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Showing 39,476 through 39,571 of 39,571 results

Zac y Mia

by A. J. Betts

Valiente y poco convencional, describe el fuerte apego a la vida que surge cuando se padece una enfermedad grave. Si bien el ambiente frío y aséptico de una clínica es el último lugar donde una pareja de adolescentes esperaría iniciar una relación significativa, a veces el azar nos sorprende con encuentros fortuitos que marcan nuestro destino. Convaleciente de un trasplante de médula, Zac lleva semanas solo y aburrido en el hospital cuando en la habitación contigua ingresan a Mia, una impetuosa chica de su edad. A los golpecitos en el tabique del principio les sigue el intercambio de notas por medio de las enfermeras y, finalmente, en el silencio de la noche, la comunicación a través de Facebook. Paulatinamente, una amistad surgida de la necesidad da paso a una atracción muy especial que, sin embargo, se verá expuesta a una dura prueba cuando más adelante la realidad cotidiana interponga unos obstáculos con los que Zac y Miano contaban. Narrada con un fresco sentido del humor, autenticidad y delicadeza, Zac y Mia es una historia excepcional sobre dos chicos cuyo prometedor futuro se tambalea bajo sus pies. Una novela íntima y conmovedora que mantiene al lector en vilo hasta el final. La crítica ha dicho...«El poder curativo de la amistad, el amor y la familia hacen que este relato divertido y filosófico sobre la enfermedad en la adolescencia resulte sobresaliente.»Kirkus Reviews «Con una estructura elegante y un estilo y lenguaje carentes de toda afectación, los personajes de esta novela quedan grabados en la memoria del lector y permanecen en ella durante largo tiempo.»Jurado del Premio Ethel Turner «Betts retrata el cáncer como algo duro, que da miedo, pero que se puede derrotar -o, por lo menos, soportar- si uno no se enfrenta a él en solitario. Sus protagonistas, un chico que se aferra a la vida y una chica que se da cuenta de que nopuede evitar que su vida cambie, tienen una enorme fuerza.»Publishers Weekly «Cuando empieces este libro, no podrás dejar de leerlo.»The Hoopla

Zap Proof Your Home

by Ann Louise Gittleman

This selection from award-winning health pioneer Ann Louise Gittleman's Zapped tells you how to protect yourself from the hazards of electromagnetic pollution in the one place you should feel safe-your own home. We are all affected by the electromagnetic forces in our world-whether from our cell phones or from the electrical outlets in our walls. Author Ann Louise Gittleman proposes that we're being zapped by high levels of electromagnetic fields, and the wavelengths and frequencies they produce have reached the point of toxicity-making us feel tired, irritable, and weak. In this eSelect, you learn about the strength and location of harmful electromagnetic fields in your home. With step-by-step instruction, the author walks you room-by-room, teaching you how to remake the force fields in your environment and create positive energy flow.

Zapped: Why Your Cell Phone Shouldn't Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution

by Ann Louise Gittleman

How many electronic innovations have you dialed, watched, surfed, charged, listed to, booted up, commuted on, cooked with, and plugged in today? Consider your typical day: If you're like most people, it probably starts in front of your coffee maker and toaster, ends as you set the alarm on your cell phone, and involves no end of computers and gadgets, televisions and microwaves in between. We're being zapped: Today 84 percent of Americans own a cell phone, 89 million of us watch TV beamed in by satellite, and we can't sip a cup of coffee at our local cafÉ without being exposed to Wi-Fi. The very electronic innovations that have changed our lives are also exposing us, in ways big and small, to an unprecedented number of electromagnetic fields. Invisible pollution surrounds us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, interrupting our bodies' natural flow of energy. And for some, that pollution has reached the point of toxicity, causing fatigue, irritability, weakness, and even illness. But we don't have to simply surrender. Ann Louise Gittleman brings forth the latest research into electromagnetic fields to create this groundbreaking guide for every citizen of the wireless age. With the proactive, levelheaded approach that has made her one of our most respected health experts, she not only clarifies the risks but also offers specific, step-by-step information for how anyone can minimize them. From where you place your sofa to when you use your cell phone to what you eat for dinner, Zapped is packed with strategies for avoiding and mitigating the damaging effects of electropollution. As she examines modern life room by room, device by device, Gittleman reveals a master plan for detoxifying your surroundings and protecting yourself and your family. We don't need to abandon our homes-or even give up our PDAs-to be healthier and happier. Based on the latest scientific data, case studies, and Gittleman's years of clinical practice, Zapped is an empowering guide to living safely with the gadgets we can't live without.

Zecharia Sitchin and the Extraterrestrial Origins of Humanity

by M. J. Evans

An in-depth analysis of Sitchin’s revelations about the Anunnaki, early humanity, and Earth’s future• Examines Sitchin’s research into the Anunnaki arrival on Earth, the lineage of the Nefilim, their space travel technology, and their creation of modern humans• Written by longtime Sitchin friend and colleague M. J. Evans, Ph.D., and draws upon her research and personal discussions with Sitchin• Explores the lust and lovemaking relationships of the Nefilim and suggests we inherited our warlike and love making tendencies from themKnown for his provocative interpretations of ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets, Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) read the words of our most ancient ancestors as fact and, through decades of meticulous research, showed that these ancient tablets revealed a coherent narrative about the extraterrestrial inhabitants of Earth and the origins of modern humanity.Drawing upon her many conversations with Zecharia Sitchin over nearly 20 years, M. J. Evans, Ph.D., longtime Sitchin friend and colleague, provides an in-depth analysis of Sitchin’s revelations about the Anunnaki, focusing on Anunnaki activities on Earth and Earth’s future. She explores the genesis of Sitchin’s interest in the Nefilim, the leaders of the Anunnaki, and the controversy caused by the publication of Sitchin’s first book, The 12th Planet. She examines Sitchin’s research into the Nefilim family tree, the Anunnaki arrival on Earth to mine gold to repair the atmosphere on their planet, Nibiru, and their creation of modern humans as workers for their mines and to build their civilization on Earth. She shows how, in the context of 21st-century technological capabilities, Sitchin’s work casts a different light on ancient events, with implications for our future. The author reveals the details of the love and lust proclivities of the Nefilim gods Anu, Enlil, and Enki and the goddess Ishtar/Inanna and shows how we inherited these tendencies from our Anunnaki creators as well as their use of war for problem solving.Concluding with an examination of Sitchin’s prediction of a nuclear event on Earth in 2024 AD, she shows how we would be repeating the aggressive warlike behaviors of our Anunnaki creators, who may very well become our saviors when Nibiru next returns to our solar system.

Zeichenhorizonte: Semiotische Strukturen in Husserls Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung (Phaenomenologica #228)

by Diego D’Angelo

In diesem Band deckt Diego D'Angelo semiotische Strukturen in der Husserl’schen Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung auf. Ist es der Phänomenologie darum zu tun, die Erfahrung von Dingen in unserer Umwelt zu beschreiben, so ist dabei der Begriff des Horizontes von zentraler Bedeutung: Was wir unmittelbar wahrnehmen, verweist immer schon auf anderes, was nur „mitgegeben“ ist. Wenn wir Dinge wahrnehmen, haben wir nur eine bestimmte Perspektive, d.h. wir sehen lediglich einen Aspekt. Aber wir nehmen immer ganze Gegenstände wahr (wir sehen Tische und Stühle und andere Menschen). Jeder dieser Gegenstände erscheint in einem Feld weiterer Gegenstände, und es ist der Horizontbegriff, der es erlaubt, das Verhältnis zwischen Selbstgegebenheit und Mitgegebenheit zu explizieren.Dieses Buch stellt den ersten detaillierten Versuch dar, die Ursprünge solcher horizontaler Felder in semiotischen Strukturen zu suchen. Aus der Verbindung zwischen Husserls eigener Semiotik und seiner Phänomenologie der Wahrnehmung ergibt sich, dass das wahrgenommene Phänomen als Zeichen verstanden werden muss. Das Zeichen wiederum bezeichnet etwas, was in leiblicher Bewegung eingeholt werden kann. Mit der Verbindung von Leiblichkeit, Semiotik und Wahrnehmung thematisiert diese Monographie das Verhältnis zwischen folgenden phänomenologischen Forschungsgebieten:• Husserls Semiotik der Wahrnehmung in den Logischen Untersuchungen • Phänomenologische Raumanalyse – kinästhetische Indikation• Horizont und Noema• Passive Anzeige• Zeichen und Leiblichkeit als Grundlagen der Fremderfahrung• Genetische Phänomenologie und Semiotik der Erfahrung• Protentionen und teleologische Semiose• Induktion und Ursprung des menschlichen IchsDas Buch eröffnet die Möglichkeit, Husserls Phänomenologie jenseits einer Metaphysik der Präsenz zu verstehen. Zudem leisten D'Angelos Einzeluntersuchungen einen Beitrag zu aktuellen Diskussionen in der Philosophie der leiblichen Kognition. – Eine hilfreiche Leseempfehlung für • Interessierte Themenneulinge • Bachelor- und Masterstudenten der Geisteswissenschaften• Hochschulabsolventen sowie Forschungswissenschaftler

Zen And Horseback Riding: Applying The Principles Of Posture, Breath And Awareness To Riding Horses

by Tom Nagel Sally Swift

Zen & Horseback Riding explains the location, importance and use of the psoas muscles. The psoas are the deep core muscles that link the upper and lower girdles of the body. They are the basis of all efficient body movement and can be used by everyone in any athletic activity. This book explains how to use your body to achieve tone, find self-carriage and to move correctly both on and off the horse. Zen & Horseback Riding is about using horseback riding as a means of self-development and training. It is about improving both your riding and your life. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

Zen and Now

by Mark Richardson

Part travelogue, part meditation on an author and his work, Zen and Now is a tribute to a beloved American book and the landscape that inspired it.Since it was first published in 1974, Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance has become a modern classic, a beautifully constructed blend of travel narrative and philosophical inquiry that has moved generations of readers. One of those readers was journalistMarkRichardson, who after rediscovering the book at middle age, decided to retrace Pirsig's journey. Fromthe back of his own motorcycle, Richardson investigates what happened to the reclusive Pirsig, his family, and the people described in the book in the years after its surprising success.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Zen and Shinto

by Dr Chikao Fujisawa

How do the Japanese talk about their native philosophy, Shinto, a decade and a half after the Western Allies abolished it as a state religion? What is its relationship to Buddhism, and particularly to Zen? How modern can this very ancient creed ever be? These are some of the questions considered in this study by Dr. Chikao Fujisawa, who specialized in the study of traditional Japanese philosophy and its effect on modern society. Zen and Shinto is a strong plea to rectify the steps taken to eradicate Shinto, the very substance of Japanese life and thought. At the same time, it offers new insight into the amazing adaptability of the Japanese psyche--its depth, vitality and universality--and its remarkable capacity to assimilate foreign thought and ideas, and thus contribute to the world's hope for permanent peace.

Zen and the Art of Dealing with Difficult People

by Mark Westmoquette

This is a unique guide to coping with challenging people using practical Zen and mindfulness tools. It helps readers explore their reactions, break free from knee-jerk response patterns and see if these people may in fact prove to be useful teachers in life – troublesome Buddhas.This is a guide to applying the teachings of mindfulness and Zen to the troublesome or challenging people in our lives. Perhaps you can see there&’s often a pattern to your behaviour in relation to them and that it often causes pain – perhaps a great deal of pain. The only way we can grow is by facing this pain, acknowledging how we feel and how we&’ve reacted, and making an intention or commitment to end this repeating pattern of suffering. In this book, Mark Westmoquette speaks from a place of profound personal experience. A Zen monk, he has endured two life-changing traumas caused by other people: his sexual abuse by his own father; and his stepfather&’s death and mother&’s very serious injury in a car crash due to the careless driving of an off-duty policeman. He stresses that by bringing awareness and kindness to these relationships, our initial stance of &“I can&’t stand this person, they need to change&” will naturally shift into something much broader and more inclusive. The book makes playful use of Zen koans – apparently nonsensical phrases or stories – to help jar us out of habitual ways of perceiving the world and nudge us toward a new perspective of wisdom and compassion.

