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Showing 52,976 through 53,000 of 53,707 results

Wie man lebt, so stirbt man: Vom Leben und Sterben großer Psychotherapeuten

by Werner Gross

Dieses Sachbuch widmet sich dem großen Thema Leben und Sterben auf besondere Art: Es stellt Gründer von Psychotherapieschulen in den Mittelpunkt und erzählt über ihren Lebensstil, ihren Sterbensstil und ihr Wirken. Wie haben sie gelebt, durch welche Irrungen und Wirrungen sind sie im Laufe ihres Lebens gegangen, welche Krisen haben sie durchlebt und wie haben sie diese bestanden? Welche Folgerungen haben sie daraus gezogen? Und schließlich: Wie sind sie gestorben? Unterhaltsam und gut lesbar erschließt sich: Ihre Haltung zu Leben und Sterben hat einen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung der jeweiligen Psychotherapie-Methode. Geschrieben für interessierte Laien, Psychotherapeuten in Praxis und Ausbildung, Psychiater, Berater. Aus dem Inhalt: Freud, Jung, Adler, Moreno, Perls, Reich, von Dürckheim, Peseschkian – ihr Blick auf Leben und Sterben und die Bedeutung für ihre Psychotherapieschule. Über den Autor: Werner Gross, Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapeut, Supervisor und Coach, Organisations- und Unternehmensberater.

Wie Patienten ticken? Wie Konsumenten handeln!: Strategische Überlegungen für eine wirkungsvolle Gesundheitskommunikation

by Klaus Hubatka

Sind Patienten inzwischen Konsumenten? Dieser Frage mit ihren Konsequenzen für die Gesundheitskommunikation geht dieses Fachbuch nach. Einleitend wird das aktuelle Konsumverhalten – als nicht rational handelnder Mensch – allgemein analysiert. Es folgt eine Analyse des Marktes im Gesundheitsbereich und seiner weiteren Entwicklung im Vergleich zum allgemeinen Markt, um entsprechende Analogien festzustellen. Nach einer Darstellung der in den letzten Jahren sich verändernden Patientenrolle werden die empirischen Ergebnisse des neuen Patientenverhaltens – auf Basis von Forschungsarbeiten des Autors – präsentiert. Im Rahmen einer analytischen Betrachtung der Patienten als Konsumenten werden die konkreten Veränderungen aufgezeigt und im Konsum-Modell schlüssig erläutert. Daraus ableitend werden neue wirkungsorientierte Ansätze für Aktionen und Interventionen im Gesundheitsbereich vorgestellt und Ausblicke in die Zukunft eines Gesundheitsmarktes gegeben, in dem der selbstbestimmte Patient als internationaler Konsument agiert. Dieses Buch ist wegweisend für alle, die Konzepte für eine zukunftsorientierte Gesundheitskommunikation entwickeln und umsetzen wollen. Besondere Bedeutung erhalten die behandelten Themen durch die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Relevanz von Gesundheitsvorsorge, Prävention und konkret auch von Impfverhalten (von Konsumenten).

Wie sage ich meinem Kind, dass ich Krebs habe?: Ratgeber für Eltern

by Bianca Senf

Erkrankt ein Elternteil an Krebs, sind auch die Kinder mitbetroffen. Dieser Ratgeber ist aus der konkreten Beratungspraxis entstanden und beantwortet die häufigsten Fragen, die Eltern mit einer Krebsdiagnose belasten.Warum hat mir denn keiner etwas gesagt, fragen Kinder oft noch Jahre nach der Erkrankung, denn viele Kinder und Jugendliche entwickeln im Verlauf der elterlichen Krebserkrankung starke Stress-Symptome bis hin zu psychologischen Störungen wie Angsterkrankung, Belastungsstörungen, Zwangserkrankungen oder Depressionen.Die Autorin gibt Tipps für verschiedene Situationen anhand konkreter Beispiele und macht Vorschläge für eine gute und gelungene Kommunikation. Sie ermutigt dazu, Kinder frühzeitig alters- und kindgerecht (vom Kleinkind bis zum Jugendlichen) in diese wichtige Veränderung in der Familie einzubeziehen, damit sie gestärkt und gereift aus der Situation herausgehen können.

