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Più che bene (Serie Più che...)

by Rita D'Alfredo Lane Hayes

Un libro della serie Più che...Matt Sullivan si definisce per etichette: studente di legge, atleta, eterosessuale. I suoi obiettivi sono laurearsi e fare carriera in uno studio legale. Una sera decide di accompagnare il suo coinquilino gay in discoteca, e la sua vita cambia. Si rende conto, infatti, di essere attratto dall’uomo più bello che abbia mai visto. Tutte le sue etichette piano piano finiscono per staccarsi, perché non riesce a dimenticarlo. Aaron Mendez non crede nelle etichette. Si tiene alla larga dagli uomini etero curiosi e non ha paura di mettere in chiaro che non intende nascondere la sua natura favolosa per nessuno. Se da una parte Aaron non può negare di essere attratto da Matt, dall’altra, però, è riluttante a farsi coinvolgere in una storia da qualcuno che trova ancora difficile accettare cosa implica quella nuova etichetta. Soprattutto quando quel qualcuno ha ancora una ragazza.

Più che possibile (Serie Più che...)

by Ugo Telese Lane Hayes

Jay Reynolds ha preso una cotta per Peter Morgan, il suo capo progetto, ma è improbabile che nasca una storia d’amore in ufficio, dato che l’uomo è etero. Anzi, Jay teme che Peter sia omofobo, perciò la sua infatuazione è presto rimpiazzata dal disprezzo. Una notte, però, Jay è costretto a rivedere tutte le sue supposizioni. Quello che succede riaccende la sua attrazione per Peter e, incredibile ma vero, anche il suo capo è interessato a lui. Per Jay quella relazione senza impegno diventa insostenibile quando si rende conto che sta iniziando a innamorarsi dell’uomo. Un passato tormentato impedisce tuttavia a Peter di legarsi a qualcuno. Jay dovrà decidere se potrà accontentarsi di un’amicizia o dovrà spronare Peter a cogliere tutto ciò che lui ha da offrirgli.

Più Che Ricordi

by Valeria Beotti Kristen James

Molly Anderson ritorna "a casa" in una città che non riconosce, sperando di ritrovare la memoria. Incontra Trent Williams, un poliziotto di Ridge City e tra loro scocca una scintilla. Non solo lui la conosce, ma prende a cuore il suo caso cercando di fare tutto ciò che gli è possibile per risolverlo.Lui vuole sapere perchè se ne è andata, con i suoi genitori, senza dire nulla a nessuno. Lei non ricorda quella vita. Può solo dirgli di aver conosciuto i suoi genitori per poco tempo, prima della loro morte . . . o del loro assassinio, non ne è sicura. Spera che ritrovare la memoria la aiuti a trovare una risposta a questa domanda. Anche Trent ha i suoi segreti, ma insieme hanno un mistero da svelare. Molly adesso è sicura di volere Trent nella sua vita, ma la verità potrebbe distruggere il loro amore.Altri Libri Di Kristen James: Il bacio del cowboy

Più che un filo rosso: Quando la chimica sfugge alla ragione

by Liliana Del Rosso

Due sorelle gemelle che si scontrano per l'amore di un uomo. Più che un filo Rosso Due sorelle in preda a un tradimento si allontanano anch'esse piene di risentimento. Dopo otto anni devono affrontare insieme una verità che può cambiare le loro vite.

