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Orientierung unter Bedingungen gesellschaftlicher Transformation: Eine biographieanalytische Studie (Lernweltforschung #40)

by Kim Deutsch

Gerade die Zunahme von Kontingenzen und damit einhergehend die Zunahme reflexiver Entscheidungssituationen gilt als strukturelles Merkmal gegenwärtiger gesellschaftlicher Transformationsprozesse. Für die Orientierungsleistung des in der Gesellschaft lebenden Subjekts bedeutet das, dass sich diese, gleich der Zunahme an Kontingenzen und den damit einhergehenden Entscheidungssituationen, vervielfacht, das Subjekt also vermehrt mit Situationen konfrontiert wird, die Orientierung bedürfen. Den Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit bildete daher die Frage nach Prozessen subjektiver Orientierung in einer durch Komplexitätssteigerung geprägten Lebenswelt. Das Forschungsinteresse beschäftigte sich mit zwei Schwerpunkten: Zum einen mit Prozessen gesellschaftlicher Transformation, die das Subjekt vermehrt in Orientierungssituationen bringen und zum anderen mit Prozessen subjektiver Orientierung. Anhand einer biographieanalytischen Untersuchung und des zum Einsatz gekommenen Instrumentariums zur Rekonstruktion subjektiver Orientierungsstrategien konnten die individuellen Erfahrungen und Erlebnisschichtungen nutzbar gemacht werden, um die subjektiven Orientierungsstrategien der befragten Personen zu rekonstruieren.

Origami Dots: Folding paper to explore geometry

by Andy Parkinson

All the challenges in this entertaining puzzle book are the same. Fold the corner of the paper to a given dot and find the folded area. A small move of the target dot can drastically change the logic needed to find the solution to the challenge. The problems become increasingly complex as the book progresses, with possible solutions involving Pythagoras' and similar triangles as well as trigonometry and algebra. However, insights learnt from earlier challenges can help with those that follow. If at any point the challenge becomes too great, the answers can always be found by measurement with a ruler and directly calculating the area. The book encourages curiosity, a "find out what you can" approach that creates interesting and varied solution strategies. The aim is that deep thinking and geometrical reasoning can come out of exploring and discussing the paper folds. The challenges are for all ages (10 years and over). Thus, for teachers the book provides a rich source of challenges that have a similar appearance, yet hide an obvious method and require students to choose how to approach the problem. Comparing solution methods when checking the answers is also useful as the solutions highlight some fascinating facts linked with these simple folds.

The Origin and Evolution of Religion (Routledge Revivals)

by Albert Churchward

Churchward’s The Origin and Evolution of Religion, first published in 1924, explores the history and development of different religions worldwide, from the religious cults of magic and fetishism to contemporary religions such as Christianity and Islam. This text is ideal for students of theology.

Origin and Significance of the Frankfurt School: A Marxist Perspective (Routledge Library Editions: Social Theory Ser.)

by Phil Slater

The term 'Frankfurt School' is used widely, but sometimes loosely, to describe both a group of intellectuals and a specific social theory. Focusing on the formative and most radical years of the Frankfurt School, during the 1930s, this study concentrates on the Frankfurt School's most original contributions made to the work on a 'critical theory of society' by the philosophers Max Horkheimer and Herbert Marcuse, the psychologist Erich Fromm, and the aesthetician Theodor W. Adorno.Phil Slater traces the extent, and ultimate limits, of the Frankfurt School's professed relation to the Marxian critique of political economy. In considering the extent of the relation to revolutionary praxis, he discusses the socio-economic and political history of Weimar Germany in its descent into fascism, and considers the work of such people as Karl Korsch, Wilhelm Reich, Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht, which directs a great deal of critical light on the Frankfurt School.While pinpointing the ultimate limitations of the Frankfurt School's frame of reference, Phil Slater also looks at the role their work played (largely against their wishes) in the emergence of the student anti-authoritarian movement in the 1960s. He shows that, in particular, the analysis of psychic and cultural manipulation was central to the young rebels' theoretical armour, but that even here, the lack of economic class analysis seriously restricts the critical edge of the Frankfurt School's theory. His conclusion is that the only way forward is to rescue the most radical roots of the Frankfurt School's work, and to recast these in the context of a practical theory of economic and political emancipation.

