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Nunslinger Book 1: The Judgement of Abraham

by Stark Holborn

The year is 1864. Sister Thomas Josephine is on her way from St Louis, Missouri, to Sacramento, California. During the course of her journey, however, she'll find that her faith requires her to take off her wimple and pick up a gun. Innocent Visitandine nun Sister Thomas Josephine wants nothing more than an adventure-free journey out west. But adventure is what she'll get - and heaps of it - when she's taken hostage by a desperate outlaw on the Laramie Plains of Wyoming. Before long she'll find herself torn between two men, the handsome Union Army Lieutentant Thomas F. Carthy and the mysterious drifter Abraham C. Muir. And soon, one of these men will be staring down the barrel of her gun. In this exclusive, free, all-new ebook, you?ll meet Sister Thomas Josephine, the innocent Visitandine nun, and travel along the overland trail with her as she meets varmints and scallywaygs galore. Free for a very limited time only, Nunslinger Book 1 is the first in an extraordinary new series that will publish serially throughout 2014. Don?t miss a single instalment ? preorder Sister Thomas Josephine?s adventures today!

Nunslinger - The First Omnibus: Nunslinger Parts 1-6

by Stark Holborn

The year is 1864. Sister Thomas Josephine, an innocent Visitantine nun from St Louis, Missouri, is making her way west to the promise of a new life in Sacramento, California. When an attack on her wagon train leaves her stranded in the Nebraska Territory, Thomas Josephine finds her faith tested and her heart torn between Lt. Theodore F. Carthy, a man too beautiful to be true, and the mysterious grifter Abraham C. Muir. Falsely accused of murder she goes on the run, all the while being hunted by a man who has become dangerously obsessed with her. Her journey will take her from the most forbidding mountain peaks to the hottest, most hostile desert on earth, from Nevada to Mexico to Texas, and will be tested in ways she could never imagine. Nunslinger is the true tale of Sister Thomas Josephine, a woman whose desire to do good in the world leads her on an incredible adventure that pits her faith, her feelings and her very life against inhospitable elements, the armies of the North and South, and the most dangerous creature of all: man.

Nunslinger - The First Omnibus: Nunslinger Parts 1-6

by Stark Holborn

The year is 1864. Sister Thomas Josephine, an innocent Visitantine nun from St Louis, Missouri, is making her way west to the promise of a new life in Sacramento, California. When an attack on her wagon train leaves her stranded in the Nebraska Territory, Thomas Josephine finds her faith tested and her heart torn between Lt. Theodore F. Carthy, a man too beautiful to be true, and the mysterious grifter Abraham C. Muir. Falsely accused of murder she goes on the run, all the while being hunted by a man who has become dangerously obsessed with her. Her journey will take her from the most forbidding mountain peaks to the hottest, most hostile desert on earth, from Nevada to Mexico to Texas, and will be tested in ways she could never imagine. Nunslinger is the true tale of Sister Thomas Josephine, a woman whose desire to do good in the world leads her on an incredible adventure that pits her faith, her feelings and her very life against inhospitable elements, the armies of the North and South, and the most dangerous creature of all: man.

Nunslinger - The Second Omnibus: Nunslinger Parts 7-12

by Stark Holborn

The year is 1864. Sister Thomas Josephine, an innocent Visitantine nun from St Louis, Missouri, is making her way west to the promise of a new life in Sacramento, California. When an attack on her wagon train leaves her stranded in Wyoming, Thomas Josephine finds her faith tested and her heart torn between Lt. Theodore F. Carthy, a man too beautiful to be true, and the mysterious grifter Abraham C. Muir. Falsely accused of murder she goes on the run, all the while being hunted by a man who has become dangerously obsessed with her. Her journey will take her from the most forbidding mountain peaks to the hottest, most hostile desert on earth, from Nevada to Mexico to Texas, and her faith will be tested in ways she could never imagine. Nunslinger is the true tale of Sister Thomas Josephine, a woman whose desire to do good in the world leads her on an incredible adventure that pits her faith, her feelings and her very life against inhospitable elements, the armies of the North and South, and the most dangerous creature of all: man.

