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Showing 53,376 through 53,400 of 53,671 results

Public Health in Postcolonial Africa: The Social and Political Determinants of Health

by Olukayode A. Faleye Tanimola M. Akande Inocent Moyo

This fascinating, multi-disciplinary collection examines how public health interventions in postcolonial Africa mirror wider manifestations of power in the region. Beyond the role of public health intervention in tackling disease and prolonging life, the book measures the social and political determinant of health which continue to exist in the postcolonial era. The volume features contributions from scholars across both the social sciences and humanities, exploring ongoing debates across a broad range of themes, including: - Infopolitics, biopolitics and healthcare; - Emerging infectious diseases, environment and food cultures; - Health interventions and economic security; - Church administration and healthcare; - Livelihood, sex, sexuality and HIV/AIDS; Offering a fresh and insightful understanding of health issues in this important global region, and including chapters on issues around the Covid-19 pandemic, the book will interest students and researchers across a range of disciplines, including Global Health, Politics and African Studies.

Public Health, Public Trust and American Fragility in a Pandemic Era: The Critical Role of Health Care Professionals

by Norbert Goldfield

This book explores how professionals and policymakers in mental and physical health care can use lessons from the COVID pandemic to better inform future public policy and treatment. Using the United States as a test case, Norbert Goldfield draws on his professional experience in healthcare and policy-making to explore how some societies have emerged from the pandemic with increasing internal conflicts. The author uses excerpts from his own COVID diary to revisit key stages in the response to the COVID pandemic to highlight where division has entered the publish health discourse, and to set out an alternative vision of how mental and physical health can be framed professionally and publicly. In addition to this account, Dr Goldfield details how our political system should change with respect to pandemics and how health professionals, together with the lay public, can help. Specifically, the book highlights the three critical issues confronting American pandemic fragility: increasing vaccinations, decreasing misinformation, and fostering greater linkages between our public and acute health systems. This book will be invaluable for all types of health care professionals, both in mental and physical health arenas, lay people interested in the pandemic, and for policymakers.

Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare

by Immy Holloway Kathleen Galvin

Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare Discover how to conduct qualitative nursing research with confidence Co-authored by experienced researchers, Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare offers practical and applied examples for those who carry out qualitative research in the healthcare arena. With clear explanations of abstract ideas and practical procedures, this updated edition incorporates recent examples in nursing research and developments in the qualitative field, providing readers with the latest approaches and techniques for gaining insight into people’s attitudes, behaviours, value systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations, culture and lifestyles. From ethnographies to action research, readers will find explorations of data collection, sampling and analysis, including discussions of: Interviewing and participant observation, strategies, and procedures Trustworthiness and validity, and ensuring the credibility of qualitative research A variety of approaches in qualitative research, such as grounded theory, phenomenology and narrative inquiry Whether you’re a postgraduate nursing student, a third-year nursing student on a pre-registration nursing programme, or a qualified nursing and healthcare staff member, Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare is the perfect resource to help you conduct meaningful research with confidence.

Qualitative Research Methodologies for Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

by Shoba Nayar Mandy Stanley

This comprehensive text provides a practical introduction to the range of qualitative methodologies and methods being used by occupational science and occupational therapy researchers today, enabling readers to produce and critique high-quality qualitative research themselves. Showcasing a diverse range of qualitative research from both academic scholarship and the wider community of health professionals, each chapter combines both foundational knowledge and therapeutic applications. Importantly, the book lucidly explains the synergy between research problem, choice of methodology, and methods. It also fosters a best-practice approach, ensuring that qualitative research is epistemologically sound while reflecting the values and beliefs of the diverse communities within which research is conducted. This new edition, featuring an international range of authors, also addresses new and cutting-edge research methodologies, including indigenous methodologies, netnography, the visual arts, and Big data. It is the ideal textbook for any student, practitioner, or researcher of occupational science and occupational therapy.

