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Why Did No One Tell Me This?: The Doulas' (Honest) Guide for Expectant Parents
by Natalia Hailes Ash SpivakFull of honest advice and inclusive options, Why Did No One Tell Me This? is the funny, personality-filled, illustrated guide to pregnancy, birth, and beyond that modern parents have been waiting for. Pregnancy and childbirth are full of big questions -- what if my baby is enormous? Will my water break naturally? What even goes into a 'birth plan'? How on earth am I going to keep this child alive once it's here? And where do I turn for advice that will really work for me and my life? In Why Did No One Tell Me This? doulas and reproductive health experts Natalia Hailes and Ash Spivak answer these questions and more for today's wellness-focused, intersectional parents-to-be. Drawing on years of experience in their birth doula practice Brilliant Bodies, Natalia and Ash guide readers through the entire process, from the earliest stages of pregnancy to the jungle of postpartum feelings and responsibilities. Bite-sized pieces of advice are interspersed with vibrant illustrations by artist Louise Reimer to break down the doubts and fears that often surround childbirth, empowering readers to explore their own individual needs, know their rights, and find their voice both during and after pregnancy. By addressing common fears, incorporating regular tips for partners, and providing information on a wide array of birth and parents styles, this unique and inclusive guide is the perfect tool for a new generation of parents.
Why Diets Fail (Because You're Addicted to Sugar)
by John R. Talbott Nicole M. AvenaA food addiction expert reveals definitive proof that sugar is addictive, and presents the first science-based plan to cut out the sugar, stop the cravings that cause most diets to eventually fail, and lose weight--permanently. Most diets work for a while...but there usually comes a point when the dieter can't maintain the strict dietary changes required to lose additional pounds or keep the weight off. Why? Because cravings take over and, as with cigarettes or drugs, the pull becomes too strong to resist. In Why Diets Fail, Dr. Nicole M. Avena explains that sugar addiction underlies those cravings and shares a revolutionary plan for going sugar-free and sticking to the diet during the make-or-break withdrawal period. Dr. Avena's easy-to-use sugar table expresses the amount of sugar in 600+ common foods so dieters know precisely what to eat and what to avoid, and co-author John Talbott shares his personal story (and tips for success) about quitting sugar and losing 50 pounds along with his cravings for nicotine and alcohol.
Why Diets Make Us Fat: The Unintended Consequences of Our Obsession With Weight Loss
by Sandra Aamodt"If diets worked, we'd all be thin by now. Instead, we have enlisted hundreds of millions of people into a war we can't win." What's the secret to losing weight? If you're like most of us, you've tried cutting calories, sipping weird smoothies, avoiding fats, and swapping out sugar for Splenda. The real secret is that all of those things are likely to make you weigh more in a few years, not less. In fact, a good predictor of who will gain weight is who says they plan to lose some. Last year, 108 million Americans went on diets, to the applause of doctors, family, and friends. But long-term studies of dieters consistently find that they're more likely to end up gaining weight in the next two to fifteen years than people who don't diet. Neuroscientist Sandra Aamodt spent three decades in her own punishing cycle of starving and regaining before turning her scientific eye to the research on weight and health. What she found defies the conventional wisdom about dieting: ·Telling children that they're overweight makes them more likely to gain weight over the next few years. Weight shaming has the same effect on adults. ·The calories you absorb from a slice of pizza depend on your genes and on your gut bacteria. So does the number of calories you're burning right now. ·Most people who lose a lot of weight suffer from obsessive thoughts, binge eating, depression, and anxiety. They also burn less energy and find eating much more rewarding than it was before they lost weight. ·Fighting against your body's set point--a central tenet of most diet plans--is exhausting, psychologically damaging, and ultimately counterproductive. If dieting makes us fat, what should we do instead to stay healthy and reduce the risks of diabetes, heart disease, and other obesity-related conditions? With clarity and candor, Aamodt makes a spirited case for abandoning diets in favor of behaviors that will truly improve and extend our lives.From the Hardcover edition.
