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Lasso Her Heart

by Anna Schmidt

She'd always lived a charmed life, so when Bethany Taft's fiancé was killed, she thought her chance for happiness was gone forever. But after her beloved aunt got engaged—at sixty!—Bethany found joy in her role as wedding planner. Spending time with Cody Dillard, the groom's son, was a given—the rancher flew Bethany to Chicago and back in his private plane. And between Cody's charming nature and her aunt's matchmaking attempts, Bethany found herself wondering if the God she'd turned her back on meant for her to be a bride, as well.

Lassiter: The thrilling new novel in the epic series is the story of everyone's favourite fallen angel . . . (Black Dagger Brotherhood #21)

by J. R. Ward

In the next epic instalment in J. R. Ward's No. 1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood series, a fallen angel finds love with a mysterious female - who could be his destiny . . . or the embodiment of his utter destruction.Lassiter, the fallen angel, is too good at the saviour business. In his new role overseeing the fates of all vampires, he's influenced outcomes he shouldn't have - so the Creator is calling him home. But the angel has a reason to stay in Caldwell. He's bonded with a mysterious female who seemed to appear from out of nowhere . . . and has powers that defy all reason.Rahvyn is well aware that she doesn't belong in the present. And she never intended to stay, for her true place is in the past. Lassiter proves to be undeniable, however, and she lets herself fall for the angel - until a secret he's been keeping comes out and she fears that for him, it's not about love, but duty.As the Omega's son re-establishes the Lessening Society, and the Brotherhood must resume the deadly war, an unfathomable tragedy occurs. In the aftermath, Rahvyn has to decide whether to stay and help - or save herself from an immortal heartbreak she knows will crush her very soul . . .Find out why readers are OBSESSED with the Black Dagger Brotherhood . . .Insanely good! . . . Intensely romantic and straight up flipping steamy, violent and gruesome, heartbreaking and deep. Her addictive writing tells a story like none other' Goodreads reviewer''I can't get enough of these sexy, tough, intriguing vampires' Amazon reviewer'Emotional by epic proportions' Kobo reviewer'The Black Dagger Brotherhood is a twisting, often surprising, but always awesome read' Amazon reviewer'A must read' Goodreads reviewer'The story had me captivated the whole way' Kobo reviewer'Each and every character is compelling' Amazon reviewer

Lassiter (The Black Dagger Brotherhood #21)

by J. R. Ward

The next book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author J.R. Ward. <p><p>In the next epic installment in J. R. Ward&’s #1 New York Times bestselling Black Dagger Brotherhood series, a fallen angel finds love with a mysterious female—who could be his destiny...or the embodiment of his utter destruction. <p> <b>New York Times Bestseller</b>


by Sc Daiko

L'ASSISTENTE Vergine di SC Daiko. Due maschi alpha miliardari. Due tipi sbagliati quando invece sono in cerca di quello giusto. Blake e Declan. I miei nuovi capi. Entrambi super sexy ma diversi come il giorno e la notte. Uno sconcio e perverso ... un playboy L'altro profondo, tenebroso e malinconico Mi fanno venire voglia di cose che non ho mai desiderato prima. Mi fanno venire voglia di averli. E, quando scopro il loro segreto più profondo, non posso fare a meno di pensare ... che forse due tipi sbagliati possono essere giusti... L' assistente vergine è la romantica storia d'amore di un rapporto a tre, piena di passione e sentimento. È divertente, emozionante e ricca di scene bollenti che lasceranno senza fiato i lettori. Un'incredibile storia d'amore a tre voci della pluripremiata autrice SC Daiko!