Più Ci Avviciniamo (I Baroni del Petrolio #2)

by Ann Jacobs

Erin Winters non ha lottato mai da quando l'incidente che ha avuto suo marito e ha lasciato il suo giovane figlio gravemente ferito. Nel disperato tentativo di fare avere a suo figlio l'intervento di cui ha bisogno, lei accetta di diventare una madre surrogata. Ma quando la moglie muore inaspettatamente, Erin si trova improvvisamente di fronte con le esigenze del lutto del marito e trasporta un bambino che ha cominciato a pensare come suo. Blake Tanner aveva tutto ciò - il matrimonio con una donna che adorava, una carriera di successo come avvocato, e un bambino in arrivo. Ora, tormentato dalla sua perdita e sopraffatto dalla prospettiva di essere un padre single, Blake trova una soluzione che potrebbe essere la sua roviona finale. Nella speranza che lui possa dare alla sua bambina la vita che merita, chiede a Erin e suo figlio di vivere con lui. In cambio, lui fornirà tutti i vantaggi che un Texas miliardario può offrire. Si tratta di un semplice accordo finanziario che ha perfettamente senso, finchè il dolore di Blake non viene lentamente sostituito da un barlume di speranza - e desidera che la bella donna si agiti in lui. Quando Erin e Blake danno alla potente forza sensuale che nessuno può ignorare, i due si devono aiutare a vicenda a superare la loro angoscia e il coraggio di costruire una nuova vita, e l'amore, insieme.

Più forte: una storia BDSM

by Denisse Rose

Il marito di Chloe era del resto un uomo affascinante, e lei pensava che avrebbe avuto tutto quando l’aveva trovato, un uomo ricco che avrebbe potuto darle qualunque cosa avesse voluto, con un paio di figli lungo la via. Un anno di matrimonio, d'altronde, e lui aveva già perso interesse in lei e Chloe si era convinta che stesse avendo un'amante. Lui cominciava a stare a lavoro sempre più a lungo, sempre più protettivo col suo cellulare ed erano sempre più frequenti le sue inspiegate assenze. Anche i complimenti erano diminuiti e Chloe stava iniziando a domandarsi se non fosse lei stessa il problema. Lo amava ancora d’altronde, o almeno credeva, ma forse si sbagliava. Forse questi sentimenti negativi erano solo un periodo di dubbi che sarebbe passato. Provava ancora attrazione nei suoi confronti ma non sapeva se fosse a causa del suo aspetto, la sua personalità o la sua ricchezza. Una cosa di cui era certa, d’altro canto, era che i suoi desideri non venivano soddisfatti. Chloe e il suo ex-ragazzo erano selvaggi, tra bende, fruste e bavagli e lei amava tutto ciò. Aveva provato a convincere suo marito James a provare qualcosa di nuovo a letto ma lui era troppo semplice per una qualsiasi di queste cose; Chloe pensava che avrebbe potuto lavorarci sopra col passare del tempo ma ebbe fin troppo poco successo al riguardo. Sperava di sbloccare i desideri nascosti di James ma non ne aveva ancora trovato la chiave. Alla festa, Chloe provò a interpretare il ruolo della mogliettina perfetta tutta la notta ma si stava... ATTENZIONE: QUESTO LIBRO CONTIENE FORTI CONTENUTI SESSUALI ED È RIVOLTO AD UN PUBBLICO MATURO. SOLO PER MAGGIORI DI 18 ANNI.

Più forte del mio destino

by Jacopo Di Carlo Chris Axcan

Trilogia "Amami ora e sempre", volume 1 La dottoressa Alison Bennett si sente turbata per aver perso un paziente. Noah Jefferson è un uomo anziano che la riconosce come la sua sposa scomparsa anni prima, e la lascia con un misterioso desiderio nel cuore. Tra i due ci sono più di settant'anni di differenza. In cerca di risposte, Alison partecipa all'asta dei beni del defunto, organizzata in quella che era la sua dimora. Ciò che scoprirà in quel luogo cambierà per sempre la sua vita e il suo destino.

Più forte di prima

by Lexy Timms Valentina Miele

Dopo un infortunio, Chrissy, atleta che gareggia in diverse specialità, è costretta ad abbandonare le piste di atletica leggera per una stagione, per riconquistare la forma fisica ideale e ritornare più forte. Con questo scopo, inizia a lavorare in sala pesi e lì incontra la star della squadra di hockey, anche lui infortunato, Ryan Phillips. Riusciranno a recuperare entrambi e la loro attrazione li aiuterà a ritrovare la sicurezza mentale di cui hanno tanto bisogno?

