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Showing 76 through 100 of 53,525 results

Recoding Gender

by Janet Abbate

Today, women earn a relatively low percentage of computer science degrees and hold proportionately few technical computing jobs. Meanwhile, the stereotype of the male "computer geek" seems to be everywhere in popular culture. Few people know that women were a significant presence in the early decades of computing in both the United States and Britain. Indeed, programming in postwar years was considered woman's work (perhaps in contrast to the more manly task of building the computers themselves). In Recoding Gender, Janet Abbate explores the untold history of women in computer science and programming from the Second World War to the late twentieth century. Demonstrating how gender has shaped the culture of computing, she offers a valuable historical perspective on today's concerns over women's underrepresentation in the field. Abbate describes the experiences of women who worked with the earliest electronic digital computers: Colossus, the wartime codebreaking computer at Bletchley Park outside London, and the American ENIAC, developed to calculate ballistics. She examines postwar methods for recruiting programmers, and the 1960s redefinition of programming as the more masculine "software engineering." She describes the social and business innovations of two early software entrepreneurs, Elsie Shutt and Stephanie Shirley; and she examines the career paths of women in academic computer science. Abbate's account of the bold and creative strategies of women who loved computing work, excelled at it, and forged successful careers will provide inspiration for those working to change gendered computing culture.

Text und Konzeption im Content Marketing: Alle wichtigen Grundlagen für Print, Web, Corporate Blogs und Social Media (essentials)

by Sandro Abbate

In diesem essential erfahren Sie alle wichtigen Grundlagen der Text- und Konzeptentwicklung f#65533;r eine Content-Marketing-Strategie. Der Autor beschreibt die erfolgsentscheidenden Stellschrauben, die Sie beachten m#65533;ssen und in die Sie ausreichend Zeit investieren sollten: von der vorab zu leistenden Denkarbeit, #65533;ber die strukturierte Konzeptentwicklung, bis hin zur optimalen Textarbeit f#65533;r Webtexte. Abgerundet wird dieser Band durch Interviews mit renommierten Experten und Erfolgsbeispielen aus der Praxis.

Special Educational Needs and the Internet: Issues for the Inclusive Classroom

by Chris Abbott

With Internet access for every school now a reality, teachers are beginning to explore the use of the Internet in the education of children with special needs. This book describes its benefits for children across the spectrum of special educational needs, from those with physical disabilities or sensory impairment to those with learning or social difficulties.With contributions from leading practitioners in the field, this book addresses the huge range of possibilities the Internet and associated technology offer for these pupils. Combining current theory and debate with practical guidance and inspiring case studies, this book considers:* how the Internet can be used to gather and publish information* how to communicate effectively through technology* policy and management issues for schools* the continuing challenges for access and inclusion.This book will be of interest to all teachers involved in special education needs, in both mainstream and special schools.

Applied Predictive Analytics

by Dean Abbott

Learn the art and science of predictive analytics -- techniques that get resultsPredictive analytics is what translates big data into meaningful, usable business information. Written by a leading expert in the field, this guide examines the science of the underlying algorithms as well as the principles and best practices that govern the art of predictive analytics. It clearly explains the theory behind predictive analytics, teaches the methods, principles, and techniques for conducting predictive analytics projects, and offers tips and tricks that are essential for successful predictive modeling. Hands-on examples and case studies are included.The ability to successfully apply predictive analytics enables businesses to effectively interpret big data; essential for competition todayThis guide teaches not only the principles of predictive analytics, but also how to apply them to achieve real, pragmatic solutionsExplains methods, principles, and techniques for conducting predictive analytics projects from start to finishIllustrates each technique with hands-on examples and includes as series of in-depth case studies that apply predictive analytics to common business scenariosA companion website provides all the data sets used to generate the examples as well as a free trial version of softwareApplied Predictive Analytics arms data and business analysts and business managers with the tools they need to interpret and capitalize on big data.