L'Assistente del Milionario

by Sierra Rose Livia Romano

Mi chiamo Abigail Wilder. Eccezionale esperta di Pubbliche Relazioni. Un nome, nel mio campo. Una vera salvezza per i miei clienti. Una benedizione dalla lingua tagliente per coloro che mi assumono e una maledizione per coloro che mi intralciano la strada. (Tutte cose scritte sul mio bigliettino da visita, in così tante parole.) Ma per lui, il mio cliente più importante, ero soltanto Abby. E per me, lui era Nick. Nick mi teneva occupata con le sue imprese azzardate e i modi da playboy. Si metteva di continuo nei guai, e il mio lavoro era quello di tirarlo fuori e ripulirlo per farlo apparire sotto una luce positiva. Una vera e propria spina nel sedere! Troppo selvaggio per i miei gusti. O almeno questo credevo, finché il Consiglio della multinazionale di famiglia non mi ha chiesto di trovargli una fidanzata per salvare l’immagine dell’azienda. Perché, da quel momento in poi, mi sono improvvisamente trovata di fronte a una pericolosa questione. Qualcosa che non sapevo neppure spiegarmi. Un sentimento sopito da anni, aveva finalmente scalfito la mia apparente armatura. Il problema a quel punto era: come fare per trovare a Nick una finta fidanzata senza correre il rischio che a lui potesse mai piacere sul serio? Che l’indomabile playboy non si innamorasse per davvero?

L'assistente del farmacista: (Storia di un destino venuto da lontano)

by Sandra Sookoo

Fascetta pubblicitaria Quando il destino chiama, puoi scappare o restare e combattere per ciò che hai sempre desiderato. In ogni caso, non avrai altra scelta che cambiare. La signora Ava Southerly, assistente farmacista e vedova, vive nella paura. È diventata un'esperta nel nascondersi per tenere le sue premonizioni sotto controllo. Nel 1885, cose come le streghe non esistono più, poco importa quali siano le sue origini. Se non mette in gioco il suo cuore, i suoi poteri soprannaturali resteranno latenti e le persone che ama non soffriranno, ma desidera ardentemente essere accettata e amata. Douglas Wallace, medico americano e discendente di un cacciatore di streghe scozzese, è a Londra per tenere una serie di conferenze sui progressi delle più moderne tecniche mediche. Quando incrocia di sfuggita lo sguardo di una bellissima giovane dai capelli biondi attraverso la vetrina di un ristorante, si sente irresistibilmente spinto a seguirla, come se le loro vite fossero legate a un livello ultraterreno. Pur credendo nella logica e nei fatti tangibili, il tempo in compagnia di Ava gli dimostra quanto si sbagli. Quando uno spirito ultracentenario si impossessa di Douglas per uccidere Ava, la bella strega e il dottore devono trovare un modo di sventare la minaccia venuta dell'oltretomba a rischio delle proprie vite. Mentre il loro rapporto evolve in qualcosa di profondo e duraturo, i due scopriranno la forza dell'amore.

L’Assistente del Capo – La Serie #1-3

by Lexy Timms

L’Assistente del Capo – La Serie #1-3 #1 Dall’autrice di best-seller, Lexy Timms, ecco una storia che vi farà innamorare. Jamie Connors ha perso le speranze negli uomini. Nonostante sia intelligente, bella, e leggermente sovrappeso, è una calamita per gli uomini con difficoltà a impegnarsi. Il matrimonio di sua sorella è l’argomento principale in famiglia. A Jamie non darebbe fastidio se la sorella non le spingesse a perdere peso per entrare nel vestito da damigella d’onore. Inoltre, tutto sarebbe più semplice se sua madre la lasciasse in pace e il futuro sposo non fosse il suo ex-fidanzato. Determinata a cambiare vita, accetta l’impiego come Assistente Personale del miliardario Alex Reid. Il lavoro include un appartamento nella sua proprietà, dandole così la possibilità di lasciare lo scantinato dei suoi genitori. Jamie deve trovare il giusto equilibrio e capire come gestire il suo capo senza innamorarsene. #2 Dall’autrice best seller, Lexy Timms, arriva una storia che vi farà innamorare. Jamie Connors ha deciso che un lavoro è più importante di un fidanzato. È arrivata ad una fantastica posizione lavorativa come Assistente Personale del miliardario Alex Reid. Non dovrebbe essere un lavoro con altri benefici, eppure si ritrova nel letto di Alex. Nonostante sia intelligente, carina e leggermente in sovrappeso, non crede di poter essere abbastanza attraente per un uomo come Alex. Cercando di gestire il lavoro e l’organizzazione del matrimonio di sua sorella, Jamie si ritrova a cercare di compiacere tutti. Il matrimonio della sorella è in primo piano per la sua famiglia. A Jamie starebbe bene se sua sorella non fosse così autoritaria, se sua madre smettesse di essere petulante ed il suo orribile ex fidanzato non stesse per diventare suo cognato. Jamie deve imparare di nuovo ad amarsi, farsi sentire ed avere la sicurezza di perseguire ciò che deside