The Original Home School Series

by Charlotte Mason

This is the complete unabridged and authorized edition of the works of turn-of-the-century British educator Charlotte Mason, with a forward by Dr. John Thorley of The Charlotte Mason College. This six-volume set includes over 2400 pages on education, child training and parenting. Recognized as a pioneer in home education and major school reforms, Charlotte Mason's practical methods are as revolutionary today as when they were first written. These books were out of print for over 80 years until Dean & Karen Andreola brought them to America in while returning from a mission s trip in the spring of 1987. A Charlotte Mason educational revival soon followed. Charlotte Mason s writings reflect a lifetime of experience teaching children and training teachers. Her topics are meaty. Her ideas radiate brilliantly in the thoughts of those who take the time to ponder them. With each idea comes a practical how-to "for bringing up children within the educational life." The power of attention, moral character, the discipline of habit, safeguarding a child s curiosity, is a tiny peek at the topics presented. Although Miss Mason began writing in the 1880s, her principles still apply. Today's homeschool parents are seeing first-hand how wonderfully they work. After ten years of intense study and application of Miss Mason s principles with her own children, Karen Andreola wrote A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning. Now today's parents can see what a Charlotte Mason education looks like in a contemporary setting while gleaning from its many benefits.

The Original Postal Exam 473 and 473-C Study Guide

by T. W. Parnell

Complete test preparation from best-selling author T.W. Parnell featuring: free live support; test prep answers and advice; free Postal Exam newsletter; 100 up-to-date questions with the new exam; six realistic practice exams; performance proven test-taking tips; postal phone web directory, and more.

Original Sin: Illuminating the Riddle (New Studies in Biblical Theology #Volume 5)

by Henri Blocher

We live in a world shot through with evil. The twentieth century has witnessed suffering and human cruelty on a scale never before imagined. Yet, paradoxically, in recent years the doctrine of original sin has suffered neglect and ridicule. In this philosophically sophisticated treatment of the biblical evidence for original sin, Henri Blocher offers a robust response. Interacting with the best theological thinking on the subject, this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume shows that while the nature of original sin is a mystery—even a riddle—only belief in it makes sense of evil and wrongdoing. After a general survey of the biblical evidence, Blocher moves on to discuss the two key texts. First, he considers the relation of the Eden story of Genesis 2 and 3 to modern scientific, literary and theological thinking. Then, he offers a new and groundbreaking interpretation of Romans 5, where Paul discusses Christ and Adam. From this exegetical foundation, he goes on to show how the doctrine of original sin makes sense of the paradoxes of human existence. In the final chapter, he discusses the intellectual difficulties that some feel remain with the doctrine itself. Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead

Original Sinners

by John R Coats

In this vivid, original interpretation of Genesis, former Episcopal priest John R. Coats takes readers on a journey through the ancient text, inviting them to see its characters in a new light, not as religious icons, but as people whose day-to-day concerns, triumphs, and failures are like our own. In Coats's telling, the relationships of Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Rachel and Leah, and Joseph and his brothers take on stunning contemporary relevance as these characters find themselves confronted with extraordinary situations and circumstances that they'd neither asked for nor had anything to say about. Using stories from his life as well as the lives of people he's known, Coats creates a rubric you can use to examine your own life and to discover aspects of yourself in the characters whose lives unfold in these primordial stories. How has Eve's story shaped yours? Is your life reflected in Jacob's evolution to wisdom? In Joseph's youthful arrogance? Coats explores the strengths and weaknesses of the men and women in Genesis, pulling back the wrappings that have hidden their humanity to reveal the vibrant drama of these foundational narratives. "Different clothing, yes, and language, and customs, yet at the human level," he writes, "they were just as greedy and generous as we are, as gullible and crafty, as moronic and brilliant, as cowardly and brave. They are us, their stories, our stories, mirrors in which to see our best and worst selves."