The Digital Darkroom: The Definitive Guide to Photo Editing

by James Abbott

Post-production can make the difference between a good image and a great image, not to mention it's an essential process if you shoot in RAW to enjoy the most flexibility and control possible. This book will outline everything you need to know to gain a better understanding of how to apply darkroom style effects to your images using Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo.Through detailed background knowledge designed to make you familiar with the software and to build your confidence, you'll learn a wide range of skills and techniques through step-by-step case studies that will make learning an active experience. Not only will this be a valuable reference resource, it will also be your very own personal tutor giving you everything you need to edit your images like a pro. - Learn the essentials with a complete guide to every tool, filter and effect for both Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo- Get the most out of your RAW files with detailed instructions on processing your digital image- Master basic, intermediate, and advanced editing techniques with easy to follow step-by-step tutorials- Get the best quality images for display with a complete guide to home printing

The Digital Darkroom: The Definitive Guide to Photo Editing

by James Abbott

Post-production can make the difference between a good image and a great image, not to mention it's an essential process if you shoot in RAW to enjoy the most flexibility and control possible. This book will outline everything you need to know to gain a better understanding of how to apply darkroom style effects to your images using Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo.Through detailed background knowledge designed to make you familiar with the software and to build your confidence, you'll learn a wide range of skills and techniques through step-by-step case studies that will make learning an active experience. Not only will this be a valuable reference resource, it will also be your very own personal tutor giving you everything you need to edit your images like a pro. - Learn the essentials with a complete guide to every tool, filter and effect for both Adobe Photoshop and Affinity Photo- Get the most out of your RAW files with detailed instructions on processing your digital image- Master basic, intermediate, and advanced editing techniques with easy to follow step-by-step tutorials- Get the best quality images for display with a complete guide to home printing

Guía No-Oficial de Dragon City

by Josh Abbott Hugo González Bruno

¡Vence a tus oponentes! Con mi guía de juego aprenderás exactamente lo que hay que saber para convertirse en un jugador experto y vencer a tus oponentes. Esta es una guía completa con todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el juego, además de una copia gratuita del juego con esta compra. - ¡Como descargarlo de forma gratuita! - Compatible con iPhone, Android, y PC. - Información general e información básica - Consejos y estrategias profesionales. - Conseguir gemas. - Obtener comida. - Todo sobre torneos. - Todo sobre tipos de edificios. - Cómo hacer toneladas de oro. - Información de crianza de dragones. - Hábitats de dragones. - Instrucciones detalladas fáciles de seguir. - ¡Secretos, Consejos, Trucos, Desbloqueables, además de trucos usados por los jugadores profesionales! - ¡Y mucho más! ¡Comprala ahora y aplasta a tus oponentes! ¡Conviértete en un jugador profesional ahora! Por favor, ten en cuenta: Este producto no está asociado, afiliado, respaldado o patrocinado por Social Point, ni tampoco ha sido revisado, probado o certificado por ellos. Esta guía está para ser utilizada como una referencia y, como tal, no modifica el juego de ninguna manera. Esta es una guía completa y no un programa de Software.

The Simpsons Tapped Out - Guida non ufficiale

by Joshua Abbott

Costruisci la città definitiva e ottieni un sacco di denaro! Con la guida de I Simpson™ Springfield imparerai esattamente quello che ti serve sapere per diventare un giocatore esperto ed ottenere denaro e ciambelle illimitate. Questa è una guida completa con tutto ciò che ti serve sapere riguardo al gioco ed in più sarai in grado di scaricarne una copia gratuita con questo acquisto. - Come scaricare I Simpson™ Springfield gratis - Supporto per iPhone ed Android - Panoramica ed informazioni generali - Spiegazione dettagliata per strategie avanzate - Contante illimitato - Ciambelle illimitate - Come aumentare di livello in fretta - Come ottenere ciambelle gratis - Localizzazioni e i loro codici postali - Modalità di gioco e conquiste - Istruzioni facili e dettagliate - Segreti, suggerimenti e trucchi usati dai giocatori pro - E molto altro Acquista adesso e non finirai mai più i soldi o le ciambelle, Diventa un giocatore top oggi! Disclaimer: Il prodotto non è associato, affiliato, appossiato o sponsorizzato da EA Games. Né è stato revisionato, testato o certificato da EA Games. Questa guida è da usarsi come rferimento e come tale non modifica il gioco in alcun modo. Questa è una guida scritta e non un software.

