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Showing 38,626 through 38,650 of 39,544 results

Regular: The Ultimate Guide to Taming Unruly Bowels and Achieving Inner Peace

by Tamara Duker Freuman

America's Trusted Digestive Nutrition Expert reveals the many causes of irregularity, with tailored solutions for a dozen common—and some lesser-known—issues, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Malabsorption, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Histamine Intolerance. Belly bloat, diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowels may not seem like the sexiest topics—but they still affect millions of Americans every year. Rather than focusing on a single one-size-fit-all approach to restoring bowel regularity, Regular aims to help readers identify the likely cause of their irregular bowel patterns and offers a wide variety of personalized solutions. For example, Freuman explains that while a high fiber diet that might help someone with slow transit constipation, it could make symptoms worse for someone constipated as the result of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Regular will guide readers to narrow down the specific cause of their irregularity and provide tips, including: questions to take to your next doctors visit; tables listing foods likely to be problematic and suggested alternatives; sample menus for different therapeutic diets; and foods and supplements that may be helpful for specific types of diarrhea and constipation. Whether you are dealing with chronic diarrhea or constipation, Regular will cover a dozen of the most common causes of bowel irregularity with detailed descriptions of their presentations that a sufferer should recognize, including: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Lactose, Fructose and Sucrose Intolerances Malabsorptive conditions, including SIBO, Bile Acid Malabsorption, Celiac Disease and Pancreatic Insufficiency Histamine Intolerance Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis) Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Reinas sin reglas: Claves nutricionales para la salud femenina a partir de los 40 años

by Bàrbara Munar

La conocida dietista de Instagram @hablandodenutricion, nos da las claves para mantener una buena salud femenina a partir de los 40 años. Un libro generoso, práctico y basado en la ciencia de vanguardia que permitirá entrar con muy buen pie en la menopausia para vivirla libres, sin síntomas y felices, como verdaderas Reinas sin Reglas. Las mujeres vivimos más de un tercio de nuestra vida sin menstruar, pese a ello la menopausia y el climaterio son un gran desconocido para la mayoría de nosotras porque la experiencia de esta época ha sido un tabú que relacionábamos con la vejez y con el fin de la feminidad. Durante el climaterio el sistema hormonal se altera y causa cambios físicos y psicológicos, pese a ello, es una etapa que puede ser maravillosa, pero dependerá de nuestra actitud y de la información veraz que manejemos tanto en los años previos como durante esta etapa. Este libro responde a preguntas como: ¿Por qué aumentamos de peso a partir de los 40? ¿Por qué nos falta energía o tenemos tantos cambios de humor? ¿Por qué se nos hincha la barriga o tenemos menos deseo sexual? ¿Cómo podemos reducir los sofocos? Y nos da herramientas para que aprendamos que, comiendo variado, centrándonos en la calidad y sin contar calorías podemos perder contorno, desinflamarnos, tener más energía, mejorar tu calidad de sueño, tu libido y reducir los sofocos.

Religion as Make-Believe: A Theory of Belief, Imagination, and Group Identity

by Neil Van Leeuwen

To understand the nature of religious belief, we must look at how our minds process the world of imagination and make-believe.We often assume that religious beliefs are no different in kind from ordinary factual beliefs—that believing in the existence of God or of supernatural entities that hear our prayers is akin to believing that May comes before June. Neil Van Leeuwen shows that, in fact, these two forms of belief are strikingly different. Our brains do not process religious beliefs like they do beliefs concerning mundane reality; instead, empirical findings show that religious beliefs function like the imaginings that guide make-believe play.Van Leeuwen argues that religious belief—which he terms religious “credence”—is best understood as a form of imagination that people use to define the identity of their group and express the values they hold sacred. When a person pretends, they navigate the world by consulting two maps: the first represents mundane reality, and the second superimposes the features of the imagined world atop the first. Drawing on psychological, linguistic, and anthropological evidence, Van Leeuwen posits that religious communities operate in much the same way, consulting a factual-belief map that represents ordinary objects and events and a religious-credence map that accords these objects and events imagined sacred and supernatural significance.It is hardly controversial to suggest that religion has a social function, but Religion as Make-Believe breaks new ground by theorizing the underlying cognitive mechanisms. Once we recognize that our minds process factual and religious beliefs in fundamentally different ways, we can gain deeper understanding of the complex individual and group psychology of religious faith.