Quality Control and Regulatory Aspects for Biologicals: Regulations and Best Practices

by Gauri Misra

This book serves as a comprehensive guide on quality control and regulatory aspects for biological products. It covers a wide range of topics, including regulatory requirements, quality control strategies, analytical methods, and risk management. It delves into the advantages and limitations of in vivo tests and discusses alternative methods that can be employed. The book explores the use of animal-based testing methods in quality control and examines viable alternatives.Key Features: Reviews various scientific and regulatory aspects involved in the quality control of biologicals Provides an overview of the roles of various national and international regulatory bodies and accreditation agencies Presents advanced analytical methods, innovative technologies, and the integration of molecular diagnostics in quality control processes Explores the use of animal-based testing methods in quality control, as well as their alternatives Discusses guidelines and methodologies involved in the development of biological products Overall, this book is an important reference source for various professionals in the pharmaceutical industry, including researchers, scientists, quality control personnel, and regulatory affairs professionals.

Quality Control in the Assisted Reproductive Technology Laboratory (Reproductive Medicine and Assisted Reproductive Techniques Series)

by Durai P

This guide provides an overview of quality control in ART laboratories. It explores frameworks and essential tools necessary for effective quality management. The fields of monitoring, equipment maintenance, and the intricate aspects of embryo care and cryopreservation are thoroughly examined. The significance of the ART lab witnessing system is highlighted, demonstrating the seamless integration of both manual and electronic witnessing tools. Readers will gain insights into the roles played by KPIs and SOPs. For aspiring embryologists, this guide offers an exploration of training techniques, addressing the inherent challenges of the field. Practical coping strategies are provided to help navigate these stressors successfully.With real-world case studies and discussions on laboratory design, this resource serves as a guide to achieving excellence in ART. It emphasizes the importance of balancing patient care, procedural accuracy, and practitioner well-being.

Quality Improvement in Dental and Medical Knowledge, Research, Skills and Ethics Facing Global Challenges: Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology of Dental and Medical Sciences (ICTDMS 2022), Jakarta, Indonesia, 8-10 December 2022

by Armelia Sari Widyarman Muhammad Ihsan Rizal Moehammad Orliando Roeslan Carolina Damayanti Marpaung

The proceeding of FORIL XIII 2022 Scientific Forum Usakti conjunction with International Conference on Technology of Dental and Medical Sciences (ICTDMS) includes selected full papers that have been peer-reviewed and satisfy the conference's criteria. All studies on health, ethics, and social issues in the field of dentistry and medicine have been presented at the conference alongside clinical and technical presentations. The twelve primary themes that make up its framework include the following: behavioral epidemiologic, and health services, conservative dentistry, dental materials, dento-maxillofacial radiology, medical sciences and technology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral biology, oral medicine and pathology, orthodontics, pediatrics dentistry, periodontology, and prosthodontics. This proceeding is likely to be beneficial in keeping dental and medical professionals apprised of the most recent scientific developments.

Quantification, Validation and Uncertainty in Analytical Sciences: An Analyst's Companion

