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La Mentira del Investigador

by Samantha Sugey Priego Morales Keith Dixon

"Me gusta mucho leer a Lee Child, Robert Crais, Tess Gerritson. Así que creo que Keith Dixon esta a la altura de los grandes". - Critico de Amazon. En la emocionante entrega que sigue del libro Giro de Tuerca, el hijo perdido del investigador privado Sam Dyke le pide que encuentre a su novia, Kelly, que está desaparecida. Al principio, Sam se muestra reacio porque su hijo le está amenazando (no es un buen comienzo para una relación). Pero cuando comienza la investigación, rápidamente se topa con dos abusivos liverpulineses, Los Gemelos Pelirrojos, que lo provocan con su arrogancia y crudo comportamiento criminal que incluye corrupción y, posiblemente, asesinato. También se entera de que los Gemelos están bajo vigilancia por una operación de policías en cubierto, la cual él amenaza con descubrirlos y ponerlos en su lugar. Así que a Sam lo atacan por todos lados conforme intenta llegar al fondo del imperio criminal de los Gemelos. Al final Sam y los Gemelos tienen una confrontación cara a cara que solamente puede terminar en muerte o destrucción. Sam Dyke es un trabajador de clase media que trabaja entre los ricos y privilegiados de la zona de Cheshire; aquellos cuyos morales y niveles de discreción son ofensivos para él y van en contra de sus propios valores, que creció en un fuerte ambiente familiar. Los misterios que desvela se convierten en cruzadas personales contra el derecho, la riqueza y el abuso de poder. Aunque no moralice, se enoja cuando e a las personas que mienten, roban y asesinan para salirse con la suya. Al igual que Philip Marlowe y Sam Spade, tiene una visión clara de lo que realmente es el mundo, pero quiere que los malhechores regresen al camino de la rectitud y hará lo que pueda para ayudar. Lleno de personajes fascinantes, situaciones intrigantes y acción emocionante, La mentira del investigador ha superado las listas de "delincuencia dura" de Amazon tanto en Reino Unido como en los Estados Unidos.

La mentira sagrada

by Luis Miguel Rocha

Una intriga, un secreto y una alianza de la que forma parte el mismo Benedicto XVI. Tres de los Cinco Caballeros, una orden encargada de velar por unos valiosos manuscritos encontrados en el mar Muerto en los que se refuta la crucifixión de Jesús, han muerto y otro de ellos, encargado de guardarlos, está ilocalizable. Desde el Vaticano saltan todas las alarmas y envían a Sarah, una editora internacional de The Times especialista en temas vaticanos y persona de confianza, a recuperar los documentos. Al mismo tiempo, la Iglesia envía también al padre Rafael y a Jacopo para investigar quién puede estar detrás de los asesinatos, y todas las pistas parecen conducir a un mismo lugar: la orden jesuita. Los brutales crímenes prosiguen hasta que finalmente solo queda uno de los Cinco Caballeros: Joseph Ratzinger. Reseña:«Tenemos entre manos una magnífica novela, que da transparencia a la Cristiandad de la Iglesia Católica y su parentesco con el Judaísmo (...) Una gran novela de intriga, donde los asesinatos y los asesinos todos visten de sotana, con gran variedad de personajes muy reconocidos, con pasiones entre los muros y donde nada es lo que parece». Blog ¿Te gusta leer?


by Michael Grant

De noche, una niña a la que dieron por muerta vuelve a caminar entre los vivos. «Una historia emocionante y llena de tensión, narrada con un estilo trepidante que no te deja descansar... Adoro este libro». Stephen King Ya han pasado siete meses aislados, solos y olvidados… Sin adultos. Cuando el fuego se desata en Perdido Beach, Sam reconoce, entre las llamas y el humo, la silueta de alguien a quien todos daban por muerto, el temible Drake. Las batallas se recrudecen y los enfrentamientos se multiplican: Astrid contra el Ayuntamiento, la pandilla humana contra los mutantes y Sam contra su más cruel enemigo... El rumor que augura que la muerte es la única forma de escapar de la ERA se extiende tan deprisa como las llamas, y la desolación se apodera de los chicos. ¿Existirá otro camino para obtener la ansiada libertad?