Remedies for Sorrow: An Extraordinary Child, a Secret Kept from Pregnant Women, and a Mother's Pursuit of the Truth

by Megan Nix

This "compulsively readable memoir...brings to light an issue that has been too long ignored...An immensely important book" (Emily Oster, New York Times bestselling author of Expecting Better and Cribsheet).A story of a mother&’s fierce love for her exceptional child and her courageous journey to break the silence about a hidden risk to pregnant women: "both a beautiful family story and an urgent call to action… [A] moving, potentially life-altering book" (Robert Kolker, author of #1 New York Times bestseller Hidden Valley Road).After a seemingly uneventful pregnancy, Megan Nix&’s second daughter, Anna, was born very small and profoundly deaf. Megan and her husband, Luke, learned that Anna could have lifelong delays due to an infection from a virus they had never heard of: cytomegalovirus, or CMV, which Megan had unwittingly contracted from her toddler during pregnancy.Megan was electrified by this knowledge. She had been warned, while pregnant, about the risks of saunas, sushi, and unpasteurized cheese, a lack of folic acid, and an excess of kitty litter. She knew to fear a slew of genetic syndromes she could do little to prevent. But she had not been told that CMV is contagious in the saliva of one out of three toddlers, spread through a kiss, a shared cup, a bite of unfinished toast. She had not been told that the stakes were high, that congenital CMV causes more birth defects and childhood disabilities—including blindness, deafness, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism—than any infectious disease. Or that some of these disabilities are evident at birth, but others appear suddenly at age two or three and are never traced back to congenital CMV.Remedies for Sorrow unfolds across the dramatic landscape of Sitka, Alaska, where Luke makes his living as a salmon fisherman. There, Megan struggles to meet Anna&’s needs and dives deeper into the mystery of why no one—not her OBGYN, not her toddler&’s pediatrician—had mentioned CMV, despite the staggering cost of this silence to families and children like Anna. From this rugged and beautiful place comes a memoir about the boundless capacity of mothers, the extraordinary child that is Anna, and the lifesaving power of truth.

Remember Love: Words for Tender Times

by Cleo Wade

From the beloved, New York Times bestselling author of Heart Talk, a collection of prose and poetry that explores how we can find light in periods of lostness, love for ourselves after heartbreak, okay-ness in the midst of change, and strength in letting go. How do we find steadiness within ourselves in the midst of dizzying personal and global change? At a time when many of us feel overwhelmed by fear and isolation, Cleo Wade&’s Remember Love offers intimate, uplifting words that anchor, nurture, and make us feel less alone. She shares that the heart work we do for ourselves is not done to avoid the tough stuff—periods of lostness, self-doubt, depression, grief, heartbreak, and anxiety. Wade instead suggests that to live is to get lost, and it&’s our task, our great privilege, to learn to love ourselves so that we can handle these periods and our discomfort does not block our healing. Remember Love reminds us that lostness is not our permanent state but a starting point for self-discovery, connection, and growth.

Removing Back-Pains

by Pílula Digital

Anyone who has ever felt a back-pain knows how urgent it is to get relief. Once you are free of the pain, most people will learn as much as they can about back-pain to try to prevent back problems from arising again. Back-pains can be different from person to person, type to type, and region to region, like in the upper, middle or lower back. It can be an unbearable constant pain or an acute sudden pain that becomes almost too painful to move. It can start suddenly if you fall, get hurt, or if you lift something very heavy. Or it can get worse progressively with time. One thing’s for sure, pain is memorable, and most people will feel it at some point in their lives. Let’s start with what’s a back-pain and how common it can be

Representation, Experience, and Metaphysics: Towards an Integrated Anti-Representationalist Philosophy (Synthese Library #473)

by Jonathan Knowles

This book provides an original perspective on the debate about anti-representationalism and the nature of philosophy. This debate has come to prominence in recent years through the work of people like Richard Rorty, Paul Horwich, Huw Price and Amie Thomasson. It is the first book to explicitly consider this well-known pragmatist kind of anti-representationalism in relation to anti-representationalist views in other areas of philosophy, in particular the philosophy of perception and cognitive science. Taking as its point of departure the neo-pragmatism of Rorty and Price, it critiques the way these (and other) thinkers develop, on this basis, a positive view of philosophy and its remit. By examining the debate about representationalism versus anti-representationalism in perception and cognitive science it provides a different way of understanding the significance of neo-pragmatism, as well as providing an independently interesting perspective on these other debates. A central idea in this perspective involves distinguishing between a world-for-us and a world-in-itself, though in a different way from Kant and many other philosophers. The book extends these reflections to examine questions about realism and the limits of metaphysics for anti-representationalist pragmatism, arguing the view can uphold a common sense kind of realism, as well as the value of distinctively philosophical enquiry in metaphysics.

