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Showing 52,876 through 52,900 of 53,515 results

Evolutionary Algorithms, Swarm Dynamics and Complex Networks

by Ivan Zelinka Guanrong Chen

Evolutionary algorithms constitute a class of well-known algorithms, which are designed based on the Darwinian theory of evolution and Mendelian theory of heritage. They are partly based on random and partly based on deterministic principles. Due to this nature, it is challenging to predict and control its performance in solving complex nonlinear problems. Recently, the study of evolutionary dynamics is focused not only on the traditional investigations but also on the understanding and analyzing new principles, with the intention of controlling and utilizing their properties and performances toward more effective real-world applications. In this book, based on many years of intensive research of the authors, is proposing novel ideas about advancing evolutionary dynamics towards new phenomena including many new topics, even the dynamics of equivalent social networks. In fact, it includes more advanced complex networks and incorporates them with the CMLs (coupled map lattices), which are usually used for spatiotemporal complex systems simulation and analysis, based on the observation that chaos in CML can be controlled, so does evolution dynamics. All the chapter authors are, to the best of our knowledge, originators of the ideas mentioned above and researchers on evolutionary algorithms and chaotic dynamics as well as complex networks, who will provide benefits to the readers regarding modern scientific research on related subjects.

Laboratory Science with Space Data

by Martin Zell Luigi Carotenuto Jack J.W.A. van Loon Daniel Beysens

For decades experiments conducted on space stations like MIR and the ISS have been gathering data in many fields of research in the natural sciences, medicine and engineering. The EU-sponsored Ulisse Internet Portal provides metadata from space experiments of all kinds and links to the data. Complementary to the portal, this book will serve as handbook listing space experiments by type of infrastructure, area of research in the life and physical sciences, data type, what their mission was, what kind of data they have collected and how one can access this data through Ulisse for further research. The book will provide an overview of the wealth of space experiment data that can be used for research, and will inspire academics (e.g. those looking for topics for their PhD thesis) and research departments in companies for their continued development.

Python Programming: An Introduction To Computer Science

by John M. Zelle

This third edition of John Zelle's Python Programming continues the tradition of updating the text to reflect new technologies while maintaining a time-tested approach to teaching introductory computer science. An important change to this edition is the removal of most uses of eval and the addition of a discussion of its dangers. In our increasingly connected world, it's never too early to begin considering computer security issues.

Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

by John M. Zelle

This book is designed to be used as the primary textbook in a college-level first course in computing. It takes a fairly traditional approach, emphasizing problem solving, design, and programming as the core skills of computer science. However, these ideas are illustrated using a non-traditional language, namely Python.

Model-Based Safety and Assessment: 7th International Symposium, IMBSA 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, September 14–16, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12297)

by Marc Zeller Kai Höfig

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment, IMBSA 2020, held in Lisbon, Portugal, in September 2020. The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 15 revised full papers and 4 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 30 initial submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on safety models and languages; state-space modeling; dependability analysis process; safety assessment in automotive domain; AI and safety assurance.

Enterprise Interoperability: 4th International Ifip Working Conference, Iwei 2012, Harbin, China, September 6-7, 2012, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #122)

by Martin Zelm Frank Walter Jaekel Guy Doumeingts Martin Wollschlaeger

The ability of future industry to create interactive, flexible and always-on connections between design, manufacturing and supply is an ongoing challenge, affecting competitiveness, efficiency and resourcing. The goal of enterprise interoperability (EI) research is therefore to address the effectiveness of solutions that will successfully prepare organizations for the advent and uptake of new technologies. This volume outlines results and practical concepts from recent and ongoing European research studies in EI, and examines the results of research and discussions cultivated at the I-ESA 2018 conference, “Smart services and business impact of enterprise interoperability”. The conference, designed to encourage collaboration between academic inquiry and real-world industry applications, addressed a number of advanced multidisciplinary topics including Industry 4.0, Big Data, the Internet of Things, Cloud computing, ontology, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and enterprise modelling for future “smart” manufacturing. Readers will find this book to be a source of invaluable knowledge for enterprise architects in a range of industries and organizations.