Why Do Bad Things Happen?: Learning That There Is Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself
by Gordon SmithThe child who dies of a terminal illness, the mother of a young family killed by a drunk driver, the young boy who takes his own life because he is bullied at school, the children massacred when a crazed person takes a gun into their school. So many lives seem to end tragically – world renowned medium Gordon Smith looks at why.In his work as a medium Gordon is constantly asked why a person had to die. Were they too good for this world? Did they go before their time? Why would a benevolent God let them suffer? Are they still suffering after death? For Gordon his work with the Spirit world is dedicated to healing the living. This book will answer many of the questions that torment the living when death steals away someone they love. This inspirational, heart-felt book will give people a deeper understanding of the relationship between life and death and the journey we all take when we leave this life.
Why Do I Feel So Worried?: A Kid's Guide to Coping with Big Emotions—Follow the Arrows from Anxiety to Calm
by Tammi KirknessSimple yes-or-no questions help kids ages 7 to 12 find the right calming activities for every kind of anxiety It can be tough for kids with growing minds to work through their worries and self-soothe when they&’re spiraling. This interactive, step-by-step guide is here to help! In Why Do I Feel So Worried?, children can follow an easy-to-use, colorfully illustrated flowchart to . . . Name the emotion they&’re struggling with (like stress)Figure out its source (for instance, homework problems)Calm down with an easy activity (such as a soothing script) Every tried-and-tested strategy—from breathing techniques to meditations, affirmations, and more—offers in-the-moment relief to anxious children. And throughout, notes to caregivers explain the underlying psychology along with how (and when) to offer help. Kids might not always be able to solve what&’s worrying them—but they do have the power to help themselves feel better!
Why Do Men Have Nipples?: Hundreds Of Questions You'd Only Ask A Doctor After Your Third Martini
by Billy Goldberg Mark LeynerIs There a Doctor in the House?Say you're at a party. You've had a martini or three, and you mingle through the crowd, wondering how long you need to stay before going out for pizza. Suddenly you're introduced to someone new, Dr. Nice Tomeetya. You forget the pizza. Now is the perfect time to bring up all those strange questions you'd like to ask during an office visit with your own doctor but haven't had the guts (or more likely the time) to do so. You're filled with liquid courage . . . now is your chance! If you've ever wanted to ask a doctor . . .*How do people in wheelchairs have sex?*Why do I get a killer headache when I suck down my milkshake too fast?*Can I lose my contact lens inside my head forever?*Why does asparagus make my pee smell?*Why do old people grow hair on their ears?*Is the old adage "beer before liquor, never sicker, liquor before beer . . ." really true? . . . then Why Do Men Have Nipples? is the book for you.Compiled by Billy Goldberg, an emergency medicine physician, and Mark Leyner, bestselling author and well-known satirist, Why Do Men Have Nipples? offers real factual and really funny answers to some of the big questions about the oddities of our bodies.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Why Do Women Crave More Sex in the Summer? 112 Questions That Women Keep Asking-- and That Keep Everyone Else Guessing
by Patricia Barnes-SvarneyIt’s been said that every woman is a mystery waiting to be solved. . . And for as long as women have been around, no one has unraveled the enigma that is the feminine of the species—until now. In this fun, fascinating, head-to-toe female look at bodies, brains, love, sex and shiny objects, the answers to the questions that have confounded humanity for ages are finally revealed! Within this book are the answers to more than one hundred often-asked questions about women. Here, science writer Patricia Barnes-Svarney offers insights into the minds and bodies of the fairer sex, such as… Why do pregnant women have cravings? How do the media affect a woman’s brain? Why should women be concerned about germs? And why do women crave more sex in the summer?For women and anyone who wants to know more about women, or only thinks they know about women, Why Do Women Crave More Sex in the Summer? is guaranteed to inform, enlighten, entertain, and answer the questions women have always wanted answered. .
Why Does Ear Wax Taste So Gross? (Mitchell Symons' Trivia Books #5)
by Mitchell SymonsDID YOU KNOW?Stinky ear wax has been hanging around in the ear canal for nearly a month before it is 'pickable'!Humans share a third of their DNA with lettuce.Cockroaches fart every fifteen minutes.Giraffes never kneel.The average person spends six months of their life on the loo.Amaze your friends and fascinate your family with this book packed with jaw-dropping, eyebrow-raising facts.