by Max Feinberg Serge Rudaz

Quantification, Validation and Uncertainty in Analytical Sciences Companion guide explaining all processes in measuring uncertainty in quantitative analytical results Quantification, Validation and Uncertainty in Analytical Sciences provides basic and expert knowledge by building on the sequence of operations starting from the quantification in analytical sciences by defining the analyte and linking it to the calibration function. Proposing a comprehensive approach to MU (Measurement Uncertainty) estimation, it empowers the reader to apply Method Accuracy Profile (MAP) efficiently as a statistical tool in measuring uncertainty. The text elucidates several examples and template worksheets explaining the theoretical aspects of the procedure and includes novel method validation procedures that can accurately estimate the data obtained in measurements. It also enables the reader to provide practical insights to improve decision making by accurately evaluating and comparing different analytical methods. Brings together an interdisciplinary approach with statistical tools and algorithms applied in analytical chemistry and written by two international experts with long-standing experience in the field of Analytical measurements and Uncertainty, Quantification, Validation and Uncertainty in Analytical Sciences includes information on: The know-how of methods in an analytical laboratory, effective usage of a spurious measurement and methods to estimate errors. Quantification, calibration, precision, trueness, MAP addons, estimating MU for analytical sciences, and uncertainty functionsEmploying measurement uncertainty, sampling uncertainty, quantification limits, and sample conformity assessmentDecision making, uncertainty and standard addition method, and accuracy profile for method comparison Quantification, Validation and Uncertainty in Analytical Sciences is an ideal resource for every individual quantifying or studying analytes. With several chapters dedicated to MU’s practical use in decision making demonstrating its advantages, the book is primarily intended for professional analysts, although researchers and students will also find it of interest.

Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy: An Evidence-Based Approach

by Catherine Y. Spong Charles J. Lockwood

Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy The new edition of the long-standing classic text, covering all areas of perinatal medicine Continuing to set the standard for maternal-fetal practice, the seventh edition of Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy provides practical, clinically useful information on the full spectrum of perinatal care. Focused on clinical decision-making, this invaluable reference contains authoritative, evidence-based information on the factors of high-risk pregnancy, biochemical and biophysical monitoring, maternal disease, obstetric complications, patient safety in labor and delivery, and more. With more than 50 concise chapters, this text has been written by leading experts, and contains evidence-based protocols, algorithms, case studies, potential outcome measures, medications, and illustrative case reports to ensure the best possible outcomes for fetal and maternal patients. This text offers clear guidance on the common problems encountered in the day-to-day management of high-risk pregnancies. The seventh edition of Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy includes new and updated chapters with the most current evidence-based information and protocols available on topics such as infectious diseases in pregnancy, vaping, operative vaginal delivery, postpartum hemorrhage, pregnancies in women with disabilities, maternal anemia, malaria, and HIV infection. Queenan's Management of High-Risk Pregnancy: An Evidence-Based Approach, Seventh Edition, remains an indispensable reference and guide for obstetricians, gynecologists, OB/GYN trainees, midwives, and primary and general practitioners.

The Qur'an: A Verse Translation

by M.A.R. Habib Bruce B. Lawrence

Islam’s founding text, rendered for the first time in flowing English verse. This monumental feat of translation, the product of a ten-year-long collaboration between one of our most respected scholars of Islam (Bruce B. Lawrence) and a poet and scholar of literature (M. A. R. Habib), The Qur'an: A Verse Translation offers readers the first rendering in English to echo, in accessible and fluent verse, the sonorous beauty of the Arabic original as well as the complex nuances of its meaning. Those familiar with the Qur'an in Arabic—especially the faithful who each day hear the text recited aloud—know that it is a sublime blend of sound and sense, music and meaning. While no translation can perfectly capture the inimitable virtues of the original, Habib and Lawrence have come closest to a readable, clear, and fluid English Qur'an that all readers, regardless of their faith or familiarity with the text, can read with pleasure, gaining a deeper appreciation of the book and the religious tradition it inspired. A rich and informative introduction situates the Qur'an in its cultural context and describes its unique structure and history. A note from the translators explains their painstaking efforts to address the many challenges that any translator must face when rendering the Qur'an into English. Extensive notes and explanatory apparatus will help all readers—whether they are familiar with the original or coming to the text for the first time—to read (and hear) the Qur'an with fresh understanding and insight.

Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs

by M. C. Muhlbauer S. K. Kneller

Radiography of the Dog and Cat A convenient and authoritative quick-reference guide to help you get the most from radiography of dogs and cats. In the newly revised second edition of Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs, the authors deliver a thorough update to a celebrated reference manual for all veterinary personnel, student to specialist, involved with canine and feline radiography. The book takes a straightforward approach to the fundamentals of radiography and provides easy-to-follow explanations of key points and concepts. Hundreds of new images have been added covering normal radiographic anatomy and numerous diseases and disorders. Readers of the book will also find: An expanded positioning guide along with images of properly positioned radiographs. Numerous examples of radiographic artifacts with explanations of their causes and remedies. Detailed explanations of many contrast radiography procedures, including indications, contraindications, and common pitfalls. Comprehensive treatments of Musculoskeletal, Thoracic, and Abdominal body parts, including both normal and abnormal radiographic appearances and variations in body types. Perfect for veterinary practitioners and students, the second edition of Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs is also a valuable handbook for veterinary technical staff seeking a one-stop reference for dog and cat radiography.

Radiologie: Techniek en onderzoek (Medische beeldvorming en radiotherapie)

by Jacques Hensen John Peeters Tom Dam

Dit boek beschrijft de röntgentechniek en instelkunde, en geeft een overzicht van belangrijke ontwikkelingen op het gebied van digitalisering en kwaliteitsaspecten van het beroepsveld van de MBB’er (Medisch Beeldvormings- en Bestralingsdeskundige). Deel 1 gaat in op het basisprincipe van de radiologie en de toepassing hiervan in de praktijk. Nieuwe technische begrippen komen uitgebreid aan bod. Deel 2 benoemt de strenge eisen op het gebied van kwaliteit en veiligheid die aan de röntgenapparatuur en aan de MBB’ers worden gesteld, waarbij ook de patiëntveiligheid aan bod komt. Deel 3 beschrijft de instellingen voor het maken van standaardröntgenopnamen met alle benodigde gegevens, ondersteund door fotomateriaal en illustraties. Er is een onderverdeling gemaakt per tractus. Verder is er speciale aandacht voor mammografie, traumatologie en röntgenonderzoek bij kinderen. Deze volledig herziene editie is geactualiseerd en aangepast volgens de huidige maatstaven. De techniek is op sommige punten verder ontwikkeld, er zijn verschillende nieuwe onderzoeken bij gekomen en andere onderzoeken zijn obsoleet geworden of vervangen door andere technieken zoals MRI, CT of echografie.Online zijn de teksten en afbeeldingen van het boek ook te raadplegen. Bij dit boek hoort een website die het mogelijk maakt om altijd en overal te studeren of informatie op te zoeken. Ook zijn hier oefenvragen per hoofdstuk beschikbaar die het mogelijk maken om verworven competenties en kennis te toetsen. Radiologie – Techniek en onderzoek maakt deel uit van de serie Medische Beeldvorming en Radiotherapie. Behalve voor MBB’ers in opleiding is dit boek bij uitstek geschikt voor MBB’ers werkzaam in de radiologie, nucleaire geneeskunde en radiotherapie. Het boek is ook een goede introductie voor radiologen, al dan niet in opleiding, en een betrouwbaar naslagwerk voor artsen in opleiding. 

Radiotheranostics - A Primer for Medical Physicists I: Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Clinical Applications (ISSN)

by Cari Borrás Michael G. Stabin

This book covers scientific, clinical, and educational aspects of radiotheranostics in cancer control. Setting the framework, the first volume defines radiotheranostics and describes the history of radionuclide therapy and theranostics, and the biology of cancer. It examines the clinical applications of unconjugated radionuclides, such as ¹³¹I and ²²³Ra, and of radionuclide-conjugated cancer-specific vectors: peptides, small molecules, antibodies, and nanoparticles; introduces clinical trials and drug development; and reviews epidemiological studies and the adverse effects of radionuclide therapy – both radiation injuries and chemical toxicity. It presents the chemistry and physics of radionuclide production, discusses radioactivity measurements and traceability, and addresses important instrumentation aspects: calibration, quantitative imaging, and quality control. Volume I concludes with guidance on the education, training, and competence of a radiotheranostic multidisciplinary team and summarizes the principal physics characteristics of theranostics today – including many to be expanded in the second volume – while offering a glimpse into tomorrow. This volume provides the foundations for the more advanced second volume, which explores dosimetric and radiation safety, aiming to empower medical physicists and demonstrate to the cancer community how to improve cancer control and yield increased patient survival times.It will be a valuable reference for medical and health physicists with basic knowledge of nuclear medicine.Key Features• Provides a comprehensive introduction to the topic, presenting readers with thorough treatment in a cohesive two-volume book.• Presents a rigorous approach while remaining accessible to students and trainees in the field.• Contains consistent and extensive references to allow readers to delve deeper into the subject.