L’assistant coquin du Père Noël (Lawyers In Love #1)

by Ari McKay

Une occasion inattendue se présente pour le timide avocat Kevin Anderson quand il tire le nom du bel avocat Erik Wilson pour l’échange secret de cadeaux de Noël de leur cabinet. Kevin se languit de son ami depuis longtemps, mais il craint de ruiner leur relation de travail si Erik ne lui rend pas ses sentiments. L’anonymat de l’échange lui donnant la chance de lui faire savoir que quelqu’un est intéressé, Kevin transforme donc le cadeau en jeu : douze jours de présents, chacun plus suggestif, se terminant par une rencontre au réveillon – s’il trouve le courage d’aller jusqu’au bout ! Erik est intrigué par son Père Noël secret, qui lui a donné quelque chose à attendre avec impatience jusqu’aux fêtes pour la première fois depuis des années. Mais alors que Noël approche, il se rend compte qu’il ne veut pas d’un homme mystère ; il désire son meilleur ami, Kevin. Lorsque ses tentatives pour commencer quelque chose avec celui-ci échouent, Erik accepte l’invitation à dîner de son admirateur secret. Il est loin de soupçonner que le vilain petit assistant du père Noël est l’homme qui fera de tous ses rêves de Noël une réalité dans une romance qui passe du doux au piquant pour deux avocats sexy.

The Lass Wore Black

by Karen Ranney

Catriona Cameron was once famed for her seductive beauty and charm. Now she saw no one, hiding from the world . . . and no one dared break through her self-imposed exile. No one, that is, until Mark Thorburn burst into her home, and Catriona's darkened world began to have color again. Thorburn, secretly the heir to an Earldom, claimed he was a footman. But Catriona didn't care about the scandal their passion could cause . . . for his very touch sparked her back to a life of sensuality, one she thought she'd never have again. Little does she know that Mark is part of a masquerade. One that will end when they become the target of a madman set on revenge. Mark realizes he will have to do more than win her love . . . he will have to save her life as well.

Lass den Hut auf!

by Anna Doe Star Noble

Steve Randall und Bob Curry arbeiten als Detectives bei der Culver City Police. Sie kennen sich schon seit ihrer Ausbildung in der Polizeiakademie. Als Team sind sie perfekt – Steve mit seinem Enthusiasmus und seiner Impulsivität, Bob mit seinem kühlen, analytischen Verstand. Während Steve noch damit kämpft, seine plötzliche Zuneigung zu Bob zu verstehen, werden sie als Undercover-Agenten eingesetzt, um die Verbreitung einer neuen, tödlichen Droge zu unterbinden. Ihr Informant, ein Modefotograf, wird ermordet, bevor er ihnen die Namen der Hintermänner verraten kann. Steve und Bob folgen der Spur zu einem neuen Club – Steps to Heaven. Dort nehmen sie an einer Party teil, um mehr über die Hintermänner zu erfahren und den Fall zu lösen. Als ihr Cover auffliegt, werden aus Jägern plötzlich Gejagte. Steve findet, jetzt wäre der denkbar schlechteste Zeitpunkt, diese Welt vorzeitig zu verlassen.Er hat nämlich gerade erst erkannt, dass aus seiner Zuneigung zu seinem Partner echte Liebe geworden ist.

