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Showing 4,876 through 4,900 of 6,936 results

Waging War on the Autistic Child: The Arizona 5 and the Legacy of Baron von Munchausen

by Andrew J. Wakefield

As the number of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders grows each year, new discoveries and controversies arise. Andrew Wakefield explores many of these in his thorough investigation of the recent trial case of the "Arizona 5,” which destroyed an Arizona family. Two parents, with five children on the spectrum, were accused of Munchausen syndrome by proxy-a rare form of child abuse-and were ganged up on by physicians, child protective services, and the courts, who alleged that the parents fabricated medical symptoms in all five children. However, Wakefield now presents ample evidence that was disregarded and that would have proven the parents’ innocence.Families affected by autism suffer great hardship and prejudice, particularly as they navigate the uncertain waters of diagnosis, treatment, and education. The shocking story of the Arizona 5 family delves into the tremendous challenges some parents have to face, especially if their views on how to treat the syndrome don’t align with the medical world’s standards. Wakefield also includes numerous studies and research trials that support the controversial yet significant roles that vaccines and diet play in autism, factors many medical professionals wrongfully dismiss.

It's Not a Perfect World, but I'll Take It: 50 Life Lessons for Teens Like Me Who Are Kind of (You Know) Autistic

by Jennifer Rose

Jennifer Rose is autistic. She’s also a college student who loves reading, writes fan fiction, and wants to be on TV someday. She sees the world a little differently than most people around her. She’s had trouble coping with school and she’s struggled with bullies, mean girls, and her own feelings of bitterness and inferiority. Through it all, with the help of her parents, she’s learned a few lessons: #5: There are many ways to make a difference. #20: You won’t be perfect at everything, not even the things you do best. #22: Down times will be bouncing up soon . . . #23: . . . but meanwhile, try to enjoy what you have. #44: Talk about your feelings, even when it’s hard. #45: Learn to take jokes, even your dad’s. It's Not a Perfect World but I’ll Take It is an uplifting ode to being different. Told with irresistible honesty and humor, Rose’s fifty bite-sized stories will have teens and adults nodding in recognition and discovering new things about themselves.

Temple Grandin: Voice for the Voiceless

by Annette Wood

Since Temple Grandin's life story was told in the 15 x Emmy-nominated film Temple Grandin, and since her heartwarming speech at the award ceremony, she has become one of the world's most well-known members of its community. In this fascinating biography, Annette Wood delves deep into Grandin's life from childhood to adulthood. Wood tells of the trials and tribulations of the icon: What difficulties Grandin struggled with and how she's become a hero for the autistic community. She also tells what Temple has done since the movie came out, where she is today, what kind of difference she's made, and what her future holds. For the 22 million people worldwide afflicted by autism and the countless friends and family members who support them, this brilliant portrait presents an up-close look at the disorder and renewed hope for what the future could bring for those on all levels of the spectrum.

Temple Grandin: Voice for the Voiceless

by Annette Wood

Since Temple Grandin's life story was told in the 15 x Emmy-nominated film Temple Grandin, and since her heartwarming speech at the award ceremony, she has become one of the world's most well-known members of its community. In this fascinating biography, Annette Wood delves deep into Grandin's life from childhood to adulthood. Wood tells of the trials and tribulations of the icon: What difficulties Grandin struggled with and how she's become a hero for the autistic community. She also tells what Temple has done since the movie came out, where she is today, what kind of difference she's made, and what her future holds. For the 22 million people worldwide afflicted by autism and the countless friends and family members who support them, this brilliant portrait presents an up-close look at the disorder and renewed hope for what the future could bring for those on all levels of the spectrum.

Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Sharyl Attkisson James Ottar Grundvig

The explosive true story of fraud, embezzlement, and government betrayal. In 2000, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) carried out a secret mission to bury, skew, and manipulate data in six vaccine safety studies, in a coordinated effort to control the message that "vaccines do not cause autism.” They did so via secret meetings and backtesting health-care data. The CDC invested tens of millions of dollars in a foreign health-care data analytics startup run by Danish scientist Poul Thorsen, a move to ensure that no link ever surfaced. But fate had other ideas. The agency soon learned it couldn’t control Thorsen. In 2011, the US Justice Department indicted him for the theft of more than $1 million of CDC grant money.Master Manipulator exposes the CDC’s hidden agenda for the cover-up. Influenced by Big Pharma money, future high-paying jobs, and political lobbyists, CDC executives charted a course different than what the findings of earlier vaccine safety studies revealed. The CDC needed an outsider to "flatten” the results of the data, while building an exit strategy: a fall guy in case the secret plan was exposed. Thorsen fit the bill nicely, conducting studies overseas. But the CDC’s plan backfired, as Thorsen took the money to the bank and the power went to his head. It would take years for his fraud scheme funneling CDC grant money to a Danish university and then back to a CDC bank account he controlled to play out.Master Manipulator is a true story of fraud and betrayal, and an insider’s view of what takes place behind the closed doors of agencies and drug companies, and with the people tasked to protect the health of American children. It’s a cautionary tale of the dangers of blind trust in the government and the health-care industry.

Maybe in Paris

by Rebecca Christiansen

Keira Braidwood lands in Paris with her autistic brother, Levi, and high hopes. Levi has just survived a suicide attempt and months in the psych ward-he’s ready for a dose of the wider world. Unlike their helicopter mom and the doctors who hover over Levi, Keira doesn’t think Levi’s certifiable. He’s just . . . quirky. Always has been.Those quirks quickly begin to spoil the trip. Keira wants to traipse all over Europe; Levi barely wants to leave their grubby hotel room. She wants to dine on the world’s cuisine; he only wants fast food. Levi is one giant temper tantrum, and Keira’s ready to pull out her own hair.She finally finds the adventure she craves in Gable, a hot Scottish bass player, but while Keira flirts in the Paris Catacombs, Levi’s mental health breaks. He disappears from their hotel room and Keira realizes, too late, that her brother is sicker than she was willing to believe. To bring him home safe, Keira must tear down the wall that Levi’s sickness and her own guilt have built between them.

The Duke of Bannerman Prep

by Katie A. Nelson

Words are weapons. Facts can be manipulated. And nothing is absolute-especially right and wrong.Tanner McKay is at Bannerman Prep for one reason: to win. The elite school recruited him after he argued his public school's debate team to victory last year, and now Bannerman wants that championship trophy. Debate is Tanner's life-his ticket out of scrimping and saving and family drama, straight to a scholarship to Stanford and a new, better future.When he's paired with the prep school playboy everyone calls the Duke, Tanner's straightforward plans seem as if they're going off the rails. The Duke is Bannerman royalty, beloved for his laissez-faire attitude, crazy parties, and the strings he so easily pulls. And a total no-show when it comes to putting in the work to win.As Tanner gets sucked into the Duke’s flashy world, the thrill of the high life and the adrenaline of the edge becomes addictive. A small favor here and there seems like nothing in exchange for getting everything he ever dreamed of.But the Duke’s castle is built on shady, shaky secrets, and the walls are about to topple.A contemporary retelling of The Great Gatsby, Katie A. Nelson’s taut debut is perfect for anyone who's struggled to survive the cutthroat world of competitive high school.

How to Prevent Autism: Expert Advice from Medical Professionals

by Dara Berger Dr Sidney Baker Dr Nancy O'Hara Geri Brewster Maureen McDonnel Scott Smith Dr Anju Usman James Lyons-Weiler Kim Mack Rosenberg Dr Stephanie Seneff Maria Rickert-Hong Katie Wright Corinne Simpson Brown