Randomized Controlled Trials in Evidence-Based Dentistry

by Richie Kohli Harjit S. Sehgal Peter Milgrom

This book reviews the role of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in clinical dentistry, explains how to successfully conduct RCTs related to dentistry, and provides detailed information on the use of RCTs within each of the dental specialties. Although RCTs represent the gold standard in evidence-based dentistry for evaluation of the effects of an intervention, a textbook on the subject has to date been lacking. Randomized Controlled Trials in Evidence-Based Dentistry will fill this educational gap and improve the confidence of dental providers, researchers, and their multidisciplinary teams in conducting high-quality RCTs in a variety of settings and different parts of the world. In particular, it will enable readers to implement a suitable step-by-step approach to RCTs, identify possible solutions to common challenges when performing RCTs in individual dental specialties, and apply these solutions to their own RCT projects.

Rare Genetic Disorders: Advancements in Diagnosis and Treatment

by Muhammad Umair Misbahuddin Rafeeq Qamre Alam

This book introduces different Rare Genetic Disorders (RGDs), and challenges in their diagnosis. The chapters of the book discuss the emerging research and clinical approaches for the diagnosis of rare genetic disorders. It further reviews the future of genetic therapies for the treatment of rare genetic diseases and examine the recent advancements in the field of genetic testing for the diagnosis of these diseases. The book also covers the role of variants in the genome (genetic modifiers) that alleviate (suppress) or exacerbate (enhance) the severity of the disease, resulting in the variability of phenotypic outcomes. Further, the book examines different animal models for critical understanding of disease mechanisms, and the opportunity to evaluate the effect of therapeutic compounds in pre-clinical studies. The subsequent chapters present the state-of-the-art drug discovery strategies and biological approaches for the treatment of rare genetic disorders. Towards the end, the book reviews the current challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of the patients of rare genetic disorders and future opportunities. This book is useful for clinical geneticists, molecular and biochemical geneticists, researchers working in gene therapy and genome editing.

Rational Use of Intravenous Fluids in Critically Ill Patients

by Manu L. N. G. Malbrain Adrian Wong Prashant Nasa Supradip Ghosh

This open access book, published by Springer under the Open Access CC BY 4.0 Licence in collaboration with the International Fluid Academy (IFA,, explores rationalized intravenous fluid therapy for critically ill patients. Despite being commonly prescribed in inpatient settings, intravenous fluids are often administered without evidence-based guidelines, neglecting essential considerations such as the fact they are drugs, that need proper dosing, duration, indications, contraindications, side effects, and de-escalation. This book fills this knowledge gap. Each chapter starts with a clinical vignette and a related question, followed by a concise summary abstract, key learning points, main text, and a conclusion that addresses the clinical question and provides relevant take-home messages. Additionally, every chapter includes an IFA commentary referencing the latest literature and evidence. The book begins with an introductory chapter that provides definitions and terminology, followed by four sections. The first section covers the fundamentals of intravenous fluid therapy, including fluid compartments in sick patients, fluid bolus dynamics, heart-lung interactions, fluid challenge, fluid responsiveness, arterial blood gas analysis based on traditional and Stewart concepts, and electrolyte physiology relevant to clinical issues. The second section discusses commercially available intravenous fluids, while the third section focuses on fluid therapy in specific clinical situations. The final section introduces the concepts of fluid stewardship and appropriate fluid prescription. Aligned with the International Fluid Academy's mission to enhance education and promote research on fluid management and monitoring, ultimately improving patient survival rates, this book contributes significantly to establishing fluid stewardship at the bedside. It provides valuable support for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals across various clinical disciplines working in emergency rooms, operating rooms, or intensive care units, aiding their everyday clinical practice.