Zen and the Art of Quilting: Finding Peace Through Piecework

by Sandra Detrixhe

Bring balance to your life in the marriage of beauty and function!From selecting fabrics to threading the needle to piecing together your project, the steps you take to create a beautiful quilt will allow you to calm your mind and bring harmony to your life. Master quilter Sandra Detrixhe shares what she's learned through years of creating art out of scraps of cloth: Quilting is a type of meditation. It's both absorbing and mind-freeing. Sandra and several of her colleagues relate stories about the quiet, mindful experience of quilting--choosing fabrics with a purpose in mind, adding pieces with special meaning, and finding a community of quilters.Each chapter includes a suggested activity that will show you how to find peace in the process. You'll soon be able to turn every minute you spend patterning, basting, and binding into enjoyable, mindful moments. With Zen and the Art of Quilting, you'll learn your wonderful, handmade quilt isn't the craft's only reward. The meditative practice of making your lovely new piece is something to be treasured as well.

Zen and Tonic: Savory and Fresh Cocktails for the Enlightened Drinker

by Jules Aron

Green drinks gone boozy Green drinks gone boozy!Create your own delicious cocktails using ingredients you can find in your own backyard, windowsill, or local farmer's market. Learn to make your own simple syrups and infusions with immune boosting fruits, herbs and veggies that will leave you feeling refreshed and energized. Lavishly illustrated with full-color photographs and offering over 100 fun, simple, and delicious cocktail recipes, Zen and Tonic lets you infuse your life and drinks with healthy, wholesome, revitalizing ingredients.Complete with a thorough introduction to today's producers of organic and quality spirits, and a spotlight on the wholesome herbs, spices and super foods featured in the recipes, Zen and Tonic, brings a fresh twist to the classic toast: "Let's drink to your health!"

Zen Beyond All Words

by Wolfgang Kopp Barbara Wittenberg-Haenauer

Zen Beyond All Words contains a selection of talks given by MasterWolfgang Kopp at the Tao Ch'an Center in Wiesbaden, Germany, during the summer of 1992. In the spirit of the ancient Chinese Ch'an masters, Wolfgang Kopp teaches a direct and powerful Zen. He conveys neither a theoretical system nor a one-sided dogmatism of sitting, and he neither wears customary robes nor holds a traditional title.

Zen beyond Mindfulness: Using Buddhist and Modern Psychology for Transformational Practice

by Jules Shuzen Harris

An effective new approach to Buddhist practice that combines the rigor of traditional meditation and study with the psychological support necessary for practice in modern life.Zen teacher Jules Shuzen Harris argues that contemporary American Buddhists face two primary challenges: (1) “spiritual bypassing,” which means avoiding or repressing psychological problems in favor of “pretend Enlightenment,” and (2) settling for secularized forms of Buddhism or mindfulness that have lost touch with the deeper philosophical and ethical underpinnings of the religion.Drawing on his decades of experience as a Zen practitioner, teacher, and psychotherapist, Harris writes that both of these challenges can be met through the combination of a committed meditation practice, a deep study of Buddhist psychological models, and tools from a psychotherapeutic method known as “Mind-Body Bridging.” Using this unique approach, students can do the real work of awakening without either denying their embodied emotional life or missing out on the rich array of insights offered by Buddhist psychology and the Zen practice tradition.

Zen Body-Being: An Enlightened Approach to Physical Skill, Grace, and Power (Zen Buddhism Ser.)

by Peter Ralston Laura Ralston

In this inspiring guide, Peter Ralston presents a program of "physical education" for anyone interested in body improvement. Using simple, clear language to demystify the Zen mindset, he draws on more than three decades of experience teaching students and apprentices worldwide who have applied his body-being approach. More of a transformative guide than a specific list of exercises devoted to any particular physical approach, Zen Body-Being explains how to create a state of mental control, enhanced feeling-awareness, correct structural alignment, increased spatial acuity, and even a greater interactive presence. Exercises are simple, often involving feeling-imagery and meditative awareness, which have a profound and sometimes instant effect. Where similar guides teach readers what to do, this book teaches readers how to be.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Zen Book

by Daniel Levin

The zen mind is the beginner’s mind, which sees everything as if for the first time. It is in this zen mind that realization comes. People sit for many years in meditation to find that suddenly in hearing something again for the first time, they’re lifted to a state of understanding that’s far beyond anything they’ve ever experienced. This is why the sayings in this book were written. They’re not meant to teach, but rather to remind you of things you already know.

Zen-Brain Horizons: Toward a Living Zen (The MIT Press)

by Austin James H.

In Zen-Brain Horizons, James Austin draws on his decades of experience as a neurologist and Zen practitioner to clarify the benefits of meditative training. Austin integrates classical Buddhist literature with modern brain research, exploring the horizons of a living, neural Zen. When viewed in the light of today, the timeless wisdom of some Zen masters seems almost to have anticipated recent research in the neurosciences. The keen attentiveness and awareness that we cultivate during meditative practices becomes the leading edge of our subsequent mental processing. Austin explains how our covert, involuntary functions can make crucial contributions to the subtle ways we learn, intuit, and engage in creative activities. Austin begins by looking back at ancient Buddhist narratives. He then weaves together the major themes of self, attention, emotion, language, and insight. He goes on to examine Zen and psychology as cultural developments, including recent information about how a clear, calm awareness can change the meditating brain. He considers the pathways through which intuitions develop on their way to becoming realized, exploring the phenomena of the spontaneous color imagery that arises during meditation. Looking out even further into the future, Austin discusses the universal themes of creativity, happiness, openness, and selflessness. Along the way, he bows in homage to William James, explores "Buddhist Botany" and "Avian Zen," demonstrates why living Zen means much more than sitting quietly indoors on a cushion, and provides simplified advice that helps guide readers to the most important points.

Zen-Brain Horizons: Toward a Living Zen (The\mit Press Ser.)

by James H. Austin

A neurologist and Zen practitioner clarifies the benefits of meditative training, drawing on classical Buddhist literature and modern brain research.In Zen-Brain Horizons, James Austin draws on his decades of experience as a neurologist and Zen practitioner to clarify the benefits of meditative training. Austin integrates classical Buddhist literature with modern brain research, exploring the horizons of a living, neural Zen. When viewed in the light of today, the timeless wisdom of some Zen masters seems almost to have anticipated recent research in the neurosciences. The keen attentiveness and awareness that we cultivate during meditative practices becomes the leading edge of our subsequent mental processing. Austin explains how our covert, involuntary functions can make crucial contributions to the subtle ways we learn, intuit, and engage in creative activities. He demonstrates why living Zen means much more than sitting quietly indoors on a cushion, and provides simplified advice that helps guide readers to the most important points.

Zen Bridge: The Zen Teachings of Keido Fukushima

by Barbara Ruch Grace Schireson Keido Fukushima Peter Schireson

A funny, poignant, and illuminating masterclass on Zen philosophy and practice from a beloved teacher.Zen Bridge collects Dharma talks given by the Zen master Keido Fukushima Roshi. Fukushima Roshi's anecdotes on his own training are humble, hilarious, and full of wisdom. His reflections on classical teachings intermingle with personal stories, allowing them to be accessible to all readers while at the same time transcendent. The power and authenticity of this true Zen master shines through in his words. This book includes black and white illustrations of basic sitting and hand posture for meditation as well as selections of Fukushima Roshi's calligraphy.

Zen Cancer Wisdom: Tips for Making Each Day Better

by Suzaanne Friedman

With a much-needed sense of levity, Daju Suzanne Friedman teaches the art of keeping one's body, mind, and spirit together while living with cancer."Layman Wang once asked his attendant,'What would you do if a dragon suddenly arrived here?' His attendant answered, 'I wouldn't pay attention to anything else.' This is how it feels when you've been diagnosed with cancer. Your attention and focus shift dramatically towards just this one thing. While single-minded focus can be beneficial, it is also important to remember that you are more than your diagnosis, and that there is more to life than being a patient." --from the introduction In Zen Cancer Wisdom, Daju Suzanne Friedman--Zen teacher, Chinese medicine doctor, and Qigong specialist--shares the inspirations, insights, and humor that helped her to continue to live fully in the face of cancer. With sections devoted to soothing the spirit, harnessing the mind, nourishing the body, and qigong stretches for soothing aches and pains, Friedman provides thoughtful guidance on topics ranging from hair loss and constipation to coping with stress and learning to laugh again. Each chapter begins with an anecdote drawn from the Zen tradition, followed by personal reflection, and a brief guided practice specifically for cancer patients. Pocket-sized, with short, buoyant chapters, and meditation exercises designed to be practicable anywhere in only a few minutes time, Zen Cancer Wisdom is the perfect companion book for cancer patients.

The Zen Diet Revolution

by Martin Philippa Faulks

The zen diet is no ordinary diet, in fact, it isn't just a diet, it is a way of life, based on spiritual principles and small but permanent changes.

Zen e a Arte de Salvar o Planeta

by Thich Nhat Hanh

O livro mais recente de um dos mais respeitados líderes espirituais do mundo. Não podemos mudar o mundo se não formos capazes de mudar a nossa forma de pensar. Atualmente, enfrentamos uma poderosa interseção de crises: destruição ecológica, colapso climático, aumento da desigualdade, injustiça racial e os impactos duradouros de uma pandemia devastadora. Para enfrentarmos estes desafios, precisamos de encontrar formas de fortalecer a nossa lucidez, compaixão e coragem para agir. A mensagem de Thich Nhat Hanh é muito clara: existe algo que temos o poder de mudar, que fará toda a diferença, e esse algo é a nossa mente. A nossa forma de olhar e de pensar as coisas determina as ações e decisões que tomamos ou evitamos, como nos relacionamos com aqueles que amamos ou de quem discordamos, e como reagimos numa crise. O mindfulness e as visões decisivas da meditação podem ajudar-nos a criar um mundo regenerativo em que todas as vidas sejam respeitadas. Zen e a Arte de Salvar o Planeta mostra-nos uma nova forma de viver e de trazer harmonia a nós próprios, aos nossos relacionamentos e à Terra. «Precisamos de despertar juntos e, se despertarmos juntos, teremos uma hipótese. A nossa forma de viver e planear o futuro conduziu-nos a esta situação. E agora precisamos de olhar profundamente para encontrarmos uma solução, não apenas como indivíduos, mas como um coletivo, uma espécie.» — Thich Nhat Hanh «Thich Nhat Hanh mostra-nos a íntima ligação entre uma pessoa, a sua paz interior e a paz no mundo.» Dalai Lama «Pode ser difícil manter uma atitude positiva e sentir esperança. Neste livro, o monge vietnamita, professor, autor, poeta e ativista da paz, Thich Nhat Hanh, aplica a sabedoria budista à vida quotidiana, ajudando os leitores a fazerem as pazes com o seu lugar no mundo e dando-lhes as ferramentas para aceitarem as circunstâncias que fogem de seu controlo.» Booklist

Zen Heart

by Hozumi Gensho Roshi

This collection of 28 teachings by Zen Master Hozumi Gensho reads like an eloquent Dharma chapbook complete with original works of Zen calligraphy. Hozumi Roshi gently leads the reader through some of the major themes of Buddhism as presented in the Heart Sutra, the Mumonkan (Gateless Gate), the Hekigan-roku (The Blue Cliff Record), and other Zen texts. Ancient and modern masters are also cited along with passages from the Kansan-shi (Poems from Cold Mountain) and the Nanporoku (a handbook on the Way of Tea). Hozumi Roshi's work has long been available in Japan and Germany. This is the first time his teachings are available in English.These are things we need to know:•What is Gratitude•How to Live in the Present, Realizing Wisdom•Reverence for Life•Zazen•The Way of Zen,/ul>Readers are sure to be inspired by Hozumi Roshi's simple but penetrating texts to discover their own Zen Hearts.

Zen in the Age of Anxiety: Wisdom for Navigating Our Modern Lives

by Tim Burkett Wanda Isle

Zen wisdom for identifying the causes of mental and emotional anxiety epidemic in today's world and for finding the path to a peaceful heart in the midst of them--a path that leads directly though the center of the anxiety we're trying to escape.Wrestling with fear doesn’t have to be a negative experience. This book offers an approach to life that unlocks a new way of thinking and being in the world, one that leads directly through the center of the anxieties we seek to avoid.Written in the style of an owner’s manual, a guide to being human, Burkett focuses on areas of pain and anxiety as they tend to manifest for modern people: feelings of unworthiness, and issues surrounding sex, money, failure, and even death. Providing wisdom from Zen (channeled through his many experiences as a psychotherapist) and using language and metaphors from popular culture, he takes anxiety and teaches us to turn those fears into the building blocks of a fulfilling life.

