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La Valle

by Francesco Barlaam William Meikle

Un mondo perduto è stato riscoperto… e nessuno ne uscirà vivo. 1863, Montana. Un gruppo di mercenari si imbatte in quel che rimane di una prospera città mineraria. Scopriranno presto che la devastazione non è stata causata dalla mano dell’uomo, ma da creature a lungo dimenticate. William Meikle presenta qui una classica storia di un Mondo Perduto con il giusto pizzico di orrore e western. Rimarrete col fiato sospeso durante la discesa ne La Valle. “La Valle è un’avventura mozzafiato, non riuscirete a posare il libro fino all’esplosivo finale”. The Man-Eating-Bookworm

La Vecchia Casa Terrificante

by Frank C Chambers Rita Emili

Randy sentiva il sapore nebbioso dell’aria e sapeva bene che non avrebbe potuto valutare una casa a mezzanotte. Considerando che non era mai stato prima in questa zona, si avvicinò alla casa con cautela, ma prima di affrontarla venne accolto da un ospite inatteso. Quando l’ospite improvvisamente viene pugnalato alle spalle, Randy comincia a perdere il controllo della situazione. Unisciti a lui per la salvezza della sua vita… o per la fine della sua vita…

La veuve

by Marco Siena

« Au cours des merveilleuses années 90, à Presello, un village situé dans le trou du cul de la province de Modène, la femme la plus riche de la région était décédée, et son enterrement avait représenté un événement important pour tous. Mais son corps avait disparu quelques jours seulement après les funérailles, de fait… cela dépassait tout ce qu’il s’était passé jusqu'alors ». Une nouvelle d'horreur inspirée des films des années 80 - 90, qui se déroule dans un village imaginaire du nord de l'Italie. Trois jeunes gens, le vol d'un cadavre et la disparition d'une petite fille, dans une histoire d'horreur classique où les monstres attendent au coin de la rue et ne nous accompagnent pas au bal de fin d’année.

La via dei lupi (Serie Sollevando il Velo #1)

by Eledh Armata Susan Laine

Serie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 1Kris Ellis credeva che i tempi dei matrimoni combinati fossero finiti, ma questo era prima che la Grande Rivelazione svelasse al mondo che creature mitologiche vivono tra gli esseri umani. Ora un test medico di routine ha decretato che Kris ha un compagno, un licantropo di nome Rafael King. Kris è appena uscito dal college e ha dei piani per il suo futuro. Nessuno di quei piani include l'essere legato per sempre a qualcuno che non ha mai nemmeno incontrato. Ma poi Rafe lo chiama e Kris inizia a riconsiderare la cosa. Dopotutto, come deve essere aspettare il proprio compagno per oltre duecento anni? Rafe è paziente, forte e gentile, e pure affascinante. Confermando ciò che Kris ha sentito dire riguardo ai compagni, le scintille volano nel secondo esatto in cui si incontrano. Ma Kris e Rafe sono molto diversi e lo stile di vita dei licantropi è pericoloso. Combattere per l'amore vale davvero la pena?

La Visione Del Vampiro

by Shawn Wiseman Laura De Francesco

Descrizione del libro: Doveva essere un lavoro semplice ma quando poliziotti sensitivi arrivano e rapiscono la sua migliore amica Olivia, Kara la vampira deve diventare una vigilante e farsi giustizia da sola. Kara è però da sola, i suoi simili la rifiutano perché è nata con poteri psichici. La guerra sarà anche finita ma non scorre buon sangue tra succhia sangue e coloro che leggono la mente. Per aiutare Olivia, Kara stringe un patto col diavolo, o qualcuno che ci si avvicina molto: Vasha, una gangster con legami tra vampiri e sensitivi. Dandosi da fare per liberare la sua amica, Kara scopre una bomba a orologeria pronta ad esplodere tra le due fazioni sovrannaturali e avvisaglie di una nuova guerra profilarsi all'orizzonte. Riuscirà Kara a salvare Olivia prima di diventare la scintilla che farà scoppiare il nuovo conflitto o è già troppo tardi? Con una forte protagonista e altrettanto forti eroine questa serie per adulti sui vampiri è ricca di azione e non vi deluderà. Compra il libro ed assisti all'inizio della guerra tra vampiri e sensitivi.

