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10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works - A True Story

by Dan Harris

The perfect book for the spirituality sceptics who really do need meditation in their daily routine.10% HAPPIER is a spiritual book written for - and by - someone who would otherwise never read a spiritual book. It is both a deadly serious and seriously funny look at mindfulness and meditation as the next big public health revolution.Dan Harris always believed the restless, relentless, impossible-to-satisfy voice in his head was one of his greatest assets. How else can you climb the ladder in an ultra-competitive field like TV news except through nonstop hand-wringing and hyper vigilance? For a while, his strategy worked. Harris anchored national broadcasts and he covered wars. Then he hit the brakes, and had a full-blown panic attack live on the air. What happened next was completely unforeseen. Through a bizarre series of events - involving a disgraced evangelical pastor, a mysterious self-help guru and a fateful gift from his wife - Harris stumbled upon something that helped him tame the voice in his head: meditation. At first, he was deeply suspicious. He had long associated meditation with bearded swamis and unwashed hippies. But when confronted with mounting scientific evidence that just a few minutes a day can literally rewire the brain for focus, happiness, and reduced reactivity, Harris took a deep dive. He spent years mingling with scientists, executives and marines on the front lines of a quiet revolution that has the potential to reshape society. He became a daily meditator, and even found himself on a ten-day, silent meditation retreat, which was simultaneously the best and worst experience he'd ever had.Harris's life was not transformed into a parade of rainbows and unicorns, but he did gain a passion for daily meditation. While the book itself is a narrative account of Dan's conversion amid the harried and decidedly non-Zen world of the newsroom, it concludes with a section for the novice on how to get started.(P)2014 HarperCollinsPublishers

10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works - A True Story

by Dan Harris

#1 New York Times Bestseller and winner of the 2014 Living Now Book Award for Inspirational Memoir.'An enormously smart, clear-eyed, brave-hearted, and quite a personal look at the benefits of meditation' - Elizabeth Gilbert10% Happier is a spiritual book written for - and by - someone who would otherwise never read a spiritual book. It is both a deadly serious and seriously funny look at mindfulness and meditation as the next big public health revolution.Dan Harris always believed the restless, relentless, impossible-to-satisfy voice in his head was one of his greatest assets. How else can you climb the ladder in an ultra-competitive field like TV news except through nonstop hand-wringing and hyper vigilance? For a while, his strategy worked. Harris anchored national broadcasts and he covered wars. Then he hit the brakes, and had a full-blown panic attack live on the air. What happened next was completely unforeseen. Through a bizarre series of events - involving a disgraced evangelical pastor, a mysterious self-help guru and a fateful gift from his wife - Harris stumbled upon something that helped him tame the voice in his head: meditation. At first, he was deeply suspicious. He had long associated meditation with bearded swamis and unwashed hippies. But when confronted with mounting scientific evidence that just a few minutes a day can literally rewire the brain for focus,happiness, and reduced reactivity, Harris took a deep dive. He spent years mingling with scientists,executives and marines on the front lines of a quiet revolution that has the potential to reshape society. He became a daily meditator, and even found himself on a ten-day, silent meditation retreat, which was simultaneously the best and worst experience he'd ever had.Harris's life was not transformed into a parade of rainbows and unicorns, but he did gain a passion for daily meditation. While the book itself is a narrative account of Dan's conversion amid the harried and decidedly non-Zen world of the newsroom, it concludes with a section for the novice on how to get started.

