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A Guide for the Idealist: Launching and Navigating Your Planning Career

by Richard Willson

A Guide for the Idealist is a must for young professionals seeking to put their idealism to work. Speaking to urban and regional planners and those in related fields, the book provides tools for the reader to make good choices, practice effectively, and find meaning in planning work. Built around concepts of idealism and realism, the book takes on the gap between the expectations and the constraints of practice. How to make an impact? How to decide when to compromise and when to fight for a core value? The book advises on career "launching" issues: doubt, decision-making, assessing types of work and work settings, and career planning. Then it explains principled adaptability as professional style. Subsequent chapters address early-practice issues: being right, avoiding wrong, navigating managers, organizations and teams, working with mentors, and understanding the career journey. Underpinning these dimensions is a call for planners to reflect on what they are doing as they are doing it. The advice provided is based on the experience of a planning professor who has also practiced planning throughout his career. The book includes personal anecdotes from the author and other planners about how they launched and managed their careers, and discussion/reflection questions for the reader to consider.

A Guide for the Idealist: Launching and Navigating Your Planning Career

by Richard Willson

A Guide for the Idealist is a must for young professionals seeking to put their idealism to work. Speaking to urban and regional planners and those in related fields, the book provides tools for the reader to make good choices, practice effectively, and find meaning in planning work. Built around concepts of idealism and realism, the book takes on the gap between the expectations and the constraints of practice. How to make an impact? How to decide when to compromise and when to fight for a core value? The book advises on career "launching" issues: doubt, decision-making, assessing types of work and work settings, and career planning. Then it explains principled adaptability as professional style. Subsequent chapters address early-practice issues: being right, avoiding wrong, navigating managers, organizations and teams, working with mentors, and understanding the career journey. Underpinning these dimensions is a call for planners to reflect on what they are doing as they are doing it. The advice provided is based on the experience of a planning professor who has also practiced planning throughout his career. The book includes personal anecdotes from the author and other planners about how they launched and managed their careers, and discussion/reflection questions for the reader to consider.

La alquimia de las hierbas: hierbas curativas para conocer, cultivar y usar

by Adidas Wilson

Las hierbas selectas pueden crecer excepcionalmente bien en interiores o exteriores, en contenedores o en el suelo, todo depende de lo que desea hacer. Si el espacio recibe menos de cinco horas de luz solar al día, es mejor optar por la casa para un acceso más fácil, especialmente para regar y cocinar. Además, esto ayuda a prevenir malezas, plagas o temperaturas fluctuantes. Las semillas son bastante económicas, pero toman más tiempo y requieren más recursos para crecer. Mientras que, por otro lado, las plantas de semillero son de cultivo más rápido, pero solo están disponibles en primavera y verano. Varias herramientas de jardinería son esenciales, puede ser una pala, guantes, ollas, recipientes, prácticamente todo lo que necesita para el trabajo. Y recuerde, algunos suelos fertilizados también son importantes, esto puede generarse naturalmente, o con una solución de compost de uso general de una tienda de jardinería. Para jardinería en contenedores, una mezcla de tierra para macetas empaquetada puede ser de gran ayuda, ya que casi no tendrá que preocuparse por las plagas. Tabla de contenidos Introducción 1. Cultive verduras caseras en su patio trasero 2. Imhotep y el origen de la medicina 3. St. John Wort y la depresión 4. Hierbas en espacios pequeños 5. Remedios para el virus VPH 6. Medicina avanzada de sociedades antiguas 7. Historia de la medicina Ayurveda 8. Medicina china tradicional 9. El cáncer y las hierbas 10. Medicina nativa estadoinidense 11. Hierbas para mejorar el sexo 12. Los aceites de eucalipto y sus beneficios 13. Remedios para las alergias 14. Hierbas para desatascar sus arterias 15. Hierbas naturales nativas estadounidenses 16. Hierbas desintoxicantes 17. Salvia en la medicina herbaria 18. Jardín de hierbas hidropónicas 19. Aumente su inmunidad y combata la infección con hierbas antivirales 20. Tratamientos a base de hierbas y suplementos para la