Zen in the Vernacular: Things As It Is

by Peter Coyote

• Shows how Zen offers a creative problem-solving mechanism and moral guide ideal for the stresses and problems of daily life• Shares the author&’s secular, vernacular interpretations of the Four Noble Truths, the Three Treasures, the Eightfold Path, and other fundamental Buddhist ideasDuring the nearly 3,000 years since the Buddha lived, his teachings have spread widely around the globe. In each culture where Buddhism was introduced, the Buddha&’s teachings have been pruned and modified to harmonize with local customs, laws, and cultures. We can refer to these modifications as &“gift wrapping,&” translating the gifts of Buddha&’s teachings in ways sensible to particular cultures in particular times. This gift-wrapping explains why Indian, Tibetan, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, and Indonesian Buddhism have significant differences.In this engaging guide to Zen Buddhism, award-winning actor, narrator, and Zen Buddhist priest Peter Coyote helps us peer beneath the Japanese gift-wrapping of Zen teachings to reveal the fundamental teachings of the Buddha and show how they can be applied to contemporary daily life. The author explains that the majority of Western Buddhists are secular and many don&’t meditate, wear robes, shave their heads, or believe in reincarnation. He reminds us that the mental/physical states achieved by Buddhist practice are universal human states, ones we may already be familiar with but perhaps never considered as possessing spiritual dimensions.Exploring Buddha&’s core teachings, the author shares his own secular and accessible interpretations of the Four Noble Truths, the Three Treasures, and the Eightfold Path within the context of his lineage and the teachings of his teacher and the teachers before him. He looks at Buddha&’s teachings on our singular reality that appears as a multiplicity of things and on the &“self&” that perceives reality, translating powerful spiritual experience into the vernacular of modern life.Revealing the practical usefulness of Buddhist philosophy and practice, Zen in the Vernacular shows how Zen offers a creative problem-solving mechanism and moral guide ideal for the stresses and problems of everyday life.

Zen Is a Revolution

by Osho Osho International Foundation

In this talk Osho takes his audience into the world of ZEN. "There are a few essential things which make Zen absolutely different from any kind of teaching. The most important of these essentials is that Zen is a revolution. All other religions are servants to the vested interests. The rich people and the powerful people, the politicians, have dominated all the religions. The priests have been nothing but servants to these criminals. It is such a worldwide conspiracy that no one recognizes it. It is so obvious and so simple that we are from the very beginning, from our very childhood, being programmed." From an original series: Rinzai: Master of the Irrational, by Osho.

The Zen Koan: Its History and Use in Rinzai Zen

by Isshu Miura Ruth Fuller Sasaki

The first scholarly examination in any language of the historical development and traditional method of koan study in Zen Buddhism. Foreword by Ruth Fuller Sasaki; Index; ink drawings by Hakuin Ekaku.A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book.

Zen Koan as a Means of Attaining Enlightenment

by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

Zen Koan as a Means of Attaining Enlightenment Presents the history and application of the koan exercise--the means for realizing enlightenment--with depth and clarity.<P><P>The koan system has effected a special development in Zen Buddhism, and is a unique contribution to the history of religious consciousness. When the importance of the koan is understood, it may be said that more than half of Zen is understood.

Zen Light

by Stefano Mui Barragato

The Denkoroku, or "Record of Transmitting the Light," contains the enlightenment stories of the earliest Zen ancestors. In Zen Ught, the author comments on this Buddhist classic, which he studied as part of his own advanced Zen training. Sensei Barragato brings the varied experiences of his life and his studies in Catholicism and Quaker practice to the teachings of Zen Buddhism, making these commentaries at once off-beat, refreshing, and revealing. He touches on the major issues that affect our lives, making thisbook of interest to both the beginning as well as the advanced student of Zen.

Zen Living: A Simple Explanation of the Meaning of Zen and What It Offers (Idiot's Guides)

by Domyo Sater Burk

In today's fast-paced, technology-laden society, it's easy to become overwhelmed. People seek calm and simplicity, but have a hard time realizing a "Zen" life. Monk and sensei Domyo Sater Burk illustrates how to get started on the path to peace and enlightenment, regardless of cultural or religious affiliation. You'll learn the foundation and essential teachings of Zen practice, how to engage in meditation and mindfulness, and how to live daily within a Zen moral code.

The Zen Mama: Your guilt-free guide to raising brave, kind children

by Sarah Ivens

Let go of parenting expectations and fears to raise courageous, confident children.The Zen Mama philosophy is that mother and child complement each other in adventures and experiences, always putting safety first but without getting caught up in the anxieties, drama, impossible expectations and mental baggage that too often comes along with modern parenting. Learning to become a Zen Mama will help you grow and nurture a Zen Child - someone who isn't afraid to be different, who can stand up for himself or his friends, and can travel the world and experiment with new things without being overwhelmed with self-doubt or being scared. Full of facts, actionable advice and practical tips, this book will be about combining the heart and the head with what works for you and your family, not comparing yourselves to others or meeting a societal standard. It will support and nurture the mother's journey like a wise and sympathetic friend and offers ideas and experience rather than judgement.The Zen Mama will help you to find your purpose as a mother. It will instil the self-belief you need to help create a resilient, creative, caring and smart child - and help to survive the journey.

The Zen Mama: Your guilt-free guide to raising brave, kind children

by Sarah Ivens

Let go of parenting expectations and fears to raise courageous, confident children.The Zen Mama philosophy is that mother and child complement each other in adventures and experiences, always putting safety first but without getting caught up in the anxieties, drama, impossible expectations and mental baggage that too often comes along with modern parenting. Learning to become a Zen Mama will help you grow and nurture a Zen Child - someone who isn't afraid to be different, who can stand up for himself or his friends, and can travel the world and experiment with new things without being overwhelmed with self-doubt or being scared. Full of facts, actionable advice and practical tips, this book will be about combining the heart and the head with what works for you and your family, not comparing yourselves to others or meeting a societal standard. It will support and nurture the mother's journey like a wise and sympathetic friend and offers ideas and experience rather than judgement.The Zen Mama will help you to find your purpose as a mother. It will instil the self-belief you need to help create a resilient, creative, caring and smart child - and help to survive the journey.

The Zen Mama Guide to Finding Your Rhythm in Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond the: Finding Your Path Through Pregnancy, Birth, And Beyond

by Teresa Palmer Sarah Wright Olsen

Being Zen(ish) is what we call it--and it&’s the ish that we endorse!Teresa Palmer and Sarah Wright Olsen, two moms from opposite sides of the world, are doing their best to raise happy, empathetic children while working, traveling, and maintaining their sanity. With seven kids between them, the founders of the much-loved Your Zen Mama blog know as well as anyone that motherhood doesn&’t exist in the highlight reel of life, and that finding even a fleeting semblance of calm among the epic ebbs and flows of parenting is usually all you can hope for!So forget perfection and prepare to get real, vulnerable, and dirty (mostly from guacamole) with Sarah and Teresa, as they share knowledge they&’ve collected over the years, from the Your Zen Mama community and expert mentors, as well as being in the trenches of parenthood themselves.Whether it&’s dealing with fertility challenges or pregnancy loss, riding out a long and complicated labor, or juggling multiple kids (and work!), these mamas have been through it--and have written this gorgeous book to help you find your own glimpses of Zen along the way.Readers of The Zen Mama Guide to Finding Your Rhythm in Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond will benefit from . . . Important questions to ask and decisions to make before and during pregnancyEssential guidance from a woman&’s point of view for conception, pregnancy, and childbirthNutritional and dietary advice to support the complete health of both mother and babyPractical education about the mother&’s body before, after, and during pregnancyScience-based methods to promote a mother&’s healthy body and mindExpert advice from medical professionals, chiropractors, and pediatriciansEngaging, accessible advice for every step of the newborn&’s journeySuggestions and tips for creating a birthing planComforting language to address fertility challenges, pregnancy loss, and complicated laborTips to celebrate the parenthood journey, in all its complexity and beautyEarned and lived wisdom collected and shared by real mothers in the Your Zen Mama communityAccess to the Your Zen Mama resource guide<p class="Paragraph SCXW144633115 BCX0" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; text-align: left; color: windowtext; text-indent: 0px; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; vertical-align: baseline; background-color: transparent; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; user-select: text; -webkit-user-drag: none; overflow-wrap: break-wo

Zen Masters of Japan

by Richard Bryan Mcdaniel

Zen Masters of Japan is the second book in a series that traces Zen's profoundly historic journey as it spread eastward from China and Japan, toward the United States. Following Zen Masters of China, this book concentrates on Zen's significant passage through Japan. More specifically, it describes the lineage of the great teachers, the Pioneers who set out to enlighten an island ready for an inner transformation based on compassionate awareness.While the existing Buddhist establishment in Japan met early Zen pioneers like Dogen and Eisai with fervent resistance, Zen Buddhism ultimately perservered and continued to become further transformed in its passage through Japan. The Japanese culture and Japanese Buddhism practices further deepened and strengthened Zen training by combining it with a variety of esoteric contemplative arts-the arts of poetry, the tea ceremony, calligraphy, and archery. Zen Masters of Japan chronicles this journey, and shows how the new practices soon gained in popularity among all walks of life-from the lowly peasant, offering a hope of reincarnation and a better life; to the Samurai warrior due to its casual approach to death; to the ruling classes, challenging the intelligentsia because of its scholarly roots. A collection of Zen stories, meditation, and their wisdom, Zen Masters of Japan also explores the illusive state of 'No Mind' achieved in Japan that is so fundamental to Zen practices today.

Zen Meditation And Psychotherapy

by Tomio Hirai

It is said that, through Zazen, or seated meditation as practiced by the Zen sect of Buddhism, it is possible to discover the ultimate self and learn how to live a truly spiritual life. About 2,500 years ago, by practicing seated meditation under a bo tree, Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Shakyamuni, became enlightened to the nature of human suffering (specifically birth, aging, illness, and death) and attained the ultimate state of tranquility, or Nirvana. Thus he became a Buddha, or an enlightened person who has reached the highest state attainable by the human mind.

Zen Meditation in Plain English

by Peter Matthiessen John Daishin Buksbazen

An excellent, practical introduction to Zen meditation. Written in a warm and easily accessible style, this book appeals to anyone with an interest in meditation, Zen, or, as is often the case today, a combination of the two. The book emphasizes the importance of receiving good instruction and of finding groups to practice with, yet it lays out the necessary steps to practice Zen meditation on your own. The book includes easily followed exercises to help the reader along. For anyone looking to uncover a clear and insightful path into the philosophy and practice of Zen meditation, this book represents the culmination of that search.

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: 50th Anniversary Edition

by Shunryu Suzuki

Named one of the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the Twentieth Century (Spirituality & Practice)A 50th Anniversary edition of the bestselling Zen classic on meditation, maintaining a curious and open mind, and living with simplicity."In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few."So begins this most beloved of all American Zen books. Seldom has such a small handful of words provided a teaching as rich as has this famous opening line. In a single stroke, the simple sentence cuts through the pervasive tendency students have of getting so close to Zen as to completely miss what it's all about. It is an instant teaching on the first page--and that's just the beginning.In the fifty years since its original publication, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind has become one of the great modern spiritual classics, much beloved, much reread, and much recommended as the best first book to read on Zen. Suzuki Roshi presents the basics--from the details of posture and breathing in zazen to the perception of nonduality--in a way that is not only remarkably clear, but that also resonates with the joy of insight from the first to the last page.

Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

by Shunryu Suzuki Trudy Dixon

Zen mind is one of those enigmatic phrases used by Zen teachers to throw you back upon yourself, to make you go behind the words themselves and begin wondering. "I know what my own mind is," you tell yourself, "but what is Zen mind?" And then: "But do I really know what my own mind is?" Is it what I am doing now? Is it what I am thinking now?" And if you should then try to sit physically still for a while to see if you can locate it--then you have begun the practice of Zen, then you have begun to realize the unrestricted mind. The innocence of this first inquiry--just asking what you are--is beginner's mind. The mind of the beginner is needed throughout Zen practice. It is the open mind, the attitude that includes both doubt and possibility, the ability to see things always as fresh and new. It is needed in all aspects of life. Beginner's mind is the practice of Zen mind. This book originated from a series of talks given by Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki to a small group in Los Altos, California. He joined their meditation periods once a week and afterwards answered their questions and tried to encourage them in their practice of Zen and help them solve the problems of life. His approach is informal, and he draws his examples from ordinary events and common sense. Zen is now and here, he is saying; it can be as meaningful for the West as for the East. But his fundamental teaching and practice are drawn from all the centuries of Zen Buddhism and especially from Dogen, one of the most important and creative of all Zen Masters.