The statistics are alarming and become more so every year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in 68 children have been identified with an autism spectrum disorder, making it one of the fastest growing developmental disorders in the United States. Further, the CDC estimates that parents with a child on the autism spectrum can have nearly a 20 percent chance of having a second child with autism.In How to Prevent Autism, Dara Berger shares her personal journey with autism. She describes everything that went wrong with her son that led to an autism diagnosis and everything she did differently to prevent her daughter from suffering the same fate. She interviews eight well-known ASD experts--including doctors, nutritionists, nurses, and scientists--about the factors that have led to the growing epidemic of autism. Based on the best practices for preventing autism in children, each professional offers perspectives grounded in their own research and their patients’ improvements. The book covers every detail--from the importance of mothers’ cleaning out their bodies preconception, through common genetic mutations that may put children at risk, to the crucial role of nutrition in prevention.All parents agree that every choice counts when it comes to the health of their children. As Dara Berger makes clear in this personal, informative, and authoritative book, the stakes could not be higher when it comes to autism.

Hazard: A Sister's Flight from Family and a Broken Boy

by Margaret Combs

Hazard is a poignant, unflinching memoir of the emotional intricacies of growing up with a severely disabled sibling. Margaret Combs shows how her Southern Baptist family coped with lived reality of autism in an era of ignorance and shame, the 1950s through the 1970s, and shares her own tragedy and anguish of being torn between helping her brother and yearning for her own life. Like many siblings of disabled children, young Margaret drives herself to excel in order to make up for her family’s sorrow and ultimately flees her family for what she hopes is a ?normal” life.Hazard is also a story of indelible bonds between siblings: the one between Combs and her sister, and the deep and rueful one she has with her disabled brother; how he and she were buddies; and how fervently she wanted to make him whole. Initially fueled by a wish that her brother had never been born, the author eventually arrives in a deeper place of gratitude for this same brother, whom she loves and who loves her in return.

Your Body's Brilliant Design: A Revolutionary Approach to Relieving Chronic Pain

by Karen Gabler

Want to know the key to eliminating chronic pain from your life? It’s not more rigorous exercise, medical interventions, or expensive therapies. It turns out you have had the key all along—your body and its natural brilliant design!For years we have been overlooking a crucial element of the body—fascia—that holds the key to allowing you to live pain-free. Many of us think of the human body as a static, mechanical system of muscles attached to a skeleton. What is missing from this picture is the tissue that unites all the parts: the fascia, a seamless web of dynamic connective tissue that surrounds all muscles, bones, organs, and even cells. When one part of the fluid fascial web moves, the rest of the body responds. When we learn how to connect to this system through subtle movements, we open up a world of understanding of how our bodies are designed to work with us, not against us, to support an easy and pain-free life.This book will teach you how to feel and embody this new anatomy by connecting to your dynamic center of gravity, or the Core Hug, and to a vertical line of muscles and fascia that runs deep through the body: the Vertical Core. When you connect to the Core Hug and the deep Vertical Core using movement, your body is able to suspend itself and sustain that suspension over time.Your body is already brilliantly designed to support you. The architecture is within you. The key is to access that brilliant design and work with it. Through stunning imagery and simple movement techniques, this book teaches you how to use the natural architecture of your body (bones, fascia, and movement) to align, balance, and support you so that you can move with ease and live without pain.

Under My Helmet: A Football Player’s Lifelong Battle with Bipolar Disorder

by Tony Dungy Keith O'Neil

Ever since he was a child, Keith O’Neil wanted to play football. Born on the same day that his father, Ed O’Neil, was cut from the New England Patriots, football was all Keith could think about . . .aside from his anxiety. Offered a scholarship to Northern Arizona University, O’Neil jumped at the chance to prove himself. Though it wasn’t a Division I-A school, he brought his all and was a natural on the field, achieving first-team All-Big Sky choice as a junior and senior, as well as earning All-American honors. Going undrafted, luck came from the Dallas Cowboys, who offered O’Neil an invite to rookie mini-camp. But while trying to learn the playbook, his anxiety and insomnia returned. Even so, he made the team as an undrafted free agent. His dream had come true. While proving himself as a hard-nosed special teamer, sleepless nights, constant anxiety, and suicidal thoughts clouded his mind. O’Neil considered stepping away from the game multiple times, even speaking to his coach, Bill Parcells. Parcells gave him the wisdom that ?Everyone has a demon in their head, and we have to beat that demon. Beat the demon!” After being released from the Cowboys, O’Neil spent time with the Colts and Giants, but still could not escape his inner demons. He asked for help but never received the attention he needed. In fact, for suicidal thoughts was given a CD to help him relax?Enya. It finally became too much for him to handle, and the final decision was made to walk away from the game. It wasn’t until sometime later that was finally diagnosed: Bipolar I disorder. Finally, everything made sense.Under My Helmet is the personal story of a man working every day to prove his worth while struggling with a debilitating?and undiagnosed?mental illness. O’Neil’s voice is honest and open as he shares his battles and the steps he’s taken to overcome adversity.