Alquimia Dos Óleos Essenciais

by Adidas Wilson

Óleos essenciais têm qualidade variável. Se você é um aromaterapeuta ou um consumidor, avaliar a qualidade dos óleos essenciais (EOs) não é fácil. Eles são originários de todo o mundo e empresas, ou fornecedores obtê-los de atacadistas ou agricultores cuja integridade e práticas aprenderam a confiar. O consumidor final não tem ideia e não pode avaliar essas práticas e relacionamentos.

De alchemie van etherische oliën: een compleet boek over essentiële oliën en aromatherapie

by Adidas Wilson

Essentiële oliën bestaan in verschillende kwaliteiten. Of je nu een aromatherapeut of een consument bent, het beoordelen van de kwaliteit van essentiële oliën (EO's) is niet eenvoudig. Ze zijn afkomstig uit de hele wereld en bedrijven of leveranciers betrekken ze van groothandels of boeren wier integriteit en praktijken ze hebben leren vertrouwen. De eindconsument heeft geen idee en kan deze praktijken en relaties niet beoordelen.

Hidroponia: O Melhor Guia Sobre Hidroponia Para Ganhar Tempo e Dinheiro

by Adidas Wilson

A palavra hidroponia originou-se do latim que significa nada a mais, nada a menos do que a água trabalhando. Em termos leigos, a hidroponia é a arte de cultivo de plantas sem a utilização do solo. Quando nós pensamos na arte da hidroponia, imediatamente imaginamos plantas crescendo com as raízes suspendidas em água, fora de um meio próprio. Bem, isso é verdade, já que se trata de uma técnica de jardinagem hidropônica conhecida como Técnica de Fluxo Laminar ou, pela sigla em inglês, NFT. Assim como qualquer atividade que você começa, o primeiro objetivo a ser alcançado é ter um plano. Você precisa considerar o espaço que você tem disponível em casa para o cultivo. Se você planeja ter sua área de jardinagem em um espaço apertado, certifique-se de que há espaço suficiente para realizar uma manutenção de rotina.

Los hidropónicos: La guia suprema de los hidroponicos para salvar tiempo y dinero

by Adidas Wilson

La palabra hidroponía se originó del latín que simplemente significa "Trabajo con agua". En términos simples, la hidroponía es el arte de cultivar cultivos sin usar suelo. Cuando pensamos en el arte de la hidroponía, imaginamos plantas que crecen con las raíces suspendidas en el agua sin ningún medio. Bueno, esto es cierto, ya que es una forma de jardinería hidropónica que se ha denominado técnica de película de nutrientes o NFT. Al igual que cualquier otra cosa en la que te metas, el primer objetivo es lograr un plan. Tendrá que considerar el espacio que tienes disponible para el cultivo. Si está planificando la jardinería en espacios cerrados, asegúrese de que haya suficiente espacio para realizar el mantenimiento de rutina.

Idroponica: la guida definitiva di idroponica per risparmiare tempo e denaro

by Adidas Wilson

La parola idroponica ha origine dal latino che significa semplicemente “acqua di lavoro”. In parole povere, l'idroponica è l'arte di coltivare colture senza usare il suolo. Quando pensiamo subito all'arte dell'idroponica, immaginiamo piante che crescono con le radici sospese nell'acqua senza avere alcun mezzo. Beh, questo è vero, in quanto è una forma di giardinaggio idroponico che è stata definita tecnica del film nutritivo o NFT. Proprio come qualsiasi cosa che si inizia, il primo obiettivo da raggiungere è avere un piano. Dovrai considerare lo spazio che hai a disposizione per il giardinaggio. Se stai pianificando di coltivare il tuo giardinaggio al chiuso in uno spazio ristretto, assicurati che ci sia spazio sufficiente per eseguire la manutenzione ordinaria.