Zen O'Clock: Time to Be

by Scott Shaw

A new way to look at clocks and calendars—and learn to live more peacefully in the present. Imagine being able to step beyond the controlling hands of clocks, calendars, and schedules to discover the mystical process that will give you an entirely new perspective of time. Inside this book are insightful aphorisms that will help you live more peacefully in the present. With each page, Scott Shaw, an expert in meditative consciousness, helps you throw away phrases like &“wasted time&” and &“time constraints&”—and understand the difference between what time is and what we perceive it to be. Imagine, right now, time in your hands!

The Zen of You and Me: A Guide to Getting Along with Just About Anyone

by Diane Musho Hamilton

How to deal with interpersonal conflict--from a Zen perspective.The people who get under your skin the most can in fact be your greatest teachers. It’s not a matter of overlooking differences, as is often taught, but of regarding those difficult aspects of the relationship with curiosity and compassion--for those very differences offer a path to profound connection. Diane Hamilton’s practical, reality-based guide to living harmoniously with even your most irritating fellow humans—spouses, partners, colleagues, parents, children--shows that “getting along” is really a matter of discovering that our differences are nothing other than an expression of our even deeper shared unity.

Zen Parenting: Caring for Ourselves and Our Children in an Unpredictable World

by Cathy Cassani Adams

The host of the top ranked Zen Parenting podcast and mother of three reveals a calmer, more self-aware parenting approach for parents to effectively teach and support their children: say less, but listen more. We can&’t always plan for what&’s next—that&’s been made more and more clear in the past few years. The truth is that life is never predictable, especially as parents. What is possible is your unlimited capacity for compassion, and caring—for yourself and for your children. As you navigate the uncertainty with openness and humility, you find the clarity, connection and community that is Zen Parenting. Using the seven chakras, therapist Cathy Cassani Adams discusses parenting issues such as school pressure, self-care, emotional intelligence, mental health, sexuality and gender, and more, while offering concrete examples and strategies to help you wake up to your life as a parent:​Chakra One—The Right to Be: Establish your physical, emotional, and mental foundationChakra Two—The Right to Feel: Practice creativity and how to access your emotionsChakra Three—The Right to Act: Establish a sense of self for yourself and your kids Chakra Four—The Right to Love and Be Loved: Experience openheartedness, empathy, and compassionChakra Five—The Right to Speak and Hear Truth: Discover genuine and meaningful communicationChakra Six—The Right to See: Explore mindfulness, meditation, and your own intuitionChakra Seven—The Right to Know: Connect to something greater than yourself &“This book is my new favorite guide for parenting, to be sure. But it's also a master class in a life well-lived.&”—Dr. John Duffy, author of Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety and The Available Parent

The Zen Path Through Depression

by Philip Martin

A Compassionate and Spiritual Approach to Rediscovering JoyUsing easy-to-follow techniques and practical advice, Philip Martin shows you how to ease depression through the spiritual practice of Zen. His lessons, full of gentle guidance and sensitivity, are a product of his experiences in using Zen practices and wisdom to alleviate his own depression. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of depression and recommends a meditation or reflection. With these tools, coping with depression becomes a way to mend the spirit while enriching the soul.

Zen Science: Stop and Smell the Universe

by Institute of Zen Science

An inspirational collection of musings on the wonders of nature and the universe, Zen Science pairs the fun of popular science trivia with the benefits of mindfulness. It takes 30,000 years to create a single ray of sunlight. A pinch of soil contains 1 billion living organisms. For virtually all of the earth's existence -- 99.9994% of time -- there were no human beings. These simple reflections are also deeply profound, revealing how vast and awe-inspiring the natural world truly is. With more than 100 of the most surprising, thought-provoking facts about our planet, Zen Science leads readers towards mindfulness, wonder, and spiritual contemplation. This gentle guide is illustrated throughout with charming line drawings and can be read straight through or consulted periodically for a bite-sized piece of inspiration and joy.

Zen Sex: The Way of Making Love

by Philip Toshio Sudo

“[O]ffers broad principles to augment sexual pleasure...” — Publisher's Weekly“Zen Sex ... makes a good case for the transcendent communion that can take place in the act of making love.” — Spirituality and Health magazine“A gentle and thoughtful book about sex and its place in a full life.” — Kirkus Reviews

The Zen Teaching of Huang Po: On the Transmission of Mind (Books That Changed the World)

by Huang Po

This complete collection of teachings by the 9th century Zen Master has been an essential text in the study of Zen for centuries—now available in English.This translation of the original collection of sermons, dialogues, and anecdotes of Huang Po, the illustrious Chinese master of the Tang Dynasty, allows the Western reader to gain an understanding of Zen from the original source, one of the key works in its teachings. It also offers deep and often startling insights into the rich treasures of Eastern thought. Nowhere is the use of paradox in Zen illustrated better than in the teaching of Huang Po, who is regarded as the founder of the great Lin Chi sect. He demonstrates that the experience of intuitive knowledge, which reveals to a man what he is, cannot be communicated in words. With the help of these paradoxes, beautifully and simply presented in this collection, Huang Po could set his disciples on the right path. It is in this fashion that the Zen master lead his listener into truth, often by a single phrase designed to destroy his particular demon of ignorance.John Blofeld’s translation reflects his deep understanding of Zen and gives this historical text a clear and faithful presentation.

Zen Therapy: A Buddhist approach to psychotherapy

by David Brazier

Buddhism, from Abhidharma to Zen, offers a practical path to harmony of head and heart. For over 2,000 years Buddhists have been developing sophisticated psychologies to guide the work of achieving freedom from mental suffering. Now East and West are beginning to learn from each other. In a readable and practical manner, this book challenges basic assumptions of Western psychology, demystifies Buddhist psychology and presents Zen as a therapy. Giving examples of its effectiveness in psychotherapeutic practice, the author shows how Zen derives from the Buddhist theory of the mind and throws new light upon the Buddhist theory of relations and conditions. This seminal wok is a resource full of intriguing and controversial ideas.

Zen Therapy: A Buddhist approach to psychotherapy

by David Brazier

Buddhism, from Abhidharma to Zen, offers a practical path to harmony of head and heart. For over 2,000 years Buddhists have been developing sophisticated psychologies to guide the work of achieving freedom from mental suffering. Now East and West are beginning to learn from each other. In a readable and practical manner, this book challenges basic assumptions of Western psychology, demystifies Buddhist psychology and presents Zen as a therapy. Giving examples of its effectiveness in psychotherapeutic practice, the author shows how Zen derives from the Buddhist theory of the mind and throws new light upon the Buddhist theory of relations and conditions. This seminal wok is a resource full of intriguing and controversial ideas.

The Zen Way

by Myokyo-Ni

Myokyo-ni is the Buddhist name of Dr. Irmgard Schloegl, who directs the Zen center Shobo-an in London. Here she seeks to describe Zen and Zen practice from a few different approaches, presenting basic Buddhist thought as well as an overview of the life of the historical Buddha. She gives a section on training in a Japanese Rinzai Zen monastery-perhaps the most unique feature of the book, although her presentation is rather impersonal. Her final section, "Fundamentals," is rambling and might have benefited from further organization and subdivision. The author's style throughout is decidedly Western, with a psychological, philosophical tone that does not sit comfortably with some of the more esoteric writings in the field. For an introduction to the subject, there are better sources, such as Robert Aitken's Taking the Path of Zen (Farrar, 1982). For serious students of Zen, there are valuable insights hidden in the sometimes difficult but heartfelt analyses scattered through the book.

Zen Your Work: Create Your Ideal Work Experience Through Mindful Self-Mastery

by Karlyn Borysenko

Use mindfulness techniques to handle toxic stress in the workplace and to create your ideal professional experience from the inside out.While working in a particularly toxic environment, Karlyn Borysenko came to this liberating realization: she couldn't control other people, but she could control herself, her perspective, and her actions. Now an organizational psychologist, consultant, and executive coach, Borysenko shows us how to bridge the gap between where we are now and what will bring us the most professional success and happiness. We must achieve self-mastery--by accepting responsibility for our actions, understanding our innate work style, and discerning when and how to push outside our comfort zone. In Zen Your Work, Borysenko shows us how to set personal goals that allow us to focus our energy and create measures of success that aren't affected by the cynicism, competitiveness, or narcissism of others. Borysenko teaches us to apply mindfulness techniques in a highly practical way to achieve professional success, create game-changing relationships (even with the most negative people in the office), decrease stress, and enjoy a better work/life balance.

Zenbelly Cookbook

by Simone Miller

With a focus on quality ingredients, technique, and balancing flavors, this book will take the reader on a journey that will leave any feeling of restriction behind. With over 100 real food recipes, The Zenbelly Cookbook covers every course and occasion; from simple weeknight meals that can be made for the family in under 30 minutes, to elegant multiple course dinners that will impress any guest. The Zenbelly Cookbook will also offer entertainment tips such as: what can be made ahead, shortcuts that don’t sacrifice quality, and menu suggestions. The goal of The Zenbelly Cookbook is to make incredible, professional quality food accessible to the home cook. Each recipe has a beautiful image of the ingredients laid out, which helps the reader easily see the “before and after”. Written with the novice home cook in mind, it includes foolproof instructions. However, the flavor combinations and creativity of the book make it a great choice for the more seasoned cook, as well.

Zero: Eliminating unnecessary deaths in a post-pandemic NHS

by Jeremy Hunt

How many avoidable deaths are there in the NHS every week?150.What figure should we aim for?Zero.The NHS is the pride of Britain. It's an army of highly skilled and talented healthcare professionals, armed with the most cutting-edge therapies and medicines, and a budget bigger than the GDP of most countries in the world.Yet avoidable failures are common. And the result is tragic deaths up and down the country every day.Jeremy Hunt, the longest-serving Health Secretary in history, knows exactly what the cost is. In the letters he received from bereaved family members, he was constantly confronted by the heart-breaking reality of slip-ups and mistakes.There is increasing conflict between public pride in the NHS and the exhausted daily reality for many doctors and nurses, now experiencing burnout in record numbers. Waiting lists are up, staffing numbers inadequate, and all the while an ageing population and medical advances increase both demand and expectations. With pressures like these, is it surprising that mistakes start to creep in?This great British institution is crying out for renewal. In Zero, taking the broadest approach, thinking through everything from staffing to technology, budgets to culture, Hunt presents a manifesto for that renewal.Mistakes happen. But nobody deserves to become a statistic in an NHS hospital. That's why we need to aim for zero.

Zero Belly Breakfasts: More Than 100 Recipes & Nutrition Secrets That Help Melt Pounds All Day, Every Day!

by David Zinczenko Michael Freidson

Lose up to 16 Pounds in 14 Days with Quick and Delicious Morning Meals!From the team behind the bestselling Eat This, Not That! and Zero Belly series, Zero Belly Breakfasts will have you looking and feeling great in no time flat, thanks to hundreds of delicious and nutritious breakfast secrets—and more than 100 mouthwatering recipes you can prepare in minutes! Compliments of today’s most influential nutritionists, each recipe features fat-burning proteins, belly-filling fibers, and healthy fats that will boost your metabolism and lead to all-day (and night) calorie burning, including • eggs and omelets • pancakes and waffles • breakfast meats • sandwiches and burritos • homemade cereals • oatmeals and overnight oats • and creamy and delicious smoothies Zero Belly Breakfasts is part of the revolutionary new plan to turn off your fat genes and help keep you lean for life! Nutrition expert David Zinczenko, the New York Times bestselling author of the Abs Diet series, Eat This, Not That! series, and Zero Sugar Diet, has spent his entire career learning about belly fat—where it comes from and what it does to us. And what he knows is this: There is no greater threat to you and your family—and to your health and your happiness. Zero Belly Breakfasts will help you • lose up to 16 pounds in 14 days • melt away stubborn fat, from your belly first • put an end to bloating and discomfort • detox from unhealthy foods so you can enjoy all-day energy • turn off your fat-storage genes and make long-term weight loss effortless • look and feel younger and healthier than ever! You’ll be stunned and inspired by the results of an amazing 500-person test panel—men and women who lost weight quickly, and with ease, following the original Zero Belly diet, which included many of these breakfasts. In just the first 14 days Bob McMicken, 51, lost 16.3 pounds Kyle Cambridge, 28, lost 15 pounds Martha Chesler, 54, lost 11 pounds Matt Brunner, 43, lost 14 pounds Here’s what makes Zero Belly breakfasts so effective: 1. They help you keep the weight off. Science proved it. Of people who’ve lost 30 pounds or more, 80 percent kept the weight off by eating a high-protein breakfast every day, according to a study done by the National Weight Control Registry, who concluded that “eating breakfast is a characteristic common to successful weight-loss maintainers.” 2. They help you eat less. A study in Obesity found that eating a high-protein breakfast led to “the prevention of body fat gain, voluntary reductions in daily intake, and reductions in daily hunger.” Meanwhile, skipping it leads to eating more food throughout the day—and unnecessary weight around your midsection. 3. They’re the most important meal of the day—for fat burn. Your mom was right. “People who eat their largest daily meal at breakfast are far more likely to lose weight and waist line circumference than those who eat a large dinner,” reports a 2013 study from Tel Aviv University. “They also had significantly lower levels of insulin, glucose, and triglycerides throughout the day, translating into a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.” 4. They taste amazing! Sometimes like dessert—for breakfast! Regardless of your health history, your lifestyle, or even your genes, Zero Belly Breakfasts will give you the power to flatten your belly, heal your body, soothe your soul, and wake up happier than ever!