The Insulin Express: One Backpack, Five Continents, and the Diabetes Diagnosis That Changed Everything

by Oren Liebermann

A travel memoir through thirty countries, a thousand insulin injections, and one man’s journey from despair to confidence. With tips and information from the American Diabetes Association.In the middle of a yearlong backpacking trip around the world with his wife, Oren Liebermann is teaching English to young Buddhist monks in Pokhara, Nepal, when his body begins to fail him. He is constantly thirsty and exhausted, and by the time he steps on a scale, he has lost forty-five pounds. At a local clinic, a doctor gives him a diagnosis that will change his life forever: "I’m sorry to tell you, my friend, that you are a diabetic.”Devastated, Liebermann is trapped in a freezing hospital room, trying to recover enough to fly home. His friends and family urge him to call off the rest of his trip. He had quit his job as a TV news reporter for this dream-come-true journey, but the nightmare diagnosis has thrown his world into disarray. However, Liebermann and his wife, Cassie, make a decision. They have an adventure to finish, and he has the rest of his life to live.Bold, raw, and poignantly candid, The Insulin Express tells the story of what happens when the best-made travel plans are subject to the ever-present chaos of life, and how a major setback can turn into the opportunity of a lifetime. Despite struggling with a chronic disease that almost kills him in the Himalayas, Liebermann hikes along the Great Wall of China, conquers the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, and sips cobra whiskey in Laos. What begins as a travel chronicle across thirty countries transforms into a single journey of resilience and self-discovery-going from hopelessly lost and then wonderfully found.

Your Special Education Rights: What Your School District Isn't Telling You

by Jennifer Laviano Julie Swanson

Drawing on decades of experience, Jennifer Laviano, a high-profile special education attorney, and Julie Swanson, a sought-after special education advocate, help parents of students with disabilities navigate their school systems to get the services they need for their children.Parents will find no other book on special education like Your Special Education Rights. Julie and Jennifer demystify the federal laws that govern the rights of public school children with disabilities and explain how school districts often ignore or circumvent these laws. They pull the curtain back on the politics of special education, exposing truths that school districts don’t want you to know, such as the fact that teachers are often under extraordinary pressure not to spend resources on services.Most importantly, they outline the central rights you and your child have regarding your child’s education. Did you know that you can refer your child for a special education evaluation? That you can ask for a second opinion if you disagree with the results of some or all of the testing? That you are entitled to parent counseling, training, and more?They also show you how to take that knowledge and apply it to advocating for your child. Here’s what you need to know about the paperwork you will have to complete, detailed information on how to advocate for your child and how to craft language in documents that benefit your child, and more.Filled with vital information and invaluable resources, Your Special Education Rights gives you the information you need to help your child succeed in school and beyond.

