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10 Herbs for Happy, Healthy Cats: (Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin A-261) (A\storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Ser. #Vol. 261)

by Lura Rogers

Catnip Isn't the Only Herb Your Cat Will Love!If you're a dedicated cat lover, you know the amazing intoxicating effect that catnip has on most cats. But did you also know that catnip can help calm a frantic feline during an extended car trip? Or that catnip can ease feline gastrointestinal distress? In fact, there are many common herbs that can do wonders for your cat's health. In 10 Herbs for Happy, Healthy Cats you'll find ten of the safest, most versatile herbs for feline health. You'll learn everything you need to know about growing these herbs and buying or making your own herbal teas, tinctures, capsules, and poultices. You'll also find expert advice on calculating the proper dosage of an herbal remedy and administering it to your cat -- including how to catch that feisty feline and help make the medicine go down easily!

10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works--A True Story

by Dan Harris

Winner of the 2014 Living Now Book Award for Inspirational MemoirNightline anchor Dan Harris embarks on an unexpected, hilarious, and deeply skeptical odyssey through the strange worlds of spirituality and self-help, and discovers a way to get happier that is truly achievable.After having a nationally televised panic attack on Good Morning America, Dan Harris knew he had to make some changes. A lifelong nonbeliever, he found himself on a bizarre adventure, involving a disgraced pastor, a mysterious self-help guru, and a gaggle of brain scientists. Eventually, Harris realized that the source of his problems was the very thing he always thought was his greatest asset: the incessant, insatiable voice in his head, which had both propelled him through the ranks of a hyper-competitive business and also led him to make the profoundly stupid decisions that provoked his on-air freak-out.We all have a voice in our head. It's what has us losing our temper unnecessarily, checking our email compulsively, eating when we're not hungry, and fixating on the past and the future at the expense of the present. Most of us would assume we're stuck with this voice - that there's nothing we can do to rein it in - but Harris stumbled upon an effective way to do just that. It's a far cry from the miracle cures peddled by the self-help swamis he met; instead, it's something he always assumed to be either impossible or useless: meditation. After learning about research that suggests meditation can do everything from lower your blood pressure to essentially rewire your brain, Harris took a deep dive into the underreported world of CEOs, scientists, and even marines who are now using it for increased calm, focus, and happiness.10% Happier takes readers on a ride from the outer reaches of neuroscience to the inner sanctum of network news to the bizarre fringes of America's spiritual scene, and leaves them with a takeaway that could actually change their lives.

10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works - A True Story

by Dan Harris

The perfect book for the spirituality sceptics who really do need meditation in their daily routine.10% HAPPIER is a spiritual book written for - and by - someone who would otherwise never read a spiritual book. It is both a deadly serious and seriously funny look at mindfulness and meditation as the next big public health revolution.Dan Harris always believed the restless, relentless, impossible-to-satisfy voice in his head was one of his greatest assets. How else can you climb the ladder in an ultra-competitive field like TV news except through nonstop hand-wringing and hyper vigilance? For a while, his strategy worked. Harris anchored national broadcasts and he covered wars. Then he hit the brakes, and had a full-blown panic attack live on the air. What happened next was completely unforeseen. Through a bizarre series of events - involving a disgraced evangelical pastor, a mysterious self-help guru and a fateful gift from his wife - Harris stumbled upon something that helped him tame the voice in his head: meditation. At first, he was deeply suspicious. He had long associated meditation with bearded swamis and unwashed hippies. But when confronted with mounting scientific evidence that just a few minutes a day can literally rewire the brain for focus, happiness, and reduced reactivity, Harris took a deep dive. He spent years mingling with scientists, executives and marines on the front lines of a quiet revolution that has the potential to reshape society. He became a daily meditator, and even found himself on a ten-day, silent meditation retreat, which was simultaneously the best and worst experience he'd ever had.Harris's life was not transformed into a parade of rainbows and unicorns, but he did gain a passion for daily meditation. While the book itself is a narrative account of Dan's conversion amid the harried and decidedly non-Zen world of the newsroom, it concludes with a section for the novice on how to get started.(P)2014 HarperCollinsPublishers

10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works - A True Story

by Dan Harris

#1 New York Times Bestseller and winner of the 2014 Living Now Book Award for Inspirational Memoir.'An enormously smart, clear-eyed, brave-hearted, and quite a personal look at the benefits of meditation' - Elizabeth Gilbert10% Happier is a spiritual book written for - and by - someone who would otherwise never read a spiritual book. It is both a deadly serious and seriously funny look at mindfulness and meditation as the next big public health revolution.Dan Harris always believed the restless, relentless, impossible-to-satisfy voice in his head was one of his greatest assets. How else can you climb the ladder in an ultra-competitive field like TV news except through nonstop hand-wringing and hyper vigilance? For a while, his strategy worked. Harris anchored national broadcasts and he covered wars. Then he hit the brakes, and had a full-blown panic attack live on the air. What happened next was completely unforeseen. Through a bizarre series of events - involving a disgraced evangelical pastor, a mysterious self-help guru and a fateful gift from his wife - Harris stumbled upon something that helped him tame the voice in his head: meditation. At first, he was deeply suspicious. He had long associated meditation with bearded swamis and unwashed hippies. But when confronted with mounting scientific evidence that just a few minutes a day can literally rewire the brain for focus,happiness, and reduced reactivity, Harris took a deep dive. He spent years mingling with scientists,executives and marines on the front lines of a quiet revolution that has the potential to reshape society. He became a daily meditator, and even found himself on a ten-day, silent meditation retreat, which was simultaneously the best and worst experience he'd ever had.Harris's life was not transformed into a parade of rainbows and unicorns, but he did gain a passion for daily meditation. While the book itself is a narrative account of Dan's conversion amid the harried and decidedly non-Zen world of the newsroom, it concludes with a section for the novice on how to get started.

10 giorni di dieta depurativa chetogenica

by Diana Watson

La tua incredibile dieta depurativa chetogenica di 10 giorni per trasformare il tuo organismo in una macchina bruciagrassi senza pietà. Ciao amici! siete stanchi, debilitati, apatici tutto il tempo? Senti di avere cali di energia durante la giornata e di aver bisogno troppo spesso di una pausa caffè? vuoi perdere peso, sentirti meglio e avere più carica? Ecco per te la Dieta Depurativa Chetogenica: aumenta il metabolismo e depura l'organismo con queste deliziose e divertenti ricette in un piano alimentare di soli 10 giorni! La dieta chetogenica che troverai in questo libro utilizza la naturale risposta del tuo organismo ai cibi e brucia quelle riserve di grasso ostinato che si trovano soprattutto nella fascia addominale. Ovvero centimetri di giro vita! La dieta chetogenica è unica perchè costringe l'organismo a bruciare i grassi invece che i carboidrati. Ciò significa che il tuo corpo si tramuterà in una macchina brucia-grassi! Con a Dieta Depurativa Chetogenica tu: Avrai una dieta comprovata che può dare una spinta al tuo metabiolismo Avrai la possibilità di testare quanto funzioni veramente la Dieta Chetogenica e come può diventare una soluzione a lungo termine per controllare il tuo peso Imparerai le basi della dieta Chetogenica e come può stimolare il tuo metabolismo Avrai accesso alle deliziose ricette chetogeniche di colazione, pranzo e cena. Cibi sani che ti aiuteranno a ottenere una salute migliore e un corpo migliore! Chi dice che si deve morire di fame per dimagrire? Ecco alcune delle ricette di questa dieta depurativa Chetogenica che sono certa adorerai e che contribuiranno a soddisfare i tuoi bisogni mentre cercherai di raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi: OMELETTE DI POLLO STILE CALIFORNIA BISTECCA E UOVO CON AVOCADO CREPES ALLA CREMA DI LAMPONI CAVOLETTI DI BRUXELLE E BACON POLLO PAD THAI TACOS DI PESCE STILE CHIPOTLE BAVETTA DI MANZO IN SALSA SIRACHA E mo

10 Giorni Detox con gli Smoothie Verdi

by The Blokehead

Gli smoothie sono tra le miscele più popolari tra i vari menù. Infatti, sono così famosi che non esistono sostanzialmente limiti alle ricette per i diversi tipi di smoothie e le persone possono goderseli a prescindere da dove si trovano, spaziando dal ristorante preferito alla fiera di strada. Si sono radicati così bene nella nostra cultura, specialmente negli Stati Uniti, che posso essere trovati ovunque. Naturalmente alcuni sono più salutari di altri, in base al tipo specifico di ingredienti utilizzati. Inoltre, alcuni sono realizzati per risaltarne il gusto e altri, come gli smoothie verdi, sono creati per il preciso scopo di indirizzare le persone verso una dieta più salutare e per preparare i loro corpi a determinate attività quali un’intensa attività fisica. Prendi una copia e gusta le ricette! Questa pubblicazione intende fornire un aiuto e del materiale informativo. Non è intesa per diagnosticare, trattare, curare o prevenire nessun problema di salute o condizione fisica, ne è intesa come sostituto di un medico. Nessun’azione dovrebbe essere presa basandosi solamente sul contenuto di questo libro. Consultare sempre prima un medico o un professionista qualificato su qualsiasi patologia riguardante la propria salute prima di provare i suggerimenti contenuti nel libro o trarre conclusioni da esso. L’autore e l’editore declinano specificatamente ogni responsabilità personale per la perdita o il rischio che ne consegue, direttamente o indirettamente, dall’uso o l’applicazione dei contenuti di questo libro. Tutti i nomi dei prodotti all’interno di questo libro sono un marchio registrato dei rispettivi possessori. Nessuno dei possessori sopra ha sponsorizzato, autorizzato, promosso o approvato questo libro. Leggere sempre tutte le informazioni fornire dal libretto d’istruzioni dei produttore quando si usano i loro prodotti. L’autore e l’editore non sono responsabili per i reclami effettuati dai�

10 Essential Herbs for Lifelong Health: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-218 (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Ser.)

by Barbara L. Heller M.S.W.

Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.

10 Dias Limpeza Smoothie: Verde 50 Novas Receitas Reveladas Ajudam a Dormir! Durma como merece agora

by The Blokehead

Os smoothies são uma das misturas mais populares que aparecem em muitos menus. Na verdade, eles são tão populares que há uma oferta praticamente ilimitada de receitas para diferentes tipos de smoothies e as pessoas são capazes de os saborear independentemente onde se encontrem, quer seja num restaurante favorito ou numa feira de rua. Tornaram-se tão enraizados na cultura, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, que podem ser encontrados praticamente em qualquer lugar. Claro que, alguns smoothies são mais saudáveis do que outros, pois tudo depende do tipo específico de ingredientes que neles estão incluídos. Além disso, alguns smoothies são preparados pra saborear e outros, como os smoothies verdes, são feitos para com a intenção específica de ajudar as pessoas a experimentar uma saúde melhor e para preparar os seus corpos para determinadas atividades, como intensos esforços atléticos.

10 Dias Limpeza Smoothie Verde 50 Novas Receitas Aniquiladoras do Colesterol

by The Blokehead

Smoothie Romã Bagas Ingredientes 1/2 Chávena água 1/2 Chávena de requeijão magro 1 Chávena de sumo de romã 1 Banana média 2 Chávenas de frutos silvestres congelados 2 Chávenas de gelo (se usar frutos silvestres frescos) Preparação 1. Coloque todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e enganche a tampa. 2. Para o liquidificador Blendtec: Prima o botão SMOOTHIE 3. Para o liquidificador Vitamix: Selecione VARIABLE velocidade #1. Ligue a máquina e aumente devagar a velocidade para VARIABLE velocidade #10 e então selecione para HIGH. Bata por 45 segundos ou até alcançar a consistência desejada. Pegue no livro para mais receitas agora!

10 Días de Purificación Con Licuado Verde (The Blokehead Series)

by Jodie Sloan

Jugo de Mora Azul y Manzana Ingredientes: Moras azules – 2 tazas Manzanas – 2 Método: Lava completamente y retira las semillas de las frutas. Ponlas en una licuadora y has un jugo. Agrega algo de hielo y disfruta esta sabrosa bebida. Bebe el jugo inmediatamente después de la preparación; adoptará una textura de gel después de media hora de su preparación. ¡Obtén el libro ahora para más recetas de Licuados!

10 Días de Purificación Con Licuado Verde (The Blokehead Series)

by The Blokehead

Los licuados son de los más populares brebajes que aparecen en muchos menús. De hecho, son tan populares que existe un suministro prácticamente ilimitado de recetas para diferentes tipos de licuados y la gente es capaz de disfrutarlos sin importar donde se encuentren, desde un restaurante predilecto hasta una feria. Han llegado a ser tan arraigados en la cultura, especialmente en los Estados Unidos, que pueden encontrarse, prácticamente, en cualquier lado. Por supuesto, algunos licuados son más saludables que otros, como todo, depende del tipo específico de ingredientes que se incluyen. Además, algunos están hechos por gusto y otros, tales como los verdes, están hechos para el expreso propósito de ayudar a la gente a experimentar una mejor salud y preparar sus cuerpos para ciertas actividades tales como esfuerzos atléticos intensos

10 Días de Purificación Con Licuado Verde

by The Blokehead

Los licuados son de los más populares brebajes que aparecen en muchos menús. De hecho, son tan populares que existe un suministro prácticamente ilimitado de recetas para diferentes tipos de licuados y la gente es capaz de disfrutarlos sin importar donde se encuentren, desde un restaurante predilecto hasta una feria. Han llegado a ser tan arraigados en la cultura, especialmente en los Estados Unidos, que pueden encontrarse, prácticamente, en cualquier lado. Por supuesto, algunos licuados son más saludables que otros, como todo, depende del tipo específico de ingredientes que se incluyen. Además, algunos están hechos por gusto y otros, tales como los verdes, están hechos para el expreso propósito de ayudar a la gente a experimentar una mejor salud y preparar sus cuerpos para ciertas actividades tales como esfuerzos atléticos intensos.

10 Días de Purificación con Licuado Verde

by The Blokehead

Descripción del Libro Fresa Coco Almendra 8 – 10 fresas chicas congeladas 3 fresas frescas 1 taza de leche de coco 1 cucharada de mantequilla de almendra 1 cucharadita de miel Chocolate Aguacate 1 aguacate 2 plátanos congelados ½ taza de frambuesas frescas o congeladas 1 – 2 cucharadas de cocoa sin endulzar en polvo 2 tazas de leche de almendras o de coco Canela Coco Plátano ½ taza de leche de coco 4 yemas de huevo grandes 1 plátano mediano ¼ de taza de hielo ½ cucharadita de canela ¡Obtén el libro ahora para más recetas de Licuados Paleo!

10 Dias de Limpeza smoothie verde: 50 Novas Receitas De Smoothies Paleo Para Queimar Gorduras (The Blokehead Series)

by The Blokehead

Descrição do Livro Morando Coco Amêndoa 8-10 Morangos pequenos congelados 3 Morangos frescos 1 Chávena de leite de coco 1 cc de manteiga de amêndoa 1 cc de mel Chocolate Abacate 1 Abacate 2 Bananas congeladas 1/2 Chávena de framboesas frescas ou congeladas 1-2 cs cacau em pó sem açúcar 2 Chávena de leite de amêndoa ou de coco Canela Coco Banana 1/2 Chávena de leite de coco 4 Gemas de ovo grandes 1 Banana média 1/4 Chávena de gelo 1/2 cc de canela Pegue o livro para receitas do smoothie mais paleo agora!