Enterprise Interoperability: Research and Applications in Service-oriented Ecosystem (Proceedings of the 5th International IFIP Working Conference IWIE 2013) (Lecture Notes In Business Information Processing Ser. #213)

by Martin Zelm Marten Van Sinderen Luis Ferraira Pires Guy Doumeingts

In a fast changing global economy governed by Enterprise Services and the Future Internet, enterprises and virtual factories will self-organize in distributed, interoperable, innovation Ecosystems where the issues of Enterprise Interoperability need to be solved in a multi-view of information, services and processes throughout Enterprise Networks. The book constitutes the proceedings of five workshops co- located with the Fifth IFIP Working Conference IWEI 2013. It contains the presented peer reviewed papers and summaries of the workshop discussions. Complementing the IWEI Conference program, the workshops aimed at exploiting new issues, challenges and solutions for Enterprise Interoperability and Manufacturing Eco Systems. The scope of the workshops spanned over a range of interoperability issues in Service Science and innovation, Model Driven Service Engineering Architectures, Service Modelling Languages, reference ontology for manufacturing , Case studies and tools particularly for SMEs, Business – IT alignment and related Standardization. Contents 1 – Model Driven Services Engineering Architecture (MDSEA): A Result of MSEE Project An Architecture for Service Modelling in Servitization Context: MDSEA, Y. Ducq. A Set of Templates for MDSEA, D. Chen. 2 – Interoperability to Support Business–IT Alignment Report Workshop 2, I.-S. Fan, V. Taratoukhine, M. Matzner. Interoperability as a Catalyst for Business Innovation, J.H.P. Eloff, M.M. Eloff, M.T. Dlamini, E. Ngassam, D. Ras. Process-Oriented Business Modeling – An Application in the Printing Industry, A. Malsbender, K. Ortbach, R. Plattfaut, M. Voigt, B. Niehaves. A Comparative Study of Modelling Methodologies Using a Concept of Process Consistency, E. Babkin, E. Potapova, Y. Zelenova. Maintenance Support throughout the Life-Cycle of High Value Manufacturing Products. Interoperability Issues, A. Fedotova, V. Taratoukhine, Y. Kupriyanov. Using Enterprise Architecture to Align Business Intelligence Initiatives, I.-S. Fan, S. Warner. Towards Enterprise Architecture Using Solution Architecture Models, V. Agievich, R. Gimranov, V. Taratoukhine, J. Becker. 3 – Standardisation for Interoperability in the Service-Oriented Enterprise Report Workshop 3, M. Zelm, D. Chen. Standardisation in Manufacturing Service Engineering, M. Zelm, G. Doumeingts. Service Modelling Language and Potentials for a New Standard, D. Chen. An Approach to Standardise a Service Life Cycle Management, M. Freitag, D. Kremer, M. Hirsch, M. Zelm. Open Business Model, Process and Service Innovation with VDML and ServiceML, A. J. Berre, H. De Man, Y. Lew, B. Elvesæter, B.M. Ursin-Holm. Reference Ontologies for Manufacturing, R. Young, N. Hastilow, M. Imran, N. Chungoora, Z. Usman, A.-F. Cutting-Decelle. Standardisation Tools for Negotiating Interoperability Solutions, T. Santos, C. Coutinho, A. Cretan, M. Beca, R. Jardim-Goncalves. 4 – Case Studies on Enterprise Interoperability: How IT Managers Profit from EI Research Report Workshop 4, S. Kassel. Experiences of Transferring Approaches of Interoperability into SMEs, F. Gruner, S. Kassel. 5 – Selected New Applications of Enterprise Interoperability . 179 Report Workshop 5, L. Ferreira Pires, P. Johnson. Service-Oriented Enterprise Interoperability in Logistics, W. Hofman. An Ontological Approach to Logistics, L. Daniele, L. Ferreira Pires. Social Vision of Collaboration of Organizations on a Cloud Platform, A. Montarnal, W. Mu, F. Bénaben, A.-M. Barthe-Delanoë, J. Lamothe. Semantic Standards Quality Measured for Achieving Enterprise Interoperability: The Case of the SETU Standard for Flexible Staffing, E. Folmer, H. Wu. Re