Zero Belly Cookbook

by David Zinczenko

Based on Zero Belly Diet, the revolutionary bestselling weight-loss plan from ABC News nutrition and wellness correspondent David Zinczenko, creator of Eat This, Not That!, Zero Belly Cookbook is a groundbreaking collection of recipes that will teach anyone how to cook beautifully, lose weight fast, and get healthier in just minutes a day. SEE THE DELICIOUS DIFFERENCE IN JUST FOURTEEN DAYS! Strip away up to 16 pounds in two weeks with the weight-loss power of gourmet superfoods. Ever since the arrival of David Zinczenko's bestselling Zero Belly Diet--with its proven formula to rev up metabolism, melt away fat, and turn off the genes that cause weight gain--fans have been clamoring for more scrumptious, waist-slimming recipes to add to their weekly menus. Zinczenko answers the call in Zero Belly Cookbook--a collection of more than 150 quick, simple, restaurant-quality meals that will improve how you eat, feel, and live. * Metabolism-boosting breakfasts: Set your metabolism racing with the all-day fat-burning protein power of Spinach and Onion Strata and the superfood-packed Apple Pie Muffins. * Flat-belly lunches: Quell hunger with low-calorie, belly-flattening takes on such indulgent favorites as Turkey Meatball Heroes with Onion and Peppers. * Fat-melting dinners: Celebrate easy, automatic weight loss in gourmet style with Green Tea Poached Salmon with Bok Choy or Steak Frites with Arugula Chimichurri and Asparagus. * Slimming snacks: Nibble your way slim with Spicy Popcorn, Fresh Figs and Ricotta, and Avocado with Crab Salad. * Healthy, decadent desserts: Cap off a day of perfect eating with Raspberry Poached Pears, Black Forest Cookies, or Watermelon Wedges with Whipped Cream, Walnuts, and Mint. Including tasty dishes from such celebrated chefs as Jason Lawless, Susan Feniger, Chris Jaeckle, and Anita Lo, these tantalizing, easy-to-prepare recipes are specifically designed to target the fat that matters most to your health: belly fat. Regardless of your health history, your lifestyle, or even your genes, Zero Belly Cookbook will give you the power to flatten your belly, heal your body, soothe your soul, and live better than ever.From the Hardcover edition.

Zero Belly Cookbook: 150+ Delicious Recipes to Flatten Your Belly, Turn Off Your Fat Genes, and Help Keep You Lean for Life!

by David Zinczenko

Based on Zero Belly Diet, the revolutionary bestselling weight-loss plan from ABC News nutrition and wellness correspondent David Zinczenko, creator of Eat This, Not That!, Zero Belly Cookbook is a groundbreaking collection of recipes that will teach anyone how to cook beautifully, lose weight fast, and get healthier in just minutes a day. SEE THE DELICIOUS DIFFERENCE IN JUST FOURTEEN DAYS! Strip away up to 16 pounds in two weeks with the weight-loss power of gourmet superfoods. Ever since the arrival of David Zinczenko's bestselling Zero Belly Diet--with its proven formula to rev up metabolism, melt away fat, and turn off the genes that cause weight gain--fans have been clamoring for more scrumptious, waist-slimming recipes to add to their weekly menus. Zinczenko answers the call in Zero Belly Cookbook--a collection of more than 150 quick, simple, restaurant-quality meals that will improve how you eat, feel, and live. * Metabolism-boosting breakfasts: Set your metabolism racing with the all-day fat-burning protein power of Spinach and Onion Strata and the superfood-packed Apple Pie Muffins. * Flat-belly lunches: Quell hunger with low-calorie, belly-flattening takes on such indulgent favorites as Turkey Meatball Heroes with Onion and Peppers. * Fat-melting dinners: Celebrate easy, automatic weight loss in gourmet style with Green Tea Poached Salmon with Bok Choy or Steak Frites with Arugula Chimichurri and Asparagus. * Slimming snacks: Nibble your way slim with Spicy Popcorn, Fresh Figs and Ricotta, and Avocado with Crab Salad. * Healthy, decadent desserts: Cap off a day of perfect eating with Raspberry Poached Pears, Black Forest Cookies, or Watermelon Wedges with Whipped Cream, Walnuts, and Mint. Including tasty dishes from such celebrated chefs as Jason Lawless, Susan Feniger, Chris Jaeckle, and Anita Lo, these tantalizing, easy-to-prepare recipes are specifically designed to target the fat that matters most to your health: belly fat. Regardless of your health history, your lifestyle, or even your genes, Zero Belly Cookbook will give you the power to flatten your belly, heal your body, soothe your soul, and live better than ever.From the Hardcover edition.

Zero Belly Diet: Lose Up to 16 lbs. in 14 Days!

by David Zinczenko

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER<P><P> Zero Belly Diet is the revolutionary new plan to turn off your fat genes and help keep you lean for life! Nutrition expert David Zinczenko—the New York Times bestselling author of the Abs Diet series, Eat This, Not That! series, and Eat It to Beat It!—has spent his entire career learning about belly fat—where it comes from and what it does to us. And what he knows is this: There is no greater threat to you and your family—to your health, your happiness, even your financial future.<P> Yes, you can: Change your destiny. Overcome your fat genes. Strip away belly fat and finally attain the lean, strong, healthy body you’ve always wanted.<P> With Zero Belly Diet, David Zinczenko reveals explosive new research that explains the mystery of why some of us stay thin, and why some can’t lose weight no matter how hard we try. He explains how some foods turn our fat genes on—causing seemingly irreversible weight gain—and uncovers the nine essential power foods that act directly on those switches, turning them to “off” and allowing for easy, rapid, and sustainable weight loss. And he shows how these foods help heal your digestive system, keeping those gene switches turned off and setting you up for a lifetime of leanness.<P> Other diets can help you lose weight, but only the Zero Belly diet attacks fat on a genetic level, placing a bull’s-eye on the fat cells that matter most: visceral fat, the type of fat ensconced in your belly. These fat cells act like an invading army, increasing inflammation and putting you at risk for diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, heart disease, and cancer. Visceral fat can also can alter your hormone levels, erode muscle tissue, increase your chances of depression, and destroy your sex drive. But you can turn the odds in your favor.<P> Zero Belly Diet shows you how to deactivate your fat genes, rev up your metabolism, banish bloat, and balance your digestive health, allowing you to easily build lean, strong stomach muscle and strip away unwanted belly fat without sacrificing calories or spending hours at the gym. The result: weight loss that is easier, faster, more lasting, and more delicious than you’d ever imagine.<P> You’ll be stunned and inspired by the results of an amazing 500-person test panel—men and women who lost weight quickly, and with ease, following the Zero Belly diet. In just the first 14 days:<P> Bob McMicken, 51, lost 16.3 pounds<P> Kyle Cambridge, 28, lost 15 pounds<P> Martha Chesler, 54, lost 11 pounds<P> Matt Brunner, 43, lost 14 pounds<P> Zero Belly Diet features a week-by-week menu plan, fifty tasty recipes, and a handy shopping list that leads to a minimum of cooking and plenty of feasting.<P> Best of all, Zero Belly Diet offers something more: freedom. Freedom from bloating, freedom from food deprivation, freedom from weight loss fads, freedom from stress. So say goodbye to your paunch and hello to a happier, healthier you!

Zero Belly Smoothies

by David Zinczenko

Jumpstart your weight loss, flatten your belly, and seize control of your health and your life--in just 30 seconds! That's all the time it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie--a unique mix of supernutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good. Zero Belly Smoothies make it easy to start losing weight today! With fat-burning proteins and a specially selected array of high-powered fruits and vegetables, Zero Belly Smoothies--based on the New York Times bestseller Zero Belly Diet--are the fastest and most delicious ways ever created to sip off the pounds! With a complete shopping guide, more than one hundred intensely flavorful recipes, and even detailed instructions for a special bonus cleanse program, these creamy and delicious Zero Belly Smoothies will help you * lose up to 7 pounds in the next 7 days * melt away stubborn body fat, especially belly fat * flatten your belly and put an immediate end to bloating and discomfort * drop pounds and inches fast, without exercise * turn off your fat-storage genes and make long-term weight loss effortless * look, feel, and live younger and healthier than ever * enjoy the absolute healthiest, most nutritious foods and drinks in the universe Zero Belly Smoothies features dozens of recipes that will satisfy whatever flavors you crave--from rich, nutty, chocolatey shakes to crisp, clean green drinks to sweet, fruity smoothies--while helping you burn fat like magic. Whip up a delicious treat today--and watch the pounds melt away!

Zero Belly Smoothies: Lose up to 16 Pounds in 14 Days and Sip Your Way to A Lean & Healthy You!

by David Zinczenko

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * Lose up to 16 Pounds in 14 Days with Zero Belly Smoothies! Watch the pounds disappear--with the press of a button! That's all it takes to blend up a Zero Belly Smoothie, a unique mix of supernutrients that will flatten your gut, boost your metabolism, heal your digestive system, and turn off your fat genes for good. With fat-burning proteins and a specially selected array of high-powered fruits and vegetables, Zero Belly Smoothies--based on the New York Times bestseller Zero Belly Diet--are the fastest and most delicious ways ever created to sip off the pounds! Inside you'll find a complete shopping guide, a bonus cleanse program, and more than 100 intensely flavorful recipes, including tasty green drinks, fresh and fruity smoothies, nutty, chocolatey shakes, and savory surprises. Zero Belly Smoothies will help you * Lose up to 16 pounds in 14 days. * Melt away stubborn fat, from your belly first. * Put an end to bloating and discomfort. * Detox from unhealthy foods so you enjoy all-day energy. * Turn off your fat storage genes and make long-term weight loss effortless. * Look and feel younger and healthier than ever! You'll be stunned and inspired by the results of an amazing 500-person test panel--men and women who lost weight quickly, and with ease, following the original Zero Belly diet, which included many of these Zero Belly Smoothies. In just the first 14 days Bob McMicken, 51, lost 16.3 pounds. Kyle Cambridge, 28, lost 15 pounds. Martha Chesler, 54, lost 11 pounds. Matt Brunner, 43, lost 14 pounds. Focusing your weight-loss efforts on drinks will help you quickly strip away flab in a number of ways. Here's what makes Zero Belly Smoothies so effective: 1. They take the stress out of cooking and eating well. Studies have shown that the more diverse your diet, the more likely you are to experience weight gain. In fact, those who ate the widest range of foods showed a 120 percent greater increase in waist circumference compared with those who had the least diversity. In other words, people who have the best success at weight loss pick a set number of foods and tend to stick to them. Zero Belly Smoothies allow you to do exactly that. 2. They crowd out the junk in your diet. Zero Belly Smoothies come in all different flavors--chocolatey, fruity, green, and even savory--but they all have one thing in common: no added sugars. In a 2015 study in Sweden, researchers followed 42,400 men over the course of 12 years. They found that men who consumed at least two servings per day of sweetened beverages had a 23 percent higher risk of heart failure compared with those who did not. 3. They battle food allergies and reduce inflammation. What's also unique about Zero Belly Smoothies is that they are vegan: no milk, no yogurt, no whey protein. Plant-based protein powders are a low-sugar, high-fiber alternative to popular dairy-based supplements. A study by the University of Tampa that compared plant protein with whey found it to be equally as effective at changing body composition and boosting muscle recovery and growth! 4. They make you feel fuller longer! Studies show that high-protein smoothies are highly effective at rushing nutrients to your muscles and that blended fruit drinks, which include all the fiber, will actually keep you fuller longer than fruit juices.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Zero Sugar

by Catherine Proctor

A no-sugar diet is not as simple as cutting out all cakes and sweets. You may think that you don't eat a lot of sugar, but what most of us don't realise is the huge amount of hidden sugar we are eating in processed foods. Zero Sugar explains why processed sugar, especially fructose, is so addictive and so bad for us, and explains how to recognise and avoid hidden sugar in foods. While dietary recommendations for consumption of added sugar are a maximum of 6 teaspoons a day for women and 9 teaspoons a day for men, the average person actually consumes approximately 40 teaspoons per day! The good news is that going 'zero sugar' does not mean going hungry. By switching from foods high in sugar to a diet based on nutritious whole foods and healthy fats, you will actually feel fuller for longer and food cravings will disappear. Zero Sugar makes reducing your sugar intake both tasty and achievable, by providing appealing substitutes for foods that are traditionally high in sugar. Whether you want to totally cut all sugar from your diet or just reduce your consumption, Zero Sugar will help you break your addiction to sugar. Break your addiction to sugar with the help of Zero Sugar, the pocket guide you can take with you when shopping and eating out.

