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Showing 51,426 through 51,450 of 89,735 results

Megan e il Ladro: Uno spirito guida, una tigre fantasma e una madre spaventosa! (La serie Megan #12)

by Owen Jones

Megan e il Ladro Uno spirito guida, una tigre fantasma e una madre spaventosa! Megan è una ragazza di tredici anni che ha scoperto di avere dei poteri psichici che altri non hanno. All’inizio, ha cercato di parlarne a sua madre ma le conseguenze sono state disastrose e da allora ha imparato a non parlarne. Tuttavia, alcune persone si sono offerte di aiutarla e un animale in particolare ha mostrato di essere particolarmente amichevole, anche se non sono ‘vivi’ nel vero senso della parola. Appartengono all’aldilà. Megan ha tre amici di questo genere: Wacinhinsha, il suo spirito guida, che era stato un sioux nella sua ultima vita terrestre; suo nonno materno, Gramps, e un’enorme tigre siberiana chiamata Grrr. Wacinhinsha è estremamente preparato su tutto ciò che riguarda la spiritualità, la psiche e il paranormale; suo nonno è un novizio ‘deceduto’ e Grrr può solo fare versi e, come si può immaginare, la maggior parte è incomprensibile per gli umani. Questo libro parla di quella volta che un ladro entrò in casa di Megan e rubò i gioielli di sua madre. Quando però Megan scopre l’identità del ladro si trova ad un bivio. Per questo, chiede un suggerimento ai suoi amici.

Megan en de Inbreker: Een Spirituele Gids, Een Spooktijger en een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder! (De Megan Reeks #12)

by Owen Jones

Megan en de Inbreker Een Spirituele Gids, Een Geesttijger en Een Erg Angstaanjagende Moeder Megan lost een reeks plaatselijke inbraken op op haar eigen unieke manier Megan is een dertienjarig meisje, dat beseft dat ze psychische krachten bezit die anderen niet hebben. Aanvankelijk probeerde ze er met haar moeder over te praten, maar met rampzalige gevolgen, dus heeft ze geleerd om erover te zwijgen. Sommige mensen hebben echter hulp aangeboden en één dier toonde een speciale vriendschap, maar zij ‘leefden’ niet in de normale zin van het woord. Zij waren overleden. Megan heeft drie zulke vrienden: Wacinhinsha, haar spirituele gids, die in zijn laatste leven op aarde Sioux was geweest, Opa, haar grootvader langs moeder’s kant, en een enorme Siberische tijger die Grrr heet. Wacinhinsha heeft een buitengewone kennis over alle spirituele, psychische en paranormale dingen;  haar grootvader is een beginnende ‘dode persoon’ en Grrr kan enkel Tijger spreken, zoals je je kan voorstellen en het meeste daarvan is natuurlijk onverstaanbaar voor mensen. Dit boek gaat over het incident wanneer er in Megan’s huis wordt ingebroken en haar moeder’s juwelen worden gestolen. Megan zit in een lastig parket wanneer ze de identiteit van de dief ontdekt. Dus vraagt ze het advies van haar vrienden.

Megan et Le Cambrioleur: Un Guide Spirituel, un Tigre Fantôme et une Mère Terrifiante ! (La série Megan #12)

by Owen Jones

Megan et Le Cambrioleur Un Guide Spirituel, un Tigre Fantôme et une Mère Terrifiante ! Megan est une adolescente de 13 ans, qui réalise qu'elle a des pouvoirs psychiques que les autres n'ont pas. Au début, elle essaya d'en parler à sa mère, mais les conséquences furent si désastreuses qu'elle apprit à garder le silence. En revanche, certaines personnes veulent l'aider et elle se lie d'une amitié particulière avec un animal. Mais ils ne sont pas «vivants » au sens propre du terme. Ils sont dans l'autre monde. Megan a ainsi trois amis : Wacinhinsha, son Guide Spirituel, qui était un Sioux dans sa dernière vie sur Terre, son grand-père maternel, Granp', et une énorme tigresse de Sibérie appelée Grrr. Wacinhinsha est un connaisseur exceptionnel de toutes les choses spirituelles, psychiques et paranormales ; son grand-père est un 'mort' novice et Grrr ne parle que le Tigre, comme on peut l'imaginer. Tout cela est évidemment inintelligible pour les humains. Ce livre raconte le cambriolage de la maison de Megan et le vol des bijoux de sa mère. Megan est face à un dilemme quand elle découvre l'identité du voleur. Alors, elle sollicite les conseils de ses amis.

