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El Vaquero y la Hija del Ranchero: La Serie Completa

by Kari Mackenzie

Cuando Clara Fuller hereda el rancho de su padre, pronto se da cuenta de que estar a cargo no será tarea fácil. Clara se crio en el ambiente de rancho, alrededor del ganado; conoce el negocio como la palma de su mano. Pero las cosas no le serán tan fáciles, ya que no hay muchos hombres dispuestos a recibir órdenes de una mujer. Incluso la naturaleza parece ponerse en su contra: una severa sequía amenaza con arrasar las cosechas y el ganado. Pero pronto se enterará de que ésta es la menor de sus preocupaciones. Un nubarrón aún más oscuro se cierne sobre el horizonte. El otrora errante Jake Talley finalmente encontró un lugar al que puede llamar hogar. Al capataz del Rancho Fuller le es indiferente recibir órdenes de una mujer. El autoproclamado guardián de la señorita Fuller se toma su labor muy en serio. Está dispuesto a cualquier cosa con tal de que su dama tenga éxito. Su devoción es puesta a prueba cuando los problemas acechan. Edward Sinclair es un hombre exitoso que siempre quiere más. Está acostumbrado a alcanzar sus objetivos, y pocos se atreven a enfrentarlo. Una propiedad es todo lo que le falta para tener absoluto control de lo que sus vecinos más necesitan: agua. Solo hay un problema, la propiedad pertenece a Clara Fuller. Pero está bien, aún no se ha topado con un obstáculo que no sea capaz de aniquilar. El libro contiene las cinco partes de la saga “El vaquero y la hija del ranchero.”

Vegas Wedding, Weaver Bride: Vegas Wedding, Weaver Bride Do You Take This Cowboy? The Single Dad's Proposal (Return to the Double C #11)

by Allison Leigh

"I do. Wait...did I?" Hometown girl Penny Garner is having a Vegas moment: waking up in bed with her teenage crush, a ring on her finger. Then there's the matter of the marriage certificate. How did that happen? The jury's out on whether it's Penny's dream come true or worst nightmare. Quinn Templeton has to wonder what they actually did that night, too. And when they get back to Weaver, Wyoming, the air force pararescueman can't just ignore the real feelings for his fake bride-especially if Penny's pregnant. Will they remember what brought them to the altar in the first place...and maybe sign up for a repeat performance?

Veiled Menace

by Deborah Blake

From the author of Veiled Magic and the Baba Yaga novels comes an exciting new paranormal romance…Since Witches came out of the broom closet in the early twenty-first century, they have worked alongside humans as police officers, healers, stock traders, and more. But they aren’t the only paranormal entities in our world…Witch and police officer Donata Santori is no stranger to magical mayhem, but lately her life has been unexpectedly charmed. Her job as a Ghost Yanker now includes the occasional paranormal investigation, and she’s advancing her magical abilities with the help of an ancestor’s treasured spell book. And while both of her former love interests—reclusive half-Dragon art forger Peter Casaventi and disgraced Shapechanger Magnus Torvald—are nowhere to be found, she’s not averse to being wined and dined by wealthy businessman Anton Eastman.But Eastman isn’t what he seems, and what he wants from Donata is far more than she’s willing to give. When a mysterious relic, the Pentacle Pentimento, resurfaces, along with Peter’s Dragon father and a shocking Santori family secret, Donata must fight to save herself, her friends, and just maybe the fate of the world from a magic as old as it is dangerous…Includes an exclusive preview of the next Broken Rider novel, Dangerously DivinePraise for the novels of Deborah Blake“An engaging world full of thoughtful, clever details and a charmingly dangerous heroine.”—Dear Author“Paranormal romance at its best.”—Alex Bledsoe, author of the Eddie LaCrosse novels“Witchy and wild, this book has everything I'm looking for.”—Tanya Huff, author of Peacemaker“An addicting plot...kept me glued to the page. I never had so much fun losing sleep!”—Maria V. Snyder, bestselling author of Shadow Study