Iris Grace: How Thula the Cat Saved a Little Girl and Her Family

by Arabella Carter-Johnson

Iris Grace is a beautiful little girl who, from a very young age, barely communicated, avoided social interaction with other people, and rarely smiled. From both before her diagnosis of autism and after, she seemed trapped in her own world, unable to connect with those around her. One day, her mother brought home a Maine Coon kitten for Iris, even though cats aren’t typically thought of as therapy pets. Thula, named after one of Iris’s favorite African lullabies and meaning ?peace” in Zulu, immediately bonded with Iris. Thula knew right away how to assuage Iris when she became overstimulated; when to intervene when Iris became overwhelmed; and how to provide distraction when Iris started heading toward a meltdown. Whether exploring, playing, sleeping, or taking a bath with Iris or accompanying the family on a bike ride, Thula became so much more than a therapy cat. With Thula’s safe companionship, Iris began to talk and interact with her family. This heartwarming story is illustrated with sixty of Iris’s gorgeous impressionistic paintings, works of art that have allowed her to express herself since the age of three. A gifted artist, Iris sees the natural world in a profoundly vivid and visceral way. With Thula by her side, she’ll sit and paint for hours, and the results are stunning. Inspiring and touching, Iris Grace follows the struggles and triumphs of a family?and a miracle cat?as they learn to connect with an amazing child.

The Official Autism 101 Manual: Everything You Need to Know About Autism From Experts Who Know and Care

by Karen L. Simmons

Gold IPPY Award winner for Book of the Year, medicine category. When you need answers to your questions about anything related to autism, including early diagnosis, therapies, the buzz about vaccinations, social skills, self-esteem, planning for the future, coping skills, music therapy, or solving reading problems, this master collection gives you practical and proven answers. The Official Autism 101 Manual is the most comprehensive book ever written on the subject of autism. Parents and professionals rave that this is your ultimate resource for understanding and responding to autism. With forty-four contributors—such as Temple Grandin, Bernard Rimland, Pat Wyman, Tony Attwood, Darold Treffert, and more—you learn from dozens of caring experts and supporters who bring you the best the autism community has to offer.

Vaccines: A Reappraisal

by Richard Moskowitz

Drawing on fifty years of experience caring for children and adults, Dr. Moskowitz examines vaccines and our current policy regarding them. Weaving together a tapestry of observed facts, clinical and basic science research, news reports from the media, and actual cases from his own practice, he offers a systematic review of the subject as a whole. He provides scientific evidence for his clinical impression that the vaccination process, by its very nature, imposes substantial risks of disease, injury, and death that have been persistently denied and covered up by manufacturers, the CDC, and the coterie of doctors who speak for it. With the aim of acknowledging these risks, taking them seriously, understanding them more holistically, and ultimately assessing them on a deeper level, he proposes a nationwide debate based on objective scientific research, including what we already know and what still needs to be investigated in the future. He argues that with no serious public health emergency to justify them, requiring vaccines of everyone deprives us all of genuinely informed consent, and prevents parents from making health-care decisions for our children, basic human rights that we still profess to hold dear. For the present, given the legitimate controversy surrounding the mandates, he proposes that most vaccines simply be made optional and that further research into their risks and benefits be conducted by an independent agency in the public interest, untainted by industry funding, CDC sponsorship, and the quasi-religious sanctimony that is widely invoked on their behalf.

An Insider's Guide to Orthopedic Surgery: A Physical Therapist Shares the Keys to a Better Recovery

by Elizabeth Kaufmann Jared Foran

Nearly two million Americans undergo elective orthopedic surgery each year. And the numbers keep growing—hip replacements are projected to double over the next fifteen years, and knee replacements will quadruple. When you are ready for your procedure, you’ll want a copy of An Insider’s Guide to Orthopedic Surgery at your side. It is the only book that will help you prepare yourself (and your home) for a quicker and more thorough recovery. As a physical therapist who has spent more than seventeen years helping patients through recovery, author Elizabeth Kaufmann discusses the things that your surgeon won’t cover. You’ll get detailed, practical instruction on: • Preparing your home for the equipment you’ll need upon return • Understanding what will happen at every step of your hospital stay, from arrival through surgery to release (which will likely be sooner than you expect) • Getting the best care from therapists and other hospital and rehab staff members • Dealing with pain throughout the healing process • Building a support network to help provide care during recovery You’ll also learn the difference between a physical therapist and an occupational therapist; be ready for that first session; and find out the advantages of home therapy, sub-acute rehab, and outpatient therapy. If you have been suffering from chronic pain in the shoulder, knee, or hip, joint replacement can offer a second chance at restoring the life you desire. An Insider’s Guide to Orthopedic Surgery will help you get ready for it.