Megan und der Einbrecher: Ein Spirit Guide, ein Tigergeist und eine beängstigende Mutter (Die Megan-Serie #12)

by Owen Jones

Megan ist ein 13 jähriges Mädchen, dem klar wird, dass sie übernatürliche Kräfte besitzt, die andere nicht haben. Zuerst versuchte sie, mit ihrer Mutter darüber zu reden, doch das hatte desaströse Konsequenzen und so lernte sie, ihre Kräfte für sich zu behalten. Einige Menschen bieten ihr Hilfe an und ein Tier zeigte eine besondere Freundschaft, doch sie sind nicht im eigentlichen Sinne des Wortes "lebendig", sie haben diese Welt bereits verlassen. Megan hat drei solcher Freunde: Wacinhinsha, ihren Spirit Guide, der in seinem letzten Leben auf der Erde ein Sioux gewesen war, ihren Großvater mütterlicherseits namens Gramps und eine riesige sibirische Tigerdame namens Grrr. Wacinhinsha ist sehr weiße in allen Dingen, die das Spirituelle, Übernatürliche und Paranormale betreffen, ihr Großvater ist ein Neuling unter den Toten und Grrr spricht nur Tiger, wie man sich vielleicht vorstellen kann, und das meiste davon können Menschen nicht verstehen. In diesem Buch geht es um die Geschichte, als in Megans Haus eingebrochen und der Schmuck ihrer Mutter gestohlen wurde. Megan befindet sich in einer Zwickmühle, als sie herausfindet, wer der Dieb ist. So bittet sie ihre Freunde um Hilfe.

Megan y el ladrón: Un espíritu guía, una tigresa fantasma y ¡una madre de miedo! (La Serie de Megan #12)

by Owen Jones

Megan y el ladrón Un espíritu guía, una tigresa fantasma y ¡una madre de miedo! Megan es una jovencita de trece años que se percata que posee poderes psíquicos que otros no poseen. En principio, intenta hablar con su madre acerca de éstos pero resulta en consecuencias desastrosas así que aprende a guardarlos para sí misma. Sin embargo, algunas personas sí le ofrecen su ayuda y un animal le muestra una amistad especial, pero éstos no están “vivos” en un sentido normal de la palabra. Ellos han muerto. Megan tiene tres de estos amigos: Wacinhinsha, su espíritu guía, quien fue un indio Sioux en su última vida terrenal; su abuelo materno, Gramps, y una enorme tigresa siberiana llamada Grrr. Wacinhinsha es verdaderamente sabio en todas las cosas espirituales y paranormales, Su abuelo es una persona muerta “novata” y Grrr tan solo puede hablar tigrés, como uno podría imaginar y la mayoría de ello, desde luego, es incomprensible para los humanos. En este libro, la casa de Megan sufre un incidente: es saqueada y le roban la joyería a su madre. Megan se enfrenta a un dilema cuando descubre la identidad del ladrón, por lo que busca el consejo de sus amigos.

Megan's Island

by Willo Davis Roberts

From critically acclaimed author Willo Davis Roberts comes an Edgar Award–winning classic mystery about a twelve-year-old girl on the run with her family.Pack up and leave? Tonight? When Megan has just one week of school left before summer vacation? Something doesn’t seem right.Megan is used to moving. After all, she’s moved a dozen times in her twelve years. But this time, something is different. They’re leaving in the middle of the night, and Megan doesn’t even have a chance to say good-bye to her best friend. What’s worse, Megan can tell her mother is frightened. It’s almost as if they’re running away from something. But from what?

Megan's Mate: The Calhoun Women (Calhoun Women #5)

by Nora Roberts

AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIMECool as an Atlantic breeze, Calhoun sister-in-law Megan O'Riley has buried her passions deep. Her heart has only brought her trouble in the past - and she's vowed never to let it lead her astray again. Instead she pours all her energies into her work and her young son. But when rugged boat captain Nate Fury sails into her life, not even Megan's resistance can divert him. Faced with Nate's formidable charms, Megan seems destined to be swept away...Megan's Mate can be enjoyed as a captivating standalone novel. It is also the fifth book in The Calhouns series, which begins with Courting Catherine and continues with A Man for Amanda, For the Love of Lilah and Suzanna's Surrender.Includes a preview of Whiskey Beach, published in April 2013

