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Rendición (Serie El Sirviente Emo Libro #9)


El tiempo de Alex trabajando para Sebastian Dacey no llegó sin profundas cicatrices emocionales. Aunque había renunciado a su trabajo como sirviente, los recuerdos de su jefe lo consumían todo. Las vacaciones parecían la escapada perfecta, hasta que el pasado de Alex volvió para perseguirlo.

La rendición de Aileen (El destino de los Wright #Volumen 5)

by Raquel Gil Espejo

Un destierro, un engaño y una promesa que la alejará del verdadero amor. A sus veintiún años recién cumplidos, Aileen Wright ha sobrevivido a tres largas y tediosas temporadas que no le han servido nada más que para colmar la paciencia de sus progenitores y para reafirmarse en su posición: no se desposará si no es por amor. A esta decisión hay que sumar un detalle más: tampoco lo hará con un joven de sangre noble.Su rebeldía la llevará a ser «desterrada» a Mey, en las Highlands. Tener que comenzar de cero en un nuevo hogar se le antoja un tormento. En el último momento, llega a un acuerdo con su padre: dispone de un año... Si pasado ese tiempo no ha echado raíces, si sigue pensando que Londres es el lugar en el que quiere vivir, podrá regresar. Bruce Sinclair, el vizconde de Caithness, representa todo lo que Aileen detesta. En cambio, Philip, un joven tabernero con el que tiene un encuentro fortuito junto al lago, es un soplo de aire fresco en su vida.Viajar a Mey jamás había formado parte de su imaginario. Sin embargo, no tarda en quedar atrapada por la magia de esas tierras, mientras que en su pecho comienza a prender la llama del amor. Un secreto, un desengaño y un ultimátum la llevarán a tomar la decisiónmás trascendental de su vida. Aileen se debatirá entre razón o corazón, entre plantar batalla o proclamar su rendición. El destino de los Wright nos traslada en primer lugar a la Inglaterra de la época de Regencia. Nos lleva de los grandes bailes de Londres a la campiña inglesa. También a las Tierras Altas de Escocia, sin que falte un paseo por España. Todo siguiendo las vidas de la familia Wright cuyo legado perdurará en el tiempo.

La rendición de un caballero (Familia Blackshear #Volumen 2)

by Cecilia Grant

En la partida del amor, el ingenio y el deseo son las cartas principales. Una seductora dama va a cambiar las reglas de un juego dominado por caballeros. ¿La recompensa? El mayor de los placeres... Mujer de mente afilada y un cerebro dotado para los números, Lydia Slaughter conoce todos los juegos para divertir a los hombres tanto dentro como fuera de la cama. Desesperada por conseguir el dinero que le dará la libertad, ha decidido desplumar a Will Blackshear, héroe de Waterloo y poseedor de una jugosa agenda de juego. Él no tarda en caer a sus pies pero ella se esfuerza en mantener las distancias, hasta que descubre que una alianza sería lo más conveniente para ambos. Su trato, conlleva sin embargo riesgos insospechados, pues una mala mano podría hacer que sus corazones arriesguen aquello por lo que ninguno de los dos está dispuesto a apostar: el amor.

Rendida a tus pies (Pierced Hearts, #1)

by Belén Luna Pedreño Violet Haze

Stefan nunca se planteó que ella iba a volver... Tras cinco largos años, la encuentra y tiene claro que va a averiguar que le ha estado escondiendo, pero también espera que su propio secreto no los vuelva a separar. Simon nunca creyó que se iba a enamorar de ella... Pedirle una cita fue un acto impulsivo, pero de repente el médico se enamora de esta mujer y se muere por ella. Está decidido a hacerla suya. Elizabeth nunca creyó que se iba a sentir así por dos hombres... Dividida entre el amor de un ex que la apartó de su vida en el pasado y el amor de un hombre nuevo que la hace sentir viva otra vez. Deberá tomar una decisión que terminará rompiéndole el corazón a uno de ellos. Cuando se produzca la tragedia, ¿tendrá clara su decisión final?

