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Always Another Dawn: The Story Of A Rocket Test Pilot

by Clay Blair Albert Scott Crossfield

All his life Test Pilot Scott Crossfield has carried on a love affair with airplanes. As a child he learned secretly how to fly, and the unyielding ambition to become a superb aviator spurred him to overcome a serious childhood disease. Working for the NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), Crossfield achieved national renown testing the rocket-powered planes, X-1 and Skyrocket, taking them to amazing heights where "man had a new view of his life and the world." He has logged more rocket plane flights than most of the chief test pilots combined.Written in the tradition of Saint-Exupéry and Lindbergh, Scott Crossfield's inspiring autobiography is a testament to the adventure and achievement of the flight pioneers who dare to live beyond the clouds. Why is "death the handmaiden of the pilot" and how does it feel to face her fifteen miles above the ground? What can a pilot do when fear and panic overtake him? What is it like to be the first man to fly at twice the speed of sound? These are some of the questions Crossfield answers as he explains why he was prepared to devote so much of his time, his dreams, and his aspirations to an experimental plane called the X-15.Always Another Dawn tells of the birth of this plane; the daring of the men who painstakingly designed and built her, counting every extra pound a danger and creating innovations unprecedented in flight history. Here is the courage of the men who flew her, their every take-off a hazardous journey into the unknown.This book is the thrilling story of man's first faltering steps into space, of the great experiment and the great pilot who "set man on his path toward the stars."

Always a Song: Singers, Songwriters, Sinners, and Saints – My Story of the Folk Music Revival

by Ellen Harper Sam Barry

Always a Song is a collection of stories from singer and songwriter Ellen Harper—folk matriarch and mother to the Grammy-winning musician Ben Harper.Harper shares vivid memories of growing up in Los Angeles through the 1960s among famous and small-town musicians, raising Ben, and the historic Folk Music Center.This beautifully written memoir includes stories of Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Joan Baez, The New Lost City Ramblers, Doc Watson, and many more.• Harper takes readers on an intimate journey through the folk music revival.• The book spans a transformational time in music, history, and American culture.• Covers historical events from the love-ins, women's rights protests, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy to the popularization of the sitar and the ukulele.• Includes full-color photo insert."Growing up, an endless stream of musicians and artists came from across the country to my family's music store. Bess Lomax Hawes, Joan Baez, Sonny Terry, and Brownie McGee—all the singers, organizers, guitar and banjo pickers and players, songwriters, painters, dancers, their husbands, wives, and children—we were all in it together. And we believed singing could change the world."—Ellen HarperMusic lovers and history buffs will enjoy this rare invitation into a world of stories and song that inspired folk music today.• A must-read for lovers of music, history, and those nostalgic for the acoustic echo of the original folk music that influenced a generation• Harper's parents opened the legendary Folk Music Center in Claremont, California, as well as the revered folk music venue The Golden Ring.• A perfect book for people who are obsessed with folk music, all things 1960s, learning about musical movements, or California history• Great for those who loved Small Town Talk: Bob Dylan, The Band, Van Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Friends in the Wild Years of Woodstock by Barney Hoskyns; and Girls Like Us: Carole King, Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon—and the Journey of a Generation by Sheila Weller.

Always a Marine: The Return to Civvy Street

by Steven Preece

In Amongst the Marines, Steven Preece vividly depicted his excessive, violent lifestyle as an elite Royal Marine Commando. Now Always a Marine covers the author's struggle to leave that lifestyle behind following his departure from the service. Back on civvy street for the first time in over seven years, Preece finds it extremely difficult to adapt and struggles to shake off the belligerent mentality he developed while in the Marines. Despite these difficulties, he marries and starts a family, but this positive change is not enough to turn his life around. Preece soon discovers that his tendency towards violence will not be tolerated in the civilian workplace and, after finding himself blacklisted by many companies in his area, he is forced to look for employment abroad. This quest for work takes Preece to France, where he is caught up in a hotel fire; Germany, where he is double-crossed out of his job and later teams up with an ex-SAS trooper; Morocco, where an incident lands him in jail and he is later shot at by border police; and Thailand, where he fights in a boxing ring with a former French Legionnaire and gets caught up in a business scam.Having settled back in the UK, Preece's behaviour remains excessive. He severely injures his head and suffers minor brain damage after a heavy-drinking session. Upon recovering, he looks for something else to believe in and begins training in ninjutsu, the martial art of the ninjas, who view aggression as a sign of weakness. This, combined with the love of his family, finally enables him to put his past behind him. Always a Marine is the action-packed, often shocking account of one ex-Marine's 13-year struggle to control the aggression he learnt as a serviceman in order to become a respectable civilian.