by Veronica Zana John Inman

Quando la vita di Tyler Powell crolla a pezzi a causa di un orribile crimine, il bisogno di vendicarsi prende il sopravvento. Trascorre ogni istante di ogni giorno a rimettere insieme i cocci della sua esistenza spezzata, concentrato su un unico pensiero: la vendetta. Si arrenderà alla rabbia e diventerà proprio ciò che odia di più al mondo, un assassino? Solo l’aiuto dell’ispettore della Squadra omicidi Christian Martin, il poliziotto incaricato del suo caso, fa intravedere a Tyler la possibilità di cominciare una nuova vita nell’incredibile abbraccio di un altro amore pronto ad accoglierlo. Un amore che non credeva più di poter avere. Ma Tyler saprà accettare quell’amore nella sua vita, oppure si è già perso per sempre? Per lui la vendetta è diventata più importante della sua stessa felicità? E della felicità dell’uomo che lo ama? Tyler è determinato a trovare un modo per avere giustizia senza sacrificare la speranza di un futuro con Christian, ma sarà difficile, se non impossibile. E alla fine sarà costretto a prendere una decisione drammatica.

A Venetian Vampire

by Michele Hauf

Some games are better without rules...especially when it comes to seduction. Vampire Dante D'Arcangelo enjoys diversions. Especially those that involve seducing beautiful women, like newly made vampiress Kyler Cole. The curvaceous ingenue stirs Dante's deepest desires. But they share more than blistering chemistry. Dante and Kyler each seek possession of a priceless Fabergé egg containing a spell that would annihilate thousands of vampires while granting only one eternal life. Caught up in a wickedly sexy game of cat and mouse, Dante and Kyler try to outmaneuver each other as thieves and as lovers. But when a rival steals the egg, they form a wary alliance to recover it...knowing that their delicate bond must eventually end in betrayal.

Vengeance (Tip of the Spear #2)

by Belle Ami

Vengeance, book two in the thrilling Tip of the Spear series! Layla Wallace Hassani is living her dream, curating a major art exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art. She has it all, a fabulous career, the perfect marriage, and the perfect child. She’s madly in love with her husband Cyrus Hassani, a Mossad agent, and lives in Tel Aviv with their four-year-old daughter Cerise. Layla’s life couldn’t be better when disaster hits. She’s kidnapped by Iranian terrorists during the bombing of a restaurant in Manhattan. Chained to a bed at a remote location, Layla is a pawn in a deadly game. She’s the bait to lure Cyrus to his death. Driven by vengeance and love that knows no bounds, Cyrus will do anything to rescue his wife and stop the terrorist’s plot to blow up a nuclear power plant. Teaming up with the FBI, he’s the only man capable of stopping a bombing that will result in the deaths of millions of people. Filled with revenge, stopping the terrorists is his mission, but rescuing Layla is all that matters. Layla knows her Superman, Cyrus, is coming to save her. She also knows, unbeknownst to him, by doing so, it will mean the death of their child. Caught in a mousetrap, she struggles to find a way out of her deadly situation and to fend off the sexual advances of the kidnapper terrorist who’s fallen in love with her. Layla must make a choice, save her child or sacrifice herself and her marriage. The hunt is on. The clock is ticking.

Venom il club dei Cavalieri Oscuri e le Tarantole

by Elsa Day Mazzani Anna

Lilly Clarkfeld non ha mai voluto questa vita. Invece di seppellire la testa nei libri, si ritrova sul retro di una moto. Non solo, ma le sue braccia sono avvolte intorno a Asher, robusto motociclista dei Cavalieri Oscuri, e il primo amore di Lilly. Ma quando Lilly viene rapita da un club rivale, tutti i suoi piani vanno a monte. Venom, lo spietato capo banda delle Tarantole MC, non è il tipo di uomo a cui chiedere un favore. Ottiene tutto ciò che vuole, e sarà lui a mettere Lilly contro tutte le persone che ama. Riuscirà Lilly a rinunciare a tutto pur di salvare il suo primo amore? O sarà la sua nuova vita a bruciare nelle fiamme?