Wie schreibe ich eine Doktorarbeit?: Leitfaden für Medizin und Zahnmedizin (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Barbara Budrich Daniela Keller Liliana Schmidt

Von der Vorbereitung bis zum gelungenen Abschluss Dieser Leitfaden vermittelt klar und schnell, wie man systematisch und praxisorientiert eine erfolgreiche Doktorarbeit in der Medizin oder Zahnmedizin anfertigt. Zahlreiche praxiserprobte Strategien und Methoden helfen bei der Umsetzung. Das Buch bietet zahlreiche Anregungen zur Motivation und Hilfe bei verschiedenen Herausforderungen der Doktorarbeit.

Wie Wissenschaft Länder, Gesellschaften, Religionen vereint: Ein Überblick für Wissenschaftler und Politiker (essentials)

by Heiko Herwald

Unsere heutige Welt ist geprägt von einer rasanten technologischen Entwicklung. Die daraus resultierende digitale Reizüberflutung, das unermessliche Sammeln von Daten und die Entwicklung von Algorithmen, die für uns jetzt schon Entscheidungen übernehmen, haben das Wertesystem der Menschen verändert. Anhand des Höhlengleichnisses von Platon beschreibt der Autor, wieso der Mensch seine Unabhängigkeit aufgibt und er sich von einem Homo sapiens zu einem Homo accumulans (speichernder Mensch) entwickelt hat. Er zeigt auf, warum Paradigmenwechsel in Religion, Politik und Wissenschaft für die Weiterentwicklung der Menschheit von großer Bedeutung waren und wieso dies für die Wissenschaft auch weiterhin notwendig sein wird, um Lösungen für globale Probleme zu entwickeln.

Wie wollen wir leben?: Über unsere Zukunft entscheiden wir selbst

by Gerhard Gründer

Stellen Sie sich auch die Frage, wie stark Ihr Denken, Ihr Fühlen und Ihr Verhalten durch Ihre Gene und Ihre Biologie bestimmt sind? Haben Sie Zweifel daran, dass der Eingriff in unsere Hirnchemie uns zu glücklicheren und zufriedeneren Menschen macht? Sind Sie skeptisch, dass Computeralgorithmen Ihr Wesen als Mensch erfassen können?Dieses Sachbuch stellt das Weltbild des „göttlichen Menschen“ (Harari), in dem der Mensch durch seine Biologie determiniert ist und die Medizin zu seiner Optimierung dient, infrage. Der Autor zeigt, dass wir die aktiven Gestalter unserer Lebensbedingungen sind und damit über die eigene physische und psychische Gesundheit bestimmen.Lassen Sie sich anregen zur Mitarbeit bei der Gestaltung der Zukunft einer menschlichen Gesellschaft, in der wir zu entscheiden haben, wo wir leben, wie wir miteinander leben, wie wir arbeiten und wie wir uns bilden. Zielgruppen:Ideal für alle, die sich für die Grundlagen von Hirnforschung, Psychologie und Psychiatrie interessieren und die sich Gedanken über das Wesen des Menschen und dessen Zukunft machen.Zum Autor: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Gründer, Psychiater und Psychotherapeut, ist Professor an der Universität Heidelberg. Er leitet die Abteilung für Molekulares Neuroimaging am Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit in Mannheim.

