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Showing 48,726 through 48,750 of 49,453 results

The Palgrave Handbook of Embodiment and Learning

by Christoph Wulf Anja Kraus

This handbook provides an important overview of corporeality, embodiment and learning in education from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Situating the body at the centre of educational practice, the editors and contributors introduce the concept of ‘tact’ as a practical corporeal language. The chapters provide a spectrum of historical, conceptual, empirical and practical educational approaches for embodied pedagogical engagement. Tact and embodied knowledge form a significant component of a teacher’s capability and professionalism: interacting with students, a pedagogue responds to them tactfully, emotionally, sensitively, and reflectively searching for the right thing to do, the right words to say, improvising in aural, linguistic, spatial, and visual way that are as restrained as they are enabled by the body. This handbook questions the familiar and established essentialist and naturalist view of the body to allow new perspectives on how corporeality affects learners. It will be of interest to scholars in education and philosophy as well as those researching in across social sciences.

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at the Workplace: CSCL@Work (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series #14)

by Volker Wulf Isa Jahnke Sean P. Goggins

This book is an edited volume of case studies exploring the uptake and use of computer supported collaborative learning in work settings. This book fills a significant gap in the literature. A number of existing works provide empirical research on collaborative work practices (Lave & Wenger, 1987; Davenport, 2005), the sharing of information at work (Brown & Duguid, 2000), and the development of communities of practice in workplace settings (Wenger, 1998). Others examine the munificent variation of information and communication technology use in the work place, including studies of informal social networks, formal information distribution and other socio-technical combinations found in work settings (Gibson & Cohen, 2003). Another significant thread of prior work is focused on computer supported collaborative learning, much of it investigating the application of computer support for learning in the context of traditional educational institutions, like public schools, private schools, colleges and tutoring organizations. Exciting new theories of how knowledge is constructed by groups (Stahl, 2006), how teachers contribute to collaborative learning (reference to another book in the series) and the application of socio-technical scripts for learning is explicated in book length works on CSCL. Book length empirical work on CSCW is widespread, and CSCL book length works are beginning to emerge with greater frequency. We distinguish CSCL at Work from prior books written under the aegis of training and development, or human resources more broadly. The book aims to fill a void between existing works in CSCW and CSCL, and will open with a chapter characterizing the emerging application of collaborative learning theories and practices to workplace learning. CSCL and CSCW research each make distinct and important contributions to the construction of collaborative workplace learning.

The Addiction Battle: Three Tools to End It Now

by Timothy J Wulff Timothy J. Wulff, M.S.W.

Is every day a challenge as you wage your personal battle against addiction? If you've fallen into the addiction trap, you are not alone. It is estimated that one out of ten Americans is struggling with addiction. Author Timothy Wulff, M.S.W., is an addiction therapist who has spent more than a decade successfully treating individuals addicted to drugs and alcohol. To identify the source of addiction, Wulff focuses on beliefs about one's self that develop early in life and that eventually obscure the strong and positive true self, increasing susceptibility to addiction. In The Addiction Battle, Wulff will help you discover where your greatest strengths are buried and teach you how to use their hidden power to overcome addiction. Wulff will teach you how to redefine the terms anger, selfishness, and troublemaking, and make them key tools in shaping your actions from a new healthy perspective:•• Anger—It's a powerful emotion that can be used constructively to protect yourself.•• Selfishness—Healthy selfishness is good self-care. Without it, addiction continues.•• Troublemaking—the opposite of pleasing others, troublemaking helps you stand up for your own feelings, needs, and desires.Learning to use these tools, which are already part of you, will enable you to reclaim these inner strengths. Through the book's practical and sensitive pages, Wulff gives you a way to begin your life anew and triumph over addiction.

Toxic Stress: How Stress Is Making Us Sick And What We Can Do About It

by Lawson R. Wulsin

Psychiatry and Heart Disease

by Lawson Wulsin Divy Ravindranath Michelle Riba Melvyn Rubenfire

This unique book will help psychiatrists to understand better the risks of cardiovascular illness and cardiologists to appreciate possible pathophysiological links with psychiatric conditions. It describes the common psychiatric conditions, their key features and how they may influence cardiovascular disease, outcomes, and quality of life. It also considers the cardiovascular complications that may arise as a result of mental illness. In an exciting, collaborative approach, psychiatrists and cardiologists combine their expertise throughout the book to provide guidance on the best way to manage such patients, considering the patient as a whole, not the individual conditions.