L'aspetto dell'amore (Serie Sensi e Sentimenti #2)

by Ernesto Pavan Susan Laine

Un libro della Serie Sensi e SentimentiQual è l'aspetto dell'amore? E chi lo incontra gli darà l'attenzione che merita? Il poliziotto volontario Sebastian Sumner sarà anche sordo, ma è forte e capace. Ha una relazione con il detective Jordan Waters ormai da un anno. La loro storia ha avuto alti e bassi, ma il loro amore poggia su basi solide. Peccato che le loro vite lavorative siano più incerte, perlomeno quella di Jordan, che assieme al suo partner sta indagando su Aldous Henley, un losco mercante d'arte sospettato di contraffazione e ricettazione. Ma dimostrare i crimini dell'uomo e consegnarlo alla giustizia si sta rivelando una sfida più difficile del previsto. Henley non è più solo un problema di lavoro. Il caso consuma l'attenzione di Jordan, che fatica a mantenere l'equilibrio fra la sua impegnata vita professionale e l'altrettanto importante vita privata, soprattutto con un anniversario importante in arrivo. L'amore sarà anche sotto gli occhi di tutti, ma questo non significa che vada dato per scontato.

Lashings of Sauce

by Uk Mat

We Brits love our sauce, whether it's what we lash on our food, read on our seaside postcards, or write in our stories. Come and enjoy a buffet of tasty LGBTQ treats!From marriages to reunions, via practical jokes and football matches, to weresloths and possibly the oddest Tarts and Vicars party in the world, join us as we celebrate the UK Meet in the best way we know: telling the story.As a follow-up to the critically acclaimed British Flash and Tea and Crumpet anthologies, our talented writers bring you sixteen stories about gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and genderqueer characters enjoying what Britain and mainland Europe have to offer, with their wonderfully diverse range of cultures and landscapes and some incredibly colourful and quirky people.Contributors include: Tam Ames, Becky Black, Anne Brooke, Charlie Cochrane, Rebecca Cohen, Lillian Francis, Elin Gregory, Clare London, Sandra Lindsey, JL Merrow, Emily Moreton, Josephine Myles, Zahra Owens, Jordan Castillo Price, Elyan Smith and Robbie Whyte. Edited by: UK MAT (UK Meet Acquisitions Team: Alex Beecroft, Charlie Cochrane, Clare London, JL Merrow and Josephine Myles). This anthology is a souvenir of the 2012 UK Meet, an occasion for GLBTQ supporters to get together in a relaxed setting to celebrate and chat about the fiction community they love. Funds from the sale of this anthology will go towards future UK Meets, to which all are welcome. Please visit the website for details, or contact UK MAT through the publisher.

Lash (El ángel roto #1)

by L. G. Castillo Teresa Cano

Un ángel rebelde. Un amor prohibido. Las normas de un ángel son muy simples: obedecer a los arcángeles, no mostrarse ante los humanos y nunca, jamás, eFantasía Paranormalnamorarse de ninguno de ellos. Lash rompe con todo. Unas décadas después de haber sido expulsado del Cielo y condenado a vivir en la Tierra por desafiar a los arcángeles, a Lash le ofrecen una última oportunidad para redimirse. Su misión: proteger a Naomi Duran, una atractiva chica, destrozada por la muerte de su padre. Sin embargo, la asignación no parece ser tan sencilla cuando se percata de que los arcángeles le ocultan información sobre Naomi y se niegan a devolverle sus poderes. Cuando una fuente inesperada le revela secretos ocultos durante siglos, su fe se ve alterada y empieza a dudar de aquellos que una vez fueron sus mejores aliados. Decidido a evitar cualquier cosa que pudiera poner en peligro su oportunidad de regresar a casa, Lash se ve obligado a luchar contra el mayor obstáculo para ello: sus sentimientos por Naomi. Lash tendrá que elegir entre volver a casa o quedarse con un amor prohibido que no puede soportar perder.