Pivot (New Amsterdam #4)

by Kim Davis

After being robbed by a black assailant, white Chicago dentist Mark Cross is hesitant to go out at night, let alone get involved in an interracial relationship, but that’s exactly what happens after he meets Darren Nichols, a black high school teacher and basketball coach. When Mark and Darren are introduced at a party, their attraction to each other is immediate and intense, and they soon begin dating.As their relationship progresses, Mark realizes he loves Darren. But he’s hesitant to ask Darren to move in with him because Darren’s last relationship ended poorly and Darren is scared to get involved with another man so quickly after that experience. Mark also worries he doesn’t live up to Darren’s expectations and fears Darren ultimately longs for a man who isn’t white. And Mark is still haunted by the man who mugged him and harbors fears about black men in general.Despite his worries and insecurities, Mark asks Darren to move in with him and Darren agrees. Though they both bring baggage to their bond, Mark and Darren work hard to build a life together. But when Darren invites over some of the guys he plays basketball with, Mark suspects one of the players, Terrance, is the same man who assaulted him. Mark shares his suspicions with Darren, but Darren isn’t convinced his friend could do something so terrible.Mark is determined to uncover the truth, but will he jeopardize his relationship with Darren in the process?

Pivot: A story of dropping the ball, picking it up again, and turning things around.

by Laura Lexx

'Refreshing, hilarious and really uplifting - I fell in love with Jackie, Ros and the rest of the squad - and everyone else will too' HELLY ACTON, author of The Shelf'The book we need at the moment - a joyous celebration of female friendship and midlife. And as a netball player, I really did enjoy the attention to comic detail . . . Hilarious' CAROLINE CORCORAN, author of Five Days Missing'Hugely uplifting, enjoyable fun, I fell in love with the Skids!' DAISY BUCHANAN, author of CareeringSometimes life throws you a curveball . . . 58-year-old Jackie Douglas thinks she has everything she wants - kids, grandchildren, and a comfortable retirement with her husband, Steve. Until one afternoon she comes home to find Steve packing a bag and her comfortable life suddenly moves out of bounds.Her best friend Ros, a law firm boss with an appetite for life, laughter and (just the right amount of) wine, immediately leaps in to help Jackie back to her feet but soon finds herself feeling second best to Jackie's other priorities.Their barmaid/friend/wine protégé Jay is back home with her mum at nearly 30. Brilliant. After losing her job in London she's returned, working in the pub job she thought she'd left behind at 18.In tipsy search of something - anything - new, they wind up the leaders of a ramshackle, barely functional netball team: The Skids. Facing confusing exes, divorce, betrayals, financial woes and more, Jackie, Ros and Jay are about to discover that finding your team might just be the key to turning things around...

Pivot: A story of dropping the ball, picking it up again, and turning things around.

by Laura Lexx

'Refreshing, hilarious and really uplifting - I fell in love with Jackie, Ros and the rest of the squad - and everyone else will too' HELLY ACTON, author of The Shelf'The book we need at the moment - a joyous celebration of female friendship and midlife. And as a netball player, I really did enjoy the attention to comic detail . . . Hilarious' CAROLINE CORCORAN, author of Five Days Missing'Hugely uplifting, enjoyable fun, I fell in love with the Skids!' DAISY BUCHANAN, author of CareeringSometimes life throws you a curveball . . . 58-year-old Jackie Douglas thinks she has everything she wants - kids, grandchildren, and a comfortable retirement with her husband, Steve. Until one afternoon she comes home to find Steve packing a bag and her comfortable life suddenly moves out of bounds.Her best friend Ros, a law firm boss with an appetite for life, laughter and (just the right amount of) wine, immediately leaps in to help Jackie back to her feet but soon finds herself feeling second best to Jackie's other priorities.Their barmaid/friend/wine protégé Jay is back home with her mum at nearly 30. Brilliant. After losing her job in London she's returned, working in the pub job she thought she'd left behind at 18.In tipsy search of something - anything - new, they wind up the leaders of a ramshackle, barely functional netball team: The Skids. Facing confusing exes, divorce, betrayals, financial woes and more, Jackie, Ros and Jay are about to discover that finding your team might just be the key to turning things around...

