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Oracles of Nostradamus

by Charles A. Ward

Charles A. Ward is perhaps the best known of the academics who have endeavored to explain the relevance of Nostradamus' prophecies. He marshals an impressive array of linguistic and historical facts to back up his position on these enigmatic predictions. Charles Ward was a believer and once you've read his book you will be too. Since governments, sects, and countries will undergo such sweeping changes, diametrically opposed to what now obtains, that were I to relate events to come, those in power now-- monarchs, leaders of sects and religions-- would find these so different from their own imaginings that they would be led to condemn what later centuries will learn how to see and understand. - Nostradamus

Orações a Jesus Embrião

by Giancarlo Amorosa

O livro contém 16 orações direcionadas a Jesus Embrião, luz descida do céu e encarnada, por obra do Espírito Santo, no ventre da Imaculada. A segunda pessoa da Trindade, Jesus, verdadeiro Deus e verdadeiro homem, aniquila-se a si mesmo, assumindo a natureza humana para somar-se à sua natureza divina. Jesus se inclinou até nós para que pudéssemos nos elevarmos até suas alturas vertiginosas e nos tornarmos seus irmãos e filhos do Deus vivo. A Abençoada Virgem Maria, a criatura mais pura e bela criada por Deus, através de seu consentimento aceitou o projeto divino sobre ela, tornando-se mãe de Cristo e nossa mãe.

El oráculo / The Oracle: Los misterios del jubileo REVELADOS

by Jonathan Cahn

¿Qué revelará el Oráculo? Emprende un recorrido excepcional para encontrarte con el hombre conocido como el Oráculo y abre las siete puertas de revelaciones. Cada puerta abrirá una corriente de misterios donde descubrirás los secretos del pasado, el presente y el futuro. Verás... Un misterio que nació en un desierto del Medio Oriente, hace más de tres mil años, que ahora está determinando los eventos de nuestro díaEl secreto que conecta a algunas de las personas más conocidas de nuestra época moderna con lo que sucedió en tiempos antiguos, incluyendo a un presidente moderno de los Estados UnidosUna revelación antigua que ubica con exactitud los acontecimientos de los tiempos modernos en años, meses y hasta fechasLo que está sucediendo en el mundo, lo que ha de venir y hacia dónde nos lleva todo estoY mucho, mucho más... Te encontrarás con el extranjero, el hombre de la túnica negra, la ciudad perdida, los guías angelicales y con el despertar del dragón... Y todas las revelaciones que hallarás son ¡ABSOLUTAMENTE VERDADERAS!Prepárate para ser deslumbrado...Jonathan Cahn, author of the New York Times best sellers The Harbinger, The Mystery of the Shemitah, The Book of Mysteries, and The Paradigm, now unveils The Oracle, in which he opens up the jubilean prophecies that have determined everything from the rise and fall of world empires to two world wars, current events, end-time prophecy, and much more. Could an ancient prophecy given in a Middle Eastern desert over three thousand years ago determine the events of our day?Could some of the most famous people of modern history and current events be secretly linked to this mystery—even a modern president of the United States?Could this ancient revelation pinpoint the events of our time down to the year, month, and date?Could a mysterious ordinance manifest on the world stage on an exact timetable determined from ancient times?Could these manifestations have altered—and now be altering—the course of world events? Jonathan Cahn takes the reader on a journey to find the man called &“the Oracle.&” One by one each of the jubilean mysteries will be revealed through the giving of a vision. The Oracle will uncover The Mystery of the Stranger, The Lost City, The Man With the Measuring Line, The Birds, The Return, The Day of the Lions, and much more. Ultimately The Oracle will reveal the meta-secret of end-time prophecy. As with The Harbinger and The Book of Mysteries, Cahn reveals the mysteries through a narrative; a traveler is given seven keys, each for the opening of one of seven doors. Behind each door lies one of the seven streams of the jubilean mysteries. As with Cahn&’s other works, the reader will find that what is revealed inside The Oracle is absolutely real, amazing, life-changing, and mind-blowing.