Lash (Angelo Spezzato #1)

by Maria Francesca Rinaldi Morais L. G. Castillo

Le regole di un angelo erano semplici: obbedisci agli Arcangeli, non mostrarti agli umani, e non ti innamorare mai di uno di loro. Lash le ha infrante tutte. Spedito sulla terra in esilio per aver sfidato gli Arcangeli, a Lash viene offerta un’ultima occasione per redimersi. La sua missione è semplice: proteggere Naomi Duran, un’affascinante giovane donna in un momento di disperazione. L’incarico si dimostra tutt’altro che semplice quando gli Arcangeli omettono informazioni-chiave su Naomi e si rifiutano di riassegnare a Lash tutti i suoi poteri. Lash mette in discussione la saggezza degli Arcangeli e la propria abilità di tenere al sicuro la sua protetta. Presto, Lash si troverà a dover scegliere in chi riporre la sua fiducia—nella casa che ha tanto lottato per riavere o nell’amore proibito che non può sopportare di perdere. Dall’autore di bestseller di USA TODAY L.G. Castillo, una saga travolgente sugli angeli caduti, piena di romanticismo coinvolgente e suspense palpitante. Iniziate la serie degli Angeli Spezzati oggi e scoprite perché MIGLIAIA di lettori si sono INNAMORATI di LASH.

Lascivia. Libro 1 (Pecados placenteros #Volumen 1)

by Eva Muñoz

Llega el nuevo fenómeno que ha revolucionado la plataforma de Wattpad: la trilogía de los «Pecados placenteros». EN CUESTIONES DE PASIÓN NO HAY AMIGOS NI ALIANZAS... NI COMPROMISOS. Tras las vacaciones, Rachel James debe volver a su puesto como teniente en el ejército de la FEMF y se encuentra con que la central de Londres no es la misma, ya que los cimientos de su vida perfecta tiemblan con la llegada de un nuevo coronel, soberbio y con una belleza inhumana, que ha tomado el comando. Christopher Morgan está al mando y cree tenerlo todo claro, pero las tentaciones desencadenarán un torbellino de pasiones soltando el tipo de llama que hace arder a aquellos que se hacen llamar amantes. Este complicado juego empieza con Lascivia, una historia +21 ambientada en el mundo de la milicia y la mafia, cargada de traiciones, infidelidades, engaños y amores letalmente tóxicos.

Lascivia (Pecados placenteros. Libro #Volumen 2)

by Eva Muñoz

Llega la esperadísima continuación de Lascivia la primera parte de la saga Pecados Placenteros. Hay amores que hieren, patean y traicionan. El capitán Bratt Lewis está de nuevo en el comando, con una nueva vida planeada y queriendo retomar el tiempo perdido. Pero las personas que dejó no son las mismas: Rachel James falló, el coronel ha jugado sucio y una nueva ficha ha entrado en el tablero. Antoni Mascherano quien no es solo un bioquímico, sino también el líder de la mafia, ha puesto los ojos en la teniente James y su objetivo es tomarla como suya. El panorama se complica en esta segunda entrega donde los rencores empiezan a surgir, las relaciones, a agrietarse y los miedos, a avivarse. Bien dicen que las verdades siempre salen a la luz, y el saber que tan cierto es se comprobará en esta nueva parte donde las pasiones no pueden ocultarse ni los sentimientos disimularse.

