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Lesbiana: ofrecida y abierta

by Ester García Gibert Kathleen Hope

Su mano cálida contra mi cara hizo que sintiera esa simple caricia por todo mi cuerpo. Quería estirar el brazo y atraerla hacia mi regazo y hacer todas esas cosas con las que había soñado pero esta era su primera vez con una mujer y no pretendía asustarla. Tenía que hacer las cosas con delicadeza y sensibilidad si tenía la esperanza de tener algo real y duradero con ella. Así que me senté y esperé a que ella diera el siguiente paso.

Lesbiana: Su Primera Vez

by Kathleen Hope

Este libro cuenta la historia de Cindy, una mujer felizmente casada. Pero todo está a punto de cambiar, su esposo le da la sorpresa de su vida. Su vida da un giro inesperado siendo flechada por un amor casi imposible. La historia nos cuenta por todo lo que tuvo que pasar para poder encontrar al amor de su vida, un tanto prohibido envolviendo a los personajes en una erótica y excitante historia de amor.

Lesbiana: Coger el ramo

by Kathleen Hope Anggena Beberaggi

Inclinándome, cerré mi boca sobre su piel. Debajo de mí, Juliana jadeó y abrió un poco más las piernas. Saboreé el sabor ligeramente salado de ella y comencé a lamerla como siempre, me había gustado que me hiciera, aunque nunca lo hizo. Juliana se movió, casi quitándomela. Pero aguanté y continueé explorandola con mi lengua. Después de un momento, me di cuenta de que todo lo que estaba haciendo, ella estaba haciendo a mí. Y me envió al límite ...

Lesbiana: El Knockout de Cassandra

by Kathleen Hope Diego

Jett puso su dedo en las partes de su amante, enviándolo a presionar dentro despacio, pero con la suficiente firmeza como para alzar la espalda de Lilly del colchón. Cassandra apenas podía mantener amortiguados sus gemidos. Pero Jett sólo estaba precalentando. Tomó a Lilly por las caderas y tiró a la pequeña dama en un riesgoso nuevo arreglo: cara contra el colchón, culo alto en el aire. Gruñendo como un oso pardo hambriento, Jett llevó sus labios a la resbaladiza alegría de Lilly por detrás. Y cualquier remilgo que la cocinera coreana hubiera tenido se desparramó inmediatamente. Con piernas moviéndose en espiral fuera de control y brazos que manoteaban todo lo que estuviera al alcance, derribó por accidente una lámpara. Entonces una muñeca errante se fue contra una pared, golpeándola con fuerza con la palma para luego deslizarse de arriba abajo mientras Jett se reacomodaba para poner sus coños en acalorado contacto...

Lesbiana: Tentada a Tocar

by Kathleen Hope Sonia Jurado

"Cicely se acercó y levantó la barbilla de Amy. 'Nunca dejaría de decirte lo bonita que eres.' Un crujido en la distancia le indico a Amy que los chicos estaban de regreso en el lugar." Creo que será mejor que regrese con los chicos. Probablemente piensen que me he perdido o algo así. Cicely asintió, luego colocó su mano cálida en el rostro de Amy y lo sostuvo con una mirada amorosa. -No temas tanto a tus impulsos, Amy. Te sorprendería ver hasta dónde pueden llevarte. Amy regresó a la fogata, aun sintiendo de alguna manera la mano de Cicely sobre su mejilla mientras se sentaba y miraba el sol que se arropaba detrás de la montaña lejana. 'No temas a tus impulsos. Te sorprendería saber hasta dónde pueden llevarte'... "ADVERTENCIA: este libro contiene escenas románticas llenas de vapor y no es adecuado para todas las edades. OBTENGA SU COPIA AHORA MISMO !!

Lesbianas de Pies a Cabeza

by Kathleen Hope Mauricio Falconi

Priscila se puso de pie en un salto y caminó de un lado a otro de la habitación, agitada pero silenciosamente, intentando convencerse a ella misma. No soy lesbiana. No soy lesbiana. ¡Esto fue solo una fantasía de una sola vez! Y nunca había hecho nada ante estos deseos. ¡Nunca! No soy lesbiana. No soy lesbiana.