Why Does Santa Wear Red?: …and 100 Other Christmas Curiousities Unwrapped!
by Meera LesterWhere did Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Get His Start? At Montgomery Ward's! Copywriter Robert May wrote the story as a giveaway to attract families with children to do their holiday shopping at the store. Which famous carol is actually a secret Christian code? It's "The Twelve Days of Christmas!" The partridge "in the pear tree" is code for Jesus! The two turtledoves stand for the Old and New Testament! And the ten lords a-leaping-you got it!-are the Ten Commandments. Why Do We Buy Poinsettias? One Christmas Eve long ago, in Mexico, a poor boy cried because he had no gift for the baby Jesus. He knelt outside the church window and prayed and-lo and behold!-in the spot where he knelt blossomed a beautiful red poinsettia. To this day, Mexicans still call this lovely plant "Flower of the Holy Night." Open this holly jolly gift of a book, and you'll find it overstuffed with Christmas treats like carols, crafts, recipes, legends, songs, and of course more trivia! With this ultimate Christmas collection, you'll fall in love with Christmas all over again!
Why Does This Keep Happening to Me? The Seven Crisis We All Experience and How to Overcome Them
by Alan DownsI Can't Believe This Is Happening to Me... Again! "Why does this keep happening to me?" is the question most commonly asked by those entering psychotherapy for the first time. Whether we can't stop dating the wrong guy or taking the wrong job, gaining and losing weight, or getting into debt, it is the repeating patterns in our lives that cause us the most pain and frustration. Now author and psychologist Alan Downs shows us all how we can break these cycles... for good! After fifteen years of working with people from all walks of life -- including executives, homemakers, young adults, and the elderly -- Dr. Downs has identified seven crises that every one of us will face at some point during our lifetime. In Why Does This Keep Happening to Me?,Downs uses his revolutionary Crisis Quiz to show us which of these crises is at the root of our repeating behavior. Downs includes quizzes, exercises, and real-life examples to help us resolve universal issues, including Who will I share my life with? Why can't I believe in myself? How can I become my own person? What does it all mean? With wisdom and compassion, Downs leads us from recognition to recovery, showing us how we can apply our new knowledge and triumph over destructive patterns, breaking the cycle once and for all.
Why Doesn't My Doctor Know This?: Conquering Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn's Disease and Colitis
by David DahlmanA natural approach to stubborn gastrointestinal symptoms! You&’re miserable, your quality of life has changed, your medications don&’t help . . . But if your doctor hasn&’t given you relief, there is another way to conquer symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn&’s disease, and any form of colitis: gas, bloating, indigestion, heartburn, reflux, GERD, diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea/constipation, abnormal bowel urgency, abnormal bowel frequency, pain, spasms, blood, mucus, hemorrhoids, and hiatal hernia. Why Doesn&’t My Doctor Know This? details the only physician-designed step-by-step plan—combined with dietary advice and an all-natural supplement program that addresses the nine variables that may be causing your condition.
Why Dogs Can't Eat Chocolate: How Medicines Work and How You Can Take Them Safely
by Dr. Louise AcheyA pharmacist explains the science behind prescription medications—with helpful hints for avoiding adverse reactions and side effects. If you are one of the millions who take at least one prescription drug regularly, how can you stay safe when their effects can be so unpredictable—and occasionally even dangerous? Just as chocolate has a very different effect on your dog than it does on you, prescription drugs don&’t always work the same from person to person. In this book, a pharmacist and award-winning medical educator simplifies the complex and confusing information about pharmaceuticals, reveals the three &“Ds&” of taking medicine safely, and explains in a clear and entertaining way what happens in our bodies when we take a medicine or supplement—to help you make safer, smarter choices for your own health.