by Yrsa Sigurdardóttir

Mentiras, el nuevo thriller de Yrsa Sigurðardóttir lo tiene todo para inquietarte: ambientado en una isla recóndita, escenarios espectaculares y una historia trepidante. Cuatro personas tienen que ir a un faro remoto, situado en un en un islote del Atlántico al que solamente se puede acceder en helicóptero. Son una técnico de telecomunicaciones, dos operarios de mantenimiento y un fotógrafo. La noche anterior al viaje, uno de ellos sueña que solo dos regresarán. Ya en la isla, las condiciones claustrofóbicas llevarán a un grupo ya de por sí poco cohesionado a altas cotas de pánico y paranoia. Mientras tanto, una familia vuelve a su hogar de Reikiavik tras un intercambio de piso, para descubrir que sus huéspedes estadounidenses se han volatilizado. Cuando el marido revisa los vídeos de seguridad de la cámara que tienen instalada en la casa de veraneo --a la que los invitados tenían acceso--, empieza a sospecharque algo horrible ha sucedido. Una agente de policía encuentra un fragmento de un viejo informe. Por él descubre que a su marido lo interrogaron cuando era muy joven. Ella ahora sospecha que ese antiguo caso puede guardar relación con su reciente intento de suicidio. Al parecer, treinta años atrás, un periodista se ahorcó en el mismo garaje en el que lo ha intentado su marido. Pero ¿por qué falta el resto del informe? En Mentiras, estas tres historias aparentemente inconexas acabarán unidas donde menos se puede esperar. Una novela desasosegante... donde nada es lo que parece. Reseña:«En su thriller Mentiras, Yrsa Sigurðardóttir trata de crímenes y de sus consecuencias, todo envuelto en una historia que pone los pelos de punta.»Morgunbladid

Mentiras consentidas (Sebastian Bergman #Volumen 6)

by Hjorth & Rosenfeldt

4 Milhões de exemplares vendidos Os dias de Sebastian Bergman na Unidade de Homicídios terminaram e agora passa o tempo a dar palestras e a escrever livros. Após os eventos do caso de O castigo dos ignorantes, não tem notícias da sua filha Vanja há meses e a única pessoa com quem tem contato esporádico é Úrsula. Vanja também não está na Unidade: agora trabalha como investigadora criminal em Uppsala. Desde o mês passado, está a investigar uma série de agressões contra mulheres. Quando uma das vítimas morre, a Unidade de Homicídios assumirá o caso e, muito em breve, também o Sebastian Bergman. Reunida, a equipa deve deixar de lado os seus problemas pessoais e conflitos para capturar o violador brutal que continua a assustar Uppsala. Tudo fica complicado quando as pistas indicam que as vítimas não foram selecionadas aleatoriamente. Mas qual é a ligação entre elas? Os elogios da crítica: «Este novo caso manterá os leitores a tentar adivinhar. Hjorth e Rosenfeldt tornam o jogo psicológico simplesmente elegante. Bergman continua a irritar e fascinar.»Gooi & Eemlander, Holanda «Este novo volume é tão brilhante quanto os anteriores. Cheio de suspense desde a primeira página, um enredo cheio de surpresas e personagens muito bem construídos.»Litteratursiden, Dinamarca «Hjorth e Rosenfeldt só conseguem escrever romances policiais surpreendentes e emocionantes.»Neue Westfälische, Alemanha «Os fãs leram estas páginas de uma só sentada. E um conselho: devem ler esta série cronologicamente!»Neue Presse, Alemanha «Duro e absolutamente emocionante, como os seus guiões.»Hörzu, Alemanha «Mais uma história magnífica com um investigador muito especial.» Brigitte, Alemanha «Hjorth e Rosenfeldt são mestres em criar suspense e enredo. São particularmente habilidosos no psicológico.»Upsala Nya Tidning, Suécia «Alto suspense.»Göteborgs-Posten, Suécia

Mentiras de sangre

by Mary Higgins Clark

La maestra del suspense vuelve con un thriller fascinante. Olivia Morrow sabe que le queda poco tiempo de vida. Sabe también que la Iglesia pretende beatificar a su prima Catherine, una religiosa que dedicó su vida a la investigación de dolencias infantiles y al cuidado de niños discapacitados. Pero, ante todo, Olivia Morrow sabe que su prima no fue ninguna santa. En los recovecos de su memoria se oculta un secreto que puede cambiarlo todo. Y es que antes de entrar en la orden religiosa, Catherine mantuvo una relación con Alex Gannon, un prestigioso doctor y científico que, con el tiempo y gracias a sus múltiples patentes, amasó una auténtica fortuna. Ambos concibieron un hijo que Catherine dio en adopción antes de ingresar en el convento. Un hijo que tuvo descendencia antes de morir y que figura como heredero directo en el testamento de Gannon. Lo que Olivia desconoce es que no es la única persona que posee esta información y que lo que está en juego es demasiado importante para dejar cabos sueltos... Reseña:«La reina del suspense.»ABC

