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Showing 40,651 through 40,675 of 77,935 results

Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Educational Needs

by Peter Westwood

This fully revised and updated seventh edition of Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Educational Needs continues to offer practical advice on evidence-based teaching methods and intervention strategies for helping children with a wide range of disabilities or difficulties. The advice the author provides is embedded within a clear theoretical context and draws on the latest international research and literature from the field. Coverage includes: learning difficulties and disabilities students with autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disability, physical or health issues, and sensory impairments gifted and talented students developing social skills and self-management behaviour management teaching methods literacy and numeracy curriculum differentiation and adaptive teaching computer-based instruction and e-learning. Peter Westwood also provides additional information and advice on transition from school to employment for students with disabilities, lesson study, e-learning, and computer-aided instruction, and reflects on the important changes made within the latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Communicating through Vague Language: A Comparative Study of L1 and L2 Speakers

by Grace Q. Zhang Peyman G.P. Sabet

This book is a comparative study of vague language based on naturally occurring data of L1 and L2 speakers in academic settings. It explores how L2 learners have diverse and culturally specific needs for vague language compared with L1s, and are generally vaguer.

Communiquer avec vos enfants - Apprendre à s'écouter et à se parler

by Karen Campbell Isabelle De Rose

Dès le plus jeune âge, nos qualités de communication sont sollicitées et impactent la dynamique familiale. Si certains parents communiquent effectivement avec leurs enfants, sont-ils vraiment sur la même longueur d'ondes ? Telle est l'essence de la proximité des relations. Tout est question de connexion. Tout simplement. Mais si nous souhaitons avoir des enfants avec lesquels nous pouvons entretenir des liens proches et aimants, nous devons nous employer à établir une vraie connexion. Dès la naissance. Et nous devons nous y employer chaque jour. Ce serait formidable si nous ne devions y travailler que pendant leurs jeunes années... Mais ce n'est vraiment pas le cas. A mesure que les enfants mûrissent et acquièrent leur propre indépendance, la lutte pour la communication prend une toute nouvelle tournure et les techniques que les parents appliqueront renforceront ou, au contraire détruiront, les relations qu'ils ont eu tant de mal à construire.

Community College Faculty Scholarship: New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 171 (J-B CC Single Issue Community Colleges)

by John M. Braxton

While teaching occupies the primary role of faculty members in community colleges, the question remains: To what extent are community college faculty members engaged in research and scholarship? This issue focuses on: the types of research and scholarship performed by community college faculty, the forces that foster or impede the engagement of community college faculty members in research and scholarship, specific examples of community college faculty scholarship that demonstrate the value of this work to the institution and to larger society, and policies and practices at the institutional, local, and state level that support engagement in research and scholarship. This is the 171st volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Essential to the professional libraries of presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other leaders in today's open-door institutions, New Directions for Community Colleges provides expert guidance in meeting the challenges of their distinctive and expanding educational mission.

Community College Finance

by David S. Baime Christopher M. Mullin David S. Honeyman

Smart financial management means more students served Community College Finance provides an introduction to best practices for community college leaders and their boards, with guidance on the complex regulations, processes, and considerations surrounding the financial management of these unique institutions. As community colleges continue to increase in importance, this book provides non-technical yet extensive information to guide current and future leaders toward the establishment of effective processes to secure and maintain the funding that is so crucial to the education and future of millions of students nationwide. Readers will gain insight into the background and foundation of community college finance and learn the essentials of practice in today's economic and political climate. The discussion covers student financial aid, tuition, budgeting, and more, and explores the future of federal policy and what it means for the institutions that play such a critical role in the nation's educational system. Over eight million students attend more than a thousand community colleges in the United States today, and those colleges are now facing the retirement of their founding generation of leadership. Meanwhile, the balance between traditional funding sources is shifting as new models and approaches are being implemented, and comprehensive, guiding resources are lacking. This book fills that need with expert insight reflecting current realities and a true understanding of the challenges community colleges face. Readers will: Delve into factors affecting funding and the cost of attendance Develop a budgeting style and process that serves the institution Learn to manage fiscal crises effectively without reducing standards Consider the future of federal policy and how it will affect budgeting At a time when a difficult economy raises questions about the value of higher education, the value that community colleges offer becomes ever more clear. Community College Finance provides the guidance leaders need to help their institutions flourish.