Lésbica: O Nocaute de Cassandra

by Kathleen Hope

Jett levou um dedo à flor de sua amante, enfiando lentamente, mas com firmeza suficiente para levantar a espinha de Lilly do colchão. Cassandra mal conseguia manter seus gemidos abafados. Mas Jett estava apenas se aquecendo. Ela agarrou os quadris de Lilly e virou a pequena dama corajosamente em uma nova posição: o rosto encostado no colchão, a bunda para o ar. Rosnando como um urso faminto, Jett levou os lábios à alegria escorregadia de Lilly por trás. E qualquer que fosse a restrição que a cozinheira coreana tinha foi dispensada imediatamente. Pernas se debatendo fora de controle e braços agarrando a qualquer coisa ao alcance, ela acidentalmente chutou uma lâmpada de cabeceira. Então um pulso errante mirou em uma parede, batendo forte e deslizando para cima e para baixo, enquanto Jett se reajustava para trazer suas bocetas em contato aquecido...

Lésbica: Tentada A Tocar

by Ana Gabriela Vilhena Kathleen Hope

Cicely estendeu a mão e levantou o queixo de Amy. "Eu nunca pararia de dizer a você como você é linda." Um sussurro na distância disse a Amy que os caras estavam voltando ao local. "Eu acho que é melhor eu voltar para os caras. Eles provavelmente pensam que eu me saí por aí e me perdi ou algo assim. " Cicely assentiu com a cabeça, então colocou uma mão quente no rosto de Amy, segurando-a ainda com um olhar amoroso. “Não tenha tanto medo de seus impulsos, Amy. Você ficaria surpresa onde eles podem levá-la." Amy voltou para a fogueira, ainda de algum modo sentindo a mão de Cicely em sua bochecha enquanto ela se sentava e olhava para o sol se esconder atrás de uma montanha distante. Não tenha medo de seus impulsos. Você ficaria surpresa onde eles podem levá-la.

Lésbica - A Primeira Vez

by Kathleen Hope Linda Rausch

Elas riram como colegiais, então interromperam o riso com um beijo. Dessa vez, Charlotte de virou e empurrou Cindy para a parte de baixo, prendendo as pernas dela ao sofá e sentando em seu colo. Ela procurou por baixo e alcançou sua blusa, erguendo-a e então pressionou os seios no rosto de Cindy, provocando-a. A amante respondeu levantando a própria blusa. “Gosta do meu sutiã?” perguntou Cindy. “Sim, pode tirar.” Lentamente ela o tirou, permitindo que os seios fatos dançassem diante da boca ansiosa de Charlotte. Quando os lábios pousaram em seu mamilo, as pálpebras tremeram antes de fechar. Um arfar suave escapou dos lábios e o corpo dela ficou mole e...

Lésbicas: De Cantada em Cantada

by Kathleen Hope Mary Mi

Pricilla saltou de pé e andou em círculos pelo quarto, em uma palestra motivacional frenética e silenciosa. Eu não sou lésbica. Eu não sou lésbica. Eu não sou lésbica. Isso foi só uma fantasia isolada! E eu nunca agi com relação a esses desejos. Nunca! Eu não sou lésbica. Eu não sou lésbica. Eu não sou lésbica. Quando ficou satisfeita com o papo motivacional, sentou, mais calma, menos em pânico. Até que alguém bateu na porta. “Sim?” Perguntou, saltando em pé outra vez...

Lesbienne pare chocs contre pare chocs

by Kathleen Hope

Pricilla sauta sur ses pieds et faisait les cents pas dans sa chambre, se donnant à elle-même silencieusement un discours frénétique. Je ne suis pas lesbienne. Je ne suis pas lesbienne. Je ne suis pas lesbienne. C’était seulement une fois par fantaisie ! Et je n’ai jamais eu ne serais-ce qu’une seule fois ces désirs. Jamais! Je ne suis pas lesbienne. Je ne suis pas lesbienne. Je ne suis pas lesbienne. Une fois satisfaite de ce discours d’encouragement, elle s’assit, se calma, moins paniquée. Jusqu’à ce que l’on frappe à la porte. “Oui” demanda-t-elle, se remettant sur ses pieds...

Lesbiennes: KO de Cassandra

by Kathleen Hope

Jett introduisit un doigt dans l'effilochage de son amant, l'envoyant presser lentement mais suffisamment fermement pour soulever la colonne vertébrale de Lilly du matelas. Cassandra pouvait à peine garder ses gémissements étouffés. Mais Jett était juste en train de s'échauffer. Elle attrapa les hanches de Lilly et fit basculer la petite dame dans un nouvel arrangement audacieux: le visage à plat contre le matelas, le cul en l'air. Grognant comme un grizzly affamé, Jett amena ses lèvres sur la joie glissante de Lilly par derrière. Et quelle que soit la retenue que le cuisinier coréen avait immédiatement rejetée. Les jambes devenant incontrôlables et les bras griffant tout ce qui était à sa portée, elle a accidentellement abattu une lampe de chevet. Puis un poignet errant a visé un mur, frappant fort puis glissant de haut en bas alors que Jett se réajustait pour mettre leurs chattes en contact chauffé ...