Oráculos: La adivinación a través del tiempo

by Fabiana Daversa

Un exhaustivo manual con hermosas ilustraciones que recorre la historia de la adivinación y los oráculos, desde Egipto hasta nuestros días. Durante milenios el hombre creó sistemas adivinatorios en el intento por revelar los secretos del tiempo, las tramas amorosas, el origen de los imperios y las redes de poder. Considerados malditos en el Medioevo, vetustos por el Enciclopedismo y peligrosos durante las dictaduras, los oráculos siguieron escondiéndose, pero nunca por mucho tiempo. Hoy, en la era postecnológica, la humanidad está en deuda consigo misma pero no ha podido llenar su vacío interior. Como quien vuelve a un pueblo tranquilo a la orilla del mar, regresamos a la práctica oracular. Vistiendo distintos atuendos como el I Ching, la cábala, las estrellas o la geomancia, los oráculos despertarán a quienes estén listos para oír su voz. Conozca su diversidad y aventúrese a un viaje inolvidable tantas veces postergado: el que lo llevará, sin escalas, al centro de sí mismo.

Oral Roberts and the Rise of the Prosperity Gospel (Library of Religious Biography (LRB))

by Jonathan Root

In 1946, God gave Oral Roberts a new Buick. And this just one of many miracles the young, broke preacher learned to expect, as Oral Roberts would go on to build an evangelistic ministry worth millions of dollars, a medical complex, and a university. How do we interpret the life of a man who seemed to combine rampant consumerist excess with a sincere devotion to the gospel?Seeking to answer this question, Jonathan Root weaves together accounts of Oral Roberts&’s life in a balanced and engaging narrative. This fresh biography covers Roberts&’s early life during the Great Depression in Oklahoma, his family&’s financial struggles during his early career as a Pentecostal preacher, his healing ministry&’s explosive growth in popularity via the new media of radio and television, and his empire&’s eventual collapse. Root pays special attention to how Roberts introduced the &“prosperity gospel&” to American Protestants with his affirmation that God intends his followers to be both spiritually and physically fulfilled.Root&’s engaging narration looks to primary sources on Roberts&’s life as well as the mythologized stories he told years later. The man who emerges is both deeply flawed and entirely earnest in his devotion to Christ. Oral Roberts and the Rise of the Prosperity Gospel will be an absorbing read for all those interested in American religious history and one of its most colorful figures.

Oral Roberts’ Life Story

by Oral Roberts

First published in 1952, this is the autobiography of Oral Roberts, founder and chancellor of the Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and recognized as one of the outstanding personalities of his generation. He was the author of more than one hundred books and founder of the Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, which sponsors weekly and daily television programs.“This story will touch the heart strings of every reader. Once you have begun it you will have to finish it. It won’t let you alone. It will tug at your heart for many days to come. I envy you for I would like to have again the chance of reading it for the first time.”—Lee Braxton, Mayor, Whiteville, North Carolina

Orando a través de la enfermedad de Lyme, 2da Edición

by Rebecca VanDeMark

Orando a través de la enfermedad de Lyme (2nd Edition) por Rebecca VanDeMark En esta crisis de salud no estás solo. No estas olvidado. Usted es realmente visto. Orando a través de la enfermedad de Lyme (2da edición) En una reciente conferencia sobre la enfermedad de Lyme, se afirmó que "la enfermedad de Lyme es la creciente epidemia y crisis de salud del siglo XXI". En esta creciente epidemia, hay cientos de miles de guerreros de Lyme que luchan cada día solo por vivir. En medio de la enfermedad y el dolor, a veces es difícil saber cómo orar. Esta segunda edición de "Orando a través de la enfermedad de Lyme" se ha actualizado y ampliado para alentar los corazones de los pacientes de Lyme. Este libro aborda 31 temas por los cuales los pacientes de la enfermedad de Lyme luchan e incluyen versículos para meditar. En esta crisis de salud no estás solo. No estas olvidado. Usted es realmente visto.