Storytelling for Interactive Digital Media and Video Games

by Nicholas Zeman

The evolution of story-telling is as old as the human race; from the beginning, when our ancestors first gathered around a campfire to share wondrous tales through oral traditions, to today, with information and stories being shared through waves and filling screens with words and images. Stories have always surrounded us, and united us in ways other disciplines can't. Storytelling for Interactive Digital Media and Video Games lays out the construct of the story, and how it can be manipulated by the storyteller through sound, video, lighting, graphics, and color. This book is the perfect guide to aspiring storytellers as it illustrates the different manner of how and why stories are told, and how to make them "interactive." Storytelling features heavy game development as a method of storytelling and delivery, and how to develop compelling plots, characters, settings, and actions inside a game. The concept of digital storytelling will be explored, and how this differs from previous incarnations of mediums for stories Key Features: Explores the necessary elements of a story (setting, character, events, sequence, and perspective) and how they affect the viewer of the story Discusses media and its role in storytelling, including images, art, sound, video, and animation Explores the effect of interactivity on the story, such as contest TV, web-based storytelling, kiosks, and games Shows the different types of story themes in gaming and how they are interwoven Describes how to make games engaging and rewarding intrinsically and extrinsically

Essential Skills in Character Rigging

by Nicholas B. Zeman

Character rigging is the method with which you create a system for animating a character. A rig is represented by two primary mechanics: the skeleton, consisting of hierarchical rotations to drive the motions, and a skin, or method of deforming the geometry that makes up the character model. Essential Skills in Character Rigging is a beginner's gui

Essential Skills in Organic Modeling

by Nicholas B. Zeman

This is a beginner’s guide to learning and implementing the essential aspects of modeling organic objects and using an organic workflow to model anything. This book gives an aspiring modeler all the tools that they need to know in order to begin creating great models that are efficient and laid out properly for rigging and texturing. The reader will be taken through all the primary techniques and methodologies for making “liveable” creatures for video, film, or games. The reader will also learn the basic physical structure that designates something as organic vs artificial, and how these varying structures can be tackled from a modeling perspective.through a practical, hands-on approach. Features Designed to approach organic modeling in a software-independent manner. Builds fundamental knowledge of 3D digital art from the ground up. Each lesson builds on the previous lesson. Has industry standard knowledge, based on simplicity and efficiency that will work for either production rendering or game development. Defines what organic modeling is and how it works, and why each technique was developed and implemented as it currently stands.

Essential Skills for 3D Modeling, Rendering, and Animation

by Nicholas Bernhardt Zeman

The Key to Fully Understanding the Basics of a 3D WorldProminently used in games, movies, and on television, 3D graphics are tools of creation used to enhance how material and light come together to manipulate objects in 3D space. A game-changer written for the non-technical mind, Essential Skills for 3D Modeling, Rendering, and Animation examines

Risks and Security of Internet and Systems: 13th International Conference, CRiSIS 2018, Arcachon, France, October 16–18, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11391)

by Akka Zemmari Mohamed Mosbah Nora Cuppens-Boulahia Frédéric Cuppens

This book constitutes the revised selected papers from the 13th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, CRiSIS 2018, held in Arcachon, France, in October 2018. The 12 full papers and 6 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 34 submissions. They cover diverse research themes that range from classic topics, such as vulnerability analysis and classification; apps security; access control and filtering; cloud security; cyber-insurance and cyber threat intelligence; human-centric security and trust; and risk analysis.

Soft Computing and Signal Processing: Proceedings of 6th ICSCSP 2023, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #840)

by Hushairi Zen Naga M. Dasari Y. Madhavee Latha S. Srinivasa Rao

This book presents selected research papers on current developments in the fields of soft computing and signal processing from the Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing and Signal Processing (ICSCSP 2023). The book covers topics such as soft sets, rough sets, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms and machine learning and discusses various aspects of these topics, e.g., technological considerations, product implementation and application issues.

Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht

by Andreas Zendler

Zu den meisten Unterrichtsfächern findet man heute umfangreiche Standardwerke zum Thema Unterrichtsmethoden, nur für das Fach Informatik existiert keine vergleichbare Literatur. Dabei zeigt ein Blick auf die Bildungspläne aller Bundesländer, dass sich die Informatik als Unterrichtsfach in den Sekundarstufen I und II etablieren wird. Das vorliegende Buch versteht sich als ein Beitrag zur Schließung dieser Lücke in der Informatikdidaktik. Unterrichtsmethoden sind für den Lernerfolg im Unterricht von entscheidender Bedeutung und bilden auch den Dreh- und Angelpunkt dieses Buches. Unterrichtsmethode wird verstanden als klar umrissener, begrifflich herauslösbarer, selbstständiger, wenn auch integrierter Bestandteil des Unterrichts. Als Beispiele für dieses Verständnis von Unterrichtsmethoden werden unter anderem die Vor- und Nachteile des problemorientierten Unterrichts, des entdeckenden Lernens, der Computersimulation, des Frontalunterrichts und der Modellmethode für die Informatikdidaktik erläutert. So entsteht ein Überblick über 20 verschiedene und für den Informatikunterricht relevante Methoden, die anhand von Vorgehensmodellen und konkreten Beispielen für den Einsatz im Unterricht illustriert werden. Außerdem haben Informatiklehrer die verschiedenen Methoden in Hinblick auf ihre Lerneffektivität eingeschätzt. Die Grundlage für dieses erste Übersichtswerk zu Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht bilden verschiedene Forschungsprojekte der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg, die zwischen 2015 und 2018 Daten zu diesem Thema gesammelt haben. Auch dieses wissenschaftliche Fundament macht das Buch zu einer unbedingten Empfehlung für alle (angehenden) Informatiklehrer, die schon lange nach einem Titel mit Unterrichtsmaterialien für den Informatikunterricht gesucht haben.

Unterrichtsmethoden für MINT-Fächer

by Andreas Zendler

Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften (Biologie, Chemie, Physik) und Technik - seit Jahren findet in der breiten Öffentlichkeit eine angeregte Diskussion über diese sogenannten MINT-Fächer statt. Denn das in den MINT-Fächern vermittelte Wissen ist die unverzichtbare Grundlage für die Ausbildung der in Deutschland dringend benötigten Fachkräfte. Darum fordern Politik und Wirtschaft eine stärkere Gewichtung der Fächer, aber auch eine Verbesserung der Unterrichtsqualität. Dieses Buch stellt 20 verschiedene, wissenschaftlich fundierte Methoden für den MINT-Unterricht vor und erläutert die Rolle der digitalen Medien als fächerübergreifendes Element. Die interdisziplinäre Betrachtungsweise bietet Lehrern einen umfassenden Überblick über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten und Ansätze für den eigenen Unterricht. Für jede der vorgestellten Methoden geben die Autoren wissenschaftliche fundierte Einschätzungen zu ihrer Lerneffektivität und erleichtern so Lehrkräften die Auswahl der geeignetsten Methoden für den eigenen Unterricht. Detaillierte Unterrichtsmodelle helfen bei der Umsetzung in der Praxis. Damit erhalten Lehrer und Lehramtsstudenten einen umfassenden Einblick in die effektivsten Unterrichtsmodelle für ein prozess- und ergebnisorientiertes Lernen in den MINT-Fächern. Dieses Buch lässt sich ideal fächerübergreifend einsetzen und dient dazu, die Lerneffektivität speziell im MINT-Unterricht bei Schülerinnen und Schülern zu verbessern.

Human Brain and Artificial Intelligence: First International Workshop, HBAI 2019, Held in Conjunction with IJCAI 2019, Macao, China, August 12, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1072)

by An Zeng Dan Pan Tianyong Hao Daoqiang Zhang Yiyu Shi Xiaowei Song

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the workshop held in conjunction with the 28th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2019, held in Macao, China, in August 2019: the First International Workshop on Human Brain and Artificial Intelligence, HBAI 2019. The 24 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 62 submissions. The papers are organized according to the following topical headings: computational brain science and its applications; brain-inspired artificial intelligence and its applications.

Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter: From Quantum Entanglement to Topological Phases of Many-Body Systems (Quantum Science and Technology)

by Bei Zeng Xie Chen Duan-Lu Zhou Xiao-Gang Wen

This book approaches condensed matter physics from the perspective of quantum information science, focusing on systems with strong interaction and unconventional order for which the usual condensed matter methods like the Landau paradigm or the free fermion framework break down. Concepts and tools in quantum information science such as entanglement, quantum circuits, and the tensor network representation prove to be highly useful in studying such systems. The goal of this book is to introduce these techniques and show how they lead to a new systematic way of characterizing and classifying quantum phases in condensed matter systems. The first part of the book introduces some basic concepts in quantum information theory which are then used to study the central topic explained in Part II: local Hamiltonians and their ground states. Part III focuses on one of the major new phenomena in strongly interacting systems, the topological order, and shows how it can essentially be defined and characterized in terms of entanglement. Part IV shows that the key entanglement structure of topological states can be captured using the tensor network representation, which provides a powerful tool in the classification of quantum phases. Finally, Part V discusses the exciting prospect at the intersection of quantum information and condensed matter physics – the unification of information and matter. Intended for graduate students and researchers in condensed matter physics, quantum information science and related fields, the book is self-contained and no prior knowledge of these topics is assumed.

Infectious Disease Informatics: Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and Bio-Defense (Integrated Series in Information Systems #21)

by Daniel Zeng Hsinchun Chen Ping Yan

Computer-based infectious disease surveillance systems are capable of real-time or near real-time detection of serious illnesses and potential bioterrorism agent exposures and represent a major step forward in disease surveillance. Infectious Disease Informatics: Syndromic Surveillance for Public Health and Bio-Defense is an in-depth monograph that analyzes and evaluates the outbreak modeling and detection capabilities of existing surveillance systems under a unified framework, and presents the first book-length coverage of the subject from an informatics-driven perspective. Individual chapters consider the state of the art, including the facilitation of data collection, sharing and transmission; a focus on various outbreak detection methods; data visualization and information dissemination issues; and system assessment and other policy issues. Eight chapters then report on several real-world case studies, summarizing and comparing eight syndromic surveillance systems, including those that have been adopted by many public health agencies (e.g., RODS and BioSense). The book concludes with a discussion of critical issues and challenges, with a look to future directions. This book is an excellent source of current information for researchers in public health and IT. Government public health officials and private-sector practitioners in both public health and IT will find the most up-to-date information available, and students from a variety of disciplines, including public health, biostatistics, information systems, computer science, and public administration and policy will get a comprehensive look at the concepts, techniques, and practices of syndromic surveillance.

Software Defined Systems: Sensing, Communication and Computation (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Deze Zeng Lin Gu Shengli Pan Song Guo

This book introduces the software defined system concept, architecture, and its enabling technologies such as software defined sensor networks (SDSN), software defined radio, cloud/fog radio access networks (C/F-RAN), software defined networking (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV), software defined storage, virtualization and docker. The authors also discuss the resource allocation and task scheduling in software defined system, mainly focusing on sensing, communication, networking and computation. Related case studies on SDSN, C/F-RAN, SDN, NFV are included in this book, and the authors discuss how these technologies cooperate with each other to enable cross resource management and task scheduling in software defined system. Novel resource allocation and task scheduling algorithms are introduced and evaluated. This book targets researchers, computer scientists and engineers who are interested in the information system softwarization technologies, resource allocation and optimization algorithm design, performance evaluation and analysis, next-generation communication and networking technologies, edge computing, cloud computing and IoT. Advanced level students studying these topics will benefit from this book as well.