LA Alquimia De Los Aceites Esenciales: Un Libro Completo De Aceites Esennciales Y Aromaterapia

by Adidas Wilson

Un excelente manual sobre el uso apropiado de los aceites esenciales y los beneficios de la aromaterapia en el hogar!

L’alchimia Degli Oli Essenziali: Un libro esaustivo sugli oli essenziali e l’aromaterapia

by Adidas Wilson

L’ALCHIMIA DEGLI OLI ESSENZIALI Un libro esaustivo sugli oli essenziali e l’aromaterapia di Adidas Wilson La qualità degli oli essenziali (OE) è variabile e, che si sia un aromaterapeuta o un consumatore, valutarla non è semplice. Questi oli vengono prodotti in tutto il mondo e le aziende o i negozianti li ottengono da grossisti o agricoltori di cui conoscono bene la serietà e le procedure. Il consumatore finale non è a conoscenza di tali aspetti e non è in grado di verificarli. Indice Introduzione 1. Cos’è l’aromaterapia? 2. Oli essenziali 3. Oli vettore 4. Diffusori per oli essenziali/diffusori per aromaterapia 5. Benefici dell’olio di eucalipto 6. Benefici dell’aromaterapia 7. Oli essenziali per alleviare il dolore e l’infiammazione 8. Oli essenziali per l’eczema 9. Olio essenziale di canapa 10. Olio essenziale di origano 11. Olio essenziale di citronella 12. Oli essenziali per contrastare le rughe in modo naturale 13. Oli per il trattamento dell’acne 14. Olio essenziale di menta piperita per la crescita dei capelli 15. Oli essenziali per ridurre l’insonnia 16. Ricette per miscele di oli essenziali per il diffusore 17. Oli essenziali per la menopausa 18. Oli essenziali per il trattamento della cellulite 19. Oli essenziali per il trattamento delle verruche 20. Oli essenziali per eliminare la forfora 21. Oli essenziali di agrumi 22. Oli essenziali contro i pidocchi 23. Oli essenziali per alleviare la bronchite 24. Oli essenziali per il trattamento dell’herpes zoster 25. Oli essenziali per le emorroidi 26. Oli essenziali per l’ansia, lo stress e la depressione 27. Oli essenziali per la sinusite 28. Oli essenziali per il raffreddore e la faringite 29. Olio essenziale di lavanda<br/

L'alchimie des herbes: guérir les herbes pour les connaître, les cultiver et les utiliser

by Adidas Wilson

Certaines herbes peuvent pousser exceptionnellement bien à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur, dans des conteneurs ou au sol. Tout se résume à ce que vous voulez faire. Les graines sont assez bon marché mais prennent plus de temps et nécessitent plus de ressources pour pousser mais ne sont disponibles qu'au printemps et en été. 52 chapitres et références sont inclus dans ce livre.

L'Alchimie des Huiles Essentielles: Le Livre Complet des Huiles Essentielles et de L'Aromathérapie

by Adidas Wilson

Les huiles essentielles sont de qualité variable. Que vous soyez aromathérapeute ou consommateur, évaluer la qualité des huiles essentielles (HE) n'est pas chose facile. L'alchimie des huiles essentielles: un livre complet d'huiles essentielles et d'aromathérapie Les huiles essentielles sont de qualité variable. Que vous soyez aromathérapeute ou consommateur, évaluer la qualité des huiles essentielles (OE) n'est pas chose facile. Elles proviennent du monde entier et des entreprises ou des fournisseurs les obtiennent auprès de grossistes ou d'agriculteurs dont ils ont appris à faire confiance à l'intégrité et aux pratiques. Le consommateur final n'a aucune idée et ne peut pas évaluer ces pratiques et relations.