Dear Isaac Newton, You're Ruining My Life

by Rachel Hruza

As if seventh grade isn't hard enough, Truth Trendon learns she has to wear a back brace to help her worsening scoliosis. She decides gravity is to blame for curving her spine and ruining her life. Thanks for nothing, Isaac Newton!Truth's brace is hard plastic, tight, and uncomfortable. She has to wear a t-shirt under it and bulky clothes over it, making her feel both sweaty and unfashionable. She's terrified that her classmates are going to find out about it. But it's hard keeping it a secret (especially when gym class is involved), and secrets quickly turn into lies. When Truth's crush entrusts her with a big secret of his own, it leads to even more lying. Add to that a fight with her best friend, a looming school-wide presentation, and mean rumors, and it's a recipe for disaster. As Truth navigates the ups and downs of middle school, can she learn to accept her true self, curvy spine and all?

Bringing Me Back

by Beth Vrabel

Noah is not having a good year. His mom is in prison, he's living with his mom's boyfriend—who he's sure is just waiting until his mother's six month sentence is up to kick him out—and he's officially hated by everyone at his middle school, including his former best friend. It's Noah's fault that the entire football program got shut down after last year. One day, Noah notices a young bear at the edge of the woods with her head stuck in a bucket. A bucket that was almost certainly left outside as part of a school fundraiser to bring back the football team. As days go by, the bear is still stuck—she's wasting away and clearly getting weaker, even as she runs from anyone who tries to help. And she's always alone. Though Noah ignores the taunts at school and ignores his mother's phone calls from jail, he can't ignore the bear. Everyone else has written the bear off as a lost cause—just like they have with Noah. He makes it his mission to help her. But rescuing the bear means tackling his past—and present—head-on. Could saving the bear ultimately save Noah, too?

The Autism Job Club: The Neurodiverse Workforce in the New Normal of Employment

by Michael Bernick Richard Holden Steve Silberman

The Autism Job Club is a groundbreaking book for bringing adults with autism and other neuro-diverse conditions into the work world. This second edition of The Autism Job Club includes a new Foreword by Steve Silberman, author of the best-selling NeuroTribes, along with an Afterword by the authors. The Afterword covers the many employment initiatives for adults on the autism spectrum launched just in the three years since the book was originally published. The book has its basis in the autism job club that the authors have been part of in the San Francisco Bay Area, the job-creation and job-placement efforts the club has undertaken, and similar efforts throughout the United States. The authors review the high unemployment rates among adults with autism and other neuro- diverse conditions more than two decades after the ADA. Bernick and Holden also outline and explain six strategies that, taken together, will reshape employment for adults with autism: the art of the autism job coach; the autism advantage in technology employment; autism employment and the internet economy; autism employment and the practical/craft economy; autism and extra-governmental job networks; autism and public service employment.The Autism Job Club is a vital resource for adults with autism, their families, and advocates who are committed to neuro-diverse employment, not unemployment. But it also speaks to a far broader audience interested in how to carve out a place for themselves or others in an increasingly competitive job world.

Me and Mister P.: Me And Mister P. , Book Two (Me and Mister P. #2)

by Maria Farrer Daniel Rieley

Mister P. is the coolest friend a kid could wish for!Arthur is fed up with his younger brother Liam getting all the attention from their parents just because he's a little bit different from other kids. Arthur just wants a normal family and a normal life, where he can play soccer and hang out with friends -- without Liam always being so embarrassing. Just when Arthur can't take it anymore, Mister P. -- a polar bear with a suitcase -- shows up. He doesn't talk, and Arthur is scared of him at first. (He is a polar bear, after all!) But he isn't dangerous. In fact, Mister P. is lots of fun, and even gets along with Liam. He comes with Arthur to school and soccer, and makes life an adventure! Still, Mister P. can't stay forever. But before he goes, he helps as only a polar bear can... leading Arthur to see his brother in a whole new way.

