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Sussurros do Além

by Joseph Mulak

Um estudante universitário que faz uma tese sobre o medo leva a sua pesquisa longe de mais... Um homem descobre que é o próximo na fila para ser a Ceifeira, mas não quer desistir da sua vida... Um anjo força um homem a reviver a pior recordação da sua vida... Um ex-nazi escondido no Canadá é assombrado por mais do que apenas o seu passado... Um casal assombrado por um ato indescritível cometido com a melhor das intenções, com consequências terríveis... Pessoas assombradas por sussurros do passado tentam esquecer e seguir em frente. Mas, por mais que tentem, por mais que tentem fugir, ele aguarda-os. E justamente quando eles pensam que estão seguros, os sussurros começam de novo...


by Phil Price

Sucede todos los años. Unos pocos seleccionados desaparecen, para nunca volver. Desde las Islas Malvinas hasta el Himalaya, desde Puerto Rico hasta Inglaterra, la gente desaparece sin dejar rastro ni explicación. Un joven que ha perdido todo tropieza con un antiguo secreto. ¿Puede descubrir el misterio? ¿Encontrará a los que lo necesitan? ... ¿Puede escapar de lo Desconocido?

Dracula und die Demeter: Wasser und Blut

by Doug Lamoreux

In seinem Klassiker "Dracula" gab Bram Stoker mit einigen kryptischen Einträgen in einem namenlosen Kapitänsjournal Hinweise auf die Reise, die den Vampirkönig aus seiner Heimat in das blutreiche London führte. Nun wird die ganze atemberaubende Geschichte erzählt. Juli 1897. Die Demeter sticht von Varna aus in See, mit fünfzig länglichen Kisten voller Erde. Einen Monat später, mitten in einem wütenden Sturm, läuft der heruntergekommene Schoner in Whitby auf Grund. Das einzige Lebewesen an Bord ist ein riesiger Hund, der in der Nacht verschwindet. Begleiten Sie Doug Lamoreux, Rondo-Preis-Nominierter 2010 und Autor von The Devil's Bed, für ein mitreißendes Meeresabenteuer, für Romantik und für Terror. Kommen Sie an Bord von Draculas Demeter.

Sussurros dos Mortos (Um Suspense de Zoë Delante - Livro 1 #1)

by C.L. Roberts-Huth

Não há descanso para o Wiccan. VENCEDOR: Pinnacle Book Achievement Award - Melhor Suspense Paranormal A caçada a um assassino se desenrola, deixando Zoë no meio de uma luta pelo poder entre o pesadelo de um clã e um serial killer deixando corpos em círculos cerimoniais nas áreas rurais dos limites da cidade de Baltimore. Uma corrida contra corpos celestes e a trilha de partes do corpo ligadas à terra mantêm nosso intrépido clarividente correndo até o fim. "Há um pouco de mistério, um pouco de romance e muito suspense e magia. Recomendado se você gosta de um conto paranormal repleto de ação." ~ IndieHeart "Se você gosta de drama criminal com uma reviravolta, então esta é uma leitura obrigatória!" ~ Kristin Marie, Autor EVOLVED PUBLISHING APRESENTA um olhar emocionante e emocionante dentro da extraordinária conexão de uma mulher com os elementos ao seu redor, no primeiro da série “Zoë Delante Thrillers”, paranormal e cheia de ação. [Sem DRM] LIVROS POR C.L. ROBERTS-HUTH: Um Suspense de Zoë Delante - Livro 1: Sussurros dos Mortos Um Suspense de Zoë Delante - Livro 2: Sussurros da Serpente Um Suspense de Zoë Delante - Livro 3: Sussurros dos Sidhe


by Ty'Ron W. C. Robinson II

«PREPARATEVI A CONOSCERE IL SIGNOR HOD». Un racconto di dark fantasy, mistero, suspense e soprannaturale. Seguite il signor Hod in un caso per svelare gli eventi che hanno portato a uno strano e macabro omicidio. Un omicidio in cui solo tracce simili a quelle di un animale sono state viste accanto alla sconosciuta vittima. Cosa ha ucciso lo sconosciuto? Un orso? Un lupo? O qualcos’altro…? È quello che il signor Hod è venuto a scoprire.