Lasciati andare

by Emanuela Cardarelli Mary Calmes

Il paradiso può diventare un inferno. Per molti, rimanere bloccati a Ibiza, nella villa dell’armatore Miguel García Arquero, non sarebbe poi una tragedia. Ma Hudson Barber non la pensa così. Per lui, ritrovarsi senza passaporto, in un paese straniero tanto lontano da casa, è un incubo, reso peggiore dal fatto che ne è responsabile il suo inaffidabile gemello. Non volendo denunciare Dalvon per furto d’identità, Hudson è costretto ad aspettare, e ne approfitta per occuparsi di alcune attività di Miguel che, a causa dell’inesperienza del fratello, sono sull’orlo del fallimento. Quegli affari in perdita sono però un dono dal cielo, perché se riuscisse a riportarle in attivo, Hudson potrebbe sfruttare quell’esperienza per finire il suo master in gestione d’impresa. Quando Miguel torna a Ibiza, invece di trovare un toy boy scopre che Hudson ha trasformato la sua fredda villa in una casa calda e accogliente. Per Miguel non ci sono dubbi: deve convincere Hudson ad abbassare le sue difese per accogliere l’amore.

L'ascesa della Fenice

by Veronica Picone Cassie Alexandra

Un libro scritto a quattro mani dall'autrice bestseller di USA Today Cassie Alexandra e Krtistie Shafer, autrice bestseller su Amazon. Più di 80000 parole di dark humor, violenza tra gang e sesso . Alcuni personaggi fanno una speciale comparsa dalla Biker Series. Lily Ho lasciato la mia città per scappare dai miei genitori iperprotettivi e per cercare di dimenticare Vaughn, il biker ribelle che pensa lo abbia fregato. Ma ora sono tornata e lui è indimenticabile come sempre. So che dovrei stargli lontano, ma in questo momento ho bisogno di lui, di un diversivo dal dolore che sto provando. Al diavolo tutto quanto. Sono stanca di fare la brava ragazza. Sono stanca di scappare… Vaughn Credevo di aver smesso di pensare a Lily, ma rivederla mi ha scosso nel profondo. Per quanto voglia trattarla con freddezza, il desiderio di averla mi brucia dentro. È l’unica ragazza che non sono mai riuscito a dimenticare. Ora che è tornata in città, farò in modo di ricambiare il favore.

Las Vegas Sinners: The Complete Series

by Katie Kenyhercz

Lace up your heart and skate into the turbulent world of the Las Vegas Sinners hockey team, as five handsome, competitive, irresistible athletes discover that love just might be the most intoxicating win of all.On the Fly: Jacey Vaughn has a newly minted MBA when her father dies unexpectedly and leaves her his NHL team. She knows business, not hockey, but it doesn't take her long to recognize that her flirtation with team captain Carter Phlynn is a danger to her professional reputation. Can she win love and the Stanley Cup, too?Full Strength: When an injury derails goalie Shane Reese, he takes it badly, and the new team shrink, Allie Kallen, has to help him get his head back on straight. Allie sees through his bravado to the real fear beyond it - and what she sees reminds her of the past she's running from. Falling in love isn't in their plans, but they can't keep their emotions on ice.Winning Streak: Saralynn Reese's first big assignment as head of public relations for the Las Vegas Sinners is to clean up the media messes of the team's assistant general manager, Madden Vaughn. He's flirty, impulsive, and self-centered; he also happens to be drop-dead gorgeous. But there's more to Maddie than his Ralph Lauren exterior, and when a gambling addiction spins his world out of control, Saralynn may be the only one with the right sass to save his reputation, and his heart.Home Ice/: A broken ankle derailed Lorelai Kelly's Olympic dream, so she's starring in the Sin City on Ice show to make ends meet and focus on a comeback that keeps eluding her grasp. Dylan Cole, the NHL's leading scorer, breathed new life into a dying sport in the States, but now the captain of the Vegas Sinners team is feeling the pressure. America's ice princess might be the only one who understands his current slump - but Dylan's way of expressing thanks could undermine everything Lori has worked for. Can two people who spend their lives on the ice thaw just enough to let each other in?Fair Trade: A surprise trade to the Sinners gives Grayson Gunn one last chance at the Cup before he hangs up his skates, and nothing will stand in his way, not even the injuries that send him to the team's pretty new doctor. Dr. Olivia Parker's professional focus has lost her countless personal relationships, and she's not ready for her gorgeous new patient to show her everything she's been missing. Could a shot at real love be worth risking her ethical code?Sensuality Level: Sensual