Rendida a você (Pierced Hearts, #1)

by Camilla Mendes Violet Haze

Stefan nunca pensou que ela fosse voltasse para casa... Após cinco longos anos, ela está ao seu alcance e ele está determinado a descobrir o que ela manteve escondido dele, enquanto espera que seu próprio segredo não vá separá-los novamente. Simon não esperava se apaixonar por ela... Chamá-la para sair tinha sido impulsivo, mas de repente o doutor está se apaixonando por esta mulher que o faz doer como nunca ninguém fez e ele está determinado torná-la sua. Elizabeth não sabia que teria sentimentos tão fortes por dois homens... Dividida entre o amor de um ex que ela afastou no passado e o amor de um novo homem que a faz se sentir viva novamente, ela deve tomar uma decisão que acabará por resultar em um coração partido para um deles. Quando a tragédia atacar, ela estará confiante sobre sua decisão final?

Rendida al duque

by Penny Jordan

él duque la desea, pero...¿ella se rendirá a él?Saul Parenti siempre exige lo mejor. Por eso ha contratado a Giselle Freeman para que trabaje para él. Giselle posee una actitud glacial y una belleza fría. Pero para Saul resulta obvio que, bajo esa fachada polar, se esconde una pasión salvaje.Debido al trauma que sufrió en su primera infancia, Giselle construyó unos muros de acero alrededor de su corazón. Ahora está trabajando con el único hombre que puede poner en peligro sus defensas. Su mutua atracción sexual está en su punto de ebullición. El único resultado posible: una rendición total y absoluta que cambiará su vida.

Rendido al amor (El club de juego #Volumen 1)

by Evelin Mordán

Dos almas iguales, con dos vidas totalmente paralelas. Ezra Walter no es ningún lord, pero se hace llamar señor. Se ha ganado el respeto de los suyos y de su alrededor tras haberse convertido en un hombre influyente y con dinero en los peores barrios de Londres. Su afán por salir de la pobreza lo ha llevado a ser uno de los socios del club de juego más escandaloso de la ciudad. Cuando conoce a la atrevida Olivia y a su patético equipo de ladrones, el señor Walter se propone llevarla consigo y darles una lección. Sin embargo, la lección la termina recibiendo él al conocer en Olivia una mujer de fuego, valiente, libre, y decidida. Entre los dos no tarda en arder la pasión, pero para Ezra se convierte en mucho más que eso cuando descubre las penurias por las que ha pasado. El club de juego, una mirada fresca más allá de las calles adoquinadas de la ciudad de Londres en el siglo XIX. Tres historias, tres amigos convidas muy lejos de la perfección. Conoce al primero de nuestros protagonistas: Ezra Walker.

Rendirse al pasado

by Elizabeth Johns

Elinor Abbott tenía solo 14 años cuando ella y su padre se fueron de Inglaterra a América. Seis años más tarde, Elinor Abbott se ve obligada a regresar a su país de nacimiento y a una vida entre la aristocracia que desprecia. Un regreso a Inglaterra también significa enfrentar al hombre que la atacó brutalmente cuando era adolescente. El vizconde Easton llegó a los Estados Unidos a instancias del Ejército de Su Majestad, para su última asignación. Fue enviado a casa temprano debido a una lesión y debe enfrentar su nuevo destino como heredero de un condado. Despues de su encuentro con Elinor y una serie de eventos inesperados ,Easton debe decidir si salvar la reputación de ella o mantener la soltería. ¿Podra Elinor enfrentar los peligros de salir en la aristocrática Inglaterra y seguir conservando su sentido de identidad? ¿Podra Easton ayudarla a superar su aversión a los hombres? ¿O su pasado le impedirá enfrentar su futuro?


by C. R. Parsons François-René de Chateaubriand R. D. Finch

If the writings of Chateaubriand, one above all is both most representative of its author and most significant for reader and student alike. René, a milestone of literature, presents the first genuine and complete picture of that state of spiritual frustration and moral isolation known as le mal du siècle, its causes, symptoms, ravages, and cure.Chateaubriand, a prodigious artist with an incomparable style, enjoys the further distinction of having fused in his work the end of one epoch and the beginning of another. It is sometimes forgotten that these epochs are not only French but also European in scope, and their reverberations as expressed by Chateaubriand have affected almost every subsequent writer of importance up to the present. Chateaubriand is often called the father of romanticism. It may be claimed with equal reason that he is the grandfather of the neo-romanticism of our time.This edition of René contains, as well as a full introduction, notes covering the allusions to place names, events, and personages, and a complete vocabulary.