Always a Bridesmaid (for Hire) (for Hire): Stories on Growing Up, Looking for Love, and Walking Down the Aisle for Complete Strangers

by Jen Glantz

In the tradition of Sloane Crosley, Mindy Kaling, and Katie Heaney, a hilarious and insightful memoir about one New York City Millennial’s journey to find herself, her dream career, and true love, all while juggling a truly unique job as the world's only professional bridesmaid.After moving to New York City in her mid-twenties to pursue her dream of writing—and not living on the “Upper East Side” of her parents’ house anymore—Jen Glantz looked forward to a future of happy hours and Sunday brunches with her besties. What she got instead were a string of phone calls that began with, "Jen, I have something exciting to tell you!" and ended with, "I'd be honored if you would be my bridesmaid." At first she was delighted, but it wasn’t long before she realized two things: all of her assets were tied up in bridesmaid dresses, and she herself was no closer to finding The One. She couldn't do much about the second thing (though her mother would beg to differ), but she could about the first. One (slightly tipsy) night, Jen posted an ad on Craigslist advertising her services as a professional bridesmaid. When she woke up the next morning, it had gone viral. What began as a half-joke suddenly turned into a lifetime of adventure for Jen–and more insight into the meaning of love than she was getting from OKCupid—as she walked down the aisle at stranger after stranger's wedding. Fresh, funny, and surprisingly sweet, Always a Bridesmaid (For Hire) is an entertaining reminder that even if you don't have everything together, you can still be a total boss—or, at the very least, a BFF to another girl in need.

Alvin Ailey, an American Dancer (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Vocabulary Readers #Leveled Reader: Level: 4, Theme: 5.2)

by Kate Mcgovern

A brief biography of American dancer Alvin Ailey.

Alvin Ailey: A Life in Dance

by Jennifer Dunning

Biography of the famous dancer.

Alvin Ailey (Soar To Success)

by Andrea Davis Pinkney Brian Pinkney

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Alvin Ailey

by Andrea Davis Pinkney Brian Pinkney

Describes the life, dancing, and choreography of Alvin Ailey, who created his own modern dance company to explore the black experience. Alvin Ailey is a biography of a brilliant dancer/choreographer as well as the story of the creation of Revelations, his modern dance masterpiece which premiered in New York City in 1960


by Felix Luna

En esta biografía del presidente Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear,el autor trasluce una cálida simpatía hacia el personaje que no inhibela crítica severa. En ella aparecen no solo las decisiones políticas másimportantes, sino escenas y episodios reveladores de la sociedad deentonces y de sus contradicciones. La infancia cómoda y respetable deAlvear, sus viajes a Europa, su matrimonio con Regina Pacini, susactuaciones políticas tempranas, su amistad con Yrigoyen, la vocaciónque lo obligó a asumir una labor que entrañaba peligros, molestias yconstantes renunciamientos, resultan testimonio de valor incalculabletanto en lo histórico como en lo social. La Argentina es un país sin aristocracia: «Basta trepar un poco el árbolgenealógico para topar con el abuelo contrabandista o bolichero», dicecon gracia Félix Luna en este libro, publicado por primera vez en 1958.En el caso del presidente Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear su apellido,ciertamente ilustre, no le impidió afiliarse en su juventud al partidoradical y sostener este compromiso, en el triunfo y en la derrota, hastaen fin de su vida.

