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Sleepless: Discovering the Power of the Night Self

by Annabel Abbs

'Sleepless has changed how I feel about sleep . . . I was captivated' The Times, Book of the Week'This book will inspire you to get up, light a candle, and experience your own Night Self' Financial TimesTHE NIGHT SELF IS: CREATIVE. CURIOUS. VULNERABLE. ENCHANTED. COURAGEOUS.In the winter of 2020, Annabel Abbs experienced a series of bereavements. As she grieved, she kept busy by day, but at night sleep eluded her. And yet her sleeplessness led to a profound and unexpected discovery: her Night Self. As the night transformed into a place of creativity and liberation, Annabel found she wasn't alone. From the radical fifteenth-century philosopher Laura Cereta and subversive artist Louise Bourgeois, to Virginia Woolf and the activist Peace Pilgrim, women have long found sanctuary, inspiration and courage in darkness.Drawing on the latest science, which shows we are more imaginative, open-minded and reflective at night, Annabel set out to discover the potential of her Night Self. Sleepless follows her journey, from midnight hikes to starlit swims, from Singapore, the brightest city on Earth, to the darkest corner of the Arctic Circle, and finally to that most elusive of places - sleep.A moving, revelatory voyage into the dark, Sleepless invites us to feel less anxious about our sleep, and to embrace the possibilities of the night.

No More Joint Pain

by Joseph A. Abboud Soo Kim Abboud

Arthritis is a major cause of joint pain, but there are myriad others. This is the first book to provide everyday readers with a comprehensive guide to musculoskeletal disease and pain, from degenerative arthritis in the elderly to common sports injuries in young athletes. Dr. Joseph A. Abboud and Dr. Soo Kim Abboud, offer clear, medically based information on the most common diseases to affect the musculoskeletal system. They explain each major joint in detail and draw on their extensive experience with patients to offer sound advice on treatment and prevention options. They also discuss the pros and cons of alternative medicine techniques, and they assess which of the newest technologies really work. With one hundred illustrations, specific instructions for beneficial exercises, and a helpful glossary, this manual is just what the doctor ordered for weekend warriors and anyone else who is contending with joint pain.

The Great Jeff

by Tony Abbott

<P><P> Perfect for fans of Gary D. Schmidt comes the companion to the modern classic Firegirl from acclaimed writer Tony Abbott. Life hasn't been great for Jeff Hicks. <P><P>After years at his beloved St. Catherine's, he's forced to spend eighth grade in the public middle school, which he hates. He's no longer speaking to his former best friend, Tom Bender, because of "that burned girl" Jessica Feeney. <P><P>But worst of all, his family is changing, and it's not for the better. <P><P>When his mom comes home announcing that she's lost her job, Jeff begins to worry about things far beyond his years: How will they pay the rent? Will his absentee dad step up and save the day? Is his mom drinking too much? And ultimately, where will they live? <P><P>The Great Jeff is a powerful look at the life of a troubled boy who finds his life spiraling out of control.

Newfoundland and Labrador: A Health System Profile (Provincial and Territorial Health System Profiles)

by John Abbott Stephen Bornstein Victor Maddalena Aimee Letto Melissa Sullivan Pablo Navarro

There is not, and has never been, a single Canadian health system. Part of a series on the health systems of Canada’s provinces and territories, Newfoundland and Labrador: A Health System Profile provides a critical analysis of how the single-payer health care system has been implemented in the country’s youngest province. Examining the way the province’s health services are organized, funded, and delivered, the authors focus on the challenges involved in providing effective health care in a setting characterized by a large, decentralized territory; a small population, much of which is widely distributed in a large number of rural communities and small towns; and comparatively limited fiscal capacity and health human resources. Drawing on maps, figures, and collected data, this book documents the hesitant and limited ways in which Newfoundland and Labrador has sought to deal with the challenges and difficulties that the system has experienced in responding to recent changes in demography, economics, and medical technology.

