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End The Fed

by Ron Paul

In the post-meltdown world, it is irresponsible, ineffective, and ultimately useless to have a serious economic debate without considering and challenging the role of the Federal Reserve. Most people think of the Fed as an indispensable institution without which the country's economy could not properly function. But in End the Fed, Ron Paul draws on American history, economics, and fascinating stories from his own long political life to argue that the Fed is both corrupt and unconstitutional. It is inflating currency today at nearly a Weimar or Zimbabwe level, a practice that threatens to put us into an inflationary depression where $100 bills are worthless. What most people don't realize is that the Fed -- created by the Morgans and Rockefellers at a private club off the coast of Georgia -- is actually working against their own personal interests. Congressman Paul's urgent appeal to all citizens and officials tells us where we went wrong and what we need to do fix America's economic policy for future generations.

The Revolution: A Manifesto

by Ron Paul

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThis much is true: You have been lied to. The government is expanding. Taxes are increasing. More senseless wars are being planned. Inflation is ballooning. Our basic freedoms are disappearing. The Founding Fathers didn't want any of this. In fact, they said so quite clearly in the Constitution of the United States of America. Unfortunately, that beautiful, ingenious, and revolutionary document is being ignored more and more in Washington. If we are to enjoy peace, freedom, and prosperity once again, we absolutely must return to the principles upon which America was founded. But finally, there is hope . . . In THE REVOLUTION, Texas congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul has exposed the core truths behind everything threatening America, from the real reasons behind the collapse of the dollar and the looming financial crisis, to terrorism and the loss of our precious civil liberties. In this book, Ron Paul provides answers to questions that few even dare to ask. Despite a media blackout, this septuagenarian physician-turned-congressman sparked a movement that has attracted a legion of young, dedicated, enthusiastic supporters . . . a phenomenon that has amazed veteran political observers and made more than one political rival envious. Candidates across America are already running as "Ron Paul Republicans.""Dr. Paul cured my apathy," says a popular campaign sign. THE REVOLUTION may cure yours as well.

How Alexander Hamilton Screwed Up America

by Ron Paul Brion Mcclanahan

He is the star of a hit Broadway musical, the face on the ten dollar bill, and a central figure among the founding fathers. But do you really know Alexander Hamilton? <P><P>Rather than lionize Hamilton, Americans should carefully consider his most significant and ultimately detrimental contribution to modern society: the shredding of the United States Constitution.Connecting the dots between Hamilton’s invention of implied powers in 1791 to transgender bathrooms and same-sex marriage two centuries later, Brion McClanahan shows the origins of our modern federal leviathan.

El poder de lo Invisible

by Paula Marcela Moreno Zapata

Memorias de Paula Moreno la ministra más joven en la historia de Colombia y primer mujer afrocolombiana en ocupar un cargo ministerial. En El poder de lo invisible, Paula Moreno nos relata cómo una mujer de 28 años, afrocolombiana y sin apellidos tradicionales o aristocráticos estuvo a cargo del Ministerio de Cultura un hecho sin precedentes en la historia del país, con el ánimo de que sus vivencias puedan servir de inspiración y empoderamiento a los jóvenes colombianos, especialmente aquellos que por alguna razón se sientan en la periferia, por hacer parte de una minoría o por haber sido discriminados de alguna u otra forma. El libro cuenta con siete partes en las que relata, además de su nombramiento y paso por el ministerio, cuáles son sus orígenes familiares y su trayectoria profesional.


by Paule San Salvador del Valle

22 es un conjunto de reflexiones, recuerdos, lecturas y pequeñas historias que completan un testimonio vital, valiente y sincero sobre la lucha contra el cáncer de Paule, su autora. Y es, por encima de todo, un retrato tenaz sobre sí misma y sobre sus ansias de vida. «Esta es la historia de un año en el que tuve cáncer. Ese puto cáncer que a tantas y a tantos se nos ha interpuesto en el camino. Un año especial, un año lleno de retos a todos los niveles, de aprendizajes constantes. Pero sobre todo, es un intento de ordenar lo que pasó, de entenderlo mejor y de exprimir todo lo positivo que me ha aportado. Desde las tripas.»Paule


by Jane Pauley

“Truth arrives in microscopic increments, and when enough has accumulated–in a moment of recognition, you just know. You know because the truth fits. I was the only member of my family to lack the gene for numbers, but I do need things to add up. Approaching midlife, I became aware of a darkening feeling–was it something heavy on my heart, or was something missing? Grateful as I am for the opportunities I’ve had, and especially for the people who came into my life as a result, I couldn’t ignore this f...