La voie du loup (Le Grand Dévoilement #1)

by Susan Laine Bénédicte Girault

Le Grand Dévoilement, tome 1 Kris Ellis pensait que le temps des mariages arrangés appartenait au passé - mais c'était avant le Grand Dévoilement qui révéla que des créatures mythiques vivaient parmi les humains. Maintenant, un simple test médical de routine a pu déterminer que Kris avait un compagnon, un loup-garou nommé Rafael King. Kris est fraîchement diplômé de l'université et a des projets bien établis pour sa vie future. Aucun d'entre eux n'inclut d'être lié pour toujours à quelqu'un qu'il n'a jamais rencontré. Mais lorsque Rafe l'appelle, Kris est prêt à reconsidérer sa position. Après tout, qu'est-ce qui est pire que d'avoir attendu son âme sœur pendant près de deux cents ans ? Rafe est patient, fort et gentil, sans oublier qu'il est très attirant. Exactement comme ce que Kris avait entendu dire à propos des compagnons prédestinés, des étincelles éclatent à la seconde où ils se rencontrent. Mais Kris et Rafe sont très différents et la vie avec un loup-garou peut s'avérer dangereuse. Un combat pour l'amour en vaut-il vraiment la peine ?

La Volpe

by Richard Lee

“La Volpe” è una storia ispirata a un’antica leggenda giapponese, cioè quella della Kitsune, uno spirito capace di prendere forma umana, solitamente per ottenere piacere sessuale o vendetta. Generazioni di persone sono state e sono interessate alla mente umana e al modo in cui essa funziona. Se credessi veramente in qualcosa, questo la renderebbe possibile? Piegherebbe la realtà? Ti nasconderebbe nella forma di un altro? Tom trova una maschera di Kitsune presso un mercatino dell’usato. Nel momento in cui la mette, entra in un mondo di incubi. Ricordi che non sono suoi prendono il controllo della sua realtà. La volpe ha un messaggio per lui, e quando glielo avrà consegnato, Tom griderà.

El laberinto de los espiritus (El cementerio de los libros olvidados #4)

by Carlos Zafon

El Laberinto de los Espíritus es un relato electrizante de pasiones, intrigas y aventuras. A través de sus páginas llegaremos al gran final de la saga iniciada con La Sombra del Viento, que alcanza aquí toda su intensidad y calado, a la vez que dibuja un gran homenaje al mundo de los libros, al arte de narrar historias y al vínculo mágico entre la literatura y la vida. En la Barcelona de finales de los años 50, Daniel Sempere ya no es aquel niño que descubrió un libro que habría de cambiarle la vida entre los pasadizos del Cementerio de los Libros Olvidados. El misterio de la muerte de su madre Isabella ha abierto un abismo en su alma del que su esposa Bea y su fiel amigo Fermín intentan salvarle. Justo cuando Daniel cree que está a un paso de resolver el enigma, una conjura mucho más profunda y oscura de lo que nunca podría haber imaginado despliega su red desde las entrañas del Régimen. Es entonces cuando aparece Alicia Gris, un alma nacida de las sombras de la guerra, para conducirlos al corazón de las tinieblas y desvelar la historia secreta de la familia... aunque a un terrible precio.

The Labyrinth

by Robert Holdstock

One man against the monstrous forces of evil. The sixth book in the Nighthunter series.

The Labyrinth Index: A Laundry Files Novel (Laundry Files #9)

by Charles Stross

“A bizarre yet effective yoking of the spy and horror genres.” —The Washington Post Book WorldThe Lovecraftian Singularity has descended upon the world in The Labyrinth Index, beginning an exciting new story arc in Charles Stross' Hugo Award-winning Laundry Files series! Since she was promoted to the head of the Lords Select Committee on Sanguinary Affairs, every workday for Mhari Murphy has been a nightmare. It doesn’t help that her boss, the new Prime Minister of Britain, is a manipulative and deceptive pain in the butt. But what else can she expect when working under the thumb of none other than the elder god N’yar Lat-Hotep a.k.a the Creeping Chaos?Mhari's most recent assignment takes her and a ragtag team of former Laundry agents across the pond into the depths of North America. The United States president has gone missing. Not that Americans are alarmed. For some mysterious reason, most of the country has forgotten the executive branch even exists. Perhaps it has to do with the Nazgûl currently occupying the government and attempting to summon Cthulhu.It's now up to Mhari and her team to race against the Nazgûl's vampire-manned dragnet to find and, for his own protection, kidnap the president.Who knew an egomaniacal, malevolent deity would have a soft spot for international relations?At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