Reproduction in Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals: A Clinical Guide

by Molly B. Moravek Gene De Haan

There are approximately 1.4 million trans-identified individuals in the US alone, many of whom will undergo gender-affirming medical or surgical interventions to better align their appearance with their gender identity. Multiple major medical societies recommend fertility preservation counseling prior to starting any gender-affirming therapies, but data are limited on the reproductive effects of common gender-affirming hormone regimens. The burden of fertility counseling falls to the hormone providers and surgeons that are encountering these patients, many of whom will not have had adequate training or resources to provide evidence-based recommendations and options. Additionally, many reproductive health care providers are not trained in how to care for gender minorities.The purpose of this book is to be a reference for clinicians and researchers in the field of transgender medicine, to provide up-to-date data and resources to properly counsel transgender and nonbinary patients about the reproductive consequences of gender-affirming interventions and their options for family-building, and to educate providers about appropriate and culturally competent reproductive health care. Effects of masculinizing and feminizing hormone therapy, as well as the fertility preservation options available, are discussed in detail for both adults and youth. In addition to these medical considerations, both psychosocial, legal and ethical considerations are highlighted for a more well-rounded presentation. A final chapter describes how to create a welcome and accepting clinical environment. Such a reference does not currently exist, leading to the propagation of misinformation and encouraging patients to seek nonmedical sources, such as social media, for their information. Reproduction in Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals fills in this gap as a timely text for reproductive endocrinologists, surgeons and all clinical staff working with this population.

Reproductive Health and Assisted Reproductive Technologies In Sub-Saharan Africa: Issues and Challenges (Sustainable Development Goals Series)

by Olanike S. Adelakun Erebi Ndoni

This book focuses on reproductive health rights and assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in sub-Saharan Africa. Each chapter is connected to the other by focusing on different aspects of ART as a means of achieving conception.Topics such as regulation of ART practices, surrogacy and specific aspects of ART, which are gradually becoming acceptable but largely unregulated in Africa, promises to be of interest to scholars, researchers and fertility practitioners. Research in the book take a rights based approach and ethical analysis of ART practice in sub-Saharan Africa by authors from diverse backgrounds bringing together law and society perspectives.Readers stand to gain new knowledge on the societal, legal, medical and psychological requirements, effects and challenges of reproductive health rights and ART in the African context. The book is also relevant to UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, given that it promotes and advocates for access to reproductive healthcare for persons who have difficulty or are unable to conceive without medical assistance.


by Wolfgang Würfel

Das Buch beschreibt die immunologischen Regulationsmechanismen, angefangen von der Implantation bis hin zur Schwangerschaft in Theorie und Praxis und gibt einen Ausblick zur Immunonkologie. Bisher hat sich die Reproduktionsmedizin stark auf die Herbeiführung der extrakorporalen Fertilisation fokussiert, doch werden Einnistungsprobleme immer evidenter.Expertinnen und Experten auf diesem Gebiet der Reproduktionsmedizin beantworten umfassend Fragen zu Implantationsproblemen, rezidivierenden Aborten, Schwangerschaftskomplikationen und Autoimmunerkrankungen auf der Basis von immunologischen Fehlregulationen.Kennen Sie die wichtigsten Grundlagen zu immunologischen Regulationsmechanismen bei Implantation und Schwangerschaft und deren Auswirkungen auf das immunologische Milieu, dann behandeln Sie Ihre Patientinnen optimal. Das Buch richtet sich an Reproduktionsmediziner, Pränatalmediziner, Geburtshelfer sowie interessierte Onkologen.