Your Life Calling: Reimagining the Rest of Your Life

by Jane Pauley

Jane Pauley, &“America&’s baby boomer&” (Tom Brokaw) and the new anchor of CBS Sunday Morning, offers an inspirational guidebook &“chockablock with keen insights for career transitions&” (USA TODAY).In 2014, every baby boomer will have reached the milestone age of fifty. For most, it&’s not an end, but the beginning of something new. Research has shown that people in their fifties are more vital now than they were only ten years ago. They&’re saying, &“I&’m game, I&’m up for it, I want to do more.&” Jane Pauley, one of America&’s most beloved and trusted broadcast journalists, offers humor and insight about the journey forward. The New York Times bestseller Your Life Calling is a fresh look at ideas that have been simmering since boomers first entered midlife with a different perspective on the future than any generation before: that there was more to come—and perhaps the best of all.Jane is not an advice giver but a storyteller. Here she tells her own and introduces readers to the fascinating people she has featured on her award-winning Today show segment, &“Life Reimagined Today.&” You&’ll meet Betsy McCarthy, who traded in her executive briefcase for knitting needles; Gid Pool, who launched a career as a stand-up comic; Richard Rittmaster, who joined the National Guard Chaplain Corps; Trudy Lundgren, who took her home on the road in an RV; Paulie Gee, who opened a successful pizzeria in Brooklyn; and many more.&“Jane Pauley is a wonderful guide to all the different ways you can open new doors in life, many of which lead to unexpected places. She shows with humor and insight why the journey to reinvention can come from all kinds of places and produce all kinds of joys&” (Michael J. Fox). Your Life Calling is delightful, compelling, and motivating for anyone asking &“What am I going to do with my supersized life?&”

Maurice Duplessis

by Marguerite Paulin Nora Alleyn

During his 18-year reign as premier of Quebec, Maurice Duplessis dominated the province and shaped it to his image. A brilliant orator and a scathing wit, Duplessis exercised complete control over his caucus and the Cabinet. If he couldnt get a vote, he bought it. Politics was the fuel that drove his life. He died on the job.

René Lévesque: Charismatic Leader

by Marguerite Paulin Jonathan Kaplansky

René Lévesque entered provincial politics in 1960 when Jean Lesage persuaded him to join his Liberal dream team. In 1968 he founded the Parti Québécois (PQ). Under the PQ banner, Lévesque served as premier from 1976 to 1985.

Quest Biographies Bundle — Books 16–20

by Marguerite Paulin Tom Shardlow Heather Kirk Anne Cimon André Vanasse

Presenting five titles in the Quest Biography series that profiles prominent figures in Canada’s history. The important Canadian lives detailed here are: influential Quebec Premier Maurice Duplessis; intrepid explorer of Western Canada, David Thompson; the author of the Jalna novels, Mazo de la Roche; wilderness chronicler Susanna Moodie; and award-winning novelist Gabrielle Roy. Includes Maurice Duplessis David Thompson Mazo de la Roche Susanna Moodie Gabrielle Roy

Lincoln's Springfield Neighborhood

by Bonnie E Paull Richard E. Hart

When an emotional Abraham Lincoln took leave of his Springfield neighbors, never to return, his moving tribute to the town and its people reflected their profound influence on the newly elected president. His old neighborhood still stands today as a National Historic Site. The story of the life Lincoln and his family built there returns to us through the careful work of authors Bonnie E. Paull and Richard E. Hart. Journey back in time and meet this diverse but harmonious community as it participated in the business of everyday living while gradually playing a larger role on the national stage.

Calidad de vida

by Juan Carlos Paullier

Esta es una historia inspiradora, pero además, es un libro que pretendebrindarle a los lectores, herramientas que los ayuden a mejorar su Calidad de Vida. En noviembre de 1993, un auto que iba a más de 100 kilómetros por horaimpactó con el vehículo donde viajaba el doctor Juan Carlos Paullier.Días después despertó postrado y sin la certeza de poder volver acaminar. Paullier decidió luchar por su vida y a partir de ese momentoya nada fue como antes. Desde entonces decidió transmitir su experienciaa los demás y trabajar por una vida más saludable. Esta es una historiainspiradora, pero además, es un libro que pretende brindarle a loslectores, herramientas que los ayuden a mejorar su Calidad de Vida.Aunque la recibimos sin pedirla ni ser consultados, la vida es un donque debemos preservar como un legado cuya calidad es derecho de todos yresponsabilidad de cada uno. Esta obra es testimonio de ello.La importancia de este libro radica en que, al tiempo de dar cuenta dememorias, experiencias, esperanzas y proyectos de su autor, expresa losvalores, principios y compromisos de Juan Carlos Paullier comoprofesional, como ciudadano y, sobre todo ?porque es tan fundamentalcomo la relación del árbol con su semilla? como ser humano.Al recorrer las páginas siguientes cada lector llegará a sus propiasconclusiones. Aun a riesgo de parecer imprudente, permítanme adelantar ycompartir con ustedes una de las mías: Calidad de Vida nos enseña que,como casi todo en la vida, a vivir también se aprende.Dr. Tabaré Vázquez (ex Presidente de Uruguay 2005-2010)