Wiederherstellungsoperationen nach Brustkrebs: Ratgeber für Patientinnen

by Zaher Jandali Lucian Jiga

Mit der Diagnose Brustkrebs entsteht bei vielen Frauen auch gleichzeitig die Angst vor der Entstellung des eigenen Körpers. Auch wenn die Krebstherapie selbstverständlich an erster Stelle steht, gewinnt die Thematik der Brustwiederherstellung immer mehr an Bedeutung. Dieses Buch soll betroffenen Frauen die gängigsten Methoden der Brustwiederherstellung aufzeigen Aus langjähriger Erfahrung der Autoren wird dabei der klassische Ablauf einer Wiederherstellung von Brustvolumen, Brustwarze und Angleichung der Gegenseite vorgestellt. Die Herausgeber legen neben der Brustwiederherstellung mit Silikonimplantaten ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die modernen Methoden der Rekonstruktion mit Eigengewebe. Hierzu gehören unter anderem die Eigenfetttransplantation, die Gewebeverlagerungen von Bauch, Rücken, Gesäß sowie Flanken und Oberschenkeln. Die einzelnen Methoden werden systematisch aufgearbeitet, deren Vorteile aufgezeigt und die Nachteile kritisch diskutiert. Schritt für Schritt werden die einzelnen Operationsschritte erläutert und die jeweilige Vor- und Nachbehandlung genauestens besprochen. Am Ende einer jeden Methode erwartet den Leser ein Fazit der Herausgeber. Ein eigenes Kapitel wird abschließend der Erkrankung des Lymphödems nach Lymphknotenentfernung bei Brustkrebserkrankten gewidmet. Neben der konservativen Behandlung werden insbesondere moderne Methoden der Mikrochirurgie erläutert. „Wir hoffen mit diesem Ratgeber betroffenen Frauen verständliche Informationen zum Thema Brustwiederherstellung geben zu können und ihnen ihre Entscheidungen im Rahmen der Behandlung zu vereinfachen“ Dr. med. Zaher Jandali

Wiederherstellungsoperationen nach starker Gewichtsabnahme: Ein Patientenratgeber

by Zaher Jandali Klaus Müller Lucian Jiga

Wiederherstellungsoperationen nach starker Gewichtsabnahme Nach einer drastischen Gewichtsabnahme stehen die meisten Betroffenen vor demselben Problem. Die überflüssigen Pfunde sind zwar weg aber die äußere Hülle ist viel zu groß. Diese Haut-Weichteil-Überschüsse nach Gewichtsabnahme stellen bei den meisten ein funktionelles Problem mit Krankheitswert dar. Erst nachgeordnet stehen oft die ästhetischen Ansprüche. Unangenehmes Schwitzen, Rötungen, Wundscheuern und Pilzinfektionen im Bereich der Hautauflageflächen sind neben den Bewegungseinschränkungen nur wenige Beispiele der von den Betroffenen beschriebenen Beschwerden. Dieses Buch soll den Betroffenen die aktuellen chirurgischen Möglichkeiten der Körperformwiederherstellung nach Gewichtsverlust aufzeigen und mit Ratschlägen zur Seite stehen. Wie finden Sie den richtigen Chirurgen, worauf sollten Sie in der Sprechstunde achten, welche Operationen gibt es und was sind die Unterschiede z.B. zwischen einem Bodylift und einer Bauchdeckenstraffung, welches sind die wesentlichen Risiken und was kostet eine Operation in etwa, wenn sie selbst beschafft wird. Neben diesen medizinischen Fragen soll aber auch auf das Antragsverfahren und die Kostenübernahme für solche Operationen eingegangen werden. Hier bekommen sie Hilfestellung aus erster Hand von einem Fachanwalt. Weitere, hilfreiche Tipps werden von einer Betroffenen am Ende des Buches für Sie zusammengefasst.

A Wife for Dr. Cunningham

by Maggie Kingsley

Coming soon! A Wife for Dr. Cunningham by Maggie Kingsley will be available Sep 12, 2016.