El mentiroso (Trilogía de Illumbe #Volumen 1)

by Mikel Santiago

UN THRILLER QUE TE ENGAÑA HASTA LA ÚLTIMA PÁGINA. En un pequeño pueblo del País Vasco, nadie tiene secretos para nadie. ¿O tal vez sí? Hay novelas imposibles de abandonar una vez leídas las primeras páginas. Historias que reinventan el suspense y hacen dudar al lector cada vez que termina un capítulo. En este thriller absolutamente original y adictivo, Mikel Santiago rompe los límites de la intriga psicológica con un relato que explora las frágiles fronteras entre el recuerdo y la amnesia, la verdad y la mentira. En la primera escena, el protagonista despierta en una fábrica abandonada junto al cadáver de un hombre desconocido y una piedra con restos de sangre. Cuando huye, decide tratar de reconstruir él mismo los hechos. Sin embargo, tiene un problema: no recuerda apenas nada de lo ocurrido en las últimas cuarenta y ocho horas. Y lo poco que sí sabe es mejor no contárselo a nadie. Así arranca este thriller que nos traslada a un pueblo costero del País Vasco, entre sinuosas carreteras al borde de acantilados y casas de muros resquebrajados por las noches de tormenta: una pequeña comunidad donde, solo aparentemente, nadie tiene secretos para nadie. La crítica ha dicho...«Realmente adictivo.»Publishers Weekly «El regreso por la puerta grande de un autor que ya ha sido publicado en veinte países y cuyo sello personal deslumbra en cada párrafo.»El Correo

The Mentor

by R. A. Forster

Savvy LA attorney Lauren Kingsley has just been handed the opportunity of a lifetime--to prosecute a militia terrorist responsible for the devastating bombing of an IRS building. This case is Lauren's chance to prove to her longtime friend and mentor, Judge Wilson Caufeld, that she's got what it takes to succeed in the high-stakes world of the judicial system. But when Caufeld is found shot to death, Lauren is suddenly in over her head--trapped in a maze of conspiracy, corruption, and secrets leading right up to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Mentor: A Thriller

by Lee Matthew Goldberg

Kyle Broder has achieved his lifelong dream and is an editor at a major publishing house.When Kyle is contacted by his favorite college professor, William Lansing, Kyle couldn’t be happier. Kyle has his mentor over for dinner to catch up and introduce him to his girlfriend, Jamie, and the three have a great time. When William mentions that he’s been writing a novel, Kyle is overjoyed. He would love to read the opus his mentor has toiled over.Until the novel turns out to be not only horribly written, but the most depraved story Kyle has read.After Kyle politely rejects the novel, William becomes obsessed, causing trouble between Kyle and Jamie, threatening Kyle’s career, and even his life. As Kyle delves into more of this psychopath’s work, it begins to resemble a cold case from his college town, when a girl went missing. William’s work is looking increasingly like a true crime confession.Lee Matthew Goldberg's The Mentor is a twisty, nail-biting thriller that explores how the love of words can lead to a deadly obsession with the fate of all those connected and hanging in the balance.

The Mentor

by Sebastian Stuart

Twenty-five years ago Charles Davis's first novel made him a literary legend. But with his recent work savaged by reviewers, Charles has been paralyzed by self-doubt. Then fate hands him an unexpected muse. Emma Bowles is the young assistant Charles's wife, Anne, hires to bring order to his pressured existence. Where Anne is sleek and elegant, Emma is awkward and self-effacing. But Charles glimpses the intriguing mysteries beneath her small-town demeanor. Soon he is obsessed with Emma, with understanding her, controlling her. By the time Anne realizes she wants this disturbing young woman out of their lives, it's too late. All three are trapped in their own deceptions, and only a savage, shocking act can free them.From the Paperback edition.

Meow is for Murder

by Linda O. Johnston

Another purr-fect Pet Sitting mystery. The last thing pet-sitter Kendra Ballantyne wants is to start a catfight with her boyfriend's ex-wife, Amanda. So she agrees to help when Amanda's stalker turns up dead in her home-but only if Amanda will take her claws out of her ex for good.