Nunslinger - The Second Omnibus: Nunslinger Parts 7-12

by Stark Holborn

The year is 1864. Sister Thomas Josephine, an innocent Visitantine nun from St Louis, Missouri, is making her way west to the promise of a new life in Sacramento, California. When an attack on her wagon train leaves her stranded in Wyoming, Thomas Josephine finds her faith tested and her heart torn between Lt. Theodore F. Carthy, a man too beautiful to be true, and the mysterious grifter Abraham C. Muir. Falsely accused of murder she goes on the run, all the while being hunted by a man who has become dangerously obsessed with her. Her journey will take her from the most forbidding mountain peaks to the hottest, most hostile desert on earth, from Nevada to Mexico to Texas, and her faith will be tested in ways she could never imagine. Nunslinger is the true tale of Sister Thomas Josephine, a woman whose desire to do good in the world leads her on an incredible adventure that pits her faith, her feelings and her very life against inhospitable elements, the armies of the North and South, and the most dangerous creature of all: man.

Nur ein Cowboy (Prärie Cowboys #2)

by Julia Talbot

Buch 2 in der Serie - Prärie CowboysIst es einem altmodischen Cowboy und einem jungen Mann auf der Flucht vor seiner dunklen Vergangenheit möglich, eine gemeinsame Zukunft zu haben? Herschel ist ein einfacher Viehzüchter, der daran glaubt, dass jeder eine zweite Chance verdient hat, weshalb er dazu neigt, Außenseiter einzustellen – wie Dalton, ein junger Cowboy, der jede Unterstützung und liebevolle Zuwendung braucht, die Herschel ihm geben kann. Dalton glaubt, dass man ihm das, was er getan hat, nicht verzeihen kann, aber Herschel scheint gewillt, es zu versuchen. Tatsächlich könnte er das Beste sein, was Dalton je passiert ist. Vielleicht ist er sogar derjenige, der ihm dabei helfen kann, wieder auf die Zukunft zu vertrauen. Doch gerade als er Herschel alles erzählen will, bricht die Hölle los. Herschel muss Dalton helfen, sich von all dem zu befreien, das ihn verfolgt oder sie beide enden einsam.

Nuvole e pioggia (serie Nuvole e pioggia #1)

by Killer Queen Zahra Owens

Un libro della serie Nuvole e pioggiaFlynn Tomlinson ha girovagato per diversi anni, facendo ogni genere di lavoro quando aveva bisogno di soldi e spostandosi quando non ne aveva bisogno. È soddisfatto dal suo stile di vita, privo di legami, privo di responsabilità se non quella per sé stesso. Poi incappa in un annuncio all'ufficio delle poste e conosce Gable Sutton. Gable non potrà pagare Flynn fino a quando non avrà venduto i cavalli, ma un grave incidente l'ha reso incapace di lavorare al ranch da solo. Lavorare con i cavalli è meglio che impilare scatole al supermercato, così Flynn accetta la proposta di Gable. Ciò che Flynn non aveva considerato era l'essere incantato da quell'uomo gentile e solitario che cattura il suo cuore e lo carica di un fardello incredibile: salvare il ranch di Gable.

O Caubói e a Filha do Fazendeiro (Parte Cinco) Uma Série Romântica e Histórica de Faroeste