10 Dias de Limpeza Com Batidos Verdes: 50 Receitas de Fontes de Juventude Para Uma Aparência Jovem (The Blokehead Series)

by Jodie Sloan

Sumo de Maçã e Mirtilos Ingredientes: Mirtilos - 2 xícaras Maçãs – 2 Método: Lave bem e remova as sementes das frutas. Coloque-as numa liquidificadora e faça um sumo. Adicione gelo e desfrute desta saborosa bebida. Beba o sumo imediatamente após a sua preparação; irá ganhar uma textura gelatinosa após meia hora da preparação. Adquira já o livro para mais receitas de batidos!

10 Dias de Batidos Orgânicos para Desintoxicar (The Blokehead Series)

by The Blokehead

Os Batidos são um dos processos digestivos mais populares que aparecem em muitos menus. Na verdade, eles são tão populares que há uma fonte virtualmente ilimitada de receitas para diferentes tipos de Batidos e as pessoas poderão apreciá-los, independentemente, de onde quer que estejam, desde um restaurante, a outro local favorito, ou até numa feira, ou num mercado. Tornaram-se tão enraizados na cultura, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, que podem ser encontrados, praticamente, em qualquer lugar. Claro que alguns Batidos são mais saudáveis ​​do que outros, dependendo do tipo específico de ingredientes que estão incluídos neles. Além disso, alguns Batidos são consumidos por gosto pessoal e outros, como os Batidos Orgânicos, são consumidos com o intuito exclusivo de ajudarem as pessoas a serem mais saudáveis e prepararem os seus corpos para determinadas actividades, tais como intensos esforços físicos. Compre o livro de receitas, agora!

10 Days to a Less Distracted Child: The Breakthrough Program That Gets Your Kids to Listen, Learn, Focus and Behave

by Jeffrey Bernstein

A recent study reported that 10 percent of schoolchildren show symptoms of ADHD, and more children now face learning disabilities, anxiety, depression, and increased stress. Dr. Bernstein's plan works for all types of distracted kids.

10-Day Sugar Detox: Easy Meal Plans to Beat Sugar in 10 Days

by Dana Angelo White

This book aims to offer a very basic education about sugar and then provides recipes for simple, healthy, no-sugar meals.

The 10-Day Plan to Nourish & Glow: Lose weight, feel great, and transform your relationship with food

by Amelia Freer

The much-anticipated new book from bestselling author and nutritional therapist Amelia Freer, that will help you transform your relationship with food, for life.In Amelia Freer's most comprehensive book yet, she shares the practices she has developed and refined over years of working with high-profile clients, such as James Corden and Victoria Beckham. It includes a 10-day plan and over 40 recipes that will fundamentally transform the way you grocery shop, cook, and eat--now and for life. With gentle yet authoritative guidance, this book will empower you to achieve a healthier and happier relationship with food, and to discover a way of eating that is right for you. Amelia recognizes that there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to food, and the simple, delicious recipes she provides are bright, fresh antidotes to what many people envision when they think of eating on a diet. Nourishing yet creative recipes (and their vegan alternatives) like Turmeric & Mango Spiced Chia Pot, Rainbow Abundance Bowl, Salmon Salad in a Jar, Overnight Oat Crumble with Apple, and Falafel Burgers, will leave you satisfied and inspired to embark on a journey of healthy eating for life.

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!

by Jj Smith

The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse will jump-start your weight loss, increase your energy level, clear your mind and improve your overall health.Made up of supernutrients from leafy greens and fruits, green smoothies are filling and healthy and you will enjoy drinking them. Your body will also thank you for drinking them as your health and energy improve to levels you never thought possible. It is an experience that could change your life if you stick with it!This book provides a shopping list, recipes and detailed instructions for the 10-day cleanse, along with suggestions for getting the best results. It also offers advice on how to continue to lose weight and maintain good health afterwards.Are you ready to look slimmer, healthier and sexier than you have in years? Then get ready to begin the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse! If you successfully complete the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, you will...• Lose 10-15 pounds in 10 days• Get rid of stubborn body fat, including belly fat• Drop pounds and inches fast, without grueling workouts• Learn to live a healthier lifestyle of detoxing and healthy eating• Naturally crave healthy foods so you never have to diet again• Receive over 100 recipes for various health conditions and goals

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!

by JJ Smith

The New York Times bestselling 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse will jump-start your weight loss, increase your energy level, clear your mind, and improve your overall health as you lose ten to fifteen pounds in just ten days.Made up of supernutrients from leafy greens and fruits, green smoothies are filling and healthy and you will enjoy drinking them. Your body will also thank you for drinking them as your health and energy improve to levels you never thought possible. It is an experience that could change your life if you stick with it!This book provides a shopping list, recipes, and detailed instructions for the 10-day cleanse, along with suggestions for getting the best results. It also offers advice on how to continue to lose weight and maintain good health afterwards.Are you ready to look slimmer, healthier, and sexier than you have in years? Then get ready to begin the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse!If you successfully complete the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, you will…• Lose 10–15 pounds in 10 days• Get rid of stubborn body fat, including belly fat• Drop pounds and inches fast, without grueling workouts• Learn to live a healthier lifestyle of detoxing and healthy eating• Naturally crave healthy foods so you never have to diet again• Receive over 100 recipes for various health conditions and goals

10-day Celery Juice Cleanse: The fresh start plan to supercharge your health

by Hannah Ebelthite

Celery juice is the new wonder ingredient on everybody's lips - in Celery Juice: Everything You Need to Know, Hannah Ebelthite investigates this humble super vegetable, explains the nutritional facts and offers a gut-healthy, anti-inflammatory 7-day wellness plan to help boost your energy, beat the bloat and feel ready for anything. Have you heard? Celery juice is rumoured to alleviate symptoms of chronic illnesses from digestive disorders, fatigue, eczema, diabetes and Lyme disease. Find out the facts and whether you might feel the benefits from this low-calorie, hydrating, vitamin-packed ingredient. Chapters include:· The facts - what are the nutrients in celery, and what's the difference between eating the whole vegetable and the juice? · The health benefits of celery juice - which are proven, and which are not? · Who would benefit from including celery juice in their diet? · What other ingredients particularly complement celery? · The low-down on the best juicers· 7-day wellness plan including recipes for green juices, cleansing soups, salads and healthy elixirs

10-day Celery Juice Cleanse: The fresh start plan to supercharge your health

by Hannah Ebelthite

Celery juice is the new wonder ingredient on everybody's lips - in Celery Juice: Everything You Need to Know, Hannah Ebelthite investigates this humble super vegetable, explains the nutritional facts and offers a gut-healthy, anti-inflammatory 7-day wellness plan to help boost your energy, beat the bloat and feel ready for anything. Have you heard? Celery juice is rumoured to alleviate symptoms of chronic illnesses from digestive disorders, fatigue, eczema, diabetes and Lyme disease. Find out the facts and whether you might feel the benefits from this low-calorie, hydrating, vitamin-packed ingredient. Chapters include:· The facts - what are the nutrients in celery, and what's the difference between eating the whole vegetable and the juice? · The health benefits of celery juice - which are proven, and which are not? · Who would benefit from including celery juice in their diet? · What other ingredients particularly complement celery? · The low-down on the best juicers· 7-day wellness plan including recipes for green juices, cleansing soups, salads and healthy elixirs

The 10-Day Belly Slimdown: Lose Your Belly, Heal Your Gut, Enjoy a Lighter, Younger You

by Kellyann Petrucci

"This isn't another gimmicky diet--it's a powerful eating strategy that will take your extra pounds off quickly, safely, and permanently." - Mark Hyman, MD, Director, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat Fat Get Thin"The best gift you can give yourself is a slim, beautiful, healthy belly--and in this book, Dr. Kellyann, an expert I trust, tells you exactly how to get it." - Mehmet Oz, M.D.The New York Times bestselling author of Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet reveals her powerful belly-slimming plan that will help you lose up to 10 pounds in 10 days!Are you sick and tired of your belly fat? Frustrated with diets that don't take it off? Angry that you don't look the way you want to look, and can't wear the clothes you want to wear? Naturopathic physician and weight loss specialist Dr. Kellyann Petrucci has spent over 20 years showing people how to do the impossible: take off stubborn belly fat. After guiding thousands of amazing transformations over her career, Dr. Petrucci has targeted the most powerful ways to flatten your belly--deprivation not included! In The 10-Day Belly Slimdown, you will learn the #1 biggest secret to rapid belly-blasting: "mini-fasting." This simple but revolutionary shift in the timing of your meals means you'll eat within a seven-hour window each day. While you're mini-fasting, you'll never feel hungry--luscious, satisfying bone broth will quench cravings and melt off pounds, collagen-packed shakes will kick your metabolism into overdrive, and "slim-gestion" foods, herbs, and spices will fight bloat, lower inflammation, and cleanse your gut. In combination, these strategies deliver incredible results quickly and safely. The 10-Day Belly Slimdown includes daily meal plans, batch cooking tips to make meal prep a snap, 80 delicious new recipes, and a sensible maintenance plan. As you heal your belly from the inside out, you'll feel younger, happier, and lighter than you thought possible.

The 10 Best QuestionsTM for Recovering from a Heart Attack

by Dede Bonner

A good mind knows the right answers, but a great mind knows the right questions. And never are the Best Questions more important than after the life-altering event of surviving a heart attack or being diagnosed with heart disease. Drawing on cutting-edge research and advice from internationally prominent cardiologists, the president of the American Heart Association, award-winning personal trainers and nutritionists, and experts in healthy lifestyles, smoking cessation, alcohol abuse, stress management, spirituality, relationships, sex, and financial planning, The 10 Best QuestionsTM for Recovering from a Heart Attack is a holistic guide you'll take with you into your doctor's office and keep close to you through every step of your treatment and recovery.

The 10 Best Questions for Surviving Breast Cancer

by Dede Bonner Marisa C Weiss

A good mind knows the right answers...but a great mind knows the right questions. And never are the Best Questions more important than after a diagnosis of breast cancer. Drawing on cutting-edge research and original interviews -- including with former surgeon general C. Everett Koop, bestselling author Dr. Susan Love, well-known breast cancer survivors like Betty Rollin, and experts at the top cancer-care centers in the world -- The 10 Best QuestionsTM for Surviving Breast Cancer is a guide you'll take with you into your doctor's office and keep close to you through every step of your treatment and recovery. In addition to the medical questions, you'll also learn what you need to ask your friends, colleagues, and loved ones so that the rest of your life doesn't take a backseat to your diagnosis: "How many days I can afford to be out?" (p. 211) "What questions are my children likely to ask?" (p. 261) "When will I be comfortable being intimate again with my partner?" (p. 234) With a wealth of resources and up-to-the-minute information, The 10 Best QuestionsTM for Surviving Breast Cancer shows you how to move past a scary diagnosis and use the power of questions to become your own best advocate for your emotional, mental, physical, and financial health.

The 10 Best Questions for Living with Fibromyalgia

by Dede Bonner Patrick Wood

A good mind knows the right answers...but a great mind knows the right questions. And never are the Best Questions more important than after the life-altering diagnosis of fibromyalgia -- or when you are talking with endless doctors about your chronic pain, hoping to finally get a correct diagnosis and treatment plan. Drawing on cutting-edge research and advice by nearly sixty experts from the National Fibromyalgia Association; Mayo Clinic; and leaders in fibromyalgia, sleep, and stress disorders -- as well as celebrity patients, including author Martha Beck and singer Rosie Hamlin -- The 10 Best Questions® for Living with Fibromyalgia is a comprehensive guide you'll take along to your doctor's office and keep close at hand for its well-researched answers as you continue your journey to better physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual health. With a wealth of resources and up-to-the-minute information, The 10 Best Questions® for Living with Fibromyalgia shows you how to move beyond your fears and use the power of the Best Questions and Magic Questions -- the smartest questions that most people never think to ask -- to become your own best advocate in conquering the symptoms of fibromyalgia and its negative effects on your personal life.

The 10 Best Questions for Living with Alzheimer's

by Dede Bonner

A good mind knows the right answers. . . but a great mind knows the right questions. And never are the 10 Best Questions™ more important than after the life-altering diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Drawing on cutting-edge research and advice given by experts from the Alzheimer's Association, Mayo Clinic, and UCLA's Memory Clinic and Center for Aging -- as well as personal stories from caretakers, including television star and activist Linda Dano and nationally syndicated columnist Harriet Cole --The 10 Best Questions™ for Living with Alzheimer'sis a guide you'll take with you to your doctor's office and keep close at hand as your loved one progresses from the initial diagnosis through all the stages of the disease. In addition to the medical questions, you'll also learn what you need to ask your spouse or parent; questions to assess home safety issues, driving skills, and home care; and how to care for your own emotional, legal, and financial health. With a wealth of resources and up-to-the-minute information,The 10 Best Questions™ for Living with Alzheimer'sshows you and your family how to move past a scary diagnosis and use the power of questions to become your own best health advocate -- for yourself and for your loved one.

The 10 Best Nutritional Supplements: Prevent and cure conditions with the super-nutrients vitamin D3, MSM, OPC, coenzyme Q 10, 5-HTP, alpha-lipoic acid, and more...

by Evelyne Laye

What if you could easily get rid of yourl ailments? Nowadays, most people suffer from a significant lack of nutrients. But you can fix this! Vitamin D, magnesium, OPC, MSM and other nutritional supplements boost your metabolism; protect the heart, blood vessels and immune system; reduce the risk of cancer; melt pounds; eliminate fatigue and depression; and make you fit and alert. In this book, the most important nutritional supplements for your body are described in detail, along with deficiency symptoms, applications and testimonials. This book with give you advice on buying and dosing, and will enable you to start taking care of your health right away.

10,000 Names for Your Baby

by Kathy Ishizuka

Bigger and better than ever, this comprehensive reference provides all the information parents need to choose the best name for their baby. Packed with thousands of new choices and the latest findings on how our names can affect our personal and professional lives, this book makes finding the perfect name easier than ever. Discover:Place names: Jamaica, Dakota, SierraSurnames for first names: Madison, Harper, TaylorNames from nature: Lark, Pearl, SageNames from mythology: Daphne, Thea, Gareth10 issues to consider before naming a babyConcise overview of the most popular name categoriesCompletely revised horoscopes to predict a baby's talents and tendenciesAnd much more!From the Paperback edition.