Como Perder Peso e Ter uma Alimentação Saudável com a Dieta Low-Carb Detox para Mulheres

by James Abbott Paulo Molina Sales

Um guia saudável e detalhado para ajudar você a entender como eliminar gordura corporal naturalmente, em 25 dias ou menos . Esse guia irá te ajudar a aproveitar a capacidade natural do seu corpo para queimar gordura e entrar em forma. Baseado em ciência sólida e comprovada, este livro vai te ensinar: - Esconder o apetite - Melhores hábitos para perder peso - Melhores alimentos para perder peso - Melhores treinos para perder peso - Aumentar sua energia e metabolismo Se você quer ter mais energia enquanto perde peso, então esse livro é para você.

Maquiagem Simples, De Baixo Custo & Dicas De Beleza Que As Modelos Usam

by James Abbott Talita Ferreira

Beauty You – Maquiagem simples, de baixo custo & Dicas de beleza que os modelos usam Não se preocupe com transformações caras e demoradas! Neste guia você vai aprender as dicas simples e baratas que mais funcionam e que vão fazer de você uma modelo! São os métodos usados ​​pelas mais bem sucedidas modelos do mundo e que podem ser feito por iniciantes em poucos minutos. Este livro contém: Dicas simples Métodos de baixo custo Automaquiagem rápida em minutos O look das modelos A melhor maquiagem para qualquer ocasião Aviso Legal: Este autor e detentor de direitos não fazem reivindicações, promessas ou garantias sobre a exatidão, integridade ou aplicação do conteúdo deste livro, e se isenta expressamente da responsabilidade por erros e omissões nos conteúdos nele contidos. Este produto é apenas para referência. Gênero: SAÚDE E FITNESS / Beleza & Embelezamento Gênero Secundário: TRABALHOS MANUAIS & HOBBIES / Moda Língua: Inglês / Língua: Português Palavras-chave: vaidade, escova, aparência, maquiagem, beleza, produtos de beleza, marcas, esponja, modelos, transformação Contagem de palavra: 1938 (Inglês) / 2.036 (Português) Links de livros: Amazon

Beauty You Consejos De Belleza y Maquillaje Simples y De Bajo Costo Que Usan Las Modelos

by James Abbott Andrea M. Aedo

¡No pierdas tiempo con transformaciones caras y largas! En esta guía aprenderás los consejos más efectivos y de bajo costo ¡para transformarte en una modelo! Las supermodelos internacionales normalmente utilizan estos métodos y hasta un principiante los puede aplicar en unos minutos. Esto es lo que incluye: -Consejos simples -Métodos de bajo costo -Cómo aplicar maquillaje en solo unos minutos -Cómo parecer una modelo -El mejor maquillaje para cualquier aplicación Aviso Legal: El autor o dueño(s) de los derechos de autor no promete ni garantiza la precisión, integridad o adecuación de los contenidos de este libro y expresamente renuncia a la responsabilidad por errores y omisiones dentro de su contenido. Este producto solo está destinado a ser usado como referencia.

25 Days Fast Weight Loss Come bruciare i grassi e mangiare sano: La dieta low-carb detox per le donne

by James Abbott

Una guida salutare dettagliata per capire come eliminare il grasso corporeo in modo naturale in 25 giorni o anche meno. Questa guida ti aiuterà a sfruttare la naturale capacità del tuo corpo di bruciare i grassi e mettersi in forma. Basato su una scienza solida e comprovata, ecco cosa offre questo libro: - Controllare l'appetito - Le migliori abitudini per perdere peso - I migliori cibi per perdere peso - I migliori allenamenti per perdere peso - Aumenta la tua energia e il metabolismo Se vuoi avere più energia perdendo peso, questo libro è per te. -> Scorri fino all'inizio della pagina e fai clic su aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente

25 Días Para Perder Peso Rápidamente: Como Quemar Grasas Y Comer Sano

by James Abbott

Queremos tomarnos un momento para agradecerte que hayas comprado nuestra guía online. HiddenStuff Entertainment es una de las principales aplicaciones y editores de e-books online. Nuestra objetico es darle la máxima información para mejorar su vida. Sinceramente esperamos que esta guía te sea útil y beneficiosa en la aventura por mejorar. Queremos dar al lector el conocimiento y ayudarlo a conseguir las capacidades para llegar al más alto nivel en el tema que nos ocupa. En su medida contribuir a disfrutar de una experiencia más positiva y agradable. Después de todo, creemos que todo en la vida tiene que ser disfrutado y tan positivo como sea posible.