Vera (Domaine Etranger Ser. #2)

by Elizabeth Von Arnim

A handsome stranger enters Lucy Entwhistle's life on the very day of her father's death. Everard Wemyss is mourning the recent loss of his wife, and he and Lucy are drawn together in their shared experience of grief. A remarkable bond forms between the despairing couple, the thought of separation proves intolerable, and they are quickly married and settled into Everard's isolated country home, The Willows. But everything about the mansion is shadowed with the specter of Vera, its previous mistress. As Everard gradually becomes increasingly overbearing and abusive, Lucy begins to wonder about the circumstances of Vera's "accidental" death. This darkly comic novel by the author of Enchanted April is believed to have inspired the Daphne du Maurier classic Rebecca. Elizabeth von Arnim based Vera on her own ill-starred marriage to a member of the British aristocracy. Her 1921 novel offers a witty and compelling look at a sinister possibility of a marriage in which a self-absorbed bully can exploit a naïve young woman, and romantic delusions can keep a wife in thrall to her husband's tyranny.

Verhext und zugebaut (Verhexte Westwick-Krimis #1)

by Colleen Cross Daniela Maizner

Ein verhexter Krimi aus Westwick Corners! Cendrine West hat ein Geheimnis – sie will eigentlich gar keine Hexe sein. Ihre Zauberkunst ist auch nicht besonders gut, eine Tatsache, an die sie ihre Tante Pearl ständig erinnert. Aber sie kann sich der Hexenwelt nicht so einfach verschließen, schon gar nicht in dem kleinen Westwick Corners, wo die Hexen der Familie West schon seit Generationen für Chaos sorgen. Weitere Schwierigkeiten bahnen sich an, als kurz vor Cendrines Hochzeit eine Leiche auftaucht. Sie erkennt die magischen Verwicklungen in diesem Fall und entdeckt eine Seite an ihrem Verlobten, die ihr so gar nicht gefällt. Cendrine wird gezwungen, sich mit ihren eigenen Kräften auseinanderzusetzen. Werden sie ausreichen, um ihre Familie und die Stadt zu retten? Am Tatort zeigen alle Beweise auf ihre Tante Pearl, die unbedingt verhindern will, dass Touristen den Weg nach Westwick Corners finden. Dann will sie auch noch unbedingt Tyler Gates, den gutaussehenden neuen Sheriff, aus der Stadt jagen, so wie sie es bereits mit seinen Vorgängern getan hatte. Schlussendlich mischt sich auch noch der Geist von Oma Vi ein und das Chaos nimmt seinen Lauf. Zwischen Sheriff Gates und Cendrine fliegen Funken, während die Beweise gegen Tante Pearl immer belastender werden. Kann Cendrine den Fall – und ihr Herz – in die richtige Richtung lenken? Wenn Ihnen unterhaltsame Krimis mit einem Schuss Humor und etwas Zauberkraft gefallen, dann wird es Ihnen in Westwick Corners gefallen.

Verliebt in Paris

by Nicola Bock Sharon Kleve

Paget Murphy hat nicht erwartet, während der Ferien in Paris die Liebe zu finden – bis sie am Flughafen mit einem attraktiven Fremden zusammenstößt. Er hat alles, was sie sich je von einem Mann gewünscht hat – er ist freundlich und großzügig und liebt die Kunst genauso sehr wie sie es tut! Christopher Paris kann sein Glück kaum fassen, als er auf eine schöne Fremde stößt. Er ist ein Kurator im Louvre und dort möchte Paget den Großteil ihrer Zeit verbringen, während sie in Paris ist. Er hat vor, jeden freien Moment mit ihr zu verbringen – joggen, essen, Liebe machen. Zwischen ihnen liegt ein Kontinent. Werden sie einen Weg finden, den denkwürdigsten Feiertag von allen miteinander zu verbringen – Weihnachten?

VERO AMORE (Julia Jones #3)

by Cristiana Maggiolini Katrina Kahler

Le vicende di Julia Jones, Gli Anni Adolescenziali, proseguono in questo fantastico volume. In una nuova trama ricca di suspense, storie d’amore e drammi, questo libro vi terrà incollati alla storia fin dalla prima pagina. Di chi si innamorerà Julia? Blake, Ky o qualcun altro ruberà il suo cuore? E che ruolo coprirà Sara nella sua vita con i suoi atti spietati di bullismo? Queste ed altre domande troveranno risposta nel terzo volume della serie, il più intenso e romantico. Un libro fantastico per ragazze che i lettori ameranno senza ombra di dubbio.