The Mephisto Club (Rizzoli and Isles #6)

by Tess Gerritsen

BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Tess Gerritsen's The Silent Girl. Evil exists. Evil walks the streets. And evil has spawned a diabolical new disciple in this white-knuckle thriller from New York Times bestselling author Tess Gerritsen. PECCAVI The Latin word is scrawled in blood at the scene of a young woman's brutal murder: I HAVE SINNED. It's a chilling Christmas greeting for Boston medical examiner Maura Isles and Detective Jane Rizzoli, who swiftly link the victim to controversial celebrity psychiatrist Joyce O'Donnell-Jane's professional nemesis and member of a sinister cabal called the Mephisto Club. On top of Beacon Hill, the club's acolytes devote themselves to the analysis of evil: Can it be explained by science? Does it have a physical presence? Do demons walk the earth? Drawing on a wealth of dark historical data and mysterious religious symbolism, the Mephisto scholars aim to prove a startling theory: that Satan himself exists among us. With the grisly appearance of a corpse on their doorstep, it's clear that someone-or something-is indeed prowling the city. The members of the club begin to fear the very subject of their study. Could this maniacal killer be one of their own-or have they inadvertently summoned an evil entity from the darkness? Delving deep into the most baffling and unusual case of their careers, Maura and Jane embark on a terrifying journey to the very heart of evil, where they encounter a malevolent foe more dangerous than any they have ever faced . . . one whose work is only just beginning.

Mephisto Waltz: A Max Lieberman Mystery

by F. R. Tallis

In the new novel in the iconic Max Liebermann mystery series, master storyteller Frank Tallis delivers his latest suspenseful and spellbinding tale set in the smoky atmospheric world of fin de siecle Vienna. Vienna, 1904. The body of a man—still sitting in a chair—is discovered in an abandoned piano factory on the outskirts of the city. He has been shot dead but his face has been horribly disfigured with acid, making identification impossible. In front of the body are three chairs positioned conspicuously in a straight line. Who were the former occupants? Had they sat in judgement and pronounced a sentence of death? Detective Inspector Oskar Rheinhardt calls on his good friend Doctor Max Liebermann—psychiatrist and disciple of Sigmund Freud—to assist in an investigation that draws them both into the shadowy and sexually unconventional world of fringe political activism. It is a world populated by Bohemians, Utopian idealists, and anarchists, many of whom endorse acts of terror to achieve their revolutionary aims. When bomb-making equipment is found in a suburban basement, the sinister Imperial intelligence bureau (who have been secretly monitoring Rheinhardt’s investigation) make themselves known. A legendary anarchist known only by his code name—Mephistopheles—is abroad in Vienna. An appalling act of terror has been planned and time is running out. Rheinhardt must hope that Liebermann, with his profound knowledge of psychology and science, will be able to prevent the coming catastrophe. The latest novel in the iconic Max Liebermann mystery series, Mephisto Waltz is a tale of murder, romance, intrigue, and espionage set in the atmospheric world of fin de siecle Vienna.

Mera Desh Mere Log: मेरा देश मेरे लोग

by Amit Khan

डॉक्टर मानिक शाह ने बेपनाह दौलत कमाने के लिये चीन जाने का फैसला किया, लेकिन वह फैसला डॉक्टर मानिक शाह को हद से ज्यादा महंगा पड़ा। कैदी बनकर रह गया मानिक शाह चीन में। उसे अपना देश, अपने लोग याद आने लगे। वो हिन्दुस्तान पहुँचने के लिये त्राहि-त्राहि कर उठा। और तब उसे हिन्दुस्तान वापस लाने के लिये कमांडर करण सक्सेना चीन जा पहुँचा। फिर जो कुछ हुआ, वो दहला देने वाला था। एक के बाद एक दिमाग की नसों को झंझोड़ देने वाली ऐसी हैरतअंगेज योजनायें, जो आपने पहले कभी हिन्दी के जासूसी उपन्यासों में नहीं पढ़ी होंगी। देशभक्ति के ज़ज्बे से भरा एक ऐसा शानदार उपन्यास- जो सिर्फ कहानी नहीं है, सिर्फ काल्पनिक दास्तान नहीं है बल्कि एक चिंगारी है। ऐसी ज़बरदस्त चिंगारी, जो हर गैरतमंद और वतनपरस्त हिन्दुस्तानी के दिल में लगकर शोला बन जाना चाहती है।

