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10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES

by Matthew Del Negro

Learn how to persevere and pivot to achieve your goals from a celebrated Hollywood actor 10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES  chronicles actor Matthew Del Negro’s tough journey from humble beginnings, through a sea of rejections, on the way to his eventual rise to become a recognizable face on some of history's most acclaimed television shows. Along the way, he learned hard lessons about perseverance, persistence, and resilience. Teaching readers how to make it through the tough times and deal with massive uncertainty by retaining the flexibility to change course and pivot to follow your passion, Del Negro explains how to achieve success in even the most competitive industries. The book, which delves into his personal story from Division I athlete to his professional dream of becoming an actor without any show business connections, shares the wisdom and knowledge Del Negro has gained from both his failures and successes in one of America’s most competitive industries: professional acting.  Amidst his own stories from life and acting, Del Negro weaves anecdotes and quotes from interviews he has had with a wide range of inspirational people from all walks of life on his popular podcast, 10,000 NOs. The list of high-achievers includes professional athletes, bestselling authors, Forbes list entrepreneurs, cancer survivors, Hollywood elite, and more. His celebrated and top-ranked podcast in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, continues to inspire others to keep going even when their progress seems infinitesimally slow.

10,001 Ways to Live Large on a Small Budget

by The Writers of Wise Bread

Filled with savvy tips on how to live, eat, shop, and have fun on a small budget, 10,001 Ways to Live Large on a Small Budget is a compilation of the juiciest tips from the #1 personal finance blog, including: 9 Ways to See the World For Free 12 Ways to Live Rent or Mortgage Free 6 Steps to Eliminating Your Debt Painlessly 7 Ways to Score Free Food Bulk Buying 101 10 Killer Ways to Feel Like a Million Bucks 6 Horrible Financial Products to Avoid 7 Beauty Secrets that Cost Almost Nothing 50 Ways to Get the Most Out of Health Care 12 Fabulous Frugal Party Ideas Too many frugal living books focus on the negative, throwing around words such as "sacrifice" and "responsibility" like there was a fire sale at the Boring Store. But the writers at Wise Bread believe the key to financial wellness isn't a ramen-eating, vacation-skipping, fun-depriving life. Far from it. The best way to ensure that readers will stick to a budget is to help them create a lifestyle that is as much fun as it is practical.

The 10 Cardinal Sins of Leadership: What Thought Leaders Must Never Do to Succeed in High-Risk Environments

by Casey J. Bedgood

Why do some leaders succeed and others fail? Is there a magic ingredient that the leaders must consider in their career journey to ensure the joy ride does not turn into a nightmare? What is the key to maximizing leaders' success in ways that are sustainable long term? The purpose of this book is to provide a simple road map for leaders, aspiring leaders, students, and anyone interested in the art of leadership to succeed in high-risk environments. Often, leaders don’t know what they don’t know. One main culprit is the lack of assessing, measuring, analyzing, and addressing risk. Simply put, we don’t know what we don’t measure. What is not known can and will eventually harm leaders, organizations, and their customers. Change is the new normal and only constant. As change grows, so does risk. Risk can be a friend or foe to thought leaders. It all depends on perspective, insight, and knowledge. Ignorance is never bliss, and leaders must leverage knowledge to mitigate risks at every turn. In The 10 Cardinal Sins of Leadership: What Thought Leaders Must Never Do to Succeed in High-Risk Environments, readers will learn: How to identify, measure, analyze, and address various types of risk How to determine if risk is a friend or a foe Strategic planning concepts that will allow leaders to magnify, plan for, leverage, and marginalize risks long term Methods to ensure that inclusion efforts do not become overly exclusive, thus excluding key stakeholders and creating new levels of organizational risk Techniques for looking back at organizational yesteryears to create a high-performing journey map for the road ahead The value of perspective – how we view things determines how we respond or wait to be disrupted unknowingly

10 Career Essentials: Excel at Your Career by Using Your Personality Type

by Donna Dunning

Focusing on day-to-day behaviors, as well as practical tips and strategies, author Donna Dunning shows readers how to make the most of the 80,000 hours the average person spends at work. Dunning provides key self-assessment tools and tips, allowing each individual to improve and implement their career strategy based on their personality type.