Originate, Motivate, Innovate: 7 Steps for Building a Billion Dollar Network

by Shelly Omilade Bell

Supercharge your business or career by staying true to your authentic self In Originate, Motivate, Innovate: 7 Steps to Building a Billion Dollar Network, accomplished entrepreneur Shelly Omilâdé Bell and author Sheena C. Howard deliver an honest and engaging discussion of how to think differently about getting your business funded as a female entrepreneur of color. In the book, you’ll find the mindsets, tools, tactics, and strategies you need to succeed in a venture capital environment that is largely designed by—and for—white males. You’ll learn how to apply your own unique story and background and prioritize valuable relationships to create your own pathway to a fully funded business. You’ll also discover: An acknowledgment and highlighting of those obstacles that remain in place and stand in the way of women of color in business How to break through those obstacles while doing things your own way Strategies for achieving your next goal, whether that’s building a business, creating social impact, or looking for a raise An essential and insightful resource for entrepreneurs, founders, and other business leaders of color, Originate, Motivate, Innovate is the no-nonsense, hands-on book that professional women of color have been waiting for.

Origins: The Ancient Impact and Modern Implications of Genesis 1-11

by Paul Copan Dr. Douglas Jacoby

Origins turns much of what Christians learned in Sunday School on its head in a revealing comparison of the Genesis narrative to the competing pagan narrative of the day. Relatively few Bible readers are familiar with the world of the ancient Near East, centered in Mesopotamia and its most prominent city, Babylon. The culture, literature, religions, geography, etc. of the early biblical period dramatically influenced what was written and why and without an understanding of these elements, the purposes, meanings, and structure of the text are easily misread by modern readers and reduces the primeval narrative to a collection of Sunday School stories. Origins, while acknowledging the agendas of modern readers, remains on track in expounding on the ancient agenda. Paul Copan and Douglas Jacoby address the doubts of those who find stumbling blocks in early Genesis, facing the tough questions head on and providing biblical solution to many of the &“problem passages.&” Origins surprises and amazes all seekers, new believers, and veterans of Scripture alike as it devastates the polytheistic, pagan assumptions and proclaims the true God.

The Origins of Civic Universities: Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool (Routledge Library Editions: Education 1800-1926 Ser.)

by David R. Jones

This book, first published in 1988, examines the origins, purposes and functioning of the civic universities founded in the second half of the nineteenth century and discusses their significance within both local and wider communities. It argues that the civic universities – and those of the northern industrial cities in particular – were among the most notable expressions of the civic culture of Victorian Britain and both a source and a reflection of the professional and expert society which was growing to maturity in that time and place. This title will be of interest to students of history and education.

The Origins of Early Christian Literature: Contextualizing the New Testament within Greco-Roman Literary Culture

by Robyn Faith Walsh

Conventional approaches to the Synoptic gospels argue that the gospel authors acted as literate spokespersons for their religious communities. Whether described as documenting intra-group 'oral traditions' or preserving the collective perspectives of their fellow Christ-followers, these writers are treated as something akin to the Romantic poet speaking for their Volk - a questionable framework inherited from nineteenth-century German Romanticism. In this book, Robyn Faith Walsh argues that the Synoptic gospels were written by elite cultural producers working within a dynamic cadre of literate specialists, including persons who may or may not have been professed Christians. Comparing a range of ancient literature, her ground-breaking study demonstrates that the gospels are creative works produced by educated elites interested in Judean teachings, practices, and paradoxographical subjects in the aftermath of the Jewish War and in dialogue with the literature of their age. Walsh's study thus bridges the artificial divide between research on the Synoptic gospels and Classics.

Origins of English Feudalism (Routledge Library Editions: The Medieval World #7)

by R. Allen Brown

Originally published in 1973, Origins of English Feudalism suggests that English feudalism has, for a long time, been the most controversial and thereby the most highly technical aspect of English medieval history. The book contains relevant sources that will be of use to readers and will allow them to study documentary, literary and archaeological sources from the medieval period. The debate over the establishment of feudalism in pre-Conquest England involves not only the question of the presence or absence of fief, but also of knights and cavalry, castles and vassilic commendation. This book will be of interest to academics and the ease of use and careful division of sources, will be of interest to students.