Why Don’t I Have Anything to Wear?
by Andrea CheongSustainable Clothing On a BudgetCloset filled with clothes, but nothing to wear? You’re not alone.Escape from shopping addiction. You don’t need new expensive clothes to improve your life. Using her 5-step programme, fashion blogger, stylist, and viral Tik-Tok star Andrea Cheong teaches you how to repair your relationship with clothing through emotional insight and shopping tips and tricks. In a world of fast fashion, buying less and saving more has never been easier.Sustainable living, on a budget. Want to save money and the planet? Learn to buy what you really want─look past marketing and retail mind games into the quality of your clothes. With a breakdown of different fashion processes and her iconic Mindful Monday (5-step) Method, Andrea shows you how to find your style, while not adding to consumerism and global waste.Inside, you’ll find:Fun interactive quizzes, checklists, and decision trees to save money, shop smarter, and create a wardrobe that works for youInsight into affordable sustainable clothing and ethical clothing brands, including an overview of slow fashion and the secondhand marketLearn how to analyze different types of fabric and materials so you can only buy clothing essentialsIf you liked The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, The Ultimate Book of Outfit Formulas, or Life Styling, you’ll love Why Don’t I Have Anything to Wear?
Why French Women Feel Young at 50: … and how you can too
by Mylene DesclauxIn this witty and uplifting book Mylène Desclaux speaks tenderly and honestly about turning 50 and what it means for herself and for the other women in her entourage. 'By the time we're 50, we've generally done all the important things - career, family. Now we can re-centre and discover a new energy within ourselves. It's our time to blossom - we reprogramme gently. We revitalise. We realise that we are the mistresses of our own lives... The desire to do battle disappears. We feel calm. And we know we're going to have time to make the most of it, life being very long...'With acerbic French humour she distils the essence of getting the most out of your middle age and gives advice on everything from: * Relationships* Sex* Fashion* Dating* Skincare* Friendships* Kids* BeautyIn WHY FRENCH WOMEN FEEL YOUNG AT 50 you will learn how to take pleasure from the simple things in life and how to make the most of your fifties, the Parisian way.
Why French Women Feel Young at 50: … and how you can too
by Mylene DesclauxIn this witty and uplifting book Mylène Desclaux speaks tenderly and honestly about turning 50 and what it means for herself and for the other women in her entourage. 'By the time we're 50, we've generally done all the important things - career, family. Now we can re-centre and discover a new energy within ourselves. It's our time to blossom - we reprogramme gently. We revitalise. We realise that we are the mistresses of our own lives... The desire to do battle disappears. We feel calm. And we know we're going to have time to make the most of it, life being very long...'With acerbic French humour she distils the essence of getting the most out of your middle age and gives advice on everything from: * Relationships* Sex* Fashion* Dating* Skincare* Friendships* Kids* BeautyIn WHY FRENCH WOMEN FEEL YOUNG AT 50 you will learn how to take pleasure from the simple things in life and how to make the most of your fifties, the Parisian way.(P)2018 Headline Publishing Group Ltd
Why French Women Feel Young at 50 ... and how you can too: and how you can too
by Mylène DesclauxIn this witty and uplifting book Mylène Desclaux speaks tenderly and honestly about turning 50 and what it means for herself and for the other women in her entourage. 'By the time we're 50, we've generally done all the important things - career, family. Now we can re-centre and discover a new energy within ourselves. It's our time to blossom - we reprogramme gently. We revitalise. We realise that we are the mistresses of our own lives... The desire to do battle disappears. We feel calm. And we know we're going to have time to make the most of it, life being very long...'With acerbic French humour she distils the essence of getting the most out of your middle age and gives advice on everything from: * Relationships* Sex* Fashion* Dating* Skincare* Friendships* Kids* BeautyIn WHY FRENCH WOMEN FEEL YOUNG AT 50 you will learn how to take pleasure from the simple things in life and how to make the most of your fifties, the Parisian way.