by Kari Mackenzie Angelo De Oliveira

O último capítulo da saga que envolve interesses amorosos entre Clara Fullere Jake Talley ao lutarem contra o ganancioso prprietário de terras, Edward Sinclair. Um Romance Histórico de Faroeste Livro 5 em uma Série de 5 Com os problemas enterrados no passado, Jake Talley e Clara Fuller podem finalmente começar a planejar o futuro. Ou assim parece ser. De dentro das grades da cadeia, o adversário deles ainda trama a destruição dos dois e tudo que eles prezam. Um novato que parece ser além de qualquer suspeita se junta ao time. Logo, os pombinhos aprendem da forma mais difícil que quando a ganância macula a inocência, ninguém sai vencedor. Edward Sinclair dá sua última cartada para pôr fim à rivalidade de uma vez por todas. Será que o plano dele dará certo ou será que o verdadeiro amor vencerá para sempre? “Que romance de faroeste fantástico… desde o começo eu estava torcendo por Jake e Clara contra Edward Sinclair.” Em “O Caubói e a Filha do Fazendeiro”, Clara Fuller herda o rancho do pai e aprende rapidamente que estar no comando não será tão fácil. Criada ao redor do gado, ela conhece o negócio de trás para a frente, mas poucos homens estão dispostos a trabalhar para a dona de um rancho. Outrora um andarilho, Jake Talley finalmente encontrou um lugar que pode chamar de lar. Como capataz do Rancho Fuller, ele não se importa de receber ordens de uma mulher. Está disposto a fazer qualquer coisa para que Clara Fuller seja bem-sucedida. Edward Sinclair é um rancheiro de sucesso que quer mais ainda. Ele está acostumado a ter o que quer, e poucos ousaram tentar ficar no seu caminho. Ele só precisa de um pedaço de terra para ter controle total do condado. Só tem um problema: a terra pertence a Clara Fuller. Tudo bem; ele nunca teve um problema que não conseguisse eliminar.

O Caubói e a Filha do Fazendeiro (Parte Dois) Uma Série Romântica e Histórica de Faroeste

by Kari Mackenzie Angelo De Oliveira

Segundo Livro de Uma Série Romântica e Histórica de Faroeste de 5 Livros Clara Fuller está ocupada em manter o rancho do seu pai funcionando. Quando ladrões de gado atacam o condado, parecem estar concentrados no rebanho dela. Jake Talley, seu capataz, e o xerife pensam ter tudo sob controle, até que alguém é baleado. Jake suspeita quando um homem é ferido gravemente enquanto tomava conta do rancho. Sua curiosidade o leva a pistas e, possivelmente, a uma morte prematura. Quando os sentimentos de Jake pela filha do fazendeiro começam a crescer, ele se compromete a protegê-la. Em "O Caubói e a Filha do Fazendeiro" Livro 1, quando Clara Fuller herda o rancho do pai, rapidamente percebe que estar no comando não será tão fácil. Criada no meio do gado, ela conhece todos os mínimos detalhes do negócio, porém poucos são os homens que querem trabalhar para a dona de um rancho. Outrora um andarilho, Jake Talley finalmente encontrou um lugar que pode chamar de lar. Como capataz do Rancho Fuller, ele não se importa de receber ordens de uma mulher. Ele está empenhado em fazer qualquer coisa para ajudar Clara Fuller a ser bem-sucedida. Edward Sinclair é um rancheiro próspero que deseja mais. Ele está acostumado a conseguir o que quer e poucos foram aqueles que tentaram ficar em seu caminho. Uma parte da propriedade é tudo de que precisa para ter o controle total do condado. Há somente um problema: as terras pertencem a Clara Fuller. Tudo bem, ele nunca encontrou um problema que não conseguisse eliminar.

O Caubói e a Filha do Fazendeiro (Parte Quatro) Uma Série Romântica e Histórica de Faroeste

by Angelo De Oliveira Kari Mackenzie

Um Romance Histórico de Faroeste Livro 4 em uma série de 5 A tão esperada tocada da boiada finalmente chegou e Clara está pronta para terminar seu primeiro ano como única proprietária do Rancho Fuller. Há grandes expectativas ao levar o rebanho para o mercado, mas ela e seus homens estão preparados para praticamente qualquer coisa. A jornada vai bem e Jake não poderia estar mais orgulhoso com tudo que a filha do rancheiro realizou. Ela é toda feminina, porém forte como qualquer peão. Quando problemas inesperados os atingem, Jake compreende o que acontece quando se confia demais no outros. Se o inimigo conseguir o que quer, eles perderão tudo. Jake e a mulher que ama conseguirão vencer o sofrimento adiante? “Eu adoro uma boa história de faroeste, e esse livro não me desapontou! Curto e agradável. Ele me manteve em suspense.” – leitor do romance, crítico no No Livro 1 de “O Caubói e Filha do Fazendeiro”, Clara Fuller herda o rancho do seu pai e rapidamente compreende que não será tão fácil estar no comando. Criada ao redor do gado, ela conhece o negócio de trás para frente, mas poucos homens têm vontade de trabalhar para a dona de um rancho. Tendo sido um andarilho um dia, Jake Talley finalmente encontrou um lugar que pode chamar de lar. Como capataz do Rancho Fuller, ele não se importa de receber ordens de uma mulher. E quer fazer tudo que estiver ao seu alcance para Clara Fuller ser bem-sucedida. Edward Sinclair é um rancheiro de sucesso que quer ainda mais. Ele está acostumado a conseguir o que quer, e poucos ousaram tentar obstruir seu caminho. Apena um pedaço de terra é tudo de que precisa para ter controle total do condado. Só há um problema: a terra pertence a Clara Fuller. Tudo bem, ele nunca encontrou problema que não pudesse eliminar.