The 10 Commandments of Digital Marketing: The Journey to the "Promised Land" of Success and Profit

by Régis Calheira

Practical tips on how to get started in Digital Marketing without committing the "sins" of every beginner. Despite not being a "definitive" guide to standards, following these "commandments", the beginner will be able to have a safer and more peaceful journey in this promising market.

The 10 Commandments of Money

by Weston Liz Pulliam

From the #1 personal finance columnist on the Internet (Nielsen/NetRatings)-a clear prescription for financial health in the 2010s and beyond. For previous generations, living within your means was a simple formula. Now, with the staggering rise in education, health care, and housing costs, millions of people find themselves skating from paycheck to paycheck with no idea how to move forward. As the most-read personal finance columnist on the Internet, Liz Weston has heard the questions and has the answers. Her 10 Commandments of Money will help readers avoid critical mistakes, survive the bad times, and thrive in the good ones. Just a few of Weston's invaluable pointers include how to: • Balance Your Budget • Pay Down Toxic Debt • Get the Right Mortgage • Pay for College • Save for Retirement • Maximize Your Financial Flexibility Liz Weston's goal is to provide THE practical guide to the brave new world of money. What Sylvia Porter's Money Book was to the 1970s, The 10 Commandments of Money will be for the 2010s. Watch a Video .

The 10-Day MBA: A step-by-step guide to mastering the skills taught in top business schools

by Steven Silbiger

'Anyone who has ever wished they attended a top-ten MBA school now has an alternative. Silbiger's The 10-Day MBA. It distils the basics of a top MBA programme. It's interesting, informative and certainly cheaper. I recommend it!' Tom Fischgrund, author of The Insider's Guide to the Top Ten Business SchoolsA business classic, The 10-Day MBA provides an invaluable guide for all the people who do not have the time or resources to take a full-time business degree, or who require a short revision aid. Internationally acclaimed, this carefully structured and easy-to-read course will enable you to understand the concepts and jargon used in the business world without having to leave your desk. Here is your chance to become familiar with the key tools and theories taught at Harvard and Stanford and other leading business schools - in just ten days!

The 10-Day MBA: A step-by-step guide to mastering the skills taught in top business schools

by Steven Silbiger

'Anyone who has ever wished they attended a top-ten MBA school now has an alternative. Silbiger's The 10-Day MBA. It distils the basics of a top MBA programme. It's interesting, informative and certainly cheaper. I recommend it!' Tom Fischgrund, author of The Insider's Guide to the Top Ten Business SchoolsA business classic, The 10-Day MBA provides an invaluable guide for all the people who do not have the time or resources to take a full-time business degree, or who require a short revision aid. Internationally acclaimed, this carefully structured and easy-to-read course will enable you to understand the concepts and jargon used in the business world without having to leave your desk. Here is your chance to become familiar with the key tools and theories taught at Harvard and Stanford and other leading business schools - in just ten days!

Las 10 diferencias entre empleados y emprendedores

by Keith Cameron Smith

En esta poderosa guía para lograr tu independencia, el emprendedor y conferencista motivacional, Keith Cameron Smith, comparte diez principios cruciales para ayudarte a pasar de ser un seguidor ordinario a convertirte en un líder extraordinario. De Keith Cameron Smith, exitoso empresario y orador inspiracional. Construye un futuro mejor desde hoy. Siguiendo estos consejos tomarás el control de tu carrera profesional y de tu vida, ¡de una vez y para siempre! Empezar, o tener una compañía exitosa puede brindarte no sólo independencia personal y financiera, también puede ofrecerte un profundo sentido de logro, especialmente en tiempos difíciles. En este poderoso libro, Keith Cameron, exitoso emprendedor, conferencista y coach con fama internacional, te muestra el camino para ser independiente. Mediante 10 principios cruciales que te harán saltar de seguidor ordinario a líder extraordinario. Algunos ejemplos de su filosofía: -Los emprendedores tienen una perspectiva acerca del fracaso que los empodera. Los empleados se dejan vencer por el fracaso. -Los emprendedores encuentran soluciones. Los empleados resuelven problemas. - Los emprendedores miran al futuro. Los empleados añoran el pasado.