8 Ball Pool: guía no oficial

by Joshua Abbott Mario Antuña

GUÍA NO OFICIAL Guía de consejos y estrategias. Este título contiene la guía más detallada de internet, todo explicado de manera sencilla y entendible. Disponible para descarga instantánea a tu teléfono móvil, dispositivo eBook o en papel. Con el éxito de mis cientos de otras guías, he escrito una nueva incluyendo consejos profesionales, excelentes tanto para jugadores principiantes como para avanzados. Esta guía incluye consejos, estrategias y tácticas específicas para ayudarte a progresar más rápidamente, vencer a tus oponentes, ganar más dinero ¡y mucho más! *- Consejos y estrategias profesionales *- Trampas *- ¡Secretos, trucos y estrategias usadas por jugadores profesionales! *- Cómo obtener millones de billetes y monedas *- Y MUCHO MÁS Todas las versiones de esta guía incluyen capturas que te ayudarán a entender mejor cada parte de la misma. No hay ninguna otra guía más comprensible y completa que esta en internet. Renuncia a derechos Este producto no está relacionado, afiliado, patrocinado o certificado de ninguna forma por el poseedor de los derechos de autor.

Plants vs Zombies 2 Guía del juego

by Joshua Abbott Enrique Manuel Ceretti

Plants versus Zombies 2 es un juego de computadora de defensa de torre creado y publicado por PopCap Games. En Plants vs Zombies 2, los jugadores colocan diferentes tipos de formas de vida vegetal que tienen destrezas singulares cerca de una casa para evitar que un grupo de zombies lleguen la casa de los residentes. ¿Está cansado de ser un jugador novato o mediocre de Plants Versus Zombies 2? ¿Le gustaría aprender a obtener sol ilimitado? ¿Qué le parecería superar TODOS los niveles RÁPIDAMENTE? ¿O qué tal jugar el juego GRATIS? Con mi Guía definitiva para Plants Vs Zombies 2 aprenderá exactamente qué necesita saber para convertirse en un jugador experto y ganar todos los niveles. Esta es una guía completa con todo lo que debe saber sobre el juego y ADEMÁS también podrá obtener su copia gratuita del juego con esta compra.. - Vistazo general e información básica. - Estrategias avanzadas. - Un vistazo detallado de todos los tipos de plantas y zombies. - Instrucciones detalladas y fáciles de seguir. - ¡Secretos, consejos, desbloqueables y trucos que usan los jugadores expertos! - Capturas de pantalla vívidas. - ¡Y MUCHO MÁS! ¡Compre ahora y nunca se quede atascado intentando ganar un nivel otra vez! ¡Conviértase en un experto hoy! Exención de responsabilidad: Este producto no está asociado, afiliado, aprobado o patrocinado por PopCap o Electronic Arts Inc., ni ha sido revisado, probado o certificado por ninguno de los dos. Esta guía es para usarse como referencia y como tal, no modifica el juego de manera alguna. Esta es una guía escrita y no un software.

Guia do Jogo 8 Ball Pool

by Joshua Abbott Márcia de Medeiros Souza

*GUIA NÃO OFICIAL* Dicas avançadas e guia de estratégia. Esta é o guia com mais informações e o mais detalhado que encontrará online. Disponível para download instantâneo em seu telefone, eBook ou em paperback. Com o sucesso de centenas de outros guias online e estratégias, escrevi este guia profissional avançado para novatos e veteranos. Ele mostra estratégias específicas e dicas de como progredir no jogo, vencer seus oponentes, ganhar moedas e dinheiro e muito mais! - Dicas e estratégias profissionais. - Hacheio o jogo. - Dicas secretas, hacks, desbloqueios e truques usados pelos jogadores Pro! - Como conseguir toneladas do dinheiro/moedas. - E MUITO MAIS! Todas as versões deste guia têm prints de tela que lhe ajudarão a entender o jogo. Não há nenhum outro guia tão detalhado e com mais informações.