O Caubói e a Filha do Fazendeiro (Parte Três) Uma Série Romântica e Histórica de Faroeste

by Kari Mackenzie Angelo De Oliveira

Uma Série Romântica e Histórica de Faroeste Livro 3 em uma Série de 5 Em uma visita à cidade, Jake Talley se depara com um segredo que pode expor o homem responsável por causar tanta angústia à filha do rancheiro. Determinado a pôr um fim à má sorte que vem incomodando o Rancho Fuller, ele começa a encontrar respostas. Será que se afastando de suas responsabilidades para investigar ele colocará em risco a própria mulher que jurou proteger? Sozinha no rancho, Clara Fuller encara o seu maior pesadelo e aprende a lidar com o passado. Quando uma nova crise bate a sua porta, ela descobre em quem pode realmente confiar. Quando verdades difíceis de acreditar vêm à tona, ambos terão que lutar juntos para saber o que eles mais valorizam.

O Caubói e a Filha do Fazendeiro (Parte Um) Uma Série Romântica e Histórica de Faroeste

by Angelo De Oliveira Kari Mackenzie

Poderia uma jovem herdeira administrar o rancho do pai falecido apesar da resistência de um vizinho? Quando Clara Fuller herda o rancho do pai, rapidamente percebe que tal responsabilidade não será tão fácil. Criada no meio do gado, ela conhece todos os mínimos detalhes do negócio, porém poucos são os homens que querem trabalhar para uma mulher rancheira. Até mesmo a natureza parece insistentemente querer prejudicá-la, enviando uma seca para ameaçar seu rebanho. Mal sabe ela que isso seria a menor de suas preocupações. Uma nuvem mais escura se aproxima do horizonte. Outrora um andarilho, Jake Talley finalmente encontrou um lugar que pode chamar de lar. Como capataz do Rancho Fuller, ele não se importa de receber ordens de uma mulher. Como o autonomeado protetor de Miss Clara, ele leva seu trabalho a sério e está empenhado em fazer qualquer coisa para ajudar a moça a ser bem-sucedida. Essa devoção é testada quando problemas batem à porta. Edward Sinclair é um homem próspero que deseja mais. Ele está acostumado a conseguir o que quer e poucos foram aqueles que tentaram ficar em seu caminho. Uma parte da propriedade é tudo de que precisa para ter o controle total da coisa que os vizinhos mais necessitam: água. Há somente um problema: as terras pertencem a Clara Fuller. Tudo bem, ele nunca encontrou um problema que não conseguisse eliminar.

O Caubói e a Filha do Fazendeiro (A Série Completa)