Amores Malos: Nueve Historias de amor retorcidas

by Steve Vernon

Amores Malos por Steve Vernon Nueve historias de amor retorcidas Tome una copia de Amores Malos y disfrute de nueve de las historias de amor más extrañas que haya leído. Es una lectura perfecta para el día de San Valentín o Halloween El amor es una de esas palabras que a la gente le gusta decir, pero a veces el amor puede ser uno de los juegos más malos, desagradables y raros de la ciudad. Tome una copia de AMORES MALOS y disfrute de nueve de las historias de amor más extrañas que haya leído. LO QUE LA GENTE DICE SOBRE STEVE VERNON "El género necesita sangre nueva y Steve Vernon es toda una transfusión." –Edward Lee, autor de FLESH GOTHIC y CITY INFERNAL. "Si Harlan Ellison, Richard Matheson y Robert Bloch tuvieran un trío en una bañera de hidromasaje, y luego un equipo de científicos entrara y filtrara el agua y mezclara el ADN sobrante en un tubo de ensayo, el experimento genético resultante probablemente crecería en Steve Vernon." – Bookgasm. "Steve Vernon es una especie de anomalía en el mundo de la literatura de terror. Es una de las nuevas voces más frescas del género, aunque su carrera ha abarcado veinte años. Al escribir con un poco de arrogancia y confianza, Steve Vernon puede guiar a sus lectores a través de toda una gama de emociones desde el miedo directo y repulsión a la piedad y la risa". - Baile del cementerio "Armado con un extraño sentido del humor, una gran cantidad de originalidad, un estilo para tomar riesgos y una fuerte comprensión de la caracterización - Steve con seguridad tiene talento." - Dark Discoveries. "Steve Vernon nació para escribir. Él es auténtico y tenemos la suerte de tenerlo". - Richard Chizmar. Mi gato también piensa que soy genial.

Aprisionado: Uma história curta sobre zumbis

by Terry M. West

Aprisionado é uma história feroz e original sobre zumbis de um autor de histórias de terror, Terry M. West. Bem-vindo a clínica de continuidade Millbur & Stein. Uma recente comunidade de elite para os mortos-vivos.

Heralds of Mystery. The Stone House.

by X. F. Moix

Heralds of mystery, was born with the purpose of transmitting the chronicles of those unfortunate witnesses who have lived through all kinds of mourning and impossible events. In this series of stories, there will be no place for orthodox reasoning or hasty speculation. None of the events narrated by the witnesses will be logical enough to expect to find satisfactory solutions. Prepare to enter a world where the diffuse reality will test your sanity. Will you go unpunished or will you become another herald, a fatal protagonist of the impossible?

Bocadillo de medianoche

by Terry M. West

Volvió a ver por la ventana. Una joven lo miraba fijamente. Parecía tener unos diez años, ciertamente no podía ser mayor que eso. Su rostro era pálido y sus ojos ojerosos. Calvin saludó y sonrió. Ella se sentó allí, frente a Calvin pero sin devolverle el saludo. Dejó la sonrisa de lado y se volteó. Sus ojos, sin embargo, nuevamente volvieron a mirar a la chica. Ella continuaba mirándolo. Sus ojos ocultaban toda intención. Estaba quieta como estatua. Calvin dejó de mirar a la niña y disimuló. La chica lo estaba asustando y él no podía adaptarse al extraño ambiente que causaba aquella pequeña espectadora. Incluso con comida y un guía para salir de la situación que se aproximaba, Calvin se estremeció de miedo. Pensó en la esposa de Lot, pero de todos modos volvió a mirar. Su cabeza se movió como si movieran dedos invisibles movieran su mentón. La niña ya no estaba sola en su vigilia. Calvin tenía una audiencia macabra ahora, una docena o más de ojos lo observaban a través de la ventana. Calvin notó que en su entrada un extraño montón de adolescentes se cernía sobre la sombría niña. Sus inexpresivos y grises rostros lo observaban en silencio. Brillaban con la luz fluorescente. La multitud parecía el reflejo de una turba. Carecían de color, eran fantasmas atrapados entre la carne fría y sin sangre. Era demasiado para Calvin. El deseo de huir lo abrumó. Ya era hora de despedirse de esa locura.

Arautos do Mistério. O Substituto

by X. F. Moix

Os arautos do mistério nascem com o propósito de transmitir as crônicas daquelas infelizes testemunhas que viveram todo tipo de acontecimentos lúgubres e impossíveis. Nesta série de histórias, não haverá espaço para raciocínio ortodoxo ou especulação precipitada. Nenhum dos acontecimentos narrados pelas testemunhas será suficientemente lógico para esperar encontrar soluções satisfatórias.  Prepara-te para entrar num mundo onde a realidade difusa testará a tua sanidade.  Você ficará impune ou se tornará outro arauto, o protagonista fatal do impossível?