A Wife for the Baby Doctor

by Josie Metcalfe

Junior doctor Dani Dixon is nervous about working with specialist Joshua Weatherby in his prestigious neonatal ward. Not only does he have a reputation as an exacting taskmaster, he's also the man who stole her heart!But Josh keeps Dani at a distance, believing he still has a duty to protect the abandoned girl he once knew. All grown up, and working side by side with Josh, Dani now has a chance to show him that she doesn't need him to look after her anymore--she needs him to love only a husband can.

A Wife for the Surgeon Sheikh: A Wife For The Surgeon Sheikh / The Italian Surgeon's Secret Baby (Mills And Boon Medical Ser.)

by Meredith Webber

Can a convenient marriage…Bring them the happiness they deserve?It’s a normal workday for nurse Lauren Macpherson, until she’s summoned to her boss’s office to face Sheikh Malik Madani. To protect his nephew, her adopted son, Malik has come to claim him—with a shock proposal! The enigmatic sheikh sweeps her into his world and Lauren is caught up in an undeniable passion. Could their marriage in name only become something more?“Ms. Webber writes interesting characters and I’ve got to admit that I loved the hero and heroine…the chemistry between this couple was strong and had me loving their growing relationship…. No way can he let her go, especially when they have such a strong connection.”— Harlequin Junkie on New Year Wedding for the Crown Prince“The way this story ended had me cheering for this couple’s happy ever after because the plot twist made it palpable these two are meant to be. I would recommend…if you enjoy the fake relationship trope or a story where the hero and heroine are meant to be.”— Harlequin Junkie on A Forever Family for the Army Doc

The Wife He's Been Waiting For

by Dianne Drake

Dr. Michael Sloan's brilliant surgical career ended after he was badly injured. Sheer strength and determination got him through, but scars run deep. Now, as a ship's doctor, he can avoid emotional entanglements. Until a beautiful passenger falls into his arms. . . . Dr. Sarah Collins has taken time out to travel the world and rebuild her shattered confidence. The attraction between her and the gorgeous doctor is instant. And as Michael shows Sarah she still has the ability to heal, Sarah makes Michael believe he is, most definitely, a man worth loving.

A Wife Worth Waiting For

by Maggie Kingsley

Coming soon! A Wife Worth Waiting For by Maggie Kingsley will be available Sep 12, 2016.

Wifeshopping: Stories

by Steven Wingate

Wifeshopping centers on the ultimate human quest: the search for companionship, love, and understanding. These captivating stories feature American men, love-starved and striving, who try and often fail to connect with the women they imagine could be their wives. Some of the women are fiancées, some are new girlfriends, some are strangers who cross the men’s paths for only a few hours or moments. In “Beaching It,” an artist traveling on the summer circuit begins an affair with a rich, married local. In “Me and Paul,” a lonely traveler adopts an alter ego to help him impress a single mother. In “Bill,” a trip to a flea market highlights the essential differences between a man and his fiancée. Throughout this thoroughly entertaining read, Wingate’s sympathetic characterizations reveal both the hopefulness and the heartache behind our earnest but sometimes misguided attempts at intimacy.

Wiggs's Veterinary Dentistry: Principles and Practice

by Heidi B. Lobprise J. R. Dodd

Wiggs’s Veterinary Dentistry: Principles and Practice, Second Edition is a fully updated and expanded new edition of the classic comprehensive reference for veterinary dentistry. Provides current, comprehensive information on veterinary dentistry Encompasses rudimentary tenets of the field as well as advanced techniques Presents the state-of-the-art in veterinary dentistry, with all topics fully updated, revised, and expanded to reflect current knowledge Written by leading veterinary dental specialists and edited by luminaries in the field Includes more images and color throughout to support the text