The Origins of Federal Support for Higher Education: George W. Atherton and the Land-Grant College Movement

by Roger L. Williams

The Origins of Federal Support for Higher Education revises the traditional interpretation of the land-grant college movement, whose institutions were brought into being by the 1862 Morrill Act to provide for "the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes." Rather than being the inevitable consequence of the unfolding dynamic of institutional and socioeconomic forces, Williams argues, it was the active intervention and initiative of a handful of educational leaders that secured the colleges' future—above all, the activities of George W. Atherton.For nearly three decades, Atherton, who was the seventh president of the Pennsylvania State University, worked to secure consistent federal financial support for the colleges, which in their early years received little assistance from the states they were designed to benefit. He also helped to develop the institutions as comprehensive "national" universities grounded in the liberal arts and sciences—a conception that countered the prevailing view of the colleges as mainly agricultural schools.Atherton became the prime mover in the campaign to enact the 1887 Hatch Act, which encouraged the establishment of agricultural experiment stations at land-grant colleges. The act marked the federal government's first effort to provide continuous funding to research units associated with higher education institutions. At the same times, Atherton played a key role in the formation of the first association of such institutions: The Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. It was the Association that provided the critical mass needed to lobby Congress successively and to approach the many opportunities and threats the land-grant colleges faced during the 1885–1906 period.Atherton was also deeply involved in the campaign for the Morrill Act of 1890, which provided long-sought annual appropriations to land-grant colleges for a broad range of academic programs and encouraged steady growth in state support during the 1890s.Roger Williams traces the motives and tactics behind a series of laws that made the federal government irreversibly committed to funding higher education and scientific research and provides rich new insights into the complexities, polarities, and inherent contradictions of the history of the American land-grant movement.

The Origins of Higher Learning: Knowledge networks and the early development of universities

by Roy Lowe Yoshihito Yasuhara

Higher education has become a worldwide phenomenon where students now travel internationally to pursue courses and careers, not simply as a global enterprise, but as a network of worldwide interconnections. The Origins of Higher Learning: Knowledge networks and the early development of universities is an account of the first globalisation that has led us to this point, telling of how humankind first developed centres of higher learning across the vast landmass from the Atlantic to the China Sea. This book opens a much-needed debate on the origins of higher learning, exploring how, why and where humankind first began to take a sustained interest in questions that went beyond daily survival. Showing how these concerns became institutionalised and how knowledge came to be transferred from place to place, this book explores important aspects of the forerunners of globalisation. It is a narrative which covers much of Asia, North Africa and Europe, many parts of which were little known beyond their own boundaries. Spanning from the earliest civilisations to the end of the European Middle Ages, around 700 years ago, here the authors set out crucial findings for future research and investigation. This book shows how interconnections across continents are nothing new and that in reality, humankind has been interdependent for a much longer period than is widely recognised. It is a book which challenges existing accounts of the origins of higher learning in Europe and will be of interest to all those who wish to know more about the world of academia.

The Origins of Isaiah 24–27: Josiah's Festival Scroll for the Fall of Assyria

by Christopher B. Hays

Isaiah 24-27 has been an enduring mystery and a hotly contested text for biblical scholars. Early scholarship linked its references to the dead rising to the New Testament. These theories have remained influential even as common opinion moderated over the course of the twentieth century. In this volume, Christopher B. Hays situates Isaiah 24-27 within its historical and cultural contexts. He methodically demonstrates that it is not apocalyptic; that its imagery of divine feasting and conquering death have ancient cognates; and that its Hebrew language does not reflect a late composition date. He also shows how the passage celebrates the receding of Assyrian power from Judah, and especially from the citadel at Ramat Rahel near Jerusalem, in the late seventh century. This was the time of King Josiah and his scribes, who saw a political opportunity and issued a peace overture to the former northern kingdom. Using comparative, archaeological, linguistic, and literary tools, Hays' volume changes the study of Isaiah, arguing for a different historical setting than that of traditional scholarship.