L'Académie maudite Tome 1 - Le demi-vampire

by Diederich Marie-Violaine Belinda Laj

Ce livre va vous emmener dans un monde parallèle plein de mystères. Julian Laurent n'est pas comme les autres vampires : le Seigneur des immortels a refusé de le marquer. C'est la raison pour laquelle sa vie à l'Académie maudite va vite devenir un enfer : les autres immortels, vampires, anges, démons et mortels au sang mêlé, le considèrent comme un être inférieur. Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, il devra gérer le retour de Mia, son ex dont il n'a plus aucun souvenir. Julian pense que sa vie d'adolescent est compliquée mais il est loin d'imaginer ce qui l'attend derrière les murs de l'Académie. Bientôt, une bande de renégats va essayer d'avoir sa peau alors qu'un pouvoir dangereusement puissant ne cesse de croitre au fond de lui. Julian prend ses responsabilités et essaye de libérer les étudiants de l'emprise de la marque, mais un lien invisible le lie au Seigneur des immortels et l'empêche de mener à bien sa mission.La vérité dépasse ses pires cauchemars.

Lacie's Secrets: A Novel

by Tullan Holmqvist Teresa Sorkin

Reminiscent of classic suspense novels, Lacie's Secrets is the latest psychological thriller from writing duo Teresa Sorkin and Tullan Holmqvist, authors of the award-winning thriller The Woman in the Park. For the past 18 years, Kate Williams has tried to forget that fateful summer, the summer that ripped her family apart. But when her estranged mother unexpectedly dies and Kate inherits Villa Magda, the family's summer home on the Maine coast, Kate decides that enough time has passed. With the help of her husband, her son, and their close group of friends, Kate decides to face the past and go back to Villa Magda for one last trip. But the sprawling, ocean-side house isn't as picturesque as it seems, and as the week goes on, inexplicable incidents and suspicious visitors begin to torment Kate, threatening to expose her deepest secrets. The closer Kate gets to learning the truth about what happened that summer, the faster she realizes the house might be holding more secrets than she can handle. As tensions run high and friendships unravel, Kate starts to question her decision to return to Villa Magda. But when tragedy strikes and a body is found floating in the pool, questions arise that demand answers: What really happened at Villa Magda 18 years ago? How much did Kate know? And how can the house be stopped from claiming its next victim? Set on a remote and gorgeous Maine estate, Lacie's Secrets is an exciting and cinematic psychological thriller with surprising twists that will keep the reader guessing until the very last page.

Laços Rompidos

by Nathalia Carvalho Kenechi Udogu

"Não havia nada de incomum na noite em que tudo mudou. Não haviam luzes piscando no céu, nenhum fogo abrasador em minha barriga; não havia nenhum sinal que sugerisse a mudança que estava por vir... Nora Brice conseguia fazer com que eu sentisse coisas estranhas. Coisas estranhas e terríveis..." Paul Colt tem um problema, e não é um do tipo que a maioria dos garotos adolescentes enfrenta. Sim, ele gosta de uma garota; uma por quem ele certamente faria coisas idiotas, se tivesse a oportunidade. Mas ele não pode correr atrás dela -- ou de nenhuma outra garota, para dizer a verdade. É isso o que ele ganha por ser um Dissuasor, forçado a andar na linha pelo bem da vida coletiva. Ele sabe que existem algumas regras que ele pode ignorar, assim como existem algumas que não devem jamais ser quebradas. E a mais grave de todas elas? Não se apaixone. Jamais. Esta é a história de como Paul quebra esta regra. Este prelúdio da Série dos Mentalistas pode ser lido antes ou depois de Dissuasão, Livro um da Série dos Mentalistas.