Reshape Your Life: Don’t Settle Because You Are Worth It

by Ali Landry

It is never too late to reshape an area of your life that is no longer serving you! And, with the new book by Ali Landry, Reshape Your Life, you will learn how making small, intentional changes to your current life can transform it into a masterpiece.The truth is, when it comes to your health, your mind, your soul, and your heart, you should not settle for what isn&’t working. After all, you only have one life to live, and you are worthy of making it the best one possible.After years working in Hollywood on TV and movie sets, starring in iconic Doritos commercials, and gracing the covers of various magazines, Ali landed her dream job as a talk-show host on a popular network. However, after only a few weeks on the job, she began feeling out of sorts. Exhaustion, brain fog, thinning hair, slow digestion, and sleep issues took over. Instead of excusing the chronic discomfort as "aging," Ali decided to take back her life. Through research, prayer, interviews, and product-testing, she made dramatic lifestyle changes, creating a new brand called RE/SHAPE along the way, to show other women how to live to their fullest in mind, health, beauty, and soul, and remind them that it is never too late to rewrite your story.In Reshape Your Life you&’ll findinspiration from Ali&’s vulnerable narrative describing the challenges and hard lessons she faced on her journey to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual renewal;tips on how you can change the trajectory of your life and reclaim confidence, purpose, and wholeness;research-based strategies for your health, skincare, diet, sleeping habits, and more;advice that will nourish your faith, refocus your mindset, and align your heart, soul, health, and beauty with your core value; andpractical information on goal setting.While it&’s hard work, it&’s necessary work, and Reshape Your Life, from actress, model, and 1996&’s Miss USA Ali Landry, will guide your journey to reignite the fulfillment that&’s missing in your life. If you are ready to reclaim your dreams and fire for life, Reshape Your Life is the book for you. Start today because you are worth it!

Resilient: The Untold Story of CrossFit's Greatest Comeback

by Brooke Wells

On the last night of the 2021 CrossFit Games, ten thousand fans watched in horror as Brooke Wells’ elbow dislocated under the weight of a 190-pound barbell. This is the extraordinary story of what happened next: How Wells pulled off a highly improbable comeback that transformed her mentally and physically into one of the fittest women in the world. In Resilient, Wells provides a refreshingly honest, authentic account of how she overcame fear, self-doubt, and a slew of unexpected obstacles to return to the CrossFit Games less than a year after undergoing total elbow reconstruction. A story of strength, passion, courage, and grit, Resilient is a celebration of one athlete's extraordinary spirit and her inspiring ability to never say die.

The Resilient Athlete: A Self-Coaching Guide to Next Level Performance in Sports & Life

by Andrejs Birjukovs

The Resilient Athlete presents a step-by-step self-coaching framework designed to build foundational fitness and develop athletic resilience while optimizing your training for sports, athletics and adventure.The Resilience Athlete presents a series of self-coaching sessions, much like ones people would have with a performance coach. These are not geared towards one particular sport, but rather focus on creating an ultimate athletic experience, one where physical and emotional states are in balance with purpose.Inside the book, readers will discover:Actionable advice to incorporate into one's daily training Strategies to cultivate the mindset to take on challenges and grow in confidence Systems to adopt healthy lifestyle habits to have more energy and feel less stressedThe Resilient Athlete also features training tactics, schedules, and plans to help readers optimize fitness while becoming the very best they can be as an athlete.Online support via social media, community forums, and website featuring additional content such as exclusive exercise videos, nutritional tips, live updates from authors, and more is available.Resilient athletes are made, not born and The Resilient Athlete makes it easy for anyone to learn how to become one. Training for a challenge or goal can be daunting, and the journey fraught with the potential for injury or other setbacks.

Las respuestas de mi pediatra: Tu guía fácil y práctica de salud infantil en casa

by Mar López

El GRAN libro de salud infantil para cuidar de los más PEQUEÑOS.Manual práctico, ameno y que lo abarca absolutamente TODO acerca de las principales dudas pediátricas que tienen los padres sobre cuidados, enfermedades y urgencias de sus hijos de los 0 a los 3 años: lactancia, sueño, cólicos, chupete, peso, mocos, fiebre, zapatos, piel, vacunas, caídas y golpes, alimentación complementaria, botiquín, desarrollo psicomotor...Se tratade una guía muy visual que permite hacer consultas rápidas, certeras y eficientes al estar todo el contenido organizado en forma de fichas y estructurado en siete capítulos muy completos:-«Elrecién nacido»-«De 1 a 6 meses»- «De 6 a 12 meses»- «De 12 a 24 meses»- «De 24 a 36 meses»- «Prevención»- «Recomendaciones»«Estar rodeada de niños me hace feliz y disfruto acompañando a las familias»