Star Wars A Rebelião Guerra nas Estrelas

by Joshua Abbott Márcia de Medeiros Souza

Vença os seus inimigos! Dicas avançadas e guiade estratégia. Esta é o guia com mais informações e o mais detalhado que encontrará online. Disponível para o download imediato em seu telefone, eBook, ou paperback. Com o sucesso de centenas de outros guias online e estratégias, escrevi este guia profissional avançado para novatos e veteranos. Isto dá estratégias específicas e derruba-as em como progredir no jogo, bate-as seus oponentes, adquire-as mais moedas e moeda corrente, mais muito mais! Aqui está o que você receberá comprando esse guia detalhado, avançado e profissional - Dicas profissionais e estratégias. - Burlar e hackear o jogo. - Segredos, dicas, hacks, desbloqueios, e truques usados pelos jogadores Pro! - Controles básicos. - Visão geral das habilidades. - Visão geral das dificuldades. - Equipamentos e itens. - Upgrades. - Missões de grupo - Viajando pela galáxia - Como conseguir muito Crômium - Como salvar e vender itens - Estratégias de Facebook e de Wiki online. - E MUITO MAIS! Todas as versões deste guia têm prints de tela para lhe ajudar a entender melhor o jogo. Não há nenhum outro guia tão detalhado e com mais informações. Se você estiver procurando as guias de outros jogos populares, procure por ebooks de Josh Abbott ou HiddenStuff Entertainment. Você ficará satisfeito com a compra deste guia. Ele possui muito mais informações que os outros guias encontrados por aí. Compre agora e destrua seus inimigos! Torna-se um jogador Pro hoje mesmo!

Guía no Oficial Descargable para Hacks, Mods, Apk, Wiki del Juego Family Guy en Busca de Cosas

by Joshua Abbott Roberto Vega Maury

Breve guía descargable con trucos y estrategías para obtener un gran dominio del juego Family Guy: en busca de cosas.

Pet Rescue Saga Guia

by Joshua Abbott Bianca Regina Paganini

Este Guia ajudará os jogadores do jogo Pet Rescue Saga a aprender hacks para aproveitarem o jogo ainda mais. Nele há dicas sobre os boosters e hacks sobre eles e sobre vidas ilimitadas. Também apresenta links de vídeo de cada nível do jogo para ajudar ainda mais os jogadores. Com certeza quem gosta de Pet Rescue Saga não pode deixar de ter este Guia.

Clash of Clans Spielführer

by Joshua Abbott Sabrina Schalz

Introduction Führe deinen Clan zum Sieg! Clash of Clans ist ein episches Kampf-Strategiespiel. Baue deine Stadt, trainiere deine Truppen und kämpfe mit tausenden von anderen Spielern online! Dieses Spiel von Supercell ist eins der beliebtesten Strategiespieleapps 2013. Im folgenden Buch haben wir die effektivsten Strategien, um deine Gegner zu besiegen und so gut zu spielen wie die Pros, aufgelistet!

Robust Cloud Integration with Azure

by Martin Abbott Mahindra Morar James Corbould Gyanendra Kumar Gautam Abhishek Kumar