Zero Sugar Cookbook

by David Zinczenko

Lose up to a pound a day with more than 100 mouthwatering recipes for sugar-free meals, drinks, snacks, and desserts, based on the cravings-busting, fat-melting science from Zero Sugar Diet. With Zero Sugar Diet, #1 New York Times bestselling author David Zinczenko continued his twenty-year mission to help Americans live their happiest and healthiest lives, uncovering revolutionary new research that explained why you can’t lose weight—showing that it’s not your fault! The true culprit is sugar—specifically added sugars—which food manufacturers sneak into almost everything we eat, from bread to cold cuts to yogurt, peanut butter, pizza, and even “health” foods. Now, with Zero Sugar Cookbook, Zinczenko shows how you, too, can melt away belly fat, boost your energy levels and metabolism, improve your gut health, and take control of your health. Inside you’ll discover: Belly-Filling Breakfasts Enjoy quick and delicious morning meals to supercharge your day. Skinny Soups and Salads Slim down one taste at a time. Indulgent Pizza and Pasta Craft hearty Italian classics made healthier at home. All-American Classics Make your favorite go-to comfort foods—and watch the pounds melt away. 10-Minute Meals Whip up the quickest, easiest, tastiest meals for when you want something satisfying—fast. And Delicious Desserts! Cap your amazing meals with insanely decadent post-dinner delights. “I’ve lost 15 pounds thanks to Zero Sugar, and my friends and family have all lost weight. Easy and delicious, these recipes really work!”—Barbara Skarf, Southfield, Michigan “I lost 10 pounds and have a flatter tummy! And the best part is, I don’t need sugar and I don’t crave desserts.”—Lisa Gardner, Elgin, South Carolina “I have type 2 diabetes, and Zero Sugar changed my life!”—David Menkhaus, Liberty Township, Ohio

Zero Sugar Diet: The 14-Day Plan to Flatten Your Belly, Crush Cravings, and Help Keep You Lean for Life

by David Zinczenko Stephen Perrine

Lose up to a pound a day and curb your craving for sweets with delicious recipes and simple, science-based food swaps from David Zinczenko, Good Morning America’s health and wellness editor and bestselling author of Zero Belly Diet, Zero Belly Smoothies, and Eat This, Not That!With Zero Sugar Diet, #1 New York Times bestselling author David Zinczenko continues his twenty-year mission to help Americans live their happiest and healthiest lives, uncovering revolutionary new research that explains why you can’t lose weight—and shows that it’s not your fault! The true culprit is sugar—specifically added sugars—which food manufacturers sneak into almost everything we eat, from bread to cold cuts to yogurt, peanut butter, pizza, and even “health” foods. Until now, there’s been no way to tell how much added sugar you’re eating—or how to avoid it without sacrifice. But with the simple steps in Zero Sugar Diet, you’ll be able to eat all your favorite foods and strip away unnecessary sugars—losing weight at a rate of up to one pound per day, while still enjoying the sweeter things in life. By replacing empty calories with essential ones—swapping in whole foods and fiber and swapping out added sugars—you’ll conquer your cravings and prevent the blood sugar surge that leads to some of the worst health scourges in America today, including abdominal fat, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, liver disease, fatigue, and tooth decay. And all it takes is 14 days. You’ll be stunned by the reported results: Lisa Gardner, 49, lost 10 pounds Tara Anderson, 42, lost 10 pounds David Menkhaus, 62, lost 15 pounds Ricky Casados, 56, lost 12 pounds You, too, can melt away belly fat, boost your energy levels and metabolism, and take control of your health and your life, armed with a comprehensive grocery list of fresh produce, proteins, whole grains, and even prepared meals, accompanied by two weeks’ worth of fiber-rich breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack recipes and real-life results from successful Zero Sugar dieters. The fat-burning formula for long-term weight loss and optimal health is at your fingertips. Join in the crusade and say goodbye to added sugars—and goodbye to your belly—with Zero Sugar Diet!

Zero Sugar / One Month: Reduce Cravings - Reset Metabolism - Lose Weight - Lower Blood Sugar

by Becky Gillaspy

Experience the benefits of eliminating sugar from your dietIt&’s no secret that cutting sugar from your diet can yield overall improvements in your longterm wellness. But that knowledge does little to prevent us from wanting to eat it, and many of us might find ourselves turning to sugar more than we would like. Removing sugar from your diet requires action, and that requires motivation and a new perspective. This 30-day handbook gives you those necessary elements. Whether you&’re looking to eliminate sugar from your diet altogether, or achieve a new relationship with less dependence on it, this guide is for you. Zero Sugar / One Month provides quick-reference guides that share the ground rules, what to eat when sugar is off the table, how to temptation-proof your life, and a timeline of what to expect. Each day offers timely tips, targeted action steps, and fun and inspiring testimonials to guide you through emotional ups and downs, build confidence, and keep you moving forward one day at a time. You can do it!

Zest for Life: Lesbians' Experiences of Menopause

by Jennifer Kelly

Highlighting how and why the concerns of lesbians are often overlooked during the "change of life," this book draws on lesbians' menopausal experiences to illustrate how menopause can be a time to rejoice, not despair. Hormone replacement therapy, health services, body image, and homophobia are some of the topics discussed in this illuminating guide that doctors, heterosexual, and homosexual women will learn from and enjoy.

Ziele: Geheimnisse und Techniken, um das zu erreichen, was man wirklich will

by Franziska Müller John P. Baumgarten

kurzes E-Book über Ziele und wie man sie erreicht Wissen Sie, wie man sich Ziele setzt und seine Träume verwirklicht? Erfolg kann durch verschiedene Mittel erreicht werden, was jedoch immer konstant bleibt, ist, dass ein Ziel gesetzt werden muss. Strategien wie das genaue Aufschreiben von Zielen auf Papier und das Identifizieren von Zielen, die dem Leben Wert verleihen sind entscheidende Schritte dabei, seine Ziele zu erreichen. Man sollte dann einen Schritt nach dem anderen machen, während man seinem Erfolg nachjagt und gleichzeitig endgültige Deadlines setzen. Lernen Sie, einige wichtige Schritte zu skizzieren, wie man seine Träume erreichen kann. Zielsetzung ist ein wichtiger Schritt dabei, seine Träume zu verwirklichen. Träume können klein und groß sein. Aber es gibt gewisse Schritte, die man gehen sollte, um sicherzustellen, dass sie verwirklicht werden. Einige dieser Schritte beinhalten die tiefe Sehnsucht nach dem Wunsch und sich vorzustellen, selbst diesen Traum zu leben. Es ist auch wichtig, einen Plan auszuarbeiten, wie man diesen Traum verwirklichen möchte und so weiter. Zielsetzung einfach gemacht Entdecken Sie, wie man genaue Ziele setzen kann, die man wirklich erreichen kann. Ziele müssen spezifisch und innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit zu erreichen sein. Während man diese Ziele setzt, muss man im richtigen Geisteszustand sein und ein Brainstorming über seine Lebensziele machen. Wenn dies einmal erledigt ist, sollten Ziele gemäß ihrer Bedeutung priorisiert und spezifische Handlungspläne skizziert werden. Ziele: Geheimnisse und Techniken, um das zu erreichen, was man wirklich will ist ein Buch, welches für jeden Leser geschrieben wurde. Der Inhalt dieses Buches ist wichtig und geeignet für jeden, der im Leben vorankommen möchte. Es bietet einige solide Schritte, wie man sein wahres Potenzial erreichen kann und ist in einer einfachen Sprache geschrieben, die jeder verstehen k

Ziggy Marley and Family Cookbook: Delicious Meals Made With Whole, Organic Ingredients from the Marley Kitchen

by Ziggy Marley

"[Ziggy's] first collection of recipes pays homage to the flavors of his youth and the food he loves to cook for his wife and five children.""Ziggy’s cookbook is designed to nourish the body, mind, and soul."--Food & Wine"With a health-focused approach, Ziggy Marley reveals memories and food traditions in his new family cookbook."--Ebony"The easy directions will have you heading to the kitchen to try these recipes yourself."--San Francisco Chronicle"Ziggy rolls up his sleeves to produce Vegetarian Hash, dumplings, Jerk Chicken, Tofu in Coconut Curry, Fish Soup, Caribbean Salsa, Hempseed Pesto, Date and Kale Smoothie, Frittata, Mancakes, Mama Carmelita's flan and even offers the best recipe for baking Stout Gingerbread. Simply explained, gluten-free, organic fruits and vegetables combine to make healthy, vegetarian, vegan and non-vegetarian meals."--The New York Beacon"The book features updated versions of favorite Jamaican and Rastafarian-inspired meals from those closest to him. Along with Marley's own creations, like the sublime Coconut Dream Fish and aforementioned Mancakes, recipes include his wife Orly's morning oatmeal, his sister Karen's lentil soup, recipes from his daughter Judah and mother-in-law, fresh juices like those his father enjoyed and contributions from several renowned chefs."--Parade"Ziggy Marley and Family Cookbook is a medley of lively recipes like Roasted Yam Tart and Coconut Dream Fish."--Family Circle"Filled with enticing photos, the book includes the recipes of Marley and those close to him, including sister Karen and daughter Judah. It's a celebration of food and family. Containing meat and fish dishes, as well as vegan and vegetarian creations, it draws not only from the Jamaican and Rastafarian cultures that nurtured Marley, but also his wife Orly's Israeli-Iranian roots."--The Mercury NewsEight-time Grammy winner, author, philanthropist, and reggae icon Ziggy Marley's first cookbook, Ziggy Marley and Family Cookbook: Delicious Meals Made with Whole, Organic Ingredients from the Marley Kitchen, is inspired by the Jamaican meals Ziggy enjoyed while growing up--with an updated healthy spin. Ziggy was raised with both traditional Jamaican food and the more natural "ital" food of his family's Rastafari culture. The cookbook, including fifty-four recipes, features contributions from family members including Ziggy's wife Orly, sister Karen, and daughter Judah, as well as several renowned chefs.Many of the recipes are vegetarian, vegan and/or gluten-free, from delicious and savory egg dishes, to healthy, nourishing juices, soups, and salads, to classic Jerk Chicken and fish recipes. The Ziggy Marley and Family Cookbook brings new organic and nutritious recipes to kitchens around the world, intended to promote healthy living with a touch of culture, comfort, and love.From the introduction by Ziggy Marley:"I first started dabbling in the kitchen as a teenager. I enjoyed making cornmeal porridge, and it helped me to begin appreciating the idea of nourishment, the idea that food can make your body feel better. I would make Irish moss and some of my dad's juices...Our Rasta culture was different than regular Jamaican culture. We used to have both sides then, because my auntie would cook the more traditional Jamaican food. On the other side, our Rasta culture drew us to a different way of eating. My father would always have a lot of juices and greens and nuts. We were introduced to ital food--fresh, organic, and nutritious, less salt.”