Origins of Mass Communications Research During the American Cold War: Educational Effects and Contemporary Implications (Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education)

by Timothy Glander

In this critical examination of the beginnings of mass communications research in the United States, written from the perspective of an educational historian, Timothy Glander uses archival materials that have not been widely studied to document, contextualize, and interpret the dominant expressions of this field during the time in which it became rooted in American academic life, and tries to give articulation to the larger historical forces that gave the field its fundamental purposes. By mid-century, mass communications researchers had become recognized as experts in describing the effects of the mass media on learning and other social behavior. However, the conditions that promoted and sustained their authority as experts have not been adequately explored. This study analyzes the ideological and historical forces giving rise to, and shaping, their research. Until this study, the history of communications research has been written almost entirely from within the field of communications studies and, as a result, has tended to refrain from asking troubling foundational questions about the origins of the field or to entertain how its emergence shaped educational discourse during the post-World War II period. By examining the intersection between the individual biographies of key leaders in the communications field (Wilbur Schramm, Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, Hadley Cantril, Stuart Dodd, and others) and the larger historical context in which they lived and worked, this book aims to tell part of the story of how the field of communications became divorced from the field of education. The book also examines the work of significant voices on the rise of mass communications study (including C. Wright Mills, William W. Biddle, Paul Goodman, and others) who theorized about the emergence of a mass society. It concludes with a discussion of the contemporary relevance of the theory of a mass society to educational thought and practice.

The Origins of Mathematical Knowledge in Childhood (Studies in Mathematical Thinking and Learning Series)

by Catherine Sophian

This book examines the origins and development of children's mathematical knowledge. It contrasts the widely held view that counting is the starting point for mathematical development with an alternative comparison-of-quantities position. According to the comparison-of-quantities position, the concept of number builds upon more basic concepts of equality, inequality, and less-than and greater-than relations, which derive from comparisons between unenumerated quantities such as lengths. The concept of number combines these basic comparative concepts with the concept of a unit of measure, which allows one quantity to be described as a multiple of another. Sophian examines these alternative accounts of children's developing mathematical knowledge in the light of research: on children's counting; on their reasoning about continuous quantities such as length and area; on the development of the concept of unit; on additive and multiplicative reasoning; and on knowledge about fractions. In the closing chapters, Sophian draws out the developmental and the educational implications of the research and theory presented. Developmentally, the comparison-of-quantities position undermines the idea that numerical knowledge develops through domain-specific learning mechanisms in that it links numerical development both to physical knowledge about objects, which is the starting point for the concept of unit, and to the acquisition of linguistic number terms. Instructionally, the comparison-of-quantities perspective diverges from the counting-first perspective in that it underscores the continuity between whole-number arithmetic and fraction learning that stems from the importance of the concept of unit for both. Building on this idea, Sophian advances three instructional recommendations: First, instruction about numbers should always be grounded in thinking about quantities and how numbers represent the relations between them; second, instruction in the early years should always be guided by a long-term perspective in which current objectives are shaped by an understanding of their role in the overall course of mathematics learning; and third, instruction should be directly toward promoting the acquisition of the most general mathematical knowledge possible. The Origins of Mathematical Knowledge in Childhood is intended for researchers, professionals, and graduate students in developmental psychology, educational psychology, and mathematics education, and as a supplementary text for advanced undergraduate courses in cognitive development, educational psychology, and mathematics education.

The Origins of the Common Core

by Deborah Duncan Owens

Owens provides a historical analysis of the ideological movements and reform efforts leading to the Common Core State Standards, beginning with conservative criticism of public schools in the 1930s and culminating in a convergence of the political right and left in efforts to systemically reform education based on free market principles.

Origins of the Natural Law Tradition

by Robert N. Wilkin Thomas E. Davitt John S. Marshall

“CONCEPTS of a Law of Nature are as old as Western philosophy. From its inception Greek philosophy was concerned to reduce the apparent chaos and conflict of the visible world to some principle of harmony and order. The true relationship of man to the world about him was of primary concern. Philosophical solutions of these problems were found in concepts of Natural Law by which men could be brought into an ideal relationship with each other and with their environment.“In selecting the four theories of Natural Law it was thought advisable to explore only concepts of Natural Law as a manifestation of universal order, leaving for the future the subsidiary notions of Natural Rights developed in more recent centuries. The four theories have been presented in terms of their principal expositors: Cicero, with his transcending synthesis of the Aristotelian man and the Stoic cosmology; St. Thomas Aquinas, with his Hellenized adaptation of traditional Jewish-Christian theology; Richard Hooker, who provided an intellectual bridge between the neoclassical Natural Law of Bracton, of John of Salisbury, and of Anglican theology, and the rationalist Natural Rights doctrines of the seventeenth century; and Herbert Spencer, who constructed a sort of Natural Law on the basis of the natural laws of biological existence as propounded by Charles Darwin.” (From the Introduction by Arthur L. Harding)