My Mysterious Son: A Life-Changing Passage between Schizophrenia and Shamanism

by Dick Russell

What does a father do when hope is gone that his only son can ever lead anything close to a “normal” life? That’s the question that haunted Dick Russell in the fall of 2011, when his son, Franklin, was thirty-two. At the age of seventeen, Franklin had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. For years he spent time in and out of various hospitals, and even went through periods of adamantly denying that Dick was actually his father. A mixed-race child, Franklin was handsome, intelligent, and sensitive until his mental illness suddenly took control. After spending the ensuing years trying to build some semblance of a normal father-son relationship, Dick was invited with his son, out of the blue, to witness the annual wildlife migration on Africa’s Serengeti Plain. Seizing this potential opportunity to repair the damage that both had struggled with, after going through two perilous nights together in Tanzania, ultimately the two-week trip changed both of their lives. Desperately seeking an alternative to the medical model’s medication regimen, the author introduces Franklin to a West African shaman in Jamaica. Dick discovers Franklin’s psychic capabilities behind the seemingly delusional thought patterns, as well as his artistic talents. Theirs becomes an ancestral quest, the journey finally taking them to the sacred lands of New Mexico and an indigenous healer. For those who understand the pain of mental illness as well the bond between a parent and a child, My Mysterious Son shares the intimate and beautiful story of a father who will do everything in his power to repair his relationship with a young man damaged by mental illness.

Super Dorks (Pack of Dorks #3)

by Beth Vrabel

Lucy is ready to be a superhero!Lucy loves her best friends—her pack of dorks. But this year, everyone in the pack has become a hero . . . except for her! Sam rescues twin toddlers about to get hit by a car. April helps bring about the downfall of a ring of bicycle thieves. Sheldon and Amanda launch a campaign to protect turtle eggs laid on the school playground. Even Lucy's new teacher asks the class about their bravest moments. But Lucy's not brave—she doesn't even like to go to the basement by herself! So Lucy decides she's going to do something heroic. She'll be a super dork! This might be her chance to find her awesome. Unfortunately, all her attempts to help save the day seem to go awry, and usually end up making the situation much worse. Is ordinary dorkdom her destiny—or can Lucy ever find a way to be a hero?

Rainbow Relatives: Real-World Stories and Advice on How to Talk to Kids About LGBTQ+ Families and Friends

by Sudi Rick" Karatas

Whether you have your own questions because you’re preparing to come out to your kids, or you aren’t sure how to explain to your kids why their uncle has a boyfriend or why their friend has two mommies, this book can help. With an entertaining and educational approach to educating yourself and your peers about the issues and topics surrounding the LGBTQ+ community, Rainbow Relatives will provide answers to your kids’ questions and help you raise them to be open-minded and accepting adults.First and foremost, this book will help you approach the conversations you need to have and predict what you can expect from them. Author Sudi Karatas tells a variety of stories, such as that of a Mormon woman’s transition from fighting against gay rights to becoming a crusader for them. Also included are the voices of filmmakers, actors, musicians, mental health professionals, and more. Through Rainbow Relatives, Karatas helps parents support, advocate for, and educate their children, relatives, and family friends.

Caregiver's Survival Guide: Caring for Yourself While Caring for a Loved One

by Ellie Crowe

Caregiver's Survival Guide is based on Dr. Robert Yonover's personal experiences. While struggling to become a successful scientist and inventor, he also was primary caregiver for his paralyzed wife for more than twenty years and raised their two children. Yonover takes you into the throes of his life as a caregiver, husband, and father, offering guidance and hope through his story. He provides advice on: Dealing with heavy news Handling day-to-day challenges Holding on to the foundation of your relationship Taking stock of finances Adapting and enjoying life Staying sane Maintaining a social life Fighting for your rights Through Caregiver's Survival Guide, Dr. Yonover will equip other caregivers who face similar physical, mental, social, and financial challenges with tips and guidelines from his own experiences and other experts to help make their situation survivable.

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