Meglio come un ricordo

by Dawn Brower

Una notte di passione lascia Belle Brennan con la nostalgia del suo signor Misterioso... Un'agente sottocopertura, Cain Dempsey, lascia la donna che ama per proteggerla. Un caso su cui sta lavorando prende una brutta piega e non gli lascia altra scelta che ritornare da lei per chiedere aiuto. Belle è l'unica persona di cui fidarsi, anche se ha tutto il diritto di essere arrabbiata con lui. Presasi una vacanza improvvisata nella casa al lago della sua famiglia, Belle è sorpresa nel trovare Cain davanti alla porta sul retro. È ferito, burbero e ancora bello come lo ricordava. Fortunatamente per lui, lei è un dottore e non serba rancore. Riusciranno a sopravvivere abbastanza a lungo alle minacce che li circondano e riaccendere la loro crescente passione o la vita pericolosa di Cain li distruggerà per sempre?

Mein Boss, der Milliardär - immer noch (Teil #2)

by Julia Kah Lexy Timms

Eine Milliardär-Liebesroman von der Bestseller-Autorin Lexy Timms zum Schwärmen und neu Verlieben. Jamie Connors hat entschieden, dass ein Job wichtiger ist, als ein Freund. Sie hat eine tolle Position als persönliche Assistentin des Milliardärs Alex Reid ergattert. Es sollte eigentlich kein Job mit besonderen Vorzügen sein, trotzdem findet sie sich in Alex' Bett wieder. Obwohl sie schlau, hübsch und nur ein bisschen übergewichtig ist, glaubt sie nicht, attraktiv genug für einen Mann wie Alex zu sein. Jamie muss versuchen, alle glücklich zu machen, indem sie ihre Arbeit bewerkstelligt und genauso viel Zeit in die Hochzeit ihrer Schwester steckt. Die Hochzeit ihrer Schwester steht im Mittelpunkt des Interesses ihrer Familie. Das wäre in Ordnung für Jamie, wenn Ihre Schwester Sie nicht herumkommandieren würde, ihre Mutter mit dem Nörgeln aufhören würde und ihr schrecklicher Exfreund nicht bald ihr Schwager werden würde. Jamie muss lernen, sich selbst wieder zu lieben, für sich selbst einzustehen und das Selbstvertrauen aufzubringen, sich das zu nehmen, was sie will. Sie muss außerdem Alex beweisen, dass sie perfekt für den Job und für sein Bett ist. ** Mein Boss, der Milliardär - immer noch ist der zweite Teil einer Serie. ** Nur für erwachsene Leser geeignet. Das Buch enthält nicht jugendfreie Szenen. Es ist aber ein Liebesroman, keine Erotik.

La mejor enemiga

by Sergio Olguín

Cuarta entrega de la periodista más sexy y audaz de la novela policial argentina: Vero Rosenthal. Verónica Rosenthal, la audaz periodista de Nuestro Tiempo, se encuentra de pronto inmersa en una situación inesperada: un antiguo director de la revista, Andrés Goicochea, y su expareja han sido ejecutados a sangre fría, y su amiga Paula, secuestrada durante unas horas. Su jefa, Patricia, está internada en el hospital con una bala en el pulmón. Con todo su círculo alerta y en peligro, Vero se pregunta si la investigación sobre los vínculos entre los poderosos y el mundo del delito que estaba realizando Andrés no será la causa de tanto desastre. Por otra parte, un viejo amigo de la infancia, compañero de juegos en el barrio de Villa Crespo, reaparece de manera sorpresiva para aportar aún más inquietud. Y Federico, el abogado que trabaja en el estudio de su padre, con quien pareciera por fin consolidada su historia de amor, atraviesa una temporada de indecisiones a partir de la incorporación al estudio de una joven y prometedora profesional. La mejor enemiga es la nueva novela de Sergio Olguín y la confirmación de Vero Rosenthal como una de las protagonistas de la novela policial en castellano. La crítica ha dicho... «Un acusado sentido del ritmo narrativo, con una dosificación medida de las acciones, y un oído atento para la reproducción del habla coloquial.»El cultural (España) sobre Oscura monótona sangre «Una novela influenciada por Boris Vian y Simenon que comienza con un tono realista y termina en un festivo apocalipsis erótico-policial, pantagruélico.»Mariana Enríquez, Página/12, sobre Filo «Hay una economía muy lograda en la construcción de los personajes.»Sebastián Basualdo, Página/12, sobre 1982 «Las extranjeras, un policial con el ritmo de una montaña rusa, también es una historia donde el amor ocupa un espacio clave, la justicia es un valor fundamental, el periodismo es una escuela y la venganza, una necesidad.»Leticia Pogoriles, Télam «Verónica Rosenthal es más conocida que yo.»Sergio Olguín, Infobae