Orando los nombres de Dios / Praying the Names of God

by Origen

Existe un poder cuando invocamos el nombre del Señor. Descubra cómo cada uno de los nombres de Dios que se usan en las Escrituras nos ayudan a glorificarlo. Hermosamente empaquetado, este pequeño libro de regalo lo ayudará a descubrir, comprender y orar inteligentemente los cincuenta nombres de Dios. Cada nombre de Dios nos revelará la verdadera naturaleza de Dios. Contiene:-El nombre hebreo o griego original y su significado. -Una escritura donde es usado en la Biblia. -El contexto para el pueblo de Israel. -Aplicación para nosotros el día de hoy. -Una breve oración que nos ayudará a personalizar Su nombre en nuestras vidas. Seguro que será el regalo perfecto. Este hermoso regalo tiene una página de dedicatoria y una cinta marcadora.

Orando por las libras de más

by Gregory Kelley

Este libro tiene pasajes y oraciones que pueden ser usadas por cualquier persona que esté teniendo dificultades para perder peso. No importa cuál sea tu situación, hay algo para tien este libro. Mi oración espoder ofrecer alientoa quien lo necesite. Recomiendo que ores diariamente. Si estás pasando por un momento difícil, ora más seguidoe incluso ora los pasajes de la Biblia. Hay ocasionesen las que mi esposa y yo oramos juntos cada hora y luego meditamos durante el día. ¡Funciona! El Señoren verdadescucha. Dedica parte de tu tiempo al Señor, ten fey descubre lo que Dios tiene reservado para ti.

Orar con Edith Stein

by Francisco Javier Sancho Fermín

La oración es la hazaña más sublime del espíritu humano.Que esta afirmación haya salido de una mujer que representa la historia y la tragedia de la humanidad del siglo XX, da mucho que pensar. Edith Stein hizo un largo camino de búsqueda de la verdad que la llevó del judaísmo al ateísmo, de la filosofía a la conversión al cristianismo y del Carmelo a la muerte en la cámara de gas de Auschwitz. Una mujer tan profundamente intelectual como honesta, preocupada por el hombre y su dignidad, que penetró en los entresijos del ser humano abriéndose a la Verdad del Hijo del Hombre. La oración entendida y vivida como relación con Dios marca su estilo de vida, propio del verdadero seguidor de Cristo. Su visión y experiencia de la oración nos animan a vivir el gozo de sabernos hijos amados de Dios, comprometidos con su historia.

Orar es lo mejor que podéis hacer por vuestra vida

by Bernard Levine

¡Lo mejor que puede hacer por vuestra vida es orar! Orar cambia las circunstancias. Ore por la gente. ¡Agradezca a Dios que está vivo o viva! ¡Alabe a Jesucristo por salvarnos! Sin importar la ocasión, en cada oportunidad Oremos a Dios ¡Y percibiremos cómo el increíble poder de la oración cambiará nuestro mundo!

Orar hace la diferencia

by Mark Finley

"DIOS INVITA A CADA UNO de nosotros a ser intercesores poderosos. Su Espíritu está conduciendo a los creyentes en todo el mundo a formar parte de un poderoso movimiento de oración. ¿Por qué? Porque en la oración intercesora nos arrojamos impotentes a los pies del Señor, y buscamos su poder para cambiar dramáticamente circunstancias que de otro modo parecen ser desesperadas. En estas páginas usted descubrirá cómo puede llegar a ser un poderoso guerrero de oración, y cómo conducir a su iglesia a un ministerio de oración radicalmente transformador."