The 10: The Healthy Way to Lose 10 Kilos in 10 Weeks (& keep them off forever!)

by Sarah Di Lorenzo

Created by clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo, The 10:10 Diet is a 10-week meal and exercise plan aimed at helping you lose 10 kilos and keep the weight off in the healthiest way possible.The 10:10 Diet not only outlines an easy-to-follow 10-week program to lose 10 kilos, but it goes behind the program to explain the science and logic that were used to create it. Devised by clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo, The 10:10 Diet outlines the factors that contribute to weight gain and how to eliminate or respond more effectively to them. The roles played by stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy food options, mental and societal roadblocks and other factors are explained in layperson's terms, and Sarah draws from both her own experience as a single mother of three and those of her clients to demonstrate methods to overcome obstacles standing in the way of weight loss. Rejecting the notion of fad diets, Sarah has crafted a manageable, achievable program aimed at people with busy lifestyles who will feel the benefit of a new commitment to their health by the conclusion of the 10-week program, and have the knowledge and understanding to maintain their new habits in the future.Praise for Sarah Di Lorenzo 'I want you to know that with Sarah&’s help, you WILL reach your goal weight. But more than that – you WILL keep it off. Plus, your mind WILL be clear, and you WILL have energy in abundance. Put simply, you WILL feel amazing.' Monique Wright, journalist and TV presenter 'Sarah showed me how to do something I hadn&’t been able to do in years… lose those last, stubborn few kilos that annoyed and frustrated me. She gave me a healthy plan to stick to, with no tiresome calories counting, just good food. And the best thing was, it could be changed here and there as my days suddenly got busy. It was like having a little friend in my phone, with the perfect eating plan and then the back-ups in case life got in the way. I can&’t recommend her highly enough.' Natalie Barr, journalist and TV presenter. 'Sarah admits I am her most needy, intractable and ravenous client. To succeed, she needed more than science; it was a medley of psychology, stealth-health, tofu-trauma therapy and round-the-clock chocolate intervention. I bombarded her with memes of starving walruses and thought our friendship was beyond repair when she informed me my Cadburys smorgasbord would be replaced with HALF a protein bar (I can still feel part of my soul dying as I sliced it in two). I did it gracelessly and grudgingly and yet Sarah stripped off 16 kilos in 8 weeks. Stop reading and urgently buy her book.' Matt Doran, journalist and TV presenter 'Over the years I&’ve bought every health-kick book there is – macrobiotic, vegan, &‘eating right for my blood type&’ – some I barely made past the first day, others the first... page! Now, thanks to Sarah, I&’ve finally found what works for me! Her detox approach is a celebration of food and feeling your best. No punishment, restriction or radical plans. Instead, a clear roadmap to restoring your best health, based on actual science (thanks to the countless medical studies Sarah loves to read). The most surprising result – I&’m still following its principles long after my 10 weeks are done. The other books are binned; Sarah&’s plan has become a way of life.' Sally Bowrey, journalist and TV presenter

The 10: Fast, healthy and budget-friendly recipes for the whole family

by Sarah Di Lorenzo

More than 180 quick and simple super-healthy recipes for you and your family to make your 10:10 journey even easier! From Australia&’s favourite clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo. The 10:10 Simple Recipe Book makes it as easy as possible for the whole family to eat healthy and delicious food. Clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo offers a wholistic approach to bringing food back to basics, with easy, budget-friendly, and delicious recipes that will make cooking for the family a breeze! These simple recipes have fewer ingredients and steps, and feature Sarah&’s tips on making everything from scratch, sticking to a budget, cooking with pantry staples and using leftovers. With everything from salads and snacks to smoothies and desserts, The 10:10 Simple Recipe Book will help you prepare delicious, nutritious meals in minutes – and keep your family&’s health on track.

The 10: Your ideal weight the healthy way

by Sarah Di Lorenzo

A 10-week meal and exercise plan aimed at helping you lose weight and keep it off in the healthiest way possible, from Australia&’s favourite clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo. Want to lose weight and keep it off forever? Clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo shows you how in this easy-to-follow program and clearly explains the science and logic used to create it. Drawing from her own experiences, Sarah explains the factors that contribute to weight gain – stress, lack of sleep, unhealthy food options, mental and societal roadblocks – and provides tips on how to eliminate or respond more effectively to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of weight loss. Rejecting the notion of fad diets, Sarah has crafted a manageable, achievable program aimed at people with busy lifestyles. Now with a bonus chapter on how to fit the 10:10 plan into your everyday life along with brand new recipes created by the 10:10 community, The 10:10 Plan will have you feeling healthier than ever. &‘I want you to know that with Sarah&’s help, you WILL reach your goal weight. But more than that – you WILL keep it off. Plus, your mind WILL be clear, and you WILL have energy in abundance. Put simply, you WILL feel amazing.&’ Monique Wright, journalist and TV presenter 'Over the years I&’ve bought every health-kick book there is … Now, thanks to Sarah, I&’ve finally found what works for me! Her detox approach is a celebration of food and feeling your best. No punishment, restriction or radical plans. Instead, a clear roadmap to restoring your best health, based on actual science … The most surprising result – I&’m still following its principles long after my 10 weeks are done. The other books are binned; Sarah&’s plan has become a way of life.' Sally Bowrey, journalist and TV presenter &‘Sarah showed me how to do something I hadn&’t been able to do in years … lose those last, stubborn few kilos that annoyed and frustrated me. She gave me a healthy plan to stick to, with no tiresome calories counting, just good food.&’ Natalie Barr, journalist and TV presenter.

The 10: 150 delicious recipes to help you lose weight and keep it off

by Sarah Di Lorenzo

The companion book to Sarah Di Lorenzo&’s #1 bestseller The 10:10 Plan, featuring 150 delicious recipes to help you lose weight and keep it off. The 10:10 Recipe Book is the ultimate companion to The 10:10 Plan, which shows you how to lose weight the healthy way. This companion cookbook offers more than 150 recipes for people with busy lifestyles, who want to lose weight and keep it off forever. Created by clinical nutritionist Sarah Di Lorenzo, these tasty and easy-to-make recipes include everything from breakfast favourites, soups and smoothies, to more substantial lunches and dinners, and even includes snacks and delicious desserts for those with a sweet tooth. Whether you are just starting the 10:10 program or are looking for a broader range of recipes that will help keep your weight-loss on track, these recipes are nutrient-rich and delicious, and are designed to help keep you full, nourish and inspire you. &‘Sarah&’s approach isn't about fad dieting and starving yourself. Rather, it&’s about using lots of quality unprocessed ingredients in delicious and interesting ways to maintain optimum weight and health as a way of life. Sarah&’s recipes are balanced, simple, easy and delicious and won&’t have you in the kitchen doing hours of laborious prep.&’ Sophie Falkiner, TV presenter &‘Counting calories and reading nutrition labels is a punishment – just stick with Sarah&’s recipes and she&’ll change the way you eat, feel and look.&’ Kendall Bora, Executive Producer, Weekend Today, Channel 9

The 10: Easy detox plans and healthy smoothies

by Sarah Di Lorenzo

Feeling sluggish, unmotivated and tired? Sarah Di Lorenzo&’s The 10:10 Kickstart will help you drop the kilos and revitalise your health with easy detox plans and healthy smoothies to nourish you. Whether you&’re just starting out on your weight-loss journey or are already a 10:10 Plan convert, this book is full of deliciously nutritious recipes, healing smoothies and detox menu plans to help you kickstart your way to better health. It shows you how you can shed kilos, remove toxins from your body, sleep better, feel more energetic, have clearer skin, lower your risk of disease, and improve your mood and relationships. The 10:10 Kickstart features a range of recipes targeting many health and lifestyle concerns, including: bone health, breastfeeding, cold and flu symptoms, anxiety, cholesterol, hangovers, anti-aging, skin and hair health, and more. &‘Sarah&’s detox works because, ultimately, it isn&’t a diet, it&’s a way of life.&’ Sally Bowrey, journalist and TV presenter

1 Year, 100 Pounds

by Whitney Holcombe

Part cheerleader, part drill sergeant, Whitney Holcombe chronicles how to transition from "the fat girl" to being a healthy, confident young woman.At age fourteen, Whitney Holcombe stepped onto her bathroom scale and a number glared up at her: 230. That number controlled her life until one day she went for a walk that changed everything. A little bit memoir and a whole lot of advice, 1 Year, 100 Pounds follows Whitney's journey to battle obesity, negative self-image, and peer ridicule. Through following a healthy diet and exercise routine, Whitney shed the pounds without pills, trainers, or surgery. And along the way, she discovered the confidence to love her body. Reviewed by experts in the fields of diet, health, and fitness, with a foreword by Dr. Joseph Colella, a leading bariatric surgeon who endorses Whitney's method of healthy weight loss over surgery, 1 Year, 100 Pounds is a personal guidebook packed with tips for making healthy food choices, easy exercises, and inspiration that empowers you to change your own life.

1 Pound a Day: The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox and Plan for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating

by Roni Deluz James Hester

The authors of the New York Times bestseller 21 Pounds in 21 Days are back with a simple plan that will help you * Lose weight * Feel great * Get healthy And stay that way! Roni DeLuz and James Hester took the country by storm with their instant runaway bestseller 21 Pounds in 21 Days, based on Roni's unique and renowned detox program at the Martha's Vineyard Holistic Retreat. With help from the feedback of thousands of detoxers, they have made the plan even simpler, more practical, and more effective. Now everyone can experience the rejuvenating, restorative, energizing effects of a cleansing detox one day at a time. The 1 Pound a Day diet detox will introduce you to a world of delectable and health-boosting clean foods. You will become a juice master with fresh, nourishing recipes such as Power Punch Green Juice and Carrot and Ginger Juice. You will enjoy satisfying, easy-to-make soups each night-- Sweet Parsnip Soup, "Stir-Fry" Broccoli Soup, and Curried Vegetable Soup, to name just a few. Stories and tips from successful detoxers will inspire you and let you know what to expect every step of the way. Best of all, 1 Pound a Day goes beyond the twenty-one-day detox and weight loss period to give you guidelines for a nine-day transition back to everyday eating, plus strategies for keeping the weight off for a lifetime. Not only will you feel fantastic, you will be nourished from the inside out, making you look lean and radiant. To help you maintain the detox glow, inside you'll also find two weeks of meal plans and luscious recipes from Roni's kitchen. The 1 Pound a Day detox is the start of a lifetime of wellness. Your improved outlook, boundless energy, and optimal health will make it easy to maintain the changes you have made. Detox your body and regain your life! *** Why Detox? Toxins and noxious substances are everywhere you turn. This avalanche of chemicals accumulates in your cells, overwhelms your body, and disrupts its normal functions. The latest research points to "obesogens"--toxins that are stored in fat cells--as a significant part of the problem. If you want to lose weight and protect yourself from disease, 1 Pound a Day will help you lower your toxic load. Do you want people to say, "You look great! What have you done?" Then the 1 Pound a Day diet detox is for you! If you answer yes to any of the questions below, it's time to make detoxing a priority. Do you . . . Have a hard time losing weight and keeping it off? Carry weight around your middle? Eat a lot of processed food? Have a high level of stress in your life? Lose energy or get tired during the day? Have digestive problems? Have allergies and sensitivities? Experience insomnia? Let Roni help you lighten up, supercharge your energy, and look radiant!

1,500 Stretches: The Complete Guide to Flexibility and Movement

by Hollis Liebman

<p>1,500 Stretches--the follow-up book to the New York Times bestseller 2,100 Asanas-- compiles all stretching poses in one place, organized by body part, with stunning photographs, easy-to-follow steps, and the health benefits of each pose. Does your lower back ache from sitting all day? Can you barely walk after your cycling class? Do you stretch your back and feel only more tension? Stretching is vital for chronic pain, building muscle tone, and full movement. <p>1,500 Stretches has the complete collection of stretches organized by body part--back, calf, hamstrings, chest and many more. They are demonstrated in beautiful full-color photographs. The steps are easy to follow and explain what muscle groups are targeted and its benefits for pain relief and physical appearance. There are additional chapters on yoga and partner stretches and the importance of stretching correctly. <p>1,500 Stretches celebrates the beauty of the body through photography, while providing practical advice to feel and look better.</p>

1, 2, 3, Exercise with Me! Fun Exercises with Elmo (Sesame Street)

by Andrea Posner-Sanchez

In this adorable book, Elmo shares lots of fun exercises that young children—and his Sesame Street friends—can do both indoors and outside. The oversized board book, full of bright photos of the characters and colorful illustrations, is great for caregivers and children to read together.Elmo knows how important exercising is for keeping bodies fit and healthy. And he knows it can be fun! Young children will love doing the exercises Elmo does with his Sesame Street friends, including Grover, Rosita, Abby, Bert and Ernie, and Big Bird.Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit educational organization behind Sesame Street, aims to help kids grow smarter, stronger, and kinder through its many unique domestic and international initiatives. These projects cover a wide array of topics for families around the world.

1,001 Tips for the Parents of Autistic Girls: Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Doctors, Schools, Taxes, Vacations, Babysitters, Treatments, Food, and More

by Tony Lyons

Current research shows that at least one in 110 U.S. children now has autism, and the number keeps rising. Parents of these children become full-time researchers, always looking for the latest information on doctors, education, and treatments, and parents of girls with autism face particularly unique challenges. After countless hours of study, Tony Lyons shares what he has learned. Following his comprehensive guide to treatment options, Cutting-Edge Therapies for Autism, he now presents the essential guide to parenting a girl with autism. In 1,001 Tips for the Parents of Autistic Girls you will learn how to deal with troubling issues such as periods, birth control, and the risks of sexual abuse. Both mom and dad will learn which menstrual pads work best and why the ones with wings just are not them. And how exactly do you get your daughter to actually start using them? Other topics will include: How to get the most useful evaluation Where to find other parents of autistic girls Getting insurance to cover treatments Coping with the unique social issues that girls face Legal issues and Medicaid pros and cons Maintaining a social life for both you and your daughter Handling marital stress and divorce Where to go on vacation And many more! From what to do when you first suspect your daughter might have autism, to coping with the first diagnosis, to following up with comprehensive evaluation, continuing education, and treatment, 1,001 Tips for the Parents of Autistic Girls is the book that every parent of an autistic girl needs.

1,001 Tips for the Parents of Autistic Boys: Everything You Need to Know About Diagnosis, Doctors, Schools, Taxes, Vacations, Babysitters, Treatments, Food, and More

by Ken Siri

Current research shows that as many as one in seventy boys in the United States now has autism. Parents of these boys become full-time researchers, always looking for the latest information on doctors, education, and treatments. After countless hours of study, Ken Siri shares what he has learned. Following his comprehensive guide to treatment options, Cutting-Edge Therapies for Autism, he now presents the essential guide to parenting a boy with autism. In 1,001 Tips for the Parents of Autistic Boys you will learn about navigating puberty with your son including issues such as personal hygiene, inappropriate touching, and sex. Parents of autistic boys contend with many unique problems due to increases in size, strength, and aggression as the boy ages. How do you keep both yourself and your son safe when he is suddenly twice your size? Other topics will include: Teaching your son about grooming, washing, and deodorant Choosing a school Getting insurance to cover treatments How to handle bullying Legal issues and Medicaid pros and cons Maintaining a social life for both you and your son Handling marital stress and divorce Where to go on vacation And many more! From what to do when you first suspect your son might have autism, to coping with the first diagnosis, to following up with comprehensive evaluation, continuing education, and treatment, 1,001 Tips for the Parents of Autistic Boys is the book that every parent of an autistic boy needs.