Origins of the Specious

by Patricia T. O'Conner Stewart Kellerman

Do you cringe when a talking head pronounces "niche" as NITCH? Do you get bent out of shape when your teenager begins a sentence with "and"? Do you think British spellings are more "civilised" than the American versions? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you're myth-informed. In Origins of the Specious, word mavens Patricia T. O'Conner and Stewart Kellerman reveal why some of grammar's best-known "rules" aren't--and never were--rules at all. This playfully witty, rigorously researched book sets the record straight about bogus word origins, politically correct fictions, phony français, fake acronyms, and more. Here are some shockers: "They" was once commonly used for both singular and plural, much the way "you" is today. And an eighteenth-century female grammarian, of all people, is largely responsible for the all-purpose "he." From the Queen's English to street slang, this eye-opening romp will be the toast of grammarphiles and the salvation of grammarphobes. Take our word for it.

Orphan Monster Spy

by Matt Killeen

<P>Her name is Sarah. She's blonde, blue-eyed, and Jewish in 1939 Germany. And her act of resistance is about to change the world. <P>After her mother is shot at a checkpoint, fifteen-year-old Sarah meets a mysterious man with an ambiguous accent, a suspiciously bare apartment, and a lockbox full of weapons. He's part of the secret resistance against the Third Reich, and he needs Sarah to hide in plain sight at a school for the daughters of top Nazi brass, posing as one of them. <P>If she can befriend the daughter of a key scientist and get invited to her house, she might be able to steal the blueprints to a bomb that could destroy the cities of Western Europe. <P>Nothing could prepare Sarah for her cutthroat schoolmates, and soon she finds herself in a battle for survival unlike any she'd ever imagined. But anyone who underestimates this innocent-seeming girl does so at their peril. <P>She may look sweet, but she's the Nazis' worst nightmare.

Orthodontic Assistant: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Orthodontic Assistant Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: dental procedures and terminology; help maintain a clean sterile environment; understand and interprate written material; patient record keeping; keeping accurate inventory records; interacting with the public; dental hygine and assisting practices; and other related areas.

The Orthodox Study Bible: Ancient Christianity Speaks to Today's World

by Thomas Nelson

The FIRST EVER Orthodox Study Bible presents the Bible of the early church and the church of the early Bible.Orthodox Christianity is the face of ancient Christianity to the modern world and embraces the second largest body of Christians in the world. In this first-of-its-kind study Bible, the Bible is presented with commentary from the ancient Christian perspective that speaks to those Christians who seek a deeper experience of the roots of their faith.Features Include:Old Testament newly translated from the Greek text of the Septuagint, including the DeuterocanonNew Testament from the New King James VersionCommentary drawn from the early Church ChristiansEasy-to-Locate liturgical readingsBook Introductions and OutlinesSubject IndexFull-color IconsFull-color Maps

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update: 14 (Orthopaedic Knowledge Update)

by Leesa M Galatz Frederick M Azar

Orthopaedic Knowledge Update® 14, edited by Leesa M. Galatz, MD, MBA, FAAOS, and Frederick M. Azar, MD, FAAOS, brings you a comprehensive synthesis of the latest clinical thinking and best practices across all orthopaedic specialty areas. OKU® 14 covers developments of the last three years with revisions and updates based on new evidence, outcomes, and innovations in the recent literature, including annotated references. Keep pace with the rapidly evolving body of orthopaedic knowledge and clinical practice with OKU’s objective, balanced coverage. Backed by clinical research, informed by practical experience, and rigorously edited by thought leaders across the orthopaedic specialties, OKU®14 is your most up-to-date resource to guide your delivery of high-quality orthopaedic patient care today.

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