Community Fieldwork in Teacher Education: Theory and Practice (Routledge Research in Teacher Education)

by Heidi L Hallman Melanie Burdick

In teacher education, field work in community-based spaces (including foster homes and programs for homeless youth) is frequently contrasted with "traditional" field experiences in classroom settings, where beginning teachers are immediately introduced to teacher-centered models of instruction. This volume works against such a model, presenting a counter-narrative of new teachers’ understanding of the act of teaching. By exploring their work with at risk youth in community-based sites, the authors uncover how non-traditional spaces for teaching and learning have the potential to open new doors for reimagining the teaching act and teacher identity. This volume examines how prospective teachers have used writing within unconventional spaces as catalysts for considering what it means to become a teacher, as well as how the work of teaching can be conceptualized. It unites the practical aspects of field work and with theoretical conceptions of teaching, and envisions how the work and the definition of "teaching" can be broadened.

Community Partner Guide to Campus Collaborations: Enhance Your Community By Becoming a Co-Educator With Colleges and Universities

by Christine M. Cress Stephanie T. Stokamer Joyce P. Kaufman

“Interacting with colleges can be confusing and frustrating. We learned the hard way through trial and error over the years. This Guide has great strategies for developing effective collaborations from the outset so that resources are leveraged for education and improvement.”—Sheila, Boys and Girls Club“VERY strong and well-written chapters with lots of gold that I think community organizations will find very helpful.”—Melia, Hands on Greater Portland“The format and visual cues make the Guide easy to scan for quick tips and ideas. Also, the information is comprehensive regarding research-based practices, but the writing is friendly and engaging for all non-profit sectors and community agencies. Lots of practical examples.”—Juan, Immigrant Empowerment* Discover Campus Resources for Identifying Volunteers and Service-Learners* Decode Confusing Language, Terminology, and Acronyms of Academe* Decipher Your Academic Partner’s Goals for Community-Based Learning and Research* Devise Empowering Learning and Serving Experiences for Students and Clients* Design Sustainable and Enriching Relationships for Enhancing CommunitiesBased upon years of field experience, this Guide is addressed to you, whether your non-profit has experience of working with university interns or volunteers but wants to deepen and increase the effectiveness of the relationship; whether your agency is starting to explore how to improve client services through a campus collaboration; or whether you work for an NGO interested in partnering with universities across borders to effect positive change and draw attention to the challenges, resources, and needs of your community. This Guide offers insights and strategies to leverage student learning and community empowerment for the benefit of both parties. Recognizing both the possibilities and the pitfalls of community-campus collaborations, it demystifies the often confusing terminology of education, explains how to locate the right individuals on campus, and addresses issues of mission, expectations for roles, tasks, training, supervision, and evaluation that can be fraught with miscommunication and misunderstanding. Most importantly it provides a model for achieving full reciprocity in what can be an unbalanced relationship between community and campus partners so that all stakeholders can derive the maximum benefit from their collaboration.This Guide is also available in sets of six or twelve, at reduced prices, to facilitate its use for planning, and for training of leaders engaged in partnerships.The Community Partner Guide to Campus Collaborations Six Copy Set978-1-62036-271-6, $87.00The Community Partner Guide to Campus Collaborations Twelve Copy Set978-1-62036-272-3, $150.00

Community Resilience, Universities and Engaged Research for Today’s World

by Sarah Mcnicol Wendy Madsen Lynette Costigan

The increasing development of partnerships between universities and communities allows the research of academics to become engaged with those around them. This book highlights several case studies from a range of disciplines, such as psychology, social work and education to explore how these mutually beneficial relationships function.