by Erica Stevens Coral Domínguez

Aunque Aria ya no esté en el palacio y haya sido rescatada de ser una esclava de sangre, los recuerdos del tiempo que pasó dentro de la fortaleza la atormentan, al igual que los recuerdos de Braith, el príncipe que la traicionó y le destrozó el corazón. Cada día es una lucha por seguir adelante, y el único consuelo que encuentra es con Max, su mejor amigo y compañero de cautiverio. Pese a que Max no entiende su vínculo con Braith, sabe lo que tuvo que soportar y la ayuda a aliviar el dolor de los pedazos partidos de su alma. Poco a poco, Aria comienza a recuperar las partes rotas de su espíritu herido gracias a sumergirse en el maravilloso bosque, que tanto ha echado de menos, y en la seguridad y el reconfortante amor que Max le da libremente. Sin embargo, su mundo vuelve a venirse abajo cuando un grupo de vampiros saqueadores destruye las cuevas donde ella había encontrado provisionalmente un refugio. Aislada en el bosque, tratando de permanecer oculta y de encontrar a su familia, Aria se sorprende cuando Braith, el monstruo que le destruyó el corazón, reaparece. Desconcertada por la repentina llegada del hombre a su mundo, Arianna no está segura de si ha ido a capturarla otra vez o a matarla por atreverse a escapar.


by Lisa Bingham

The bestselling author of Desperado returns with another sexy cowboy from the Taggart family...The rugged and wild Taggart brothers know how to tame a restless beast, but a restless heart is a different matter... When tragedy struck, Jace Taggart stepped in to run the family business and care for his brothers, sacrificing his own happiness to ensure their well-being. But after the beautiful Bronte Cupacek moves to town, Jace realizes he can't ignore the hunger inside him much longer. However, the last thing Bronte needs is another man in her life. After the end of a painful marriage, she just wants to focus on her daughters. They need her now more than ever. Yet no matter how hard Bronte tries to stand on her own two feet, it's hard to resist the handsome cowboy who keeps coming to her aid. Soon secrets from the past threaten everything dear to them. Only through embracing their undeniable connection can Jace and Bronte build a future together that no one can tear apart...

Renegade (Knights of Fury #2)

by Chantal Fernando

New York Times bestselling author of the Knights of Fury MC series Chantal Fernando is back with trouble in the form of a renegade.Good girl Isabella wouldn’t miss the birth of her sister’s baby for the world. So when her car breaks down and one of the bikers next door offers her a ride to Vegas, it’s too tempting to pass up. Besides, she can think of worse travel conditions than wrapping her arms around Renny, otherwise known as Renegade.Tall, dark and handsome, the man is pure sex on a Harley.Between wild parties and rumbling motorcycles, living next to the Knights of Fury MC has always left Isabella curious, but after a night in Vegas, she gets a firsthand taste. Drinks in the club surrounded by burly bikers soon turns into a series of daring decisions, which don’t seem so bad until she wakes up the next morning. Married. To Renny.Could she be more of a cliché?Nothing complicates an annulment like lingering temptation, especially when Isabella and Renny give in to their need, putting their marriage where their mouths are. But as Isabella learns what outlaw life is really like, she’ll have to decide if she’s in love with a biker—or in over her head.This book is approximately 67,000 wordsOne-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you’re looking for with an HEA/HFN. It’s a promise!

The Renegade

by Margaret St. George

AVENGING ANGELSHe was a great advertisement for heaven!The sexy blond guy who appeared before Brett Thatcher in the swirling Colorado snow looked anything but angelic. In tight jeans and a leather jacket, he almost made her forget she was the chief suspect in her ex-husband's murder. Whoever he was, Sam Angel was all that stood between her and prison.The sight of Brett almost made Sam forget that he'd been assigned her case to avenge an innocent, not fulfill a fantasy. Sam could not perform miracles-but this time he'd have to. Not only was Brett's life in danger, but the longer he stayed with her and the closer he got to her, the more he feared Brett would be the one temptation he couldn't resist.The sexiest angels this side of heaven!


by Judy Griffith Gill

They married for all the wrong reasons. But can a marriage of convenience become a love affair for all time? Marrying Renny Knight was the biggest mistake of Jacquie Train's life. After the seductive rogue got what he wanted, he walked away without a backward glance, never knowing about her tragic secret. Now he's back--and as dangerously irresistible as ever. Why has Renny suddenly reappeared? And what does he want? Traveling the world can't dim the memories of the passion Renny shared with the woman he wed strictly for business reasons. And finding Jacquie again is some kind of miracle, the end of a two-year quest. What will it take to convince her to open her heart to him again? Because Renny won't rest until he has Jacquie where he wants her--safe and loved in his arms for the rest of their lives.