25 Jours pour Perdre Rapidement des Kilos: Comment brûler les graisses et manger sain Régime Détox

by James Abbott

25 jours pour perdre rapidement des kilos Comment brûler les graisses et manger sain Régime Détox faible en glucide pour les hommes de James Abbott Un guide sain et détaillé pour savoir comment éliminer la graisse corporelle naturellement en 25 jours ou moins. Ce guide vous aidera à exploiter la capacité naturelle de votre corps à brûler les graisses et à être en forme. Basé sur une science éprouvée, ce livre vous apprendra à: - Réduire votre appétit - Avoir de meilleures habitudes pour perdre des kilos - Connaitre les meilleurs aliments pour perdre du poids - Connaitre les meilleurs exercices pour perdre du poids - Boostez votre énergie et votre métabolisme Si vous voulez avoir plus d'énergie tout en perdant du poids, ce livre est pour vous

Beauty You: Models geben einfache und kostensparende Tipps zu Make-up und Schönheit

by James Abbott

Kümmere dich nicht um teure, zeitaufwändige Umgestaltungen! In diesem Handbuch erfahren Sie die effektivsten und kostengünstigsten Tipps, um Sie in ein Modell zu verwandeln! Diese Methoden werden häufig von den Topmodels der Welt verwendet und können sogar von Anfängern innerhalb weniger Minuten angewendet werden. Folgendes ist enthalten: - Einfache Tipps - Kostengünstige Methoden - Tragen Sie das Make-up schnell in nur wenigen Minuten auf - Sieh aus wie ein Model - Das beste Make-up für jede Anwendung -> Scrollen Sie zum Anfang der Seite und klicken Sie auf In den Warenkorb, um sofort zu kaufen. Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Autor und / oder Rechteinhaber machen keine Ansprüche, Zusagen oder Garantien hinsichtlich der Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Angemessenheit des Inhalts dieses Buches und lehnen ausdrücklich die Haftung für Fehler und Auslassungen im Inhalt ab. Dieses Produkt dient nur als Referenz.

Dimagrire Velocemente in 25 Giorni Bruciare Grassi e Mangiare Sano Dieta Detox Low Carb per Lui: Guida sana e completa per capire ed eliminare il grasso corporeo naturalmente in 25 giorni.

by James Abbott

Perdere peso velocemente in 25 giorni. Come bruciare grassi e mangiare sano. La dieta detox low carb per lui. Una guida sana ed esaustiva per capire ed eliminare il grasso corporeo naturalmente in non più di 25 giorni. Questa guida vi aiuterà a controllare la naturale capacità che ha il vostro corpo, per bruciare grassi ed essere in forma. Su solida e provata base scientifica, questo libro vi insegnerà: -Vincere la fame - Le migliori abitudini per perdere peso - I migliori cibi per perdere peso - I migliori esercizi per perdere peso - Ad avere più energia e ad accelerare il metabolismo - Per uomini Se volete avere più energia mentre perdete peso, allora questo libro fa per voi. --> Andate a inizio pagina e cliccate per mettere il libro nel carrello ed acquistarlo subito Disclaimer: Questo autore e/o i detentori dei diritti non rivendicano, promettono, né garantiscono per la correttezza, completezza, o adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro, e declinano espressamente da qualsiasi responsabilità per errori ed omissioni del suo contenuto. Quest'opera è intesa per consultazione.

Maigrir en 25 jours:brûler les graisses et manger sainement, le régime low-carb et détox pour femmes

by James Abbott

Un guide santé détaillé pour comprendre et éliminer naturellement la graisse corporelle en 25 jours ou moins. Ce guide vous aidera à exploiter la capacité naturelle de votre corps à brûler les graisses et à se remettre en forme. Basé sur des expériences scientifiques solides et éprouvées, ce livre vous apprendra comment: - supprimer l'appétit ; - développer de meilleures habitudes pour perdre du poids ; - connaître les meilleurs aliments pour perdre du poids ; - réaliser les meilleures séances d'entraînement pour perdre du poids ; - booster votre énergie et votre métabolisme. Si vous voulez avoir plus d’énergie tout en perdant du poids, ce livre est pour vous.