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
by Dr. Julie SmithOver 1 million copies sold worldwide!International Bestseller“Smart, insightful, and warm. Dr. Julie is both the expert and wise friend we all need.”—Lori Gottlieb, New York Times bestselling author of Maybe You Should Talk to Someone and co-host of the Dear Therapists podcastDrawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, online sensation Dr Julie Smith provides the skills you need to navigate common life challenges and take charge of your emotional and mental health in her debut book.Filled with secrets from a therapist's toolkit, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before teaches you how to fortify and maintain your mental health, even in the most trying of times. Dr Julie Smith’s expert advice and powerful coping techniques will help you stay resilient, whether you want to manage anxiety, deal with criticism, cope with depression, build self-confidence, find motivation, or learn to forgive yourself. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before tackles everyday issues and offers practical solutions in bite-sized, easy-to-digest entries which make it easy to quickly find specific information and guidance. Your mental well-being is just as important as your physical well-being. Packed with proven strategies, Dr. Julie’s empathetic guide offers a deeper understanding of how your mind works and gives you the insights and help you need to nurture your mental health every day. Wise and practical, Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before might just change your life.
Why Him? Why Her?: How to Find and Keep Lasting Love
by Helen FisherThe national bestseller that shows you how a better understanding of who you are will help you find and keep the love you want Helen Fisher can often tell, almost instantly, the hidden strengths and weaknesses in a relationship that are likely to keep a couple together or pull them apart. The words they choose, their facial structure and body language, even their doodles and where they live give strong clues to their personality type. After three decades of studying romantic relationships, Fisher has discovered that your dominant personality type guides not only who you are but who you love. Why Him? Why Her? provides a new way to understand relationships, whether you're searching for one or eager to strengthen the one you have. Beginning with a scientifically developed questionnaire to determine your prevailing personality type, Fisher tells you not only what type of person you might have chemistry with but how to find them, attract them, and keep them. Once you know the personality profile of the partner you're with--or hope to find--you can use your knowledge of how your types match up to improve your love life. More than seven million people in forty countries have learned Fisher's techniques and are using these tools to make and keep lasting romantic connections. Based on proven results, this groundbreaking book goes beyond theory to show that the complex nature of romance isn't so complicated once you truly understand yourself and others. Provocative and illuminating, Fisher's book deserves to be read by everyone looking to be loved for who they really are.
Why I Am a Five Percenter
by Michael Muhammad KnightA thoughtful, insider view of The Five Percenters-a deeply complex and misunderstood community whose ideas and symbols influenced the rise of hip-hop. Misrepresented in the media as a black parallel to the Hell's Angels, portrayed as everything from a vicious street gang to quasi- Islamic revolutionaries, The Five Percenters are a movement that began as a breakaway sect from the Nation of Islam (NOI) in 1960s Harlem and went on to impact the formation of hip-hop. References to Five Percent language and ideas are found in the lyrics of wide-ranging artists, such as Nas, Rakim, the Wu-Tang Clan, and even Jay-Z. The Five Percenters are denounced by white America as racists, and orthodox Islam as heretics, for teaching that the black man is Allah. Michael Muhammad Knight ("the Hunter S. Thompson of Islamic literature" -The Guardian) has engaged this culture as both white and Muslim; and over the course of his relationship with The Five Percenters, his personal position changed from that of an outsider to an accepted participant with his own initiatory name (Azreal Wisdom). This has given him an intimate perch from which to understand and examine the controversial doctrines of this influential movement. In Why I Am a Five Percenter, Knight strips away years of sensationalism to offer a serious encounter with Five Percenter thought. Encoded within Five Percent culture is a profound critique of organized religion, from which the movement derives its name: Only Five Percent can act as "poor righteous teachers" against the evil Ten Percent, the power structure which uses religion to deceive the Eighty- Five Percent, the "deaf, dumb, and blind" masses. Questioning his own relationship to the Five Percent, Knight directly confronts the community's most difficult teachings. In Why I Am a Five Percenter, Knight not only illuminates a thought system that must appear bizarre to outsiders, but he also brilliantly dissects the very issues of"insiders" and "outsiders," territory and ownership, as they relate to religion and privilege, and to our conditioned ideas about race. .