1,001 Home Remedies: Tips & Tricks for Natural Health & Beauty (1,001 Tips & Tricks)

by Mary Rose Quigg

Simple, practical, and inspiring tips, recipes, and wellness advice. This practical and inspiring little book offers over 1,000 wellness tips for boosting your immune system, caring for burns and wounds, improving your complexion, reducing stress, and much more. Find simple and effective home remedies such as: To relieve a dry, irritating cough: to 1/3 pt (200ml) boiling water, add the juice of 1 lemon, 2 tsp honey, ¼ tsp cinnamon, 1 clove garlic, and a sprig of rosemary. Stir well, cover and leave for 15 mins. Strain and sip slowly.To relieve eczema, steep ½ ounce (13 grams) chamomile flowers in 1 pint (600 milliliters) boiling water for 20 minutes and add to a bath.To relieve tension in the upper body, sit cross-legged, block the ears with your fingers. Breathe in, then breathe out making a humming sound to lengthen the exhalation. Repeat 10 times before going to bed.To remove makeup, coat the fingers with almond, sunflower, or avocado oil and spread evenly over the face and neck. Remove the oil with tissues.Saturate a black tea bag with warm water. Press over clean lips for 5 minutes. Repeat if desired. Black tea is high in tannic acid, retains moisture, and keeps lips smooth and taut. To give hair a shine, mash an over-ripe banana; combine with 3 drops of almond oil. Massage into dry hair, leave on for 15 minutes. Shampoo as usual.Many of the hints found here are the product of tradition passed from one generation to another. They cover advice on care of the body from head to toe, a common sense approach to first aid and using medicines, recipes for non-toxic cleaning solutions, ways to alleviate common ailments with ingredients you probably already have on hand, and more.

1,001 Delicious Recipes for People with Diabetes (1,001 Best Recipes)

by Edited by Sue Spitler Linda R. Yoakam Linda Eugene

A redesigned and reformatted version of a perennial favorite, this third edition of 1,001 Delicious Recipes for People with Diabetes is a winning combination of the most recent diabetes recommendations and contemporary culinary tastes. It is the most complete collection of diabetes-friendly recipes available today and the one book all those with diabetes should have in their kitchen library. 1,001 Delicious Recipes for People with Diabetes covers all the basics of a diabetic diet and lifestyle, including exercise, carbohydrate counting, and food-exchange lists. This huge cookbook contains 16 chapters of delicious recipes that are suitable for a diabetic diet, all of which are accompanied by a nutritional analysis and the most current diabetes exchange information. The quick and easy-to-prepare recipes are written in a concise format and use readily available ingredients with a focus on fresh, seasonal foods. They require no special cooking skills or equipment, and represent an eclectic range of styles and culinary traditions. If you are a person with diabetes, you know you have to be careful about what you eat. But healthful food doesn't have to be dull, and reducing fat and calories doesn't mean giving up flavor. Why feel deprived when you could start the day with Blueberry Pancakes with Blueberry Maple Syrup? Company coming? Everyone will enjoy a savory Chutney Cheese Spread or Queso Fundito followed by Pork Tenderloin with Gremolata. For an easy weeknight dinner, try Lasagna Casserole or Pizza with Carmelized Onions and Smoked Turkey. Want to indulge a sweet tooth? Lemon Cloud Pie or White Chocolate Cheesecake will satisfy. This award-winning 1,001 cookbook series has earned its reputation for excellence by carefully curating and testing the recipes, as well as by featuring complete nutritional data, such as calories, fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates, and diabetic exchanges. This latest offering in the bestselling series has been completely refreshed and updated for maximum value and ease of use in the twenty-first century. In one convenient, all-encompassing volume, 1,001 Delicious Recipes for People with Diabetes presents the healthiest, simplest, and most delicious range of family meals.

1,001 Delicious Recipes for People with Diabetes

by R.D. Linda R. Yoakam Sue Spitler C. D. E. Linda Eugene

Anyone with diabetes knows how important it is to eat well, but healthful food need not be dull, nor does reducing fat and calories have to mean giving up flavor. Why feel deprived when you could start the day with blueberry pancakes with blueberry maple syrup? Company coming? Everyone will enjoy a savory chutney cheese spread or queso fundito followed by pork tenderloin with gremolata. For an easy weeknight dinner, try lasagna casserole or pizza with carmelized onions and smoked turkey. Want to indulge a sweet tooth? Lemon cloud pie or white chocolate cheesecake will satisfy. The recipes in this massive book draw on the latest diabetes recommendations and make the best use of the new lower-fat ingredients available today. Each recipe is accompanied by a nutritional analysis and the most current diabetes exchange information, and the book includes timely information on exercise, carbohydrate counting, and food-exchange lists.

1,001 Best Low-carb Recipes: Delicious, Healthy, Easy-to-make Recipes For Cutting Carbs

by Sue Spitler Linda R. Yoakam

A redesigned and reformatted version of a title now returning to print, 1,001 Best Low-Carb Recipes is an extensive collection of great dishes for the health-conscious home cook looking for more low-carb options. Enlarged and beautifully repackaged, this book features a broader, more useful format that sits flat when open for maximum convenience. A 2014 randomized trial by the National Institutes of Health found that participants on a low-carb diet experienced greater weight loss than those on a low-fat diet. The prevalence of Celiac Disease and gluten-sensitivity has increased our interest in gluten-free recipes, while the popular paleo diet has led us to avoid dishes bloated with carbs. Above all, the recipes in the cookbook prove that a low-carb diet does not have to be bland or boring. Recipes include Caribbean Potato Salad, Sesame Shrimp Stir-Fry, and some surprises like Black Bottom Pie and Soft Molasses Cookies. The award-winning 1,001 cookbook series -- which has sold 750,000 copies across all titles -- has earned its popularity through carefully curated and tested recipes, as well as by featuring complete nutritional data. This book is the perfect compendium for those looking for a wide variety of gluten-free and paleo-friendly meals.

1,000 Years of Diabetes Wisdom

by Martha M. Funnell Melinda D. Maryniuk David G. Marrero Robert M. Anderson

An anthology of more than 50 stories about the other side of treating diabetes-what health care providers can learn from patients. With more than 1,000 combined years of working with patients, the contributors share their knowledge and the life-altering experiences that both challenge and change the way health care professionals provide care to their patients. This inspirational work proves that knowledge can be learned from books, but wisdom can only be gained through years of experience.

1,000 Vegan Recipes (1,000 Recipes #6)

by Robin Robertson

A treasury of meat-free, dairy-free delights from &“an acclaimed authority on vegan cooking&” (Publishers Weekly). These delicious recipes, for breakfast, lunch, dinner and everything in between, are cholesterol-free, low in saturated fat, and high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. You'll get crowd-pleasing appetizers and snacks like Mango-Avocado Spring Rolls and Savory Artichoke Squares and family favorites like Vegan Margarita Pizza and Baked Mac and Cheeze. Best of all, Robin Robertson gives you an endless variety of recipes from a diverse range of cultures—with something to suit everyone&’s taste. For anyone interested in healthy, delicious eating that&’s also ethically and environmentally responsible, 1,000 Vegan Recipes: Includes a &“FAST&” icon featuring quick and easy recipes that can be ready in 30 minutes or lessProvides kid-friendly recipes to help you get your kids to eat more nutritious foodsOffers detailed information and guidelines on ingredient substitutions, special nutritional concerns, and a handy list of important pantry staples Presents vegan alternatives to restaurant favorites with recipes such as Penne with Vodka-Spiked Tomato Sauce, Fajitas Without Borders, Cheezecake with Cranberry Drizzle, Vegan Tiramisu, and vegan ice creams, sorbets, and granitas

1,000 Low Fat Recipes (1,000 Recipes)

by Terry Blonder Golson

The ultimate low-fat cookbookLow-fat eating remains the most popular and medically sound way to lose weight and maintain good health. 1,000 Low-Fat Recipes is the bible of low-fat cookbooks. Here are recipes for every taste and occasion. There are appetizers, soups, salads, and sandwiches. There are main courses (both with meat and without), accompaniments, breads, and desserts. Golson even includes breakfast fare and a condiments and staples section for simple, flavorful cooking. Each recipe is accompanied by nutritional information. In addition to the tempting body recipes, Golson packs her book with crucial information. She offers nutrition guidelines for healthy eating, a glossary of ingredients, the best techniques for low-fat cooking, and helpful hints for efficiency, menu planning, and improvising. 1,000 Low-Fat Recipes combines practical tips with delicious, foolproof recipes in one inspiring, indispensable book.

1,000 Low-Calorie Recipes (1,000 Recipes #21)

by Jackie Newgent

&“This is a gem of a cookbook. Not only is it loaded with healthy recipes, everything I&’ve made from pizza to salad dressing has been a showstopper.&”—Tara Collingwood, &“The Diet Diva,&” Healthline This incredible cookbook is packed with tasty, low-calorie recipes that give home cooks an unparalleled variety of meals and ideas for eating healthfully that their whole family will love. Every recipe clocks in at less than 500 calories, but most are no more than 300 calories per serving. They&’re easy to make and take the guesswork out of portion control and calorie counting. Recipes include complete nutrition information, and full menus help home cooks maintain a balanced eating approach—naturally. 1,000 Low-Calorie Recipes covers finger foods and snacks; salads and soups; meat, poultry, fish, and vegetarian entrees; breads and muffins; and yes, even desserts and cocktails. You&’ll find rustic comfort foods like Five-Spice Turkey Chili, favorites like Pizza Margherita, main courses like Tart Apple-Stuffed Pork Loin, plus innovative recipes that will intrigue and satisfy you, like Caprese Salad Lasagna, Five-Spice Yam Frites, Brooklyn Lager Baked Beans, Homemade Pretzel Puffs, Fudgy Superfood Brownies, and Chocolate Mint Almond-tinis. Written by Jackie Newgent, a well-respected Registered Dietitian who writes for and is interviewed by national media, such as The Dr. Oz Show, Cooking Light, Health, and Redbook, among others Includes clever advice on stocking a low-calorie pantry, maintaining a healthy weight, diet-friendly cooking, nutritious ingredient substitutions, full menus, and more Features ingredients that are fresh and flavorful, keeping with Jackie Newgent&’s &“real foods&” philosophy: nothing is artificial Whether you&’re following a particular diet or just want a single go-to guide for nutritious family meals, 1,000 Low-Calorie Recipes is the ultimate resource.

1,000 Gluten-Free Recipes (1,000 Recipes)

by Carol Fenster

&“The encyclopedia of gluten-free recipes has now arrived! What a wonderful assortment of healthy meals that even a gluten-free novice can tackle.&”—Cynthia S. Rudert, M.D., advisor for the Celiac Disease FoundationGet enough recipes to fill 5 cookbooks in one comprehensive volume! 172 Breakfast Dishes, Muffins, and Breads 75 Sandwiches, Salads, and Soups 106 Pasta, Grain, Bean, and Vegetable Dishes 205 Main Courses 377 Cookies, Cakes, Pies, and Other Desserts And Much More!Go gluten-free with ease! For the best all-purpose gluten-free cookbook, look no further. Inside, you&’ll find delicious gluten-free versions of foods you crave—including muffins, breads, pizzas, pastas, casseroles, cookies, bars, cakes, and pies. You&’ll also discover hundreds of recipes for all-American favorites, flavorful international dishes, and sophisticated special-occasion fare. It&’s everything you need to serve satisfying gluten-free meals 365 days a year!&“This book has great recipes with a fresh healthy flair. Everyone should have this cookbook. I know mine will get tattered from use.&”—Cynthia Kupper, R.D., executive director, Gluten Intolerance Group of North America&“Carol Fenster has combined simple, naturally gluten-free recipes along with those specially created for people with celiac disease. This is a comprehensive soup-to-nuts guide that any cook will use again and again.&”—Andrea Levario, J.D., executive director, American Celiac Disease Alliance

1,000 Diabetes Recipes (1,000 Recipes #20)

by Jackie Mills

A giant new diabetes cookbook from the award-winning 1,000 Recipes seriesThis massive cookbook is packed with tasty, diabetic-friendly recipes the whole family will love. Recipes cover ever meal of the day and offer enough variety to satisfy any craving—from sausage pizza to strawberry pie. It's loaded with nutrition information, menu-planning advice, cooking tips, carb exchanges, and virtually everything else you need to cook and eat right for diabetes. 1,000 Diabetes Recipes covers everything from light snacks and sandwiches to hearty main dishes and delectable desserts. It offers classic comfort foods updated for diabetics, such as lasagna and pot roast, as well as thrilling contemporary flavors like Watermelon Salad, Vietnamese Tuna, and Grilled Chicken Breasts with Coconut-Cilantro Chutney. Written by Jackie Mills, author of The Big Book of Diabetic Desserts and a food writer, registered dietitian, and a recipe developer for national magazines such as Cooking Light and Family CircleThe book features sections on vegetarian main dishes, desserts, breakfast and brunch, pizzas and sandwiches, and moreIncludes shopping, cooking, and meal planning adviceWhether you have diabetes or cook for a loved one who does, 1,000 Diabetes Recipes is the ultimate resource for tasty, diabetic-friendly meals.

1,000 Diabetes Recipes

by Jackie Mills

A giant new diabetes cookbook from the award-winning 1,000 Recipes seriesThis massive cookbook is packed with tasty, diabetic-friendly recipes the whole family will love. Recipes cover ever meal of the day and offer enough variety to satisfy any craving--from sausage pizza to strawberry pie. It's loaded with nutrition information, menu-planning advice, cooking tips, carb exchanges, and virtually everything else you need to cook and eat right for diabetes. 1,000 Diabetes Recipes covers everything from light snacks and sandwiches to hearty main dishes and delectable desserts. It offers classic comfort foods updated for diabetics, such as lasagna and pot roast, as well as thrilling contemporary flavors like Watermelon Salad, Vietnamese Tuna, and Grilled Chicken Breasts with Coconut-Cilantro Chutney.Written by Jackie Mills, author of The Big Book of Diabetic Desserts and a food writer, registered dietitian, and a recipe developer for national magazines such as Cooking Light and Family CircleThe book features sections on vegetarian main dishes, desserts, breakfast and brunch, pizzas and sandwiches, and moreIncludes shopping, cooking, and meal planning adviceWhether you have diabetes or cook for a loved one who does, 1,000 Diabetes Recipes is the ultimate resource for tasty, diabetic-friendly meals.

