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Positive Psychology: The Science of Well-Being

by John Zelenski

Positive Psychology brings together a range of research and a comprehensive review of the more recent work and lessons learned since the founder&’s original vision of this field. Organised into five sections: An Introduction, Positive Experiences, Personality Processes, External Influences, and Applications, this text provides a thorough introduction to an interesting and challenging area in Psychology. With a final look at the future of Positive Psychology, and its potential to inform social change and how useful this knowledge can be when considering the well-being of entire societies, this text is an enlightening read and invaluable resources for students. Strongly guided by empirical work this text encourages the reader to think critically and go beyond the facts. Key features: Provides a framework for teaching and understanding global trends in Positive Psychology. Inclusion and a review of up-to-date research. Using storytelling and happiness&’s intrinsic appeal to foster interest in the methods we use to answer important questions in Positive Psychology. Online resources including student self-tests, an instructor test bank, and links to additional web content.

The Grail, Arthur and his Knights: A Jungian Symbolic Reading

by Maria Zelia de Alvarenga

This book presents a broad and deep symbolic reading of the characters involved in the mythical Holy Grail. It discusses on Arthur and his loyal and faithful knights; the wise old Merlin and his visions of the future; the archetypical themes of quest and the desire to return to the golden age.

Journalism and Memory

by Barbie Zelizer Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt

Tracking the ways in which journalism and memory mutually support, undermine, repair and challenge each other, this fascinating collection brings together leading scholars in journalism and memory studies to investigate the complicated role that journalism plays in relation to the past.

Integrated Peacebuilding

by Craig Zelizer

Integrated Peacebuilding addresses the importance of weaving peacebuilding methods into diverse sectors including development, humanitarian assistance, gender, business, media, health, and the environment--areas where such work is needed the most. Incorporating peacebuilding approaches in these fields is critical for transforming today's protracted conflicts into tomorrow's sustainable peace. Covering both theory and practice, Dr. Zelizer and his team of leading academics and practitioners present original essays discussing the infrastructure of the peacebuilding field--outlining key actors, donors, and underlying motivations--as well as the ethical dilemmas created by modern conflict. Exploring both the challenges and lessons to be found in this emerging field, Integrated Peacebuilding is perfect for courses on peacebuilding, conflict resolution, international development, and related fields.

Success Habits For Dummies

by Zeller

Discover the ultimate success habits for a healthy and prosperous life Whether we like it or not, a big part of what we do in life is governed by habits. Even more importantly, habits can lead us to think and feel in certain patterns. Since habits are so powerful, it's worth paying attention to the ones that are most effective. Inside, bestselling author Dirk Zeller provides tried-and-true advice on creating, building, and cultivating winning habits to achieve success. Success Habits For Dummies is a gold mine of startling insights and practical pointers on achieving success. No matter what your station in life, it can quickly put you on the road to the success you want and deserve. With wit, warmth, and loads of practical wisdom, Dirk Zeller helps you: Discover how habits determine 95% of a person’s behavior Get to know how the people who achieve most in life take deliberate steps to ensure their goals are met Make a practical plan to perform at your maximum potential Maintain a growth mindset that makes you capable of change Everything that you are today, and everything that you will ever accomplish, is determined by the quality of the habits that you form. By creating good habits and adopting a positive behavior, you too can become successful and live a prosperous life.

A Community of Mortals

by Alexandra Zelman-Doring

What is it like to have someone die in your arms? Can we return from the dead? And why has nobody heard of therapeutic hypothermia? Forced to come to terms with doctors pronouncing her husband ‘clinically dead’, Alexandra Zelman-Doring embarks on an exploration of what death means to us and how we might face it. Initally she is overwhelmed by the difficulty of accepting the loss of a loved one, and the anger, sadness and sense of isolation that it brings. But her suffering pushes her towards a life-store of reading, and here she finds words with which to contemplate death; from Turgenev on death as an ‘unanswerable reproach’ to Norbert Elias on the extraordinary collective will to endure it.Equally inspiring are the true stories of unlikely survivors: from a species of frog whose organs stop, frozen, throughout the winter, only to stir back to life in the spring, to Anna Bagenholm whose iced brain and body held out against all odds after a fatal accident. These incidents inform a development in medical science where cardiac arrest is treated with ‘therapeutic hypothermia’, in some cases allowing the body to last without oxygen just long enough for doctors to return the near-dead to life.