Perca Peso em 25 Dias: Como Queimar Gordura e Comer Saudável, Dieta Low-Carb, Detox (Homens)

by James Abbott

Perca Peso em 25 Dias: Como Queimar Gordura e Comer Saudável, Dieta Low-Carb, Detox - Guia para Homens

Votre esthétique : utilisés par les mannequins

by James Abbott

Ne vous fatiguez pas avec des relookings coûteux qui prennent du temps ! Dans ce guide, vous apprendrez les astuces les plus efficaces et les moins coûteuses pour vous transformer en mannequin ! Ces méthodes sont couramment utilisées par les plus grands mannequins du monde et peuvent être appliquées même par une novice en quelques minutes seulement. Voici le contenu qui est inclus : - Des astuces simples - Des méthodes à faible coût - L’application rapide de maquillage en quelques minutes - Avoir l'air d'un mannequin - Le meilleur maquillage pour toute application

The Badass Body Diet: The Breakthrough Diet and Workout for a Tight Booty, Sexy Abs, and Lean Legs

by Christmas Abbott

Are you ready for the Badass Body of your dreams?Christmas Abbott is living proof that fitness is sexy, and a badass body is a birthright for one and all. A CrossFit star, professional athlete, former NASCAR pit crew member, Olympic weightlifter, and former unhealthy "skinny fat" woman herself, Christmas knows what real women need in order to get the butts and bodies of their dreams. In The Badass Body Diet, Christmas provides a quick and simple workout plan that tones everything--from booty to total body--and teaches you how to spot-reduce excess fat with targeted meal plans and recipes.Your glutes are the largest and most powerful muscle group in your body, not to mention one of the most beautiful. But they often go dormant, flat, and flabby due to poor lifestyle choices. The Badass Body Diet is the solution, packed with information on how to: Select the right proteins, fats, and carbs--otherwise known as "booty foods." Learn how to eat for your body type and fitness goals. Get targeted, powerful, total body workouts in just a few minutes a day. Improve your posture and functional mobility and enhance your overall health. Clear up cellulite with dietary advice, workout strategies, and other proven tips.Based on her work with hundreds of clients at her CrossFit gyms and nationwide fitness boot camps, Christmas offers specific, detailed plans for every goal, whether it's losing weight, taking an already fit frame to the next level, or building luscious curves on a "skinny fat" body. She'll give you the tools and motivation you need to build a healthy, vital body--with the tight, firm tush you've always wanted!

The Badass Life: 30 Amazing Days to a Lifetime of Great Habits-Body, Mind, and Spirit

by Christmas Abbott

The CrossFit superstar and author of the bestselling The Badass Body Diet is back with a day-by-day guide designed to encourage habit change through fun, dynamic daily tasks challenging your mind, body, and spirit.Christmas Abbott knows the importance of a badass lifestyle; physically, mentally, and spiritually. The key is balance: using essential daily practices for the mind, body, and soul. The Badass Life is her month-long-program based on building positive daily habits, to help you achieve a higher quality of life and a heightened sense of self-worth. It takes 30 days to break a bad habit and 30 days to create a good one. Christmas provides a daily challenge for your mental, physical, and spiritual awareness to help you develop positive thinking and successful behavior and boost your brainpower. Each day is centered around a specific "action theme," such as "Eliminate Excuses," "Lean on Mentors," and "Feel Sexy, Be Sexy." Christmas shows you how to create a better blueprint for your daily habits to maximize their beneficial effects, and includes suggestions for healthy eating, fun puzzles, life questions, and brain teasers to get you thinking in new directions. Christmas also emphasizes the need for daily spiritual wellness, and gives you ideas for practicing intended acts of connection, such as helping a complete stranger unconditionally, setting specific intentions, and recording what you appreciate about yourself. No matter your level of health wellbeing, The Badass Life will help you channel the power of the mind-body-spirit connection to become your best self in every way.Includes 32 pages of color photos.