L'esibizione (L'addestramento di Kate, sottomissione di una cameriera, libro #1)

by F. Rossi Ellen Dominick

Kate e il suo dominatore Michel hanno uno strano accordo: lui affitta Kate a sconosciuti, a cui è permesso farle qualsiasi cosa. Le viene messo il collare, viene denudata e penetrata nel mezzo del loro salotto! Ma il vero divertimento deve ancora iniziare.

Leslie Kelly

by Slow Hands

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L'Espoir des MacKinnon

by Angélique Olivia Moreau Tanya Anne Crosby

L'épilogue tant attendu de L'Épouse du MacKinnon. Ceci n'est pas un roman, mais un épilogue romancé écrit pour compléter le premier volume de la série des Demoiselles des Highlands. Onze ans plus tard, Hugh FitzSimon est un homme brisé. Solitaire et abandonné de tous, il n'est plus qu'une ombre misérable qui se complait dans le chagrin. Aussi radin qu'Ebenezer Scrooge, il reçoit la visite du fantôme de sa défunte épouse qui est venu lui montrer ce que sa vie a été, pourrait être et comment elle se terminera si la bougie se consume avant qu'il ne puisse se racheter. Pendant ce temps, dans les Highlands, le clan MacKinnon connaît ses heures les plus sombres. Avec leur village ravagé par le feu et l'hiver qui approche à grand pas, comment pourront-ils se redresser alors que la rumeur de la guerre commence à se faire entendre ? Âgé de dix-sept ans, Malcom MacKinnon se sent perdu, mais un fantôme plutôt inattendu pourra peut-être l'aider à retrouver sa route. Mes lecteurs réclament depuis des années un épilogue à L'Épouse du MacKinnon, et le voilà, une histoire pour égayer la période de Noël.

l'esprit de Kendra

by Edward M Wolfe

L’esprit de Kendra par Edward M Wofle Une histoire d’amour logique astrale, caractérisé par une expérience de mort imminente, certains OBE, Paul McCartney, des terroristes, Pink Floyd, des médiums, et certains dauphins sympathiques. Kendra est une jeune journaliste passionnée en mission en Irak pour couvrir la fin de la guerre. Keith chez lui aux Etats-Unis, apprend qu’il y a eu un bombardement suivant une attaque suicide quelque part à Bagdad. Un rapport non confirmé que des journalistes étrangers sont la cible. Quand Keith est incapable de confirmer que Kendra va bien, il commence à s’inquiéter. Comme il envoi plusieurs messages textes et courriels sans réponses, et consulte sa boite courriels à chaque fois qu’il appelle, Keith devient obsédé de l’atteindre. Puis il le fait finalement – tandis qu’il est endormi, entrain de rêver. Les intenses rêves étranges sont si réels, il ne peut pas dire s’ils sont seulement des rêves, où quelque chose de plus. Une fois qu’il découvre la vérité, il entre dans une course contre le temps et dans la résistance à sauver la vie de Kendra.

L’esprit de la magie (Les Triades #1)

by Poppy Dennison Domitille Malin

Les Triades, tome 1Les espèces magiques ne se mélangent pas. D'après les règles, Simon Osborne devrait faire la sourde oreille aux appels au secours de ces enfants. Après tout, ce sont des louveteaux-garous, et lui est un apprenti mage. Mais pour la première fois de sa vie, Simon désobéit et part à la rescousse des petits qu'il sauve d'un démon bien décidé à absorber toute leur magie. Bien entendu, toute action a ses conséquences, alors l'audace de Simon lui vaut la désapprobation de ses pairs et l'attention de l'alpha des louveteaux, un homme du nom de Gray Townsend. La dernière chose dont Gray a besoin, c'est d'un mage dans sa vie, mais Simon a sauvé son fils... Puisqu'il a désormais l'amitié de la meute, Gray n'a pas vraiment le choix, ni d'ailleurs au sujet de cette attirance interdite pour lui qui vient s'ajouter à tout le reste. Malheureusement, il a besoin que Simon l'aide à retrouver le démon responsable de l'enlèvement des enfants. Simon et Gray doivent s'allier pour protéger la meute, tout en luttant contre le désir tentateur qui menace de les détruire tous les deux.