10 giorni di dieta depurativa chetogenica

by Diana Watson

La tua incredibile dieta depurativa chetogenica di 10 giorni per trasformare il tuo organismo in una macchina bruciagrassi senza pietà. Ciao amici! siete stanchi, debilitati, apatici tutto il tempo? Senti di avere cali di energia durante la giornata e di aver bisogno troppo spesso di una pausa caffè? vuoi perdere peso, sentirti meglio e avere più carica? Ecco per te la Dieta Depurativa Chetogenica: aumenta il metabolismo e depura l'organismo con queste deliziose e divertenti ricette in un piano alimentare di soli 10 giorni! La dieta chetogenica che troverai in questo libro utilizza la naturale risposta del tuo organismo ai cibi e brucia quelle riserve di grasso ostinato che si trovano soprattutto nella fascia addominale. Ovvero centimetri di giro vita! La dieta chetogenica è unica perchè costringe l'organismo a bruciare i grassi invece che i carboidrati. Ciò significa che il tuo corpo si tramuterà in una macchina brucia-grassi! Con a Dieta Depurativa Chetogenica tu: Avrai una dieta comprovata che può dare una spinta al tuo metabiolismo Avrai la possibilità di testare quanto funzioni veramente la Dieta Chetogenica e come può diventare una soluzione a lungo termine per controllare il tuo peso Imparerai le basi della dieta Chetogenica e come può stimolare il tuo metabolismo Avrai accesso alle deliziose ricette chetogeniche di colazione, pranzo e cena. Cibi sani che ti aiuteranno a ottenere una salute migliore e un corpo migliore! Chi dice che si deve morire di fame per dimagrire? Ecco alcune delle ricette di questa dieta depurativa Chetogenica che sono certa adorerai e che contribuiranno a soddisfare i tuoi bisogni mentre cercherai di raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi: OMELETTE DI POLLO STILE CALIFORNIA BISTECCA E UOVO CON AVOCADO CREPES ALLA CREMA DI LAMPONI CAVOLETTI DI BRUXELLE E BACON POLLO PAD THAI TACOS DI PESCE STILE CHIPOTLE BAVETTA DI MANZO IN SALSA SIRACHA E mo

10 Giorni Detox con gli Smoothie Verdi

by The Blokehead

Gli smoothie sono tra le miscele più popolari tra i vari menù. Infatti, sono così famosi che non esistono sostanzialmente limiti alle ricette per i diversi tipi di smoothie e le persone possono goderseli a prescindere da dove si trovano, spaziando dal ristorante preferito alla fiera di strada. Si sono radicati così bene nella nostra cultura, specialmente negli Stati Uniti, che posso essere trovati ovunque. Naturalmente alcuni sono più salutari di altri, in base al tipo specifico di ingredienti utilizzati. Inoltre, alcuni sono realizzati per risaltarne il gusto e altri, come gli smoothie verdi, sono creati per il preciso scopo di indirizzare le persone verso una dieta più salutare e per preparare i loro corpi a determinate attività quali un’intensa attività fisica. Prendi una copia e gusta le ricette! Questa pubblicazione intende fornire un aiuto e del materiale informativo. Non è intesa per diagnosticare, trattare, curare o prevenire nessun problema di salute o condizione fisica, ne è intesa come sostituto di un medico. Nessun’azione dovrebbe essere presa basandosi solamente sul contenuto di questo libro. Consultare sempre prima un medico o un professionista qualificato su qualsiasi patologia riguardante la propria salute prima di provare i suggerimenti contenuti nel libro o trarre conclusioni da esso. L’autore e l’editore declinano specificatamente ogni responsabilità personale per la perdita o il rischio che ne consegue, direttamente o indirettamente, dall’uso o l’applicazione dei contenuti di questo libro. Tutti i nomi dei prodotti all’interno di questo libro sono un marchio registrato dei rispettivi possessori. Nessuno dei possessori sopra ha sponsorizzato, autorizzato, promosso o approvato questo libro. Leggere sempre tutte le informazioni fornire dal libretto d’istruzioni dei produttore quando si usano i loro prodotti. L’autore e l’editore non sono responsabili per i reclami effettuati dai�

10 Essential Herbs for Lifelong Health: Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-218 (Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Ser.)

by Barbara L. Heller M.S.W.

Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.

10 Dias Limpeza Smoothie: Verde 50 Novas Receitas Reveladas Ajudam a Dormir! Durma como merece agora

by The Blokehead

Os smoothies são uma das misturas mais populares que aparecem em muitos menus. Na verdade, eles são tão populares que há uma oferta praticamente ilimitada de receitas para diferentes tipos de smoothies e as pessoas são capazes de os saborear independentemente onde se encontrem, quer seja num restaurante favorito ou numa feira de rua. Tornaram-se tão enraizados na cultura, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, que podem ser encontrados praticamente em qualquer lugar. Claro que, alguns smoothies são mais saudáveis do que outros, pois tudo depende do tipo específico de ingredientes que neles estão incluídos. Além disso, alguns smoothies são preparados pra saborear e outros, como os smoothies verdes, são feitos para com a intenção específica de ajudar as pessoas a experimentar uma saúde melhor e para preparar os seus corpos para determinadas atividades, como intensos esforços atléticos.