Renegade (Elite Ops #5)

by Lora Leigh

Elite Ops agent Nikolai Steele, code named Renegade, is on a special assignment involving a beautiful woman. But his involvement is about to go beyond the call of duty--and into the realm of dangerous desire.


by Catherine Mann

Untamed and Undercover: Third in the Dark Ops series. Tech Sergeant Mason "Smooth" Randolph lives to push boundaries. But he never anticipated how far outside the box he would land when an in- flight accident sends him parachuting into Nevada's notorious Area 51- and into the handcuffs of sexy security cop Jill Walczak.

The Renegade

by Rhonda Nelson

Ranger Security expert Tanner Crawford is lethally sexy. With his hair-trigger temper, smart-ass mouth and lady-charmer ways, he's no stranger to trouble. And it turns out that trouble's no stranger to him, either. Because Mia Hawthorne, the only woman who ever rocked his world, just tumbled back into his life. As a client he must protect!Ah, hell. Anybody but her…When Mia sees Tanner, her carefully ordered world screeches to a halt. It starts right up again though— in his bed! Sex with Tanner is still incredible. But he's a bad boy destined to break her heart once more… and she craves stable and predictable. Doesn't she?Well, maybe. But first, she's going to find out exactly what she's been missing. And this time, she'll be the one to walk away.If she can…


by Nancy Northcott

SHE FOLLOWS THE RULES As the Collegium council's top sheriff of the southeastern United States, Valeria Banning doesn't just take her job seriously, she takes it personally. So when a notorious traitor wanted by the authorities suddenly risks his life to save hers, she has to wonder why. HE BREAKS EVERY ONE OF THEM As a mage, Griffin is sworn to protect innocents from dark magic, which is how he finds himself fighting side by side with the beautiful Valeria Banning. But when the council finds out the two have been working together, they're both left running for their lives-from the law, the threat of a ghoul takeover, and a possible Collegium mole. Word Count: 90,000 words.

Renegade (Long, Tall Texans #40)

by Diana Palmer

Newly appointed police chief Cash Grier makes it his personal mission to keep law and order in the streets of Jacobsville. As a true renegade, Cash has learned never to take anything at face value-especially not his gorgeous sworn enemy, "Georgia Firefly" Tippy Moore. But Tippy is no longer a spoiled Hollywood starlet, just an unassuming beauty who has almost as many skeletons in her closet as Cash.The hard-edged Texan finds himself powerless to resist their explosive chemistry. Just as Cash is about to believe that Tippy might be the one for him, an unforgivable betrayal leads to despair, deceit-and unexpected danger. Now all roads lead to this one pivotal moment that will test the very fabric of a love that had once known no bounds....


by Diana Palmer

For newly appointed police chief Cash Grier, life in rural southeast Texas was quite a departure from his former world of subterfuge and black ops. But as a true renegade, Cash had learned never to take anything at face value. Even now he sniffed an undercurrent of unrest in the air and made it his personal mission to keep law and order in the streets of Jacobsville. Complications arose when Cash found himself distracted by his traitorous desire for Tippy Moore--the "Georgia Firefly. "The combative barbs he'd once relished exchanging with his gorgeous sworn enemy no longer gave him the same satisfaction. Cash was stunned by Tippy's amazing transformation from "spoiled" Hollywood starlet to unassuming beauty who had almost as many skeletons in her closet as he did. Despite himself, the hard-edged Texan discovered a kindred spirit in this woman who was selflessly devoted to raising her beleaguered younger brother. Before long, Cash, a man who prided himself on self-restraint, found himself powerless to resist their explosive chemistry. Just as Cash was beginning to believe that Tippy might be the one for him, an unforgivable betrayal ripped them apart, spiraling them in different directions, leading to despair, deceit--and unexpected danger.