Vertel geen leugens

by Tanya Anne Crosby Miriam van der Veen

"Crosby levert verhalen met spanning, geheimen en zuidelijke schandalen als geen ander!" —Harlan Coben, bestseller auteur New York Times-bestsellerlijst Auteur Tanya Anne Crosby, die al verschillende malen de bestsellerlijst van de New York Times heeft gehaald, keert terug naar de ongerepte moerassen en in verval geraakte plantages van Charleston, waar een gruwelijke moord en kidnapping de angst voor een seriemoordenaar opnieuw aanwakkeren ... Augusta Aldridge gelooft in de onschuld van Ian Patterson, zelfs nadat hij is gearresteerd op verdenking van de moord op twee jonge vrouwen en het verminken van hun lichamen. Zij was namelijk bij hem in de nacht dat een van de misdaden plaatsvond. Verborgen in de schaduwen onder een pier aan het strand, had ze verstrengeld gelegen in een sensationele, ondenkbare omarming met deze gevaarlijke, fascinerende man. Was zijn aantrekkingskracht te groot geweest voor de andere slachtoffers? Als er weer een lichaam wordt gevonden, vermoedt de politie dat er sprake is van een copycat-moordenaar, maar Augusta is er zeker van dat ze de verkeerde man achter de tralies hebben gezet. Zij zal haar reputatie, en haar leven, riskeren om het te bewijzen ...

A Very Cowboy Christmas: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Y'all

by Kim Redford

There's nothing like a firefighting cowboy to keep you toasty warm this Christmas...Christmas is coming up, and single mom Sydney Steele is determined to make this a holiday to remember for Wildcat Bluff County. She still has to get those pesky, reluctant—and deliciously attractive—firefighting cowboys to pose for her charity calendar. They claim they're too busy pursuing an unknown arsonist to take a break. Dune Barrett has been flirting with Sydney for months, so he jumps at the chance to give her a hand. And when he agrees to pose as Mr. December, she couldn't be happier. But to really win her over, Dune will have to convince eleven other guys from his crew to exploit their good looks for charity...a task much easier said than done.Smokin' Hot Cowboys:A Cowboy Firefighter for Christmas (Book 1)Blazing Hot Cowboy (Book 2)A Very Cowboy Christmas (Book 3)What People Are Saying About A Cowboy Firefighter for Christmas:"This tale will melt even the iciest heart."—Publishers Weekly, STARRED Review"A whole new type of holiday read. A little mystery and a lot of heat."—Night Owl Reviews"Redford's novel is a fun, sexy read, one that is perfect for the upcoming holiday season." —RT Book Reviews"A Cowboy Firefighter for Christmas will keep you warm and toasty and entertained in a big—and I mean Texas big—way."—USA Today Happily Ever After

A Very Merry Princess (Happily Inc)

by Susan Mallery

Celebrate the season with this warmhearted charmer from #1 New York Times bestselling author Susan MalleryWhen Princess Bethany’s father, the king, sells one of his best stallions, she insists the animal get the royal treatment. Disguised as Beth Archer, a mere stable hand, she takes him to Happily Inc, California, a quaint wedding destination that’s especially sparkly over the holidays.Rich women have no place on Cade Saunders’s ranch. He wants a down-to-earth girl-next-door type—like Beth Archer. After a few cocoa-flavored kisses by the Christmas tree, Bethany begins to fall for her irresistibly handsome host. But will Cade still want her when he discovers she’s more familiar with a crown than a cowboy hat?“Delightfully flirtatious.” —Publishers Weekly on You Say It

A Very Precious Gift

by Meredith Webber

A life-and-love decision&#8230 It all started with a plan to make Charles jealous—and it was all Nick David's idea. After a while, the plan ceased to be important. Protecting her heart from Nick's all-too-real advances was what really mattered to Dr. Phoebe Morton. Nick was famous for being a womanizer, yet his reputation was just a cover—to hide his fear of a broken marriage. Nick and Phoebe were obviously in love, but only a matter of life and death could make them realize that what they had together was a very precious gift that shouldn't be ignored.

A Very Special Christmas

by Jessica Matthews

Practice nurse and single mom Claire Westin is more interested in treating her patients than celebrating Christmas — it brings back memories too painful to remember. But her gorgeous boss, Alex Ridgeway, senior physician at the Pleasant Valley practice, is determined to remind her of the magic of Christmas. For Alex knows it is the only way Claire can move on, and the one thing she must do if he is to have any chance of convincing her that bringing their families together will make not only Christmas, but every day of their lives very, very special&#8230.

