help save the Fairy Tale Magic!

Lacey the Little Mermaid Fairy: The Fairytale Fairies Book 4 (Rainbow Magic #4)

by Daisy Meadows

Get ready for an exciting fairy adventure with the no. 1 bestselling series for girls aged 5 and up. Kirsty and Rachel are having a wonderful time at the Fairytale Festival. But Jack Frost has stolen Fairytale Fairies' magical objects, and now Fairytale characters are lost in the human world! Can Rachel and Kirsty help find them and keep fairytales everywhere magical? 'These stories are magic; they turn children into readers!' Read all four fairy adventures in the Fairytale Fairies set! Julia the Sleeping Beauty Fairy; Eleanor the Snow White Fairy; Faith the Cinderella Fairy; Lacey the Little Mermaid Fairy. If you like Rainbow Magic, check out Daisy Meadows' other series: Magic Animal Friends and Unicorn Magic!

Lacrime d'Angelo

by Valmore Daniels Fabrocini Barbara

Il mio nome è Serena Rogers. Dopo essere fuggita dal riformatorio, tutto quel che volevo era scappare da casa per mai più far ritorno. Ma tutto è cambiato quando ho scoperto l’oscuro segreto che ossessiona la mia famiglia ancora prima che io nascessi. Non sono la persona che credevo di essere. Quando mi imbatto in un’armata di rivoluzionari, verrò messa davanti ad una decisione impossibile da prendere: combatterli rischiando le vite delle persone che amo, o unirmi a loro e perdere la mia anima.

Lacrime di ossidiana

by Daniel D. Lamoreux Doug Lamoreux Elisabetta De Martino

La Madre Terra piange. Yellowstone sta morendo. Nuovi problemi si profilano all’orizzonte per il ranger capo Glenn Merrill; pare infatti che l’esistenza di Yellowstone sia minacciata da scosse telluriche e dall’imminente eruzione di un supervulcano. Ma non è tutto. Una serie di uccisioni raccapriccianti, che hanno coinvolto animali, turisti e un ranger, sta sconvolgendo il più antico parco nazionale del paese. Qualcosa di terribile sta prendendo possesso della terra. Questa volta il ranger capo, coraggiosamente impegnato a far cessare queste morti misteriose, potrebbe però andare incontro alla sua fine. Lacrime di ossidiana immerge Glenn, il suo amico Shoshone, una giovane e determinata sismologa e uno sciamano Arapaho nel mondo del misticismo indiano. Uomo e natura dovranno unire le forze o rischieranno di abbandonare tutta l’umanità a un male antico.

Lacrime d'oro

by Gayle Ramage

Brisingamen: una collana forgiata da quattro nani nell’antichità. Si dice che chi la indossa piange lacrime d’oro. Brisingamen: una collana conservata in una teca di vetro, su una mensola nel bagno di una casa di Edimburgo, appartenente a una donna di nome Hattie. Brisingamen: una collana che verrà rubata da una ladra che non sospetta niente. La serie… Giganti, folletti, sirene sono creature appartenenti al mondo delle fiabe. Ma cosa succederebbe se invece questi esseri fossero reali come lo siamo noi? Non sono facili da trovare, ma guardando attentamente potresti riuscirci. Grazie ai suoi occhi di colori diversi, Hattie, che abita a Edimburgo, può vedere il goblin che, seduto su una panchina nel parco, fa lo sgambetto ai passanti, o la salamandra che si rilassa in mezzo alle fiamme di un falò. Non ha intenzione di infastidire le creature, a meno che le creature non infastidiscano lei, ma se iniziano a combinare guai… sarà meglio che facciano attenzione. Questo libro è il secondo della saga fantasy “Creature di Edimburgo”.

Lacrime e Velluto Cremisi: Un racconto de L'Eredità della Maschera (Serie L'Eredità della Maschera #2)

by A L Butcher

Madame Giry si ritrova invischiata nella tragedia del Teatro dell'Opera; misteri e omicidi percorrono i corridoi e, si dice, un fantasma infesti quei luoghi. Giry conosce la verità, perché ricorda l'uomo in gabbia incontrato tanti anni prima. Questa è la sua storia, la loro storia. Quando omicidi e misteri iniziano a fare la loro comparsa al Teatro dell'Opera, una donna sa chi c'è dietro, e cosa si trovi davvero dietro la maschera. Segreti, bugie e tragedie cantano una canzone potente, in questa storia del 'sarebbe potuto essere'. .Una breve, tragica storia basata sui personaggi del Fantasma dell'Opera. Un racconto de L'Eredità della Maschera.