Cómo dar con tu alma gemela - Encuentra la felicidad y el amor duradero

by S. Zaragoza Sarah Goldberg

El motivo por el que no consigues dar con un amor duradero es que no estás haciendo las cosas bien en lo que se refiere a la búsqueda de tu alma gemela. Este libro te enseñará el modo de encontrar la felicidad en esa alma gemela que te mereces. ¿Sales a buscar a tu alma gemela por los bares? MAL. ¿Buscas en los portales de citas sin un objetivo claro? VUELVE A INTENTARLO. Mereces encontrar la felicidad y un amor duradero, y este libro te ensañará cómo dar con ello y ser, por fin, feliz. En este libro encontrarás las claves para aprender que: 1. Es posible dar con tu alma gemela. 2. A veces, nosotros mismos saboteamos nuestras posibilidades de conocer a nuestra alma gemela; aprende cómo evitar ese auto sabotaje. 3. El vínculo con tu alma gemela es tan fuerte que es imposible no reconocerlo. 4. Hay que limpiar de morralla emocional nuestra vida para dejar espacio al amor verdadero. 5. Es posible encontrar el amor en una web de citas online como; aprende los trucos que te harán evitar ser una perdedora 2.0. ¿Necesitas más razones para comprar este libro? He aquí una maravillosa: Dono el 5% de los beneficios de las ventas de mis libros a Reading Is Fundamental, la mayor y más respetada organización sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a alfabetizar niños en los Estados Unidos. Cuando compras este libro, ¡les ayudas a aprender a leer! Deja de salir con perdedores. Empieza a buscar el amor verdadero. Aprende cómo encontrar a tu alma gemela y compra este libro ya mismo.

Como escrever um livro em 90 dias

by Conrad Jones Rodrigo Andrea

O sistema utilizado para escrever um best seller em 90 dias. A versão estendida de ''como escrever um livro completo em 90 dias'' é um guia com um sistema de tentativa e erro utilizado por um escritor de thriller bem sucedido que escreveu 12 livos e mais uma série de guias de marketing publicados desde 2008! Agora o guia mais vendido de ''como escrever'' está disponível para Kindle. Esse guia conciso te orienta a escrever um livro ao utilizar uma abordagem sistemática à escrita. Esse guia é escrito por um autor, não um ''guru''. Um simples passo a passo de como se planejar a cada dia Sem encheção de linguiça e sem teoria, somente fatos em um guia conciso. Há vários guias sobre como escrever livros no mercado, mas quantos deles são escritos por autores bem sucedidos ? A resposta é: não muitos. Como alguém pode escrever um guia, a menos que tenha passado pelo processo de escrita várias vezes ? A simples resposta para essa pergunta é que eles não podem se basear em suas experiências para ajudar um outro escritor a evitar os erros e armadilhas. A maioria dos guias regurgitam informações que foram retiradas de outros livros ou sites de escrita criativa. Como eles podem te dar conselhos se eles mesmos nunca se sentaram e focaram inúmeras vezes em escrever um livro que venda ? Escrever é assim como qualquer outra tarefa que realizamos como indivíduos. Nós temos que aprender como fazê-lo para assim, realizar um bom trabalho. Para aprender a dirigir você precisa de aulas. Ninguém entra em uma cozinha e cria um prato gourmet na primeira tentativa. Se você quer um sistema para escrever um livro, então você precisa de conselhos de um escritor que demorou anos para desenvolvê-los por meio da experiência.

¿Cómo llego a fin de mes? Edición del 25 Aniversario: Un plan práctico hacia la prosperidad integral