The 10% Entrepreneur: Live Your Startup Dream Without Quitting Your Day Job

by Patrick J. Mcginnis

<p>Choosing between the stability of a traditional career and the upside of entrepreneurship? Why not have both? <p>Becoming a full-time entrepreneur can look glamorous from the outside. Who doesn’t want to chase their dreams, be their own boss, and do what they love? But the truth is that entrepreneurship is often a slog, with no regular hours, no job security, and very little pay. <p>What if there was a way to have the stability of a day job with the excitement of a startup? All of the benefits of entrepreneurship with none of the pitfalls? In The 10% Entrepreneur, Patrick McGinnis shows you how, by investing just 10% of your time and resources, you can become an entrepreneur without losing a steady paycheck. <p>McGinnis details a step-by-step plan that takes you from identifying your first entrepreneurial project to figuring out the smartest way to commit resources to it. He shows you how to select and engage in projects that will provide you with upside outside the office while making your better at your day job. He also profiles real-world 10% Entrepreneurs such as... <p> <li>Luke Holden, a cash-strapped recent college graduate, who started his own lobster-roll empire and oversaw much of its first year of operations, all while working full time in corporate America <li>Dipali Patwa, a designer and mom whose side project designing and selling infant clothing is now a sensation. <li>A group of friends who met at a 6am Bible study class and went on to start a brewery that now generates millions in sales</li> <p> <p>A successful 10% Entrepreneur himself, McGinnis explains the multiple paths you can follow to invest your cash, time, and expertise in a start-up—including as a founder, angel, adviser, or aficionado. Most importantly, you don’t have to have millions in disposable income to become a 10% Entrepreneur. When you put McGinnis’s 10% principles into action, you’ll quickly start racking up small wins, then watch as they snowball into your new (and far more entrepreneurial) life.</p>

10 Erfolgstipps für Berufseinsteiger: Ein persönlicher Ratgeber für den Jobstart und die ersten Berufsjahre

by Tamara Schrammel

Dieser Ratgeber vermittelt die 10 wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren rund um den Berufseinstieg und die ersten Berufsjahre. Besonders wertvoll sind die persönlichen Erfahrungen der Autorin, die angesichts der Erfolge und Misserfolge ihrer eigenen ersten Berufsjahre in großen internationalen Unternehmen ein Fazit zieht und ihre Erkenntnisse und Beobachtungen offen teilt. Mit diesem Wissens- und Erfahrungsvorsprung gelingt es jedem, den Karrierestart erfolgreich zu meistern und die eigenen beruflichen Weichen von Anfang an richtig zu stellen. Der Leser profitiert in diesem Buch von Insiderwissen und Karriere-Alltagswissen, dass so in Schule, Ausbildung und Studium nicht gelehrt wird. Ein Must-read für den erfolgreichen Karrierestart.

10 Habits of Truly Optimistic People: Power Your Life with the Positive

by David Mezzapelle

Author and business leader David Mezzapelle, author of 2013's best-selling Contagious Optimism, is on a mission to get people to "power their lives with the positive." He has worked with top influencers, business people, and others and observed that each one of these folks had a few things in common -- they overcame obstacles, looked forward instead of backwards, made mistakes and learned from them, and, most of all, they stayed positive no matter what. In this silver linings playbook, readers can learn the secrets to living a life filled with joy, abundance, forward momentum, and contagious optimism. Learning these ten habits can jumpstart your life in the same day! The excellent advice, inspiring stories, suggested actions, and insights from David Mezzapelle and his contributors will help readers become unstoppable optimists.

The 10 Keys to Success

by John Bird

In his inimitable no-nonsense style, John Bird - founder of the Big Issue - shows us how to be successful in whatever we choose in just ten easy steps.No one is born deserving anything - you only deserve what you achieve by yourself. Drawing from this, John's philosophy is based on the idea that success is about deciding what you want, working out what is important to you and then going out to grab it. The beauty of this approach is that we can all achieve whatever we want; we just need to go after it. With unique lessons such as 'Don't be afraid to make mistakes along the way. Instead, make mistakes and learn from them' and 'Take responsibility for yourself as you are no one else's problem', The 10 Keys to Success shows us how uncomplicated success can be.

