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Rechnungslegung in katholischen Bistümern

by Ulrike Stefani Reiner Klinz

Dieses Buch vermittelt relevante Aspekte der Rechnungslegung in katholischen Bistümern. Deren wichtigste Einnahmequelle sind neben Staatsleistungen und Zuschüssen die Kirchensteuern. Zusätzlich zu ihrer Kernaufgabe, der Verkündigung des Evangeliums, leisten die Kirchen wichtige Beiträge für die Gemeinschaft. Doch der demographische Wandel und Kirchenaustritte wirken sich langfristig negativ auf die finanzielle Lage aus. Als wichtige Gegenmaßnahme gilt die Schaffung von mehr Transparenz: Wie die katholische Kirche ihr Rechnungswesen von der Kameralistik auf die Doppik umstellt, Jahresabschlüsse erstellt und veröffentlicht, zeigen die Beiträge in diesem Buch. Im Vordergrund stehen Ansatz und Bewertung, aber auch Umstellungsfragen und die Modernisierung der Governance-Strukturen. Die dargestellten Aspekte zur Rechnungslegung sind zumindest teilweise anwendbar für andere katholische Rechtsträger wie Bischöfliche Stühle, Domkapitel, Orden, Stiftungen und Kirchengemeinden sowie für Rechtsträger der evangelischen Kirche.

Recht auf Liebe: Eine Diskursanalyse über die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in Deutschland (Theorie und Praxis der Diskursforschung)

by Sabine Exner-Krikorian

Sabine Exner-Krikorian untersucht in dieser Studie den Diskurs über die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe in Deutschland von 1998 bis 2017. Sie geht der Frage nach, wie zeitgenössische religiöse, politische und gesellschaftliche Akteur*innen um die Deutungshoheit von Ehe wetteifern. Im Detail wird gezeigt, dass die Diskursakteur*innen in diesem Aushandlungsprozess die Prämisse einer angenommenen Moderne, die Dichotomie religiös/säkular sowie Narrative von und über Religion(en) als diskursive Strategien einsetzen. Eingebettet ist die Analyse in eine historische Rekonstruktion der Ehe seit der Reformation als Deutungs- und Machtkampf politischer und religiöser Akteur*innen. Mit einem zeit-, akteurs- und arenaspezifischen Ansatz verknüpft die Autorin methodologisch die Wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse (WDA) nach Reiner Keller mit einem religionswissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisinteresse.

Rechtsextreme Gewalt: Erklärungsansätze – Befunde – Kritik (essentials)

by Michail Logvinov

Vor dem Hintergrund steigender rechtsextremer Gewalt widmet sich dieses essential der Frage, welche Erkl#65533;rungsans#65533;tze die Rechtsextremismusforschung f#65533;r die rechte Gewaltkriminalit#65533;t erarbeitet hat. Michail Logvinov diskutiert die in den soziologischen Forschungen verbreiteten Interpretationen der Radikalisierungsprozesse im rechten Milieu und arbeitet ihre St#65533;rken und Schw#65533;chen heraus. Er bietet Definitionen der relevanten Gewaltbegriffe und Informationen zur Rolle des Kampfes als Denkfigur und Deutungsmuster im Rechtsextremismus.

Recibe Tu Sanación

by Gabriel Agbo

Este libro es acerca de cómo recibir sanación divina. ¿Puede Dios curar todavía? ¡Sí! Nuestro Dios es el mismo ayer, hoy y siempre. Espera tu sanación mientras lees este libro. Aquí, leerás algunos testimonios increíbles que instantáneamente aumentarán tu fe en Dios y en Su ilimitada capacidad y deseo de intervenir hasta en las peores situaciones. Por ejemplo, Dios todavía cura enfermedades incurables y terminales. Él todavía resucita a los muertos. ¿Has leído acerca de un hombre que fue resucitado de la muerte luego de permanecer dos días en la morgue? Ahora bien, si Dios puede hacer eso, ¿por qué piensas que no se puede hacer nada con respecto a tu situación? Hay muchos otros testimonios increíbles aquí. Hay diez capítulos poderosos y luminosos en este libro: Todo es Posible, La Sanación es tu Derecho, el Origen de las Enfermedades, La Palabra de Dios, El Nombre de Jesús, El Espíritu Santo, El Poder de la Fe, Còmo conservar tu Sanación. También aprenderás sobre los roles de la oración, la unción con aceite, la imposición de manos, la compasión (amor), la obediencia, los ángeles, la alabanza y la adoración, etc, en nuestro afán de que recibas y conserves tu sanación. Este libro está diseñado para que recibas tu sanación mientras lo vas leyendo, y es muy práctico.