El Mejor Recuerdo (comenzar de nuevo #2)

by Dawn Brower

Una noche de pasión deja a Belle Brennan deseando a su Señor misterioso ... Un operativo encubierto, Cain Dempsey, deja a la mujer que ama para protegerla. Un caso en el que está trabajando toma un giro en el peor, dejándolo sin otra opción que regresar con ella como ayudante. Belle es la única persona en la que puede confiar, incluso si ella tiene todo el derecho de estar enojada con él. Tomando unas vacaciones improvisadas en la casa del lago de su familia, Belle se sorprende al encontrar a Cain en la puerta de atrás. Está herido, hosco, y tan hermoso como ella recuerda. Por suerte para él, ella es médica y no guarda rencor. ¿Pueden sobrevivir las amenazas que los rodean el tiempo suficiente para reavivar su creciente pasión o la peligrosa vida de Caín los destruirá para siempre? Género: FICCIÓN / Romance / Suspense Género secundario: FICCIÓN / Romántico / Contemporáneo Idioma Original: inglés Traducido al Idioma: Español

Las mejores amigas

by Gina Lamanna

Cuatro mujeres. Cuatro confesiones. Un asesinato. Algo ha salido realmente mal en la boda de los Banks. Un hombre ha muerto. Cuatro mujeres se apresuran en confesar el asesinato, cada una de ellas insistiendo en que cometió el crimen sola. Ginger mantiene a su familia unida por los pelos, y su fin de semana no está siendo la escapada fantástica que había imaginado. Kate tiene suficiente dinero para comprar cualquier cosa que desee. O quizá no cualquier cosa. Emily no puede deshacerse ni de su reputación ni de sus recuerdos, que planea ahogar en una botella. Lulu tiene exmaridos de sobra, y otro en camino, tan pronto como descubra qué está tramando su actual esposo a sus espaldas. ¿Por qué deberían estas cuatro mujeres confesar el mismo crimen? Solo ellas lo saben. Pero prefieren ocultarlo porque hay verdades que preferimos ignorar. La crítica ha dicho...«Una lectura para disfrutar en labrisa de la playa, con un giro inesperado magistral.»Kirkus Reviews «Atrapará a los fans del suspense.»Booklist «¡Una lectura excepcional! El estilo de LaManna engancha. Resulta imposible dejar de leer.»The New York Journal of Books

Mekong Delta Blues (The Sideman Mysteries #2)

by Phil Swann

A ruthless Chinese crime syndicate has infiltrated Las Vegas. Heroin is on the rise in Sin City. So is murder. Sounds like a job for a trumpet player. Las Vegas, 1965. Hot off the heels of his last adventure in Cold War Copa, Trip Callaway, the young, wise-cracking musician with dreams as big as the Hoover Dam, has reluctantly agreed to go undercover and do some light spying for the government—light spying, as in report on who’s hobnobbing with whom in the casinos along The Strip. But when Trip is asked to pose as a trumpet teacher to the thirteen-year-old step-son of a notorious crime boss, he quickly realizes he’s agreed to more than he bargained for. Killers, prostitutes, heroin addicts and, of course, a beautiful woman, lead Trip into a deadly game of cat and mouse where he’s not sure if he’s the cat or the mouse. And, if that’s not bad enough, the U.S. government has another surprise for him. From a ghost town in the Nevada desert, to the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., to the jungles of Vietnam, Trip Callaway must stay alive, sort it all out, and keep that famous Callaway cool in the process.

Mel Martin: The Mystery At The Ball Park

by John R. Cooper

The Westwood High baseball team is in its stretch drive for the pennant, but there's trouble at the ball park! Someone wants to buy the park--and it's the only available playing field! Mel must find out who--and why! A rash of robberies in Westwood and a strict but incompetent replacement coach are the only clues that Mel and his friends the Wright twins have to work with. The dramatic discovery they make is a surprise to everyone! Will they solve the mystery in time for the big game?