Wikipenis: Dr. Nicola's Penis Book—Maintenance, Prevention, and Care

by Dr. Nicola Mondaini Patrizia Prezioso

A taboo-breaking guide to the male sexual and urinary system, raising awareness of anatomy, upkeep, and the emergencies that can occur throughout a lifetime. When it comes to men and their medical health, age can lead to a distressing lack of discussion. Boyhood curiosity gives way to reticence in adult men, a discomfort in asking questions and sharing insecurities about their own bodies—especially when it comes to the penis. Though highly focused on in art, daily conversations, and even spam emails, the general public&’s knowledge of the form, function, and evolution of the penis is sorely lacking. This knowledge gap is the inspiration for Wikipenis. With this book, urologist Nicola Mondaini offers men and the women in their lives—mothers, grandmothers, girlfriends, and wives—a learning tool for the healthy and correct care of the male genital system. Four chapters cover childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. Readers can flip to relevant sections to learn about maintenance, diseases, and hazards related to each stage of development. A comprehensive and authoritative handbook, Wikipenis includes information on: Penis structure and function Circumcision and hygiene Effects of smoking, drugs, alcohol consumption, and obesity Sexually transmitted diseases Erectile dysfunction Prostate pathologies Penile cancer Gender dysphoria Piercings Testosterone And more Wikipenis aims to establish a preventative culture from the start, to redesign the relationship between boys and this part of their body—a user&’s guide that men can consult whenever necessary for a happy and healthy life. &“A valuable addition to the world&’s literature on this important topic.&” —John P. Mulhall, Director of Male Sexual and Reproductive Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Wilcox's Surgical Anatomy of the Heart

by Robert H. Anderson FRCPath Diane E. Spicer Bs Pa Ascp Anthony M. Hlavacek MD Andrew C. Cook Carl L. Backer Frcpath Diane E. Spicer Pa Ascp Anthony M. Hlavacek Andrew C. Cook

The revised fourth edition of this classic textbook on cardiac anatomy written from the stance of the cardiac surgeon features many new images, including computed tomography angiography. The provision of multiple high quality surgical and pathological photographs makes it essential reading for cardiac surgeons, and of great value to cardiologists, surgical pathologists, radiologists and anaesthetists. The book will also be a valuable reference resource for any healthcare professional or researcher who needs to understand detailed cardiac anatomy. The book begins by describing the surgical approaches to the heart. It goes on to discuss the normal surgical anatomy of the cardiac chambers, the valves, and the systems for circulation and conduction within the heart. This provides the essential anatomical information required to assess and interpret the malformations, lesions and abnormalities discussed in the remainder of the book.

Wild and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology: Volume 2: Mammals

by Bret A. Moore Gil Ben-Shlomo Fabiano Montiani-Ferreira

This Volume 2 of a two-volume work is the first textbook to offer a practical yet comprehensive approach to clinical ophthalmology in wild and exotic mammals. A phylogenetic approach is used to introduce the ecology and importance of vision across the entire diversity of mammal species before focusing on both the diverse aspects of comparative anatomy and clinical management of ocular disease from one animal group to the next. Edited by three of the most esteemed authorities in exotic animal ophthalmology, this two-volume work is separated into non-mammalian species (Volume 1: Invertebrates, Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Birds) and Mammals (Volume 2: Mammals). Wild and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology, Volumes 1 and 2 is an essential collection for veterinary ophthalmologists and other veterinary practitioners working with wild and exotic animals.

Wild and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology: Volume 1: Invertebrates, Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Birds

by Bret A. Moore Gil Ben-Shlomo Fabiano Montiani-Ferreira

This Volume 1 of a two-volume work is the first textbook to offer a practical yet comprehensive approach to clinical ophthalmology in wild and exotic invertebrates, fishes, amphibia, reptiles, and birds. A phylogenetic approach is used to introduce the ecology and importance of vision across all creatures great and small before focusing on both the diverse aspects of comparative anatomy and clinical management of ocular disease from one species group to the next. Edited by three of the most esteemed authorities in exotic animal ophthalmology, this two-volume work is separated into non-mammalian species (Volume 1: Invertebrates, Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, and Birds) and Mammals (Volume 2: Mammals). Wild and Exotic Animal Ophthalmology, Volumes 1 and 2 is an essential collection for veterinary ophthalmologists and other veterinary practitioners working with wild and exotic animals.