Who is Nursing Them? It is Us: Neoliberalism, HIV/AIDS, and the Occupational Health and Safety of South African Public Sector Nurses (Work, Health and Environment Series)

by Jennifer R. Zelnick Charles Levenstein Robert Forrant John Wooding

This book explores the impacts of HIV/AIDS and neoliberal globalization on the occupational health of public sector hospital nurses in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The story of South African public sector nurses provides multiple perspectives on the HIV/AIDS epidemic-for a workforce that played a role in the struggle against apartheid, women who deal with the burden of HIV/AIDS care at work and in the community, and a constituency of the new South African democracy that is working on the frontlines of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Through case studies of three provincial hospitals in KwaZulu-Natal, set against a historical backdrop, this book tells the story of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the post-apartheid period.

Affect and the Rise of Right-Wing Populism: Pedagogies for the Renewal of Democratic Education

by Michalinos Zembylas

This book uses affect theory to analyze the rise of right-wing populism in recent years and discusses the pedagogical implications for democratic education. It provides examples of how affect and emotion play a crucial role in the rise and reproduction of current right-wing populism. The author suggests ideas about affective pedagogies for educators to use (along with recognizing the risks involved) to renew democratic education. The chapters lay out the importance of harnessing the power of affective experiences and adopting strategic pedagogical approaches to provide affirmative practices that move beyond simply criticizing right-wing populism. The book consequently undermines the power of fascist and right-wing tendencies in public life and educational settings without stooping to methods of indoctrination. This volume is a valuable resource for researchers and policy-makers in education, political science and other related fields, who can utilize the affective complexities involved in combatting right-wing populism to their advantage.

Teaching Contested Narratives

by Michalinos Zembylas Zvi Bekerman

In troubled societies narratives about the past tend to be partial and explain a conflict from narrow perspectives that justify the national self and condemn, exclude and devalue the 'enemy' and their narrative. Through a detailed analysis, Teaching Contested Narratives reveals the works of identity, historical narratives and memory as these are enacted in classroom dialogues, canonical texts and school ceremonies. Presenting ethnographic data from local contexts in Cyprus and Israel, and demonstrating the relevance to educational settings in countries which suffer from conflicts all over the world, the authors explore the challenges of teaching narratives about the past in such societies, discuss how historical trauma and suffering are dealt with in the context of teaching, and highlight the potential of pedagogical interventions for reconciliation. The book shows how the notions of identity, memory and reconciliation can perpetuate or challenge attachments to essentialized ideas about peace and conflict.