Melancholy Baby (Sunny Randall #4)

by Robert B. Parker

When Sunny Randall helps a young woman locate her birth parents, she uncovers the dark truth about her own past.

The Melancholy Countess (Short Story)

by Frank Tallis

A master of mystery and suspense, Frank Tallis brings back Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt and Dr. Max Liebermann in an eBook short story exclusive--a new, riveting turn-of-the-century tale in the "captivating historical series" (The New York Times Book Review) that is beloved around the world. Haunted by the sudden death of her grown son, Countess Zigana Nadazdy-Hauke is as unhappy as she is elegant. But is she miserable enough to drown herself in the bath? That's the conventional wisdom in Vienna. But Rheinhardt and Liebermann have another idea after meeting the poor soul's much younger widower: Oktav Hauke is handsome and dashing, but also callous to the point of pathology, admittedly abusive, in debt up to his ears, and a serial surviving spouse: He's lost two other rich older wives to premature deaths. Now he's the obvious suspect. But can this solution be too simple, as well? After the shocking ending, catch a preview of Frank Tallis' thrilling new novel in the series, Death and the Maiden!

Melanie and the Cruise Caper (The Twelve Candles Club #10)

by Elaine L. Schulte

A Caribbean Cruise + A clever Con = One Spine-Tingling Week at Sea! Melanie Lin and the rest of the TCC club members have taken on their biggest responsibility yet: providing playcare for a ship full of kids. The sun, the sand, and the surf are dreamy--but the forty-five kids are a nightmare! How will they ever keep their jobs in the middle of the chaos? When shady Sid Hermann shows up on the ship, Melanie knows they are in for trouble. He's supposed to be in jail for the money-laundering operation the TCCers exposed. Has he followed them on board for revenge? Or does he have a nastier motive in mind? Melanie finds herself in the spooky dark depths of the ship when the shocking truth comes out! Between Creepy Coffins and Pint-Size Pirates, Melanie Better Think Fast!

Melanie’s Last Ride (Thoroughbred #29)

by Joanna Campbell

Melanie Graham loves spending time in Kentucky with her cousin Christina. She loves being away from New York City. And most of all, Melanie loves riding!

Melanie's Song

by Joanna Biggar

Five young college women from California who shared their junior year in Paris once banded together to form a network of friendships they believed would last all their lives. Twelve years later, one goes missing. The instigator of the Paris trip, J.J., now a journalist, decides to uncover the fate of the missing Melanie Hart on a quest both professional and personal. Last seen, Melanie was the meek, besotted wife of a young classical musician. Now, rumors abound: Melanie had a breakdown and left him. She was seen at Woodstock. She was running drugs. She became a mystic, a mother, a radical. She may be on the lam. She may be dead. J.J.'s investigation leads her into a world of off-the-grid radical activists and bad cops, as well as the Hart family's own carefully constructed version of events. Played out against a background of Vietnam War protests, the Watergate scandal, and Richard Nixon's eventual resignation, J.J.'s investigation calls into question the very nature of choice, and what it means to lead an authentic life.

Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire: A Treatise in Three Parts

by Manly P. Hall

Originally published in 1926, this short book focused on the symbolism surrounding the ancient patriarch Melchizedek serves as a concise introduction to important imperceptible truths."The elaborate rituals of the ancient Mysteries and the simpler ceremonials of modern religious institutions had a common purpose. Both were designed to preserve, by means of symbolic dramas and processionals, certain secret and holy processes, by the understanding of which man may more intelligently work out his salvation. The pages which follow will be devoted to an interpretation of some of these allegories according to the doctrine of the ancient seers and sages."

Melhor como uma memoria (Começar de Novo Dois #2)