Raynaud’s Phenomenon: From Pathogenesis to Management

by Fredrick M. Wigley Ariane L. Herrick Nicholas A. Flavahan

This book comprehensively reviews the understanding of a disorder that continues to challenge primary care clinicians and specialists. Raynaud’s phenomenon is an inappropriate and exaggerated response of the digital and cutaneous circulation to cold environmental temperatures. It is common, often causing significant morbidity and it is a major challenge for physicians at every level and specialty. A comprehensive review of Raynaud’s is now timely because of the incredible progress in understanding the molecular mechanisms of the normal regulation of cutaneous blood flow and how disease can disrupt the function of these specialized vessels. Likewise, the clinical implications of Raynaud’s phenomenon are better appreciated with studies defining its prevalence, the associated diseases, and new treatment approaches for patients suffering from it. The nomenclature used to classify cases has changed over the years and is important to understand these terms both for clinical care andresearch. This fully updated second edition comprehensively discusses various causes of Raynaud’s phenomenon including childhood Raynaud’s phenomenon, Raynaud’s phenomenon secondary to connective tissue disease, occupational causes, and a variety of other associated disorders. Careful consideration is given to the diagnosis of Raynaud’s phenomenon with state of the art discussion of nailfold capillary examination, non-invasive imaging, angiography, and appropriate serological testing. The concept that Raynaud’s phenomenon is associated with systemic disease or can be the manifestation of a systemic vasospastic disorder is also presented. In addition to reviewing both non-drug and drug therapy for patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon, this volume provides a practical approach in specific clinical situations by presenting problematic cases and the authors’ expert opinions on therapy. It also discusses mechanisms contributing to the vascular dysfunctionof primary Raynaud’s phenomenon and the vascular disease of secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon. Engaging readers with case vignettes and a plethora of visual aids, Raynaud’s Phenomenon: From Pathogenesis to Management is a state-of-the-art, authoritative reference and invaluable contribution to the literature that will be of interest to adult and pediatric physicians, rheumatologists, and clinical and basic researchers.

The RCEM Lecture Notes: Emergency Medicine (Lecture Notes)

by Catherine Williams Amy Nickson

The RCEM Lecture Notes: Emergency Medicine 5th Edition Comprehensive introduction to the core specialty area of emergency medicine Presented in a user-friendly format, combining flowcharts and high-quality illustrations together for an easy-to-read experience, this fifth edition of The RCEM Lecture Notes: Emergency Medicine has been thoroughly revised to reflect recent advances in the field of emergency medicine and to give readers a comprehensive and highly accessible overview of the field. The RCEM Lecture Notes: Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition presents important ‘need to know’ information for all those involved in treating patients in an emergency setting. The text serves as an excellent starting point to support initial teaching on the subject and reference or revision at the end of a module, rotation, or final exams. Contributions made by a variety of healthcare professionals with significant firsthand experience in the field, The RCEM Lecture Notes: Emergency Medicine contains information on: Major trauma and injuries. Burns, contamination, irradiation, and poisoning. Acute medical, surgical and obstetric conditions relevant to emergency medicine. Paediatric emergency medicine. Mental health and medicolegal aspects of emergency medicine. For more information on the complete range of Wiley medical student and junior doctor publishing, please visit: To receive automatic updates on Wiley books and journals, join our email list. Sign up today at This new edition is also available as an e-book. For more details, please see All content reviewed by students for students Wiley Medical Education books are designed exactly for their intended audience. All of our books are developed in collaboration with students. This means that our books are always published with you, the student, in mind. If you would like to be one of our student reviewers, go to to find out more.