by Kari Mackenzie Angelo De Oliveira

Quando Clara Fuller herda o rancho do pai, rapidamente percebe que tal responsabilidade não será tão fácil. Quando Clara Fuller herda o rancho do pai, rapidamente percebe que tal responsabilidade não será tão fácil. Criada no meio do gado, ela conhece todos os mínimos detalhes do negócio, porém poucos são os homens que querem trabalhar para a dona de um rancho. Até mesmo a natureza parece insistentemente querer prejudicá-la, enviando uma seca para ameaçar seu rebanho. Mal sabe ela que isso seria a menor de suas preocupações. Uma nuvem mais escura se aproxima do horizonte. Outrora um andarilho, Jake Talley finalmente encontrou um lugar que pode chamar de lar. Como capataz do Rancho Fuller, ele não se importa de receber ordens de uma mulher. Como o autonomeado protetor de Miss Clara, ele leva seu trabalho a sério e está empenhado em fazer qualquer coisa para ajudar a moça a ser bem-sucedida. Essa devoção é testada quando problemas batem à porta. Edward Sinclair é um homem próspero que deseja mais. Ele está acostumado a conseguir o que quer e poucos foram aqueles que tentaram ficar em seu caminho. Uma parte da propriedade é tudo de que precisa para ter o controle total da coisa que os vizinhos mais necessitam: água. Há somente um problema: as terras pertencem a Clara Fuller. Tudo bem, ele nunca encontrou um problema que não conseguisse eliminar. Este livro é a série completa em cinco partes de "O Caubói e a Filha do Fazendeiro".

Oasis of Blood (Trailsman #295)

by Jon Sharpe

The sun-swept badlands of New Mexico Territory don't seem like heaven on earth to Skye Fargo. But that's where he winds up after rescuing a party of travelers bound for the settlement there. Problem is, the native tribes have a bleached-bone to pick with these trespassers, and Skye is going to have to go through hell to get out alive...

An Obedient Wife

by Amaya Evans

Present Day: Ellie is a young woman who is content with the life she lives. She’s grateful for what she’s been able to accomplish so far, since it allows her some economic stability and lets her help her little sister pay for college. She’s not interested in love, because she saw at a young age what giving her heart away can do to a woman. Her mother was made miserable by her father, a man she loved with all her heart who wound up destroying her. But destiny has a surprise prepared for her, and when she least expects it, she finds herself arriving in an era not her own, in the house of a man she has never seen in her life, with a gruff, bossy personality. All she has with her is a letter in her hands directed to him, informing him that she is the mail-order bride he’d written for some months earlier. 1880: Phillip is a responsible, hard-working, and very handsome man who lives alone and feels the need for a wife. A woman to take care of him and his house, who is obedient and does what he tells her to. Someone strong, who can give him healthy children and not go running at the first difficulty. When he realizes that this skinny woman in strange clothing is the bride they sent him, he is furious and wants to send her away, back to her city, but something in her touches his heart and makes him change his mind. Maybe with a little instruction she can grow to be the kind of woman he’s looking for, but what worries him most is that she seems to be a bit wrong in the head; she keeps saying that she’s from the future. Ellie just wants to get out of there, and Phillip just wants an obedient wife. What will come out of this mess?

An Obvious Fact: A gripping instalment of the best-selling, award-winning series - now a hit Netflix show! (A Walt Longmire Mystery #12)

by Craig Johnson

In the twelfth novel in the New York Times bestselling Longmire series - the basis for the hit Netflix original series Longmire - Walt, Henry, and Vic discover much more than they bargained for when they are called in to investigate a hit-and-run accident involving a young motorcyclist.In the midst of the largest motorcycle rally in the world, a young biker is run off the road and ends up in critical condition. When Sheriff Walt Longmire and his good friend Henry Standing Bear are called to Hulett, Wyoming-the nearest town to America's first national monument, Devils Tower-to investigate, things start getting complicated. As competing biker gangs; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; a military-grade vehicle donated to the tiny local police force by a wealthy entrepreneur; and Lola, the real-life femme fatale and namesake for Henry's '59 Thunderbird (and, by extension, Walt's granddaughter) come into play, it rapidly becomes clear that there is more to get to the bottom of at this year's Sturgis Motorcycle Rally than a bike accident. After all, in the words of Arthur Conan Doyle, whose Adventures of Sherlock Holmes the Bear won't stop quoting, "There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact."