The Wild and the Toxic: American Environmentalism and the Politics of Health

by Jennifer Thomson

Health figures centrally in late twentieth-century environmental activism. There are many competing claims about the health of ecosystems, the health of the planet, and the health of humans, yet there is little agreement among the likes of D.C. lobbyists, grassroots organizers, eco-anarchist collectives, and science-based advocacy organizations about whose health matters most, or what health even means. In this book, Jennifer Thomson untangles the complex web of political, social, and intellectual developments that gave rise to the multiplicity of claims and concerns about environmental health. Thomson traces four strands of activism from the 1970s to the present: the environmental lobby, environmental justice groups, radical environmentalism and bioregionalism, and climate justice activism. By focusing on health, environmentalists were empowered to intervene in the rise of neoliberalism, the erosion of the regulatory state, and the decimation of mass-based progressive politics. Yet, as this book reveals, an individualist definition of health ultimately won out over more communal understandings. Considering this turn from collective solidarity toward individual health helps explain the near paralysis of collective action in the face of planetary disaster.

Wild Child: How You Can Help Your Child with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Other Behavioral Disorders

by Don Mordasini

How can you help the ADD child in your life?Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is one of the most discussed yet least understood childhood disorders today. Here is a book that delivers the answers people are looking for!Wild Child explains the symptoms, thinking patterns, and behavior of children and adolescents with ADD in terms that are understandable by parents and grandparents, yet relevant to the professionals who deal with these children. It outlines specific strategies that you can use to cope with the vast array of behavior, hyperactivity, and inattention problems experienced by children with ADD. The concepts outlined in Wild Child will show you how to bond more closely with children who tend to alienate them, and help children feel better about themselves, aiding them in their quest to master their specific challenges. Because this book is written from the inside, explaining what the symptoms feel like from the perspective of someone with ADD as well as from the perspective of someone with an ADD child, readers will easily identify with the author.This valuable book will help you and the ADD child in your life by helping you to: build your personal confidence in dealing with ADD children and teens through knowledge and understanding deal with specific problems in your family or patients build esteem and sound emotional infrastructures in ADD children and empower them to take control of their livesWild Child features: tables and motivational charts that illustrate how to work with an ADD child checklists that adults can use if the suggested interventions fail with a particular childADD is truly a hidden disability, and the children suffering with it are usually labeled wild, crazy, or stupid. This, of course, leads to low self-esteem and underachievement, but Wild Child stresses that new learning can and does take place when proper motivators are applied. This book provides concrete advice regarding what those motivators are and how and when to use them. Teaching adults to empower the children in their care is an important part of Wild Child. Without appropriate intervention, children with ADD frequently end up chemically addicted or in trouble with the law. This book can help prevent these things from occurring. This is a valuable resource for everyone who knows a child with ADD.

The Wild Mandrake: A Memoir

by Jason Jobin

On the cusp of adulthood, a young writer’s life is stalled as he faces cancer that keeps coming back.Doctors used to tell him he was cured. That was a long time ago. Ever since he first left home at age nineteen, writer Jason Jobin has had cancer. Every five years, like clockwork, it relapses, and yet he always pulls through, surrounded by friends and family but isolated by illness. Chemotherapy, surgeries, radiation — these persist, but they aren’t the milestones of his life. They can’t be, he won’t let them be.From helicoptering into the Yukon backcountry to teaching in an elite writing program, Jason strives to enter adulthood with some normalcy, but his is the life of “a special case.” And he does live. He lives working at a deli for minimum wage as his students come down the hill to shop and ask what he’s doing there. He lives measuring out nausea pills and benzos while his roommates drink and smoke and party. He lives lying to girlfriends about past diagnoses because what can you say? What do you build on rubble? He lives high and low and in between. Again he is sick, again he is cured. It’s miraculous. A great gift. But never enough.Told in short glimpses, this story redefines what it means to survive. Jobin brings together the illuminated moments of loss and joy as he navigates chronic illness and builds from it something new and wildly unexpected.