1: The Sub-Two-Hour Marathon Is Within Reach?Here?s How It Will Go Down, and What It Can Teach All Runners about Training and Racing

by Philip Maffetone

What will it take to run a marathon in less than two hours?The world's fastest times for the marathon have been dropping since the distance of 26.2 miles was made official nearly one hundred years ago. But after a noticeable decline that occurred for a half century, the times, while still edging lower, have stalled several minutes north of two hours for the past decade.For the first time, 1:59 examines what it will take for an elite distance runner to go sub-two hours. It will require more than raw talent, optimal body size, and great athletic genes. In order to become marathon's Roger Bannister and smash this elusive record, this runner must follow a healthy diet and an individualized training regimen that takes advantage of specific environmental factors ("live high, train low"). Because precious seconds count over each mile run, other critical considerations include improved running form and economy, sharpened mental focus, and wearing the right type of racing flats (or even going barefoot).The athlete who finally breaks distance running's most tantalizing barrier will become a worldwide celebrity overnight. Will the runner be a Kenyan, an Ethiopian, an American, or a marathoner from another country? And how soon will it happen?By providing a unique window into the highly competitive world of elite marathon running, this book also allows running enthusiasts to have a thorough understanding of the true potential of endurance athletes. And in turn, they can apply the same training and racing principles discussed in 1:59 to their own running, whether it's a 10K, half marathon, marathon, or ultramarathon.

0 Excusas Fitness!: No hay excusas, BAR NONE!! ... TAN SOLO HÁGALO!

by Rahul Mookerjee

¿Sabes cuál es el mayor problema que afecta a la gente hoy en día? No se trata tanto de la aptitud física como de la vida, y ese problema es, en pocas palabras, "HACER EXCUSAS GALORE". No tengo tiempo para entrenar. Los gimnasios del barrio son demasiado caros. Esos estiramientos son demasiado difíciles. Oh, y... ah, ¿por qué no hacerlo mañana? Y así sucesivamente. Las excusas, amigo mío, son la razón por la que la mayoría de la gente nunca se pone en marcha en ese camino hacia el super fitness, la salud y la FORTALEZA - tanto desde el interior como desde el exterior, y ZERO EXCUSES FITNESS no te da la oportunidad de hacer ninguna excusa! En otras palabras, su instrucción de fitness que funciona a toda máquina, siempre y cuando no se hagan EXCUSAS. NADA - repito NADA - es necesario para que usted pueda hacer estos ejercicios. NINGÚN equipo, NINGÚN gimnasio, ni siquiera las tan cacareadas "pelotas suizas" u otros aparatos o aparatos abdominales "fancy shmancy" (que no valen ni siquiera la hora del día en que te pasas mirando los anuncios, para ser honesto). Y no, ni siquiera necesitas una barra de mentón para la mayoría de los ejercicios que he mostrado. Los pull-ups son geniales, pero NO son necesarios. Deja de poner excusas - y coge tu copia AHORA - y mira todo un NUEVO mundo abierto a ti en términos de salud, forma física y fuerza EN GENERAL. Por tu ÉXITO! Rahul Mookerjee

エボラ出血熱が流行した時の サバイバルガイド 2015年度版 エボラ熱の大流行を理解する上で重要な 5つの事項 & 最悪の状況で生き抜くための3つの戦略

by The Blokehead


Χορτοφάγος: Υγιεινές και Θρεπτικές Vegan Συνταγές (Υγιεινός Vegan τρόπος ζωής)

by David Berko

Εάν θέλετε να υιοθετήσετε έναν υγιεινό τρόπο ζωής που θα σας προσφέρει ενέργεια, υγεία και ευεξία, πρέπει να δοκιμάσετε τη vegan μέθοδο όπως εξηγείται σε αυτό τον οδηγό.Η Vegan διατροφή, όταν ακολουθείται σωστά, διασφαλίζει ένα ενεργητικό και καλοσχηματισμένο σώμα και επίσης οδηγεί σε σημαντική απώλεια βάρους.Είναι ευεργετική για το περιβάλλον, προσφέρει ένα βιώσιμο τρόπο σίτισης για τον πλανήτη και τέλος, αποδεικνύεται πιο θρεπτική για το σώμα σας.Η καλύτερη μέθοδος για να μεταβείτε πλήρως στη βίγκαν διατροφή είναι να μαγειρεύετε γεύματα βίγκαν που θα κάνουν τους γύρω σας να θέλουν να τρώνε μαζί σας.Το βιβλίο περιέχει συνταγές για δείπνο, σούπες, σαλάτες, ακόμη και επιδόρπια.

Καταπολεμήστε το άγχος με 10 τρόπους

by Camille Levy Νικολέττα Γιαλελή

Το άγχος δεν είναι κάτι αναπόφευκτο. Η καταπολέμηση των πιο επιβλαβών συνεπειών του εξαρτάται κυρίως από την κατάσταση του μυαλού, τον υγιεινό τρόπο ζωής και τη συνεχή σχετική επαγρύπνηση. Αυτό το βιβλίο προσεγγίζει 10 τρόπους που επιτρέπουν, εύκολα και γρήγορα, να περιορίσουμε τις επιπτώσεις του στην καθημερινότητά μας.

आंतरायिक उपवास: शुरुआत करने के लिए वजन कम करने के लिए गाइड, वसा और लाइव एक स्वस्थ रहते हैं

by Sandra Moore

क्या आप केटॉइस दर्ज करने की योजना बना रहे हैं और आप इसे कैसे जानते हैं? तो यह किताब आप के लिए है केटोजेनिक आहार का पालन करने के लिए आपके कारण चाहे जो भी हों, शुरू करना इतना आसान नहीं है जितना आप सोच सकते हैं। किटोजेनिक आहार स्वास्थ्य और वजन घटाने के लिए सबसे लोकप्रिय आहार में से एक के रूप में उभर रहा है। स्वास्थ्य संबंधी चिंताओं के लिए किसी भी अन्य आहार के समान जबरदस्त लाभ नहीं हैं, जिनमें कैंसर से लेकर मोटापा और अल्जाइमर रोग टाइप 2 डायबिटीज-एथलेटिक प्रदर्शन पर इसके सकारात्मक प्रभावों का उल्लेख नहीं है। केटोसिस एसेंशियल एक शुरुआती गाइड है जो किटोजेनिक आहार पर एक व्यापक दृष्टिकोण प्रदान करता है और यह आपके शरीर को वसा जलाने वाली मशीन में बदल देता है। दृष्टिकोण वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान की विस्तृत श्रृंखला पर आधारित है, जो कि केटोसिस पर आयोजित किया गया है, और लेखक न

डायबिटीज खत्म करने के लिए जरूरी गाइड, वजन कम करना और स्वस्थ जीवनशैली

by Adidas Wilson

मधुमेह इंसुलिन के अपर्याप्त स्राव, इंसुलिन के दूषित स्राव के कारण या तब होता है जब रक्त कोशिकाएँ इंसुलिन का प्रभावी या उपयुक्त उपभोग कर पाने में असफल होती हैं| यह अंतिम स्थिति इंसुलिन प्रतिरोध का कारण होती है, इसलिए टाइप 2 मधुमेह होता है| टाइप 1 मधुमेह में मुख्य समस्या इंसुलिन की पूरी तरह से कमी होती है| टाइप 2 मधुमेह में अन्य स्थिति बीटा कोशिकाओं में तेजी से कमी आना है, जो आगे बढ़ी हुई रक्त शर्करा में योगदान करती है| ग्लूकोज एक सरल शर्करा है जो समान्यतः खाद्य पदार्थों में पायी जाती है| यह शरीर कोशिकाओं को उपयुक्त कार्य करने में सहायता करती है| ग्लूकोज छोटी आंत से रक्त धारा में शोषित किया जाता है, जहां कार्बोहाइड्रेट पचाया जाता है| एक बार रक्त धारा में, ग्लूकोज शरीर कोशिकाओं में लिया जाता है और वहाँ उनका उपयोग किया जाता है| इंसुलिन रक्त कोशिकाओं में ग्लूकोज के शोष�

वजन घटाने के लिए आंत शुद्ध: बेहतर स्वास्थ्य, अधिक ऊर्जा, और विषहरण

by केनेथ ब्राउन

क्या आप असुविधा, सूजन, और दर्द को खत्म करने में सक्षम होना चाहेंगे? हमारी आंत में लगभग 80% प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली निवास करती है, आज की कई बीमारियां खराब आंत के स्वास्थ्य का परिणाम हैं। आपको आंत को साफ करने से वजन घटाने, सूजन, आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली, ऊर्जा के स्तर, ध्यान, समग्र खुशी, और बहुत कुछ में मदद मिलेगी! दशकों से परीक्षण की गई रणनीतियों के साथ, यह ईबुक आपको अपनी आंत को साफ करने का सबसे तेज़ और सबसे प्रभावी तरीका दिखाएगा! आप सीखेंगे कि कुछ सप्ताह के समय में अपनी भलाई को कैसे बढ़ाया जाए। केवल इतना ही नहीं, बल्कि आप अपने जीवन के हर एक पहलू में सुधार करेंगे। यह जानना चाहते हैं कि अत्यधिक वजन वाले व्यक्ति, पुरानी बीमारियाँ, मानसिक कोहरे, और दर्द ने किस तरह से प्राकृतिक रूप से वृद्धि की और अपनी बीमारियों को मिटा दिया? आप भी इसे प्राप्त करने के रहस्यों को जान सकते है�

स्वर्ण-युग की दुनिया में जाते हुए धनवान बने (ध्यान टिप्पणियों सहित)

by Brahma Kumari Pari

इस ग्रंथ में सूचित किए गई क्रिया आपके आध्यात्मिक विकास, वित्तीय और निर्वाह दशा सुधारने हेतू सहायता करता हैं!  इस ग्रंथ में, आप वित्तीय या आध्यात्मिक स्तर पर धनवान कैसे बने, और स्वर्णिम युग (होलोग्राफिक विश्व के माध्यम से) में चलते हुए आपकी इच्छाको पूर्ण करता हैं|   हमारे जीवन के लक्ष्य को साध्य करने हेतू ईश्वर और उनके ज्ञान का किस पद्धती से उपयोग करना हैं, इसे प्रस्तुत ग्रंथ में स्पस्ष्ट किया हैं: 1. जो चमत्कारी शक्तीयॉं (सिद्धी) और विशेषताए आपको चाहिये वह इस ग्रंथ में दिए गई हैं| 2. आकर्षण का सिद्धांत धन और खुशिया क्यो लाता हैं ई.| 3. विज़ुअलाइज़ेशन क्यों और कैसे भौतिक हो सकते हैं| 4. उच्च आयाम के करीब जाना, जहां आकाशिक रिकॉर्ड मौजूद हैं, वह आपको अपने सपनों को आसानी से महसूस करने में मदद करेगा। 5. आपको जो चाहिये वह प्राप्त करने हेतू अआप्न ब्रह्मलोक से कि


by Michael Rowe

Κουραστήκατε να δοκιμάζετε δίαιτες της μόδας που συνήθως δεν έχουν κανένα αποτέλεσμα; Θέλετε ένα σίγουρο και ασφαλή τρόπο για να χάσετε βάρος, που να είναι ταυτόχρονα υγιεινός και απλός στην εκτέλεσή του; Η απάντηση στο ερώτημά σας θα μπορούσε να είναι το Βιβλίο Μαγειρικής της Κετογονικής Δίαιτας, ένα βιβλίο που θα σας διδάξει όλα όσα είναι απαραίτητα να γνωρίζετε για να χάσετε βάρος, να γεμίσετε ενέργεια και να θεραπεύσετε το σώμα σας την ίδια στιγμή.

Αναζωογονηθείτε και Θεραπευτείτε μέσω του Διαλογισμού

by Brahma Kumari Pari Christiana Tziortziou

Αυτό το βιβλίο έχει γραφτεί βάσει της γνώσης του πνευματικού κέντρου Brahma Kumaris (γνώση του BK). Αυτό το βιβλίο θα σας βοηθήσει να βρείτε τη σύνδεση σας με το Θεό έτσι ώστε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τους θεϊκούς κραδασμούς για να αυτοθεραπευτείτε και/ή για να αναζωγονηθείτε. Τα περιεχόμενα αυτού του βιβλίου μπορούν να σας βοηθήσουν να νιώθετε αναζωογονημένοι όταν είστε κουρασμένοι λόγω σκληρής εργασίας, πλήξης, ασθένειας, ή εάν παλεύετε με ανηθικότητες. Σας διδάσκεται επίσης ο τρόπος με τον οποίο θεραπεύετε τον εαυτό σας, καθώς και άλλα άτομα, εξουδετερώνοντας ασθένειες από το σώμα, εκθέτοντας το σώμα στις ενέργειες του Θεού.

عنترة بن شداد الجزء الأول

by مجهول

وكان بسطام قويًّا قلبه، وأراد أن يطلق رأس الجواد، فما مكنه عنتر بن شداد، بل أدركه وزعق فيه وطعنه بعقب الرمح فألقاه على وجه الأرض، وقال لأخيه شيبوب: شد كتافه حتى ننظر ما يجري بيننا وبين القادمين، فنظر نجاد إلى هذا الحال، فقال لمن معه: يا ويلكم، خذا هذا الأسود ابن ملكنا بسطام وشداه في الاعتقال، وإني أقول إنه ما قدر عليه إلا من خوفه من هذه الفرقة العبسية التي لحقت بصاحبها، حتى تعينه على هذه القضية، كما لحقنا نحن صاحبنا فدونكم وإياهم، فارفعوهم على أسنة الرماح وأنا أمزق جسد هذا الأسود، وأطلق لمولانا السراح لأني أقول: إن هذا الفارس هو عنتر، الذي قد سار بسطام ليأتي برأسه، ثم إنه حمل يطلب عنتر في خمسين فارسا، وحملت بقية الثلاثمائة فارس على عمارة ورفقته مثل السود القناعس، وقد قلوا في أعينهم وداروا بهم وتفرقوا كراديس ومواكب، فعند ذلك لزم بنو عبس القتال خوفًا من المهالك، فانظر أيها السامع إلى هذه الأشياء التي تحير العقول، فإن عمارة قد أتى يقاتل عنتر فصار معينا له بغير علمه واختياره، واحتاج أن يقاتل معه، ويخلص نفسه فزعا من العطب، ولو أمكنه الهروب من ذلك لهرب، ولكن ما قدر على ذلك لأن الأعداء قد أحدقت بهم من سائر الجهات والممالك، فقاتل وبذل المجهود وتزاعقت عليهم الفرسان مثل الأسود، وتواثبت الشجعان مثل الفهود، واقشعرت الجلود، وقدحت حوافر الخيل النار في الجلمود، وخيم الغبار على رأسهم حتى بقي مثل الرواقي الممدود، وفاضت الدموع على الخدود، وقدت الصوارم الهامات والقدود، وخفقت الرايات والبنود، وتلهجت في الأحشاء نار الحقود، وعادت وجوه الأبطال سود، من كثرة الغبار الممدود، ومما جرى عليها من نقض المواثيق والعهود، وشربت الأودية من أدمية الفرسان والكبود، وخسرت بنو زياد في ذلك اليوم المشهود، ورأت مقام عنتر في ذلك الوقت محمود، وأيقن عمارة أنه هالك من بين أهله ومفقود، وكاد أن يموت من الحسد، وعاد متنغصا مكمود، ثم إنه افتقد أصحابه فوجدهم قد فقد منهم خمسون فارسا، والباقون أشرفوا على الهلاك، فعندها قال عمارة: النجاة، ثم إنه لوى عنان جواده وولى هاربا، فتبعه عروة ومن بقي من رجاله، وهم لا يصدقون بالنجاة.