Zika Prevention Handbook: Everything You Need To Know To Stay Safe

by Alexander Webb Laura Kramer

As the Zika virus continues to spread throughout North America, people need answers. What are the origins of this virus? How does it spread? Should we be concerned? How can we stop the spread of infected mosquitos? With the increasing prevalence of Zika, concrete answers are needed now more than ever - The Zika Prevention Handbook serves as the best reference for readers to stay informed about side-effects and symptoms, and to minimize your chance of contracting the virus. The Zika virus is a mosquito-borne infection that is estimated to have originated in Africa in the mid 1940's. In the last several years, the Zika virus has infected thousands of people around the world and has spread to over 60 countries. As of August 2016, Zika-infected mosquitoes have found a new home, the United States. The Zika virus has been reported in all 50 U. S. states, in addition to hundreds of reported cases throughout Mexico and Canada. With the assistance of infectious disease expert, Laura D. Kramer, PhD, author Alexander Webb has compiled the leading research from the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Whether you're an expectant mother worried about microcephaly (a side effect of Zika that causes babies to be born with abnormally small heads), planning a vacation to a tropical area, or living in an area where these contagious mosquitoes reside, this book is guaranteed to answer all your questions and ease your fears. Readers will learn about Zika's origins, transmission of the infection, leading prevention techniques, medical testing, symptoms and diagnosis, and much more. Do yourself a favor and arm yourself with the life-saving knowledge contained in The Zika Prevention Handbook

Zink: The Myth, The Legend, The Zebra

by Cherie Bennett Young Cancer Patients Survivors Staff

"Inspired by an actual child's life and writings, this tale of a young leukemia victim will elicit both tears and laughter. "-- Booklist, Boxed Becky Zaslow's leukemia diagnosis has introduced her to a world she never knew existed, a scary world of hospitals and blood counts and chemotherapy. Ten-year-old Becky is afraid. But she doesn't have to go through this alone . . . she's got a trio of singing zebras to keep her company! A herd of zebras from the Serengeti plains forges a special spiritual bond with Becky. They boost her spirits by telling her the story of Zink, a polka-dotted zebra with the most courage and the biggest heart. "Think Zink," the zebras tell her when things get bad. And when Becky does as they say, her soul voyages to Africa, where her imagination can run as free as the zebras.

Zita West's Guide to Fertility and Assisted Conception: Essential Advice on Preparing Your Body for IVF and Other Fertility Treatments

by Zita West

Embarking on IVF - or any assisted fertility treatment - can be a very demanding and stressful experience, but the right physical, nutritional and emotional support can lessen these stresses and strains and increase your chances of success. In Zita West's Guide to Fertility and Assisted Conception leading fertility and pregnancy expert, Zita West, offers an in-depth explanation of all aspects of fertility and, uniquely, addresses the issues involved in using assisted conception. In her clear, yet sensitive, style Zita explains:- All aspects of fertility - from preconception and trying naturally through to assisted conception- What is involved in the IVF process- How to prepare your body to increase your chances of conceiving successfully- The importance of a proactive approach to diet and nutrition- How complementary therapies, such as acupuncture, can increase your chances of successIncluding interviews with leading experts in the field, case histories from patients and Zita's own holistic principles, this is an invaluable guide for the growing number of people who are considering, or have already embarked on, medical intervention to enable them to conceive.

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation: Homeopathic Remedies for the Sign Types

by Gen. George Washington

A medical doctor and American mystic explores the relationship between homeopathic remedies and the 12 zodiac signs in this classic text. The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation combines scientific and spiritual knowledge to provide a holistic, astrology-based approach to wellness. Expanding on Dr. George W. Carey&’s treatise, The Relation of the Mineral Salts of the Body to the Signs of the Zodiac, this two-part volume presents a thorough introduction to the esoteric chemistry of the human body. In Part 1, Dr. Carey discusses each homeopathic remedy and how it relates to the body&’s physiology. In Part 2, co-author Inez Eudora Perry explains the meaning, origin and spiritual significance of each zodiac sign in both eastern and western religion, as well as masonic texts. The authors then detail how each of the homeopathic remedies behave in the body depending on the person&’s sun sign and the current phase of the solar calendar. First published in 1932, The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation remains an important and informative guide for all students of homeopathy and astrology.

The Zodiac Guide to Aquarius: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the curious and independent air sign, Aquarius.- Discover what really makes an Aquarius tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Aries: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the passionate and adventurous fire sign, Aries.- Discover what really makes an Aries tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Cancer: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the sensitive and caring water sign, Cancer.- Discover what really makes a Cancer tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Capricorn: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the ambitious and logical earth sign, Capricorn.- Discover what really makes a Capricorn tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Gemini: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the quick-witted and adaptable air sign, Gemini.- Discover what really makes a Gemini tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Leo: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the proud and generous fire sign, Leo.- Discover what really makes a Leo tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Libra: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the charming and easy-going air sign, Libra.- Discover what really makes a Libra tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Pisces: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the empathetic and compassionate water sign, Pisces.- Discover what really makes a Pisces tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Sagittarius: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the enthusiastic and broadminded fire sign, Sagittarius.- Discover what really makes a Sagittarius tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Scorpio: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the resourceful and intuitive water sign, Scorpio.- Discover what really makes a Scorpio tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Taurus: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the determined and faithful earth sign, Taurus.- Discover what really makes a Taurus tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

The Zodiac Guide to Virgo: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Your Star Sign, Unlocking Your Destiny and Decoding the Wisdom of the Stars

by Astrid Carvel

Embark on a spellbinding voyage of self-discovery with this modern guide to the ancient wisdom of the zodiac Just as seers and travellers have always looked to the night skies to determine which path to take, your character traits too are written in the stars - and the cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your decisions. An understanding of your zodiac sign will put you in touch with your deepest instincts and empower you to embody your truest, most authentic self. Delve into these pages to unveil the secrets of the capable and thoughtful earth sign, Virgo.- Discover what really makes a Virgo tick, from health and career to love and romance - Learn self-care rituals tailored to your star sign - Explore how to use astrology for divination, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future - Find out what your birth chart can tell you about yourself and your unique purpose

Zodiaction: Fat-burning Fitness Tailored to Your Personal Star Quality

by Ellen Barrett Barrie Dolnick

Millions of us turn to horoscopes for guidance in our personal lives--but what about our physical lives? Now, for the first time, a fitness maverick and an acclaimed astrologer combine their expertise to show you how the wisdom of the stars can help you achieve a strong, healthy, heavenly body. Ever wonder why you dread spinning class while your best friend loves it, or why that yoga DVD is languishing on your shelf? Or why you have trouble getting yourself to the gym? It's not you--it's your fitness plan. But your search for the perfect exercise practice ends here. This amazingly insightful book examines what makes your zodiac sign tick--and provides twelve customized diet and fitness regimens based on the strengths and quirks of each one. Discover: * The top-three foods Aries should stock up on * Why a Taurus will get good mileage out of a treadmill * Why Gemini should steer clear of candy * Why Cancer should stick to noncompetitive workout buddies * What makes Leo queen of the gym * What type of massage will send Virgo straight to heaven * How Libra can achieve inner peace * The peak hours for Scorpio to exercise * Why Sagittarius's legs are her most important feature * Why Capricorn is a cardio all-star * What kind of personal trainer makes Aquarius jump for joy * Why Pisces prefers swimming and self-defense Plus tips to keep your mind and spirit soaring along with your body. Drawing from a variety of disciplines, Zodiaction will have you breaking a sweat in no time--and loving every minute of it.

Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams

by Zolar

The completely revised and updated edition of the classic, best-selling guide to dream interpretation In the first major revision of the encyclopedia that has sold half a million copies worldwide, Zolar, the acclaimed "Dean of Astrology" (The New Yorker), has created the indispensable bedside reference for today's dreamers, reflecting the changes that have affected our waking hours and inevitably influence the content and significance of the messages we receive while we sleep. Looking at new cultural trends, work and social patterns, technologies and means of communication, Zolar reveals the meanings of dreams about cell phones, computers, cyberspace, beepers and much more. His concise and incisive explanations of such classic dreams as meeting a redheaded stranger, flying without wings and trying to comfort a crying baby are here as well, while obsolete subjects -- like girdles, gleaners and grenadiers -- have been eliminated. To complement each dream category a lucky number has been added for this new edition. With interpretations for more than 20,000 dreams, Zolar's Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Dreams offers you the opportunity to uncover the secrets hidden in your dreams and to act on the wisdom -- or respond to the warnings -- they contain.

Zolar's Magick of Color: Use the Power of Color to Transform Your Luck, Prosperity, or Romance

by Zolar

Color has long been associated with influencing emotions and wellness. This engaging guide introduces readers to the rules of color magic and the natural influences of color that can be harnessed to bring about change and improvements in any area of life.

Zombies Shouldn't Sleep in the Dirt (The Care and Keeping of Zombies)

by Benjamin Harper

Zombies discover tips for a good night’s rest in this hilarious picture book! Ever wonder why zombies look a bit, um, tired? Maybe they’re just not getting enough sleep! Thankfully, we humans are here to teach them tips for a good night’s rest. Like, maybe find a comfy resting spot instead of taking a dirt nap. Or how about shutting off those zombifying screens before bedtime? With gross-out illustrations and funny rhymes, pre-readers and early readers alike are sure to be scared silly—and pick up some healthy sleep habits along the way. Written by Benjamin Harper (Bug Girl, Hansel & Gretel & Zombies), this picture book is perfect for bedtime or anytime! Other Books in the Care and Keeping of Zombies series: Zombies Shouldn’t Brush Their Teeth with Rocks Zombies Shouldn’t Eat Brains for Breakfast Zombies Shouldn’t Exercise After Midnight

Zombies, Vampires, and Philosophy

by Richard Greene K. Silem Mohammad

Since 1968's Night of the Living Dead, zombie culture has steadily limped and clawed its way into the center of popular culture. Today, zombies and vampires have taken over TV shows, comic books, cartoons, video games, and movies. Zombies, Vampires, and Philosophy drags the theories of famous philosophers like Socrates and Descartes into the territory of the undead, exploring questions like: Why do vampires and vegetarians share a similar worldview? Why is understanding zombies the key to health care reform? And what does "healthy in mind and body" mean for vampires and zombies? Answers to these questions and more await readers brave enough to make this fun, philosophical foray into the undead.

La zona de ayuno del doctor Colbert / Dr. Colbert's Fasting Zone: Restablezca su salud y limpie su cuerpo en 21 días

by Don Colbert, MD

DEL AUTOR DE MAYOR VENTA DEL NEW YORK TIMES, QUIEN LE BRINDÓ LA SERIE LA CURA BÍBLICA, LOS SIETE PILARES DE LA SALUD Y LA ZONA DE SALUD HORMONAL En La zona de ayuno del Dr. Colbert aprenderá que el ayuno es más que una elección dietética. Es una herramienta espiritual. Al combinar la fe y la salud en esta herramienta eterna, el Dr. Don Colbert le muestra cómo desintoxicar su cuerpo y rejuvenecer su espíritu. Aprenda a dominar el plan de alimentación de veintiún días. Disfrute los muchos beneficios del ayuno, incluyendo: UNA CAPACIDAD INCREMENTADA PARA PERDER PESO UN SISTEMA INMUNOLÓGICO MAS FUERTE UNA FUNCIÓN MENTAL MEJORADA UNA SENSIBILIDAD MÁS AGUDA PARA ESCUCHAR LA VOZ DE DIOSLa zona de ayuo del Dr. Cobert le brinda conocimiento de vanguardia para que pueda pulsar el botón de reajuste en su cuerpo, mente y espíritu. In Dr. Colbert&’s Healthy Fasting Zone, the New York Times best-selling author who brought you Dr. Colbert&’s Keto Zone Diet and Dr. Colbert&’s Hormone Health Zone, provides a twenty-one-day complete meal plan plus bonus seven-day juice fast for cleansing the body of harmful toxins. Dr. Colbert explains the benefits of longer fasts as well as providing you with the latest research on the power of regular, intermittent fasting to reset your body and promote health and longevity. Designed to restore you to a healthy body and rejuvenate your spiritual life, this book is a timeless faith and health resource for use in every season. Learn the latest recommendations for how to heal some of the plaguing illnesses many of us suffer from such as: Type 2 diabetes, Coronary disease, Benign tumors, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Autoimmune diseases, Allergies and asthma, Psoriasis and eczema, Hypertension, and much more.