10 Dias Limpeza Smoothie Verde 50 Novas Receitas Aniquiladoras do Colesterol

by The Blokehead

Smoothie Romã Bagas Ingredientes 1/2 Chávena água 1/2 Chávena de requeijão magro 1 Chávena de sumo de romã 1 Banana média 2 Chávenas de frutos silvestres congelados 2 Chávenas de gelo (se usar frutos silvestres frescos) Preparação 1. Coloque todos os ingredientes no liquidificador e enganche a tampa. 2. Para o liquidificador Blendtec: Prima o botão SMOOTHIE 3. Para o liquidificador Vitamix: Selecione VARIABLE velocidade #1. Ligue a máquina e aumente devagar a velocidade para VARIABLE velocidade #10 e então selecione para HIGH. Bata por 45 segundos ou até alcançar a consistência desejada. Pegue no livro para mais receitas agora!

10 Días de Purificación Con Licuado Verde (The Blokehead Series)

by Jodie Sloan

Jugo de Mora Azul y Manzana Ingredientes: Moras azules – 2 tazas Manzanas – 2 Método: Lava completamente y retira las semillas de las frutas. Ponlas en una licuadora y has un jugo. Agrega algo de hielo y disfruta esta sabrosa bebida. Bebe el jugo inmediatamente después de la preparación; adoptará una textura de gel después de media hora de su preparación. ¡Obtén el libro ahora para más recetas de Licuados!

10 Días de Purificación Con Licuado Verde (The Blokehead Series)

by The Blokehead

Los licuados son de los más populares brebajes que aparecen en muchos menús. De hecho, son tan populares que existe un suministro prácticamente ilimitado de recetas para diferentes tipos de licuados y la gente es capaz de disfrutarlos sin importar donde se encuentren, desde un restaurante predilecto hasta una feria. Han llegado a ser tan arraigados en la cultura, especialmente en los Estados Unidos, que pueden encontrarse, prácticamente, en cualquier lado. Por supuesto, algunos licuados son más saludables que otros, como todo, depende del tipo específico de ingredientes que se incluyen. Además, algunos están hechos por gusto y otros, tales como los verdes, están hechos para el expreso propósito de ayudar a la gente a experimentar una mejor salud y preparar sus cuerpos para ciertas actividades tales como esfuerzos atléticos intensos

10 Días de Purificación Con Licuado Verde

by The Blokehead

Los licuados son de los más populares brebajes que aparecen en muchos menús. De hecho, son tan populares que existe un suministro prácticamente ilimitado de recetas para diferentes tipos de licuados y la gente es capaz de disfrutarlos sin importar donde se encuentren, desde un restaurante predilecto hasta una feria. Han llegado a ser tan arraigados en la cultura, especialmente en los Estados Unidos, que pueden encontrarse, prácticamente, en cualquier lado. Por supuesto, algunos licuados son más saludables que otros, como todo, depende del tipo específico de ingredientes que se incluyen. Además, algunos están hechos por gusto y otros, tales como los verdes, están hechos para el expreso propósito de ayudar a la gente a experimentar una mejor salud y preparar sus cuerpos para ciertas actividades tales como esfuerzos atléticos intensos.

10 Días de Purificación con Licuado Verde

by The Blokehead

Descripción del Libro Fresa Coco Almendra 8 – 10 fresas chicas congeladas 3 fresas frescas 1 taza de leche de coco 1 cucharada de mantequilla de almendra 1 cucharadita de miel Chocolate Aguacate 1 aguacate 2 plátanos congelados ½ taza de frambuesas frescas o congeladas 1 – 2 cucharadas de cocoa sin endulzar en polvo 2 tazas de leche de almendras o de coco Canela Coco Plátano ½ taza de leche de coco 4 yemas de huevo grandes 1 plátano mediano ¼ de taza de hielo ½ cucharadita de canela ¡Obtén el libro ahora para más recetas de Licuados Paleo!