Less: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2018

by Andrew Sean Greer

WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE FOR FICTION 2018 'You will sob little tears of joy' Nell Zink'I recommend it with my whole heart' Ann Patchett'This book is basically perfect' Dolly Alderton'Charming, languid and incredibly funny, I absolutely adored Arthur' Jenny Colgan 'Marvellously, endearingly, unexpectedly funny' Gary Shteyngart'I adore this book' Armistead Maupin'Bedazzling, bewitching and be-wonderful' New York Times Book Review'A fast and rocketing read . . . a wonderful, wonderful book!' Karen Joy Fowler'Hilarious, and wise, and abundantly funny' Adam HaslettWHO SAYS YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM YOUR PROBLEMS? Arthur Less is a failed novelist about to turn fifty. A wedding invitation arrives in the post: it is from an ex-boyfriend of nine years who is engaged to someone else. Arthur can't say yes - it would be too awkward; he can't say no - it would look like defeat. So, he begins to accept the invitations on his desk to half-baked literary events around the world. From France to India, Germany to Japan, Arthur almost falls in love, almost falls to his death, and puts miles between him and the plight he refuses to face. Less is a novel about mishaps, misunderstandings and the depths of the human heart.

Less: Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2018

by Andrew Sean Greer

WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE FOR FICTION 2018 'You will sob little tears of joy' Nell Zink'I recommend it with my whole heart' Ann Patchett'I adore this book' Armistead Maupin'Charming, languid and incredibly funny, I absolutely adored Arthur' Jenny Colgan 'Marvellously, endearingly, unexpectedly funny' Gary Shteyngart'Bedazzling, bewitching and be-wonderful' New York Times Book Review'A fast and rocketing read . . . a wonderful, wonderful book!' Karen Joy Fowler'Hilarious, and wise, and abundantly funny' Adam Haslett'Ideal for holiday reading' The Lady WHO SAYS YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM YOUR PROBLEMS?Arthur Less is a failed novelist about to turn fifty. A wedding invitation arrives in the post: it is from an ex-boyfriend of nine years who is engaged to someone else. Arthur can't say yes - it would be too awkward; he can't say no - it would look like defeat. So, he begins to accept the invitations on his desk to half-baked literary events around the world. From France to India, Germany to Japan, Arthur almost falls in love, almost falls to his death, and puts miles between him and the plight he refuses to face. Less is a novel about mishaps, misunderstandings and the depths of the human heart.

Less Favored Empress: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Feng Huangmu

In the Formless Dynasty, the two women of the Qing Clan were talented, the Blue Luan was graceful, and they were extremely beautiful. In the Qing Clan, if they didn't have any looks or methods, they could only be sacrificed one by one to win over the Qing Clan's power and position. I became a pawn of the Qing Clan and promised the Minister of Internal Affairs three concubines. I helped my sister Blue Luan become the Emperor's favorite concubine, to make the Qing Clan a part of the family. I hate the Qing Clan for their ruthlessness and selfishness. I swear that if I enter the palace, I will be doted upon by the Emperor and destroy the Qing Clan. The Emperor has given me to a general who has been fighting for years. Perhaps that was my fate. I let go of my hatred, quelled my anger and resentment, and when I accepted my fate and waited for the general to return, the Emperor announced me to enter the palace. Sisters fought with each other, serving a sovereign. Trees desire tranquility, and the wind does not stop. In this world, true love and love, where would one find them, the heart that hurts thousands of wounds and hundreds of holes, would one still be able to walk out of this sunny day. Liuguang easy to throw people, red cherry, green banana, aged a heart of a woman.

Less is Lost: 'An emotional and soul-searching sequel' (Sunday Times) to the bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-winning Less (An Arthur Less Novel)

by Andrew Sean Greer

The awkward and lovable hero of Andrew Sean Greer's bestselling and prize-winning novel Less returns in this unforgettable road trip across America. 'Wildly, painfully funny' David Sedaris'Unforgettable' Elizabeth Day'The joyfulness of this book is a balm' Madeline Miller'What a joy' Katie KitamuraFor Arthur Less, life is going surprisingly well: he is a moderately accomplished novelist in a steady relationship with his partner, Freddy Pelu. But nothing lasts: the death of an old lover and a sudden financial crisis has Less running away from his problems yet again as he accepts a series of literary gigs that send him on a zigzagging adventure across the US.Less roves across the 'Mild Mild West', through the South and to his mid-Atlantic birthplace, with an ever-changing posse of writerly characters and his trusty duo - a human-like black pug, Dolly, and a rusty camper van nicknamed Rosina. He grows a handlebar mustache, ditches his signature gray suit, and disguises himself in the bolero-and-cowboy-hat costume of a true 'Unitedstatesian'... with varying levels of success, as he continues to be mistaken for either a Dutchman, the wrong writer, or, worst of all, a 'bad gay'.We cannot, however, escape ourselves - even across deserts, bayous, and coastlines. From his estranged father and strained relationship with Freddy, to the reckoning he experiences in confronting his privilege, Arthur Less must eventually face his personal demons. With all of the irrepressible wit and musicality that made Less a bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-winning, must-read breakout book, Less Is Lost is a profound and joyous novel about the enigma of life, the riddle of love, and the stories we tell along the way.