Ετεροχρονισμένο Διαζύγιο

by Ντανιέλ Κανάλς Φλόρες

Σειρά τριών βιβλίων που μπορούν να διαβαστούν ανεξάρτητα. Το Ετεροχρονισμένο διαζύγιο είναι ένα αφήγημα που προκάλεσε μεγάλη αίσθηση στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης. Η οικογένεια Κλερμόντ, το μέντιουμ, ο δικηγόρος, ο πίνακας Ουίγια… Θα μας γεμίσουν με έντονα συναισθήματα από το πρώτο ως το τελευταίο κεφάλαιο. Σχόλια που δημοσιεύτηκαν στα μέσα: ‘Είσαι ο μεξικανός Στίβεν Κινγκ …’, ‘Έχω αγωνία, θέλω να διαβάσω και την υπόλοιπη ιστορία’, ‘Ευφυές, η φόρμα και το ύφος του γραπτού εντυπωσιάζουν’, ‘Θα έπρεπε να γυριστεί σε ταινία αυτό το έργο’.

Divorce Différé

by Daniel Canals Flores

Le roman le plus bouleversant, écrit directement sur les réseaux sociaux, et maintenant transformé en ouvrage. Une famille, les Clermont, un avocat, une médium et des êtres inattendus nous tiendront en haleine tout au long de cette histoire. Du suspens, du mystère et une touche de terreur. Divorce Différé est une histoire qui a fait fureur sur les réseaux sociaux. Ce roman a été écrit en direct, pendant dix semaines d'affilée, pour tenir des milliers de personnes en haleine sur Internet.

Jóvenes hombres lobo

by Michael Chabon

En estos relatos que nos presenta Michael Chabon, la madurez es un proceso de transformación casi mutante. «De todos los autores que se publican ahora, Chabon es quizá quien ha encontrado una voz propia más clara y que conecta mejor con el lector medio.»Jordi Puntí, Babelia «Apasionante.»Francisco Casavella, El Mundo «Michel Chabon es uno de los jóvenes novelistas norteamericanos con un estilo más elegante, pretendidamente sencillo y mágicamente directo. Las tramas de sus novelas y cuentos aúnan eso tan difícil de conseguir como es un argumento sugerente, con rasgos donde se dan cita el ingenio, la ternura y la comicidad.»Diego Doncel, El Cultural «Entre los jóvenes valores de la actual literatura norteamericana, Michael Chabon es probablemente el menos abiertamente experimental y el que mejor conecta con las mejores virtudes del clasicismo de la llamada generación del New Yorker, es decir, escritores como Truman Capote, J. D. Salinger o John Cheever.»Mauricio Bach, La Vanguardia

The Girl in the Basement

by Ray Garton

15-year-old Ryan Kettering has spent his young life in a series of mostly abusive foster homes. But his luck has changed. Now he's in the Preston house, where he has a budding romance with fellow foster child Lyssa. But something strange is going on in the basement.Maddy is a slow nine-year-old girl who is kept in the basement. Sometimes she talks in a gravelly adult voice. Sometimes she seems to know things about others that she couldn't possibly know...and predicts things that always come true. And sometimes people from the government come by to spend time with Maddy down in the basement.Maybe Ryan's luck hasn't changed as much as he thinks.

The Werewolf of Paris: A Novel

by Guy Endore

Endore's classic werewolf novel--now back in print for the first time in over forty years--helped define a genre and set a new standard in horror fiction The werewolf is one of the great iconic figures of horror in folklore, legend, film, and literature. And connoisseurs of horror fiction know that The Werewolf of Paris is a cornerstone work, a masterpiece of the genre that deservedly ranks with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Endore's classic novel has not only withstood the test of time since it was first published in 1933, but it boldly used and portrayed elements of sexual compulsion in ways that had never been seen before, at least not in horror literature. In this gripping work of historical fiction, Endore's werewolf, an outcast named Bertrand Caillet, travels across pre-Revolutionary France seeking to calm the beast within. Stunning in its sexual frankness and eerie, fog-enshrouded visions, this novel was decidedly influential for the generations of horror and science fiction authors who came afterward.