The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention: Essential Survival Skills for any Economy

by Pamela Mitchell

<p>Reinvention is the key to success in these volatile times—and Pamela Mitchell holds the key to reinvention! <p>In <i>The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention</i>, America's Reinvention Coach Pamela Mitchell offers every tool readers need to navigate the full arc of career change. Part I introduces the Reinvention Mindset, with what you need to know to be prepared mentally to get started. In Part II, you read the real-life stories of ten individuals who successfully made the leap to new and unexpected careers, using the 10 laws: <p> <li>The 1st Law: It Starts With a Vision for Your Life <li>The 2nd Law: Your Body Is Your Best Guide <li>The 3rd Law: Progress Begins When You Stop Making Excuses <li>The 4th Law: What You Seek is on the Road Less Traveled <li>The 5th Law: You’ve Got the Tools in Your Toolbox <li>The 6th Law: Your Reinvention Board is Your Lifeline <li>The 7th Law: Only a Native Can Give You the Inside Scoop <li>The 8th Law: They Won't "Get" You Until You Speak Their Language <li>The 9th Law: It Takes the Time That it Takes <li>The 10th Law: The World Buys Into an Aura of Success</li> <p> <p>Each story is followed by an in-depth lesson that explains how to adapt these laws to your own career goals, and what actions and precautions to take. The lessons answer all your tactical concerns about navigating the roadblocks, getting traction and managing your fears. The final section provides workbook exercises for fine-tuning your reinvention strategies for maximum results. <p>Clear-headed, calming, practical, and thorough, this is the ideal action plan for getting through any career crisis and ending up securely in the lifestyle you've always dreamed of having.</p>

The 10 Laws of Enduring Success

by Maria Bartiromo Catherine Whitney

The times have changed. We need a fresh understanding of the meaning of success. What do Condoleezza Rice, Joe Torre, Bill Gates, Goldie Hawn, Mary Hart, Garry Kasparov, and Jack Welch have in common? All have talked at length with Maria Bartiromo about business, the world and their surprising, inspiring and uncommon ideas about the meaning of success. Their stories, those of an extraordinary range of other people from all walks of life, and Maria Bartiromo’s personal insights are the foundation ofThe 10 Laws of Enduring Success. It is the guide for the extraordinary times we are living through. During bullish, optimistic periods, people seem to ride an upward wave with ease and confidence. The tangible evidence is right there for all to see--in their jobs, bank accounts, homes, families, and the admiration of their peers. But it is a fact of life that success, once earned, is not necessarily there to stay. If ever there was a cautionary tale about the fleeting nature of success, it is the events of recent years. But a funny thing happened. Faced with gut-wrenching realities, many people have started to re-evaluate the meaning of success in less superficial and impermanent ways. They're asking themselves hard questions that have long been ignored: about what's really important to them, and where the bedrock of their personal achievement lies. As Maria Bartiromo watched the financial drama from her front-row seat at the New York Stock Exchange, she began to re-assess the meaning of success--not just as one-off achievements, but as a durable, lifelong pursuit. Is there, she wondered, a definition of success that you can have permanently--in spite of the turmoil in your life, your job, or your bank account? This question is more important than ever, given the unpredictability of the current economy. --What are the intangibles that can't be measured or counted? --What are the qualities that aren't reflected in your title or on your business card? --And more practically, how can you remain successful even when the worst things happen to you? --Is it possible to build success from failure? It's lonely at the bottom of the heap, when your BlackBerry stops buzzing, and the world moves on without you. Everyone wants to be close to success, and to have success. But what is success? How do you get it, and how do you keep it? As Maria interviewed some of the most successful people in the world, she felt the need to answer these questions: what makes these success stories tick? How did they achieve such leadership and power and how can one hold onto it, once you get it. What are the barriers to success and what is the bedrock to enduring success? From the Hardcover edition.