Unleash the power of serverless integration with Azure About This Book • Build and support highly available and scalable API Apps by learning powerful Azure-based cloud integration • Deploy and deliver applications that integrate seamlessly in the cloud and quickly adapt as per your integration needs • Deploy hybrid applications that work and integrate on the cloud (using Logic Apps and BizTalk Server) Who This Book Is For This book is for Microsoft Enterprise developers, DevOps, and IT professionals who would like to use Azure App Service and Microsoft Cloud Integration technologies to create cloud-based web and mobile apps. What You Will Learn • Explore new models of robust cloud integration in Microsoft Azure • Create your own connector and learn how to publish and manage it • Build reliable, scalable, and secure business workflows using Azure Logic Apps • Simplify SaaS connectivity with Azure using Logic Apps • Connect your on-premises system to Azure securely • Get to know more about Logic Apps and how to connect to on-premises “line-of-business” applications using Microsoft BizTalk Server In Detail Microsoft is focusing heavily on Enterprise connectivity so that developers can build scalable web and mobile apps and services in the cloud. In short, Enterprise connectivity from anywhere and to any device. These integration services are being offered through powerful Azure-based services. This book will teach you how to design and implement cloud integration using Microsoft Azure. It starts by showing you how to build, deploy, and secure the API app. Next, it introduces you to Logic Apps and helps you quickly start building your integration applications. We'll then go through the different connectors available for Logic Apps to build your automated business process workflow. Further on, you will see how to create a complex workflow in Logic Apps using Azure Function. You will then add a SaaS application to your existing cloud applications and create Queues and Topics in Service Bus on Azure using Azure Portal. Towards the end, we'll explore event hubs and IoT hubs, and you'll get to know more about how to tool and monitor the business workflow in Logic Apps. Using this book, you will be able to support your apps that connect to data anywhere—be it in the cloud or on-premises. Style and approach This practical hands-on tutorial shows you the full capability of App Service and other Azure-based integration services to build scalable and highly available web and mobile apps. It helps you successfully build and support your applications in the cloud or on-premises successfully. We'll debunk the popular myth that switching to cloud is risky—it's not!

Learning Drupal 8

by Nick Abbott Richard Jones

If you want to learn to use Drupal 8 for the first time, or you are transitioning over from a previous version of Drupal, this is the book for you. No knowledge of PHP, MySQL, or HTML is assumed or required

Collaboration, Learning and Innovation Across Outsourced Services Value Networks: Software Services Outsourcing in China (SpringerBriefs in Digital Spaces)

by Pamela Abbott Yingqin Zheng Rong Du

This book collects and reports on the results of a study conducted on the Chinese Software and Services Outsourcing (SSO) industry, focusing on one of its main players as a key case study. Two sets of research findings are presented: first, the knowledge management and communication processes inherent within a highly collaborative software development project between the case study company and one of its long-term UK clients are explored and distilled into specific practices; second, at the organizational level, the strategies used by the company to build and exploit capabilities and to dynamically configure resources to promote specific value positions along its outsourced services value networks are identified and discussed. The significance of these findings for similar China-based global high-tech firms and the value of this organizational form in moving closer to the goals of the 2020 enterprise vision are both discussed, along with the implications of the findings for EU/UK businesses operating in similar digital domains.

Hands-On TypeScript for C# and .NET Core Developers: Transition from C# to TypeScript 3.1 and build applications with ASP.NET Core 2

by Francesco Abbruzzese

Discover how TypeScript allows you to build modern client-rich applications, thanks to its object-oriented capabilities and third-party tools like Angular and Web APIsKey FeaturesMake a seamless transition to using TypeScript 3.1 in your development stackWork with TypeScript 3.1 in your ASP.NET Core projects to build rich applications that are easy to maintainBuild, test, and integrate your own TypeScript library in real-world projectsBook DescriptionWriting clean, object-oriented code in JavaScript gets trickier and complex as the size of the project grows. This is where Typescript comes into the picture; it lets you write pure object-oriented code with ease, giving it the upper hand over JavaScript. This book introduces you to basic TypeScript concepts by gradually modifying standard JavaScript code, which makes learning TypeScript easy for C# ASP.NET developers.As you progress through the chapters, you'll cover object programming concepts, such as classes, interfaces, and generics, and understand how they are related to, and similar in, both ES6 and C#. You will also learn how to use bundlers like WebPack to package your code and other resources. The book explains all concepts using practical examples of ASP.NET Core projects, and reusable TypeScript libraries. Finally, you'll explore the features that TypeScript inherits from either ES6 or C#, or both of them, such as Symbols, Iterables, Promises, and Decorators.By the end of the book, you'll be able to apply all TypeScript concepts to understand the Angular framework better, and you'll have become comfortable with the way in which modules, components, and services are defined and used in Angular. You'll also have gained a good understanding of all the features included in the Angular/ASP.NET Core Visual Studio project template.What you will learnOrganize, test, and package large TypeScript code baseAdd TypeScript to projects using TypeScript declaration filesPerform DOM manipulation with TypeScriptDevelop Angular projects with the Visual Studio Angular project templateDefine and use inheritance, abstract classes, and methodsLeverage TypeScript-type compatibility rulesUse WebPack to bundle JavaScript and other resources such as CSS to improve performanceBuild custom directives and attributes, and learn about animationsWho this book is forIf you’re a C# or .NET developer looking for an easy accessible way of learning TypeScript, this book is for you.