The Lad and the Lion

by Edgar Rice Burroughs

In THE LAD AND THE LION, Edgar Rice Burroughs has returned to a theme that catapulted his name to fame when he wrote "Tarzan of the Apes". For here is the story of a youth - actually a deposed king - whose life is preserved by a miracle and who grows up on a derelict ship in companion with a lion.Eventually the winds and currents deposit the strange pair on the coast of Africa, and the youth learns the lessons of the wild, helped by his closest friend and protector, the giant, black-maned lion.The book is filled with the loyalty and staunch friendship of beasts - and with the treachery of man. It has all the trills and adventure and suspense that have made fans of millions of Edgar Rice Burroughs readers.

The Ladder in the Sky: The Wrong End Of Time, The Ladder In The Sky, And The Productions Of Time

by John Brunner

"One of the most important science fiction authors. Brunner held a mirror up to reflect our foibles because he wanted to save us from ourselves."--SF SiteFor each generation, there is a writer meant to bend the rules of what we know. Hugo Award winner (Best Novel, STAND ON ZANZIBAR) and British science fiction master John Brunner remains one of the most influential and respected authors of all time, and now E-Reads is pleased to re-introduce many of his classic works. For readers familiar with his vision, it's a chance to re-examine his thoughtful worlds and words, while for new readers, Brunner's work proves itself the very definition of timeless.In THE LADDER IN THE SKY, a starving youth, trapped in poverty and with no hope of escape, is taken prisoner and offered up in an actual "deal with the devil,"--servitude for a year and a day in return for helping a resistance group free their imprisoned planetary leader. When he returns to consciousness, he is told that the devil has taken up residence inside him. At first, he thinks nothing is changed and he can take advantage of the situation but some upsetting surprises are in store for him. With an SF setting and a fantasy premise, this is one of Brunner's best hybrids of action, magic, technology and suspense.

The Ladder in the Sky

by John Brunner

The man in black picked up something which had been leaning beside him. A ring perhaps two feet wide . . . yet when the man in black laid it down on the floor it was as large as he was tall.The light went out. A bluish glow now emanated from the ring, revealing Bryda's face ghastly gray as she leaned forward, and Yarco's also, set and serious, and the conjurer's impassive.And within the ring, where moments before there had been the bare planks of the floor, a shape that moved, and opened eyes glowing like coals, and spoke.'What world is this?' the awful voice inquired.(First published 1962)

The Ladder in the Sky

by John Brunner

The man in black picked up something which had been leaning beside him. A ring perhaps two feet wide . . . yet when the man in black laid it down on the floor it was as large as he was tall.The light went out. A bluish glow now emanated from the ring, revealing Bryda's face ghastly gray as she leaned forward, and Yarco's also, set and serious, and the conjurer's impassive.And within the ring, where moments before there had been the bare planks of the floor, a shape that moved, and opened eyes glowing like coals, and spoke.'What world is this?' the awful voice inquired.(First published 1962)

Ladder to the Red Star

by Jael Wye

Once upon a ruined Earth 300 years in the future...Jacques Tallinn, biotech smuggler and thief, is after the cure for a brain disorder he's suffered since childhood-a disorder inflicted by a powerful tyrant. To get the cure, Jacques will need to climb the space elevator to the new Zenith space station hovering above Earth and go undercover in the lab where it's produced.Martian head tech Devi Chandra is immediately intrigued by her sexy new lab assistant. Though she insists on keeping things professional, she finds herself charmed by Jacques. Until he betrays her trust, kidnapping her and spiriting her off to Earth.All Jacques needed to do was steal the biotech and get back home. But when things go wrong, he can't bring himself to leave Devi behind. Now she's injured and a simple caper has become an intergalactic cause, endangering his life and the lives of millions of others. But the hardest part? Winning back Devi's trust.99,000 words

L'Addestramento della Regina: La Regina di Orano #1 (La Regina di Orano #1 #1)

by Noelle Riches

Non basta una donna qualsiasi per diventare regina. Prima di tutto, deve essere addestrata... Promessa al Re di Orano, Soriana deve sottoporsi a un anno di addestramento per imparare tutto ciò che ci si aspetta da lei prima delle nozze, ma quando il secondo in comando del re, un uomo irraggiungibile e segnato da cicatrici, prende in mano la sua formazione, viene finalmente scossa dalla passione necessaria a svolgere il suo nuovo ruolo di regina. Incapace di tenere il suo cuore lontano dall'uomo che non può avere, ma con la possibilità di poter finalmente cambiare la vita del suo popolo, e la sua rivale d'infanzia che fa di tutto per usurpare la sua posizione, Soriana deve decidere se è abbastanza forte da rinunciare all'amore che non avrebbe mai sperato di trovare per diventare la donna di cui il suo popolo ha così disperatamente bisogno.