A Numerate Life

by John Allen Paulos

Employing intuitive ideas from mathematics, this quirky "meta-memoir" raises questions about our lives that most of us don't think to ask, but arguably should: What part of memory is reliable fact, what part creative embellishment? Which favorite presuppositions are unfounded, which statistically biased? By conjoining two opposing mindsets--the suspension of disbelief required in storytelling and the skepticism inherent in the scientific method--bestselling mathematician John Allen Paulos has created an unusual hybrid, a composite of personal memories and mathematical approaches to re-evaluating them.Entertaining vignettes from Paulos's biography abound--ranging from a bullying math teacher and a fabulous collection of baseball cards to romantic crushes, a grandmother's petty larceny, and his quite unintended role in getting George Bush elected president in 2000. These vignettes serve as springboards to many telling perspectives: simple arithmetic puts life-long habits in a dubious new light; higher dimensional geometry helps us see that we're all rather peculiar; nonlinear dynamics explains the narcissism of small differences cascading into very different siblings; logarithms and exponentials yield insight on why we tend to become bored and jaded as we age; and there are tricks and jokes, probability and coincidences, and much more.For fans of Paulos or newcomers to his work, this witty commentary on his life--and yours--is fascinating reading.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Temas lentos

by Alan Pauls

Amplia recopilación de textos sobre arte, cine y literatura que incluyen diarios de viaje, crónicas, conferencias, columnas de opinión, prólogos, intervenciones periodísticas leídos y publicados en diversos espacios y medios de España y Latinoamérica durante dos décadas, desde fines de los años 90. Como esas embriagantes versiones en español de las baladas románticas premiadas en San Remo o Viña, estos Temas lentos, elegantes y sensuales, captan con la crítica, el diario íntimo o la viñeta satírica las modulaciones de las vanguardias (Duchamp y Warhol, ¡claro!, pero también Aira y Bolaño, Brecht y Beckett...) aplicadas a cuestiones pedestres: la orfandad, el inverosímil costumbrista de una Alemania costera, la impotencia de no encanecer con la llamarada nívea de Jarmusch o el desguace procaz de las palabras "albergue" y "alojamiento" con que se disfraza a los hoteles de citas... Del mismo modo que con la ortodoxia arquitectónica de un encuentro sexual, Pauls encuentra en el lenguaje siempre una pista, una huella, un hueco para compartir con sus lectores el éxtasis del voyeur. La crítica ha dicho... «Con una prosa elegante y perturbadora, Temas lentos traduce la curiosidad, las ideas fijas y la compulsión analítica de un escritor capaz de descifrar con rigor tanto las obras de Borges, Duchamp, Bolaño o Jean-Luc Godard como la noción del tiempo en la ciudad de Brasilia, el placer de manejar autos alquilados o las desdichas universales de las tardes de domingo.»El boomeran(g) «La entrada, una mera descripción, un apunte del autor, es al tiempo una buena manera de leer Temas lentos, una exploración que se revitaliza en cada vuelta de página y que puede ser pensada como el mosaico del pensamiento paulsiano, siempre atravesado por más de una hipótesis de lectura. Ya sea de manera lineal o azarosa, juguetona o ceñuda, el rastreo de los textos del libro impone una lógica audaz, empuja a un compromiso con los tópicos, a un entrecruzamiento de nombres, concepciones, análisis, curiosidades y atravesamientos.»Revista Ñ «El escritor argentino demuestra prodigio de soltura e inteligencia para tratar asuntos de alta y baja cultura.»Revista Paula


