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Showing 56,576 through 56,600 of 56,736 results

La Gloire: The Roman Empire of Corneille and Racine

by Louis Auchincloss

A short but provocative book on the way these two playwrights deal with Rome.

Talking From 9 to 5: Language, Sex, and Power

by Deborah Tannen

Understanding communication styles.

Shaw's People: Victoria to Churchill

by Stanley Weintraub

Shaw's opinions of, or actual relationships with notable Victorians including the Queen. Includes extensive quotes from a man whose life spanned later Victorian Britain and the first fifty years of the twentieth century.

Perceptual Factors in Braille Word Recognition

by Carson Y. Nolan Cleves J. Kederis

This monograph presents the findings of several years of study of the braille system as a communication process.

Step by Step Reading Tests: Grade 6

by Pathway Publishers

Step by Step Reading Tests: Grade 6 by Pathway Publishers.

The Style's the Man: Reflections on Proust, Fitzgerald, Wharton, Vidal, and Others

by Louis Auchincloss

Essays on well-known literary works and artists.

Working with Words: Pathway Vocabulary Workbook (Grade 6)

by Pathway Publishers

This workbook is designed especially for Amish Parochial schools to enrich the pupils' vocabulary and open the way to better reading comprehension. Lessons and instructions are so simple that the pupil will be able to benefit from the work with a minimum of teacher supervision. Even though approximately 75% of the words introduced in this book are taken from the stories in Pathway's sixth grade reader, STEP BY STEP, this workbook can be used with any reading book.

Practical Spelling Grade 6

by Miller School Books

The exercises in Practical Spelling will provide sufficient practice for the pupil to learn and remember how to spell many common, often-used words. 36 lessons designed to help students gain practice in spelling with minimal teacher involvement.

Workbook for Step By Step: Grade 6 (Revised Edition)

by Pathway Publishers

This workbook has been prepared especially for sixth graders in parochial schools, to be used with the textbook STEP BY STEP.

One Matchless Time: A Life of William Faulkner

by Jay Parini

Biography and literary analysis of William Faulkner.

Garden of Lies

by Eileen Goudge

When Sylvie Rosenthal exchanges her newborn daughter for another baby during a hospital fire, hoping to hide her own secret, the lives of two families are impacted.

Of Places Literature (Fourth Edition)

by Jan Anderson

Give students literature selections that will also help them apply lessons to their own lives. This grade 8 textbook features interesting stories and poems grouped by place-bound theme; categories include home, school, neighborhood, America, world, the imagination, and other places. Robert Frost, John Greenleaf Whittier, Washington Irving, and Pearl Buck are among the prominent authors represented. Selections culled from longer works include The Jungle Book, Up From Slavery, and Ben Hur. Lessons included bolded & defined vocabulary words, as well as "Think it through" questions.

Eight Great American Short Novels

by Philip Rahv

The Man Who Became a Woman by Sherwood Anderson; The Blue Hotel by Stephen Crane; Red Leaves by William Faulkner; An International Episode by Henry James; Bartleby the Scrivener by Herman Melville; Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor; The Long March by William Styron; False Dawn by Edith Wharton

English, 6th Class - Andhra Pradesh Board

by Apscert

This is the prescribed text book for 6th class students for the subject of English language in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Galaxy: Thirty Years of Innovative Science Fiction

by Frederik Pohl Joseph D. Olander Martin Greenberg

Featuring 23 stories, 20 memoirs, and a behind-the-scenes look by some of the most famous names in science fiction history with a special index to every story, article and review ever published (1950-1980) in Galaxy magazine.

Climbing to Good English Practice Sheets (Grade #6)

by Schoolaid

Practice sheets for Grades 5-6 Climbing to Good English. This Schoolaid Language Series is designed by Schoolaid to complement the Pathway Reader Series by extending in phonics and reading comprehension, grammar and composition.

The Oxford Reader: Varieties of Contemporary Discourse

by Frank Kermode Richard Poirier

Selected essays on topics of interest to traditional College students.

After THE END: Teaching and Learning Creative Revision

by Barry Lane

A guide to the art of writing.

The Detective Story: An Introduction to the Whodunit

by Saul Schwartz

An American writer, Edgar Allan Poe, created the world's first detective story. Before Poe, there had been puzzle stories, suspense and murder tales, and adventure and horror narratives--but, clearly, as one critic put it, "... there could be no detective stories until there were detectives." This new form of police activity began to evolve at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

T. S. Eliot: An Introduction

by Northrop Frye

Survey of his poetry and essays.

Northrop Frye On Shakespeare

by Northrop Frye

Criticism and interpretation of Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Richard III, Henry IV, Hamlet, King Lear, Antony and Cleopatra, Measure for Measure, The Winter's Tale, and The Tempest.

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