The Orb Project

by Klaus Heinemann Miceal Ledwith

After literally stumbling into orbs appearing as bright as light bulbs in photographs he was taking at a spiritual retreat, Dr. Klaus Heinemann immediately sensed that he was onto something profound. There was no choice but to convince himself that his notion was on solid grounds. Heinemann looked at thousands of pictures he had taken earlier, and thousands more would be taken to test the hypothesis that these light circles are nothing less than emanations from Spirit beings. Dr. Míceál Ledwith had a similar experience after the orb phenomenon was first made known to him through the teachings of Ramtha. He began an intense and systematic study of orbs in all sort of situations, day and night, and in all sorts of atmospheric conditions, in order to discover all he could about their nature, the situations in which their presence could be most easily detected, and what implications they might have for our understanding of our own place in the cosmos. To date, he has amassed a collection of well over 100,000 images. In The Orb Project, Ledwith and Heinemann present their fascinating discoveries, along with practical tips that amateur digital photographers can use to photograph orbs and properly distinguish them from "false" orbs that are really dust or water particles. They offer guidelines on deciphering the orbs' various patterns, features, and characteristics, based on their extensive research. As Dr. Ledwith points out, once you develop a keen and sustained interest in photographing spirit entities, some quite interesting things begin to happen: the brain stops censoring these images, and you can begin to see with orbs with the naked eye -- in more color and detail than is visible to even a digital camera. Ledwith and Heinemann also explore communication with orbs and what their existence means to our lives. The implications of a realization that we are "surrounded by a cloud of witnesses" are enormous and incredibly hopeful for the world at large.

Orchard of Hope

by Ann H. Gabhart

Before Ann H. Gabhart's much-loved Shaker novels and her popular "Angel Sister "became bestsellers, she wrote three poignant novels centered on the lovable Jocie Brooke and her family, who live in small-town Kentucky. In "Orchard of Hope" it is 1964, and 14-year-old Jocie Brooke is about to have an unforgettable summer. Her father has found a new love, her hippie sister is about to have a baby, and her aunt is finally a pleasure to live with. When a new black family from Chicago moves into the quiet hamlet of Hollyhill, Jocie finds herself befriending the people that some townsfolk shun. Due to the unspoken racial lines in this southern town, the presence of these newcomers sparks a smoldering fire of unrest that will change Hollyhill--and Jocie--forever. "Orchard of Hope," the riveting sequel to "Scent of Lilacs," takes readers along to experience unexpected love, fear, forgiveness, new life, and a deeper understanding of the value of each individual's story.

Orchid House

by Cindy Martinusen-Coloma

Love in a foreign land. A decaying hacienda full of secrets. And a woman searching for the story of her life.A funeral and some family business--that's what Julia Bentley expects when she travels to the Philippines to bury her grandfather. She hopes for a brief adventure, a distraction from her most recent failed relationship and her loose-ends California life. Maybe even a chance to meet some distant relatives she's never known.Instead, she discovers a place where past and present, Spanish and Asian, primitive and civilized mingle in a melange as spicy and colorful as the paella her relatives dish up for special occasions. A place where some children hitch rides on cattle and others wield loaded guns. Where guerillas lurk in the jungle, and volcanoes and governments are threatened to blow. Where stories haunt her ancestral home--the grand but decaying Hacienda Esperanza, Plantation of Hope--and danger lurks behind every tree. Love and orchids bloom in places she never thought to look.How can a land so foreign, and so troubled, fill her with a strange peace? And would staying mean risking her life . . . or finding it at last?

The Orchids

by Thomas H. Cook

As the world closes in around them, two Nazis hide out in a tropical paradiseThe servants sense something strange about the two old men. They are not sure what business Dr. Langhof and Dr. Ludtz have in El Caliz, but they are certain that whatever they do in their colonial mansion is the work of the devil. Although they do not know the specifics of the two men&’s crimes, the servants are right to suspect something sinister. The men are Nazis, fugitives from international law who fled to this South American haven in the chaotic days after World War II. Langhof brought with him a cache of stolen diamonds, with which he bought their safety from the small nation&’s corrupt president. He passes his days cultivating a stunning greenhouse full of orchids, and meditating on the evil acts that fill his past. For now they are safe, but fate has many ways of dealing out justice.