ألف ليلة وليلة الجزء الثاني

by فلكلور تقليدي

(وفي ليلة 180) قالت بلغني أيها الملك السعيد أن الفأرة لما سمعت كلام البرغوث قالت إذا كان الكلام علي ما أخبرت فاطمئن هنا وما عليك بأس ولا تجد إلا ما يسرك ولا يصيبك إلا ما يصيبني وقد بذلت لك مودتي ولا تندم على ما فاتك من دم التاجر ولا تأسف على قوتك منه وأرض بما تيسر لك من العيش فإن ذلك أسلم لك وقد سمعت أيها البرغوث بعض الوعاظ ينشد هذه الأبيات: سلكت القناعة والانفراد بكسرة خبز وشربة ماء فإن يسر الله لي عيشتي وقضيت دهري بماذا أتفق وملح جريش وثوب خلق وإلا قنعت بما قد رزق فلما سمع البرغوث كلام الفأرة قال يا أختي قد سمعت وصيتك وأنقذت إلى طاعتك ولا قوة لي على مخالفتك إلى أن ينقضي العمر بتلك النية الحسنة فقالت له الفأرة كفى بصدق المودة في صلاح النية ثم انعقد الود بينهما وكان البرغوث بعد ذلك يأوي إلى فراش التاجر ولا يتجاوز بلغته ويأوي بالنهار مع الفأرة في مسكنها فاتفق أن التاجر جاء ليلة إلى منزله بدنانير كثيرة فجعل يقلبها فلما سمعت الفأرة صوت الدنانير أطلعت رأسها من جحرها وجعلت تنظر إليها حتى وضعها التاجر تحت وسادة ونام فقالت الفأرة للبرغوث أما ترى الفرصة والحظ العظيم فهل عندك حيلة توصلنا إلى بلوغ الغرض من تلك الدنانير فقال لها البرغوث قد التزمت لك باخراجه من البيت ثم انطلق البرغوث إلى فراش التاجر ولدغه لدغة قوية لم يكن جرى للتاجر مثلها ثم تنحى البرغوث إلى موضع يأمن فيه على نفسه من التاجر فانتبه التاجر يفتش على البرغوث فلم يجد شيئاً فرقد على جنبه الآخر فلدغه البرغوث لدغة أشد من الأولى فقلق التاجر وفارق مضجعه وخرج إلى مصطبة على باب داره فنام هناك ولم ينتبه إلى الصباح ثم أن الفأرة أقبلت على نقل الدنانير حتى لم تترك منها شيئاً فلما أصبح الصباح صار التاجر يتهم الناس ويظن الظنون ثم قال الثعلب للغراب واعلم أني لم أقل لك هذا الكلام أنها الغراب البصير العاقل الخبير إلا ليصل إليك جزاء إحسانك إلى كما وصل للفأرة جزاء إحسانها إلى البرغوث فانظر كيف جازاها أحسن المجازاة وكافأها أحسن المكافأة فقال الغراب إن شاء الحسن يحسن أولاً يحسن وليس الإحسان واجباً لمن التمس صلة بقطيعة وأن أحسنت إليك مع كونك عدوى أكون قد أتسبب في قطيعة نفسي وأنت أيها الثعلب ذو مكر وخداع ومن شيمتك المكر والخديعة لا تؤمن على عهد ومن لا يؤمن على عهد لا أمان له وقد بلغني عن قريب أنك غدرت بصاحبك الذئب ومكرت به حتى أهلكته بغدرك وحيلتك وفعلت به هذه الأمور مع أنه من جنسك وقد صحبته مدة مديدة فما أبقيت عليه فكيف أثق منك بنصيحة وإذا كان هذا فعلك مع صاحبك الذي من جنسك فكيف يكون فعلك مع عدوك الذي من غير جنسك وما مثالك معي إلا مثال الصقر مع ضواري الطير فقال الثعلب وما حكاية الصقر مع ضواري الطير فقال الغراب زعموا أن صقراً كان جباراً عنيداً وأدرك شهرزاد فسكتت عن الكلام المباح.  

ألف ليلة وليلة الجزء الثالث

by فلكلور تقليدي

النسخة الكاملة، ولأول مرة، من أهم إبداعات البشرية وأهم الأعمال التي ستخلد كجزء عظيم من التراث الإنساني كتاب "ألف ليلة وليلة"  (وفي ليلة 452) قالت بلغني أيها الملك السعيد أن الملك لما حدث نفسه وقال لها كلي من هذه النعم مهنأ بالعمر الطويل والحظ الجزيل ولم يفرغ مما حدث به نفسه حتى أتاه رجل من ظاهر القصر عليه ثياب رثة وفي عنقه مخلاة معلقة على هيئة سائل يسال الطعام فجاء وطرق حلقة باب القصر طرقة عظيمة هائلة كادت تزلزل القصر وتزعج الشرير فخاف الغلمان فوثبوا إلى الباب وصاحوا بالطارق وقالوا له ويحك ما هذه الفعلة وسوء الأدب أصبر حتى يأكل الملك ونعطيك مما يفضل فقال للغلمان قولوا لصاحبكم يخرج إلى حتى يكلمني فلي إليه حاجة وشغل مهم وأمر ملم قالوا تنح أيها الضعيف من أنت حتى تأمر صاحبنا بالخروج إليك فقال لهم عرفوه ذلك فجاؤا إليه وعرفوه فقال هلا زجرتموه وحردتم عليه السلاح ونهرتموه ثم طرق الباب أعظم من الطرقة الأولى فنهض الغلمان إليه بالعصى والسلاح وقصدوه ليحاربوه فصاح بهم صيحة وقال الزموا أماكنكم فأنا ملك الموت فرعبت قلوبهم وذهبت عقولهم وطاشت حلومهم وارتعدت فرائصهم مثلت على المعركة جوارحهم فقال لهم الملك قولوا له يأخذ بدلاً مني وعوضاً عني فقال ملك الموت لا أخذ و لا أتيت إلا من أجلك ثم أن ملك الموت قبض روحه وهو على سريره قبل أن يأكل العالم الحجر ميتاً ساقطاً من فوق سريره قال الله تعالى حتى إذا فرحوا بما أوتوا أخذناهم بغتة فإذا هم ملبسون (ومما يحكي) أن ملكاً جباراً من ملوك بني إسرائيل كان في بعض الأيام جالساً على سرير مملكته فرأى رجلاً قد دخل عليه باب الدار وله صورة منكرة وهيئة هائلة فاشمأ زمن هجومه عليه وفزع من هيئته فوثب في وجهه وقال من أنت أيها الرجل ومن أذن لك في الدخول على وأمرك بالمجيء إلى داري فقال أمرني صاحب الدار وأنا لا يحجبني حاجب ولا أحتاج في دخولي على الملوك إلى أذن ولا أرهب سياسة سلطان ولا كثرة أعوان أنا الذي لا يقرعني جبار ولا لاحد من قبضتي فرار أنا هازم اللذات ومفرق الجماعات فلما سمع الملك هذا الكلام خر على وجهه ودبت الرعدة في بدنه ووقع مغشياً عليه فلما أفاق قال أنت ملك الموت قال نعم قال أقسمت عليك بالله لا أمهلتني يوماً واحد لا ستغفر من ذنبي وأطلب العذر من ربي وأرد الأموال التي في خزائني إلى أربابها ولا أتحمل مشقة حسابها وويل عقابها فقال ملك الموت هيهات هيهات لا سبيل لك إلى ذلك وأدرك شهرزاد الصباح فسكتت عن الكلام المباح.    

ألف ليلة وليلة الجزء الأول

by فكلور تقليدي

النسخة الكاملة، ولأول مرة، من أهم إبداعات البشرية وأهم الأعمال التي ستخلد كجزء عظيم من التراث الإنساني كتاب "ألف ليلة وليلة"    (وفي ليلة 35) قالت بلغني أيها الملك السعيد أن الشاب لما قال للمزين لابد أن أحضر أصحابك عندي يوماً فقال له إذا أردت ذلك وقدمت دعوة أصحابك في هذا اليوم فاصبر حتى أمضي بهذا الإكرام الذي أكرمتني به وأدعه عند أصحابي يأكلون ويشربون ولا ينتظرون ثم أعود إليك وأمضي معك إلى أصدقائك فليس بيني وبين أصدقائي حشمة تمنعني عن تركهم والعود إليك عاجلاً وأمضي معك أينما توجهت فقلت لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم أمضي أنت إلى أصدقائك وانشرح معهم ودعني أمضي إلى أصدقائي وأكون معهم في هذا اليوم فإنهم ينتظرون قدومي فقال المزين لا أدعك تمضي وحدك فقلت له أن الموضع الذي أمضي إليه لا يقدر أحد أن يدخل فيه غيري فقال أظنك اليوم في ميعاد واحدة وإلا كنت تأخذني معك وأنا أحق من جميع الناس وأساعدك على ما تريد فإني أخاف أن تدخل على امرأة أجنبية فتروح روحك فإن هذه مدينة بغداد لا يقدر أحد أن يعمل فيها شيئاً من هذه الأشياء لاسيما في مثل هذا اليوم وهذا والي بغداد صارم عظيم فقلت ويلك يا شيخ الشر أي شيء هذا الكلام الذي تقابلني به فسكت سكوتاً طويلاً وأدركنا وقت الصلاة وجاء وقت الخطبة وقد فرغ من حلق رأسي فقلت له أمضي إلى أصحابك بهذا الطعام والشراب وأنا أنتظرك حتى تعود وتمضي معي ولم أزل أخادعه لعله يمضي فقال لي أنك تخادعني وتقضي وحدك وترمي نفسك في مصيبة لا خلاص لك منها فبالله لا تبرح حتى أعود إليك وأمضي معك حتى أعلم ما يتم من أمرك فقلت له نعم لا تبطيء علي فأخذ ما أعطيته من الطعام والشراب وغيره وخرج من عندي فسلمه إلى الحمال ليوصله إلى منزله وأخفي نفسه في بعض الأزقة ثم قمت من ساعتي وقد اعلنوا على المنارات بسلام الجمعة فلبست ثيابي وخرجت وحدي وأتيت إلى الزقاق ووقعت على البيت الذي رأيت فيه تلك الصبية وإذا بالمزين خلفي ولا أعلم به فوجدت الباب مفتوحاً فدخلت وإذا بصاحب الدار عاد إلى منزله من الصلاة ودخل القاعة وغلق الباب فقلت من أين علم هذا الشيطان بي فأتفق في هذه الساعة لأمر يريده الله من هتك سترى أن صاحب الدار أذنبت جارية عنده فضربها فصاحت فدخل عنده عبد ليخلصها فضربه فصاح الآخر فأعتقد المزين أنه يضربني فصاح ومزق أثوابه وحثا التراب على رأسه وصار يصرخ ويستغيث والناس حوله وهو يقول قتل سيدي في بيت القاضي ثم مضي إلى داري وهو يصيح والناس خلفه وأعلم أهل بيتي وغلماني فما دريت إلا وهم قد أقبلوا يصيحون وا سيداه كل هذا والمزين قدامهم وهو ممزق الثياب والناس معهم ولم يزالوا يصرخون وهو في أوائلهم يصرخ وهم يقولوا وا قتيلاه وقد أقبلوا نحو الدار التي أنا فيها فلما سمع القاضي ذلك عظم عليه الأمر وقام وفتح الباب فرأى جمعاً عظيماً فبهت وقال يا قوم ما القصة فقال له الغلمان أنك قتلت سيدنا فقال يا قوم وما الذي فعله سيدكم حتى أقتله وأدرك شهرزاد الصباح فسكتت عن الكلام المباح.