by Alan Pauls

Crónica alucinada de cómo un escritor se fabrica un mundo atroz para acceder a la verdad del amor y la literatura. «Un tortuoso viaje hacia el interior de un escritor, una suerte de crucigrama en el que se ponen en juego su vida y sus saberes.»Clarín Apenas desembarcado en Saint-Nazaire, el puerto francés donde pasará dos meses en una residencia de escritores, un novelista argentino descubre que nada es como lo había planeado. No puede escribir. La ciudad, impersonal y vacía, reconstruida por completo después de la guerra, le quita un poco el sueño. El quiste que le ha brotado en la base del cuello no para de crecer. Su mujer se aburre y su editor, dipsómano genial, atormentado, lo mete en toda clase de situaciones equívocas. Obstrucciones y malestar: es todo lo que necesita la vida del escritor, no tan cachorro, para internarse en un laberinto de espejismos lisérgicos, trampas y peripecias delirantes. Abandonado por su mujer, que huye a Londres, y engañado por su editor; el héroe recala en París, que es sólo la máscara glamorosa de una intemperie atroz, y busca redimirse con las únicas pasiones que le quedan: el fanatismo literario y el crimen. Versión tragicómica de un viejo mito de la cultura latinoamericana -el viaje iniciático a Europa-, Wasabi es la crónica alucinada de un escritor que no escribe, distraído por el goce de zozobrar y perderse. La crítica ha dicho... «Una fascinante inmersión en lo inconsciente.»Bella Jozef «Quien aprecie la gran literatura y cultive el placer del texto saldrá regocijado de la lectura de Wasabi.»Moacyr Scliar «El surgimiento de Alan Pauls es lo mejor que podía haberle pasado a la literatura argentina desde la estrella de Manuel Puig.»Ricardo Piglia

The Beet Fields

by Gary Paulsen

For a 16-year-old boy out in the world alone for the first time, every day's an education in the hard work and boredom of migrant labor; every day teaches him something more about friendship, or hunger, or profanity, or lust--always lust. <P><P>He learns how a poker game, or hitching a ride, can turn deadly. <P>He discovers the secret sadness and generosity to be found on a lonely farm in the middle of nowhere. <P>Then he joins up with a carnival and becomes a grunt, running a ride and shilling for the geek show. <P>He's living the hard carny life and beginning to see the world through carny eyes. <P>He's tough. Cynical. By the end of the summer he's pretty sure he knows it all. <P>Until he meets Ruby.

Caught by the Sea: My Life on Boats

by Gary Paulsen

Another such wave could easily be the end of us. I had to do something, fix something, save the boat, save myself. But what? Gary Paulsen takes readers along on his maiden voyage, proving that ignorance can be bliss. Also really stupid and incredibly dangerous. He tells of boats that have owned him--good, bad, and beloved--and how they got him through terrifying storms that he survived by sheer luck. His spare prose conjures up shark surprises and killer waves as well as moonlight on the sea, and makes readers feel what it's like to sail under the stars or to lie at anchor in a tropical lagoon where dolphins leap, bathed in silver. Falling in love with the ocean set Gary Paulsen on a lifelong learning curve and readers will understand why his passion has lasted to this day. From the Hardcover edition.

Gone to the Woods: Surviving a Lost Childhood

by Gary Paulsen

A middle grade memoir from a living literary legend, giving readers a new perspective on the origins of Gary Paulsen's famed survival stories.His name is synonymous with high-stakes wilderness survival stories. Now, beloved author Gary Paulsen portrays a series of life-altering moments from his turbulent childhood as his own original survival story. If not for his summer escape from a shockingly neglectful Chicago upbringing to a North Woods homestead at age five, there never would have been a Hatchet. Without the encouragement of the librarian who handed him his first book at age thirteen, he may never have become a reader. And without his desperate teenage enlistment in the Army, he would not have discovered his true calling as a storyteller.A moving and enthralling story of grit and growing up, Gone to the Woods is perfect for newcomers to the voice and lifelong fans alike, from the acclaimed author at his rawest and realest.

Pilgrimage on a Steel Ride: A Memoir About Men and Motorcycles

by Gary Paulsen

"This is a book about the things that save a man's life, beginning with a motorcycle. At the age of fifty-seven, looking over his shoulder at heart disease, increasingly surrounded by his career as a writer, Gary Paulsen acquires his first Harley-Davidson. He decides to ride long - from his home in New Mexico to Alaska - and it turns out to be a trip in time as well as space." "Through Minnesota and the Rockies to the Alaska Highway, Paulsen, the author of Winterdance, about running the Iditarod, travels through the landmarks of his life. There were the people who wouldn't let him give in, from the tough cop who kept him from becoming a juvenile delinquent to the whore who told him not to leave the army. There were the challenges that pushed him to the limit, such as high-stakes poker, wrangling a dogsled through the Alaskan wilderness, and packing horses into the foothills of Montana. And there were the days of pure sweat and muscle on farms in Minnesota or at the bottom of septic-tank pits in Colorado. Amid the silence and beauty of running the road on his Harley, Paulsen celebrates hard work, constant challenge, and ultimately the process rather than the product - not the destination but the ride."--BOOK JACKET. Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod

by Gary Paulsen

Paulsen and his team of dogs endured snowstorms, frostbite, dogfights, moose attacks, sleeplessness, and hallucinations in the relentless push to go on.