by Sarah Parr

A Woman To Adore Far from England, alone for too long, Captain Jonathon Barry is captivated the instant he sees Jaline--she is too magnificent not to notice. There is a grace to her movements, an elegance to her bearing, that sets her apart even before she lifts her exotic black eyes or speaks. Her voice is intoxicating, soft as velvet with a sweet, lilting quality, as she recounts an evil bargain made against her will. She is to be his mistress, and he may do with her as he pleases. . . Jonathon is deeply torn, for Jaline is indeed his by right. She is only a slave, the prize he has won in a Constantinople gambling den. Trembling, bared to him, body and soul--oh no--he can see how cruelly she has been treated. It is clear that Jaline is in danger still and he may well be her only hope. Yet even a renegade like Jonathon would risk anything to save so beautiful a woman. . . and to love her, if she will let him.


by Sarah Parr

A Woman To Adore Far from England, alone for too long, Captain Jonathon Barry is captivated the instant he sees Jaline--she is too magnificent not to notice. There is a grace to her movements, an elegance to her bearing, that sets her apart even before she lifts her exotic black eyes or speaks. Her voice is intoxicating, soft as velvet with a sweet, lilting quality, as she recounts an evil bargain made against her will. She is to be his mistress, and he may do with her as he pleases. . . Jonathon is deeply torn, for Jaline is indeed his by right. She is only a slave, the prize he has won in a Constantinople gambling den. Trembling, bared to him, body and soul--oh no--he can see how cruelly she has been treated. It is clear that Jaline is in danger still and he may well be her only hope. Yet even a renegade like Jonathon would risk anything to save so beautiful a woman. . .and to love her, if she will let him.

Renegade: Relentless, Renegade, And Notorious

by Patricia Potter

Desperate to return home to Texas, the widow of a Rebel hero finds an unlikely bodyguard in a wounded soldier who isn't what he seems Rhys Redding grew up on the streets of London, sleeping in stables, picking pockets, and begging for scraps of food. He found a way out as a mercenary in Africa, and returned to England a rich man--only to end up in a Confederate prison. Now his only hope of escape is a black-haired beauty who needs him as badly as he needs her. Widow Susannah Fallon came to Richmond to find the only family she has left. The stranger in the cot next to her brother's was arrested for wearing a Yankee uniform, but Susannah soon discovers that nothing about Maj. Rhys Redding is what it seems--except the powerful desire that follows them when he escorts her and her embittered wounded brother across the lawless, war-ravaged South. Back home in Texas, Susannah is in danger of falling for her enigmatic protector. But Rhys has a score to settle--and the chance to right one last terrible wrong.

The Renegade

by Kaitlyn Rice

He's the bad boy who's no longer off-limits She's the good girl who needs a safe man Could it be the sea-green bandanna knotted in his blond hair? Or maybe it's the quicksilver eyes that sparkle with laughter before they deepen to hurricane-gray. Whatever it is, bad-boy Riley Collins, the idol of Tracy Gilbert's high-school years, is back in town, and too sexy, too dangerous-too close-for Tracy's precarious peace of mind. With all her systems on high alert, and caring for her young daughter uppermost in her mind, she vows to keep her distance. that was the plan-until Tracy's boss assigns her to help Riley get his fledgling business under way. Tracy soon finds that the new business isn't the only thing Riley-or she, for that matter-wants to get going.

The Renegade

by Kaitlyn Rice

He's the bad boy who's no longer off-limitsShe's the good girl who needs a safe manCould it be the sea-green bandanna knotted in his blond hair? Or maybe it's the quicksilver eyes that sparkle with laughter before they deepen to hurricane-gray.Whatever it is, bad-boy Riley Collins, the idol of Tracy Gilbert's high-school years, is back in town, and too sexy, too dangerous-too close-for Tracy's precarious peace of mind. With all her systems on high alert, and caring for her young daughter uppermost in her mind, she vows to keep her distance.That was the plan-until Tracy's boss assigns her to help Riley get his fledgling business under way. Tracy soon finds that the new business isn't the only thing Riley-or she, for that matter-wants to get going.

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