The 10 Laws of Trust: Building the Bonds That Make a Business Great

by David A. Kaplan Joel Peterson

Because you can't afford to lose it... Trust is the glue that holds an organization together.<p> It turns deflection into transparency, suspicion into empowerment, and conflict into creativity. <p>With it, a tiny company like John Deere grew into a worldwide leader. <p>Without it, a giant corporation like Enron toppled. <p>In The 10 Laws of Trust, JetBlue chairman Joel Peterson explores how a culture of trust gives companies an edge. <p>Consider this: What does it feel like to work for a firm where leaders and colleagues trust one another?<p> Freed from micromanagement and rivalry, every employee contributes his or her best.<p> Risk taking and innovation become the norm. <p>And, as Peterson notes, "When a company has a reputation for fair dealing, its costs drop: Trust cuts the time spent second-guessing and lawyering." <p>In clear, engaging prose, highlighted by compelling examples, Peterson details how to establish and maintain a culture of trust. <p>Steps include: Start with integrity * Invest in respect * Empower everyone * Require accountability * Create a winning vision * Keep everyone informed * Budget in line with expectations * Embrace conflict * Forget "you" to become an effective leader * And more With this book in hand, you'll be able to plant the seeds of trust-and reap the rewards of reputation, profits, and success.

10 Laws of Trust, Expanded Edition: Building the Bonds that make a Business Great

by Joel Peterson

JetBlue Chairman Joel Peterson provides the playbook for establishing and maintaining a culture of trust that breaks down the operational silos and CYA mentality that plague many organizations, in this groundbreaking expanded edition of The 10 Laws of Trust.Trust is the glue that holds an organization together. It turns deflection into transparency, suspicion into empowerment, and conflict into creativity. With it, a tiny company like John Deere grew into a worldwide leader. Without it, a giant corporation like Enron toppled.In The 10 Laws of Trust Expanded Edition, JetBlue chairman Joel Peterson explores how a culture of trust gives companies an edge.How does it feel to work for a firm where leaders and colleagues trust one another? Freed from micromanagement and rivalry, every employee contributes his or her best. Risk-taking and innovation become the norm. And, as Peterson notes, “When a company has a reputation for fair dealing, its costs drop: Trust cuts the time spent second-guessing and lawyering.”With compelling examples, Peterson details how to establish and maintain a culture of trust, including: Start with integrity * Invest in respect * Empower everyone * Require accountability * Create a winning vision * Keep everyone informed * Budget in line with expectations * Embrace conflict * Forget “you” to become an effective leader * And more.With this book in hand, you’ll be able to plant the seeds of trust—and reap the rewards of reputation, profits, and success.This fully expanded edition includes a powerful self-assessment tool for organizations to evaluate their culture of trust and discover areas for improvement. Peterson has also added rich new case studies and chapters on the theme of betrayal, including how to manage and guard against it.

10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times: Coaching Your Team Through Immense Change and Challenge

by Tom Ziglar

Tom Ziglar, CEO of Zig Ziglar Corp, shares ten leadership virtues that are essential for coaching employees through immense change and creating an environment of maximum potential and productivity.With the world changing so rapidly, many leaders are struggling to find new ways to make a significant and positive impact on their team. The key, says Tom Ziglar, is to consistently bring out the best in everyone by focusing on ten core virtues: kindness, humility, respect, persistence, selflessness, encouragement, positive expectations, self-control, firmness, and hope.Delivering cutting-edge new research, wisdom gleaned from experience, and poignant insights from his work at Zig Ziglar Corp, Tom Ziglar identifies the communication styles that will keep everyone on the same page, regardless of their working environment. He also emphasizes the importance of closing the "empathy gap" between management and staff in order to create a more connected team that operates to its fullest potential--and how developing each team member's unique dreams, goals, and abilities sets up the company for success.In 10 Leadership Virtues for Disruptive Times, Ziglar shows why "coach leadership," instead of management leadership, is the best way to lead through immense change and challenge. It is essential guidance for leaders who want to coach their teams through inevitable periods of disruption with the goal of helping them thrive at home and at work.