Bone Harvest

by James Brodgen

From the critically acclaimed author of Hekla's Children comes a dark and haunting tale of an ancient cult wreaking bloody havoc on the modern world.YOU SHALL REAP WHAT YOU SOWStruggling with the effects of early-onset dementia, Dennie Keeling now leads a quiet life. Her husband is dead, her children are grown, and her best friend, Sarah, was convicted of murdering her abusive husband. After Sarah's tragic death in prison, Dennie has found solace in her allotment, and all she wants is to be left to tend it in peace.Life remains quiet for twelve years, until three strangers take on a nearby plot and Dennie starts to notice unnatural things. Shadowy figures prowl at night; plants flower well before their time. And then Sarah appears, bringing dire warnings and vanishing after daubing symbols on the walls in Dennie's own blood. Dennie soon realises that she is face to face with an ancient evil - but with her dementia steadily growing worse, who is going to believe her?

The Anthill

by Julianne Pachico

A wildly original blend of social horror and razor-sharp satire, The Anthill is a searing exploration of privilege, racism and redemption in the Instagram age.In the end, it's much easier to not look at the screaming feeling. To not examine it. Better to just keep on rushing on. . . . Lina has come home to the country of her childhood. Sent away from Colombia to England after her mother's death twenty years before, she's searching for the one person who can tell her about their shared past. She's never forgotten Matty--her childhood friend and protector who now runs The Anthill, a daycare refuge for the street kids of Medellín. Lina begins volunteering there, but her reunion with Matty is not what she hoped for. She no longer recognizes Medellín, now rebranded as a tourist destination, nor the person Matty has become: a guarded man uninterested in reliving the past she thought they both cherished.As Lina begins to confront her memories and the country's traumatic history, strange happenings start taking place at The Anthill: something is violently scratching at the inside of the closet door, the kids are drawing unsettling pictures, and there are mysterious sightings of a small, dirty boy with pointy teeth. Is this a vision of the boy Lina once knew, or something more sinister? Did she bring these disturbances with her? And what will her search for atonement cost Matty?A visceral, hallucinatory ride by an author who has been called "blunt, fresh and unsentimental" (The New York Times Book Review) and "remarkably inventive" (The Atlantic), The Anthill is a ghost story unlike any other, a meditation on healing--for both a person and a country--in the wake of horror.

The Ghost Bride: A Novel

by Yangsze Choo

A startlingly original voice makes her literary debut with this wondrous coming-of-age story infused with Chinese folklore, romantic intrigue, adventure, and fascinating, dreamlike twistsOne evening, my father asked me whether I would like to become a ghost bride. . . . Though ruled by British overlords, the Chinese of colonial Malaya still cling to ancient customs. And in the sleepy port town of Malacca, ghosts and superstitions abound. Li Lan, the daughter of a genteel but bankrupt family, has few prospects. But fate intervenes when she receives an unusual proposal from the wealthy and powerful Lim family. They want her to become a ghost bride for the familys only son, who recently died under mysterious circumstances. Rarely practiced, traditional ghost marriages are used to placate restless spirits. Such a union would guarantee Li Lan a home for the rest of her days, but at a terrible price. After an ominous visit to the opulent Lim mansion, Li Lan finds herself haunted not only by her ghostly would-be suitor, but also by her desire for the Lims handsome new heir, Tian Bai. Night after night, she is drawn into the shadowy parallel world of the Chinese afterlife, with its ghost cities, paper funeral offerings, vengeful spirits, and monstrous bureaucracy--including the mysterious Er Lang, a charming but unpredictable guardian spirit. Li Lan must uncover the Lim familys darkest secrets--and the truth about her own family--before she is trapped in this ghostly world forever.

Ultra Tumba

by Leonardo Oyola

Una relación de amor rota entre dos mujeres en una cárcel donde estalla un motín, al que se suma un grupo de zombis. Una relación de pareja entre dos mujeres se rompe justo en el momento en que estalla un motín. Estamos en una cárcel de mujeres y las amantes son una convicta y una guardiacárcel. En la peor de las situaciones, Leo Oyola vuelve a recordarnos el poder de la amistad, del amor y de la lealtad como los únicos antídotos contra la muerte.