Hands-On Software Architecture with C# 8 and .NET Core 3: Architecting software solutions using microservices, DevOps, and design patterns for Azure Cloud

by Francesco Abbruzzese Gabriel Baptista

Design scalable and high-performance enterprise applications using the latest features of C# 8 and .NET Core 3 Key Features Become a software architect capable of creating modular apps for specific business needs Design high-performance software systems using the latest features of C# 8 and .NET Core 3 Solve scalability problems in web apps using enterprise architectural patterns Book Description Software architecture is the practice of implementing structures and systems that streamline the software development process and improve the quality of an app. With this software architecture book, you'll follow a hands-on approach to learning various architectural methods that will help you develop and deliver high-quality products. You'll begin by understanding how to transform user requirements into architectural needs and exploring the differences between functional and non-functional requirements. Next, you'll explore how to carefully choose a cloud solution for your infrastructure, along with covering dos and don'ts that will help you manage your app in a cloud-based environment. Later chapters will cover techniques and processes such as DevOps, microservices, and continuous integration, along with providing insights into implementing them using Microsoft technologies such as ASP.NET Core, the Entity Framework, Cosmos DB, and Azure DevOps. You will also learn about testing frameworks and automation tools that will help you through the development process. Finally, you'll discover design patterns and various software approaches that will allow you to solve common problems faced during development. By the end of this book, you'll be able to develop and deliver highly scalable enterprise-ready apps that meet customers' business needs. What you will learn Overcome real-world architectural challenges and solve design consideration issues Apply architectural approaches like Layered Architecture, service-oriented architecture (SOA), and microservices Learn to use tools like containers, Docker, and Kubernetes to manage microservices Get up to speed with Azure Cosmos DB for delivering multi-continental solutions Learn how to program and maintain Azure Functions using C# Understand when to use test-driven development (TDD) as an approach for software development Write automated functional test cases for your projects Who this book is for This book is for engineers and senior developers aspiring to become architects or looking to build enterprise applications with the .NET Stack. Experience with C# and .NET is required to understand this book.

Software Architecture with C# 10 and .NET 6: Develop software solutions using microservices, DevOps, EF Core, and design patterns for Azure, 3rd Edition