The Ladies of Mandrigyn (The Sun Wolf and Starhawk Series #1)

by Barbara Hambly

First in the series from a New York Times–bestselling author and &“fabulously talented writer&” featuring a brilliant mercenary and his fierce female partner (Charlaine Harris). Gifted with courage, strength, and the intelligence to know when to fight, Sun Wolf is the greatest mercenary in a land overrun by war. With his first lieutenant, Starhawk—a woman more deadly than any man—at his side, he has laid waste to countless cities, taking the best of their treasures for himself, and distributing the rest among his bloodthirsty crew. Then a woman comes to him, an emissary from the town of Mandrigyn, a lush port city recently sacked by a powerful, mad wizard of unmatched abilities. She offers Sun Wolf untold riches for the use of his army, but the captain is not fool enough to wage war against a magician. He refuses her offer, but that is not the end of it. The women of Mandrigyn can be very persuasive. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Barbara Hambly, including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

The Ladies of the Secret Circus

by Constance Sayers

From the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story set in Jazz Age Paris and modern-day America of family secrets and lost love set against the backdrop of an extraordinary circus.Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter a world of wonder—a world where women weave illusions of magnificent beasts, carousels take you back in time, and trapeze artists float across the sky. Bound to her family's circus, it's the only world Cecile Cabot knows until she meets a charismatic young painter and embarks on a passionate affair that could cost her everything.Virginia, 2004:Lara Barnes is on top of the world, until her fiancé disappears on their wedding day. When her desperate search for answers unexpectedly leads to her great-grandmother&’s journals, Lara is swept into a story of a dark circus and ill-fated love.Soon secrets about Lara&’s family history begin to come to light, revealing a curse that has been claiming payment from the women in her family for generations. A curse that might be tied to her fiancé&’s mysterious disappearancePraise for The Ladies of the Secret Circus:"At times decadent and macabre, The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a mesmerizing tale of love, treachery, and depraved magic percolating through four generations of Cabot women." —Luanne G. Smith, author of The Vine Witch"Fans of Erin Morgenstern&’s The Night Circus will love this page-turning story of dark magic, star-crossed love, and familial sacrifice." —Publishers Weekly (starred review)"Ambitious and teeming with magic, Sayers creates a fascinating mix of art, The Belle Époque, and more than a little murder.&” —Erika Swyler, author of The Book of Speculation For more from Constance Sayers, check out A Witch in Time.

The Ladies of the Secret Circus: enter a world of wonder with this spellbinding novel

by Constance Sayers

'Romance, mystery, and a family curse - The Ladies of the Secret Circus has it all' PopsugarFrom the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story spanning from Jazz Age Paris to modern-day America of family secrets, sacrifice, and lost love set against the backdrop of a mysterious circus. Perfect for fans of The Night Circus and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.The surest way to get a ticket to Le Cirque Secret is to wish for it . . .Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter a world of wonder - a world where women weave illusions, carousels take you back in time, and trapeze artists float across the sky. Bound to her family's circus, it's the only world Cecile Cabot knows until she meets a charismatic young painter and embarks on a passionate affair that could cost her everything.Virginia, 2004: Lara Barnes is on top of the world, but when her fiancé disappears on their wedding day every plan she has for the future comes crashing down. Desperate, Lara's search for answers unexpectedly lead to her great-grandmother's journals.Swept into a story of a dark circus and ill-fated love, secrets about Lara's family history come to light and reveal a curse that has been claiming payment from the women in her family for generations. A curse that might be tied to her fiancé's mysterious fate . . .Why readers love The Ladies of the Secret Circus . . .'A spellbinding historical fantasy . . . Fans of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus will love this page-turning story of dark magic, star-crossed love, and familial sacrifice' Publishers Weekly (starred review)'At times decadent and macabre, The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a mesmerizing tale of love, treachery, and depraved magic percolating through four generations of Cabot women' Luanne G. Smith, author of The Vine Witch'Ambitious and teeming with magic, Sayers creates a fascinating mix of art, The Belle Époque, and more than a little murder' Erika Swyler, author of The Book of Speculation'The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a dazzling tale, laced with sinister magic, blood and beauty, love and loss. This is a book that will haunt you long after the last page is turned' Alyssa Palombo, author of The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel'Spellbinding. The Ladies Of The Secret Circus is a dazzling, high-wire feat of storytelling' Catherine Taylor, author of Beyond the Moon'The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a book to get lost in' BookPage