Your Green Home: A Guide to Planning a Healthy, Environmentally Friendly, New Home (Mother Earth News Books for Wiser Living)

by Alex Wilson

More and more homeowners today want houses that are healthy to live in and cause minimal damage to the environment. That's what green building is all about.Your Green Home is written for homeowners planning a new home--whether you are working with an architect or builder, or serving as your own general contractor. Intended to improve the overall environmental performance of new houses being built, the book sets out to answer some of the big-picture questions relating to having a home designed and built--and getting what you want.Your Green Home covers: * Home location and its relationship to the community * Site design * Construction systems * Building design to optimize energy performance * Renewable energy systems * Material selection * Indoor environmental quality * Water efficiency * Material selectionWritten by the founder of BuildingGreen--North America's premier green building authority--this book will prove useful not only to future homeowners, but also to designers and builders seeking to meet this demand. Building professionals well-versed in green building may find this a useful book to give to potential clients to convey the scope and principles of green building.Alex Wilson is president of BuildingGreen, Inc. and executive editor of Environmental Building News, the oldest and most respected publication serving North America's green building industry. A green building expert since the 1970s, he has authored countless articles on the topic and several books, including Green Building Products, the Consumer Guide to Home Energy Savings, and Green Development: Integrating Ecology and Real Estate.

Digital Participatory Planning: Citizen Engagement, Democracy, and Design (RTPI Library Series)

by Alexander Wilson Mark Tewdwr-Jones

Digital Participatory Planning outlines developments in the field of digital planning and designs and trials a range of technologies, from the use of apps and digital gaming through to social media, to examine how accessible and effective these new methods are. It critically discusses urban planning, democracy, and computing technology literature, and sets out case studies on design and deployment. It assesses whether digital technology offers an opportunity for the public to engage with urban change, to enhance public understanding and the quality of citizen participation, and to improve the proactive possibilities of urban planning more generally. The authors present an exciting alternative story of citizen engagement in urban planning through the reimagination of participation that will be of interest to students, researchers, and professionals engaged with a digital future for people and planning.

Contemporary Color in the Landscape: Top Designers, Inspiring Ideas, New Combinations

by Andrew Wilson

Color is the first and most important design choice a garden designer makes. Over the past decade, landscape architects and garden designers have moved away from the more sedate shades commonly found in traditional gardens and have used plants and hardscape to experiment with explosions of color. From the layered and textural colors of Piet Oudolf to the high contrast colors of Tom Stuart Smith, this increased focus on color is a trademark of today’s leading designers. Contemporary Color in the Landscape explores the whole spectrum of color: how we perceive and respond to color, how to design with color, how to manipulate contrast and create intensity with saturation, how to maximize impact by minimizing color, how to find your own personal color combinations, and how color is viewed in nature. In gorgeous, color-drenched photos Andrew Wilson showcases the work of leading garden designers as inspiring examples of the way color is used. Innovative gardens from all over the world help the reader visualize the core color lessons throughout the book. Supported by more than 300 stunning photographs, Contemporary Color in the Landscape integrates cutting-edge designers, their landscapes, color theory, new design ideas, and gorgeous photography into one inspirational, instructional, and must-have guide for design professionals.

RHS Small Garden Handbook: Making the most of your outdoor space (Royal Horticultural Society Handbooks)