Ladies from Hell

by Keith Roberts

Ladies from Hell contains five long stories. "The Shack at Great Cross Halt" describes a Britain dominated by motorways, juggernauts and a tyranny, in which the unfortunates of society eke out a miserable existence scavenging items that fall off lorries. "The Ministry of Children" shows comprehensive schools having become terrifying battlegrounds dominated by vicious gangs. "The Big Fans" concerns an experiment in wind-powered electricity which accidentally unleashes an apocalyptic storm of effects. "Our Lady of Destruction" ironically depicts a future in which a Stalinist British government taxes 'non-productive' people (i.e. artists) at over 100% and assigns them individual Overseers to regulate their work. "Missa Privata" shows an opera singer in a communist-dominated Britain making a defiant individual gesture which will bring about her own ruin. These are not stories of spaceships and alien worlds; rather they are studies of imminent social change, written out of passionate concern about the directions in which our society may be heading - stories, in fact, in the great Orwellian tradition. Most importantly, they are stories about people: believable, defiant individuals struggling against oppressive forces.

Ladies from Hell

by Keith Roberts

Ladies from Hell contains five long stories. "The Shack at Great Cross Halt" describes a Britain dominated by motorways, juggernauts and a tyranny, in which the unfortunates of society eke out a miserable existence scavenging items that fall off lorries. "The Ministry of Children" shows comprehensive schools having become terrifying battlegrounds dominated by vicious gangs. "The Big Fans" concerns an experiment in wind-powered electricity which accidentally unleashes an apocalyptic storm of effects. "Our Lady of Destruction" ironically depicts a future in which a Stalinist British government taxes 'non-productive' people (i.e. artists) at over 100% and assigns them individual Overseers to regulate their work. "Missa Privata" shows an opera singer in a communist-dominated Britain making a defiant individual gesture which will bring about her own ruin. These are not stories of spaceships and alien worlds; rather they are studies of imminent social change, written out of passionate concern about the directions in which our society may be heading - stories, in fact, in the great Orwellian tradition. Most importantly, they are stories about people: believable, defiant individuals struggling against oppressive forces.

The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories

by Susanna Clarke

Collection of fantasy short stories by the author of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.

The Ladies of Mandrigyn (Sun Wolf and Starhawk #1)

by Barbara Hambly

The City of Mandrigyn was conquered and its men enslaved by the Wizard King, Altiokis. The women of the city led by Sheera Galernas, hire the mercenary army Captain Sun Wolf to train and lead the ladies against Altriokis.

The Ladies of Mandrigyn (The Sun Wolf and Starhawk Series #1)

by Barbara Hambly

First in the series from a New York Times–bestselling author and &“fabulously talented writer&” featuring a brilliant mercenary and his fierce female partner (Charlaine Harris). Gifted with courage, strength, and the intelligence to know when to fight, Sun Wolf is the greatest mercenary in a land overrun by war. With his first lieutenant, Starhawk—a woman more deadly than any man—at his side, he has laid waste to countless cities, taking the best of their treasures for himself, and distributing the rest among his bloodthirsty crew. Then a woman comes to him, an emissary from the town of Mandrigyn, a lush port city recently sacked by a powerful, mad wizard of unmatched abilities. She offers Sun Wolf untold riches for the use of his army, but the captain is not fool enough to wage war against a magician. He refuses her offer, but that is not the end of it. The women of Mandrigyn can be very persuasive. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Barbara Hambly, including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

The Ladies of the Secret Circus

by Constance Sayers

From the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story set in Jazz Age Paris and modern-day America of family secrets and lost love set against the backdrop of an extraordinary circus.Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter a world of wonder—a world where women weave illusions of magnificent beasts, carousels take you back in time, and trapeze artists float across the sky. Bound to her family's circus, it's the only world Cecile Cabot knows until she meets a charismatic young painter and embarks on a passionate affair that could cost her everything.Virginia, 2004:Lara Barnes is on top of the world, until her fiancé disappears on their wedding day. When her desperate search for answers unexpectedly leads to her great-grandmother&’s journals, Lara is swept into a story of a dark circus and ill-fated love.Soon secrets about Lara&’s family history begin to come to light, revealing a curse that has been claiming payment from the women in her family for generations. A curse that might be tied to her fiancé&’s mysterious disappearancePraise for The Ladies of the Secret Circus:"At times decadent and macabre, The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a mesmerizing tale of love, treachery, and depraved magic percolating through four generations of Cabot women." —Luanne G. Smith, author of The Vine Witch"Fans of Erin Morgenstern&’s The Night Circus will love this page-turning story of dark magic, star-crossed love, and familial sacrifice." —Publishers Weekly (starred review)"Ambitious and teeming with magic, Sayers creates a fascinating mix of art, The Belle Époque, and more than a little murder.&” —Erika Swyler, author of The Book of Speculation For more from Constance Sayers, check out A Witch in Time.