Pre-Referral Intervention Manual Fourth Edition

by Kathy Cummins Wunderlich Samm N. House Stephen B. Mccarney

Generally, the pre-referral process begins with a regular educator calling attention to a student with learning and/or behavior problems. A team of educators, typically composed of a special educator(s), a regular educator(s), and/or a counselor(s) from that building, meets with the educator identifying a student for pre-referral intervention. The team, along with input from the teacher calling attention to the student's needs, pinpoints the specific learning and/or behavior concerns for improvement. Goals and objectives for the student in the regular classroom are formally or informally determined, and intervention strategies for the school environment are agreed upon. With consultant assistance from the pre-referral team, the classroom teacher conducts adjusted behavior and teaching approaches for the student for a specific length of time, which may be for several weeks up to a few months. The student's progress is documented and communication continues between the pre-referral team and the classroom teacher. Based on student performance in response to pre-referral intervention strategies, decisions are made as to the student's ability to succeed in the regular classroom with adjustments in instruction, materials, testing, etc. If the student is successful with these adjustments, he/she remains in the regular classroom with continued support. If the student is not successful; formal referral, assessment, and special education services are likely to follow.

Lectures on Human and Animal Psychology (Psychology Revivals)

by Wilhelm Wundt

Wilhelm Wundt is known today as one of the founding figures of modern psychology. The first person to ever call himself a Psychologist, he is also widely regarded as the "father of experimental psychology", having established the first laboratory in the world dedicated to psychological research. This paved the way for psychology as an independent field of study. A prolific writer, this title contains 30 lectures on human and animal psychology given in the latter half of the nineteenth century. This edition was originally published in 1912, a translation of the second German edition, the earlier edition being the first of the author’s works to be translated into English.

Barbaren, Geister, Gotteskrieger: Die Evolution der Religionen – entschlüsselt

by Ina Wunn

Ein neuer Blick auf die Entwicklung der Religionen In diesem Buch geht es um die Evolution der Religionen, also um die Frage, wie und warum sich Religionen im Laufe ihrer geschichtlichen Entwicklung ver#65533;ndern und welche Gesetzm#65533;#65533;igkeiten diesen Ver#65533;nderungen zugrunde liegen. Die Autorin schildert zun#65533;chst, wie der Evolutionsgedanke sowohl in der Biologie als auch in den Geisteswissenschaften Fu#65533; gefasst hat. Dies war eine Zeit eigenwilliger Protagonisten und spannender Kontroversen, die lebhaft vor das Auge des Lesers treten. Das Buch geht dann der Frage nach, was Evolution im Bereich der Religion eigentlich bedeutet und welche Faktoren diese religi#65533;se Evolution steuern. Welcher Anpassungswert kommt Religionen zu? Wie spalten sich Religionen auf und entwickeln sich in zunehmender Eigenst#65533;ndigkeit? Gibt es so etwas wie eine Vererbung, eine Stammesgeschichte und eine Systematik der Religionen, #65533;hnlich des Gedankengeb#65533;udes, das die biologische Evolutionstheorie f#65533;r die Entwicklung der Organismenwelt entworfen hat? Am Ende dieses mutigen Buches steht nicht nur eine belastbare Theorie religi#65533;ser Evolution, sondern es wird auch deutlich, welche Umwelt- und sozialen Faktoren die Entwicklung von Religionen heute steuern. In einer Welt, in der das Religi#65533;se mit Macht zur#65533;ckzukehren scheint, d#65533;rfte dieses Werk auch zu einem differenzierteren Blick auf die Vielfalt und Einheit der Religionen beitragen. Die Autorin Ina Wunn ist Professorin f#65533;r Religionswissenschaft an der Leibniz-Universit#65533;t Hannover. Das besondere Interesse der Biologin und Religionswissenschaftlerin gilt dem Ursprung und der Evolution der Religionen.