ألف ليلة وليلة الجزء الرابع

by فكلور تقليدي

قالت بلغني أيها الملك السعيد أن حسنا لما أخذ ثوب البنت طلبته فلم تجده وطار أخواتها وتركنها وحدها فلما رآهن حسن طرن وغبن عنها أصغي إليها فسمعها تقول يا من أخذ ثوبي وأعراني سألتك أن ترده عليّ وتستر عورتي فلا أذاقك الله حسرتي فلما سمع حسن هذا الكلام منها سلب عقله في عشقها وازدادت محبته لها ولم يطق أن يصبر عنها فقام من مكانه وصار يجري حتى هجم عليها وأمسكها ثم جذبها إليه ونزل بها إلى أسفل القصر وأدخلها مقصورته ورمي عليها عباءته وهي تبكي وتعض على يديها فأغلق عليها الباب وراح لأخته وأعلمها أنه حصلها وظفر بها ونزل بها إلى مقصورته وقالا لها أنها الآن قاعدة تبكي وتعض على يديها فلما سمعت أخته كلامه قامت وتوجهت إلى المقصورة ودخلت عليها فرأتها تبكي وهي حزينة فقبلت الأرض بين يديها ثم سلمت عليها فقالت لها الصبية يا بنت الملك أهكذا تفعل الناس مثلكم هذه الفعال الرديئة مع بنات الملوك وأنت تعرفين إن أبي ملك عظيم وأن جميع ملوك الجان تفزع منه وتخاف من سطوته وعنده من السحرة والحكماء والكهان والشياطين والمردة مالا طاقة لاحد عليه وتحت يده خلق لا يعلم عددهم إلا الله تعالى وكيف يصلح لكم يا بنات الملوك أن تأوين رجال الأنس عندكن وتطلعنهم على أحوالنا وأحوالكن وإلا فمن أين يصل هذا الرجل إلينا فقالت لها أخت حسن يا بنت الملك أن هذا الأنسي كامل المروءة وليس قصده أمراً قبيحاً وإنما هو يحبك وما خلقت النساء إلا للرجال ولولا أنه يحبك ما مرض لأجلك وكادت روحه أن تزهق في هواك وحكت لها جميع ما أخبرها به حسن من عشقه لها وكيف عملت البنات في طيرانهن واغتسالهن وأنه لم يعجبه من جميعهن غيرها لأن كلهن جوار لها وأنها كانت تغطسهن في البحيرة وليست واحدة منهن تقدر أن تمد يدها إليها فلما سمعت كلامها يئست من الخلاص فعند ذلك قامت أخت حسن وخرجت من عندها وأحضرت لها بدلة فاخرة فألبستها أياها وأحضرت لها شيئاً من الأكل والشرب فأكلت هي وأياها وطيبت قلبها وسكنت روعها ولم تزل تلاطفها بلين ورفق وتقول لها ارحمي من نظرك نظرة فأصبح قتيلاً في هواك ولم تزل تلاطفها وترضيها وتحسن لها القول والعبارة وهي تبكي إلى أن طلع الفجر فطابت نفسها وأمسكت عن بكائها لما علمت أنها وقعت ولا  يمكن خلاصها وقالت لأخت حسن يا بنت الملك بهذا حكم الله على ناصيتي من غربتي وانقطاعي عن بلدي وأهلي وأخوتي فصبر جميل على ما قضاه ربي ثم أن أخت حسن أخلت لها مقصورة في القصر لم يكن هناك أحسن منها ولم تزل عندها تسليها وتطيب خاطرها حتى رضيت وانشرح صدرها وضحكت وزال ما عندها من الكدر وضيق الصدر من فراق الأهل والأوطان وفراق أخواتها وأبويها وملكها ثم أن أخت حسن خرجت إليه وقالت له قم ادخل عليها في مقصورتها وقبّل يديها ورجليها فدخل وفعل ذلك ثم قبلها بين عينيها وقال لها يا سيدة الملاح وحياة الأرواح ونزهة الناظرين كوني مطمئنة القلب أنا ما أخذتك إلا لأجل أن أكون عبدك إلى يوم القيامة وأختي هذه جاريتك وأنا يا سيدتي ما قصدي إلا أن أتزوجك بسنة الله ورسوله وأسافر إلى بلادي وأكون أنا وأنت في مدينة بغداد واشتري لك الجواري والعبيد ولي والدة من خيار النساء تكون في خدمتك وليس هناك بلاد أحسن من بلادنا وكل ما فيها أحسن مما في غيرها من سائر البلاد وأهلها وناسها ناس طيبون بوجوه صباح فبينما هو يخاطبها ويؤانسها وهي لا تخاطبه بحرف واحد وإذا بدق يدق باب القصر فخرج حسن ينظر من بالباب فإذا هن البنات قد حضرن من الصيد والقنص ففرح بهن وتلقاهن وحياهن فدعون له بالسلامة والعافية ودعا لهن الآخر ثم نزلن عن خيولهن ودخلن القصر ودخلت كل واحدة منهن مقصورتها وفرغت ما كان عليها من الثياب الرثة ولبست قماشاً مليحاً وقد اصطدن شيئاً كثيراً من الغزلان وبقر الوحوش والأرانب والسباع والضباع وغير ذلك وقدمن منه شيئاً إلى الذبح وتركن الباقي عندهن في القصر وحسن واقف بينهن مشدود الوسط يذبح لهن وهن يلعبن وينشرحن وقد فرحن بذلك فرحاً شديداً فلما فرغن من الذبح قعدن يعملن شيئاً ليتغذوا به فتقدم حسن إلى البنت الكبيرة وقبل رأسها وصار يقبل رأسهن واحدة بعد واحدة فقلن له لقد أكثرت التنزل الينا يا أخانا وعجبنا من فرط توددك الينا وأنت رجل آدمي ونحن من الجن فدمعت عيونه وبكي بكاء شديداً فقلن ما الخبر وما يبكيك فقد كدرت عيشنا ببكائك في هذا اليوم كأنك اشتقت إلى والدتك وإلى بلادك فإن كان الأمر كذلك فنجهزك ونسافر بك إلى وطنك وأحبابك فقال لهن والله ما مرادي فراقكم فقلن له وحينئذ من شوش عليك منا حتى تكدرت فخجل أن يقول ما شوش على الأعشق الصبية خيفة أن ينكرن عليه فسكت ولم يعلمهن بشيء من حالة فقامت أخته وقالت لهن اصطاد طيرة من الهواء ويريد منكن أن تعنه على تأهيلها فالتفتن إليه كلهن وقلن له نحن كلنا بين يديك ومهما طلبته فعلناه لكن قص علينا خبرك ولا تكتم عنا شيئاً من حالك فقال لاخته قصى خبري عليهن فإني استحي منهن ولا أقدر أن أقابلهن بهذا الكلام وأدرك شهرزاد الصباح فسكتت عن الكلام المباح.  

शोषित पराजित...पीड़िता से विजेता

by Crystal Mary Lindsey Vandana Anil Dass

वो कैसे छोड़ सकती थी? उसके ऊपर डर की एक अजीब सी पकड़ थी! और फिर भी, वो कैसे जारी रखती? वो फंसा हुआ महसूस करती! वो निरंतर इस डर में रहती कि कहीं वो अपने जीवनसाथी को नाराज़ ना कर दे| एक प्रेम से वंचित छोटी मासूम लड़की एक सुन्दर युवक से मिलती है| इस उम्मीद में कि वो उसके जीवन के खालीपन को भर देगा, वो उसके लिए कुछ भी करने को तैयार थी| अपनी नासमझी में वो सोचती रही कि इस सबसे वो उसका प्रेम पा सकेगी| उसके प्रति उस युवक की भावनाएं बल और वासना की थीं, प्रेम की नहीं! ये आदमी आत्ममोही था और उसके प्रति निष्ठा रखकर वो अंततः दुखी ही हुई – पूर्ण विश्वासघात – प्रयोग और प्रताड़ित| •सोलह की उम्र में पिछवाड़े के आँगन में गर्भपात •एक ऐसे आदमी से शादी जो सिर्फ अपनी परवाह करता है •सांस्कृतिक भिन्नता – डर और शर्म का इस्तेमाल उसका फायदा उठाने के लिए •शारीरिक शोषण – पहले सात सालों में स�

Συνταγές για Φαγητά Ολικής Αλέσεως: Οι Κορυφαίες 65 Συνταγές για Μια Διατροφή Φαγητών Ολικής Αλέσεως

by Nancy Ross Christiana Tziortziou

Ό,τι πρέπει να γνωρίζετε για τα 'Μη Επεξεργασμένα' Τρόφιμα. Μπορείτε να δοκιμάσετε τις συνταγές με υλικά ολικής αλέσεως που παρέχονται σε αυτό το βιβλίο εάν θέλετε να ακολουθήσετε μια πιο υγιεινή ζωή.

Το Χρυσό Βιβλίο της Σοφίας

by Seila Orienta; P. Windsheimer - Translator

Η Seila Orienta έγραψε αυτή την περιγραφή της 4ης κάρτας Tarot σύμφωνα με το σύστημα του Franz Bardon. Για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία της αποκρυφιστικής λογοτεχνίας, περιγράφεται και αποκαλύπτεται αυτή η 4η κάρτα Ταρώ του μεγάλου Ερμή Τρισμεγίστου. Περιλαμβάνονται άγνωστες ασκήσεις συγκέντρωσης και διαλογισμού. Επιπλέον, γίνεται αναφορά στη διαφορά της μαγείας και του μυστικισμού, καθώς και στους κινδύνους μιας μονόπλευρης διαδρομής. Τελικά, με την ολοκλήρωση της 4ης κάρτας Ταρώ, θα υπάρξει μια τεχνική ενοποίησης με τον παγκόσμιο Θεό, ο οποίος είναι ο δάσκαλος της ηλιακής σφαίρας. Στη Καμπάλα ο δάσκαλος αυτός ονομάζεται «Μετάτρον».

أفسحوا الطريق لتسوس الأسنان

by بوني كاتز

يستخدم هذا الكتاب التورية بطريقة صادمة لتقديم معلومات شيقة ومهمة عن تسوس الأسنان. فهو يقدم المعلومات على هيئة نصائح على لسان الجراثيم التي يهمها وجود التسوس لتعيش عليه. تنصح الجراثيم الأطفال بألا يفرشوا أسنانهم, ولا يذهبوا لطبيب الأسنان, وأن يستمروا في أكل الحلويات والأشياء الضارة بأسنانهم. سيشعر الأطفال الذين يقرأون هذا الكتاب بأنهم وجهاً لوجه مع العدو المتمثل بالجراثيم, ويقررون بأنفسهم وبقناعة ألا يفعلوا الأشياء التي تضر بأسنانهم. ففي الوقت الذي يجابه القارئ نصائح العدو الخادعة, فإنه يتعلم كل شيء عن تسوس الأسنان وأسبابه.

بشـرى الكئيب بلقــاء الحبيب

by جلال الدين السيوطي

الحمد لله وكفى وسلامٌ على عباده الذين اصطفى، هذا كتاب سمَّيته: (بشرى الكئيب بلقاء الحبيب) لخصته من كتابي الكبير الذي ألَّفته في أحوال البرزخ فصَّيرته على البشرى بما يلقاه المؤمن عند موته وفي قبره من التكريم والترحيب، وبالله التوفيق.

سلسلة التمرينات البدنية للمرأة

by د. ليلى فتحي زيد الكيلاني, د. أحمد إبراهيم التايه, ا. د. هاشم عدنان الكيلاني

كتاب "سلسلة التمرينات البدنية للمرأة". تُعدّ التمرينات البدنية للمرأة على اختلاف أنواعها في الملعب أو بداخل الوسط المائي؛ إحدى دعائم صحة الجسد والعقل والروح. وتعد أسلوبًا واعيًا للتعامل مع جسم المرأة والاستعداد لحملٍ صحيٍّ وجيلٍ سليم. فالأمم تتنافس في صحة مجتمعاتها المبنيَّة على صحة المرأة قبل فترة الحمل وخلالها وبعد الولادة، لإنجاب أطفالٍ أقوياء أصحّاء قادرين على تكوين لبِنات البلاد ودعم اقتصادها. إن التطور في حجم الجنين يرتبط بتغيُّراتٍ فسيولوجيةٍ تتناسبُ واحتياجاتِ جسم المرأة وجنينها للحركة لما تضيفه لهما من صحةٍ وقوةٍ من دون التعرض للخطورة. وعليه؛ يوضح سلسلةً من التمرينات وبرنامجًا تدريبيًا منهجيًا يتناول إرشاداتٍ تستفيد منه كلٌّ من مدرّسات هيئة التدريس، وطالبات العلوم البدنية ومدربات اللياقة، والسيدات في شهور الحمل التسعة وفي فترة ما بعد الولادة، مدعَّمًا بالصور التوضيحية لطريقة الممارسة السليمة والتنبيهات عن الممارسات الحركية الخاطئة.

Една Седмица Италианска Кухня

by Rositsa Mareva Claudio Ruggeri

Един списък от лесни и не чак толкова лесни ястия и рецепти от италианската кухня "откраднати " от менюто на един велик готвач, а именно моята майка.

أسبوعا من الطبخ الإيطالي

by Claudio Ruggeri

.قائمة الوصفات البسيطة والمعقدة لالطبخ الإيطالي ، "مسروقة" من القائمة لطباخ كبيرة، أمي

क्षारीय आहार कुक बुक

by Adidas Wilson

पीएच स्केल के माध्यम से आपके शरीर में अम्लीय और क्षारीय स्तर का संकेत मिलता है। आपके रक्त में क्षारीय स्तर को आदर्श रूप से 7.35 - 7.45 के पीएच रेंज के बीच या उसके आस-पास बनाए रखना चाहिए। 7.35 की सीमा में, आपका शरीर अत्यधिक अम्लीय है और कई तरह की बीमारियों से ग्रस्त है। अत्यधिक अम्लीय खाद्य पदार्थों का सेवन एसिड के स्तर को विनियमित करके हड्डियों के जमाव से कैल्शियम, मैग्नीशियम, पोटेशियम और सोडियम जैसे खनिजों का उत्पादन करता है। सबसे अच्छी पुस्तकों में से एक जो आपको अमेज़ॅन पर मिलेगी। महान स्वास्थ्य ज्ञान के साथ शुरू होता है, यह पुस्तक एसिड के स्तर को कम करने और वजन घटाने की यात्रा में किसी की मदद करने में मदद करेगी।

रिसिव्ह यूअर हीलिंग

by गेब्रियल एग्बो

बेस्ट सेलर किताब पावर ऑफ मिडनाइट प्रेयर के लेखक द्वारा प्रस्तुत परिचय यह पुस्तक दिव्य उपचार प्राप्त करने के बारे में है। क्या भगवान अभी भी आप को ठीक कर सकते हैं? हाँ! क्या हम आज भी अच्छे और उत्तम स्वास्थ्य में रह सकते हैं? हाँ! हमारे भगवान कल, आज और हमेशा के लिए एक ही थे , एक ही है, एक ही रहेंगे। इस किताब को पढ़ते हुए ही आपकी चिकित्सा हो रहीं हैं ऐसा समझ ले। यहाँ, आप कुछ ऐसी अविश्वसनीय गवाहीयाँ पढ़ेंगे जो तुरंत भगवान के प्रति आपकी आस्था और बुरी स्थितियों में भी चमत्कार करने की भगवान की असीमित क्षमता में यक़ीन के प्रति वृद्धि करेंगे। उदाहरण के लिए, भगवान अभी भी लाइलाज और लाइलाज बीमारियों को ठीक करता है। वह अब भी मुर्दों को उठाता है। क्या आपने एक ऐसे शख्स के बारे में पढ़ा है जो मुर्दाघर में दो दिन रहने के बाद मौ�

Γιόγκα για Αρχάριους: Εύκολα Βήματα για την Εύρεση της Εσωτερική Γαλήνη και τη Μείωση του Άγχους

by Πολίν Λόουσον

Θέλετε να μπορείτε να εξαλείψετε την ταλαιπωρία, να έχετε λιγότερο άγχος, να κοιμηθείτε καλύτερα με καθαρό μυαλό και να καταπολεμήσετε την κατάθλιψη; Για πολύ καιρό, οι τεχνικές γιόγκα έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί για τη θεραπεία ορισμένων παθήσεων, επιτρέποντάς σας να ζήσετε μια πιο ευτυχισμένη και υγιέστερη ζωή! Η χρήση τεχνικών της γιόγκα θα βοηθήσει επίσης με χρόνιες ασθένειες, φλεγμονές, το ανοσοποιητικό σας σύστημα, επίπεδα ενέργειας, εστίαση, γενική ευτυχία και πολλά άλλα! Ζήστε με θετικά συναισθήματα και λιγότερη κατάθλιψη. Θέλουμε να σας παρουσιάζουμε με αυτό το ebook τα μυστικά που χρησιμοποιούν οι επαγγελματίες της γιόγκα για να αισθάνονται πιο υγιείς από ποτέ, με τον ταχύτερο και πιο αποτελεσματικό τρόπο!

Йога Для Всех

by Вероника Иванова Cristiano Pugno

Иллюстрированное руководство. Десять основных поз йоги для начинающих.

Неделя Итальянской Кухни

by Вероника Иванова Claudio Ruggeri

Рецепты приготовления различных блюд итальянской кухни.Подборка рецептов простых и не очень, «украденных» из меню великого повара -- моей мамы.