Advances in Teacher Emotion Research: The Impact on Teachers' Lives

by Michalinos Zembylas Paul A. Schutz

Some reports estimate that nearly 50% of teachers entering the profession leave within the first five years (Alliance for Excellent Education 2004; Ingersoll, 2003; Quality Counts 2000). One explanation of why teachers leave the profession so early in their career might be related to the emotional nature of the teaching profession. For example, teaching is an occupation that involves considerable emotional labor. Emotional labor involves the effort, planning, and control teachers need to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions. As such, emotional labor has been associated with job dissatisfaction, health symptoms and emotional exhaustion, which are key components of burnout and related to teachers who drop out of the profession. Research into emotional labor in teaching and other aspects of teachers' emotions is becoming increasingly important not only because of the growing number of teachers leaving the profession, but also because unpleasant classroom emotions have considerable implications for student learning, school climate and the quality of education in general. Using a variety of different methodological and theoretical approaches, the authors in this edited volume, Advances in Teacher Emotion Research: The Impact on Teachers' Lives, provide a systematic overview that enriches our understanding of the role of emotions in teachers' professional lives and work. More specifically, the authors discuss inquiry related to teachers' emotions in educational reform, teacher identity, student involvement, race/class/gender issues, school administration and inspection, emotional labor, teacher burnout and several other related issues. This volume, then, represents the accumulation of different epistemological and theoretical positions related to inquiry on teachers' emotions, acknowledging that emotions are core components of teachers' lives. Advances in Teacher Emotion Research takes an eclectic look at teacher emotions, presenting current research from diverse perspectives, thereby making this volume a significant contribution to the field.

Methodological Advances in Research on Emotion and Education

by Michalinos Zembylas Paul A. Schutz

This volume presents different conceptual and theoreticalframeworks as well as research methods that have helped educational researchersto study emotions. It includes innovative approaches that push themethodological boundaries that have served educational researchers until nowand proposes new ways of researching emotions in educational contexts. In particular,this edited volume provides a historical frame for studying emotions. Itconnects theoretical/epistemological views with choice of research methods and describes specificmethods helpful in doing research on emotions as they are grounded in differenttheoretical and disciplinary traditions such as psychology, philosophy,sociology, history, political science, cultural studies, and feminist studies. Finally, it appreciates the contextual and international dimensions of studyingemotions in education and contributes to ongoing debates about the implicationsof our methodological choices for understanding emotion in education. Thiscombination of variety, timeliness, potential for transformation of the field,and uniqueness make this a very valuable resource to introduce new scholars inthe field alongside established scholars.

Building a Parenting Agreement That Works: Child Custody Agreements Step by Step

by Mimi Lyster Zemmelman

A divorce or separation can be a very trying time, especially when children are involved. The step-by-step approach in Building a Parenting Agreement That Works provides information on how to minimize conflict and solve important custody issues, such as living arrangements, education, holidays, transportation, and much more. A professional mediator, author Mimi Lyster Zemmelman, sets out 40 issues separating parents typically face and presents all the options to resolving them. The book walks you through all the factors you must consider, including: medical care education and religious training living arrangements and visitation money issues dealing with changes in an existing agreement, and working with professionals. This updated edition includes checklists and worksheets to help you complete the included fill-in-the-blank custody agreement and provides the current custody laws of your state.

Neue Medien und kindliche Entwicklung: Ein Überblick für Therapeuten, Pädagogen und Pädiater (essentials)

by Martina Zemp Guy Bodenmann

Dieses Essential zeigt, welche Konsequenzen die Nutzung von Fernseher, Computer und Internet für Kinder und Jugendliche hat - und was Fachleute Eltern raten können. Aus wissenschaftlicher Perspektive wird deutlich, dass die Nutzung von gewaltbetonten Medien ein Prädiktor für aggressives Verhalten bei Heranwachsenden ist, neuen Medien ein Suchtpotenzial innewohnt und exzessive Mediennutzung den kindlichen Schulleistungen abträglich sein kann. Entscheidend sind jedoch die Häufigkeit der Nutzung und der Medieninhalt. Vor diesem Hintergrund stehen Eltern in der Pflicht, klare Strukturen bezüglich Form, Inhalt und Dauer der Mediennutzung ihrer Kinder durchzusetzen.