Recipe for Disaster

by Aimee Lucido

In this heartfelt middle school drama, Hannah's schemes for throwing her own bat mitzvah unleash family secrets, create rivalries with best friends, and ultimately teach Hannah what being Jewish is all about. <p><p> With a delicious mix of prose, poetry, and recipes, this hybrid novel is another fresh, thoughtful, and accessible Versify novel that is cookin’. - New York Times Best-Selling Author Kwame Alexander <p><p> Hannah Malfa-Adler is Jew . . . ish. Not that she really thinks about it. She'd prefer to focus on her favorite pastime: baking delicious food! But when her best friend has a beyond-awesome Bat Mitzvah, Hannah starts to feel a little envious ...and a little left out. <p><p> Despite her parents firm no, Hannah knows that if she can learn enough about her own faith, she can convince her friends that the party is still in motion. As the secrets mount, a few are bound to explode. When they do, Hannah learns that being Jewish isn't about having a big party and a fancy dress and a first kiss — it's about actually being Jewish. Most importantly, Hannah realizes that the only person's permission she needs to be Jewish, is her own.

A Recipe for Hope: An Amish Kitchen Novella (Amish Kitchen Novellas)

by Beth Wiseman

The Amish kitchen is the heart of the home – and the ideal setting for stories of love and hope.When a storm blows a tree onto Eve Bender&’s farmhouse, she has little choice but to temporarily move her family into her parents&’ home. Outside of cooking together in the kitchen, Eve and her mother can&’t agree on anything. But this may be just the recipe for hope in healing old wounds.

Recipe for Love

by Brandy Bruce

Is Jeremy Mitchell Cooking Up Romance? Overworked chef Jeremy has ordered up the perfect vacation: a fly-fishing getaway and some much-needed alone time. But when he arrives in the Colorado mountain town, he's immediately captivated by the lovely proprietor of the bed-and-breakfast, not to mention her young son. Alison Taylor still mourns her first husband even as she fights to keep their shared dream of a B and B alive. But there's no denying that she and her big-city guest have all the right ingredients for something special. Will this star-crossed pair realize that second chances can happen...if only they'll let them?

Recipes and Wooden Spoons (Tales from Grace Chapel Inn #3)

by Judy Baer

Once you visit the charming village of Acorn Hill, you'll never want to leave. Here, the three Howard sisters rekindle old memories, rediscover the bonds of sisterhood, revel in the blessings of friendship, and meet many fascinating guests along the way. While cleaning out the cluttered basement of Grace Chapel Inn, Jane Howard finds an old cookbook brimming with her mother's recipes and hand written notes. Through these precious, fragile pages of the recipe book, Jane comes to discover the spirit of her mother, Madeleine, who died while giving birth to Jane. But when the inn gets busy and money troubles threaten, Jane wonders if moving back to Acorn Hill was a big mistake. Can her crisis of faith lead to a new solution for the inn -- and for Jane herself?

Recipes for a Beautiful Life: A Memoir in Stories

by Rebecca Barry

Writing with "a delicate, beautiful balance of wit and yearning" (#1 New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Gilbert), Rebecca Barry's poignant take on creativity, marriage, and motherhood will make you laugh and cry--sometimes at the same time.When Rebecca Barry, writer, mother, cat lady, and aspiring meditator, and her husband moved to upstate New York to start their family, they were optimistic that they'd be able to build a life they'd love: one connected to nature and extended family, one where they could invest in their artistic dreams, spend time with their children, live cheaply, and eat well. Naturally, things didn't turn out to be so simple: the lovely old house they bought to fix up needed lots of repair, their children wouldn't sleep, and the novel Rebecca had dreamed of writing simply wouldn't come to her. "Anecdotal, funny, and telling, with the kinds of momentary glimpses of ordinary days that reflect something larger" (The New York Times), Recipes for a Beautiful Life is about reveling in the extraordinary moments in daily life while trying to balance marriage, children, extended family, and creative work. The book is an excellent companion for mothers with small children, but it also speaks to anyone trying to find meaning in their work or a life that is truer to the heart. Full of great dialogue, tongue-in-cheek recipes (Angry Mommy Tea), and tips on things like how to keep your house clean ("just don't let anyone in"), Recipes captures the sweetness and beauty of answering your soul's longing, as well as the difficulty, struggle, and humor that goes along with it. Mostly it is about the realization that a beautiful life, for this author, meant a rich, often chaotic, creative one. Or, as Redbook said when it featured the book in its "5 fabulous, even life-changing new reads" column: "Contentment isn't about getting everything...but finding magic in the mess."