Rest Easy: Discover Calm and Abundance through the Radical Power of Rest

by Ximena Vengoechea

Brimming with encouraging wisdom, easy-to-follow guidance, and illuminating illustrations, Rest Easy is an antidote to burnout culture and an invitation to find joy, balance, and energy through the transformative power of rest."This thought-provoking book is highly recommended for anyone needing better rest habits." ―Library Journal, starred reviewRest Easy invites you to experience the life-changing power of resting your mind, body, and spirit. In these pages, rest expert Ximena Vengoechea explores the power of rest and guides you through dozens of proven methods for relaxation and renewal, including movement, sound, visualizations, journaling, time in nature, meditative activities, and so much more. Discover:A short quiz that reveals the ideal rest techniques for your personality and lifestyle.How to set healthy boundaries and overcome obstacles preventing meaningful rest.Bite-size practices to incorporate into everyday life for physical, mental, and spiritual rest.PROVEN TECHNIQUES: The techniques and practices presented in these pages are proven to improve rest, reduce stress, and boost joy. The author distills her research to make a range of rest techniques accessible to everyone, allowing readers to experiment with a wide variety of practices and find what best fits their lifestyle and needs. FRESH APPROACH TO HEALTH AND WELLNESS: Through a charming combination of beautiful artwork, compelling storytelling, engaging sidebars, and easy-to-follow takeaways, this book offers a distinctive approach to wellness and well-being. Warm and inviting, Rest Easy is a simple and authentic way to connect and be present for someone in need of gentle encouragement and uplifting support.POSITIVE & TIMELY: This book presents contemporary methods for well-being in a simple, easy-to-engage format. Readers will discover information on practices for mindfulness, breathwork, yoga, and more.MEANINGFUL SELF-CARE GIFT: The beautifully designed hardcover package is an infinitely giftable book that can be given to friends, wellness enthusiasts, and people experiencing burnout. The content is general enough to speak to a range of experiences, and the colorful art and empathetic tone make it a wonderful option for those looking for thoughtful, personal gifts for someone who needs a pick-me-up.Perfect for:Mindfulness and wellness enthusiastsPeople experiencing burnout or seeking stress reliefParents, students, or anyone whose job or personal circumstances are causing suffering and burnoutWellness gift for women and men of any ageFans of Am I Overthinking This? and Vibrate Higher DailyReaders of How to Do Nothing, How to Not Always Be Working, and Rest Is Resistance

Rest to Reset: The busy person’s guide to pausing with purpose

by Suzy Reading

As a society, we are more exhausted than ever before but despite hearing the call to relax, many of us find it hard to switch off. We see busyness as a badge of honour but, ask yourself, does this approach to life work for you?Self-care expert Suzy Reading is here to challenge everything you've ever been told or told yourself about rest. Rest is not only calming and restorative, but energising and fortifying, a way of preparing you for the days, weeks or months ahead.You can also reset in as little as one minute - when we're already struggling to find a work-life balance, many of us feel like we don't have time to rest. This book is here to take the pressure off. Rest need not be another thing to add to your heaving schedule, many practices take seconds and can be woven into everyday life in no extra time. Discover how to make your chores more rejuvenating and your bathroom break a ritual for rest!Rest to Reset is separated into two parts: Redefining Rest unpacks the true meaning of rest and introduces the eight pillars, which will help you identify the type of rest you need in any given moment. Creating Your Own Rest Prescription features 25 toolkits to help you bring your mind and body back to balance. It includes tips for when you're struggling with classic restful practices, like napping, meditation and breathwork; exercises to make existing daily activities more restful; and advice to improve your emotional wellbeing through rest, such as building confidence, dealing with grief or anger and learning the art of saying 'no'.This book will not only revolutionise your relationship with rest but ultimately your relationship with yourself.