Vier Theorien, um die Welt zu beherrschen: Und eine fünfte, nur für Damen!

by Ina Wunn

Wie kommt man gesellschaftlich ganz nach oben? Man kämpft um Macht und Anerkennung und möchte um jeden Preis Aufmerksamkeit erregen. Dabei stellt sich die Frage: Ist das wirklich so einfach und wenn ja, wo fange ich an?Gibt es einen Dresscode, der mich als Mitglied der herrschenden Klasse auszeichnet? Hilft es gar, wenn Frauen Miniröcke und tiefe Ausschnitte tragen? Läuft es etwa darauf hinaus, dass sich meine egoistische Überlebensmaschine mit ebenso egoistischen und möglichst erfolgreichen Genen zusammentut? Geht es in letzter Konsequenz nur um Paarung, um die Alphastellung und damit um einen bevorzugten Platz auf der Mating-Liste?Über all das haben sich Generationen von Biologen, Verhaltensforschern und zuletzt auch Gesellschaftswissenschaftlern Gedanken gemacht. Aber erst, wenn man vier bahnbrechende und eigentlich ganz simple Theorien (egoistisches Gen, Ritual, System und Habitus) in einen inhaltlichen Zusammenhang bringt, lässt sich das Rätsel um das große Spiel von Liebe und Macht, von Schönheit und Herrschaft, von Aufstieg und Fall durchschauen. Und sollten wir die mit Beispielen aus der Welt der Reichen und Schönen angereicherte Lektüre als Lehrstück auffassen, steht unserem gesellschaftlichen Aufstieg in die herrschende Klasse nichts mehr im Wege!

Mein erfolgreiches Orchester: Techniken und Strategien für Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung im Orchester

by Armin Wunsch

Das Buch fokussiert die vielfältigen Aspekte des Berufslebens im Orchester jenseits der musikalisch-künstlerischen Arbeit. Das Ziel ist die Begleitung und Unterstützung von Musiker*innen bei beruflichen Alltagsthemen, Krisen und Konflikten und bei ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung. Konzerte künstlerisch zu erarbeiten und vor Publikum zu präsentieren, erfordert von Musiker*innen immer wieder körperliche, mentale und kommunikative Höchstleistungen. Ein ganzes Berufsleben lang diesem Erfolgsdruck standzuhalten und das persönliche Spielniveau zu halten, bedeutet eine große Herausforderung.Aus einer langjährigen Berufserfahrung heraus, zunächst aus Perspektive eines Musikers im Orchester und dann der des Orchestermanagements, gelingt es dem Autor, die persönlichen Fragestellungen und die Themen des Kollektivs prägnant zu beschreiben, einzuschätzen und persönliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten im Orchester mit Techniken der Transaktionsanalyse zu fördern.Darüber hinaus bietet das Buch Anregung für Teamgestaltung und Teamentwicklung allgemein.

Jealousy and Envy: New Views about Two Powerful Feelings (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series)

by Léon Wurmser Heidrun Jarass

Jealousy and envy permeate the practice of psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic work. New experience and new relevance of old but neglected ideas about these two feeling states and their origins warrant special attention, both as to theory and practice. Their great complexity and multilayered nature are highlighted by a number of contributions: the very early inception of the "triangular" jealousy situations; the prominence of womb envy and hatred against femininity rooted in the envy of female procreativity; the role of shame and the core of both affects; the massive effects of the embodiment of these feelings in the conscience (i.e., the envious and resentful attacks by the "inner judge" against the self); the attempt to construct a cultic system of sacrifices the would countermand womb envy by an all-male cast of killing, rebirth, redemption, and blissful nourishment; and finally, the projection of envy, jealousy, and their context of shame and self-condemnation in the form of the Evil Eye. Taken together, the contributions to the stunning and insightful volume form a broad spectrum of new insights into the dynamics of two central emotions of rivalry and their clinical and cultural relevance and application.

Nothing Good Is Allowed to Stand: An Integrative View of the Negative Therapeutic Reaction (Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series)

by Léon Wurmser Heidrun Jarass

Work with patients with severe neuroses very often has to cope with the phenomenon that every progress in the analytic or therapeutic work is followed paradoxically by a clinical deterioration. There are a number of dynamic factors that converge to bring about this negative therapeutic reaction, including many-layered guilt and shame, aspects of envy and jealousy, attachment to negative affects, turning trauma from passive to active, conflicts within the superego, and the defensive use of omnipotence of responsibility. In Nothing Good Is Allowed to Stand, Wurmser, Jarass, and their colleagues consider these and other factors insightfully, such as the extent to which traumatization lives on in self-directed aggressions of the superego in the claim of omnipotence; the significant role of deep conflicts between opposite values and loyalties in bringing about the prohibition of anything "good" and thus of the negative therapeutic reaction in particular and masochism in general; and the extent to which envy, jealousy, and resentment can be encountered in the "inner object," the "inner judge" (i.e., the superego), and how they are directed against the self.