Álvaro: Su vida y su siglo

by Juan Constain

Por el centenario del nacimiento de Álvaro Gómez Hurtado, una de las figuras políticas más importantes del país, Juan Esteban Constaín ha escrito una extraordinaria biografía suya que es mucho más que eso: es, sobre todo, una rigurosa, analítica y apasionante historia de la Colombia del siglo XX Con el objetivo de hacer el examen más justo y equilibrado posible de una de las figuras más emblemáticas del siglo XX en Colombia, el autor es consciente de que no se lo puede comprender sin asomarse al fondo de su siglo. Álvaro Gómez Hurtado fue determinado por el ambiente político en el que nació y creció, por la virulencia de los odios que enemistaron a sus correligionarios y a los políticos liberales y por la imponente figura de su padre, el máximo líder conservador de la primera mitad del siglo XX y uno de los hombres más satanizados y peor comprendidos de la historia patria. De modo que esta biografía es, primero, la radiografía de todo un siglo, una mirada atenta de los hechos y personajes más sobresalientes del siglo XX en Colombia, un examen agudo del declive de la clase política del país, y en contraste con todo esto es posible comprender, redescubrir, reivindicar, la figura del político excepcional que fue asesinado en noviembre de 1995. "Hay que explicar su figura, narrarla con sus luces y sus sombras, como las tiene todo el mundo. Porque además en ella, a través de ella, de manera privilegiada, se revela también una historia del siglo xx colombiano y mundial: un destino que convive con los hechos capitales que marcaron la historia contemporánea aquí y en todas partes. Pero un destino a contracorriente, eso es lo interesante, eso es lo mejor, un alma que se forjó en el combate y en la lucha por sus ideas y creencias, la mayoría de las cuales cuestionaban hasta lo más profundo muchos de los dogmas imperantes, muchas de las verdades no comprobadas que envolvían, como un halo, los proyectos triunfantes de la modernidad". El autor

Alva Vanderbilt Belmont: Unlikely Champion of Women's Rights

by Sylvia D. Hoffert

A New York socialite and feminist, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont was known to be domineering, temperamental, and opinionated. Her resolve to get her own way regardless of the consequences stood her in good stead when she joined the American woman suffrage movement in 1909. Thereafter, she used her wealth, her administrative expertise, and her social celebrity to help convince Congress to pass the 19th Amendment and then to persuade the exhausted leaders of the National Woman's Party to initiate a world wide equal rights campaign. Sylvia D. Hoffert argues that Belmont was a feminist visionary and that her financial support was crucial to the success of the suffrage and equal rights movements. She also shows how Belmont's activism, and the money she used to support it, enriches our understanding of the personal dynamics of the American woman's rights movement. Her analysis of Belmont's memoirs illustrates how Belmont went about the complex and collaborative process of creating her public self.

Alto y claro

by Jaime Peñafiel

Repaso de la vida personal y profesional de Jaime Peñafiel. Jaime Peñafiel, uno de los periodistas más reconocidos y veteranos de la profesión, siempre ha dicho que «valía más por lo que callaba que por lo que decía». Después de haber entrevistado a cientos de personalidades, de haber asistido a las fiestas, cócteles y recepciones más suntuosas en todo el mundo y ser testigo de excepción de las bodas más regias el avezado periodista rompe ahora su regla de oro para desvelar en Alto y claro algunos de los secretos que ha callado hasta hoy. Este libro forma parte de nuestra historia más reciente porque, a través de la pluma certera e incisiva de Jaime, conoceremos la trastienda de dictadores, reyes, reinas, princesas, duques, primeras damas, personajes del papel couché..., una trastienda donde, lejos de la mentira de los focos y las cámaras, descubrimos a hombres y mujeres de carne y hueso, cargados de deseos, esperanzas, pero también de frustraciones, miedos y, a veces, de mucha mucha soledad.

Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip with David Foster Wallace

by David Lipsky

SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE, STARRING JASON SEGAL AND JESSE EISENBERG, DIRECTED BY JAMES PONSOLDTAn indelible portrait of David Foster Wallace, by turns funny and inspiring, based on a five-day trip with award-winning writer David Lipsky during Wallace's Infinite Jest tour In David Lipsky's view, David Foster Wallace was the best young writer in America. Wallace's pieces for Harper's magazine in the '90s were, according to Lipsky, "like hearing for the first time the brain voice of everybody I knew: Here was how we all talked, experienced, thought. It was like smelling the damp in the air, seeing the first flash from a storm a mile away. You knew something gigantic was coming."Then Rolling Stone sent Lipsky to join Wallace on the last leg of his book tour for Infinite Jest, the novel that made him internationally famous. They lose to each other at chess. They get iced-in at an airport. They dash to Chicago to catch a make-up flight. They endure a terrible reader's escort in Minneapolis. Wallace does a reading, a signing, an NPR appearance. Wallace gives in and imbibes titanic amounts of hotel television (what he calls an "orgy of spectation"). They fly back to Illinois, drive home, walk Wallace's dogs. Amid these everyday events, Wallace tells Lipsky remarkable things--everything he can about his life, how he feels, what he thinks, what terrifies and fascinates and confounds him--in the writing voice Lipsky had come to love. Lipsky took notes, stopped envying him, and came to feel about him--that grateful, awake feeling--the same way he felt about Infinite Jest. Then Lipsky heads to the airport, and Wallace goes to a dance at a Baptist church.A biography in five days, Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself is David Foster Wallace as few experienced this great American writer. Told in his own words, here is Wallace's own story, and his astonishing, humane, alert way of looking at the world; here are stories of being a young writer--of being young generally--trying to knit together your ideas of who you should be and who other people expect you to be, and of being young in March of 1996. And of what it was like to be with and--as he tells it--what it was like to become David Foster Wallace."If you can think of times in your life that you've treated people with extraordinary decency and love, and pure uninterested concern, just because they were valuable as human beings. The ability to do that with ourselves. To treat ourselves the way we would treat a really good, precious friend. Or a tiny child of ours that we absolutely loved more than life itself. And I think it's probably possible to achieve that. I think part of the job we're here for is to learn how to do it. I know that sounds a little pious."--David Foster Wallace From the Trade Paperback edition.Lambert Fellowship, a Media Award from GLAAD, and a National Magazine Award. He's the author of the novel The Art Fair, a collection of stories, Three Thousand Dollars, and the bestselling nonfiction book Absolutely American, which was a Time magazine Best Book of the Year. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Althea Gibson, the Tiger of Tennis (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)

by Alice Cary Jani Orban

NIMAC-sourced textbook. Changing the Face of Tennis. Althea Gibson spent her childhood getting into trouble on the streets of Harlem, New York. She grew up to change the world of championship tennis forever.

Althea Gibson: Young Tennis Player (Childhood of Famous Americans Series)

by Beatrice Gormley

Althea Gibson (1927-2003) was the first black tennis player ever to compete in the U.S. Open and at Wimbledon in England. This fictionalized biography focuses on Gibson's spirited childhood and highlights the traits that later made her a champion.

Althea: The Life of Tennis Champion Althea Gibson

by Sally H. Jacobs

“A captivating book that brilliantly reveals an American sports legend long overlooked. Sally Jacobs tells the riveting story of Althea Gibson, my personal shero, who overcame daunting odds – on the tennis court and off - to stand at the world pinnacle of her sport and became an inspiration to many.” — Billie Jean KingIn 1950, three years after Jackie Robinson first walked onto the diamond at Ebbets Field, the all-white, upper-crust US Lawn Tennis Association opened its door just a crack to receive a powerhouse player who would integrate "the game of royalty." The player was a street-savvy young Black woman from Harlem named Althea Gibson who was about as out-of-place in that rarefied and intolerant world as any aspiring tennis champion could be. Her tattered jeans and short-cropped hair drew stares from everyone who watched her play, but her astonishing performance on the court soon eclipsed the negative feelings being cast her way as she eventually became one of the greatest American tennis champions.Gibson had a stunning career. Raised in New York and trained by a pair of tennis-playing doctors in the South, Gibson’s immense talent on the court opened the door for her to compete around the world. She won top prizes at Wimbledon and Forest Hills time and time again. The young woman underestimated by so many wound up shaking hands with Queen Elizabeth II, being driven up Broadway in a snowstorm of ticker tape, and ultimately became the first Black woman to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated and the second to appear on the cover of Time. In a crowning achievement, Althea Gibson became the No. One ranked female tennis player in the world for both 1957 and 1958. Seven years later she broke the color barrier again where she became the first Black woman to join the Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA). In Althea, prize-winning former Boston Globe reporter Sally H. Jacobs tells the heart-rending story of this pioneer, a remarkable woman who was a trailblazer, a champion, and one of the most remarkable Americans of the twentieth century.