by Gary Paulsen

Gary Paulsen has had a life as exciting as fiction!Gary Paulsen, three-time Newbery Honor author, is no stranger to adventure. He has flown off the back of a dogsled and down a frozen waterfall to near disaster, and waited for a giant bear to seal his fate with one slap of a claw. He has led a team of sled dogs toward the Alaskan Mountain Range in an Iditarod -- the grueling, 1,180-mile dogsled race -- hallucinating from lack of sleep, but he determined to finish. Here, in vivid detail, Paulsen recounts several of the remarkable experiences that shaped his life and inspired his award-winning writing.

Zero to Sixty: The Motorcycle Journey of a Lifetime

by Gary Paulsen

Nearing sixty, diagnosed with heart disease and feeling his mortality, Gary Paulsen buys his first Harley-Davidson and rides from his home in New Mexico to Alaska--and from the present into his past, through the landmarks of a singular life. Paulsen's journey is peopled with familiar faces, from the tough cop who saved him from juvenile delinquency to the prostitute whose career advice stopped him from quitting the army. And the work he does while on his bike--the work of mapping his life to find meaning--is of a piece with the pure sweat and muscle of youthful days spent on farms in Minnesota, or at the bottom of septic tank pits in Colorado, or wrangling dogsleds through the Alaskan wilderness. Amid the silence and beauty of running the road on his Harley, Paulsen celebrates the comforts of hard work, the thrill of challenge met bravely, and the peculiar joys of life lived to its fullest.

My Life in Dog Years (Juvenile Ser.)

by Gary Paulsen Ruth Wright Paulsen

Gary Paulsen has owned dozens of unforgettable and amazing dogs, and here are his favorites--one to a chapter. Among them are Snowball, the puppy he owned as a boy in the Philippines; Ike, his mysterious hunting companion; Electric Fred and his best friend, Pig; Dirk, the grim protector; and Josh, one of the remarkable border collies working on Paulsen's ranch today.My Life in Dog Years is a book for every dog lover and every Paulsen fan--a perfect combination that shows vividly the joy and wisdom that come from growing up with man's best friend.From the Hardcover edition.

Voice Lessons: How a Couple of Ninja Turtles, Pinky, and an Animaniac Saved My Life

by Rob Paulsen

Rob Paulsen is one of Hollywood’s busiest, most talented, and most passionate performers. If you don’t know him by name, you will know him by the many characters he has brought to life: Pinky from Pinky and the Brain, Yakko from Animaniacs, the tough but loveable Raphael from the original animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and many more. So you can imagine how terrifying it must have been when Rob was diagnosed with throat cancer, putting his entire livelihood in jeopardy and threatening to rob the world of all his loveable characters that filled our youths and adulthoods with humor and delight. Voice Lessons tells the heartwarming and life-affirming story of Rob’s experience with an aggressive cancer treatment and recovery regimen, which luckily led to a full recovery. Rob quickly returned to doing what he loves most, but with a much deeper appreciation of what he came so close to losing. His new lease on life inspired him to rededicate himself to his fans, particularly the new friends he made along the way: hundreds of sick children and their families. Rob said it best himself: “I can not only continue to make a living, but make a difference, and I can’t wait to use that on the biggest scale that I can.”

On the Brink: Inside the Race to Stop the Collapse of the Global Financial System

by Henry M. Paulson Jr.

ON THE BRINK is Hank Paulson's first-person account of the catastrophic economic events of 2008. From the man who was in the very middle of this perfect economic storm, Paulson puts the reader in the room for all the intense moments as he addressed urgent market conditions, weighed critical decisions, and debated policy and economic considerations with of all the notable players-including the CEOs of top Wall Street firms as well as Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner, Sheila Bair, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain, and then-President George W. Bush. More than an account about numbers and credit risks gone bad, ON THE BRINK is an extraordinary story about people and politics-all brought together during the world's impending financial Armageddon.

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