Trennungsmanagement in Unternehmen: Trennungsprozesse in Führung und Personalwesen fair und transparent gestalten (essentials)

by Karin Wurth

Karin Wurth wendet sich in diesem essential an F#65533;hrungskr#65533;fte und Personalverantwortliche, die aktiv in Trennungsprozesse in Unternehmen eingebunden sind und den Umgang damit als Teil einer guten Unternehmensf#65533;hrung begreifen. Die Autorin zeigt, dass sich ein wertsch#65533;tzender, transparenter Umgang mit den beteiligten Anspruchsgruppen in Trennungsprozessen lohnt. Ein professioneller Trennungsprozess mit dem eigentlichen Trennungsgespr#65533;ch im Zentrum bildet die praktische Basis aller Ma#65533;nahmen, deren Steuerung als Trennungsmanagement bezeichnet wird. Sie erl#65533;utert, wie die Unternehmenskultur durch faires Verhalten in schwierigen Situationen gest#65533;rkt wird.

More, Now, Again: A Memoir of Addiction

by Elizabeth Wurtzel

Elizabeth Wurtzel published her memoir of depression, Prozac Nation, to astonishing literary acclaim. A cultural phenomenon by age twenty-six, she had fame, money, respect—everything she had always wanted except that one, true thing: happiness.For all of her professional success, Wurtzel felt like a failure. She had lost friends and lovers, every magazine job she'd held, and way too much weight. She couldn't write, and her second book was past due. But when her doctor prescribed Ritalin to help her focus-and boost the effects of her antidepressants—Wurtzel was spared. The Ritalin worked. And worked. The pills became her sugar...the sweetness in the days that have none. Soon she began grinding up the Ritalin and snorting it. Then came the cocaine, then more Ritalin, then more cocaine. Then I need more. I always need more. For all of my life I have needed more...More, Now, Again is the brutally honest, often painful account of Wurtzel's descent into drug addiction. It is also a survival story: How Wurtzel managed to break free of her relationship with Ritalin and learned to love life, and herself, is at the heart of this ultimately uplifting memoir that no reader will soon forget.

Prozac Nation: Young and Depressed in America

by Elizabeth Wurtzel

In Prozac Nation, Wurtzel describes her harrowing battle with clinical depression before she was finally treated with Prozac. In a society plagued by divorce, economic instability, and AIDS, Wurtzel depicts the growing number of depressed and overmedicated people in America.

Der Mentoring Kompass für Unternehmen und Mentoren: Persönliche Erfahrungsberichte, Erfolgsprinzipien aus Forschung und Praxis

by Lothar Wüst Stephan Pflaum

Mentoring ist ein vielversprechendes Beratungskonzept, um die Karrieren junger Akademiker und Fachkräfte gezielt zu fördern. Das vorliegende Arbeitsbuch richtet sich gleichermaßen an Mentoren und Mentees, die eine Mentoringbeziehung während des Studiums oder am Beginn ihrer Karriere aufbauen und erfolgreich gestalten wollen. Neben einer Einführung in die grundlegenden Methoden der Beratung im Mentoringprozess bietet das Buch eine anwendungsorientierte Best-Practice-Sammlung zur erfolgreichen Gestaltung der Beziehung zwischen Mentor und Mentee.

Lebenssinn und Ressourcen in Psychotherapie und Beratung: Methoden für die Praxis

by Günther Wüsten

Was ist mein persönlicher Sinn im Leben? Und wie kann dieser Lebenssinn für meine Lebensgestaltung wichtig werden? Habe ich überhaupt Zeit dafür? Oder wie kann ich handeln, dass ich Zeit habe für den Sinn des Lebens?Dieses Buch für Psychotherapeut*innen, Berater*innen und Coaches stellt den persönlichen Lebenssinn als ergänzendes zentrales Element der psychotherapeutischen Arbeit und psychologischen Beratung dar, welches direkte Implikationen und positive Effekte auf die Arbeit mit Ressourcen, Motivation und Zielen hat.Psychologische und therapeutische Modelle im Kontext Lebenssinn und Therapiearbeit werden vorgestellt; ein ausführlicher Methodenkoffer verdeutlicht praxisnah die Arbeit mit Ressourcen unter Einbeziehung des Lebenssinns im therapeutischen und Beratungskontext. Abgerundet wird das Buch durch ein Kapitel, welches zeigt, wie sich persönliche, sinnstiftende Projekte ableiten und umsetzen lassen. Einige Beispiele dafür werden vorgestellt.