Rest to Reset: The busy person’s guide to pausing with purpose

by Suzy Reading

As a society, we are more exhausted than ever before but despite hearing the call to relax, many of us find it hard to switch off. We see busyness as a badge of honour but, ask yourself, does this approach to life work for you?Self-care expert Suzy Reading is here to challenge everything you've ever been told or told yourself about rest. Rest is not only calming and restorative, but energising and fortifying, a way of preparing you for the days, weeks or months ahead.You can also reset in as little as one minute - when we're already struggling to find a work-life balance, many of us feel like we don't have time to rest. This book is here to take the pressure off. Rest need not be another thing to add to your heaving schedule, many practices take seconds and can be woven into everyday life in no extra time. Discover how to make your chores more rejuvenating and your bathroom break a ritual for rest!Rest to Reset is separated into two parts: Redefining Rest unpacks the true meaning of rest and introduces the eight pillars, which will help you identify the type of rest you need in any given moment. Creating Your Own Rest Prescription features 25 toolkits to help you bring your mind and body back to balance. It includes tips for when you're struggling with classic restful practices, like napping, meditation and breathwork; exercises to make existing daily activities more restful; and advice to improve your emotional wellbeing through rest, such as building confidence, dealing with grief or anger and learning the art of saying 'no'.This book will not only revolutionise your relationship with rest but ultimately your relationship with yourself.

Restrict: A Poetic Narrative

by Sol Rivera

A powerful work of poetic narrative fiction, Restrict is the raw yet resonant story of a teenage girl's coming of age in a world that cares more about her weight than her mental health.Told from the perspective of a young woman who has abandoned her own name to distance herself from the emotional trauma of growing up, Little Girl&’s story is a modern examination of eating disorders, body image, puberty, and self-worth. And as the pressure to diet starts to become too much, the question faced by Little Girl is this: how can she ever experience self-love in a world focused solely on her appearance?Created by teenage author Sol Rivera, Restrict is her powerful and cathartic tale of a struggle shared amongst teenagers. This poetry collection serves as a light on the journey of self-discovery… something which too many have been denied.

The Retrograde Guidebook: An All-in-One Astrology Guide to the Cycles of Planetary Retrograde and How They Affect Your Emotions, Decisions, and Relationships

by Jennifer Billock

Go beyond the stereotypes of mercury retrograde and dig deep into the planetary cycles, discovering how they can affect your everyday life from day to day and year to year.Every planet except Earth goes into retrograde at some point, and each planet has its own bundle of joys and pain points that come with it. The Retrograde Guidebook aims to take the mystery out of planetary retrogrades, providing an overview of what retrograde means astrologically and its basic principles. It offers a breakdown of every planetary retrograde&’s function and effects—and why three main celestial bodies, the Earth, sun, and moon, don&’t ever go into retrograde. You&’ll also learn how planetary retrogrades will affect you as an individual, tips on coping with resulting effects, and how to maximize the benefits so the planets work on your behalf to improve your life. The Retrograde Guidebook includes calendars through 2030. These calendars include the dates each planet goes into and out of retrograde, and the astrological signs each planet is leaving and entering. Don&’t get caught unawares—with all the information this guidebook arms you with, you&’ll never fear a retrograde again!

Revelaciones para sanar con Medicina China: La sabiduría milenaria a tu alcance

by Lina Rubiano

"Esta lectura te ayudará a ser tu propio médico en el área del autocuidado preventivo, de tal forma que puedas ayudar a tu médico a proteger y mejorar tu salud". Dra. Elsa Lucía Arango ¿Tienes espasmos musculares, ojos secos y acné? ¿Tus menstruaciones son abundantes y dolorosas? ¿Se te cae el pelo, te duelen las rodillas y sufres de fatiga? ¿Estás irritable, tienes insomnio y te cuesta bajar de peso? En la medicina occidental cada síntoma debe tratarlo un especialista diferente, mientras que la Medicina China demuestra que el origen de la enfermedad está en el desequilibrio de un órgano o víscera y los trata directamente. La Medicina China, con 5.000 años de antigüedad, nos enseña que el cuerpo, la mente y las emociones están interrelacionados y son indivisibles: somos un todo y no la suma de las partes. Por eso, los pensamientos y las emociones afectan al cuerpo de la misma forma como los alimentos afectan a la mente. La doctora Lina Rubiano recoge las enseñanzas que recibió de sus maestros en China y capítulo a capítulo revisa las funciones de cada órgano, los síntomas que revelan fallas y las herramientas para revertir el daño a través de terapias milenarias. Con este conocimiento será más fácil despertar la sabiduría de tu cuerpo y su capacidad de sanar.