The Real Nurse

by Tamorin Lavers

Evelyn harbours a heartfelt dream of becoming a nurse, healing the world one tender touch at a time. On the other paw, Khan the cat yearns for a life filled with thrilling adventures. In this enchanting picture book, dive into the delightful days of ‘dress-ups,’ where every outfit unveils a world of wonder, nurturing compassion, and sparking joy in little hearts. Together, Evelyn and Khan discover that imagination can stitch the realms of care and adventure into a tapestry of magical memories.

Realist Trials and Systematic Reviews: Rigorous, Useful Evidence to Inform Health Policy

by null Chris Bonell null G. J. Melendez-Torres null Emily Warren

This book describes an innovative approach to the evaluation of complex health interventions, assessing what interventions work, how and for whom. Rejecting the stalemate between trials and realist evaluation, it draws on the best of both. Randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews offer the least biased means of assessing intervention effects but tell us little scientifically about how interventions work. Policy-makers and practitioners are also not supported to decide which interventions are likely to achieve most benefits in their local contexts. Realists use other forms of evaluation and evidence synthesis exploring how intervention mechanisms interact with context to generate outcomes. But these approaches lack rigour in assessing causality. This book proposes how realist evaluation methods may be incorporated within randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews. This enables evaluations and evidence synthesis to benefit from the more nuanced questions posed within realist enquiry while maintaining rigour in assessing causality.

Rebel Doctor's Baby Surprise (Daredevil Doctors #2)

by Alison Roberts

A doctor gets the shock of his life when a woman turns up with a baby in tow…claiming the child is his daughter! Read on in the second installment in Alison Roberts&’s Daredevil Doctors duet. A NEWBORN ON HIS DOORSTEP Dr. James&’s world is turned upside down with the arrival of a stranger, nurse Sarah. Because Sarah is not alone. She&’s holding a tiny bundle—his surprise daughter! As if the situation isn&’t complicated enough, he feels an immediate connection to baby Ivy&’s beautiful guardian. And as this rebel doc opens his home—temporarily!—to this makeshift family, walking away with his heart intact soon becomes impossible…From Harlequin Medical: Life and love in the world of modern medicine.Daredevil Doctors Book 1: Forbidden Nights with the ParamedicBook 2: Rebel Doctor's Baby Surprise

Rebel Health: A Field Guide to the Patient-Led Revolution in Medical Care

by Susannah Fox

An action-oriented and radically hopeful field guide to the underground, patient-led revolution for better health and health care.Anyone who has fallen off the conveyer belt of mainstream health care and into the shadowy corners of illness knows what a dark place it is to land. Where is the infrastructure, the information, the guidance? What should you do next? In Rebel Health, Susannah Fox draws on twenty years of tracking the expert networks of patients, survivors, and caregivers who have come of age between the cracks of the health care system to offer a way forward. Covering everything from diabetes to ALS to Moebius Syndrome to chronic disease management, Fox taps into the wisdom of these individuals, learns their ways, and fuels the rebel alliance that is building up our collective capacity for better health.Rebel Health shows how the next wave of health innovation will come from the front lines of this patient-led revolution. Fox identifies and describes four archetypes of this revolution: seekers, networkers, solvers, and champions. Each chapter includes tips, such as picking a proxy to help you navigate the relevant online communities, or learning how to pitch new ideas to investors and partners or new treatments to the FDA. On a personal level, anyone who wants to navigate the health care maze faster will want to become a health rebel or recruit some to their team. On a systemic level, it is a competitive advantage for businesses, governments, and organizations to understand and leverage the power of connection among patients, survivors, and caregivers.Proactive, optimistic, and innovative, Rebel Health is a guiding light for anyone who wishes to join the health rebel alliance and become the hero of their own story.