Assessment and Treatment of the DWI Offender

by Charles Wuth Alan A Cavaiola

Work more effectively with DWI offenders!This valuable book provides current information on the psychological, social-demographic, and psychiatric characteristics of DWI offenders. It also will provide you with up-to-date assessment strategies that can be employed with offenders, who characteristically are resistant to such assessment. Until now, books written on this subject have focused purely on research that has been done with offenders. This book, however, provides both theoretical and applied strategies for working with this very difficult population in clinical/treatment settings. Assessment and Treatment of the DWI Offender provides practical treatment approaches such that will help you manage client resistance and incorporate family members and significant others into the treatment process to more effectively treat offenders.Assessment and Treatment of the DWI Offender examines: the important variables that separate DWI offenders from alcoholics in general, as well as the “normal” population patterns of drinking behavior among offenders the magnitude of the DWI problem in the United States the history of the DWI countermeasures movement prevention and public education organizations such as SADD, MADD, the Partners in Progress program, the College Binge Drinking Initiative, and more enforcement techniques like breath testing, standardized field sobriety tests, on-site drug detection devices, etc. problems with the tools and techniques that are currently being used to address this issue interviewing techniques that work with DWI offenders more!Intended primarily for counselors, social workers, psychologists, and other professionals who work with DWI offenders and packed with helpful and easy-to-read statistical charts and tables, this book is also essential for graduate students in psychology, social work, chemical dependency, or any of the helping professions.

The Connected Customer: The Changing Nature of Consumer and Business Markets

by Stefan Wuyts Marnik G. Dekimpe Els Gijsbrechts Rik Piete

In today’s connected consumer environment, customers are better informed and harder to please, but they also leave a more visible evidence trail in the form of improved databases and customer information. Consumers are increasingly interconnected through various sorts of social networks, a trend that is facilitated by recent advances in electronic media and telecommunication (i.e., MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and Cyworld). Consumers are also increasingly connected with brands and seek to play a more participative role in their relationship with companies, stimulating companies to reconsider how to connect with consumers. This book consists of a collection of chapters by thought-leaders in the field of marketing and beyond that deals with the rich facets of connectivity. This edited volume is a great source of research ideas and fresh theory building for academics and students in marketing and related fields who wish to understand this exciting field. It will be a source of inspiration for practitioners who are eager to take up the challenge and adapt their marketing strategies to the changing nature of consumer and business markets.

The Psychology Of Intelligence And Will

by Wyatt, H G

First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

From Animals to Robots and Back: Reflections on Hard Problems in the Study of Cognition

by Jeremy L. Wyatt Dean D. Petters David C. Hogg

Cognitive Science is a discipline that brings together research in natural and artificial systems and this is clearly reflected in the diverse contributions to From Animals to Robots and Back. In tribute to Aaron Sloman and his pioneering work in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, the editors have collected a unique collection of cross-disciplinary papers that include work on: · intelligent robotics; · philosophy of cognitive science; · emotional research · computational vision; · comparative psychology; and · human-computer interaction. Key themes such as the importance of taking an architectural view in approaching cognition, run through the text. Drawing on the expertize of leading international researchers, contemporary debates in the study of natural and artificial cognition are addressed from complementary and contrasting perspectives with key issues being outlined at various levels of abstraction. From Animals to Robots and Back, will give readers with backgrounds in the study of both natural and artificial cognition an important window on the state of the art in cognitive systems research.