by Andrew Wilson

'RHS Small Garden[s] the process of planning, planting and maintaining an outdoor space that will lift your heart every time you step outside.' - The Independent 'Clear and practical principles of design' - BBC Gardens IllustratedA garden offers invaluable space for relaxing entertaining, and, above all, enjoying the huge pleasure of growing your own flowers, shrubs, trees, and crops. However, a small garden can present challenges to even the most experience gardener: it may be overlooked, which can impact upon your privacy; there may be more shade than you would like; and it may not be immediately obvious how to create a space that is both multifunctional and beautiful. RHS Small Garden Handbook provides an all-in-one guide for small space gardeners and draws on the experience in growing, planting, landscaping and design for which the RHS is world famous. It begins by explaining how to assess your plot so that you are aware of the soil, orientation, microclimate, existing materials and proportions that you have to work with, before revealing the principles of good design. Showing how your decisions on layout, colour and texture will affect the finished design and what tricks can be played to create a greater sense of space - with everything from expert design advice on boundaries, hedges and fences to clever ideas for containers and storage - every gardener will gain confidence in creating a garden to enjoy no matter how big the plot. Each of the nine chapters includes 15 ways to make instant improvements and a real-life case study to inspire change. All the gardens featured in the book's 300 photographs are accessible, achievable and truly inspirational.Contents Includes...BasicsDesign StylesMaterialsBoundariesStructuresWater PlantingUpkeep... and much much more!

RHS Small Garden Handbook: Making the most of your outdoor space (Royal Horticultural Society Handbooks Ser.)

by Andrew Wilson

'RHS Small Garden[s] the process of planning, planting and maintaining an outdoor space that will lift your heart every time you step outside.' - The Independent 'Clear and practical principles of design' - BBC Gardens IllustratedA garden offers invaluable space for relaxing entertaining, and, above all, enjoying the huge pleasure of growing your own flowers, shrubs, trees, and crops. However, a small garden can present challenges to even the most experience gardener: it may be overlooked, which can impact upon your privacy; there may be more shade than you would like; and it may not be immediately obvious how to create a space that is both multifunctional and beautiful. RHS Small Garden Handbook provides an all-in-one guide for small space gardeners and draws on the experience in growing, planting, landscaping and design for which the RHS is world famous. It begins by explaining how to assess your plot so that you are aware of the soil, orientation, microclimate, existing materials and proportions that you have to work with, before revealing the principles of good design. Showing how your decisions on layout, colour and texture will affect the finished design and what tricks can be played to create a greater sense of space - with everything from expert design advice on boundaries, hedges and fences to clever ideas for containers and storage - every gardener will gain confidence in creating a garden to enjoy no matter how big the plot. Each of the nine chapters includes 15 ways to make instant improvements and a real-life case study to inspire change. All the gardens featured in the book's 300 photographs are accessible, achievable and truly inspirational.Contents Includes...BasicsDesign StylesMaterialsBoundariesStructuresWater PlantingUpkeep... and much much more!

Resilience for All: Striving for Equity Through Community-Driven Design

by Barbara Brown Wilson

In the United States, people of color are disproportionally more likely to live in environments with poor air quality, in closeproximity to toxic waste, and in locations more vulnerable to climate change and extreme weather events.In many vulnerable neighborhoods, structural racism and classism prevent residents from having a seat at the table when decisions are made about their community. In an effort to overcome power imbalances and ensure local knowledgeinforms decision-making, a new approach to community engagement is essential.In Resilience for All, Barbara Brown Wilson looks at less conventional, but often more effective methods to makecommunities more resilient. She takes an in-depth look at what equitable, positive change through community-drivendesign looks like in four communities—East Biloxi, Mississippi; the Lower East Side of Manhattan; the Denbyneighborhood in Detroit, Michigan; and the Cully neighborhood in Portland, Oregon. These vulnerable communities haveprevailed in spite of serious urban stressors such as climate change, gentrification, and disinvestment. Wilson looks at how the lessons in the case studies and other examples might more broadly inform future practice. She shows how community-driven design projects in underserved neighborhoods can not only change the built world, but also provide opportunities for residents to build their own capacities.