El mercader de la muerte

by Gervasio Posadas

La segunda aventura del periodista español José Ortega en la Europa de entreguerras. «Un crudo viaje vital, desde Constantinopla hasta Montecarlo, narrado con rara elegancia y que se lee como los mejores relatos de misterio».Lorenzo Silva El periodista José Ortega viaja a Mónaco con la esperanza de realizar un reportaje que le permita recuperar el prestigio perdido tras años como corresponsal en Berlín. En Montecarlo entrará en contacto con Basil Zaharoff, el millonario más misterioso de Europa en ese momento, y pronto descubrirá que los secretos que guarda el anciano son codiciados por muchos que no se detendrán ante nada para lograr su objetivo. Gervasio Posadas regresa al panorama literario con una magnífica novela ambientada en el convulso Montecarlo de entreguerras y basada en hechos reales que tiene todos los ingredientes necesarios deun apasionante thriller histórico: un anciano enigmático y rodeado por una leyenda negra, un narrador atrapado entre la obligación y la conveniencia, asesinatos, personajes célebres de la alta sociedad de los años 30...

The Mercedes Coffin

by Faye Kellerman

Billionaire Genoa Greeves believes the LAPD should finally solve the fifteen-year-old execution-style murder of her favorite teacher, Bennett Little--especially now that Hollywood music producer Primo Ekerling has been slain in an eerily similar manner: shot and stuffed into the trunk of his Mercedes-Benz.Lieutenant Peter Decker resents having to commit valuable manpower to a cold case simply because a rich woman says, "Jump!" But when a primary investigator in the Little case, now retired, suspiciously commits suicide hours after he and Decker talk, the detective realizes something evil's connecting the dots in two murders separated by a decade and a half. Wife Rina Lazarus offers a cool, rational outlook, as always, despite her growing concern for her husband's welfare--as past and present collide with a vengeance, catapulting Decker ever closer to the edge of an infinite dark abyss.

The Mercenaries (The Flying Ace Thrillers)

by Max Hennessy

A new conflict looms at the very edge of the world for a WWI flying ace in this high-octane thriller from the author of The Mustering of the Hawks. For Ira Penaluna, peace brings frustration and disillusionment. Desperate to continue flying, he accepts an offer to go to China as a commander of the ramshackle air-force of General Tsu, a local warlord. With him he takes a bizarre trio of misfits: Pat, the boozy, bragging Irishman, more interested in bar hopping than flying, Sammy, the mechanical genius, and Ellie, a tough former stunt-pilot. But before long this joyride becomes a desperate flight for life. After centuries of poverty and exploitation, China is rising against brutal, corrupt rulers like General Tsu, and Ira&’s band of adventurers are branded mercenaries. A thrilling adventure in aviation, The Mercenaries is a triumph, perfect for fans of Wilbur Smith, W. E. Johns, and Dale Brown.

The Mercenaries

by Donald E. Westlake


Mercenary: 5 (John Stratton)

by Duncan Falconer

Stratton carries out a small task in Central America as a favour to a CIA officer, but it leads him to become embroiled in a national rebellion. Against his own principles, the special operative becomes emotionally involved and decides to join the popular uprising. However, he is unaware that the fight is not just against the local government - the CIA are very much involved. As events spiral disastrously out of control, Stratton must face up to his biggest and most treacherous challenge yet.

The Mercenary: The Savage Seven (The\savage Seven Ser.)

by Katherine Garbera

They're the Savage Seven--a ragged group of mercenaries who trust no one, risk everything, and get the job done, no matter what it takes. . .So much for diamonds being a girl's best friend. . .Once upon a time, Kirk Mann led a normal life. Now, as second-in-command at Savage Seven, he takes on assignments no one else would dare to handle. Like protecting Olivia Pountuf, a sexy, pampered socialite who was engaged to the manager of a diamond mine--until she discovered her fiancé's murderous business tactics. Kirk arrives in Johannesburg too late to stop Olivia being kidnapped, but rescuing her stirs up a firestorm of longing as hot as it is dangerous. And that's just the kind he likes. . .Olivia grew up believing that money would protect her. But the man she was to marry wants her dead, and the one person who makes her feel safe is a rough-around-the-edges ex-Marine who couldn't care less about wealth or privilege. Now, the only way to survive is to uncover an illicit scheme that others will kill again and again to protect, and trust in a desire that's veering straight out of control. . .