A Very Special Surgeon

by Laura Macdonald

Saving Nurse Ryan After two years as a young widow, nurse Kate Ryan doesn't expect to find — or want — another man. She puts all her energy into her children and into the dramas and triumphs of the maternity department she runs. But then she gets to know handsome consultant obstetrician Tom Fielding as a man — an attractive man! — not just a skilled surgeon. And slowly Kate begins to realize that life still has so much more to offer....

Vespar (Order of the Black Knights)

by Thianna Durston

Order of the Black KnightsSpecial-ops-turned-professional-killer Vespar McKauley is hired to take out Marcolm Rogers, son of his employer's worst enemy. But Marc isn't like any hit he's ever done. He's just twenty-one, he goes to a private university studying English Lit, and for fun, he plays computer games with his friends. No drugs, no partying, no crime. The day Vespar bumps into Marc and looks into his azure eyes, the world drops out from under him. With his father in the Chicago crime syndicate, Marc and his mom have stayed out of the limelight, hiding from those who might harm them. He figures he's safe at a small liberal arts university, all the way across the country. But midway through his senior year, he feels eyes on him and the shadows encroaching. Just as he's about to run, he meets Vespar and experiences an instant attraction. When Vespar tells him he's in danger and offers to protect him, Marc wants to believe him. But he's been hunted before, and this time he isn't sure he'll get away. Especially when he finds out he is Vespar's target.

A Viagem de Recrutamento

by João Rossi Parreiras Lexy Timms

A pretendente a atleta universitária Aileen Nessa acredita que o processo de recrutamento está sendo mais do que intimidante. Como a top 10 mundial nos 100 metros com barreiras aos 18 anos não foi por acaso, mesmo achando que uma corrida onde tudo se encaixa perfeitamente, pode sim sê-lo. As universidades americanas parecem não acreditar nisso. As cartas chegam de todo o país. Enquanto ela enfrenta o desafio de diferenciar entre o genuíno comprometimento para com ela e promessas vazias de treinadores caçadores de talento, Aileen parte rumo à Universidade Estadual de Gática, uma instituição da Divisão Um, para uma viagem de recrutamento. Sua melhor amiga a desafia para ir somente para ver os bonitos rapazes que aparecem no panfleto da universidade. O programa atlético da universidade possui um dos melhores corredores com barreiras do país. Tyler Jensen é o campeão da NCAA* em barreiras e Jim Thorpe o reconhecido top defensive back do futebol americano. Seus incríveis olhos azuis como o oceano e seu sorriso confiante fazem Aileen gaguejar e esquecer porque ela está visitando a UEG. Seu convite de acolhê-la caso ela decida estudar em Gática é uma proposta tentadora que a faz se perguntar se ela está fazendo um pacto com um anjo ou com o próprio diabo. *Associação Atlética de Faculdades Nacional. N do T.

El viaje al mundo de Lucía

by Jennyfer L. F.

Una novela romántica con un punto picante que te hará aflorar todas las emociones posibles, desde la alegría hasta el enfado, haciéndote sentir en todo momento la protagonista de una bonita historia de amor. Lucía es una chica de veinticinco años con un fuerte carácter marcado por una relación no del todo sana. <P><P> Cuando Lucía deja a Marcos, su novio de toda la vida y su trabajo como camarera en una pequeña cafetería para mudarse a Barcelona con la intención de reinventarse, solo busca una vida apacible, conocerse a sí misma y estudiar diseño de interiores, algo que le apasiona. Sin embargo, no todos los comienzos son sencillos; unas complicadas compañeras de piso que le hacen el vacío continuamente y Alex, un guapo arquitecto de treinta años con la capacidad de hacer suspirar a toda mujer que pase por su lado sin pretenderlo siquiera, ponen su mundo patas arriba. <P><P>Lucía se ve envuelta en poco tiempo en una historia de amor que no buscaba, pero que la deja suspirando cual colegiala enamorada. ¿Será todo tan perfecto como parece o guardará Alex algún tipo de secreto que empañe la relación?