10 Dias de Limpeza smoothie verde: 50 Novas Receitas De Smoothies Paleo Para Queimar Gorduras (The Blokehead Series)

by The Blokehead

Descrição do Livro Morando Coco Amêndoa 8-10 Morangos pequenos congelados 3 Morangos frescos 1 Chávena de leite de coco 1 cc de manteiga de amêndoa 1 cc de mel Chocolate Abacate 1 Abacate 2 Bananas congeladas 1/2 Chávena de framboesas frescas ou congeladas 1-2 cs cacau em pó sem açúcar 2 Chávena de leite de amêndoa ou de coco Canela Coco Banana 1/2 Chávena de leite de coco 4 Gemas de ovo grandes 1 Banana média 1/4 Chávena de gelo 1/2 cc de canela Pegue o livro para receitas do smoothie mais paleo agora!

10 Dias de Limpeza Com Batidos Verdes: 50 Receitas de Fontes de Juventude Para Uma Aparência Jovem (The Blokehead Series)

by Jodie Sloan

Sumo de Maçã e Mirtilos Ingredientes: Mirtilos - 2 xícaras Maçãs – 2 Método: Lave bem e remova as sementes das frutas. Coloque-as numa liquidificadora e faça um sumo. Adicione gelo e desfrute desta saborosa bebida. Beba o sumo imediatamente após a sua preparação; irá ganhar uma textura gelatinosa após meia hora da preparação. Adquira já o livro para mais receitas de batidos!

10 Dias de Batidos Orgânicos para Desintoxicar (The Blokehead Series)

by The Blokehead

Os Batidos são um dos processos digestivos mais populares que aparecem em muitos menus. Na verdade, eles são tão populares que há uma fonte virtualmente ilimitada de receitas para diferentes tipos de Batidos e as pessoas poderão apreciá-los, independentemente, de onde quer que estejam, desde um restaurante, a outro local favorito, ou até numa feira, ou num mercado. Tornaram-se tão enraizados na cultura, especialmente nos Estados Unidos, que podem ser encontrados, praticamente, em qualquer lugar. Claro que alguns Batidos são mais saudáveis ​​do que outros, dependendo do tipo específico de ingredientes que estão incluídos neles. Além disso, alguns Batidos são consumidos por gosto pessoal e outros, como os Batidos Orgânicos, são consumidos com o intuito exclusivo de ajudarem as pessoas a serem mais saudáveis e prepararem os seus corpos para determinadas actividades, tais como intensos esforços físicos. Compre o livro de receitas, agora!

10 Days to a Less Distracted Child: The Breakthrough Program That Gets Your Kids to Listen, Learn, Focus and Behave

by Jeffrey Bernstein

A recent study reported that 10 percent of schoolchildren show symptoms of ADHD, and more children now face learning disabilities, anxiety, depression, and increased stress. Dr. Bernstein's plan works for all types of distracted kids.

10-Day Sugar Detox: Easy Meal Plans to Beat Sugar in 10 Days

by Dana Angelo White

This book aims to offer a very basic education about sugar and then provides recipes for simple, healthy, no-sugar meals.

The 10-Day Plan to Nourish & Glow: Lose weight, feel great, and transform your relationship with food

by Amelia Freer

The much-anticipated new book from bestselling author and nutritional therapist Amelia Freer, that will help you transform your relationship with food, for life.In Amelia Freer's most comprehensive book yet, she shares the practices she has developed and refined over years of working with high-profile clients, such as James Corden and Victoria Beckham. It includes a 10-day plan and over 40 recipes that will fundamentally transform the way you grocery shop, cook, and eat--now and for life. With gentle yet authoritative guidance, this book will empower you to achieve a healthier and happier relationship with food, and to discover a way of eating that is right for you. Amelia recognizes that there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to food, and the simple, delicious recipes she provides are bright, fresh antidotes to what many people envision when they think of eating on a diet. Nourishing yet creative recipes (and their vegan alternatives) like Turmeric & Mango Spiced Chia Pot, Rainbow Abundance Bowl, Salmon Salad in a Jar, Overnight Oat Crumble with Apple, and Falafel Burgers, will leave you satisfied and inspired to embark on a journey of healthy eating for life.