Less is Lost: 'An emotional and soul-searching sequel' (Sunday Times) to the bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-winning Less (An Arthur Less Novel)

by Andrew Sean Greer

The awkward and lovable hero of Andrew Sean Greer's bestselling and prize-winning novel Less returns in this unforgettable road trip across America. 'Wildly, painfully funny' David Sedaris'Unforgettable' Elizabeth Day'The joyfulness of this book is a balm' Madeline Miller'What a joy' Katie KitamuraFor Arthur Less, life is going surprisingly well: he is a moderately accomplished novelist in a steady relationship with his partner, Freddy Pelu. But nothing lasts: the death of an old lover and a sudden financial crisis has Less running away from his problems yet again as he accepts a series of literary gigs that send him on a zigzagging adventure across the US.Less roves across the 'Mild Mild West', through the South and to his mid-Atlantic birthplace, with an ever-changing posse of writerly characters and his trusty duo - a human-like black pug, Dolly, and a rusty camper van nicknamed Rosina. He grows a handlebar mustache, ditches his signature gray suit, and disguises himself in the bolero-and-cowboy-hat costume of a true 'Unitedstatesian'... with varying levels of success, as he continues to be mistaken for either a Dutchman, the wrong writer, or, worst of all, a 'bad gay'.We cannot, however, escape ourselves - even across deserts, bayous, and coastlines. From his estranged father and strained relationship with Freddy, to the reckoning he experiences in confronting his privilege, Arthur Less must eventually face his personal demons. With all of the irrepressible wit and musicality that made Less a bestselling, Pulitzer Prize-winning, must-read breakout book, Less Is Lost is a profound and joyous novel about the enigma of life, the riddle of love, and the stories we tell along the way.

Less of a Stranger: Less Of A Stranger / Untamed (Mills And Boon Ser.)

by Nora Roberts

AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIME Megan Miller has poured all her dreams and energy into Joyland - her beloved grandfather's charming old amusement park. Pops is all the family she has left, and she willingly set aside her own artistic ambitions to help him. But now Pops seems keen to sell the park - and worse, he's thinking of handing the business over to David Katcherton, of all people. Katch has already landed in Megan's bad books - too cocky, too restless and way too handsome to be around. But Katch is not a man who takes no for an answer - in business or in love. And there just may be more to him than his rough exterior suggests . . .Includes an extract from Whiskey Beach

Less of a Stranger

by Nora Roberts

"Untamed" Jo Wilder had the heart of a lion and the temper of a wildcat. And when Keane Prescott crossed her path, she bared her claws. Jo was certain her charming new boss imperiled everything she cared for, but she couldn't deny the attraction between them. Though Keane's kisses left her breathless, it was his tenderness that threatened to tame her heart. "Less of a Stranger" Confident and colossally arrogant, David Katcherton swept into Megan Miller's life and awakened feelings that had long been lying dormant. But she wasn't about to fall for this irresistible stranger who was after her grandfather's business. As Katch challenged her to fulfill her dreams, he also aroused passions she'd never known before. . . .

Less Than a Gentleman

by Kerrelyn Sparks

In this never-before-published historical romance, New York Times bestselling author Kerrelyn Sparks returns to the 18th century, where the fight for freedom is as dangerous as the fight for love. Between searching for the missing Munro sisters and South Carolina being all but lost to the British, Captain Matthais Thomas has more important things to worry about than finding a bride. But his mother has other ideas. When Matthais finds a beautiful woman in his bed who claims to be his betrothed, he is suspicious of her identity . . . and determined to discover the truth. Caroline Munro had few options. The British burned down her home, and now, traveling with her very pregnant sister, Caroline is pretending to be someone shes not so they can have a safe place to rest. But she didnt count on a matchmaking matron or her rogue of a son . . . and certainly never dreamed she would fall in love with a spy.

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