Vicious Vixen

by Shiloh Walker

He’s given one chance at redemption—hers and his.Hired killer, Vixen Markham doesn’t have any illusions about life or love. Unable to trust even the one man she lets into her heart, she makes a decision that she’ll regret for the rest of her life—which won’t be much longer by the looks of things. Loaded with vengeance and a small arsenal of weapons, she’s ready to face up to her past and say goodbye to her future, until she’s confronted by a pair of eyes she could never forget.Graeme Mackenzie Lawson lived a hard life. Hard on himself and harder on those who got in his way. Betrayed and murdered, he’s given one chance at redemption—but not for himself—for the woman he loved, the woman who killed him.Can he keep Vixen safe, when she seems determined to lose her life—and her soul?Warning: The following contains violence, hot sex and one vicious vixen.This title has been previously published.

The Victoria in My Head

by Janelle Milanes

A shy, rule-following teen winds up joining a local rock band in this laugh-out-loud, heartfelt coming-of-age novel.Victoria Cruz inhabits two worlds: In one, she is a rock star, thrashing the stage with her husky voice and purple-streaked hair. In the other, currently serving as her reality, Victoria is a shy teenager with overprotective Cuban parents, who sleepwalks through her life at the prestigious Evanston Academy. Unable to overcome the whole paralyzing-stage-fright thing, Victoria settles for living inside her fantasies, where nothing can go wrong and everything is set to her expertly crafted music playlists. But after a chance encounter with an unattainably gorgeous boy named Strand, whose band seeks a lead singer, Victoria is tempted to turn her fevered daydreams into reality. To do that, she must confront her insecurities and break away from the treadmill that is her life. Suddenly, Victoria is faced with the choice of staying on the path she’s always known and straying off-course to find love, adventure, and danger. From debut author Janelle Milanes comes a hilarious and heartfelt tale of the spectacular things that can happen when you go after what you really want.

Vidas Contrastadas

by Emilia Paz Leah Dempster

Ella le ofreció más de lo que estaba esperando. ¿Podría él darle a ella todo lo que ella necesitaba? Viudo y padre de cuatro hijos, Matt Pendleton es todo trabajo y nada de diversión. Entre la vida como detective de homicidios y el cuidado de sus niños, hay poco tiempo para el esparcimiento. Desesperado por algo pasión y conexión, Matt contrata a una dama de compañía para pasar la noche. Pero una noche se convierte en mucho más. Emily Coulter es hermosa, carismática y fuertemente independiente, decidida a hacer su propio camino en el mundo. Cegados por su atracción mutua, ninguno pudo resistir su intenso deseo. Pero el pasado de Emily con un dominante vicioso contradice el presente de Matt como policía y papá. ¿Pueden dos personas con vidas contrastadas encontrar una manera de unir sus vidas en una sola?

A View Across the Mersey

by Anne Baker

A VIEW ACROSS THE MERSEY by Anne Baker is a dramatic Liverpool family saga sure to appeal to fans of Katie Flynn, Annie Groves and Lyn Andrews.The youngest of five siblings, Lottie Mortimer has never felt like she belonged. Her mother died shortly after she was born, leaving her father and grandmother to raise the family and, despite their love and support, Lottie can't help wondering if there is something they are not telling her... With the First World War over, the Mortimers' ship-owning business is struggling to survive and Lottie, who works with her father, worries what the future will hold. Meanwhile, her elder sister Eunice is trapped in an unhappy marriage that causes concern for them all. Then Lottie discovers the shocking truth about her birth that turns her world upside down and the dramatic events that unfold affect them all...

A View Across the Mersey

by Anne Baker

A VIEW ACROSS THE MERSEY by Anne Baker is a dramatic Liverpool family saga sure to appeal to fans of Katie Flynn, Annie Groves and Lyn Andrews.The youngest of five siblings, Lottie Mortimer has never felt like she belonged. Her mother died shortly after she was born, leaving her father and grandmother to raise the family and, despite their love and support, Lottie can't help wondering if there is something they are not telling her... With the First World War over, the Mortimers' ship-owning business is struggling to survive and Lottie, who works with her father, worries what the future will hold. Meanwhile, her elder sister Eunice is trapped in an unhappy marriage that causes concern for them all. Then Lottie discovers the shocking truth about her birth that turns her world upside down and the dramatic events that unfold affect them all...

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