Partnerschaftsqualität und kindliche Entwicklung: Ein Überblick für Therapeuten, Pädagogen und Pädiater (essentials)

by Martina Zemp Guy Bodenmann

Internationale Befunde haben konsistent dargelegt, dass destruktive Paarkonflikte und Scheidungen zu den wichtigsten Risikofaktoren für eine ungünstige kindliche Entwicklung gehören. Für Kinder sind Störungen in der Partnerschaft der Eltern in hohem Maße bedrohlich und gehen im Falle einer Trennung der Eltern mit dem schmerzvollen Bruch des bisherigen Lebensentwurfs einher. Dies bedeutet in aller Regel ein hoch destabilisierendes Ereignis, welches von Kindern vielgestaltige Anpassungsleistungen abverlangt. Ermutigenderweise hat die gegenwärtige Paar- und Familienforschung Bedingungen identifiziert, wie Paarkonflikte und Scheidungen möglichst konstruktiv verlaufen - um der Partnerschaft und des Kindeswohls willen.

Außerfamiliäre Betreuung von Kleinkindern: Bindungstheoretische Hinweise für Therapeuten, Pädagogen und Pädiater (essentials)

by Martina Zemp Guy Bodenmann Peter Zimmermann

Dieses essential beleuchtet den aktuellen Kenntnisstand zur Inanspruchnahme öffentlicher Kindertagesbetreuung aus bindungstheoretischer Sicht. Es gibt Fachpersonen, die mit Familien arbeiten, einen Überblick und praktische Hinweise zum Thema. Die wissenschaftlichen Befunde zur Frage, ob die Betreuung in Kinderkrippen/Kitas negative Auswirkungen auf die kindliche Entwicklung hätte, sind inkonsistent. Die Folgen hängen von diversen Faktoren ab, u.a. von der Quantität und Qualität der außerfamiliären Betreuung und insbesondere von der Fürsorge und Feinfühligkeit der Eltern zu Hause. Bei guter Fürsorge kann die Eltern-Kind-Bindung aufrechterhalten werden. Dennoch ist die familienexterne Betreuung von Kleinkindern bindungstheoretisch nicht immer unproblematisch. Die Grundannahmen der Bindungstheorie bleiben in diesem Diskurs unumstritten und weiterhin hoch relevant.

Mediated: How The Media Shapes Your World And The Way You Live In It

by Thomas De Zengotita

A provocative, eye-opening look at the way media shapes every aspect of our lives. Just when you thought there was nothing new to say about the media, along comes a book that transcends the conventional wisdom with an original vision, one that unites our most intimate personal concerns with far-reaching historical trends in an accessible way. From Princess Diana's funeral to the prospect of mass terror, from oral sex in the Oval Office to cowboy politics in distant lands, from high school cliques to marital therapy, from hip-hop nation to climbing Mt. Everest, from blogs to reality TV to the Weather Channel, Mediated takes us on a tour of every department of our media-saturated society. And at every turn we see ourselves as we are, immersed in options, surrounded by representations, driven to unprecedented levels of self-consciousness-and obliged by these circumstances to transform our very lives into performances. Sophisticated, satirical, sometimes searing, ultimately forgiving, Mediated tackles everything we take for granted and reintroduces us to it all as if for the first time. You'll laugh, you'll squirm, you'll agree, you'll object-but you'll find more Aha! moments packed into fewer pages than you've ever come across before.

Bayesian Argumentation: The practical side of probability (Synthese Library #362)

by Frank Zenker

Relevant to, and drawing from, a range of disciplines, the chapters in this collection show the diversity, and applicability, of research in Bayesian argumentation. Together, they form a challenge to philosophers versed in both the use and criticism of Bayesian models who have largely overlooked their potential in argumentation. Selected from contributions to a multidisciplinary workshop on the topic held in Sweden in 2010, the authors count linguists and social psychologists among their number, in addition to philosophers. They analyze material that includes real-life court cases, experimental research results, and the insights gained from computer models. The volume provides, for the first time, a formal measure of subjective argument strength and argument force, robust enough to allow advocates of opposing sides of an argument to agree on the relative strengths of their supporting reasoning. With papers from leading figures such as Michael Oaksford and Ulrike Hahn, the book comprises recent research conducted at the frontiers of Bayesian argumentation and provides a multitude of examples in which these formal tools can be applied to informal argument. It signals new and impending developments in philosophy, which has seen Bayesian models deployed in formal epistemology and philosophy of science, but has yet to explore the full potential of Bayesian models as a framework in argumentation. In doing so, this revealing anthology looks destined to become a standard teaching text in years to come.