Pivot: A story of dropping the ball, picking it up again, and turning things around.

by Laura Lexx

A story of dropping the ball, picking it back up, and turning things around.58-year-old Jackie Douglas thinks she has everything she wants - kids, grandchildren, and a comfortable retirement with her husband, Steve. Until one afternoon she comes home to find Steve packing a bag and her comfortable life suddenly moves out of bounds.Her best friend Ros, a law firm boss with an appetite for life, laughter and (just the right amount of) wine, immediately leaps in to help Jackie back to her feet but soon finds herself feeling second best to Jackie's other priorities.Their barmaid/friend/wine protégé Jay is back home with her mum at nearly 30. Brilliant. After losing her job in London she's returned, working in the pub job she thought she'd left behind at 18.In tipsy search of something - anything - new, they wind up the leaders of a ramshackle, barely functional netball team: The Skids. Facing confusing exes, divorce, betrayals, financial woes and more, Jackie, Ros and Jay are about to discover that finding your team might just be the key to turning things around...(P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Pivot: Three Connected Stories of Romantic Suspense

by Kat Martin Alexandra Ivy Rebecca Zanetti

INSTANT USA TODAY BESTSELLER! From New York Times bestselling authors Kat Martin, Rebecca Zanetti, and Alexandra Ivy come three interwoven stories of secrets, murder, and riveting suspense. Three women. Three connected stories. Three bestselling authors. As girls, they bonded over broken homes and growing up in foster care. As women, they&’re fighting for their lives, and loves, once more . . . MERI When Meriwether Jones takes her young daughter and runs from trouble in L.A., that trouble follows. By the time Meri reaches Spokane, she&’s out of gas, money, and ideas. Luckily, ex-cop Ian Brodie hires her to help him with his father&’s farmhouse, and they seem like the answer to each other&’s prayers. But Meri is keeping a dangerous secret—and Ian is in danger of losing his heart . . . MELANIE That secret explodes when Melanie Cassidy spots two men trying to kidnap a young boy she tutors and responds by ramming them with her car. The last thing she expects is for the man she once loved, Detective Gray Hawkins, to appear and rescue them both. Now she has no choice but to trust him as they investigate the truth about a conspiracy of dirty, drug trafficking cops—and the truth about their relationship . . . MICHELLE After a rough youth, Michelle Peach was finally content in Portland—until two men broke into her home, threatened her, and sent her mentally unstable mom on a blackmail spree that Michelle has to stop. The last person Michelle wants to see is her ex, Evan Boldon, a former marine turned sheriff. But Evan misses the woman who walked away instead of letting him help years ago. This time he&’s not asking permission; he&’s going to put a stop to the trouble stalking Michelle and her friends—and win her heart for good.

Pivot and Slip

by Lilah Suzanne

Former Olympic hopeful Jack Douglas traded competitive swimming for professional yoga and never looked back. When handsome pro boxer Felix Montero mistakenly registers for his yoga for Seniors class, Jack takes an active interest both in Felixs struggles to manage stress and in his heart and discovers along the way that he may have healing of his own to do.Faced with the ghosts of his athletic aspirations, can Jack return to his old dream or carve out a new path, and will Jack and Felixs budding romance survive the test of Felixs next bout in the ring?

Pivot Point

by Kasie West

From debut author West comes an unforgettable story about a girl with the extraordinary power to see her alternate futuresNand the responsibility to choose between two difficult fates.