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!

by Jj Smith

The 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse will jump-start your weight loss, increase your energy level, clear your mind and improve your overall health.Made up of supernutrients from leafy greens and fruits, green smoothies are filling and healthy and you will enjoy drinking them. Your body will also thank you for drinking them as your health and energy improve to levels you never thought possible. It is an experience that could change your life if you stick with it!This book provides a shopping list, recipes and detailed instructions for the 10-day cleanse, along with suggestions for getting the best results. It also offers advice on how to continue to lose weight and maintain good health afterwards.Are you ready to look slimmer, healthier and sexier than you have in years? Then get ready to begin the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse! If you successfully complete the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, you will...• Lose 10-15 pounds in 10 days• Get rid of stubborn body fat, including belly fat• Drop pounds and inches fast, without grueling workouts• Learn to live a healthier lifestyle of detoxing and healthy eating• Naturally crave healthy foods so you never have to diet again• Receive over 100 recipes for various health conditions and goals

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!

by JJ Smith

The New York Times bestselling 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse will jump-start your weight loss, increase your energy level, clear your mind, and improve your overall health as you lose ten to fifteen pounds in just ten days.Made up of supernutrients from leafy greens and fruits, green smoothies are filling and healthy and you will enjoy drinking them. Your body will also thank you for drinking them as your health and energy improve to levels you never thought possible. It is an experience that could change your life if you stick with it!This book provides a shopping list, recipes, and detailed instructions for the 10-day cleanse, along with suggestions for getting the best results. It also offers advice on how to continue to lose weight and maintain good health afterwards.Are you ready to look slimmer, healthier, and sexier than you have in years? Then get ready to begin the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse!If you successfully complete the 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse, you will…• Lose 10–15 pounds in 10 days• Get rid of stubborn body fat, including belly fat• Drop pounds and inches fast, without grueling workouts• Learn to live a healthier lifestyle of detoxing and healthy eating• Naturally crave healthy foods so you never have to diet again• Receive over 100 recipes for various health conditions and goals

10-day Celery Juice Cleanse: The fresh start plan to supercharge your health

by Hannah Ebelthite

Celery juice is the new wonder ingredient on everybody's lips - in Celery Juice: Everything You Need to Know, Hannah Ebelthite investigates this humble super vegetable, explains the nutritional facts and offers a gut-healthy, anti-inflammatory 7-day wellness plan to help boost your energy, beat the bloat and feel ready for anything. Have you heard? Celery juice is rumoured to alleviate symptoms of chronic illnesses from digestive disorders, fatigue, eczema, diabetes and Lyme disease. Find out the facts and whether you might feel the benefits from this low-calorie, hydrating, vitamin-packed ingredient. Chapters include:· The facts - what are the nutrients in celery, and what's the difference between eating the whole vegetable and the juice? · The health benefits of celery juice - which are proven, and which are not? · Who would benefit from including celery juice in their diet? · What other ingredients particularly complement celery? · The low-down on the best juicers· 7-day wellness plan including recipes for green juices, cleansing soups, salads and healthy elixirs

10-day Celery Juice Cleanse: The fresh start plan to supercharge your health

by Hannah Ebelthite

Celery juice is the new wonder ingredient on everybody's lips - in Celery Juice: Everything You Need to Know, Hannah Ebelthite investigates this humble super vegetable, explains the nutritional facts and offers a gut-healthy, anti-inflammatory 7-day wellness plan to help boost your energy, beat the bloat and feel ready for anything. Have you heard? Celery juice is rumoured to alleviate symptoms of chronic illnesses from digestive disorders, fatigue, eczema, diabetes and Lyme disease. Find out the facts and whether you might feel the benefits from this low-calorie, hydrating, vitamin-packed ingredient. Chapters include:· The facts - what are the nutrients in celery, and what's the difference between eating the whole vegetable and the juice? · The health benefits of celery juice - which are proven, and which are not? · Who would benefit from including celery juice in their diet? · What other ingredients particularly complement celery? · The low-down on the best juicers· 7-day wellness plan including recipes for green juices, cleansing soups, salads and healthy elixirs