Communications and Networking: 12th International Conference, Chinacom 2017 Xi'an, China, October 10-12, 2017, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #236)

by Deze Zeng Bo Li Lei Shu

The two-volume set LNICST 236-237 constitutes the post-conference proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking, ChinaCom 2017, held in Xi’an, China, in September 2017. The total of 112 contributions presented in these volumes are carefully reviewed and selected from 178 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on wireless communications and networking, satellite and space communications and networking, big data network track, multimedia communications and smart networking, signal processing and communications, network and information security, advances and trends of V2X networks.

Communications and Networking: 12th International Conference, Chinacom 2017, Xi'an, China, October 10-12, 2017, Proceedings, Part Ii (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #237)

by Deze Zeng Bo Li Lei Shu

The two-volume set LNICST 236-237 constitutes the post-conference proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking, ChinaCom 2017, held in Xi’an, China, in September 2017. The total of 112 contributions presented in these volumes are carefully reviewed and selected from 178 submissions. Aside from the technical paper sessions the book is organized in topical sections on wireless communications and networking, satellite and space communications and networking, big data network track, multimedia communications and smart networking, signal processing and communications, network and information security, advances and trends of V2X networks.

Social Mentality and Public Opinion in China (China Perspectives)

by Fanbin Zeng

This book explores the relationship between social mentality, public opinion, media, and other factors through mixed methods in China, especially since the 21st century.The book deploys qualitative and quantitative research and adopts a multi-disciplinary perspective and diversified research methods. The studies are built on and contribute to the burgeoning literature seeking to anatomize the relationship between social mentality, media, and public opinion from the point of view of sociology and communication. It also aims to explore how media can be used to appease public opinion. As the first systematic study of the interconnection between social mentality and public opinion, this book provides empirical support and a theoretical framework for both areas. It will thus be a great read for students and scholars of communication, sociology, and social psychology, especially for those with a focus on China and new media.

Constructing Regional Smart Education Ecosystems in China (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Haijun Zeng Zhisheng Li Jiong Guo Zhuo Zhang

This book enriches the understanding of regional smart education in China and promotes sharing of smart education case studies in China and abroad. It presents 46 case studies selected from a total of 644 case studies collected nationwide in China. These selected case studies focus on regional construction, research findings, and solutions. The case studies on regional construction mainly focus on the sustainable development mechanism of regional smart education. The research findings case studies showcase research results produced by research teams and individuals, which involve theories, models, technologies, practical investigations, or international comparisons related to smart education. Lastly, the solution case studies are technical solutions provided by enterprises for the development of smart education, which include application scenarios, methods, and effects in regions or schools around smart educational equipment, platforms, networks, tools, resources, or integrated solutions.

Smart Education Best Practices in Chinese Schools (Lecture Notes in Educational Technology)

by Haijun Zeng Jiahao Liu Di Wu Lijie Yue

This book presents 28 practical case studies in detail and 49 case studies in brief. The collection of these case studies focuses on one or more aspects of exploration and practice on the following topics: smart campus and smart classroom, resource construction and sharing, new teaching mode, comprehensive quality evaluation of students, teacher professional development, application of teaching platform and tool, innovative application of online learning space, collaborative education, and school management and services. The selection and evaluation criteria of the case studies on school practice mainly include concept and implementation, effectiveness and characteristics, innovation and demonstration, and expression and structure. This book helps readers gain a rich understanding of the diverse innovative implementation of smart education in Chinese schools and inspires smart education development in schools in other countries.

Type-2 Fuzzy Graphical Models for Pattern Recognition

by Jia Zeng Zhi-Qiang Liu

This book discusses how to combine type-2 fuzzy sets and graphical models to solve a range of real-world pattern recognition problems such as speech recognition, handwritten Chinese character recognition, topic modeling as well as human action recognition. It covers these recent developments while also providing a comprehensive introduction to the fields of type-2 fuzzy sets and graphical models. Though primarily intended for graduate students, researchers and practitioners in fuzzy logic and pattern recognition, the book can also serve as a valuable reference work for researchers without any previous knowledge of these fields. Dr. Jia Zeng is a Professor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Soochow University, China. Dr. Zhi-Qiang Liu is a Professor at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, China.

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