Alternatives to Valium: How Punk Rock Saved a Shy Boy’s Life

by Alastair McKay

“A few years ago, I asked Tom Petty how his songs had been influenced by his life. As a rule, songwriters aren’t keen on unpicking their work, and Petty was no exception. He didn’t want to get into specifics. ‘Life is so difficult,’ he said. ‘And easy. It’s just a chain of spontaneous events.’” Alastair McKay’s own life was inspired and informed by music, so his book takes the form of an album, with two distinct sides. The first side is about childhood, and the struggle to find a voice. The second side is about interviews, and learning how to listen. An exceptionally shy boy, Alastair gradually found his voice through the punk explosion: the ethos that ‘anyone could do it’ prompted him to start writing, largely because it was easier than talking. From these hesitant beginnings, and his own failed attempts at musicianship, he would go on to a successful career in journalism: sharing a limousine with Kate Moss, meeting Iggy Pop at the Chateau Marmont, being led astray by Tilda Swinton and many, many other encounters.

Alternadad: The True Story of One Family's Struggle to Raise a Cool Kid in America

by Neal Pollack

A few years ago, Neal Pollack was probably the least likely father you've ever met: a pop-culture-obsessed writer and self-styled party guy known mostly for outrageous literary antics. In typical fashion, he responded to the birth of his son by forming a mediocre rock band and taking it on tour. Now, in Alternadad, he tells the hilarious and poignant story of how he learned to be a father to his son, Elijah, after the failure of his short-lived rock 'n' roll dreams. Pollack and his wife, Regina, were determined to raise their son without growing up too much themselves. They welcomed the responsibility but were worried that they'd become uptight and out of touch. Through the ups and downs of the first years of their son's life their determination is put to the test, and they find themselves changing in ways they never expected, particularly after Elijah develops a biting problem in preschool. Alternadad is a refreshingly honest book about the wonders, terrors, and idiocies of parenting today. From enrolling his son in an absurd corporate gymnastics class to a disastrous visit to a rock festival to uncomfortable encounters with other parents whom he'd ordinarily avoid, Pollack candidly explores the everyday struggles and the long-term compromises that come with parenthood. Mixing ironic skepticism with an appreciation for the absurdities of everyday life, Alternadad is a portrait of a new version of the American family: responsible if unorthodox parents raising kids who know the difference between the Ramones and the Sex Pistols. Wildly funny, surprising, and often moving, it just might be the parenting bible for a new generation of mothers and fathers.

Alter Egos: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Twilight Struggle Over American Power