Revenge of the Microbes: How Bacterial Resistance is Undermining the Antibiotic Miracle (ASM Books)

by Brian T. Ho Brenda A. Wilson

Revenge of the Microbes “What is antibiotic resistance, and why should I care?” Two decades after the first edition of Revenge of the Microbes: How Bacterial Resistance Is Undermining the Antibiotic Miracle warned of the looming threat of antibiotic resistance, it is now upon us. Not only has the spread of antibiotic resistance continued unabated, but the emergence of multidrug-resistant “superbugs” is poised to set medical progress back centuries. Several distinct biological, social, economic, and technological factors have resulted in us only barely keeping pace with these new threats. In this edition of Revenge of the Microbes, the authors detail the intricacies of the antibiotic-microbe arms race. Beginning with a historical perspective on antibiotics and their profound impact on both modern medicine and present-day society, they review our current arsenal against infectious diseases and the various ways pathogens evade or overcome them. The authors examine the practices and policies driving the discovery and development of new antibiotics, what happens to antibiotics once they are released into the environment, how antibiotic-resistant bacteria evolve and spread, and the urgency for finding alternative approaches to combating infections. This discussion of the controversies surrounding antibiotics will empower readers—citizen scientists, policy makers, pharmaceutical researchers, and medical professionals alike—to generate informed opinions on antibiotic usage and stewardship as we contend with fewer effective antibiotics. Reader-friendly and comprehensible, this new edition of Revenge of the Microbes engages a diverse audience of scientists, clinicians, educators, students, lawyers, environmentalists, and public health advocates as it explores the ever-changing landscape of the antibiotic resistance crisis. For anyone interested in antimicrobial resistance (AMR), this is a completely approachable 360-degree view of a very complex topic. The authors don’t dilute the science but manage to deliver it in language and examples that everyone can digest. Don’t miss the “Points to Ponder” at the end of each chapter. These thought-provoking nuggets will inspire creative thinking even in the most experienced AMR authorities. — JEAN B. PATEL, PhD, D(ABMM), Principle Scientist, Scientific Affairs, Microbiology, Beckman Coulter; former Science Team Lead, Antibiotic Resistance Coordination and Strategy Unit, CDC

Reverse Diabetes: How To Shop, Cook, Eat And Live Well With Diabetes

by Reader'S Digest

With the 12-week Eat, Move, Choose plan as a reliable source of guidance and support, readers of this updated and revised edition of Reverse Diabetes will be well on their way to reversing insulin resistance, losing weight, using less medication, and feeling healthier and more energized. Sifting through mountains of conflicting advice about managing diabetes—from friends, family, colleagues, and more—can often be overwhelming and confusing. Reverse Diabetes eliminates the need for guesswork and provides a streamlined, achievable path to better health. The book&’s 12-week Eat, Move, Choose plan is broken down into concrete, manageable goals, including: Walk at least five days a week Include lean protein at every meal Enjoy seven to eight hours of sleep a night Make active choices The goals are supplemented by step-by-step plans, interactive quizzes, infographics, recipes, and other resources that help readers understand the hows and whys behind each recommendation. With science-backed guidance that takes the most current diabetes research into account plus completely new recipes, meal plans, and other tools to make it a breeze to implement, this updated and revised volume offers an easy-to-follow 12-week challenge shown to lower blood sugar by 25 percent. Roughly 40% of the book will be new, and includes new research, new recipes and meal plans, and new planner/tracker tools. Praise for the previous edition: &“This book is great. I learned a lot about good food choices and foods to avoid, also contains great recipes for diabetics that are healthy and delicious. Would recommend this book to anyone with diabetes or pre-diabetes. The section on calories, sugar, and carbohydrates found in different foods was a big help in planning my every day meals. The exercise section was also very helpful. Already lost 15 pounds.&” —J.S MD &“This book answered so many questions when I was newly diagnosed with diabetes. It&’s a long term book for living and reversing diabetes in addition to being very encouraging and upbeat. The organization of the book and the layout are reader friendly. I have marked it liberally with a hi-lighter and refer to it several times a week.&”—Elizabeth Allanson No big scientific words…. Just regular words and pictures :-) it takes you step by step on HOW to improve your life with Diabetes and how to minimize the symptoms and reverse diabetes. GREAT BOOK!&” —S. McGee &“I found this book educational for me. I like the clear descriptions as well as the variety of menus. I am still reading it, but when finished, I will go back to it often.&” —Gisela M. Damandl &“I love this book. I am not diabetic however I did want to shed unwanted pounds. This book teaches how to keep your sugar steady so you aren&’t craving and constantly hungry. An easy read!&” —Shakala &“Excellent book to read if you are diabetic. Many helpful suggestions were presented. Often it just takes a few lifestyle tweaks to make diabetes management possible.&” —Karen L. Pitts &“My husband found out he had type two diabetes and I knew nothing about it or how to cook and care for him. this book was excellant. price and packaging were great as well. recommended purchase&” —mamad &“This is great, explains everything so well. The recipes are great, I do wish there were more but what&’s there is good. This is a great start to YOU helping yourself fight and get rid of diabetes for good. No need for medications, that&’s what you are working for!&” —Nancy J.