by Dawn Brower

Belle passou a mão pela saia do vestido de coquetel preto. O salão de festas do hotel onde o evento de arrecadação de fundos estava sendo realizado estava decorado em alto estilo. Ela odiava esses eventos que seus pais insistiam que ela comparecesse. Seu pai, Wentworth Brennan, era um senador dos Estados Unidos. Ela se acostumou a assistir aos eventos tediosos no início de sua vida. Isso não significava que ela crescesse e gostasse deles. Este não seria diferente de nenhum dos outros. “Olá, querida.” Sua mãe, Adria Brennan, inclinou-se e beijou sua bochecha. “Estou feliz que você tenha participado esta noite. O trabalho tem mantido você ocupada demais para nos fazer uma visita?” Ela fez uma careta com o tom condescendente de sua mãe. Adria não aprovava sua ocupação. Belle trabalhava como médica de emergência no hospital local de Castleberry. Isso a mantinha ocupada e ela amava a constante descarga de adrenalina envolvida. Ela não podia imaginar fazer outra coisa. Sua mãe achava que estava abaixo dela. Não era ser uma médica a que ela se opunha. Era não ter uma médica de prestígio na família. Belle tinha uma posição baixa no hospital sem qualquer ambição real de subir para um nível mais alto. Uma especialidade diferente teria sido melhor, outra coisa senão uma cirurgiã geral. Era, na mente da mãe, rude. Sua filha devia subir mais e fazer melhor. Ela veio de uma das melhores famílias e havia expectativas.

Melia Ridge: A Max Blake Mystery (The Max Blake Mysteries #7)

by William Florence

In the thrilling follow-up to Emerald Ridge, a PI and his fiancée head from Oregon to Rome—to find answers to mysteries both personal and political . . . Max Blake&’s fiancée, Caeli Brown, lost her archbishop uncle to gunfire—at least, that&’s what they thought. So they&’re puzzled when they receive another postcard from him. What&’s going on? Is Uncle Jack dead or not? Max and Caeli are soon on the road to the Vatican&’s Secret Archives Building in the heart of Rome, where they meet a mysterious prelate with a fixation for world domination—a man who may well hold the key to determining who actually shot American President John F. Kennedy in 1963—in this gut-wrenching, surprising, and sharply witty tale of international mystery and intrigue.

Melis's Gambit

by Ann Gimpel

Re-Release: (A Matter of Honor, Ann Gimpel, Musa Publishing; Melis's Gambit, Ann Gimpel)Eighteenth century Europe can be a dangerous place, especially for a witch running for her life. Wounded and desperate for a place to hide while she heals, she finds the man of her dreams. Can she trust him not to betray her? Melis's Gambit is filled with all the drama, suspense, and passion you expect from paranormal romance author Ann Gimpel.Dark fantasy.Historical romance.Witches, Vampires, and Dark Magick.Hacked at with knives and tossed in the Danube, Melis Andresen is in desperate straits. Her tormentors are certain she's dead, or they wouldn't have let her go. With survival on the line, she leverages witchcraft and her training as a healer, and it's just barely enough. By the skin of her teeth, she survives the river running at flood stage and is asleep in a bedraggled heap next to a small fire, when a man walks out of the surrounding woods.Though she doesn't know it at the time, her life is about to change forever.Content Notes: Spicy, Paranormal, Vampires, Historical, Demons, Magic, Witches, Wizardry

Mellow Yellow-Dead Red (Bawdy Boutique Mysteries #3)

by Sylvia Rochester

For months, Susan Griffin's psychic abilities have eluded her, making it impossible to help Detective Wesley Grissom with his cold case. While Wesley misses Susan's insight, he's content knowing she is safe. Once Susan gets involved, she has a way of becoming a target, and that's exactly what happens when a heinous murder is discovered in the woods south of Palmetto. By accident, Susan uncovers an ancient arrowhead at the crime site. The artefact triggers her psychic powers. She's glad to have her visions restored, but what she seems only makes matters worse. Susan and Wesley struggle to make sense of everything and wonder - What other dark secrets might these woods hold?


by Stacy-Deanne

Everlasting Two stories of deadly passion intertwine in this gripping mystery by bestselling author Stacy-Deanne. Melody Cruz is certain her sister's new boyfriend, the wealthy, charming, and handsome Keith Taylor, has a dark past that he will do anything to hide. Wanting to protect her sister, Melody works to uncover Keith's secrets, not realizing that in doing so, she is sacrificing her own safety--because Keith will go to any lengths to keep himself in control. At the same time, a man named the "Albany Predator" has been brutally raping black women throughout the city, and Melody is convinced that her best friend is the rapist's next target. Detectives Brianna Morris and Steven Kemp are placed on the case, determined to bring this sadistic felon to justice. But when things couldn't get any more complicated, all evidence is turned around to reveal a surprising prime suspect. Full of forbidden desire and thrilling twists and turns, Melody is a chilling tale that will leave readers breathless.

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