El ladrón de cadáveres (Flash Relatos)

by Robert L. Stevenson

El crimen, el pecado y lo macabro planean sobre este relato de profanación de tumbas. Un estudiante de medicina se ve envuelto en el turbio negocio de tráfico de cadáveres para estudio médico. Esta sórdida situación hará peligrar la conciencia moral y la seguridad del protagonista. ¿Hasta dónde será capaz de llegar? «No se puede empezar y luego parar. Cuando se empieza hay que seguir, esa es la verdad. No hay descanso para el malvado.»

Ladrón de vidas

by Horacio Convertini

Una trama inquietante que desafía los límites del miedo y que evoca los relatos más perturbadores de Edgar Allan Poe. En los márgenes de Villa Luppi, los Piel de Judas imponen su ley. Cami, Pablo y Fernando tienen apenas quince años y una pesada reputación que se ganaron patrullando las calles del barrio. Sin embargo, las reglas cambian cuando llegan a la feria del pueblo vecino siguiendo el rastro de la desaparición de los padres de Cami. Por sus confines merodea el fantástico doctor Valdemar, un experto en las ciencias de la hipnosis, que esconde un secreto aterrador y es capaz de torcer sus vidas para siempre.

La ladrona de niños (Flash Relatos)

by Erckmann-Chatrian

Opresivo, oscuro, extremadamente crudo y desgarrador. Un relato que te arrastrará hacia las garras de la maldad más absoluta. Christine Evig vaga día y noche por las calles de Magucia. Desde que su hija desapareció hace dos años no ha cesado de buscarla, enloquecida, gritando y gimiendo sin descanso. Pero la pequeña no es la única que se ha esfumado sin rastro. La locura, el drama y la crueldad más absoluta se esconden en las sombras de la ciudad, acechando y esperando su momento para cometer los crímenes más monstruosos que nadie pueda imaginar.

Lady: A Novel

by Thomas Tryon

A young man becomes transfixed by a beautiful widow with a shadowy pastIn Pequot Landing, there are two sights to see: the largest elm in America, which dominates the stately old village green, and the house of Lady Harleigh. When the Great War ended, she was the most beautiful bride in the village, and though she was widowed soon after, mourning dampened neither her beauty nor her spirits. By the time the Great Depression rolls around, she is the unchallenged center of Pequot society--lovely and energetic, but subject to bouts of grim melancholy that hint at something dark beneath her surface.Woody is eight years old when he first notices the Lady, and her glittering elegance captures his heart. He spends his boyhood deeply in love with the mysterious widow, obsessed with the sadness that lies at her core. As he gets closer to her, he finds that Lady Harleigh is haunted--not just by grief, but by a scandalous secret that, if revealed, could change Pequot Landing forever.

Lady and the Vamp (Immortality Bites, Book #3)

by Michelle Rowen

Former vampire hunter Michael Quinn is living a nightmare: he's been turned into a vampire. His only hope is the "Eye"--a long-lost artifact that, once every millennium, will grant one wish to its possessor. Fortunately for Quinn, he has a map detailing the path to the "Eye. " All he needs to do is find it, then he can wish himself back into humanity. Janie Parker has made a lot of many mistakes in her life, not the least of which was getting tricked into working for a demon. Not only is the pay awful, but she has to successfully complete all her unsavory assignments or risk a torturous death. Her latest mission is to track a vampire who apparently knows where some stupid treasure is. No problem. Until she sees who the vampire is -- Michael Quinn, a man she's had a crush on since she was twelve years old. Too bad she'll have to kill him to get to the "Eye. " But Quinn and Janie are kindred spirits, and soon they're falling in love even though they're after what the other person is desperate for: the "Eye".