Ordained Women in the Early Church: A Documentary History

by Kevin Madigan

In a time when the ordination of women is an ongoing and passionate debate, the study of women's ministry in the early church is a timely and significant one. There is much evidence from documents, doctrine, and artifacts that supports the acceptance of women as presbyters and deacons in the early church. While this evidence has been published previously, it has never before appeared in one complete English-language collection.With this book, church historians Kevin Madigan and Carolyn Osiek present fully translated literary, epigraphical, and canonical references to women in early church offices. Through these documents, Madigan and Osiek seek to understand who these women were and how they related to and were received by, the church through the sixth century. They chart women's participation in church office and their eventual exclusion from its leadership roles. The editors introduce each document with a detailed headnote that contextualizes the text and discusses specific issues of interpretation and meaning. They also provide bibliographical notes and cross-reference original texts. Madigan and Osiek assemble relevant material from both Western and Eastern Christendom.

Order And Disorder: Anthropological Perspectives

by Fernanda Pirie Keebet von Benda-Beckmann

Disorder and instability are matters of continuing public concern. Terrorism, as a threat to global order, has been added to preoccupations with political unrest, deviance and crime. Such considerations have prompted the return to the classic anthropological issues of order and disorder. Examining order within the political and legal spheres and in contrasting local settings, the papers in this volume highlight its complex and contested nature. Elaborate displays of order seem necessary to legitimate the institutionalization of violence by military and legal establishments, yet violent behaviour can be incorporated into the social order by the development of boundaries, rituals and established processes of conflict resolution. Order is said to depend upon justice, yet injustice legitimates disruptive protest. Case studies from Siberia, India, Indonesia, Tibet, West Africa, Morocco and the Ottoman Empire show that local responses are often inconsistent in their valorization, acceptance and condemnation of disorder.

Order My Steps

by Marjorie L. Kimbrough

All our steps are ordered by the LORD; how then can we understand our own ways? (Proverbs 20:24) Marjorie L. Kimbrough, from the introduction: Well, God, how will you order my steps today? How will you direct my path? How will I know that I am following in your steps and not in my own? Have you ever wanted to ask those questions? I have, and I seek daily to live in the will of God. I need and want to stay on the path that God has directed for me. I want him to order my steps. How about you? Do you want God to order your steps? Are you willing to spend time each day seeking God's guidance through prayer and meditation? Are you willing to be directed by his will and his word? Join me as we approach each day seeking spiritual direction. Order my steps, dear Lord. In Order My Steps, Marjorie L. Kimbrough provides inspiration, hope, and encouragement for centering your day on God and God's will for you. This book of daily devotions, each of which includes Scripture, a Scripture-related daily reflection question, and a prayer, will help you balance the day's tasks and challenges with the joy of living in Christ.

The Order of Melchizedek

by Rev Daniel Chesbro Rev James Erickson

The teachings of Melchizedek-a totally balanced, authoritative incarnation of Christ-on topics such as reincarnation, spiritual development, and free will, are presented in this manual that relates a positive approach to the current transitional stage of spiritual evolution. Contending that the unconditional love of God is bombarding the earth in an influx of neutrinos, this account provides a history of Melchizedek, who is a major influence in both the New and Old Testaments but is vastly understudied in most churches. Promoting a harmonious view of religion-where there is one God, understood and worshiped in a variety of different ways, each serving a purpose to those worshipping and to the overall understanding of spirituality-this testament to the Order is both down-to-earth and profound.