by Mark Landler

The deeply reported story of two supremely ambitious figures, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton--archrivals who became partners for a time, trailblazers who share a common sense of their historic destiny but hold very different beliefs about how to project American power In Alter Egos, veteran New York Times White House correspondent Mark Landler takes us inside the fraught and fascinating relationship between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton--a relationship that has framed the nation's great debates over war and peace for the past eight years.In the annals of American statecraft, theirs was a most unlikely alliance. Clinton, daughter of an anticommunist father, was raised in the Republican suburbs of Chicago in the aftermath of World War II, nourishing an unshakable belief in the United States as a force for good in distant lands. Obama, an itinerant child of the 1970s, was raised by a single mother in Indonesia and Hawaii, suspended between worlds and a witness to the less savory side of Uncle Sam's influence abroad. Clinton and Obama would later come to embody competing visions of America's role in the world: his, restrained, inward-looking, painfully aware of limits; hers, hard-edged, pragmatic, unabashedly old-fashioned. Spanning the arc of Obama's two terms, Alter Egos goes beyond the speeches and press conferences to the Oval Office huddles and South Lawn strolls, where Obama and Clinton pressed their views. It follows their evolution from bitter rivals to wary partners, and then to something resembling rivals again, as Clinton defined herself anew and distanced herself from her old boss. In the process, it counters the narrative that, during her years as secretary of state, there was no daylight between them, that the wounds of the 2008 campaign had been entirely healed. The president and his chief diplomat parted company over some of the biggest issues of the day: how quickly to wind down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; whether to arm the rebels in Syria; how to respond to the upheaval in Egypt; and whether to trust the Russians. In Landler's gripping account, we venture inside the Situation Room during the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound, watch Obama and Clinton work in tandem to salvage a conference on climate change in Copenhagen, and uncover the secret history of their nuclear diplomacy with Iran--a story with a host of fresh disclosures. With the grand sweep of history and the pointillist detail of an account based on insider access--the book draws on exclusive interviews with more than one hundred senior administration officials, foreign diplomats, and friends of Obama and Clinton--Mark Landler offers the definitive account of a complex, profoundly important relationship. As Barack Obama prepares to relinquish the presidency, and Hillary Clinton makes perhaps her last bid for it, how both regard American power is a central question of our time. Advance praise for Alter Egos "A superb journalist has brought us a vivid, page-turning, and revelatory account of the relationship between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, as well as of their statecraft. Alter Egos will make a signal contribution to the national debate over who should be the next American president."--Michael Beschloss, bestselling author of Presidential Courage "Mark Landler, one of the best reporters working in Washington today, delivers an inside account of Hillary Clinton's relationship with Barack Obama that brims with insight and high-level intrigue. It's both fun to read and eye-opening."--Jane Mayer, bestselling author of Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical RightFrom the Hardcover edition.

Altars in the Street: A Courageous Memoir of Community and Spiritual Awakening

by Melody Ermachild Chavis

A wonderfully written memoir, overflowing with miraculous stories, of a Buddhist private eye who vows to heal her community's suffering from violence and racism. Altars in the Street is for people who live in cities and those who have fled them. It will speak to anyone who cares about the future of our children, our neighborhoods, and our nation, as well as anyone who wants to look truthfully at the relationship between poverty and prisons and between community and education. Drawing on deep reserves of good humor, common sense, and practical experience of nonviolent action, Melody Ermachild Chavis has written a moving testament to the power of spirit in today's often cynical world.

The Altar of My Soul: The Living Traditions of Santería

by Marta Moreno Vega

Long cloaked in protective secrecy, demonized by Western society, and distorted by Hollywood, Santería is at last emerging from the shadows with an estimated 75 million followers worldwide. In The Altar of My Soul, Marta Moreno Vega recounts the compelling true story of her journey from ignorance and skepticism to initiation as a Yoruba priestess in the Santería religion. This unforgettable spiritual memoir reveals the long-hidden roots and traditions of a centuries-old faith that originated on the shores of West Africa. As an Afro-Puerto Rican child in the New York barrio, Marta paid little heed to the storefront botanicas full of spiritual paraphernalia or to the Catholic saints with foreign names: Yemayá, Ellegua, Shangó. As an adult, in search of a religion that would reflect her racial and cultural heritage, Marta was led to the Way of the Saints. She came to know Santería intimately through its prayers and rituals, drumming and dancing, trances and divination that spark sacred healing energy for family, spiritual growth, and service to others. Written by one who is a professor and a Santería priestess, The Altar of My Soul lays before us an electrifying and inspiring faith--one passed down from generation to generation that vitalizes the sacred energy necessary to build a family, a community, and a strong, loving society.