An Obvious Fact: A Longmire Mystery (A Longmire Mystery #12)

by Craig Johnson

In the 12th novel in the New York Times bestselling Longmire <P>series, the basis for the hit Netflix orginal series Longmire, Walt, Henry, and Vic discover much more than they bargained for when they are called in to investigate a hit-and-run accident involving a young motorcyclist near Devils Tower. <P> In the midst of the largest motorcycle rally in the world, a young biker is run off the road and ends up in critical condition. <P>When Sheriff Walt Longmire and his good friend Henry Standing Bear are called to Hulett, Wyoming--the nearest town to America's first national monument, Devils Tower--to investigate, things start getting complicated. <P>As competing biker gangs; the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; a military-grade vehicle donated to the tiny local police force by a wealthy entrepreneur; and Lola, the real-life femme fatale and namesake for Henry's '59 Thunderbird (and, by extension, Walt's granddaughter) come into play, it rapidly becomes clear that there is more to get to the bottom of at this year's Sturgis Motorcycle Rally than a bike accident. <P>After all, in the words of Arthur Conan Doyle, whose Adventures of Sherlock Holmes the Bear won't stop quoting, "There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact." <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Ocaso Sangriento

by Stuart G. Yates

En la quinta entrega de la saga Inquebrantable, seguimos la historia del intrépido Detective Simms, mientras trata de desenmarañar un nuevo misterio, sin saber que un viejo enemigo lo acecha.

Ocean Child

by Tamara McKinley

1920. Having disobeyed the wishes of her aristocratic family, Lulu Pearson, a young and talented Tasmanian sculptress, finds herself alone in London in the wake of the Great War. The future is looking bright until, on the eve of her first exhibition, Lulu learns she has inherited a racing colt called Ocean Child from a mysterious benefactor, and she must return to her homeland to claim him. Baffled by the news, Lulu boards a ship to Tasmania to uncover the truth behind the strange bequest, but it seems a welcome return is more than she can hope for. Unbeknownst to Lulu, more than a few fortunes ride on Ocean Child's success - it seems everyone from her estranged mother to the stable hands has a part to play, and an interest in keeping the family secrets buried.

Ocean Child

by Tamara Mckinley

1920. Having disobeyed the wishes of her aristocratic family, Lulu Pearson, a young and talented Tasmanian sculptress, finds herself alone in London in the wake of the Great War. The future is looking bright until, on the eve of her first exhibition, Lulu learns she has inherited a racing colt called Ocean Child from a mysterious benefactor, and she must return to her homeland to claim him. Baffled by the news, Lulu boards a ship to Tasmania to uncover the truth behind the strange bequest, but it seems a welcome return is more than she can hope for. Unbeknownst to Lulu, more than a few fortunes ride on Ocean Child's success - it seems everyone from her estranged mother to the stable hands has a part to play, and an interest in keeping the family secrets buried.

Off Limits Lovers (Texas Cattleman’s Club: Houston #6)

by Reese Ryan

Everything is bigger in Texas—especially temptation.For attorney and Texas Cattleman’s Club member Roarke Perry, Annabel Currin is about as forbidden as it gets. A just-jilted bride, gorgeously sexy, tender-hearted…and the daughter of his father’s nemesis. The sexual currents crackling between him and his client should have been warning enough. Now they’re both playing with fire. And someone’s gonna get burned…

Off Sides

by Dianne Hartsock

This is the story of how one perfect couple becomes three.Austin and Riley have been together since high school. They've always loved each other and know they'll spend the rest of their lives together. But when they start playing soccer in college, they meet a sexy blond named Luke who, as far as they know, is the stereotypical conservative rich kid with the perfect GPA, who might also be their answer to a question they never asked.For Luke, college life means keeping his head down and working hard, denying his own needs until he graduates and can get out from under his father's thumb. It works, until he meets Austin and Riley, smart, gorgeous, and in desperate need of someone to look after them. Luke longs to be that someone, but is he willing to give up his future to have an amazing now?