The 10-Day Belly Slimdown: Lose Your Belly, Heal Your Gut, Enjoy a Lighter, Younger You

by Kellyann Petrucci

"This isn't another gimmicky diet--it's a powerful eating strategy that will take your extra pounds off quickly, safely, and permanently." - Mark Hyman, MD, Director, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Eat Fat Get Thin"The best gift you can give yourself is a slim, beautiful, healthy belly--and in this book, Dr. Kellyann, an expert I trust, tells you exactly how to get it." - Mehmet Oz, M.D.The New York Times bestselling author of Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet reveals her powerful belly-slimming plan that will help you lose up to 10 pounds in 10 days!Are you sick and tired of your belly fat? Frustrated with diets that don't take it off? Angry that you don't look the way you want to look, and can't wear the clothes you want to wear? Naturopathic physician and weight loss specialist Dr. Kellyann Petrucci has spent over 20 years showing people how to do the impossible: take off stubborn belly fat. After guiding thousands of amazing transformations over her career, Dr. Petrucci has targeted the most powerful ways to flatten your belly--deprivation not included! In The 10-Day Belly Slimdown, you will learn the #1 biggest secret to rapid belly-blasting: "mini-fasting." This simple but revolutionary shift in the timing of your meals means you'll eat within a seven-hour window each day. While you're mini-fasting, you'll never feel hungry--luscious, satisfying bone broth will quench cravings and melt off pounds, collagen-packed shakes will kick your metabolism into overdrive, and "slim-gestion" foods, herbs, and spices will fight bloat, lower inflammation, and cleanse your gut. In combination, these strategies deliver incredible results quickly and safely. The 10-Day Belly Slimdown includes daily meal plans, batch cooking tips to make meal prep a snap, 80 delicious new recipes, and a sensible maintenance plan. As you heal your belly from the inside out, you'll feel younger, happier, and lighter than you thought possible.

The 10 Best QuestionsTM for Recovering from a Heart Attack

by Dede Bonner

A good mind knows the right answers, but a great mind knows the right questions. And never are the Best Questions more important than after the life-altering event of surviving a heart attack or being diagnosed with heart disease. Drawing on cutting-edge research and advice from internationally prominent cardiologists, the president of the American Heart Association, award-winning personal trainers and nutritionists, and experts in healthy lifestyles, smoking cessation, alcohol abuse, stress management, spirituality, relationships, sex, and financial planning, The 10 Best QuestionsTM for Recovering from a Heart Attack is a holistic guide you'll take with you into your doctor's office and keep close to you through every step of your treatment and recovery.

The 10 Best Questions for Surviving Breast Cancer

by Dede Bonner Marisa C Weiss

A good mind knows the right answers...but a great mind knows the right questions. And never are the Best Questions more important than after a diagnosis of breast cancer. Drawing on cutting-edge research and original interviews -- including with former surgeon general C. Everett Koop, bestselling author Dr. Susan Love, well-known breast cancer survivors like Betty Rollin, and experts at the top cancer-care centers in the world -- The 10 Best QuestionsTM for Surviving Breast Cancer is a guide you'll take with you into your doctor's office and keep close to you through every step of your treatment and recovery. In addition to the medical questions, you'll also learn what you need to ask your friends, colleagues, and loved ones so that the rest of your life doesn't take a backseat to your diagnosis: "How many days I can afford to be out?" (p. 211) "What questions are my children likely to ask?" (p. 261) "When will I be comfortable being intimate again with my partner?" (p. 234) With a wealth of resources and up-to-the-minute information, The 10 Best QuestionsTM for Surviving Breast Cancer shows you how to move past a scary diagnosis and use the power of questions to become your own best advocate for your emotional, mental, physical, and financial health.

The 10 Best Questions for Living with Fibromyalgia

by Dede Bonner Patrick Wood

A good mind knows the right answers...but a great mind knows the right questions. And never are the Best Questions more important than after the life-altering diagnosis of fibromyalgia -- or when you are talking with endless doctors about your chronic pain, hoping to finally get a correct diagnosis and treatment plan. Drawing on cutting-edge research and advice by nearly sixty experts from the National Fibromyalgia Association; Mayo Clinic; and leaders in fibromyalgia, sleep, and stress disorders -- as well as celebrity patients, including author Martha Beck and singer Rosie Hamlin -- The 10 Best Questions® for Living with Fibromyalgia is a comprehensive guide you'll take along to your doctor's office and keep close at hand for its well-researched answers as you continue your journey to better physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual health. With a wealth of resources and up-to-the-minute information, The 10 Best Questions® for Living with Fibromyalgia shows you how to move beyond your fears and use the power of the Best Questions and Magic Questions -- the smartest questions that most people never think to ask -- to become your own best advocate in conquering the symptoms of fibromyalgia and its negative effects on your personal life.

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