The Mercenary: A Novel

by Dan Hampton

From the New York Times bestselling author of Viper Pilot and USAF F-16 legend Dan Hampton, The Mercenary follows the rogue American gun-for-hire known only as the Sandman. A former military officer haunted by a personal tragedy in his past, the Sandman embarks on a quest for revenge that pits him against friend and country and leads him straight to the heart of the American military establishment.

The Mercenary: A Novel

by Paul Vidich

From acclaimed spy novelist Paul Vidich comes a taut new thriller following the attempted exfiltration of a KGB officer from the ever-changing—and always dangerous—USSR in the mid-1980s.Moscow, 1985. The Soviet Union and its communist regime are in the last stages of decline, but remain opaque to the rest of the world—and still very dangerous. In this ever-shifting landscape, a senior KGB officer—code name GAMBIT—has approached the CIA Moscow Station chief with top secret military weapons intelligence and asked to be exfiltrated. GAMBIT demands that his handler be a former CIA officer, Alex Garin, a former KGB officer who defected to the American side. The CIA had never successfully exfiltrated a KGB officer from Moscow, and the top brass do not trust Garin. But they have no other options: GAMBIT's secrets could be the deciding factor in the Cold War. Garin is able to gain the trust of GAMBIT, but remains an enigma. Is he a mercenary acting in self-interest or are there deeper secrets from his past that would explain where his loyalties truly lie? As the date nears for GAMBIT&’s exfiltration, and with the walls closing in on both of them, Garin begins a relationship with a Russian agent and sets into motion a plan that could compromise everything.

The Mercenary Option

by Couch

After losing his son in the September 11 attacks, wealthy industrialist Joseph Simpson forms the Intervention Force (IFOR) -- a surgical strike team led by former Navy SEAL Garrett Walker. Officially, the group is a rogue operation with no government affiliation. But when the impossible becomes absolutely necessary, IFOR is... THE MERCENARY OPTION Shortly after the terror attacks on America, the American president announces the construction of an oil pipeline across Afghanistan. To stop this, and deter further Western encroachment in Central Asia, a vindictive Saudi prince retains ex-KGB terror broker Pavel Zelinkow -- a prime mover behind al Qaeda's 9/11 attack. Zelinkow plans to steal two nuclear weapons, detonating one of them among the pipeline construction crews and their military guardians, while the target of the second bomb is a mystery. U.S. special operations forces cannot be used against the terrorists hiding in Iran, so IFOR is called into action for the first time on a mission that will test them to their limits: take out the terrorists, recover the nukes, and get Zelinkow -- dead or alive.

Mercenary's Perfect Mission (Perfect, Wyoming Ser. #6)

by Carla Cassidy

Fleeing Samuel Grayson's cult was a risky move for Olivia Conner. So risky that the single mom left one of her children behind. What she'd seen in Cold Plains had destroyed all she believed in one heart-stopping instant. And it could get her killed.Olivia's only option was a safe house she found with the help of ruggedly sexy mercenary Micah Grayson. But once she learned he was Samuel's twin, she dared not trust him...or the way her body reacted to his. Now the two-who'd both sworn off relationships-must embark on a deadly mission: rescue Olivia's son, take down Samuel and safeguard their hearts against love!

Mercenary's Woman & His Secret Child: A 2-in-1 Collection

by Diana Palmer Lee Tobin McClain

BESTSELLING AUTHOR COLLECTIONReader-favorite romances in collectible volumes from our bestselling authors.SAFE HAVENEbenezer Scott is done being a mercenary. All this retired soldier of fortune wants is to finally have some peace and quiet. Though when schoolteacher Sally Johnson’s life is put in danger, Eb will do anything to keep her safe. Sally doesn’t want his help—or his advances—but Eb is determined to protect her, and to prove he’s exactly what Sally needs, one kiss at a time.Sally used to dream of the day Eb held her in his powerful embrace. But he broke her heart six years ago, and she can’t trust him to not hurt her again. But when someone threatens her and her nephew, the reclusive mercenary is the only one she can turn to. Now Eb must risk it all to win the sweet-natured beauty over…before it’s too late.FREE BONUS STORY INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME!His Secret Child by Lee Tobin McClainWhen a storm strands Fern Easton and Carlo Camden at a dog rescue farm, it’s hard for her not to be won over by how capable he is with her foster child. Carlo has returned home to be a father to a daughter he never knew existed. But he might just have found the woman of his dreams, too…Previously published.

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