黄金の高齢者の世界 (瞑想の論評と) に歩いている間に豊かな成長

by Brahma Kumari Pari

この本は、あなたが金持ち、財政、霊的にどのようになって、黄金時代に入っていく間にあなたが望むものを得ることができるかを説明し、説明します。 黄金時代の世界に歩み寄って豊かに成長する(瞑想解説付き) あなたが金持ち、金銭的、霊的にどのようになることができるかを説明するだけでなく、黄金時代に入っていくうちにあなたが望むものを手に入れることができれば、黄金時代の世界に入っていくことが何であるか、あなたが歩いているこの歩行を通して何でもしたい。また、歩き回ったり、豊かになるために使うことができる練習も提案されています。この本の内容を熟知して適用することで、金老齢の世界に入りたくない場合でも、富、繁栄、幸せな幸福を得て、あなたが望むものを得ることができます。とりわけ、ゴールデンエイジの世界への歩みとあなたが望むものを得るために使用された様々な次元について説明しながら、著者は説明しました: 1. あなたがゴールデン・エージドの世界に入っていくにつれて開発される魔法の能力(siddhis)と専門性について。 2. あなたの富、幸福、貧困または悲惨さをもたらすために、なぜ魅力の法則が働くのか? 3. なぜ、どのように視覚化が実現できるか。 4. Akashic Recordsが存在する高次元に近いことが、あなたの夢を簡単に実現するのに役立ちます。 5.どのようにBrahmalokaからの創作者(Brahma)の役割を簡単に果たして、あなたが望むものを達成できるか。 6. あなたがブラフマの世界にいるとき、イーサーはどのようにしてブラフマの役割を果たし、あなたが望むものを創造する

ダンプケーキレシピへのご招待: お皿に材料を入れて焼くだけ!簡単ダンプケーキレシピ

by Saori Kagami Ashley Andrews

美味しく焼けたケーキの香りが部屋全体に広がります そんな素敵な場所でみんなに手料理を振る舞うのは大好きでも,キッチンで作業する時間が取れない方や,料理の腕前に自信がない方もいらっしゃると思います そんな方には,この本がお勧めです 本書のレシピはユニークかつとても簡単に作れるのに,風味や見た目を全く損ないません ボウルを何度も洗う必要がなく,泡立て器で汚れがはねる心配もありません お皿やキッチン用品をあまり使わずにできるレシピがほとんどです 中にはフライパン1枚でできちゃうレシピもあります 材料を入れるだけで簡単に美味しいケーキが作れてしまう本レシピは,出版されるとたちまち人気に火が付きました 大人から子供まで,簡単に 詰め込めばすぐ食べられる プロセスを楽しめますよ 本書は主に3つのカテゴリーに分かれています その日の気分や,ご自身のお好みに合わせてお選びください 1つ目はチョコレート,かぼちゃ,レモン,ルバーブをはじめとするスタンダードな美味しいダンプケーキをご紹介しています 2つ目は,様々な国の味覚を味わえるエスニックなダンプケーキレシピをお楽しみいただけます 3つ目は,特別な日に使える,とっておきのレシピになっています 少し応用編となっていますが,誰でも失敗せずに作れます また,末尾では,とても忙しかったり,子供たちに作ってもらったりするときに役立つ,電子レンジなどで加熱しなくてもできるレシピを紹介しています ケーキ作りをお楽しみください

Κετογενής Διατροφή: Everyday Foods The Whole Family Will Love (Cambridge Studies In Social And Emotional Development Ser. #7)

by Nancy Ross Christiana Tziortziou

Αυτό το βιβλίο είναι ιδανικό για τα άτομα που θέλουν να αλλάξουν τη διατροφή τους και να ακολουθήσουν την Κετογενή Διατροφή. Εδώ θα μάθετε για τα ωφελήματα και τα πλεονεκτήματα της Κετογενούς Διατροφής, τί επιτρέπεται και τί πρέπει να αποφεύγεται, θα μάθετε για τους τρόπους που βοηθά σε ορισμένες παθήσεις, καθώς επίσης και διάφορους τρόπους για να μπορέσετε να ξεκινήσετε αυτή τη διατροφή. Τέλος, θα μπορέσετε να δοκιμάσετε διάφορες συνταγές που μπορούν να αλλάξουν τις καθημερινές σας διατροφικές συνήθειες!


by 加布里埃尔·阿博

这本书是关于如何接受神圣的治疗。上帝还能治愈吗?是的!今天我们能健康地生活吗?是的!我们的上帝昨天,今天,直到永远都是一样的。当你阅读时,期待你的痊愈。 在这里,你会读到一些令人难以置信的见证,它们会立即增加你对上帝的信心,以及他即使在最糟糕的情况下也会介入的无限能力和诡计。例如,上帝仍然治愈不治之症和绝症。他还会复活死人。你读过关于一个人在停尸房呆了两天后死而复生的故事吗?现在,如果上帝可以做到这一点,为什么你认为对你的状况会无能为力呢?这里还有很多其他令人难以置信的证词。 在这本书中有十个强有力的,有启发性的章节:一切皆有可能,治愈是你的权利,疾病的起源,上帝的话语,耶稣的名字,圣灵,信仰的力量,保留你的治愈。 你还将学习祈祷、涂油、铺手、慈悲(爱)、顺服、天使、赞美和崇拜等,在我们寻求接受和保留治愈的过程中所扮演的角色。这本书是为你的治疗而设计的,当你经历它的时候,它是非常实用的。

メーガンの試験: メーガン、来たる試験に心配を募らせていく・・・ (メーガンシリーズ #4)

by オーウェン・ジョーンズ

メーガンの試験 メーガンは、自分には他の人にはない超能力があると気がつき始めた十三歳の少女。彼女は、そのことについて、最初に母に打ち明けてみたが、その結果ひどいお仕置きを受けたため、そのことについては自分の心の内に秘めておくことにした。 しかし、彼女には手を貸そうとする者たちと、特別な友情を示す動物がいた。ただし、彼らは、通常の次元の世界では『生きている』者たちではなかった。彼らは、死んだ者たちだった。 メーガンには、そのような友達が二人と一匹いた。地上での最後の前世がスー族であった彼女の魂の導き役であるワシンヒンシャ、母方の祖父のおじいちゃん、巨大なシベリアトラのグルル。 ワシンヒンシャは、精神や超能力や科学では説明できないこと全般に精通している。祖父は、新人の『死者』。グルルは、想像通り、トラの言葉しか話すことはできず、もちろんそのほとんどが、人には理解できない。 『メーガンの試験』の中で、メーガンは試験のことを極端なまでに心配する。なぜなら、それは、彼女が初めて受ける本格的な試験だからだ。彼女は、文字通り心配のし過ぎで体調を崩すが、魂の導き役ワシンヒンシャからのちょっとした激励で、彼女はそれを乗り越えていく。

アロマテラピーと風水: ご家庭の的確な位置に最適な精油を

by 原 来


Κατάθλιψη: Όταν νιώθεις πως όλα έχουν χαθεί… (Πώς να… #77)

by Όουεν Τζόουνς

Γεια σου. Σ’ ευχαριστώ που αγόρασες το ηλεκτρονικό βιβλίο Κατάθλιψη (Τίτλος πρωτοτύπου: Depression). Ελπίζω να βρεις τις πληροφορίες αυτές χρήσιμες και ωφέλιμες. Θα ήθελα να γνωρίζεις ότι έγραψα το περιεχόμενο αυτού του βιβλίου κατόπιν σημαντικής έρευνας. Το βιβλίο μπορείς να το αγοράσεις μόνο από εμένα.  Οι πληροφορίες σε αυτό το βιβλίο πάνω στις διάφορες πτυχές της κατάθλιψης και σχετικών αντικειμένων είναι διαχωρισμένες σε 15 κεφάλαια των περίπου 500-600 λέξεων το καθένα. Αν έχεις τυχόν σχόλια ή προτάσεις βελτίωσης, δώσ’ τα στην εταιρεία από την οποία αγόρασες αυτό το βιβλίο. Από εκεί, μπορείς, επίσης, να βρεις κι άλλα βιβλία σαν αυτό. Σ’ ευχαριστώ και πάλι για την αγορά αυτού του βιβλίου. Με εκτίμηση, Όουεν Τζόουνς


by أوشو د. علي الحداد

متى أدركنا معنى الشغف فلن يكون صعبا إدراك العطاء أو التسامح. فالشغف حالة جسدية مادية إنها خضوعك لسيطرة الجسد دون وعي للنتائج... تعني أنك لست سيد نفسك بل عبدا لانفعالك. التسامح يعني أنك تجاوزت حاجات الجسد وتخطيت كل الحواجز النفسية يعني إنك تحررت من عبودية الجسد وأصبحت سيد نفس. وهكذا صرت تتصرف بوعي غير خاضع لقوى خارجية هي تحدد قرارك. أنت الآن حر التصرف بكامل طاقتك وهكذا صار بمقدورك تحويل الشغف إلى عطاء. الشغف شهوة العطاء حب. الشغف رغبة العطاء انفتاح. الشغف طمع العطاء مشاركة. الشغف يدعوك لاستغلال الآخرين فيما العطاء يجبرك على احترامهم. الشغف يبقيك ملتصقا بالأرض يبقي قدميك غارقتين في الوحل وهكذا لن تصبح زهرة لوتس لا اليوم ولا غدا فيما العطاء يجعلك هذه الزهرة فيمنحك قوة النمو وتخطي طبقات التراب وتجاوز عالم الرغبات والطمع عالم الأنانية والغضب. العطاء تحول في مسار طاقتك. في الواقع أنت إنسان مقدس ينبعث مثل العطر غير أن الغضب يستهلك بعضا من طاقتك كذلك يفعل الطمع والشهوة أيضا ... هكذا تستهلك طاقتك سدى . الرغبات والشهوات تسيطر عليك تدمر قدراتك وطاقاتك وتبقيك إنسانا فارغا تافها . تذكر ما قال وليم بليك: «الطاقة هي البهجة» غير أنك استهلكت كل طاقاتك فكيف ستشعر بالبهجة والفرح أما حين تحسن استغلال طاقاتك فهذا يعني أن حياتك ستمتلىء بالفرح يعني أن فيضا من البهجة سينطلق منك. يعني أنك ستصبح بوذا آخر. إنما لن تصبح بوذا آخر إلا بعد اختبار معنى العطاء... إنه الحب الدافىء إنه مشاركة الآخرين الفرح والسرور. إنه إشراك الآخرين في وجودك أنت الآن مبارك ويمكنك منح الآخرين. هذا هو العطاء. الشغف لعنة والعطاء نعمة.


by Alessandra Arfanotti Claudio Ruggeri

この本はイタリア料理の簡単な,又は難しいレシピを並べます この本のレシピが大事な料理人から ぬすばれた ,その人は母です イタリア料理を聞くと, 毎日イタリア人はどんな料理を食べるかなー と思った人に助言を伝えます

レシピ: スムージー:スムージーダイエットのための素晴らしいスムージーレシピ

by Darren Hill Sarita Reis

スムージー:ダーレンヒルのスムージーダイエットのための素晴らしいスムージーレシピ おいしいスムージー!! 導入 今日の急速な世界では、自分自身のために時間をほとんど取らない。この不健康な習慣のために、私たちは弱点、皮膚の問題、体重の問題やアレルギーなどの免疫問題をたくさん経験するので、健康食品を食べることを忘れることは非常に簡単になります... これらの問題を克服するために、私たちの体は栄養を必要とします。ですから、これらの栄養素をどのように簡単に得ることができるのでしょうか?この質問への回答はスムージーです。 スムージーは味だけでなく、健康上の理由からも幻想的ですが、栄養素やミネラルが豊富です。彼らはまた、作るのは簡単です。 この本は健康な体のシンプルで強力なスムージーレシピを提供しますので、これらのおいしい、健康なスムージーレシピをお楽しみください。 この本を買う理由 この本は25種類のおいしいスムージーレシピをお届けします。 この本は素晴らしい! スムージーは新鮮な果物や野菜のスーパーフードや抗酸化物質で自然に包まれ、健康を改善し、輝く肌や髪を作る最も簡単で美味しい方法です!スムージーレシピブックでは、スムージーを毎日楽しんで簡単にビタミン、栄養素、抗酸化物質を増やすことができ、すぐに体重を減らすことができます!


by Saori Kagami Amber Richards

グルテンと乳製品を一切使わずに料理を作るのは大変な事です 私は食べ物アレルギーをを患っているので,料理する際のご苦労がよく分かります 本書では,グルテンと乳製品を一切使用しないレシピを40種類ご紹介しています 主菜20種類,スープ10種類,デザート10種類の構成です どれもおいしいので,皆さんの食生活を少しでも支えることができましたら幸いです 私の場合,関節炎だと思っていた症状の根源が乳製品アレルギーだったことを知り,乳製品を使わなくなったら3週間後には痛みがすっかりなくなっていました 関節炎と乳製品の関係性について今まで見聞きしたことはありませんが,今でもチーズを一切れ食べただけで,翌日には全身の関節がひどく痛みます 関節炎の症状にお悩みの方は,乳製品を使わない食生活を60日間続けてみることをお勧めします 痛みが引いていたら,嬉しい限りです 本書では,乳製品とグルテンを使わなくてもおいしく頂けるレシピをご紹介しています


by Brahma Kumari Pari

この本の知識と慣行を使用することにより、あなたの体の病気を治すことができ、あなたはリフレッシュ、健康的な状態のままにすることができます。あなたの体に病気がない場合でも、より良い理解を得るためにこの本を読むことができます: 1. 宇宙エネルギーがあなたに仕える方法について。 2. 宇宙エネルギー、神などとの関係について 本書の説明: 1. あなたの体に存在する任意の病気を癒すために神のエネルギーを吸収することができますどのように. 2. あなたの目的を達成しながら、より良い、より健康的な生活を送ることができるように、より良いあなたを提供するために宇宙エネルギーを取得する方法。 3. 宇宙エネルギーがあなたの思考、感情、目的などに基づいてあなたを提供しているので、あなたは自分自身を癒すことができ、宇宙エネルギーへの肯定的な影響を通して健康を維持することができる方法。 4. どのようにあなたのホログラフィックボディを介して癒さ得ることができます。 5. あなたが癒される普遍的な法則について。 6. なぜ、Chi またはプラーナを含む慣行は、正常に任意の薬なしで人々を癒すために使用されています。 7. どのように魂の不純なエネルギーが病気になるためにあなたの体に影響を与え、どのように魂の純粋なエネルギーが体の治癒に影響を与える. 8. あなたは簡単に魂を意識したステージを通して癒されることができます。 9. どのようにあなたの心、知性や思い出をより詳細に制御することができます。そして、これはあなたが癒されるためにどのように役立

Αυτισμός: Αυτισμός

by Marcus A. Pfeiffer

Ο αυτισμός είναι μια διαταραχή πολύ πιο κοινή απ’ όσο πιστεύουν οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι.  Και το χειρότερο, παρατηρείται μια σταθερή αύξηση των παιδιών που διαγιγνώσκονται με αυτισμό. Και σαν να μην είναι όλο αυτό αρκετό, όταν οι γονείς των παιδιών αυτών επισκέπτονται τον γιατρό ή τον  παιδίατρο, αυτό που ακούνε είναι ότι ο αυτισμός είναι μια ψυχική ασθένεια χωρίς θεραπεία και ότι το μόνο που μπορούν να κάνουν είναι να μάθουν να ζουν με αυτόν. Στο σημείο αυτό, επιτρέψτε μου να σας πω την αλήθεια:  Ο αυτισμός θεραπεύεται Μην αφήνετε να σας ξεγελάνε οι δηλώσεις των επιστημόνων και των ειδικών. Και πάνω απ’ όλα, μην επιτρέπετε σε κανέναν να σας αποθαρρύνει. 


by Claudio Ruggeri

这都是些简单的菜,也不算是正宗意大利菜,是我从一位,非常棒的厨师哪儿“偷”来的,她就是我的母亲。 For more informations about the author and his books visit: Blog: Facebook Page: or follow on Twitter:

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