The Revolutionary Ketamine: The Safe Drug That Effectively Treats Depression and Prevents Suicide

by Johnathan Edwards

This isn't a new drug, but it's now being used to treat depression with amazing results. What exactly is it? Is it safe? Is it right for you or your loved one? Suicide captures everyone&’s attention. Suicide is a tragedy usually preceded by plenty of pain. About 1 million go through with the act each year. Imagine if your loved one is determined to end their life, and you could get them help. After reading Revolutionary Ketamine, you will understand: Suicide&’s devastating cost to society and how to prevent it Why children and adolescents are committing suicide How ketamine stops suicide in its tracks Suicide is the stuff of other people&’s nightmares until it happens to someone you love. Time simply stops, leaving you wondering what could have been done. Suicidal ideations hijack our brains, telling us to end our lives prematurely. What if we could remove this hijacking device? Ketamine is the one drug we have today that can safely halt suicidal ideations, yet most have never heard of it. To those who say more studies are needed to know if ketamine helps with suicidal ideations and depression, I offer you this admonition before trying the drug. If you are suffering from depression and suicidal ideations, the risk versus reward is clearly in favor of using ketamine now. Don&’t wait. Dr. Edwards, the author of Revolutionary Ketamine, is committed to helping those who need never become statistics at all and will equip you with the tools to save your loved one&’s life, or possibly your own.

Rez Ball

by Byron Graves

This compelling debut novel by new talent Byron Graves tells the relatable, high-stakes story of a young athlete determined to play like the hero his Ojibwe community needs him to be. <p><p> These days, Tre Brun is happiest when he is playing basketball on the Red Lake Reservation high school team—even though he can’t help but be constantly gut-punched with memories of his big brother, Jaxon, who died in an accident. <p><p> When Jaxon's former teammates on the varsity team offer to take Tre under their wing, he sees this as his shot to represent his Ojibwe rez all the way to their first state championship. This is the first step toward his dream of playing in the NBA, no matter how much the odds are stacked against him. <p><p> But stepping into his brother’s shoes as a star player means that Tre can’t mess up. Not on the court, not at school, and not with his new friend, gamer Khiana, who he is definitely not falling in love with. <p><p> After decades of rez teams almost making it, Tre needs to take his team to state. Because if he can live up to Jaxon's dreams, their story isn’t over yet. <p><p> This book is published by Heartdrum, an imprint that publishes high-quality, contemporary stories about Indigenous young people in the United States and Canada.

Ritual: Magical Celebrations of Nature and Community from Around the World

by Nikki Van De Car

From the bestselling author of Practical Magic comes an inspiring, illustrated collection of magical celebrations of nature from around the world—with rituals for incorporating them into your own practice. Nature is what gives us life—it is the source of all magic and power in the world. That is something that humans have understood since the beginning of time, and it is a constant among cultures around the world. However, the ways in which we celebrate it can vary wildly. Bulgarian Baba Marta Day welcomes the arrival of Spring with Martenitsas, little talismans of red and white string, while in Southeast Asia, that same yearly event is celebrated during Holi, a joyful, riotous dance of colors. Yalda, Soyal, Saturnalia, Dong Zhi, and St.Lucia's Day (from Iran, Arizona, Ancient Rome, China, and Scandinavia) are all very different—but they all honor the Winter Solstice. Each of these celebrations is a ritual, a form of magic created by community and tradition. And while their differences can help us understand their various cultural identities, their similarities can create a bond that reaches across space and time. In this beautifully illustrated book from bestselling magical author Nikki Van De Car readers will learn the history and meaning behind 40 of these ritual celebrations, organized by season. Each ritual will include suggestions for participating in and appreciating these storied rituals, while honoring their origins and the cultures from which they come.

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