Pixies and Paperwork (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Cassia Rose

Micheal Donovan's family has kept the peace between mortal and magical realms for generations, but Micheal skipped out on glory for other plans. He finished school, got a nine-to-five, and tried to fit in. When his cousin meets an unfortunate end on All Hallows' Eve, Micheal abruptly inherits the position of Riftkeeper, along with all the prestige and responsibility he didn't want. Estranged from his family, Micheal never learned the details of the job. All the grumpy, ancestral spirit now possessing his goldfish can tell him is that a mistake could be catastrophic. Micheal isn't feeling the holiday cheer, and coworkers' attempts to encourage him only add to a headache of magical proportions. To make matters worse, Ryan Nickles, Micheal's colleague and cubicle neighbor, has assembled enough Christmas decorations to attract more pixies than Micheal can hide. When Micheal's attempts to find the Winter Court on the week of the solstice leave him with nothing but a bad cold, he fears he'll be the first Riftkeeper to break the ancient contracts. He's too stressed to handle Ryan's attempts to get him into the holiday spirit, but Ryan might know more about the magic of the season than Micheal realizes.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

Una pizca de sal (El catering Tres hermanas #1)

by Bethany Lopez

Durante el último año, a la talentosa chef Millie le ha absorbido la gestión de su nuevo negocio de catering con sus hermanas, Dru y Tasha. No es hasta que Jackson cruza su puerta cuando se da cuenta de que puede que le falte algo en la receta de su vida. Durante el último año, Jackson ha estado lidiando con las consecuencias del abandono de su mujer. Ha tenido que aprender a ser padre soltero de su hija de ocho años y hará lo que sea para llenar el vacío que dejó su madre. No es hasta que encarga a Millie la fiesta de cumpleaños de su hija cuando se da cuenta de que ha olvidado que no solo es un padre, sino también un hombre. Ambos creen estar satisfechos con sus vidas, pero a veces la cantidad adecuada de especias puede convertir un plato aceptable en uno magnífico. Una pizca de sal puede ser todo lo que necesitan Millie y Jackson para encontrar el sabor que les falta.

Pizza Delivery

by W. S. Long

Chad and Brick have it all -- a fairy tale beginning and, against all odds, a great life and each other. But what they fear most is starting to happen. With Brick's genetic disorder becoming more progressive, Chad and Brick uproot their lives to start fresh, to live only for each other.What they don't count on is the sexy pizza delivery boy who is soon delivering more than pizza in their lives.

Pizza For Two

by Genevieve Montcombroux

Pizza for Two is Piers’ journey. How tragedy transforms a somewhat dissolute youth into a responsible man when Nicole hires him as a delivery person for the flagging pizzeria she runs. Piers’ privileged background has not prepared him to live with no job, hunger and the specter of living on the street. Nicole, who has secrets of her own, is desperate to find a worker and hires Piers deliberately not asking for references. While Piers takes on the task of developing a successful business, Nicole’s heart leads her on the rocky road of love.

Place and Progress in the Works of Elizabeth Gaskell

by Lesa Scholl Emily Morris

Critical assessments of Elizabeth Gaskell have tended to emphasise the regional and provincial aspects of her writing, but the scope of her influence extended across the globe. Building on theories of space and place, the contributors to this collection bring a variety of geographical, industrial, psychological, and spatial perspectives to bear on the vast range of Gaskell’s literary output and on her place within the narrative of British letters and national identity. The advent of the railway and the increasing predominance of manufactory machinery reoriented the nation’s physical and social countenance, but alongside the excitement of progress and industry was a sense of fear and loss manifested through an idealization of the country home, the pastoral retreat, and the agricultural south. In keeping with the theme of progress and change, the essays follow parallel narratives that acknowledge both the angst and nostalgia produced by industrial progress and the excitement and awe occasioned by the potential of the empire. Finally, the volume engages with adaptation and cultural performance, in keeping with the continuing importance of Gaskell in contemporary popular culture far beyond the historical and cultural environs of nineteenth-century Manchester.