The Ladies of the Secret Circus: enter a world of wonder with this spellbinding novel

by Constance Sayers

'Romance, mystery, and a family curse - The Ladies of the Secret Circus has it all' PopsugarFrom the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story spanning from Jazz Age Paris to modern-day America of family secrets, sacrifice, and lost love set against the backdrop of a mysterious circus. Perfect for fans of The Night Circus and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.The surest way to get a ticket to Le Cirque Secret is to wish for it . . .Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter a world of wonder - a world where women weave illusions, carousels take you back in time, and trapeze artists float across the sky. Bound to her family's circus, it's the only world Cecile Cabot knows until she meets a charismatic young painter and embarks on a passionate affair that could cost her everything.Virginia, 2004: Lara Barnes is on top of the world, but when her fiancé disappears on their wedding day every plan she has for the future comes crashing down. Desperate, Lara's search for answers unexpectedly lead to her great-grandmother's journals.Swept into a story of a dark circus and ill-fated love, secrets about Lara's family history come to light and reveal a curse that has been claiming payment from the women in her family for generations. A curse that might be tied to her fiancé's mysterious fate . . .Why readers love The Ladies of the Secret Circus . . .'A spellbinding historical fantasy . . . Fans of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus will love this page-turning story of dark magic, star-crossed love, and familial sacrifice' Publishers Weekly (starred review)'At times decadent and macabre, The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a mesmerizing tale of love, treachery, and depraved magic percolating through four generations of Cabot women' Luanne G. Smith, author of The Vine Witch'Ambitious and teeming with magic, Sayers creates a fascinating mix of art, The Belle Époque, and more than a little murder' Erika Swyler, author of The Book of Speculation'The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a dazzling tale, laced with sinister magic, blood and beauty, love and loss. This is a book that will haunt you long after the last page is turned' Alyssa Palombo, author of The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel'Spellbinding. The Ladies Of The Secret Circus is a dazzling, high-wire feat of storytelling' Catherine Taylor, author of Beyond the Moon'The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a book to get lost in' BookPage

Ladies Prefer Rogues: Four Novellas of Time-Travel Passion

by Trish Jensen Sandra Hill Veronica Wolff Janet Chapman

Four national bestselling authors--Janet Chapman, Sandra Hill, Veronica Wolff, and Trish Jensen--present four tales of time travel and romance in this brand-new collection.

Ladivine: A novel

by Marie Ndiaye

From the hugely acclaimed author of Three Strong Women--"a masterpiece of narrative ingenuity and emotional extremes" (The New York Times)--here is a harrowing and subtly crafted novel of a woman captive to a secret shame. On the first Tuesday of every month, Clarisse Rivière leaves her husband and young daughter and secretly takes the train to Bordeaux to visit her mother, Ladivine. Just as Clarisse's husband and daughter know nothing of Ladivine, Clarisse herself has hidden nearly every aspect of her adult life from this woman, whom she dreads and despises but also pities. Long ago abandoned by Clarisse's father, Ladivine works as a housecleaner and has no one but her daughter, whom she knows as Malinka. After more than twenty-five years of this deception, the idyllic middle-class existence Clarisse has built from scratch can no longer survive inside the walls she's put up to protect it. Her untold anguish leaves her cold and guarded, her loved ones forever trapped outside, looking in. When her husband, Richard, finally leaves her, Clarisse finds comfort in the embrace of a volatile local man, Freddy Moliger. With Freddy, she finally feels reconciled to, or at least at ease with, her true self. But this peace comes at a terrible price. Clarisse will be brutally murdered, and it will be left to her now-grown daughter, who also bears the name Ladivine without knowing why, to work out who her mother was and what happened to her. A mesmerizing and heart-stopping psychological tale of a trauma that ensnares three generations of women, Ladivine proves Marie NDiaye to be one of Europe's great storytellers. Translated from the French by Jordan StumpFrom the Hardcover edition.


by Marie NDiaye

Longlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2016Clarisse Rivière's life is shaped by a refusal to admit to her husband Richard and to her daughter Ladivine that her mother is a poor black housekeeper. Instead, weighed down by guilt, she pretends to be an orphan, visiting her mother in secret and telling no-one of her real identity as Malinka, daughter of Ladivine Sylla. In time, her lies turn against her. Richard leaves Clarisse, frustrated by the unbridgeable, indecipherable gulf between them. Clarisse is devastated, but finds solace in a new man, Freddy Moliger, who is let into the secret about her mother, and is even introduced to her. But Ladivine, her daughter, who is now married herself, cannot shake a bad feeling about her mother's new lover, convinced that he can bring only chaos and pain into her life. When she is proved right, in the most tragic circumstances, the only comfort the family can turn to requires a leap of faith beyond any they could have imagined.Centred around three generations of women, whose seemingly cursed lineage is defined by the weight of origins, the pain of alienation and the legacy of shame, Ladivine is a beguiling story of secrets, lies, guilt and forgiveness by one of Europe's most unique literary voices.Translated from the French by Jordan Stump