Recipes for a Sacred Life

by Rivvy Neshama

When Rivvy Neshama was twenty-two and about to get married, her mother gave her a book of handwritten recipes that taught her how to make a good roast — but not much else. And no one gave her the recipe to make a good marriage or a good life. That took years of searching on a path with many turns. Now, like a handwritten recipe book, Recipes for a Sacred Life is passing on the most meaningful and inspiring stories from the author’s life. From birth to death and in between; from dancing to forgiveness to sacred sex; and from a rabbi from Vienna to Irish Rita from the Bronx, they feature people and experiences that taught the author how to live a good life — one touched with sacredness. And, as it turned out, the best recipes came from her mom. Written with heart and humor and steeped in ancient wisdom, these short, true tales reveal how ordinary encounters — with friends, nature, lovers, and strangers — can suddenly connect us with the sacred, adding love, joy, and purpose to our lives. In the spirit of Anne Lamott, Mitch Albom, and Rachel Naomi Remen, Recipes for a Sacred Life is luminous and uplifting — a gift for all.

Reciprocal Church: Becoming a Community Where Faith Flourishes Beyond High School

by Sharon Galgay Ketcham

The church faces an unprecedented loss of rising generations. Young adults who were active and engaged in the local church are leaving the community behind after high school. What can we do? Sharon Galgay Ketcham reflects theologically on the church community and its role in forming faith, offering values and practices that can shape a community into a place where faith will flourish in those both young and old.

The Reciprocating Self: Human Development in Theological Perspective

by Jack O. Balswick Pamela Ebstyne King Kevin S. Reimer

The book aims to present an integrated view of human development that is based on social science research and biblical truths.

Reckless Ecstasy

by Wanda Owen

DECEITFUL GAMBLER The instant flaming-haired Kristina saw dashing Danton Navarro at her mother's high class gaming house, she knew he was the one she'd marry. His virile physique would protect her from all harm; his strong hands would teach her all the secrets of passion. Then the hot tempered girl watched the stranger embrace a voluptuous painted woman and Kristina was filled with an inexplicable rage. She swore that somehow she'd make Danton say "I do." But first she'd flirt with every handsome cardshark and make the man she loved suffer as painfully for her as she did for him. Towering Danton Navarro knew enough willing ladies in El Paso who would freely pleasure him all night long, but some despeerately needed information led him to the Crystal Castle. There he found the most fetching, provocative miss he had ever desired and was furious that she bartered the exquisite body only he had the right to possess. He never stopped to think she might not be what she seemed. All that governed him now was the overwhelming need to crush the pouting lips, brand the silken thighs, and force her supple body to totally submit to his driving Reckless Ecstasy.

Reckless Faith: Embracing A Life Without Limits

by Kevin G. Harney

In a world where we tend to be over-cautious about, well, nearly everything, it's no surprise that our obsession with safety can carry over to how we live our faith in the world. But it's always been risky to follow God, and Kevin Harney believes we are missing a vital part of our faith when we play it safe. In this energizing book, he challenges readers to count the cost, take a chance, and live a reckless faith for the entire world to see. With a focus on "responsible recklessness," Harney shows readers how to develop a faith that others notice, always supported by prayer, wisdom, the direction of Scripture, and insightful counsel from other believers. He outlines how to be reckless in our love, generosity, service, relationships, prayers, and speech. Perfect for pastors, small groups, or anyone who is tired of feeling domesticated and docile, this book will lead readers into a fresh devotion and dynamism in their faith.