Lady Baltimore: The Witch Queens

by Mike Mignola Christopher Golden

The Baltimore legacy is about to get bloody! Horror genius writing team Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden reunite, with stellar art by Bridgit Connell and colors by Michelle Madsen as they return readers to the world of Baltimore in this digital book, complete with sketchbook section. Once she was Sofia Valk, living in a village overrun by evil. In time she became Lord Baltimore&’s most trusted ally. Now, more than a decade after his death, Europe has erupted with the early battles of World War II and dark forces are rising again. With witches, vampires, and Nazis on the march, Sofia must embrace the title of Lady Baltimore! But can she fight monsters without becoming a monster herself?

The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick

by Mallory O'Meara

In 1954, movie-going audiences were shocked and awed by Universal Studio’s groundbreaking horror film Creature from the Black Lagoon. As the years passed, the film gained a reputation as a landmark of the monster-movie genre. But only a small number of devotees were aware of the existence of Milicent Patrick who remains, to this day, the only woman to have designed a classic Universal monster.That is, until film producer, horror-aficionado, and Black Lagoon acolyte, Mallory O’Meara begins to investigate rumors about the monster’s creator only to find more questions than answers. Through diligent research, O’Meara learns that the enigmatic artist led a rich and fascinating life that intersects with some of the largest figures of mid-century America, including William Randolph Hearst and Walt Disney.The sudden, premature end to Patrick’s career is defined by circumstances that parallel—uncomfortably so—O’Meara’s own experiences in the film world, an industry that continues to be dominated by men. In a narrative with equal parts mystery and biography, The Lady from the Black Lagoon interweaves the lives of two women separated by decades but bound together by the tragedies and triumphs of working in Hollywood.

The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick

by Mallory O'Meara

This acclaimed biography shines a light on a trailblazing woman who created a classic movie monster—and the author’s quest to rescue her from obscurity.As a teenager, Mallory O’Meara was thrilled to discover that one of her favorite movies, Creature from the Black Lagoon, featured a monster designed by a woman, Milicent Patrick. But while Patrick should have been hailed as a pioneer in the genre, there was little information available about her. As O’Meara discovered, Patrick’s contribution had been claimed by a jealous male colleague and her career had been cut short. No one even knew if she was still alive.As a young woman working in the horror film industry, O’Meara set out to right the wrong, and in the process discovered the full, fascinating story of an ambitious, artistic woman ahead of her time. Patrick’s contribution to special effects proved to be just the latest chapter in a remarkable, unconventional life, from her youth growing up in the shadow of Hearst Castle, to her career as one of Disney’s first female animators. And at last, O’Meara discovered what really had happened to Patrick after The Creature’s success, and where she went.A true-life detective story and a celebration of a forgotten feminist trailblazer, Mallory O’Meara’s The Lady from the Black Lagoon establishes Patrick in her rightful place in film history while calling out a Hollywood culture where little has changed since.A Hugo and Locus Award FinalistA Thrillist Best Book of the YearOne of Booklist’s 10 Best Art Books of the Year

Lady Henterman's Wardrobe (Streets Of Maradaine Ser. #2)

by Marshall Ryan Maresca

Mixing high fantasy and urban fantasy, the second novel of the Streets of Maradaine series follows the Rynax brothers' crew of outlaws as they attempt their biggest heist yet and restore justice to the common people.The neighborhood of North Seleth has suffered--and not just the Holver Alley Fire. Poverty and marginalization are forcing people out of the neighborhood, and violence on the streets is getting worse. Only the Rynax brothers--Asti and Verci--and their Holver Alley Crew are fighting for the common people. They've taken care of the people who actually burned down Holver Alley, but they're still looking for the moneyed interests behind the fire.The trail of breadcrumbs leads the crew to Lord Henterman, and they plan to infiltrate the noble's house on the other side of the city. While the crew tries to penetrate the heart of the house, the worst elements of North Seleth seem to be uniting under a mysterious new leader. With the crew's attention divided, Asti discovers that the secrets behind the fire, including ones from his past, might be found in Lady Henterman's wardrobe.

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