Las Vegas Sinners: The Complete Series

by Katie Kenyhercz

Lace up your heart and skate into the turbulent world of the Las Vegas Sinners hockey team, as five handsome, competitive, irresistible athletes discover that love just might be the most intoxicating win of all.On the Fly: Jacey Vaughn has a newly minted MBA when her father dies unexpectedly and leaves her his NHL team. She knows business, not hockey, but it doesn't take her long to recognize that her flirtation with team captain Carter Phlynn is a danger to her professional reputation. Can she win love and the Stanley Cup, too?Full Strength: When an injury derails goalie Shane Reese, he takes it badly, and the new team shrink, Allie Kallen, has to help him get his head back on straight. Allie sees through his bravado to the real fear beyond it--and what she sees reminds her of the past she's running from. Falling in love isn't in their plans, but they can't keep their emotions on ice.Winning Streak: Saralynn Reese's first big assignment as head of public relations for the Las Vegas Sinners is to clean up the media messes of the team's assistant general manager, Madden Vaughn. He's flirty, impulsive, and self-centered; he also happens to be drop-dead gorgeous. But there's more to Maddie than his Ralph Lauren exterior, and when a gambling addiction spins his world out of control, Saralynn may be the only one with the right sass to save his reputation, and his heart.Home Ice/: A broken ankle derailed Lorelai Kelly's Olympic dream, so she's starring in the Sin City on Ice show to make ends meet and focus on a comeback that keeps eluding her grasp. Dylan Cole, the NHL's leading scorer, breathed new life into a dying sport in the States, but now the captain of the Vegas Sinners team is feeling the pressure. America's ice princess might be the only one who understands his current slump--but Dylan's way of expressing thanks could undermine everything Lori has worked for. Can two people who spend their lives on the ice thaw just enough to let each other in?Fair Trade: A surprise trade to the Sinners gives Grayson Gunn one last chance at the Cup before he hangs up his skates, and nothing will stand in his way, not even the injuries that send him to the team's pretty new doctor. Dr. Olivia Parker's professional focus has lost her countless personal relationships, and she's not ready for her gorgeous new patient to show her everything she’s been missing. Could a shot at real love be worth risking her ethical code?Sensuality Level: Sensual

Las Vegas Sinners: The Complete Series

by Katie Kenyhercz

Lace up your heart and skate into the turbulent world of the Las Vegas Sinners hockey team, as five handsome, competitive, irresistible athletes discover that love just might be the most intoxicating win of all.On the Fly: Jacey Vaughn has a newly minted MBA when her father dies unexpectedly and leaves her his NHL team. She knows business, not hockey, but it doesn't take her long to recognize that her flirtation with team captain Carter Phlynn is a danger to her professional reputation. Can she win love and the Stanley Cup, too?Full Strength: When an injury derails goalie Shane Reese, he takes it badly, and the new team shrink, Allie Kallen, has to help him get his head back on straight. Allie sees through his bravado to the real fear beyond it--and what she sees reminds her of the past she's running from. Falling in love isn't in their plans, but they can't keep their emotions on ice.Winning Streak: Saralynn Reese's first big assignment as head of public relations for the Las Vegas Sinners is to clean up the media messes of the team's assistant general manager, Madden Vaughn. He's flirty, impulsive, and self-centered; he also happens to be drop-dead gorgeous. But there's more to Maddie than his Ralph Lauren exterior, and when a gambling addiction spins his world out of control, Saralynn may be the only one with the right sass to save his reputation, and his heart.Home Ice/: A broken ankle derailed Lorelai Kelly's Olympic dream, so she's starring in the Sin City on Ice show to make ends meet and focus on a comeback that keeps eluding her grasp. Dylan Cole, the NHL's leading scorer, breathed new life into a dying sport in the States, but now the captain of the Vegas Sinners team is feeling the pressure. America's ice princess might be the only one who understands his current slump--but Dylan's way of expressing thanks could undermine everything Lori has worked for. Can two people who spend their lives on the ice thaw just enough to let each other in?Fair Trade: A surprise trade to the Sinners gives Grayson Gunn one last chance at the Cup before he hangs up his skates, and nothing will stand in his way, not even the injuries that send him to the team's pretty new doctor. Dr. Olivia Parker's professional focus has lost her countless personal relationships, and she's not ready for her gorgeous new patient to show her everything she’s been missing. Could a shot at real love be worth risking her ethical code?Sensuality Level: Sensual