Reckless Faith: Living Passionately as Imperfect Christians (Fisherman Resources Series)

by Jo Kadlecek

Holy Human He was impulsive, arrogant, and passionate to a fault. Yet Jesus chose him to lead the early church. Peter, one of the most colorful of Jesus' disciples, paints the picture of a man who wants desperately to be holy but is hampered by being all too human. Sound familiar? Reckless Faith looks at this caustic, cocky, cowardly, chosen man and what his life has to say to Christians today. Through a study of his letters, the book of Acts, and the Gospels, Peter springs off the page as one who held nothing back, lived large, and was used by God despite his most sinful nature. This Fisherman Resource includes author commentary, interactive questions, and opportunities for reflection as you discover how God allows us to come to him as holy and human. Great for individual study or in a group, Reckless Faith will show you that being a follower of God doesn't necessarily mean having it all together.

A Reckless Heart

by Amy Clipston

Slipping. Lydia Bontrager’s youngest sister is frighteningly ill, and as a good Amish daughter, it falls to Lydia to care for her siblings and keep the household running, in addition to working as a teacher’s assistant and helping part time at her grandmother’s bakery. Succumbing to stress, Lydia gives in to one wild night and returns home drunk. The secret of that mistake leaves Lydia feeling even more restless and confused, especially when Joshua, the only boy she’s ever loved, becomes increasingly distant. When a non-Amish boy moves in nearby, Lydia finds someone who understands her, but the community is convinced Lydia is becoming too reckless. With the pressures at home and her sister’s worsening condition, a splintering relationship with Joshua, and her own growing questions over what is right, Lydia could lose everything that she’s ever held close.

Reckless Love: A 40-Day Journey Into the Overwhelming, Never-Ending Love of God

by Cory Asbury

Based on the Grammy-nominated number one single &“RECKLESS LOVE&” The song &“Reckless Love&” was named both Song of the Year and Worship Song of the Year at the 2018 GMA Dove Awards. But with its success came controversy. After all, is God&’s love reckless? In this forty-day journey &“Reckless Love&” songwriter Cory Asbury dives deep into the heart of the popular worship song and explores its many themes, including: How to live as sons and daughters of GodHow to understand and receive unmerited graceHow to see the Father&’s kindness, even amid trials and pain Deepen your understanding of God&’s love for you, and encounter His Father heart in a way you&’ve never experienced.FEATURES AND BENEFITS:Reckless Love is a daily journey based on the chart-topping song written by Cory Asbury.Each entry will contain a Scripture verse, a highlighted &“point to ponder,&” and lines for journaling.

Reckless Love: Jesus' Call to Love Our Neighbor (Reckless Love)

by Tom Berlin

How did Jesus teach the Greatest Commandment to his disciples? In his latest book Reckless Love, author and Pastor Tom Berlin writes that Jesus taught them to love neighbor first as a way to more deeply love God. In his exploration of Jesus’ teaching and travels with his disciples, Berlin suggests that Jesus teaches us how to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength by showing us how to love our neighbor. While many hope to learn to be better family, friends, leaders, neighbors but finding a deeper relationship with God, what if becoming a better neighbor leads you to that deeper love of God. In Reckless Love, you will see the ways Jesus’ care for others disrupted the way his disciples thought and acted so deeply that they learned love God fully and join Jesus mission to share the good news unambiguously. In so doing, you will have the opportunity to consider your life, and learn how loving the people around you will completely renew your faith and give you a new experience of loving God. Additional components for a six-week study include a DVD featuring Tom Berlin and a comprehensive Leader Guide.

Reckless Love Leader Guide: Jesus' Call to Love Our Neighbor (Reckless Love)

by Tom Berlin

How did Jesus teach the Greatest Commandment to his disciples? In his latest book Reckless Love, author and Pastor Tom Berlin writes that Jesus taught them to love neighbor first as a way to more deeply love God. In his exploration of Jesus’ teaching and travels with his disciples, Berlin suggests that Jesus teaches us how to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength by showing us how to love our neighbor. While many hope to learn to be better family, friends, leaders, neighbors but finding a deeper relationship with God, what if becoming a better neighbor leads you to that deeper love of God. In Reckless Love, you will see the ways Jesus’ care for others disrupted the way his disciples thought and acted so deeply that they learned love God fully and join Jesus mission to share the good news unambiguously. In so doing, you will have the opportunity to consider your life, and learn how loving the people around you will completely renew your faith and give you a new experience of loving God. The Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the six-week study including session plans, activities, and discussion questions, as well as multiple format options.