Preserving: Jams, Jellies, Pickles and More (Self-Sufficiency)

by Carol Wilson

&“This is a handy book to keep in your cupboard for Autumn harvest and the excess fruit and vegetables that come your way.&” (The Rural) Preserving fruits and vegetables is a great way to turn home-grown or local produce into delicious treats that can be enjoyed all year round. There are several different preserving methods and all give delicious results. Jams, jellies, fruit butters and curds, bottled fruits, chutneys, pickles and salted vegetables are all practical and economical ways to preserve seasonal produce. And you don&’t need a load of kitchen gadgets and equipment to get started: a heavy-based pan, funnel, sugar thermometer and a selection of glass storage jars are all you need! Ingredients listings, popular fruits and vegetables, sugars and cooking techniques are all explained, along with storage information and helpful hints and tips. This, along with the sixty delicious recipes that follow, make this book your one-stop guide to successful preserving. &“If you hanker after a slice of the good life, like to know the provenance of your food or simply want to be thrifty, this . . . is an excellent place to start.&” —Food and Travel &“A comprehensive look at all aspects of turning home-grown produce into delicious treats.&” —Country Kitchen &“A little gem of a book.&” —Highland Life

Live Happy: The Best Ways to Make Your House a Home

by Dave Wilson Kortney Wilson

From the beloved couple behind Masters of Flip, a warm and inviting guide to making wherever you are feel like homeHome isn’t just a place to sleep and eat. It’s a haven—a place of refuge from the world, of connection with the people (and pets) you hold most dear, of celebration of life’s biggest moments and of recuperation from the exhaustion of the day. Kortney and Dave Wilson have built their careers and a beloved HGTV show, Masters of Flip, around creating houses that people instantly recognize as home. They build colour, joy and family into the design of every house they flip in Nashville, Tennessee, because those priorities are what shape their lives. Live Happy offers hundreds of fresh, fun ideas for how readers and fans of Masters of Flip can inexpensively and creatively build joy into their lives and their homes. From the reason you should always live close to the ice cream shop to the definitive philosophy for dealing with your junk drawer, it will help you make a new house into a home or inject new life into your forever home. It will go beyond design to personal connections, with stories of how Kortney and Dave found each other, built new dreams together and manage to have a happy marriage (and business!) while raising three amazing children. Full-colour and heavily illustrated, Live Happy will feature over 200 photos drawn from Kortney and Dave’s family and design projects. Think of it as The Wisdom of Sundays meets Domino with a shot of The Magnolia Story. Through it all, Kortney and Dave’s voices will be in hilarious and heartfelt conversation in the way fans have come to know and love on Masters of Flip.

The Bungalow Book: Floor Plans and Photos of 112 Houses, 1910

by Henry L. Wilson

Cozy, charming, and distinctly Californian, the bungalow is an enduring architectural icon. Originally designed to survive earthquakes, the low, rambling structures combined grace, beauty, and comfort at minimum cost.Early in the twentieth century, Los Angeles architect Henry Wilson, who called himself "The Bungalow Man," compiled 112 of the most popular and economic bungalow blueprints of his time in a catalog for would-be homeowners. Complementing each set of prints was an illustration or photograph of the completed house, which most frequently contained two or three bedrooms with closet space, living and dining rooms, a kitchen with pantry, and a bath.An ideal reference for preservationists and restorers, this reprint of Wilson's rare catalog represents a wonderful time capsule and invaluable guide to a popular style of American domestic architecture.

Lizzie Zipmouth

by Jacqueline Wilson

Lizzie refuses to speak. She doesn't want to talk to Rory or Jake, her new stepbrothers. Or to Sam, their dad. Or even to her mum. She's completely fed up with having to join a new family, and nothing can convince her to speak to them. Not football, not pizza, not a new bedroom. That is, until she meets Great-Gran - a member of the new family who is even more stubborn than she is . . .