The 10 Lenses: Your Guide to Living and Working in a Multicultural World (Capital Ideas for Business and Personal Development Ser.)

by Mark A. Williams Donald O. Clifton

In this ground-breaking new book, acclaimed diversity expert Mark Williams offers ten "eye-opening" lenses to help you, your organization, and everyone in it, understand how cultural diversity affects the way we live and work. There's the Assimilationist who believes that everyone should act like a true blue American, and the Culturalcentrist who believes that a person's race or ethnicity is central to their personal and public identity; the Meritrocratist who is sure that if you have the abilities and work hard enough you can make your dreams come true regardless of race or culture, and the Victim/Caregiver who believes that because of bias they will never succeed. Learn more about these lenses, as well as six other lenses that Mark Williams has developed to respond to cultural diversity.

10% Less Democracy: Why You Should Trust Elites a Little More and the Masses a Little Less

by Garett Jones

During the 2016 presidential election, both Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders argued that elites were hurting the economy. But, drawing together evidence and theory from across economics, political science, and even finance, Garett Jones says otherwise. In 10% Less Democracy, he makes the case that the richest, most democratic nations would be better off if they slightly reduced accountability to the voting public, turning up the dial on elite influence. To do this, Jones builds on three foundational lines of evidence in areas where he has personal experience. First, as a former staffer in the U.S. Senate, he saw how senators voted differently as elections grew closer. Second, as a macroeconomist, Jones knows the merits of "independent" central banks, which sit apart from the political process and are controlled by powerful insiders. The consensus of the field is that this detached, technocratic approach has worked far better than more political and democratic banking systems. Third, his previous research on the effects of cognitive skills on political, social, and economic systems revealed many ways in which well-informed voters improve government. Discerning repeated patterns, Jones draws out practical suggestions for fine-tuning, focusing on the length of political terms, the independence of government agencies, the weight that voting systems give to the more-educated, and the value of listening more closely to a group of farsighted stakeholders with real skin in the game—a nation's sovereign bondholders. Accessible to political news junkies while firmly rooted and rigorous, 10% Less Democracy will fuel the national conversation about what optimal government looks like.

10 Make-or-Break Career Moments: Navigate, Negotiate, and Communicate for Success

by Casey Hawley

Communication consultant Casey Hawley shows readers how to identify and anticipate ten crucial communications moments, and offers strategies for responding confidently and in ways that leave a positive and powerful impression on all stakeholders. With chapters on the first moment you are offered a job, the moment you are asked a question that poses a challenge to your ethics, and the moment conflict arises with a coworker, this helpful guide offers readers the communication tools they need to get through and make the best impression during these critical professional junctures. Employees can use the interpersonal skills illustrated in difficult, uncertain situations to succeed at their current job, or put them to use in looking for a new job.

10 mandamientos de ventas exitosas

by Rahul Mookerjee

En el invierno de 2007, me uní a una pequeña empresa nueva como gerente de ventas y "persona sénior". La compañía era una startup de rango. Tenían literalmente tres personas trabajando allí, incluyéndome a mí, y los otros dos eran los gerentes de recursos humanos y operaciones. La empresa matriz es una empresa de BPO bastante exitosa y ha estado en el negocio durante aproximadamente 8 años. Estaban buscando expandirse al desarrollo web y no tenían ni idea de cómo conseguir clientes, a pesar de... …tener un gerente de ventas MUY exitoso al mando en términos de operaciones de BPO. Ha estado allí desde el inicio de la empresa y probablemente todavía ESTÁ trabajando allí.

Los 10 Mandamientos del Marketing Digital: El viaje hacia la "Tierra Prometida" del Éxito y las Ganancias

by Régis Calheira


The 10 Minute Guide to Working with Financial Advisors

by Barbara Hetzer

Finding the right person to provide guidance on important financial decisions can be difficult. This book explains the differences between the various types of financial professionals and discusses how to find them and how to check their credentials and references.

The 10-Minute Life Coach

by Fiona Harrold

Fiona Harrold's "Be Your Own Life Coach" had great success with its powerfully inspiring message to take control of our lives and achieve our wildest dreams. Now, she shows us how in just 10 minutes each day we can accelerate towards attaining our goals. Follow her winning strategies and: believe in yourself 100 per cent; propel yourself into taking action; turn into a natural optimist; live a bigger, more interesting life. Fiona's is the winning formula to open the door to life's vast opportunities. Believe in yourself and others will too.

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