Off the Mangrove Coast

by Louis L'Amour

Louis L'Amour is an American legend, a master storyteller whose tales of action and heroic adventure echo his own intrepid exploits. Relentless suspense, breathtaking danger, riveting characters-these are the hallmarks of L'Amour's classic fiction. Off the Mangrove Coast collects for the first time in one volume nine of his extraordinary stories-some long out of print and unavailable anywhere else, some never before published.From the jungles of Borneo to the hidden canyons of the American West, from small-town fight clubs to a Parisian caf&eacute at the end of World War II, these are tales of betrayal and revenge, courage and cowardice, glory and greed, as only Louis L'Amour can tell them.Here are vintage stories of men and women who dare what others will never attempt, who fight for justice and dreams when the odds are against them. A charismatic boxer with quick hands and a hair-trigger temper itches to fight all comers-but if he's ever going to get a shot at a championship, he will first have to fight the man who ruined his father. A beautiful movie star finds a dead man in her apartment and begs a former lover to clear her name, only to enmesh the tough private eye in a murder with ties to the mob.Here too, are tales of high adventure. A reluctant hero, hired to guide a diamond-hunting couple up a river ruled by headhunters and pirates, risks everything in pursuit of a legendary stone and the mysterious warlord who guards it. And in the title story, Off the Mangrove Coast, a young renegade who'd grown to manhood riding freights, prizefighting, and working mines sails the exotic South China Sea with a trio of dangerous men in search of treasure they figure to divide four ways. But when it's time to dive for the prize, can he trust any of them to guard his back?Combining electrifying action scenes, vivid historical detail, and characters who seem to leap off the page, these spectacular stories honor the legend of Louis L'Amour. A memorable addition to the author's already impressive catalogue of work, Off the Mangrove Coast celebrates L'Amour's unequalled genius, creative vision, and humanity.From the Hardcover edition.

Off the Mangrove Coast: Stories (Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures)

by Louis L'Amour

As part of the Louis L&’Amour&’s Lost Treasures series, this edition contains exclusive bonus materials! From the jungles of Borneo to the hidden canyons of the American West, from small-town fight clubs to a Parisian café at the end of World War II, here are tales of betrayal and revenge, courage and cowardice, glory and greed, as only Louis L&’Amour can tell them. Here is L&’Amour at his very best: A charismatic boxer itches to fight all comers—but his only shot at the championship is in beating the man who ruined his father. . . . A beautiful movie star finds a dead man in her apartment and begs her ex-lover, a tough private eye, to clear her name. . . . A reluctant hero guides a diamond-hunting couple up a river ruled by headhunters and pirates in pursuit of a legendary stone and the mysterious warlord who guards it. . . . A young renegade sails the South China Sea with a trio of dangerous men in search of treasure, but when it&’s time to divide the prize, can he trust any of them? Combining electrifying action scenes, vivid historical detail, and characters who seem to leap off the page, these spectacular stories honor the legend of Louis L&’Amour.Louis L&’Amour&’s Lost Treasures is a project created to release some of the author&’s more unconventional manuscripts from the family archives. In Louis L&’Amour&’s Lost Treasures: Volumes 1, Beau L&’Amour takes the reader on a guided tour through many of the finished and unfinished short stories, novels, and treatments that his father was never able to publish during his lifetime. L&’Amour&’s never-before-seen first novel, No Traveller Returns, faithfully completed for this program, is a voyage into danger and violence on the high seas. These exciting publications will be followed by Louis L&’Amour&’s Lost Treasures: Volume 2. Additionally, many beloved classics will be rereleased with an exclusive Lost Treasures postscript featuring previously unpublished material, including outlines, plot notes, and alternate drafts. These postscripts tell the story behind the stories that millions of readers have come to know and cherish.

An Officer and a Fortune (The Fortunes of Texas: The Hotel Fortune #5)

by Nina Crespo

His homecoming was temporary. Until he met the woman who changed everything.Captain Collin Waldon is on leave from the military, tending to his ailing father in his final days. Knowing his stay in Rambling Rose will be short, Collin is not looking for romantic entanglements—especially not with Nicole Fortune, the beautiful, free-spirited executive chef of Roja Restaurant in the struggling Hotel Fortune. Yet these two unlikely lovers seem perfect for each other, until Collin’s reassignment threatens their newfound bliss…From Harlequin Special Edition: Believe in love. Overcome obstacles. Find happiness.The Fortunes of Texas: The Hotel FortuneBook 1: Her Texas New Year’s Wish by Michelle MajorBook 2: Their Second-Time Valentine by Helen LaceyBook 3: An Unexpected Father by Marie FerrarellaBook 4: Runaway Groom by Lynne MarshallBook 5: An Officer and a Fortune by Nina CrespoBook 6: Cowboy in Disguise by Allison Leigh

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