A Place at Our Table: A Place At Our Table, Room On The Porch Swing, A Seat By The Hearth, A Welcome At Our Door (An Amish Homestead Novel #1)

by Amy Clipston

Kayla Dienner has suffered her fair share of heartache, which is why she vows to protect her heart at all costs . . . until she meets Jamie Riehl.Along with his volunteer work at the local fire department, running his Amish farm keeps Jamie Riehl busy. He barely has time to eat at the family table, never mind find someone to date. But when he meets Kayla Dienner, he is smitten.Kayla tries hard to deny her attraction to Jamie. After all, she’s spent the last year discouraging her younger brother, Nathan, from becoming a firefighter. The death of their older brother in a fire a year ago is fresh in her mind—she can’t bear the idea of putting her heart on the line every time the sirens blare.Then tragedy strikes, and Jamie wants to extinguish any flame between him and Kayla. Can Kayla set aside her own fears to save the love she was determined to deny?The first book in the Amish Homestead series, A Place at Our Table invites us to a quiet community in Lancaster County where love burns brightly no matter the cost.

A Place Called Harmony

by Jodi Thomas

New York Times bestselling author Jodi Thomas has captivated America with her novels set in the small town of Harmony, Texas. <P><P>Now she tells the story of the three hard-luck men who first settled the town, a place where last chances and long-awaited dreams collide...<P> Desperate to escape his overbearing father, Patrick McAllen disappears with his bride, heading north to build a new town--discovering strength, honor and true love along the way. <P>After drinking away the grief from his family's death, Clint Truman avoids jail by taking a job in North Texas and settling down with a woman he vows to protect but never love--until her quiet compassion slowly breaks his hardened heart wide open...<P> All Gillian Matheson has ever known is Army life, leaving his true love to be a part-time spouse. But when a wounded Gillian returns home to find her desperately fighting to save their marriage, he's determined to become the husband she deserves.<P> Amidst storms, outlaws, and unwelcome relatives, the three couples band together to build a town--and form a bond that breathes life into the place that will forever be called Harmony.

A Place Called Home

by Janet Lee Barton

Christian romance

A Place Called Home: (The Cliffehaven Series Book 19)

by Ellie Dean

THE NINETEENTH CLIFFEHAVEN NOVEL BY SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR ELLIE DEANCliffehaven, 1946. The war is over and those who have spent years fighting behind enemy lines are finally coming home.Peggy Reilly is over the moon that her husband Jim is safely back from Burma. But after the horrors he has endured, adjusting to life at Beach View won't be easy. Can he and Peggy find a way through?Meanwhile evacuee Ruby Clark has much to contend with when her estranged mother turns up, having completed a long prison sentence. There's huge heartache still to come for Ruby, and she will need her Beach View family more than ever.Will the sanctuary of home give them each the strength they need to face the challenges ahead?

A Place Called Home

by Jo Goodman

When Thea Wyndham and Mitchell Baker learn they've been named joint guardians for their late friends' three children, they're little more than acquaintances. Barely polite acquaintances, at that. Something about Mitch's forthright intensity has always left ad exec Thea feeling off-balance, while Mitch makes no secret of his disdain when Thea offers him financial assistance if he'll take sole guardianship. Thea is far from heartless. She's just plain terrified of her new parenting responsibilities. Both she and Mitch are romantically involved with other people. Yet the more time they spend together, the less certain she is of her loyalties. There are complications and missteps, tears and laughter--lots of it. And somehow, through it all, the dawning realization that the last place she thought she'd find herself could be just where she belongs. . . Praise for Jo Goodman's Marry MeFans of historical and western romance will appreciate Goodman's witty dialogue, first-rate narrative prose and clever plotting. -Publishers Weekly (starred review) An insightful, gently sensual love story. -Library Journal

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