by Andrés Panasiuk

Aprende cómo estirar tu salario, no solo para lograr que te alcance ¡sino para convertirlo en el instrumento principal para alcanzar tus metas ?nancieras!¿Cómo llego a fin de mes?, el best seller galardonado por los Premios SEPA por el mejor libro original en español, es una guía importante, basada en principios integrales y valores bíblicos, que ha ayudado a más de medio millón de lectores a tomar control de sus finanzas y lograr la estabilidad financiera. Aprenderás del principio de la renuncia, la felicidad, la paciencia y la perseverancia, entre otros, no menos importantes.Entenderás la receta conformada por los 7 ingredientes indispensables que no te deben faltar en el camino hacia la libertad financiera.Lograrás armar un plan de control de gastos y llevarás a cabo las acciones necesarias para cambiar, no solamente tu calidad de vida, sino también la de los demás, aspirando a ser ejemplo en tu comunidad a través del don de la generosidad. Únete al Dr. Andrés Panasiuk, para alcanzar el éxito con cambios fáciles que puedes implementar en tu vida diaria utilizando formularios sencillos con plantillas y ejercicios claros. Este recurso de probada e?cacia te ayudará a personalizar tu estilo y ritmo de vida e iniciar tu transición hacia la prosperi-dad... ¡No lo pospongas más!How Do I Make It 'til the End of the Month?Learn how to stretch your salary, not only to make ends meet, but to turn it into the main instrument to reach your financial goals!How Do I Make It 'Til the End of the Month?, the bestselling SEPA Award winner for Best Original Spanish-language book, is an important guide, based on holistic principles and biblical values, that has helped more than half a million readers take control of their finances and achieve financial stability.You will learn about the principle of renunciation, happiness, patience and perseverance, among others, no less important.You will understand the recipe made up of the 7 indispensable ingredients that you should not miss on the road to financial freedom.You will be able to put together a spending control plan and you will carry out the necessary actions to change not only your quality of life, but also that of others, aspiring to be an example in your community through the gift of generosity.Join Dr. Andres Panasiuk, to achieve success with easy changes you can implement in your daily life using simple forms with clear templates and exercises. This proven resource will help you customize your lifestyle and pace of life and begin your transition to prosperity..... Don't put it off any longer!

Cómo Mejorar La Conducta de Tu Hijo, Hoy

by Karen Campbell Katrina Kahler Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo

Los tres secretos para educar a un niño bien portado son proveer un gran modelo de rol, consistencia y expectativas. Suena simple ¿No es así? Bueno, si sigues los consejos de este libro y te apegas a ellos, verás cambios casi inmediatamente. Muchos padres están lidiando para mantener el control de sus hijos. Se están ahogando y no saben moldear la conducta de sus hijos. Y más y más niños muestran problemas de conducta en las escuelas y los hogares. Un número creciente de preescolares vienen a la escuela con conducta anti-social incluyendo decir malas palabras, pelear y falta de cooperación. Muchos adolescentes están fuera de control siendo irrespetuosos e infelices. Los padres son responsables de modelar la conducta de sus hijos desde el nacimiento. Algunos padres encuentran esto muy difícil y tienen a darse por vencidos y ceder a los deseos y demandas de su hijo. Darse por vencido enseña al niño que si grita lo suficientemente fuerte, hace un berrinche o se vuelve violento físicamente, entonces lograrán lo que desean. Así que si estás luchando o simplemente quieres que tu hijo sea respetuoso, compra este libro y sigue sus consejos. Karen Campbell y Katrina Kahler son maestras con gran experiencia que han cambiado las vidas de muchos niños en los últimos 30 años. Comparten sus secretos para modificar exitosamente la conducta en "Cómo mejorar la conducta de tu hijo hoy" Comienza a trabajar en la conducta de tu hijo y su nivel de respeto, hoy, ¡serán más felices y tú también!

Como melhorar o solo de seu jardim e horta

by Amber Richards Marcelo Del Fiore de Araujo

Como Melhorar o Solo de seu Jardim e Horta é um guia simples para conseguir frutas, verduras, flores e ervas aromáticas deliciosas. Você jamais construiria sua casa em uma fundação ruim, então para de envenenar o solo que utiliza em seu jardim e horta. Como Melhorar o Solo de seu Jardim e Horta vai lhe mostrar o caminho com menor esforço para ter um jardim e horta saudáveis, sem contar os pássaros atraídos cantando em agradecimento. Os primeiros resultados farão você pensar por que não começou antes. Você aprenderá como melhorar muito o nível de nutrientes no solo, melhorar sua estrutura e garantir jardins e hortas saudáveis em qualquer clima e estação. Utilizando as técnicas orgânicas mostradas nesse livro você sentirá orgulho de suas colheitas fartas e jardins vistosos a cada temporada.