Altar of Blood: Empire IX (Empire series #9)

by Anthony Riches

'A master of the genre' The TimesThe ninth novel in the thrilling Empire sequence leads Centurion Marcus Aquila and the Tungrians to the battlefield that was one of Rome's most disastrous defeats.The Tungrians have no sooner returned to Rome than they find themselves tasked with a very different mission to their desperate exploits in Parthia. Ordered to cross the river Rhenus into barbarian Germany and capture a tribal priestess who may be the most dangerous person on the empire's northern border, they are soon subject to the machinations of an old enemy who will stop at nothing to sabotage their plans before they have even set foot on the river's eastern bank. But after their Roman enemy is neutralised they face a challenge greater still. With two of the Bructeri tribe's greatest treasures in their hands they must regain Roman territory by crossing the unforgiving wilderness that was the graveyard of Roman imperial strategy two hundred years before. And capture by the Bructeri's vengeful chieftain and his warband can only end in one way - a horrific sacrificial death on the tribe's altar of blood.(P)2016 Hodder & Stoughton

Alta negra: Fuerza, perseverancia y liderazgo

by Evelina Cabrera

La historia de Evelina Cabrera, la entrenadora y ex jugadora de fútbol que pasó de vivir en la calle y cuidar coches a ser la presidenta de la Asociación Femenina de Fútbol Argentino y disertar en la ONU. Si cuento mi vida es porque tiene algunos hechos extraordinarios que la convirtieron en una existencia más visible que otras. Pero también porque tiene gran parte en común con la de muchas niñas y jóvenes que pueden sentirse identificadas y acompañadas y eso, creo, le da más valor a esta historia. La historia de Evelina Cabrera es una entre millones. Tiene, como ella dice, 70 años comprimidos en sus 33. Pasó de una infancia vulnerable a ser una referente del fútbol femenino, crear la Asociación Femenina de Fútbol Argentino y dar una conferencia en la ONU sobre su trabajo social con las mujeres, a quienes brinda herramientas para empoderarse y cambiar su vida. Hoy es un ejemplo de superación, de búsqueda y de una activa militancia contra toda forma de discriminación. Evelina forma parte de una época en que las mujeres marcan un rumbo diferente, alejado de roles estereotipados, liberadas de mandatos restrictivos, y en este mundo nuevo alza su voz. Una historia que es, y puede ser también, la historia de todas nosotras.


by E. B. Goodale

An ode to the way memories allow us to be in many places at once, Also is a powerful exploration of being present as well as looking back. Perfect for Mother&’s Day, birthdays, or graduation, this modern classic is by Ezra Jack Keats Honor–winner E. B. Goodale.A moving story that follows one family through generations of time spent together and shows readers that memories allow us to connect to the past, the present, and also each other. This gorgeously illustrated book explores the power of memory, teaches children subtle lessons about the passing of time, and celebrates the cherished bonds we share with those we love. Perfect for reading together every day, or for giving on occasions like graduation, Mother's Day, and birthdays.

Alrededor del mundo con $50: Cómo salí sin nada y regresé un hombre rico

by Christopher Schacht

Christopher Schacht comparte sus increíbles experiencias, revelando lo que ha aprendido a lo largo del camino sobre la vida, el amor y Dios, y describe encuentros y percepciones conmovedoras y extrañas que no se encuentran en ninguna guía turística.Christopher Schacht tenía solo diecinueve años y acababa de terminar su formación educativa cuando puso un sueño en marcha. Con solo $50 que llevaba ahorrados, viajó por todo el mundo, confiando solo en su amabilidad, flexibilidad, encanto y disposición para trabajar por su alojamiento y comida.Viajó durante cuatro años, visitando cuarenta y cinco países y recorriendo 100.000 kilómetros a pie, haciendo autostop y en veleros. Se ha ganado la vida como joyero, cerrajero, niñero y modelo. Vivió entre aborígenes y traficantes de drogas y ha recorrido las áreas políticamente más inestables del Medio Oriente.«Mi plan era no tener un plan, solo vivir sin horarios y sin presión de tiempo, donde podría quedarme en lugares que disfrutaba hasta que estuviera listo para continuar».

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