by Francesco Abbruzzese Gabriel Baptista

Design scalable and high-performance enterprise applications using the latest features of C# 10 and .NET 6Key FeaturesGain comprehensive software architecture knowledge and the skillset to create fully modular appsSolve scalability problems in web apps using enterprise architecture patternsMaster new developments in front-end architecture and the application of AI for software architectsBook DescriptionSoftware architecture is the practice of implementing structures and systems that streamline the software development process and improve the quality of an app. This fully revised and expanded third edition, featuring the latest features of .NET 6 and C# 10, enables you to acquire the key skills, knowledge, and best practices required to become an effective software architect. Software Architecture with C# 10 and .NET 6, Third Edition features new chapters that describe the importance of the software architect, microservices with ASP.NET Core, and analyzing the architectural aspects of the front-end in the applications, including the new approach of .NET MAUI. It also includes a new chapter focused on providing a short introduction to artificial intelligence and machine learning using ML.NET, and updated chapters on Azure Kubernetes Service, EF Core, and Blazor. You will begin by understanding how to transform user requirements into architectural needs and exploring the differences between functional and non-functional requirements. Next, you will explore how to choose a cloud solution for your infrastructure, taking into account the factors that will help you manage a cloud-based app successfully. Finally, you will analyze and implement software design patterns that will allow you to solve common development problems. By the end of this book, you will be able to build and deliver highly scalable enterprise-ready apps that meet your business requirements.What you will learnUse proven techniques to overcome real-world architectural challengesApply architectural approaches such as layered architectureLeverage tools such as containers to manage microservices effectivelyGet up to speed with Azure features for delivering global solutionsProgram and maintain Azure Functions using C# 10Understand when it is best to use test-driven development (TDD)Implement microservices with ASP.NET Core in modern architecturesEnrich your application with Artificial IntelligenceGet the best of DevOps principles to enable CI/CD environmentsWho this book is forThis book is for engineers and senior software developers aspiring to become architects or looking to build enterprise applications with the .NET Stack. Basic familiarity with C# and .NET is required to get the most out of this book.

Cybersecurity Management in Education Technologies: Risks and Countermeasures for Advancements in E-learning

by Abd El-Latif, Ahmed A.

This book explores the intersection of cybersecurity and education technologies, providing practical solutions, detection techniques, and mitigation strategies to ensure a secure and protected learning environment in the face of evolving cyber threats. With a wide range of contributors covering topics from immersive learning to phishing detection, this book is a valuable resource for professionals, researchers, educators, students, and policymakers interested in the future of cybersecurity in education. Features: • Offers both theoretical foundations and practical guidance for fostering a secure and protected environment for educational advancements in the digital age. • Addresses the need for cybersecurity in education in the context of worldwide changes in education sources and advancements in technology. • Highlights the significance of integrating cybersecurity into educational practices and protecting sensitive information to ensure students’ performance prediction systems are not misused. • Covers a wide range of topics including immersive learning, cybersecurity education, and malware detection, making it a valuable resource for professionals, researchers, educators, students, and policymakers.

Untangle Network Security

by Abd El-Monem El-Bawab

If you are a security engineer or a system administrator and want to secure your server infrastructure with the feature-rich Untangle, this book is for you. For individuals who want to start their career in the network security field, this book would serve as a perfect companion to learn the basics of network security and how to implement it using Untangle NGFW.

Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2018: 21st Iacr International Conference On Practice And Theory Of Public-key Cryptography, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, March 25-29, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10770)

by Michel Abdalla Ricardo Dahab

The two-volume set LNCS 10769 and 10770 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st IACR International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, PKC 2018, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in March 2018. The 49 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 186 submissions. They are organized in topical sections such as Key-Dependent-Message and Selective-Opening Security; Searchable and Fully Homomorphic Encryption; Public-Key Encryption; Encryption with Bad Randomness; Subversion Resistance; Cryptanalysis; Composable Security; Oblivious Transfer; Multiparty Computation; Signatures; Structure-Preserving Signatures; Functional Encryption; Foundations; Obfuscation-Based Cryptographic Constructions; Protocols; Blockchain; Zero-Knowledge; Lattices.

Public-Key Cryptography – PKC 2018: 21st Iacr International Conference On Practice And Theory Of Public-key Cryptography, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, March 25-29, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10770)

by Michel Abdalla Ricardo Dahab

The two-volume set LNCS 10769 and 10770 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st IACR International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography, PKC 2018, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in March 2018. The 49 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 186 submissions. They are organized in topical sections such as Key-Dependent-Message and Selective-Opening Security; Searchable and Fully Homomorphic Encryption; Public-Key Encryption; Encryption with Bad Randomness; Subversion Resistance; Cryptanalysis; Composable Security; Oblivious Transfer; Multiparty Computation; Signatures; Structure-Preserving Signatures; Functional Encryption; Foundations; Obfuscation-Based Cryptographic Constructions; Protocols; Blockchain; Zero-Knowledge; Lattices.

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