La's Orchestra Saves The World: A Novel

by Alexander McCall Smith

With a failed marriage behnd her, La -- short for Lavender -- moves to the Suffolk countryside to nurse her broken heart on the eve of the Second World War. Lonely and at a loss, a friend encourages her to bring the villagers and the men from the local airbase together by forming an amateur orchestra. One of her musician recruits is Feliks, a handsome and enigmatic Polish refugee. A friendship begins to blossom between the two, and La finds her feelings stirring to life again.Poignant, tender and inspiring, La's Orchestra Saves the World celebrates the power of love and friendship in the collective tragedy of war, as well as the extraordinary healing power of music.

La's Orchestra Saves The World

by Alexander McCall Smith

With a failed marriage behnd her, La -- short for Lavender -- moves to the Suffolk countryside to nurse her broken heart on the eve of the Second World War. Lonely and at a loss, a friend encourages her to bring the villagers and the men from the local airbase together by forming an amateur orchestra. One of her musician recruits is Feliks, a handsome and enigmatic Polish refugee. A friendship begins to blossom between the two, and La finds her feelings stirring to life again.Poignant, tender and inspiring, La's Orchestra Saves the World celebrates the power of love and friendship in the collective tragedy of war, as well as the extraordinary healing power of music.

Las Biuty Queens: With an Introduction by Pedro Almodóvar

by Iván Monalisa Ojeda

'Can't get enough of Pose? Then Las Biuty Queens will be your new fave read. Exploring the lives of the Latin American trans community, Biuty Queens effortlessly blends heart and humour while exploring life on the wrong side of the American dream. Ivan Monalisa Ojeda sparkles as one of 2021's boldest new writers' Cosmopolitan, Best books to read this summer 'The American dream as seen from the height of a good pair of heels' Pedro AlmodóvarLas Biuty Queens: a group of trans Latinx immigrant friends who walk the streets of New York, smoke crystal meth, compete in beauty contests, look for clients on their impossibly high heels and fall prey to increasingly cruel immigration policies.Drawing from his/her own perspective as a trans performer, sex worker and undocumented immigrant, acclaimed Chilean writer Iván Monalisa Ojeda shines a light on a group of friends trying to survive the dark side of the American Dream and introduces readers to an unfamiliar, glittering and violent New York City that will draw them in and swallow them whole.'This is New York, full of beauty and pain - turn away at your own peril'Nick Flynn, author of Another Bullshit Night in Suck City'You can't just read this book; you bathe in its grit, the resilience of its characters and, most of all, its beauty. Stunning'Jose Antonio Vargas, author of Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen

Las Biuty Queens: With an Introduction by Pedro Almodóvar

by Iván Monalisa Ojeda

Las Biuty Queens: a group of trans Latinx immigrant friends who walk the streets of New York, smoke crystal meth, compete in beauty contests, look for clients on their impossibly high heels and fall prey to increasingly cruel immigration policies. <p><p>Drawing from his/her own perspective as a trans performer, sex worker and undocumented immigrant, acclaimed Chilean writer Iván Monalisa Ojeda shines a light on a group of friends trying to survive the dark side of the American Dream and introduces readers to an unfamiliar, glittering and violent New York City that will draw them in and swallow them whole.

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