Como pez en el árbol: Una novela sobre la dislexia

by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

Una historia emotiva e inspiradora que llegará a todos aquellos que alguna vez han sentido que no encajaban. «Todos somos genios. Pero si juzgas a un pez por su habilidad paratrepar a los árboles, pasará toda su vida sintiéndose un estúpido.»Albert Einstein, disléxico Ally es una maestra en el arte del engaño. Cada vez que llega a un nuevo colegio, esconde su incapacidad de leer creando inteligentes pero extrañas distracciones a su alrededor. Tiene miedo de pedir ayuda. Y, además, ¿es que alguien puede curar la estupidez? Pero su nuevo profesor ha visto el brillo y la creatividad oculta tras su aire problemático. Con su ayuda, Ally aprenderá que la dislexia no es algo de lo que avergonzarse, mientras se abre ante ella un mundo lleno de posibilidades. Porque cada uno de nosotros llevamos un océano dentro, y las grandes mentes no suelen pensar como lo hacen los demás. La crítica ha dicho...«Conmovedora... Con el énfasis en "pensar de forma diferente". Los fans de R.J. Palacio apreciarán esta historia que ensalza el valor de la amistad y de la inteligencia no convencionales.»Kirkus Reviews «Una historia llena de personajes únicos dibujados con el corazón. Una novela sobre la dislexia, algo tan único como su heroína.»Booklist «Los lectores... adorarán a esta maravillosa protagonista.»The Horn Book

Como sobreviver ao Apocalipse Zumbi

by Gabriel Ribeiro Ben Jackson

Bem-vindo ao guia completo de como sobreviver a um apocalipse zumbi! Esse livro é seu melhor amigo em se tratando de zumbis, como vencê-los e como sobreviver em um ambiente pós-apocalíptico. Nas páginas de Como sobreviver ao Apocalipse Zumbi, cobriremos uma ampla variedade de assuntos: - Quatro tipos principais de zumbis - Ficar ou correr? - Suprimentos e Mochilas de Emergência - Armas para matar zumbis - Viajando após o apocalipse - Resenhas de séries e filmes sobre zumbis E mais! Se você quer aprender sobre zumbis, não existe fonte melhor. Não enfrente zumbis sem este guia!

Cómo Sobrevivir al Apocalipsis Zombi

by Lic. José de Jesús de Santos Arias Ben Jackson

Les presento la guía completa con respecto a los zombis y a cómo sobrevivir al apocalipsis zombi. Considere que este libro es su mejor recurso con respecto al tema de los zombis, cómo vencerlos y cómo sobrevivir en un entorno post-apocalíptico. En las páginas del libro "Cómo Sobrevivir al Apocalipsis Zombi, abarcaré una amplia gama de temas, a saber: los cuatro diferentes tipos de zombis, si hay que reubicarse o quedarse en un solo lugar, provisiones y preparación de una mochila de supervivencia, armas para matar a los zombis, aventurarse solo o formar un grupo, modos de transporte después del evento apocalíptico, reseñas sobre series de televisión y películas populares que abordan el tema de los zombis. Si quiere conocer el tema de los zombis, entonces no encontrará un mejor recurso que este libro. Además, el libro no solo trata sobre zombis, sino que se abarca una gran variedad de temas. Se habla sobre la manera de sobrevivir en un entorno post-apocalíptico y lo que se puede hacer para estar preparado para dicho evento. Por favor, desplácese a la parte superior de la página y haga clic en el botón de COMPRAR AHORA, le aseguro que no se arrepentirá.