The Five Hurdles to Happiness: And the Mindful Path to Overcoming Them

by Mitch Abblett

A practical approach to becoming aware of the "five hindrances"--the negative qualities that inhibit living the awakened life--and to breaking free of them in order to live more mindfully, effectively, compassionately.Five obstacles stand in between you and true happiness. What are they and how can you overcome them? Buddhist traditions teach that there are five negative qualities, or hindrances, that inhibit people from living an awakened life. Here, Mitch Abblett gives this teaching a modern, secular interpretation and helps you identify the hurdles that are blocking your contentment—desire, hostility, sluggishness, worry, and doubt—and how you can take your first steps to overcoming them. Combining traditional wisdom with contemporary psychology and using examples from his psychotherapy practice, Abblett uses the hurdles as a frame for engaging you in a process of contemplating your own life and learning to lean into your experience rather than merely repeating bad habits. By doing this, you can break free from the hurdles and live more mindfully, effectively, and compassionately.

Seven Signs of Life: Unforgettable Stories from an Intensive Care Doctor

by Dr. Aoife Abbey

For Readers of Paul Kalanithi’s​ When Breath Becomes Air, an Intensive Care Doctor Reveals How Everyday Emotions Are Taken to Extremes in the ICU Dr. Aoife Abbey takes us beyond the medical perspective to see the humanity at work inside our hospitals through the eyes of doctors and nurses as they witness and experience the full spectrum of human emotion with every shift. It is their responsibility to mitigate the grief of a family in mourning, calm a patient about to die, and confront their own fear of failure when lives are on the line. Whether they're providing hospice care, tending to victims of car accidents or violent attacks, determining the correct treatment for someone displaying signs of a heart-attack or stroke, and managing staff, stress is a doctor's number one companion. Cycling through the whirlwind of emotion that accompanies every case isn’t only exhausting—it can be fatal. Told throughseven key emotions—fear, grief, joy, distraction, anger, disgust, and hope—Seven Signs of Life opens the door, and heart, of the hectic life inside a hospital to reveal what it means to be alive and how it feels to care for others.

Child Astrology: A Guide to Nurturing Your Child's Natural Gifts

by M. J. Abadie

A hands-on approach to the planets and their influence on children's emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development. • A guide for parents with no prior experience in astrology. • Allows parents to fully develop their children's strengths. • Author of Love Planets and coauthor of Finding Love (with Sally Jessy Raphael). For anyone and everyone concerned with successfully raising a child, M. J. Abadie's Child Astrology brings to light the rich world of celestial influences. No previous knowledge of astrology is required for parents to gain illuminating insight into their child, using techniques and methods practiced for centuries. Child Astrology offers a comprehensive look at the planets and their influence on your child's emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual development. It provides easy-to-use planetary tables and clear instructions on how to record and interpret the positioning of the planets at the time of a child's birth. The author suggests specific approaches that help to minimize those influences in a child's life that are negative and to maximize those that are positive, approaches that aid parents in anticipating and addressing the major changes particular to children's different developmental stages. As they grow into the leaders of tomorrow, children need all the help we can offer. Child Astrology gives parents the chance to enhance the development of their children with loving care tailored expressly to the individual gifts their children possess.

The Goddess in Every Girl: Develop Your Feminine Power

by M. J. Abadie

This spirited, emboldening guidebook includes more than fifty ways to get in touch with your inner divinity.Written to empower and inspire, this positive book teaches you how to connect with your inner Goddess, uncover your true goals, and create a healthy plan for achievement. With fun games and exercises, along with a list of additional resources, The Goddess in Every Girl will start you on a path of self-discovery and expression--physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Be confident. Be creative. Be beautiful. Be the person you want to be! Complete astrological tables let you look up your own personal Goddess ally in the areas of life purpose, emotions, body awareness, love, nature, energy, and passion. With more than fifty activities--such as a guided journey to the Goddess center, directions for keeping a Goddess journal, breathing exercises, meditations, and instructions on creating a sacred ritual space for self-transformation--you will find the answers within yourself. It doesn't matter who you are, where you live, what you look like, how much you weigh, what your parents do, whether you are rich or poor, popular or not--you have the power of the Goddess within you. You only have to set it free!