The Reckless Way of Love: Notes on Following Jesus (Plough Spiritual Guides: Backpack Classics Ser.)

by Dorothy Day

How do you follow Jesus without burning out? Gold Medal Winner, 2018 Illumination Book Awards, Enduring Light "This thoughtful collection of Day's reflections incorporates abundant material for contemplation, all drawn from her extensive writings ... [which] reveal Day's signature honesty and frequent humor in addressing her hopes and fears and the sources of her inspiration... This welcome compilation provides a window into the fundamental beliefs that undergirded Day's life of faith." -Publishers Weekly, starred review in this guidebook Dorothy Day offers hard-earned wisdom and practical advice gained through decades of seeking to know Jesus and to follow his example and teachings in her own life. Unlike larger collections and biographies, which cover her radical views, exceptional deeds, and amazing life story, this book focuses on a more personal dimension of her life: Where did she receive the strength to stay true to her God-given calling despite her own doubts and inadequacies and the demands of an activist life? What was the unquenchable wellspring of her deep faith and her love for humanity?

The Reckoning

by James Byron Huggins

The international bestselling author of Dark Visions&“writes like a man possessed&” as a worldwide conspiracy and religious mystery unfold (Steve Jackson, New York Times bestselling author). HAUNTED BY HIS PAST In a world ruled by the purest survivors, the fiercest warriors, Gage was the strongest—an American executing his country&’s darkest missions with legendary cunning and skill. Until, wounded and dying in a scorched wasteland, he found mercy at the hands of an aging priest. Separated from the secret world he once dominated, he chose a life of exile, pursuing a lonely peace, a solitary faith. Only the murder of his mentor and the mysterious theft of an ancient manuscript can compel him to emerge from solitude. HUNTED BY A DEADLY FORCE Now his greatest battle begins. From the shadowed streets of New York to the inner recesses of the Vatican and beyond, he challenges the awesome might of an ageless evil. Bound by a promise to a dying friend, he wages war once more in the dark world he left behind. Praise for James Byron Huggins &“May be the thriller of the year.&”—BookPage on Cain &“Pure entertainment.&”—Publishers Weekly on Hunter &“An action-packed novel filled with combat, big explosions, chases, and suspenseful confrontations.&”—SF Site on Cain

The Reckoning (The Heritage of Lancaster County #3)

by Beverly Lewis

In this conclusion to the trilogy that began with The Shunning and The Confession, Katie Lapp must search her past to find answers to her future. Now calling herself Katherine instead of Katie, she is the new Mistress of Mayfield Manor. She had always dreamed of a fancy "English" life like this. But as the seasons pass, she finds herself grieving the loss of her Amish family and her dearest friend, Mary Stoltzfus. Shunned from the Plain life she once knew, Katherine finds solace in volunteer work with hospice patients--a labor of love she hopes will bring honor to the memory of her birth mother. Unknown to Katherine, her long-lost love, Daniel Fisher, is desperate to locate his "Sweetheart girl," only to be frustrated at nearly every turn. Meanwhile, she delights in the modern world--once forbidden--while cherishing the attention of Justin Wirth, her handsome suitor. With her childhood entwined with Daniel's, yet her present life far removed from Lancaster County, Katherine longs for the peace that reigned in her mother's heart. And once again, she is compelled to face the heritage of her past.

The Reckoning

by Thomas F. Monteleone

Peter Carenza is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy and a secret, Vatican-sponsored experiment. But is he the Second Coming, or something far, far worse? Believers the world over hail Carenza as the new Pope and rejoice as he creates a new Church for the new Millennium. Now the latest and last Pope scours the world for the human guardians of the Biblical seven seals, which must be destroyed before the final cataclysm can begin. Opposing him are a lone Archbishop, the female American journalist who chronicled Carenzas rise to power, and Peters mother, a nun who truly hears the Word of the Lord.


by Thomas E. Sniegoski

The time has come for Aaron Corbet, the eighteen-year-old son of an angel and a mortal, to face his worst enemy. Verchiel, the fallen leader of the Powers, is determined to defeat the prophecy that foretold Aaron's power over all the Fallen. And to do this, he intends to kill Aaron, hoping that the removal of such a "blight" will restore Verchiel in the eyes of the Creator. Aaron has been training for this showdown, working to understand and control the awesome force that resides deep within himself. He knows he will win. After all, Verchiel has taken away everything and everyone who ever meant anything to Aaron. He has nothing to lose...until Verchiel introduces Aaron to his long-lost father.

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