Recent Advances in Bioprocess Engineering and Bioreactor Design

by Swasti Dhagat Satya Eswari Jujjavarapu N. S. Sampath Kumar Chinmaya Mahapatra

This book provides insights into the recent developments in the field of bioprocess technology and bioreactor design. Bioprocess engineering or biochemical engineering is a subcomponent of chemical engineering, which encompasses designing and developing those processes and equipment that are required for the manufacturing of products from biological materials and sources, such as agriculture, pharmaceutical, chemicals, polymers, food, etc., or for the treatment of environmental process, for example, waste water. The main focus of this book is to highlight the advancements in the field of bioprocess technology and bioreactor design. The book is divided into various chapters briefing all aspects of bioprocess engineering and focusing on the advances in bioprocess engineering. The book summarizes introduction to bioprocess technology and microbiology, isolation and maintenance of microbial strains, and sterilization techniques for advanced-level students and researchers. Different models depicting kinetics of microbial growth, substrate consumption, and product formation are discussed. The applications of enzymes have increased tremendously and therefore understanding their metabolic pathways to increase yields is also briefly discussed. The calculations of mass and energy balances associated with entropy changes and free energy. This book also covers the approaches for handling different types of cell cultures and current advancements in the area of bioprocess strategies for different culture types, which scientists and researchers working in the different cell cultures can refer to. The downstream processing of various industrially important products is also a part of this book. Apart from that, the process economics which ensures the feasibility and quality of any biological process is also dealt with as the last section of the book.

Recent Topics on Prevention, Diagnosis, and Clinical Management of Cervical Cancer (Comprehensive Gynecology and Obstetrics)

by Daisuke Aoki

This book provides a practical overview of a central topic in cervical cancer concerning human papillomavirus (HPV), prevention, cervical cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Since the finding of human papillomavirus (HPV) being the cause of cervical cancer and its precursor symptoms, effective screening based on HPV DNA testing and prevention methods by HPV vaccination are established. Furthermore, new surgical methods, radiation therapy, and drug therapy are developed. To summarize the history and the recent advancement, this book is presented in five attractive parts: pathogenesis and epidemiology, cancer screening and prevention strategies, diagnosis and clinical management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), surgical treatments, and multimodal therapy. Recent Topics on Prevention, Diagnosis, and Clinical Management of Cervical Cancer is an appealing source for gynecologists, gynecologic surgeons, gynecologic pathologists, and gynecologic, clinical, and radiation oncologists. Also, primary care doctors, public health nurses, nurses, and pharmacists involved in cancer and other medical personnel will find the information and challenges presented tempting.

Recent Trends in Cancer Therapeutics: Plasmonic Photothermal-Based Multimodal Cancer Therapy (Materials Horizons: From Nature to Nanomaterials)

by Divya Khurana Sanjeev Soni

This book describes the plasmonic photothermal-assisted multimodal cancer therapeutics in the area of cancer nanotechnology or cancer nanomedicine. This book covers the fundamentals of plasmonic photothermal cancer therapy as well as plasmonic photothermal mediated multimodal cancer therapy. The various steps involved in developing such therapeutic modality, viz. (a) the selection of suitable nanoparticles, (b) synthesis of multifunctional nanocomposite, (c) optimization of the photosensitizer and chemotherapeutic drug loadings, (d) characterization of the synthesized nanocomposite, and (e) therapeutic evaluations through novel tumor-tissue mimicking phantoms and the cancer cell lines are discussed in detail. Apart from the detailed description of therapeutic outcome, this book provides a step-by-step approach to develop a multifunctional nanocomposite for such therapeutics. Overall, this book provides simplified and in-depth information about cancer nanobiotechnology to the researchers and graduate students in subject areas of nanotechnology, biotechnology and pharmaceutics to develop and contribute to such multimodal cancer therapeutics.

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