El lado de la sombra

by Adolfo Bioy Casares

Bioy Casares retoma en El lado de la sombra temas pasados: los cuentos «El lado de la sombra» y «Los afanes» vuelven a La invención de Morel desde diferentes ángulos. Tal vez en este libro se vea mejor que en ningún otro ciertas peculiaridades del cuento de Bioy Casares que lo vinculan con la novela: sus elaborados marcos narrativos que muchas veces tienen estructura de muñecas rusas, las millas acumuladas en sus itinerarios y, principalmente, sus exquisitas digresiones. Todo eso aparece en muchos de estos diez relatos publicados en 1962, sobre todo en la excursión, en principio, literaria a Mar del Plata de «La obra», en ese policial perfecto, cinematográfico y escalofriante que es «Cavar un foso» (cuento citado en La noche de la Usina de Eduardo Sacheri) y, por supuesto, en «El lado de la sombra», que inaugura y da nombre al libro, y donde un turista se encuentra con Veblen, un viejo amigo que, a cambiode una copa, le cuenta cómo fue que llegó a arruinar su vida al obsesionarse con su amante Leda, en una trama que incluye hoteles de lujo, fuego en casi todos los sentidos y una serie de extrañas recurrencias que recuerdan la inolvidable atmósfera de La invención de Morel.

El Lado Oscuro de la Luna

by C. Sean Mcgee

Ambientado con le letra y la musica de Dark Side of the Moon de Pink Floyd, esta es la historia de Theodore, el conejo privado de sus derechos; trabajar incansablemente en la luna para cavar un agujero de un lado a otro para dejar pasar el sol; tocar en una banda de rock mundana y tener sexo desenfrenado pero sin mucho entusiasmo.

El ladrón de reflejos

by Marta Luján

Un viaje a una dimensión atemporal. Una historia donde la magia del presente y del pasado se entrecruzan. Un amor y una amistad puestas a prueba en medio de los peligros y la traición. ¿Qué puedes hacer cuando has perdido tu reflejo, ese que ves todas las mañanas en un espejo? Malco pertenece a una antigua familia de magos y estudia alquimia en la universidad. Cuando unas vacaciones regresa a casa, descubre una mañana que su reflejo ha desaparecido del espejo. Decidido a descubrir qué ha pasado, le pide ayuda a su hermana Lyra. Esta, junto con su amiga Akara -una preciosa chica que hace que el corazón de Malco se detenga cada vez que la mira-, descubrirán que alguien ha manipulado el espejo transformándolo en una puerta a otra dimensión. Cuando descubren cuál es la llave que abre la puerta, tendrán que decidir si atravesarla, y asumir el riesgo de que tal vez no puedan regresar a su mundo, o dejar las cosas como están. La decisión final los llevará a un viaje interdimensional hacia el pasado, hasta descubrir cuál es la identidad del ladrón de reflejos y cuál es el precio que han de pagar para regresar a su propio tiempo.

Ladrón de tiempo

by Greg Krojac

El cosplayer steampunk extremo, Aristóteles, es un investigador privado temporal cuyas tareas habituales suelen ser investigar a los cónyuges infieles viajando al pasado para pillarlos en flagrante delito. Un trabajo sucio, pero alguien tiene que hacerlo. Está en la Biblioteca Británica, investigando información de fondo para un nuevo caso, cuando el texto y las imágenes de la página que está leyendo desaparecen ante sus ojos. Resulta que los miembros del Proyecto Clockwise, el equipo que descubrió el viaje en el tiempo, están siendo misteriosamente borrados de la existencia. Si el viaje en el tiempo nunca se descubre, el trabajo de Aristóteles también dejará de existir. Sólo hay una cosa que puede hacer: viajar más atrás en el tiempo de lo que nunca ha estado, averiguar quién es el responsable de la desaparición de la línea temporal y detenerlo.

El ladrón del rayo: Percy Jackson y los dioses del Olimpo I (Percy Jackson y los dioses del Olimpo #Volumen 1)

by Rick Riordan

El ladrón del rayo da comienzo a la serie «Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo». Acompaña a Percy a través de esta apasionante serie de aventuras sobre un mundo secreto, el mundo que los antiguos dioses griegos han recreado a nuestro alrededor en pleno siglo XXI. ¿Qué pasaría si un día descubrieras que, en realidad, eres hijo de un dios griego que debe cumplir una misión secreta?Pues eso es lo que le sucede a Percy Jackson, que a partir de ese momento se dispone a vivir los acontecimientos más emocionantes de su vida. Expulsado de seis colegios, Percy padece dislexia y dificultades para concentrarse, o al menos ésa es la versión oficial. Objeto de burlas por inventarse historias fantásticas, ni siquiera él mismo acaba de creérselas hasta el día que los dioses del Olimpo le revelan la verdad: Percy es nada menos que un semidiós, es decir, el hijo de un dios y una mortal. Y como tal ha de descubrir quién ha robado el rayo de Zeus y así evitar que estalle una guerra entre los dioses. Para cumplir la misión contará con la ayuda de sus amigos Grover, un joven sátiro, y Annabeth, hija de Atenea. ** Más vendidos del The New York Times y Publishers Weekly. ** Llevada a la gran pantalla a cargo de Chris Columbus, director de las dos primeras entregas de «Harry Potter». Sobre «Percy Jackson y los Dioses del Olimpo» se ha dicho:«No sigas buscando al nuevo Harry Potter: descubre a Percy Jackson, como lo han hecho ya legiones de admiradores.»Kirkus Reviews