The Order Of The Ages: World History in the Light of a Universal Cosmogony

by Robert Bolton

THE laws which relate the modern world to earlier ages, and the position of our own era in a universal time-cycle, are explained in this book in a way which reveals the essential nature of time. It is shown that time imposes patterns of its own on the order of events, which reveal themselves by numerical regularities. By means of a Platonic view of creation, which connects temporal with non-temporal realities, it is shown to be possible to see how man's inner life holds the balance between these two kinds of objective reality. Traditional cosmological doctrines form the background to the ideas presented, which include insights into the power of universal time to realize evil, and how this can be overcome by those who understand it. Both non-Christian and Early Christian sources are also quoted in this connection, to illustrate the universality of the cyclic idea of time. Connections are made between metaphysical ideas of time and the scientific idea of entropy and its varied applications. The cyclic idea of time is used to resolve the apparent conflict between the vast tracts of time which have elapsed before Homo Sapiens and the relatively recent appearance of revealed religion. The last two thousand years are analyzed numerically in terms of traditional cosmology, so as to make it possible to calculate our present position in a universal era, together with the time within which this era will end, Finally, there is a review of the possibility that this ending may coincide with the Last Times, and the implications that this would have for current values and religious beliefs.

Order of the Eastern Star

by F. A. Bell

In this excellent small tome F. A. Bell delves into the mysteries of the Masonic Order of the Eastern Star including the role and history of the women who shaped and served the order.“The spirit of modernity now pervades even our Ancient Mysteries, so that they must bear the stamp of recent investigation. Too little has been written about the splendid Order of the Eastern Star. It is almost impossible to find any printed article bearing on its history, which may be used in making an address on the subject. In this little book will be found a concise account of the development of the Order through the ages, from the early Mysteries to the present time.”

Order of the Eastern Star

by F. A. Bell

In this excellent small tome F. A. Bell delves into the mysteries of the Masonic Order of the Eastern Star including the role and history of the women who shaped and served the order. “The spirit of modernity now pervades even our Ancient Mysteries, so that they must bear the stamp of recent investigation. Too little has been written about the splendid Order of the Eastern Star. It is almost impossible to find any printed article bearing on its history, which may be used in making an address on the subject. In this little book will be found a concise account of the development of the Order through the ages, from the early Mysteries to the present time.”

The Order of the Solar Temple: The Temple of Death (Routledge New Religions)

by James R. Lewis

In October 1994, fifty-three members of the Order of the Solar Temple in Switzerland and Québec were murdered or committed suicide. This incident and two later group suicides in subsequent years played a pivotal role in inflaming the cult controversy in Europe, influencing the public to support harsher actions against non-traditional religions. Despite the importance of the Order of the Solar Temple, there are relatively few studies published in English. This book brings together the best scholarship on the Solar Temple including newly commissioned pieces from leading scholars, a selection of Solar Temple documents, and important previously published articles newly edited for inclusion within this book. This is the first book-length study of the Order of the Solar Temple to be published in English.

Order out of Chaos: Islam, Information, and the Rise and Fall of Social Orders in Iraq (Religion and Conflict)

by David Siddhartha Patel

Order out of Chaos explains why Iraqis turned to the mosque after state collapse. In 2003, the US-led invasion of Iraq destroyed the Bathist state. Despite this the citizens of Basra established predictable routines of daily life and social order as the familiar and customary structures of state-imposed order collapsed. What enabled individuals in Basra to work together to produce order amid anarchy? The answer: the Friday mosque. A week after the regime fell, Shii imams introduced Friday congregational prayers and associated sermons for the first time in most places since the 1950s. These sermons facilitated the spread of common knowledge and coordination, both locally and nationally, and contributed to the emergence of a relatively cohesive imagined community of Iraqi Shia that came to dominate Iraq's political order.Combining rational choice approaches, ethnographic understanding, and GIS analysis, David Siddhartha Patel reveals the interconnectedness of the enduring problem of how societies create social order in a stateless environment, the origins and limits of political authority and leadership, and the social and political salience of collective identity.

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