The Goddess in Every Girl

by M. J. Abadie

This spirited, emboldening guidebook includes more than fifty ways to get in touch with your inner divinity.Written to empower and inspire, this positive book teaches you how to connect with your inner Goddess, uncover your true goals, and create a healthy plan for achievement. With fun games and exercises, along with a list of additional resources, The Goddess in Every Girl will start you on a path of self-discovery and expression--physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Be confident. Be creative. Be beautiful. Be the person you want to be! Complete astrological tables let you look up your own personal Goddess ally in the areas of life purpose, emotions, body awareness, love, nature, energy, and passion. With more than fifty activities--such as a guided journey to the Goddess center, directions for keeping a Goddess journal, breathing exercises, meditations, and instructions on creating a sacred ritual space for self-transformation--you will find the answers within yourself. It doesn't matter who you are, where you live, what you look like, how much you weigh, what your parents do, whether you are rich or poor, popular or not--you have the power of the Goddess within you. You only have to set it free!

Tarot for Teens

by M. J. Abadie

The first and only complete guide to tarot interpretation written specifically for teens. • Provides comprehensive interpretations of each card plus instructions on how to use the cards, care for a tarot deck, and read the oracle for oneself and others.• Contains spreads, exercises, and at-a-glance card summaries.• Includes language and life examples geared specifically to the needs and concerns of teens.• Written by the coauthor of Love Planets (50,000 copies sold) and the author of The Everything Tarot Book and Teen Astrology (10,000 copies sold). The ancient art of reading tarot cards is a universally popular method of interpreting what's happening in one's life and finding answers to critical personal issues. Tarot for Teens uses examples common to the teen experience to teach how to interpret the cards and apply the oracle to life's timeless themes and challenges: the quest for love, issues of work and career, and the search for spiritual insight and personal growth. The author offers comprehensive explanations of each card that can be applied to any tarot deck and provides a wide range of sample spreads and exercises. She also explores the tremendous variety of tarot decks available today. Tarot for Teens is filled with possibilities and connections--astrological correspondences, numerological references, mythological explanations, interpretations for cards in both "upright" and "reversed" positions, and practical advice for doing readings--to maximize the fun, potency, and teachings of the tarot.

Teen Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Life Your Own

by M. J. Abadie

Explains how astrology can help teens understand themselves and take charge of their lives. • The teen market is the fastest-growing segment of the book-buying public.• A perfect party book for teens everywhere.• No previous knowledge of astrology is necessary.• M. J. Abadie has published three previous bestsellers: Finding Love, Love Planets, and Child Astrology. Why an astrology book just for teens? This is the ideal time for them to learn to understand their own inner dynamics and go after the life they really want. And astrology is simply the best tool available for gaining insight into oneself and one's relationships with other people. Teen Astrology shows how the Sun represents outer personality, while the Moon reflects the inner self, and how to balance the two. Venus rules matters of the heart, while Mars rules energy and passion. Understanding the dynamics of these two planets can help teens safely navigate the turbulent waters of love. Understanding their Mercury placement will help teens discover their most natural ways of learning, thinking, and communicating. By comparing their chart to those of their parents teens can figure out how to bridge the generation gap and open up new lines of communication. Absolutely no previous knowledge of astrology is needed to use this book--it provides full explanations of all astrological influences and all the necessary tables for locating planetary placements of friends and family.

Teen Dream Power: Unlock the Meaning of Your Dreams

by M. J. Abadie

The first and only complete guide to dream interpretation written specifically for teens.• Provides instruction for dream recall, interpretation, developing a personal dictionary of dream symbols, and keeping a dream diary.• Explains how to handle nightmares and negative dream images and explores the significance of dreams about sex. • Includes language, imagery, and life examples geared specifically to the needs and concerns of teens.• Written by the coauthor of Love Planets (50,000 copies sold) and the author of Your Psychic Potential (20,000 copies sold).When we dream we uncover our inner selves, process our hopes and fears, and explore our potential. Teen Dream Power teaches teens that when they sleep, their unconscious minds are sending them important messages that may hold the keys to their personal happiness. A professional astrologer and psychotherapist with a specialty in dream interpretation, M. J. Abadie explores the dream wisdom of earlier societies and what it means for teens today. She shows teens that by inducing dreams for special purposes and maneuvering negative dream images they can solve everyday problems. Teens will learn to increase dream recall, interpret dreams using their own personal dream symbol dictionary, handle nightmares, and explore the fascinating inner changes going on at this time in their lives. With the tools in Teen Dream Power, teens can gain self-understanding, enhance learning skills, and increase their creativity and productivity.

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