The Greened House Effect

by Jeff Wilson

With greater public awareness of the need for energy independence, the issue of how we can make our existing homes more resource efficient is becoming ever more critical. Residential buildings make up a large fraction of our energy needs, largely due to heating and air-conditioning. So it's no longer enough to simply do the small stuff, like switching to compact fluorescent bulbs, or turning down the thermostat at night. In The Greened-House Effect, author Jeff Wilson brings his twenty-five years of construction experience and knowledge of home building to bear on making our current houses cleaner, greener, and healthier. Think of a deep-energy retrofit (DER) as a "home makeover" - one that represents a significant investment, but that saves money from the get-go by capturing the energy you "drop on the ground" every month, every year, through inefficiency, poor design, or simply living in a typical older home. Using his own family's DER of their 1942 home as a prime example, Wilson weaves a readable narrative at a practical, hammer-and-nail level. He presents the solutions to our building and energy problems, making them seem possible for average homeowners and small contractors by offering the right set of information, skills, and materials. More technical information is presented in sidebars and graphs, and numerous color photos illustrate the process, including: Testing the energy efficiency of your home and learning where improvements need to be made Issues of local building codes and regulations Financing and paying for a DER Major components of the DER, such as roofs, exterior walls, basements, and home systems Wilson's building experience, along with his lifelong passion for energy issues, all come together to form an inspirational, can-do approach to making our neighborhood, our community, our nation, and our world a better place - one home at a time.

Garden For The Senses: How Your Garden Can Soothe Your Mind and Awaken Your Soul

by Kendra Wilson

Revive your senses and achieve a renowned sense of serenity through gardening.Our five senses — sight, touch, hear, smell and taste — are what connect us with the world around us. It&’s also what distinguishes our humanity in many ways. This inspirational gardening guide is a celebration of these senses and how they rejuvenate our very being through the act of gardening.Find out how this heartening gardening book can show you that by simply being outside you can be grounded and calm. You&’ll learn which plants to grow to nourish both your mental and physical well-being and more: • Separate sections on each of the senses, as they walk the reader through customizing their outdoor space for the best sensory experience. • Inspiring and evocative pull-out quotes and phrases help to heighten the understanding of each sense. • The clear and engaging text explains how each aspect stimulates a particular sense. • Beautiful and atmospheric photography brings the subjects to life. Immersing yourself in nature, whether it is smelling the scent of fresh flowers or strolling through a garden, has been known to be very effective in improving one&’s mood and energy. This enlightening guide walks you through all the different senses so you can tailor your garden to your specific needs and personal preferences. Sensory gardening is for everyone!Be inspired with fresh new ideas on planting and maintaining your garden, which you can put into practice quickly and easily. This guide to gardening shows you how you can improve the sensory enjoyment of your outside space no matter where you live and plot size. Garden For The Senses makes the perfect gift for gardeners, growers, cooks, designers and nature lovers. It is also appealing to those gardeners seeking a more sensory and mindful approach to gardening and who want to understand why being outside is so vital for wellbeing.

Moralising Space: The Utopian Urbanism of the British Positivists, 1855-1920

by Matthew Wilson

Amidst the soot, stink and splendour of Victorian London, a coterie of citizen-sociologists set out to break up the British Empire. They were the followers of the French philosopher Auguste Comte, a controversial figure who introduced the modern science of sociology and the republican Religion of Humanity. Moralising Space examines how from the 1850s Comte’s British followers practised this science and religion with the aim to create a global network of 500 utopian city-states. Curiously the British Positivists’ work has never been the focus of a full-length study on modern sociology and town planning. In this intellectual history, Matthew Wilson shows that through to the interwar period affiliates to the British Positivist Society – Richard Congreve, Frederic Harrison, Charles Booth, Patrick Geddes and Victor Branford – attempted to realise Comte’s vision. With scarcely used source material Wilson presents the Positivists as an organised resistance to imperialism, industrial exploitation, poverty and despondency. Much to the consternation of the church, state and landed aristocracy they organised urban interventions, led ad hoc sociological surveys and published programmes for realising idyllic city-communities. Effectively this book contributes to our understanding of how Positivism, as a utopian spatial design praxis, heavily influenced twentieth-century architecture and planning.

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