La zona de salud hormonal / Dr. Colbert's Hormone Health Zone: Pierda peso, recupere energía ¡siéntase de 25 otra vez!

by Don Colbert

¿QUÉ TAL SI PUDIERA RECUPERAR SU JUVENTUD? Después de más de treinta años de estudio, el Dr. Don Colbert finalmente ha resuelto el dilema hormonal. Ahora las respuestas que usted necesita están a su alcance; y con la más reciente información que el Dr. Colbert proporciona en este libro, ya no tiene que conformarse con simplemente equilibrar sus hormonas; puede OPTIMIZARLAS, para volver a tener la vida saludable, en forma y vigorosa que gozaba en sus veinte. Suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, ¡pero es cierto! Las hormonas desempeñan una función fundamental en cada una de nuestras vidas, y los beneficios de optimizar sus niveles hormonales pueden incluir: AUMENTO DE ENERGÍA, FUERZA, libido y CAPACIDAD PARA PERDER PESOMEJOR HUMOR, MEMORIA Y CLARIDAD MENTALMEJORES RELACIONES SENTIRSE MÁS JOVEN, SALUDABLE Y FELIZ En La zona de salud hormonal, el Dr. Colbert disipa los mitos sobre las hormonas bioidénticas, lo ilumina acerca de los interruptores hormonales comunes que debe evitar y le dice lo que su médico quizás no sepa acerca de los exámenes adecuados, los niveles hormonales óptimos y los pasos que debe tomar a fin de alcanzar los resultados deseados. Durante años, los desequilibrios hormonales quedaban sin diagnosticar, pero ya no. Equípese con la última información de una fuente confiable. El objetivo es alcanzar una vida equilibrada, feliz y saludable, y entrando en la zona —la zona de salud hormonal— es la manera de lograrlo.WHAT IF YOU COULD REGAIN YOUR YOUTH? After more than thirty years of study Don Colbert, MD, has finally solved the hormone puzzle. Now the answers you need are available, and with the latest groundbreaking information Dr. Colbert provides in this book, you no longer have to settle for simply balancing your hormones; you can OPTIMIZE them to return to the healthy, fit, and vibrant life you enjoyed in your twenties. It sounds too good to be true—but it&’s not! Hormones play a vital role in each of our lives, and the benefits of optimizing your hormone levels can include: Increased energy, strength, ability to lose fat, and libidoBetter moods, memory, and mental clarityImproved relationshipsFeeling younger, healthier, and happierDr. Colbert's Hormone Health Zone, dispels the myths about bioidentical hormones, sheds light on common hormone disruptors you need to avoid, and tells you what your doctor may not know about the proper tests, optimum hormone levels, and action steps you need to take to achieve your desired results. For years hormone imbalances have gone undiagnosed, but not anymore. Arm yourself with the latest information from a trusted source. A balanced, happy, healthy life is the goal, and getting in the zone—the hormone zone—is the way to achieve it.

The Zone

by Barry Sears

For years experts have been telling Americans what to eat and what not to eat. Fat, they told us, was the enemy. Then it was salt, then sugar, then cholesterol... and on it goes. Americans listened and they lost -- but not their excess fat. What they lost was their health and waistlines. Americans are the fattest people on earth... and why? Mainly because of the food they eat. In this scientific and revolutionary book, based on Nobel Prize-winning research, medical visionary and former Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher Dr. Barry Sears makes peak physical and mental performance, as well as permanent fat loss, simple for you to understand and achieve. With lists of good and bad carbohydrates, easy-to-follow food blocks and delicious recipes, The Zone provides all you need to begin your journey toward permanent fat loss, great health and all-round peak performance. In balance, your body will not only burn fat, but you'll fight heart disease, diabetes, PMS, chronic fatigue, depression and cancer, as well as alleviate the painful symptoms of diseases such as multiple sclerosis and HIV. This Zone state of exceptional health is well-known to champion athletes. Your own journey toward it can begin with your next meal. You will no longer think of food as merely an item of pleasure or a means to appease hunger. Food is your medicine and your ticket to that state of ultimate body balance, strength and great health: the Zone.

The Zone: A Dietary Road Map (1st Edition)

by Barry Sears Bill Lawren

A revolutionary life plan to put your body in total balance for permanent weight loss. This dietary technology is the most powerful means ever discovered to help people achieve that state of optimal good health, physical performance, and mental alertness that's called the Zone. Staying in the Zone is your best defense to ward off cancer, and has a positive impact on a host of other diseases, including diabetes, arthritis, "mental" diseases like depression and alcoholism, even chronic fatigue. In fact, reaching the Zone and maintaining it should ultimately help us reach that most universal of personal goals: to live longer, healthier, and more satisfying lives. In the bargain, staying in the Zone will keep us performing at our absolute best-hour after hour, day after day, month after month-for the rest of our lives.

Zone Meals in Seconds

by Barry Sears

A quick, easy, family-friendly cookbook for the millions of Zone households around the world. Millions of people worldwide have discovered the incredible weight-loss and health benefits of living in the Zone. For almost 10 years, Lynn and Barry Sears have maintained a completely Zone-friendly kitchen. With two daughters - one a finicky first-grader and one a vegetarian teenager - Lynn has had to use all of her creative and culinary skills to keep her family healthy and happy. Zone Meals in Seconds combines Lynn's hard-won wisdom and valuable experience with Barry's Zone expertise and medical knowledge in the first-ever family-friendly Zone book. From quick and easy family dinner recipes and snack tips, to advice on packing school lunches and surviving backyard barbecues, this book is a must-have for people who want to experience the incredible benefits of the Zone but need help answering the all-important question, 'What do I eat?'Written with the help of an experienced chef and recipe developer, Zone Meals in Seconds offers more than 200 fast and family-tested recipes for Zone-approved breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.


by Kathryn Bowers Barbara N. Horowitz

Engaging science writing that bravely approaches a new frontier in medical science and offers a whole new way of looking at the deep kinship between animals and human beings. Zoobiquity: a species-spanning approach to medicine bringing doctors and veterinarians together to improve the health of all species and their habitats. In the tradition of Temple Grandin, Oliver Sacks, and Neil Shubin, this is a remarkable narrative science book arguing that animal and human commonality can be used to diagnose, treat, and ultimately heal human patients. Through case studies of various species--human and animal kind alike--the authors reveal that a cross-species approach to medicine makes us not only better able to treat psychological and medical conditions but helps us understand our deep connection to other species with whom we share much more than just a planet. This revelatory book reaches across many disciplines--evolution, anthropology, sociology, biology, cutting-edge medicine and zoology--providing fascinating insights into the connection between animals and humans and what animals can teach us about the human body and mind.

Zoobiquity: What Animals Can Teach Us About Health and the Science of Healing

by Kathryn Bowers Barbara Natterson-Horowitz

In the spring of 2005, cardiologist Barbara Natterson-Horowitz was called to consult on an unusual patient: an Emperor tamarin at the Los Angeles Zoo. While examining the tiny monkey's sick heart, she learned that wild animals can die of a form of cardiac arrest brought on by extreme emotional stress. It was a syndrome identical to a human condition but one that veterinarians called by a different name--and treated in innovative ways. This remarkable medical parallel launched Natterson-Horowitz on a journey of discovery that reshaped her entire approach to medicine. She began to search for other connections between the human and animal worlds: Do animals get breast cancer, anxiety-induced fainting spells, sexually transmitted diseases? Do they suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia, addiction? The answers were astonishing. Dinosaurs suffered from brain cancer. Koalas catch chlamydia. Reindeer seek narcotic escape in hallucinogenic mushrooms. Stallions self-mutilate. Gorillas experience clinical depression. Joining forces with science journalist Kathryn Bowers, Natterson-Horowitz employs fascinating case studies and meticulous scholarship to present a revelatory understanding of what animals can teach us about the human body and mind. "Zoobiquity" is the term the authors have coined to refer to a new, species-spanning approach to health. Delving into evolution, anthropology, sociology, biology, veterinary science, and zoology, they break down the walls between disciplines, redefining the boundaries of medicine. Zoobiquity explores how animal and human commonality can be used to diagnose, treat, and heal patients of all species. Both authoritative and accessible, offering cutting-edge research through captivating narratives, this provocative book encourages us to see our essential connection to all living beings.

Zoonotic Pathogens in the Food Chain

by Denis O. Krause Stephen Hendrick

Examining the development, spread and transmission of zoonotic disease through the food chain from animals, through production processes to humans, this book discusses the ways modern food production systems contribute to the risk of zoonotic disease, and where mitigation strategies need to be focused. This book discusses pathogens that have recently emerged as important infections, and new trends in animal production such as organic livestock farming and raw milk consumption.

Zuivelvrije en glutenvrije gerechten: 40 heerlijke en gezonde recepten

by Amber Richards Anne Van Gulick

Een dieet dat zowel glutenvrij als zuivelvrij is kan erg uitdagend zijn. Ik kan erover meepraten, want voedselallergieën dwingen me om zo'n dieet te volgen. Dit is een verzameling van 40 heerlijke recepten die zowel glutenvrij als zuivelvrij zijn. Het boek bevat 20 hoofdgerechten, 10 soepen en 10 nagerechten. De recepten zijn heel lekker en je zult ze misschien nog wel vaker willen maken. Ik ontdekte mijn zuivelallergie per toeval, terwijl ik dacht dat ik artritis had. In mijn geval had ik na 3 weken zuivelvrij eten geen pijn meer. Ik had nog nooit gehoord van een verband tussen artritis en zuivel, maar zelfs nu doen mijn gewrichten de volgende dag pijn als ik een blokje kaas eet. Als je last hebt van artritis, probeer dan eens 60 dagen zuivelvrij te eten en kijk of dit de pijn vermindert. Dit boek biedt heerlijke alternatieven voor zuivel! Koop vandaag nog een exemplaar.

Zumos: Smoothies)

by Mónica Susana Castro Darren Hill

Este libro no es el típico libro que lo va a aburrir con mostrarle todos los beneficios y esas cosas. Ud. es lo suficientemente inteligente y aparte en el mercado hay cualquier cantidad de esos libros. En este libro vamos directamente al punto. Por eso, y sin mayores demoras, vayamos a nuestras fantásticas recetas de batidos.

Zurück ins Leben nach dem Schlaganfall für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by John R. Marler Doren Paal

Alles über die Symptome, die Diagnose und die Behandlung eines SchlaganfallsViele Krankheiten kündigen sich an, ein Schlaganfall jedoch kommt ohne Vorwarnung. Betroffene und derenAngehörige stehen der neuen Situation oft hilflos gegenüber. Das muss nicht sein. John R. Marler erklärt Ihnenmithilfe von anschaulichen Fallbeispielen, was genau ein Schlaganfall ist und wie Sie Warnzeichen erkennen.Außerdem erfahren Sie, mit welchen Behandlungen verlorene Fähigkeiten wieder erlangt werden können.Auch für die Zeit nach Krankenhaus und Reha erhalten Sie wichtige Tipps und Informationen, die nicht nur Betroffenen helfen, sondern auch die Fragen der pflegenden Angehörigen beantworten.

ZZZ... El libro del sueño: La solución a todos tus problemas de descanso

by Chris Winter

Una noche de descanso reparador no tiene por qué ser un sueño. ¡Puede ser una realidad! Incluye tips, consejos, ejercicios e ilustraciones. Si deseas solucionar tus problemas de sueño, los trucos y consejos de Internet no serán de mucha ayuda. Necesitas realmente entender lo que está pasando con tu descanso: cuáles son tus problemas y cómo resolverlos. ZZZ... El libro del sueño es un emocionante viaje de autodescubrimiento y comprensión del sueño que te ayudará a personalizar intervenciones específicas para tu estilo de vida. Basado en sus veinticuatro años de experiencia en el campo del sueño, el neurólogo y experto en descanso W. Chris Winter te ayudará a: - Entender cómo funciona el sueño y la forma en que la comida, la luz y otros factores actúan para ayudar o perjudicar el proceso. - Aprender por qué las pastillas para dormir son frecuentemente malentendidas y utilizadas incorrectamente, y cómo puedes alcanzar tu mejor descanso sin ellas. - Incorporar el sueño y las siestas a tu rutina diaria, sin importar que trabajes en horarios de oficina, seas estudiante o padre de tiempo completo. - Entender mejor cómo tratar infinidad de condiciones desde insomnio y apnea de sueño hasta síndrome de piernas inquietas y trastornos circadianos del sueño. - Navegar a través del mar siempre cambiante de la tecnología del sueño y entender su valor, pues se relaciona con tus propios problemas de sueño. La crítica ha opinado: "Una mirada fresca e integral a la naturaleza vital del buen sueño y su relación con nuestro bienestar" Herm Schneider, entrenador atlético principal de los Medias Blancas de Chicago. "Hasta que conocí a Chris Winter, dormía como un bebé: me despertaba cada dos horas y lloraba. Luego, el doctor Winter me ayudó a desarrollar rituales de sueño que me permitieron recuperar mi descanso. Él fue mi solución para dormir y este libro será la tuya" Peter Moore, coautor del bestseller del New York Times, The Eight-Hour Diet y exeditor de Men's Health. "El doctor Winter ha pasado su carrera enfocado en los beneficios del sueño y, por primera vez, este libro reúne todos sus conocimientos. Ha escrito un libro importante para quienes estamos en el campo de los deportes profesionales, así como para la gente común que no experimenta todos los beneficios del sueño. Sus experiencias profesionales y su investigación han revelado el impacto que el sueño tiene en nuestros atletas profesionales" Ben Potenziano, ayudante de entrenador atlético de los Piratas de Pittsburgh y excoordinador de Fuerza y Acondicionamiento de los Gigantes de San Francisco.

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