Therapy, Stand-Up, and the Gesture of Writing: Towards Creative-Relational Inquiry (Writing Lives: Ethnographic Narratives)

by Jonathan Wyatt

Therapy, Stand-Up, and the Gesture of Writing is a sharp, lively exploration of the connections between therapy, stand-up comedy, and writing as a method of inquiry; and of how these connections can be theorized through the author’s new concept: creative-relational inquiry. Engaging, often poignant, stories combine with rich scholarship to offer the reader provocative, original insights. Wyatt writes about his work as a therapist with his client, Karl, as they meet and talk together. He tells stories of his experiences attending comedy shows in Edinburgh and of his own occasional performances. He brings alive the everyday profound through vignettes and poems of work, travel, visiting his mother, mourning his late father, and more. The book’s drive, however, is in bringing together therapy, stand-up, and writing as a method of inquiry to mobilise theory, drawing in particular from Deleuze and Guattari, the new materialisms, and affect theory. Through this diffractive work, the text formulates and develops creative-relational inquiry. With its combination of fluent story-telling and smart, theoretical propositions, Therapy, Stand-up, and the Gesture of Writing offers compelling possibilities both for qualitative scholars who have an interest in narrative, performative, and embodied scholarship, and those who desire to bring current, complex, theories to bear upon their research practices.

Discipline with Love & Limits: Calm, Practical Solutions to the 43 Most Common Childhood Behavior Problems

by Jerry Wyckoff Barbara C Unell

You Can Manage Your Child's Behavior Problems with Love & LimitsDiscipline with Love & Limits provides calm, practical solutions to the 43 most common childhood misbehaviors, like: Whining, Temper Tantrums, Mealtime Meltdown, Too Much Screen Time, Bullying and Biting, Disobeying, Not Sharing, Resisting Bedtime, Getting Out of Bed, Leaving a Mess, Travel Meltdowns, Resisting Carseats, Talking Back, ...and many more! This amazing book has taught over 800,000 parents to more effectively manage the most common preschool behavior problems in a loving yet firm way. It now contains new information about, mindful parenting, teaching empathy and inclusiveness, reducing stress in your child's environment, increasing your child's frustration tolerance and ability to delay gratification, dealing with generational conflicts, and includes brand new sections on: * New brain research findings on the effects of spanking and threats on children * New information on setting up an effective parenting team * New techniques for establishing positive relationships with your children The easy-to-use text has been formatted like a first-aid manual for handling misbehavior. Each section includes: * A description of the "symptoms," the causes, and a general approach to corrective action. * Preventive steps to avoid the problem. * Practical solutions for the misbehavior. * Important information about what to do. * A case history that shows how parents like you successfully handled the problem, using advice from this book. Over 800,000 copies in print

How to Discipline Your 6-12

by Jerry Wyckoff Barbara C. Unell

Discipline Without Shouting Or Spanking became a best-seller by proving practical, effective advice on common behavioral problems to parents of children under six. Here the authors adapt their winning formula for older youngsters.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Essentials of Trauma-Informed Assessment and Intervention in School and Community Settings (Essentials of Psychological Assessment)

by Kirby L. Wycoff Bettina Franzese

Understanding how chronic stress affects child development with step-by-step guidelines for conducting trauma-informed assessments and interventions Children exposed to early negative and adverse experiences may not think, feel, process emotions, behave, respond to, or relate to others the same way that typically developing children do. If psychologists do not appreciate and understand the effects of trauma in the lives of children, they may be working in ways that are not efficient or effective and may actually be providing a disservice to the children and families they serve. This volume provides an overview of the deleterious effects of adverse childhood experiences (also referred to as complex trauma, toxic stress or developmental trauma) on children's functioning, adjustment, cognitive, social-emotional, behavioral, academic, and neuropsychological outcomes. Complex trauma can alter brain structure and function and throw children off a normal developmental trajectory resulting in a myriad of negative outcomes. In addition, step-by-step guidelines are provided for conducting trauma-informed assessments, treatments, and interventions. Understand how early stressors can affect influence normal development and influence child psychopathology Learn how exposure to early life adversity affects the biological stress systems which can compromise normal brain development Become familiar with the functions and neuropsychological constructs associated with brain regions affected by chronic stress. Identify risk factors that can negatively influence children’s behavioral, social, emotional, cognitive, and academic functioning Identify and use trauma-sensitive assessment instruments and protocols Gather background and family history from a trauma perspective Use evidence-based interventions to best meet each child's unique needs Essentials of Trauma-Informed Assessment and Interventions in the Schools is essential reading for school, clinical, and related psychologists and their trainers.

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