Wild Rescues: A Paramedic's Extreme Adventures in Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton

by Kevin Grange

Wild Rescues is a fast-paced, firsthand glimpse into the exciting lives of paramedics who work with the National Park Service: a unique brand of park rangers who respond to medical and traumatic emergencies in some of the most isolated and dangerous parts of America. In 2014, Kevin Grange left his job as a paramedic in Los Angeles to work in a response area with 2.2 million acres: Yellowstone National Park. Seeking a break from city life and urban EMS, he wanted to experience pure nature, fulfill his dream of working for the National Park Service, and take a crash-course in wilderness medicine. Between calls, Grange reflects upon the democratic ideal of the National Park mission, the beauty of the land, and the many threats facing it. With visitation rising, budgets shrinking, and people loving our parks to death, he realized that—along with the health of his patients—he was also fighting for the life of "America's Best Idea."

Wild Ride: A Memoir of I.V. Drips and Rocket Ships

by Hayley Arceneaux

The youngest American to ever orbit the earth—cancer survivor Hayley Arceneaux—shows us all that when we face our fears with hope and faith, extraordinary things can happen.&“A potent reminder to all of us that nothing on earth—or in the heavens, for that matter—can keep us from becoming commanders of our own destiny.&”—Marlo Thomas, actor, author, and national outreach director for St. Jude Children&’s Research HospitalIn this boldly optimistic debut memoir, Hayley Arceneaux details how she overcame seemingly insurmountable odds to grab hold of a life greater than she&’d ever imagined. With her signature upbeat messaging, Arceneaux recounts her odyssey, from her cancer diagnosis at age ten and the yearlong treatment that inspired her goal of working with pediatric cancer patients, to living through her father&’s terminal cancer diagnosis, to getting her lifelong dream job at St. Jude Children&’s Research Hospital as a physician assistant. She was sure she&’d finally attained the life she wanted, and then the amazing and unimaginable happened: She was invited to go to space as a St. Jude ambassador.Throughout the book, Arceneaux encourages readers to fight for the life they want, saying, You have to hold on, because you don&’t know what great thing can come and change your life. Take the chance and you will feel, and learn, and grow, and become even more you. Following your dreams can take you to dreams you didn&’t know you had.Arceneaux&’s uplifting story is the inspiration we all need today. She offers wisdom and lessons in courage to anyone fighting against the odds. And through it all, she reveals how resilience and faith can help us grab hold of the life we&’ve always wanted and live it to the fullest.

Wild & Sweet

by Rhenna Morgan

Live hard, f*ck harder and follow only their own rules. Those are the cornerstones the six men of the Haven Brotherhood live and bleed by, refusing to conform to society's expectations, taking what they want and always watching each other's backs. Zeke Dugan is not a man who walks the straight and narrow. He may have sworn an oath as a trauma doc, but he has zero problem leveraging his medical skills outside a hospital if it means giving the Brotherhood-the group of men he calls family-an advantage. Blood before business. All that changes when shy Gabrielle stumbles into his life and ignites his protective instincts. Mechanic Gabrielle Parker prefers the complexities of an engine over men. Her life wasn't always quiet and well-ordered, but now that it is, she finds peace in the solitude. When a robbery in her neighborhood forces her out of her safe bubble, she never fathoms that a dangerous, cocky trauma doctor will fix more than her injuries. Zeke doesn't play by the rules that Gabrielle follows but knows that he's exactly what she needs in her life. He'll show her the fierce and uncompromising protection that comes from belonging to a man like him. When tension outside the Brotherhood threatens Gabrielle, Zeke will do anything to keep her safe, and damn the consequences. No one will hurt his woman, even if it means putting the very men who saved his life at risk. This book is approximately 95,000 words One-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you're looking for with an HEA/HFN. It's a promise!

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