Planet Auschwitz: Holocaust Representation in Science Fiction and Horror Film and Television

by Brian E. Crim

Planet Auschwitz explores the diverse ways in which the Holocaust influences and shapes science fiction and horror film and television by focusing on notable contributions from the last fifty years. The supernatural and extraterrestrial are rich and complex spaces with which to examine important Holocaust themes - trauma, guilt, grief, ideological fervor and perversion, industrialized killing, and the dangerous afterlife of Nazism after World War II. Planet Auschwitz explores why the Holocaust continues to set the standard for horror in the modern era and asks if the Holocaust is imaginable here on Earth, at least by those who perpetrated it, why not in a galaxy far, far away? The pervasive use of Holocaust imagery and plotlines in horror and science fiction reflects both our preoccupation with its enduring trauma and our persistent need to “work through” its many legacies. Planet Auschwitz website (

The Snakes: A Novel

by Sadie Jones

The award-winning, bestselling author of The Uninvited Guests and The Outcast returns with a bold, brilliant, and beautiful novel, unflinching in its gaze, which holds the reader in its tense grip from start to unforgettable finish.“I wonder if it hurts them to shed their skins,” she said. She didn’t feel afraid standing in the darkness, imagining snakes, even with the smell of death in the air.”Recently married, psychologist Bea and Dan, a mixed-race artist, rent out their tiny flat to escape London for a few precious months. Driving through France they visit Bea’s dropout brother Alex at the hotel he runs in Burgundy. Disturbingly, they find him all alone and the ramshackle hotel deserted, apart from the nest of snakes in the attic. When Alex and Bea’s parents make a surprise visit, Dan can’t understand why Bea is so appalled, or why she’s never wanted him to know them; Liv and Griff Adamson are charming, and rich. They are the richest people he has ever met. Maybe Bea’s ashamed of him, or maybe she regrets the secrets she’s been keeping. Tragedy strikes suddenly, brutally, and in its aftermath the family is stripped back to its heart, and then its rotten core, and even Bea with all her strength and goodness can’t escape.A chilling page-turner and impossible to put down, The Snakes is Sadie Jones at her best: breathtakingly powerful, brilliantly incisive, and utterly devastating.

The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World: Stories

by Harlan Ellison

"It crouches near the center of creation. There is no night where it waits. Only the riddle of which terrible dream will set it loose. It beheaded mercy to take possession of that place. It feasts on darkness from the minds of men. No one has ever seen its eyeless face. When it sleeps we know a few moments of peace. But when it breathes again we go down in fire and mate with jackals. It knows our fear. It has our number. It waited for our coming and it will abide long after we have become congealed smoke. It has never heard music, and shows its fangs when we panic. It is the beast of our savage past, hungering today, and waiting patiently for the mortal meal of all our golden tomorrows. It lies waiting." This fantastic short story collection features two of Ellison's most famous, the Nebula Award winner "A Boy and His Dog" and the Hugo Award-winning short story that lends the collection its title. These and the entire book will knock you off your feet.

Carmilla (Hesperus Classics Ser.)

by J. Sheridan Le Fanu

Before Dracula, there was Carmilla--the first seductive vampire to haunt readers' imaginations This classic of Gothic horror follows Laura, a woman haunted by a girlhood dream of a beautiful visitor to her bedroom. Now, a decade later, Laura finds Carmilla, who appears to be her own age, on the side of the road after a carriage accident. The two recognize each other from the same childhood dream and become fast friends. Soon after, Laura begins to experience mysterious feelings and is once again haunted by nightmares. She finds Carmilla strangely irresistible and longs to be with her. But as the two friends grow closer, Laura's health begins to fail. It becomes apparent that her enchanting companion is harboring a sinister secret. To free herself from Carmilla's grasp, Laura and her family must fight for their lives. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Al garete

by Emilio Bueso

Una distopía que plantea con crudeza el futuro al que se enfrentan los náufragos terrestres debido al cambio climático. Bueso plantea una desasosegante historia de supervivencia con una gran carga medioambiental localizada en una caravana de desechos flotantes. De fondo, recogiendo en su irreverente estilo una tradición que va de Noé al cambio climático, el autor hace sonar el rumor de los terroríficos castigos que seguramente merecemos. Esos mismos que tal vez, envanecidos, hayamos empezado ya a alimentar sin darnos cuenta.

Seeing Darkness (Krewe of Hunters #30)

by Heather Graham

She’s being murdered.It was supposed to be a fun girls’ weekend in Salem, but when a past-life regression session instead sends a terrifying vision of murder to Kylie Connelly, she’s shaken and doesn’t know what to think. Worse, later she identifies the attacker from her vision: he’s a prominent local politician.Special Agent Jon Dickson of the FBI’s Krewe of Hunters is on the trail of a suspected serial killer based on the scantest of clues and unreliable witness testimony. When he realizes Kylie’s vision might be his best lead, he must gain her trust and get close enough to guide her new talent. Though she doubts herself, the danger Kylie sees is all too real—and the pair will have to navigate a murderer’s twisted passions and deceptions to stop the killer from claiming another victim.

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