Comparative Causal Mapping: The CMAP3 Method

by Mauri Laukkanen Mingde Wang

Comparative Causal Mapping: The CMAP3 Method, by Mauri Laukkanen and Mingde Wang, is an introduction to the conceptual backgrounds of causal (cognitive) mapping and to the typical methods in comparative and composite causal mapping, based on either interview or questionnaire primary data or on secondary documentary data. The discussed CCM research is supported by CMAP3, a freely downloadable ( Windows software platform for CCM studies. The book has three parts. The first discusses the theoretical underpinnings and methodological issues in causal mapping including the target phenomena and different interpretations of causal maps/mapping, the motives for using CCM methods and the criteria of method selection. The second part focuses on the technical aspects of using CMAP3 in typical CCM research. The third part presents three CCM study cases: a classical document-based study; a semi-structured interview-based (SIM) study; and a methodological study comparing SIM with an electronically administered structured hybrid CCM approach. In addition to demonstrating CCM practices, they suggest that different methods produce divergent results and are thus not substitutable. The research task should determine which CCM approach is appropriate. The book will appeal to both academic and professional audiences, in particular to doctoral students and experienced researchers looking for new topics and method approaches, but also to practitioners in fields such as management and organization studies, organizational development, public policy and education, and knowledge management.

Comparative Civil Service Systems in the 21st Century

by Frits M. van der Meer Jos C.N. Raadschelders Theo A.J. Toonen

This revised and expanded edition of a benchmark collection compares how civil services around the world have adapted to cope with managing public services in the 21st century. The volume provides insights into multi-level governance, juridification and issues of efficiency and responsiveness as well as exploring the impact of fiscal austerity.

COMPASS and Implementation Science: Improving Educational Outcomes of Children with ASD (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by John H. Mcgrew Lisa A. Ruble

This Brief examines COMPASS - the Collaborative Model for Promoting Competence and Success - a consultation-based intervention specialized for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Based on the Evidence-Based Practices in Psychology (EBPP) framework, the volume describes the processes that strengthen the expert support relationships between consultant and teacher (i. e. , implementation) and between teacher and student (i. e. , intervention). In addition, the Brief addresses how consultation methods work within COMPASS, with teachers learning from consultants' implementation methods to tailor instructions that are specific to students' educational and personal factors. This unique framework corresponds with current, widespread research and aims to provide more effective educational services for students with ASD during their crucial formative years. Topics featured in this text include: COMPASS practice outcome based on idiographic assessment and measures of quality. Evidence for the efficacy of COMPASS. COMPASS implementation quality. COMPASS intervention quality and active ingredients. Teacher and student internal and external factors impacting COMPASS. COMPASS and Implementation Science is a must-have resource for clinicians, scientist-practitioners, researchers, and graduate students in the fields of child and school psychology, behavioral therapy, and social work as well as rehabilitation, special education, and speech pathology.

The Complete Conflict of the Ages

by Ellen G. White

This key Seventh Day Adventist text explains in detail the SDA understanding of the conflict between God and Satan and their understanding of the Bible and much of world history. White wrote the series based on her research of other authors and special information which she claimed to receive through visions from God. The books thus include unique insights and concepts not found in other works of the time.

The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome

by Tony Attwood

The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome is the definitive handbook for anyone affected by Asperger's syndrome (AS). Now including a new introduction explaining the impact of DSM-5 on the diagnosis and approach to AS, it brings together a wealth of information on all aspects of the syndrome for children through to adults. Drawing on case studies and personal accounts from Attwood's extensive clinical experience, and from his correspondence with individuals with AS, this book is both authoritative and extremely accessible. Chapters examine: * causes and indications of the syndrome * the diagnosis and its effect on the individual * theory of mind * the perception of emotions in self and others * social interaction, including friendships * long-term relationships * teasing, bullying and mental health issues * the effect of AS on language and cognitive abilities, sensory sensitivity, movement and co-ordination skills * career development. There is also an invaluable frequently asked questions chapter and a section listing useful resources for anyone wishing to find further information on a particular aspect of AS, as well as literature and educational tools. Essential reading for families and individuals affected by AS as well as teachers, professionals and employers coming in contact with people with AS, this book should be on the bookshelf of anyone who needs to know or is interested in this complex condition. 'I usually say to the child, "Congratulations, you have Asperger's syndrome", and explain that this means he or she is not mad, bad or defective, but has a different way of thinking.' - from The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome

The Complete Guide to Drones Extended 2nd Edition: Whatever Your Budget

by Adam Juniper

If you think you need a boarding pass to fly, you're really missing out... Today, drones are everywhere. From film studios to farms, they're in the hands of photographers, commercial surveyors and racers alike. This fully illustrated book explains how drones developed, where they're going and which one you should choose. It even includes complete instructions to build both a simple drone and a super-fast FPV racer yourself.Whether you're flying indoors or out, buying or building, this book covers everything:¿ Understand the Jargon Flying has a lot of unfamiliar terminology, but this book will make it easy to master.¿ Business or Pleasure Every type of multicopter you might want is introduced, including explanations of which is best suited for what role.¿ Get the Best Pictures This edition includes an extended guide to the tech and composition tricks you can use to make your pictures stand out of the pack.¿ Get the Best Video A new shot-guide shows you how to get the most engaging aerial video, whatever your drone.¿ Be a Winning FPV Racer There are two complete step-by-step instructions for building your own drones inside: an FPV racer, or a surprisingly cheap wooden drone - both great projects.Following the worldwide success of the first edition, which has been translated into numerous languages, this second edition is not only fully updated to keep pace with the laws and technology, but also extended to thoroughly cover the fast-growing new sport of FPV drone racing, while still including a comprehensive guide to learning to fly any drone.

The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing Comics

by Comfort Love Adam Withers

Take Control of Your Comics-Making Destiny Creating your own comic is easier than ever before. With advances in technology, the increased connectivity of social media, and the ever-increasing popularity of the comics medium, successful DIY comics publishing is within your reach. With The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing Comics, creators/instructors Comfort Love and Adam Withers provide a step-by-step breakdown of the comics-making process, perfect for any aspiring comics creator. This unprecedented, in-depth coverage gives you expert analysis on each step--writing, drawing, coloring, lettering, publishing, and marketing. Along the way, luminaries in the fields of comics, manga, and webcomics--like Mark Waid, Adam Warren, Scott Kurtz, and Jill Thompson--lend a hand, providing "Pro Tips" on essential topics for achieving your comics-making dreams. With the insights and expertise contained within these pages, you'll have everything you need and no excuses left: It's time to make your comics!From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Complete Marching Band Resource Manual: Techniques and Materials for Teaching, Drill Design, and Music Arranging

by Wayne Bailey Cormac Cannon Brandt Payne

The Complete Marching Band Resource Manual is the definitive guide to the intricate art of directing college and high school marching bands. Supplemented with musical arrangements, warm-up exercises, and over a hundred drill charts, this manual presents both the fundamentals and the advanced techniques that are essential for successful marching band leadership. The materials in this volume cover every stage of musical direction and instruction, from selecting music and choreographing movements to improving student memorization and endurance to the creation of striking visual configurations through uniform and auxiliary units.Now in its third edition, The Complete Marching Band Resource Manual has been thoroughly updated to reflect new standards for drill design, charting, and musical arrangement. Offering a fresh approach to the essentials of good marching band design, this comprehensive resource shows both veteran and novice band directors how to prepare students to perform seamless and sophisticated musical formations.

The Complete Musician: An Integrated Approach To Theory, Analysis And Listening

by Steven G. Laitz Ian Sewell

Beginning with music fundamentals, The Complete Musician covers all the topics necessary for a thorough understanding of undergraduate music theory by focusing on music in context. <P><P>Rather than rote learning of concepts and memorizing terms, The Complete Musician emphasizes how theory informs the work of performers. Composers respond not only to their instincts, experiences, and training in every work they write; they also follow certain ideals and models when appropriate, and modify them to fit their own personal vision. <P><P>Theory is not a "theoretical" activity; it is a living one that responds to how music is composed and performed. Understanding how theory intersects with composition and performance is key to seeing its relevance to students' wider musical lives. The Complete Musician makes this connection.

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