Ladrón del Tiempo (Mundodisco #Volumen 26)

by Terry Pratchett

En el Mundodisco se inicia una carrera contrarreloj para impedir que el Tiempo se detenga... La entrega número 26 de la serie del Mundodisco. Tic Las figuras grises conocidas como los Auditores de la Realidad piensan que los humanos ya han desordenado bastante el universo con su irracionalidad y su fantasía. Y han ideado un plan: detener el tiempo para catalogar y organizar tranquilamente todo lo que existe. Tac El tiempo, sin embargo, tiene sus propios paladines. Los Monjes de la Historia trabajan desde su monasterio para que los humanos puedan seguir jugando con el tiempo, ganándolo, perdiéndolo o regalándolo. Tic Mientras en Ankh-Morpork un relojero empieza a construir el reloj que marcará con toda precisión el tic del universo y detendrá el tiempo, en el lejano monasterio un joven extraordinario inicia su aprendizaje junto al héroe de mil historias Lu-Tze el Barredor. Tac El tiempo avanza inexorable hacia su fin, y los cinco (¡no, no eran cuatro!) jinetes del Apocalipsis recorren el Mundodisco. Solo la Muerte sabe que tal vez el mismísimo Tiempo sea más humano de lo que debiera, que puede haber tenido un hijo y que, si quiere impedir el plan de los Auditores, necesitará la ayuda de la familia. Ti... Reseña:«Aparte de las sonoras carcajadas que provoca, Ladrón del tiempo sigue proporcionando ese placer en estado puro que explica las legiones de adictos a las novelas de Pratchett.»The Times

Ladrón del tiempo (Mundodisco #26)

by Terry Pratchett

TicLas figuras grises conocidas como los Auditores de la Realidad piensan que los humanos ya han desordenado bastante el universo con su irracionalidad y su fantasía. Y han ideado un plan: detener el tiempo para catalogar y organizar tranquilamente todo lo que existe.TacEl tiempo, sin embargo, tiene sus propios paladines. Los Monjes de la Historia trabajan desde su monasterio para que los humanos puedan seguir jugando con el tiempo, ganándolo, perdiéndolo o regalándolo.TicMientras en Ankh-Morpork un relojero empieza a construir el reloj que marcará con toda precisión el tic del universo y detendrá el tiempo, en el lejano monasterio un joven extraordinario inicia su aprendizaje junto al héroe de mil historias Lu-Tze el Barredor.TacEl tiempo avanza inexorable hacia su fin, y los cinco (¡no, no eran cuatro!) jinetes del Apocalipsis recorren el Mundodisco. Solo la Muerte sabe que tal vez el mismísimo Tiempo sea más humano de lo que debiera, que puede haber tenido un hijo y que, si quiere impedir el plan de los Auditores, necesitará la ayuda de la familia.Ti...«Aparte de las sonoras carcajadas que provoca, Ladrón del tiempo sigue proporcionando ese placer en estado puro que explica las legiones de adictos a las novelas de Pratchett.»The Times

El ladrón mago (El ladrón mago #Volumen 1)

by Sarah Prineas

Un gran mago tropieza con un ladrón que resulta tener poderos mágicos. Un ladrón tiene mucho de mago. Yo soy rápido con las manos. Y puedo hacer desaparecer cosas. Pero un día se me ocurrió robarle al mago su locus magicalicus y el que estuvo a punto de desaparecer para siempre fui yo.

El ladrón mago

by Sarah Prineas

Un ladrón tiene mucho de mago. Yo soy rápido con las manos. Y puedo hacer desaparecer cosas. Pero un día se me ocurrió robarle al mago su locus magicalicus y el que estuvo a punto de desaparecer para siempre fui yo.

La ladrona de espejos (La trastienda Batibaleno #4)

by Pierdomenico Baccalario

Aiby está en peligro: la reunión de las familias de Trastiendas Mágicas se ha convertido en una trampa mortal para ella. A Finley no le queda otra opción que partir en su busca y desafiar a Semueld Askell, el peor enemigo de la Trastienda Batibaleno. Con la ayuda de su fiel perro y de las armas que Aiby le ha dejado, Finley deberá, antes de nada, descubrir cuál es el lugar de reunión de las siete familias... Pero en su búsqueda caerá preso en la más inexpugnable de las fortalezas, donde se enfrentará cara a cara con una parte de sí mismo que jamás habría querido descubrir.