The Unspeakable Loss: How Do You Live After a Child Dies?

by Nisha Zenoff

A guide to hope and healing after the death of a child, from a grief counselor and psychotherapist who has been there.Nisha Zenoff lost her son in a tragic accident when he was just seventeen years old. Now, with decades of experience as a grief counselor and psychotherapist, she offers support and guidance from her own journey and from others who have experienced the death of a child. The Unspeakable Loss helps those who mourn to face the urgent questions that accompany loss: "Will my tears ever stop?" "Who am I now without my child?" "How can I help my other children cope?" "I lost my only child, how do I live?" "Will my marriage survive?" "Will life ever feel worth living again?"No matter where you are in your grieving process, The Unspeakable Loss provides a space to mourn in your own way, and helps you understand how the death of a child affects siblings, other family members and friends, recognizing that we each grieve differently. And while there is no one prescription for healing, Zenoff provides tools to practice the important aspects of grieving that are easily forgotten--self-compassion and self-care.The Unspeakable Loss doesn't flinch from the reality or pain caused by the death of a child, yet ultimately it is a book about the choice to embrace life, love, and joy again. As Zenoff writes in the Preface: "Our relationships with our children do not end with their deaths. Our relationships change, they're transformed, but our children will always be with us."

Animal Cognition: A Tribute To Donald A. Riley (Comparative Cognition and Neuroscience Series)

by Thomas R. Zentall

Prepared as a tribute to Donald A. Riley, the essays that appear here are representative of a research area that has loosely been classified as animal cognition -- a categorization that reflects a functionalist philosophy that was prevalent in Riley's laboratory and that many of his students absorbed. According to this philosophy, it is acceptable to hypothesize that an animal might engage in complex processing of information, as long as one can operationalize evidence for such a process and the hypothesis can be presented in the context of testable predictions that can differentiate it from other mechanisms. The contributions to this volume represent the three most important areas of research in animal cognition -- stimulus representation, memory processes, and perceptual processes -- although current research has considerably blurred these distinctions.

Social Learning: Psychological and Biological Perspectives (Comparative Cognition and Neuroscience Series)

by Thomas R. Zentall Bennett G. Galef

First published in 1988. During the past decade there has been a marked increase in the number of North American and European laboratories engaged in the study of social learning. As a consequence, evidence is rapidly accumulating that in animals, as in humans, social interaction plays an important role in facilitating development of adaptive patterns of behavior. Experimenters are isolated both by the phenomena they study and by the species with which they work. The process of creating a coherent field out of the diversity of current social learning research is likely to be both long and difficult. It the authors’ hope, that the present volume may prove a useful first step in bringing order to a diverse field.

Surgical Treatment of Epilepsies: Diagnosis, Surgical Strategies, Results

by Josef Zentner

This book fills the gap between the increasing demand for epilepsy surgical experience and limited training facilities in this area. It comprehensively describes surgical techniques, including tricks and pitfalls, based on the author’s 30 years of experience, providing optimal and effective training for young neurosurgeons by avoiding learning by trial and error. Moreover, it also includes useful information for epileptologists and other professionals involved in the epilepsy surgical program to allow them to gain a better understanding of possibilities and limitations of epilepsy surgery.