Why I Walk: Taking A Step in the Right Direction
by Kevin KlinkenbergThis memoir of life as a committed pedestrian in a beautiful Southern city explores the many joys and benefits of walking as a way of life.Raised on the notion that driving is the essence of freedom, many of us still cling to the belief that the American Dream is defined by a house in the suburbs and a car in the garage. But in Why I Walk, Kevin Klinkenberg shares a very different dream life—and a very different kind of freedom.A few years ago, Kevin moved to Savannah, Georgia, from Kansas City, Missouri. In large part, he chose his new home because he was seeking a truly walkable place to live. Going beyond the typical arguments against suburbia, he shows how walking on a daily basis has improved his health, finances, social life, and sense of personal freedom.By focusing directly on the real, measurable advantages of choosing to be a pedestrian, Why I Walk makes a convincing case for ending our love affair with the automobile—and rekindling the romance of walking.
Why in the Cold Does Your Snot Start Dripping?
by Lizzie WadeThe Director of the Sinus Center at Johns Hopkins University explains why our noses start to run in cold weather.
Why Is Brian So Fat?
by Lynne Adamson Ph.D. Gary SolomonA poignant story of Brian, a twelve-year-old boy who eats instead of feeling to avoid the reality of living with his dysfunctional family.
Why Is God Laughing?
by Mike Myers Deepak ChopraIn this refreshing new take on spirituality, bestselling author Deepak Chopra uses a fictional tale of a comedian and his unlikely mentor to show us a path back to hope, joy, and even enlightenment--with a lot of laughter along the way. Meet Mickey Fellows. A successful L.A. comedian, he's just a regular guy, with his fair share of fears, egocentricities, and addictions. After his father's death, Mickey meets a mysterious stranger named Francisco, who changes his life forever. The two begin an ongoing discussion about the true nature of being. Reluctantly at first, Mickey accepts the stranger's help and starts to explore his own life in an effort to answer the riddles Francisco poses. Mickey starts to look at those aspects of himself that he has hidden behind a wall of wisecracks all his life. Eventually Mickey realizes that authentic humor opens him up to the power of spirit--allowing him to finally make real connections with people. After taking the reader on a journey with Mickey, Chopra then spells out the lessons that Mickey's story imparts to us: ten reasons to be optimistic, even in our challenging world. Chopra believes that the healthiest response to life is laughter from the heart, and even in the face of global turmoil, we can cultivate an internal sense of optimism. Rich with humor and practical advice, Why Is God Laughing? shows us without a doubt that there is always a reason to be grateful, that every possibility holds the promise of abundance, and that obstacles are simply opportunities in disguise. In the end, we really don't need a reason to be happy. The power of happiness lies within each of us, just waiting to be unleashed. And Mickey Fellows's journey shows us the way.From the Hardcover edition.
Why is Mommy's Tummy So Big? Questions Children Ask About the Facts of Life
by Mary AtkinsonWhy is Mommy's tummy getting so big? Why can't I remember being born? Why do babies cry so much? Why do boys and girls look different? Why do some children grow up faster than others? Why does my big brother like girls? Why does Dad shave his face? Why do grown-ups kiss for so long?
Why It's OK to Speak Your Mind (Why It's OK)
by Hrishikesh JoshiPolitical protests, debates on college campuses, and social media tirades make it seem like everyone is speaking their minds today. Surveys, however, reveal that many people increasingly feel like they’re walking on eggshells when communicating in public. Speaking your mind can risk relationships and professional opportunities. It can alienate friends and anger colleagues. Isn’t it smarter to just put your head down and keep quiet about controversial topics? In this book, Hrishikesh Joshi offers a novel defense of speaking your mind. He explains that because we are social creatures, we never truly think alone. What we know depends on what our community knows. And by bringing our unique perspectives to bear upon public discourse, we enhance our collective ability to reach the truth on a variety of important matters. Speaking your mind is also important for your own sake. It is essential for developing your own thinking. And it’s a core aspect of being intellectually courageous and independent. Joshi argues that such independence is a crucial part of a well-lived life. The book draws from Aristotle, John Stuart Mill, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, and a range of contemporary thinkers to argue that it’s OK to speak your mind. Key Features Shows that we have not just a right but a moral duty to publicly share what we know. Argues that discussing your unique ideas with others is essential for developing as a critical thinker. Explores the value of intellectual honesty and independence in the writings of John Stuart Mill and Friedrich Nietzsche and connects their thinking to contemporary problems. Argues that avoiding cultural blind spots today is important for the fate of future generations.