Lady: My Life as a Bitch

by Melvin Burgess

If you gotta be a dog, be a bitch. Sandra Francy is seventeen and having way too much fun. Everyone wants to stop her but the problem is, she likes it. When she accidentally gets turned into a dog she's horrified at first, but soon she starts to wonder if being human is worth the effort. Her attempts to hang on to her humanity are bizarre and often hilarious -- but her life as a dog leads her to pleasures she hardly knew existed. Award-winning author Melvin Burgess brilliantly captures the realities of teenage life and hormone imbalance.

The Lady (Gods of the Caravan Road #3)

by K. V. Johansen

Possessed by a ghost who feeds on death, the undying assassin Ahjvar the Leopard has been captured by the Lady of Marakand, enslaved by necromancy to be captain of her Red Masks. His shield-bearer Ghu, a former slave with an uncanny ability to free the captive dead, follows Ahjvar into the war-torn lands of the Duina Catairna to release him, even if that means destroying what is left of Ahj's tormented soul. Deyandara, the last surviving heir of the Catairnan queen, rides into a land ravaged by disease and war, seeking the allies she abandoned months before, though they have no hope of standing against the army led by the invulnerable Red Masks of Marakand and the divine terror of the Lady. In the city of Marakand, former enemies ally and old friends seek one another's deaths as loyalists of the entombed gods Gurhan and Ilbialla raise a revolt, spearheaded by the Grasslander wizard Ivah, the shapeshifting Blackdog, and the bear-demon Mikki. The Lady's defenses are not easily breached, though, and the one enemy who might withstand her, the Northron wanderer Moth, bearer of the sword Lakkariss, has vanished.

The Lady: A Novel

by Anne Mccaffrey

They are the Caradynes, who for over 200 years have bred and trained horses of the finest caliber on Coernanagh. But all is not idyllic at hearth and home. Catriona, the youngest child, longs to ride her family's big jumpers and show horses. Her father Michael, recognizes her gift, but her mother hates the very idea. All is in a stalemate until Lady Selina Healy enters their lives, and provides for Catriona and her father a stunning example of how the reins of power can be held by a glorious, fearles...

The Lady and Little Fox Fur

by Violette Leduc

Trapped in the depths of poverty, an old woman escapes into an existence where objects, streets, and entire cities have voices and personalities. Told with a feather-light touch and masterful compassion, this is a story for those moments when we catch ourselves talking to the furniture.

Lady and the Vamp (Immortality Bites, Book #3)

by Michelle Rowen

Former vampire hunter Michael Quinn is living a nightmare: he's been turned into a vampire. His only hope is the "Eye"--a long-lost artifact that, once every millennium, will grant one wish to its possessor. Fortunately for Quinn, he has a map detailing the path to the "Eye. " All he needs to do is find it, then he can wish himself back into humanity. Janie Parker has made a lot of many mistakes in her life, not the least of which was getting tricked into working for a demon. Not only is the pay awful, but she has to successfully complete all her unsavory assignments or risk a torturous death. Her latest mission is to track a vampire who apparently knows where some stupid treasure is. No problem. Until she sees who the vampire is -- Michael Quinn, a man she's had a crush on since she was twelve years old. Too bad she'll have to kill him to get to the "Eye. " But Quinn and Janie are kindred spirits, and soon they're falling in love even though they're after what the other person is desperate for: the "Eye".

A Lady Can Never Be Too Curious

by Mary Wine

On the outside, Janette Aston appears to be a proper young lady; however, the people of England have no idea that this poised young miss secretly studies the scientific discoveries of the mysterious Illuminist Society. Janette soon grows hungry for more secrets about this Society, and she finds herself impersonating an Illuminist to discover more information. As she is exposed to secrets and dangers she never could have imagined, she begins to wonder if she's finally gone too far. But when she runs into gorgeous Illuminist Guardian Darius Lawley, she finds that, while her life is in danger, her sense of curiosity is most certainly piqued. . .

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet No. 19

by Gavin J Grant

November 2006 <p><p> aka 10 years of doing it all wrong.

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet No. 20

by Kelly Link Gavin J Grant

The June 2007 issue of Lady Churchill's No. 20

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet No. 26

by Kelly Link Gavin J Grant

Eight stories: dread pirate ships, dread submersibles, dread sheds! Alice, Three-Hat Juan, and welders in love. Ted Chiang on folk biology. And that cover!

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet No. 27

by Gavin J. Grant Kelly Link

As is traditional in the world of zines, we apologize for the lateness of the current issue to appear. This, er, tradition goes back to Bob, the first caveman. Damn his late eyes. Also, we introduce a new columnist, Nicole Kimberling, who will write about food. This time, she starts us off with that most delightful of comestibles: brownies.

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet No. 28

by Kelly Link Gavin J Grant

The latest issue of LCRW features magic, killing curses, broken lands and broken lands, a wandering octopus, a robot on the run, invisibility, neighbors, and The Book of Judgment. What is not to love? <P><P>Our cooking columnist Nicole Kimberling returns with advice on "Feeding Strays" and although we only managed one poem, it's a good one.

Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet No. 33

by Michael J. Deluca Kelly Link Gavin J Grant

Guest edited by Michigan writer Michael J. DeLuca, LCRW #33 approaches its theme of humanity's relationship with the earth with a little humor, a touch of horror, and seventeen different kinds of understanding.<P><P> Includes multiple award winner Sofia Samatar, Nebula and Shirley Jackson award nominee Carmen Maria Machado, and World Fantasy Award nominee Christopher Brown among others.

Lady Friday (The Keys to the Kingdom, Book #5)

by Garth Nix

Four of the seven Trustees have been defeated and their Keys taken, but for Arthur, the week is still getting worse. His friends have been captured by the Piper, and Arthur's New Nithling army still controls most of the Great Maze. Meanwhile, Superior Saturday is causing trouble wherever she can, including turning off all the elevators in the House and blocking the Front Door. Amidst all this trouble, Arthur must weigh an offer from Lady Friday that is either a cunning trap for the Rightful Heir or a golden opportunity he must seize before Superior Saturday or the Piper beats him to it. The race to find the secret of the Middle House is on!

Lady Friday: Lady Friday (The Keys to the Kingdom #5)

by Garth Nix

The fifth book in Garth Nix's New York Times bestselling series!The fifth book in Garth Nix's New York Times-bestselling series!Four of the seven Trustees have been defeated and their Keys taken, but for Arthur, the week is still getting worse. Suzy Blue and Fred Gold Numbers have been captured by the Piper, and his New Nithling army still controls most of the Great Maze. Superior Saturday is causing trouble wherever she can, including turning off all the elevators in the House and blocking the Front Door. Amidst all this trouble, Arthur must weigh an offer from Lady Friday that is either a cunning trap for the Rightful Heir or a golden opportunity he must seize--before he's beaten to it!

The Lady from Aldebaran

by Evelyn E. Smith

Many of the formerly underprivileged terrestrials apparently felt that one vote was not quite enough for them. Now that the Elections are over, to our individual relief or otherwise, we can perhaps appreciate, with more objectivity, the problems that an Elections official will have to face in the future. There might not only be a question of whom to vote for—there could be interesting ramifications to the added problem of how to vote for some of the new citizens. Evelyn E. Smith is best known as the author of the Miss Melville mysteries. From 1952 to 1969 she wrote dozens of science fiction and fantasy short stories that appeared in magazines such as The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Galaxy, Super Science Fiction, and Fantastic Universe. Her stories were witty, well written, often humorous, and always unforgettable.

Lady Henterman's Wardrobe (Streets Of Maradaine Ser. #2)

by Marshall Ryan Maresca

Mixing high fantasy and urban fantasy, the second novel of the Streets of Maradaine series follows the Rynax brothers' crew of outlaws as they attempt their biggest heist yet and restore justice to the common people.The neighborhood of North Seleth has suffered--and not just the Holver Alley Fire. Poverty and marginalization are forcing people out of the neighborhood, and violence on the streets is getting worse. Only the Rynax brothers--Asti and Verci--and their Holver Alley Crew are fighting for the common people. They've taken care of the people who actually burned down Holver Alley, but they're still looking for the moneyed interests behind the fire.The trail of breadcrumbs leads the crew to Lord Henterman, and they plan to infiltrate the noble's house on the other side of the city. While the crew tries to penetrate the heart of the house, the worst elements of North Seleth seem to be uniting under a mysterious new leader. With the crew's attention divided, Asti discovers that the secrets behind the fire, including ones from his past, might be found in Lady Henterman's wardrobe.

Lady Hotspur

by Tessa Gratton

Tessa Gratton's Lady Hotspur is a sweeping, heart-stopping Shakespearean novel of betrayal and battlefields and destiny.STRIKE FAST, LOVE HARD, LIVE FOREVERThis is the motto of the Lady Knights—sworn to fealty under a struggling kingdom, promised to defend the prospective heir, Banna Mora.But when a fearsome rebellion overthrows the throne, Mora is faced with an agonizing choice: give up everything she's been raised to love, and allow a king-killer to be rewarded—or retake the throne, and take up arms against the newest heir, Hal Bolingbrooke, Mora's own childhood best friend and sworn head of the Lady Knights.Hal loathes being a Prince; she's much more comfortable instated on the Throne of Misrule, a raucous underground nether-court where passion rules all. She yearns to live up to the wishes of everyone she loves best—but that means sacrificing her own heart, and so she will disappoint everyone until the moment she can rise to prove those expectations wrong.And between these two fierce Princes is the woman who will decide all their fates—Lady Hotspur, the fiery and bold knight whose support will turn the tides of the coming war.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Lady in Gil (Lady in Gil Trilogy, Book #1)

by Rebecca Bradley

All the dreams of the barbarously occupied kingdom of Gil depend on its greatest hero. Too bad only his brother is available. "Enthralling... Bradley tells her story with great pace, and a vivid and subtle imagination."--The Times (London).

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