Lexical Acquisition: Exploiting On-line Resources To Build A Lexicon

by Uri Zernik

On-line information -- and free text in particular -- has emerged as a major, yet unexploited, resource available in raw form. Available, but not accessible. The lexicon provides the major key for enabling accessibility to on-line text. The expert contributors to this book explore the range of possibilities for the generation of extensive lexicons. In so doing, they investigate the use of existing on-line dictionaries and thesauri, and explain how lexicons can be acquired from the corpus -- the text under investigation -- itself. Leading researchers in four related fields offer the latest investigations: computational linguists cover the natural language processing aspect; statisticians point out the issues involved in the use of massive data; experts discuss the limitations of current technology; and lexicographers share their experience in the design of the traditional dictionaries.

DC: Diagnostische classificatie van psychische en ontwikkelingsstoornissen in de baby- en vroege kindertijd


Dit boek gaat over de classificatie van psychische en ontwikkelingsproblemen bij zeer jonge kinderen vanuit het perspectief van de vroege ontwikkeling en de (relationele) context waarin zij opgroeien. Het is een belangrijk hulpmiddel bij het effectief gebruiken van diagnostische criteria ten behoeve van diagnostiek en behandelplanning. Het richt zich op hulpverleners en onderzoekers in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg, artsen, verpleegkundigen en opvoedkundigen.  DC:0-5, Diagnostische classificatie van psychische en ontwikkelingsstoornissen in de baby- en vroege kindertijd is een vertaling van de grondig gereviseerde versie van de eerdere DC:0-3 (1994) en DC:0-3R (2005), het eerste en enige ontwikkelingsgerichte systeem voor diagnostiek van psychische en ontwikkelingsstoornissen bij kinderen tot en met vijf jaar oud. Er zijn verschillende redenen waarom een specifiek classificatiesysteem voor de baby en vroege kindertijd nodig is. Ten eerste, zijn de DSM-5 criteria niet zonder meer toepasbaar tot en met de leeftijd van vijf jaar; ten tweede, is het perspectief van de vroege ontwikkeling en die van de context waarin het kind opgroeit leidend in de DC:0- 5. Dit perspectief komt onvoldoende naar voren in de DSM-5. De DC:0-5 legt tenslotte grote nadruk op culturele diversiteit en de relevantie ervan voor de diagnostiek en behandeling. De DC:0-5 is een op zichzelf staand classificatiesysteem, maar slaat tevens de brug naar de DSM-5 en ICD-10.  Nieuw aan deze editie: Leeftijd is opgerekt naar vijf jaar;De criteria zijn aangepast zodat ze beter van toepassing zijn op nog jongere en iets oudere kinderen; De relevantie van verschillen in culturele normen en waarden in de beoordeling wordt sterk benadrukt en hiervoor zijn praktische richtlijnen opgesteld. Ook is een aantal nieuwe stoornissen toegevoegd zoals: Vroege atypische autisme spectrum stoornis; Hyperactiviteit van de peuterleeftijd; Stoornissen in zintuigelijke verwerking; Stoornis van ontregelde woede en agressie van de vroege kindertijd, als vervanging voor de bekende oppositionele-opstandige stoornis (ODD). Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood is oorspronkelijk uitgegeven door ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families (2016). De Nederlandse vertaling is verzorgd door kinderpsychiater Janne Visser. 

Dc: Diagnostic Classification Of Mental Health And Developmental Disorders Of Infancy And Early Childhood

by Zero To Three Organization Staff

DC:05 captures new findings relevant to diagnosis in young children and addresses unresolved issues in the field since DC:03R was published in 2005. DC:05 is designed to help mental health and other professionals: ¢¢ recognize mental health and developmental challenges in infants and young children, through 5 years old; ¢¢ understand that relationships and psychosocial stressors contribute to mental health and developmental disorders and incorporate contextual factors into the diagnostic process; ¢¢ use diagnostic criteria effectively for classification, case formulation, and intervention; and ¢¢ facilitate research on mental health disorders in infants and young children.

Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (Revised)

by Zero To Three Staff

ZERO TO THREE'S Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (DC:0-3), published in 1994, was designed to address the need for a systematic, developmentally based approach to the classification of mental health and developmental difficulties in the first 4 years of life.

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