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Entrena tu alimentación: Mitos y verdades sobre nutrición deportiva

by Estefanía Fernández

En este libro, Estefanía Fernández, la creadora de @StefyActiva, nos brinda las herramientas básicas para desmontar los grandes mitos de la nutrición deportiva y entender todo lo que conforma una dieta saludable. Entrena tu alimentación es una guía clara y funcional con la que aprenderás en qué consisten las dietas de moda y si son adecuadas para ti; distinguirás también los distintos tipos de suplementación deportiva y cuáles son los pasos para elegir la que más te conviene. Con ella, conocerás los conceptos básicos de nutrición para diseñar y seguir una dieta saludable, que te ayudará a hacerte más fuerte en cuerpo y mente. «Quiero empoderarte. Sí, a ti, a ti que empiezas a comer bien y a hacer ejercicio, quiero empoderarte. A ti, que haces deporte, pero sabes poco de nutrición, quiero empoderarte para que tomes tus decisiones respecto a los alimentos, los suplementos y los hábitos que quieras tener, a partirde una sólida base de conocimiento.»

Entzündungshemmende Ernährung Für Einsteiger: Ein Rundumplan Zur Stärkung Des Immunsystems Durch Gesunde Ernährung

by Adam Weil

Entzündungen sind die Ursache für verschiedene Krankheiten, und wenn sie nicht richtig behandelt werden, können sie zum Tod führen. Experten und Ärzte empfehlen verschiedene Behandlungsmethoden gegen Entzündungen. Eine entzündungshemmende Ernährung ist dabei die beste und wirksamste. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über Entzündungen, die Arten von Krankheiten, die sie auslösen können, sowie deren Ursachen und Behandlung. Sie erfahren, welches die besten entzündungshemmenden Lebensmittel sind und wie Sie diese am besten in Ihren eigenen entzündungshemmenden Speiseplan einbauen. Leiden Sie unter einer Entzündung, die von Tag zu Tag schlimmer wird? Suchen Sie nach einem einfachen, ganz natürlichen Weg, um Ihre Gesundheit zu stärken, abzunehmen und Entzündungen zu lindern? Dann sollten Sie weiterlesen! Entzündungen sind die Ursache zahlreicher Krankheiten, und wenn sie nicht richtig behandelt werden, können sie zum Tod führen. Experten und Ärzte empfehlen verschiedene Behandlungsmethoden gegen Entzündungen, wobei eine entzündungshemmende Ernährung die beste und wirksamste ist. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über Entzündungen, die Arten von Krankheiten, die sie auslösen können, sowie deren Ursachen und Behandlung. Sie erfahren, welches die besten entzündungshemmenden Lebensmittel sind und wie Sie diese bei der Zusammenstellung Ihres eigenen entzündungshemmenden Speiseplans am besten verwenden. Unabhängig davon, wer Sie sind und was Sie erreichen wollen, kann jeder lernen, wie man Entzündungen bekämpft. Dieses Buch wird Ihnen helfen, alles zu verstehen, was Sie über eine entzündungshemmende Ernährung wissen müssen, insbesondere über die Vorteile und Herausforderungen dieser neuen Ernährungsweise. Darüber hinaus gebe ich Ihnen eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, wie Sie die entzündungshemmende Ernährung in Ihr Leben integrieren können, mit einigen praktisch

Envasado y Conserva de Vegetales

by Yéredi Fernández Lara Sarah Sophia

La Guía Esencial de Cómo Envasar y hacer Conserva de Vegetales con 30 Deliciosas, Recetas Vegetarianas. Envasado y Conserva de Vegetales La Serie Esencial de la Cocina, Libro 52 ¿Envasar y Conserva? ¿No es eso algo que mi abuela hacía? Lo es, y este libro de recetas informativo descubre las razones del por qué. Originalmente empezó como una forma de ahorrar dinero y expandir la vida de la alacena, Envasado y Conserva asume un nuevo significado en nuestra era moderna. Los vegetales, en particular, están repletos de nutrientes y sabores sin explotar. Aprenda a extraer esas gemas escondidas al seguir estas pautas sugeridas y recetas. Prepare y comaprta deliciosas, comidas envasadas que hacen agua la boca con amigos y seres queridos. ¿Un arte perdido? ¡No más! Créame el envasado de vegetales va más allá de simplemente empacarlos en un frasco de vidrio y cerrar una tapa. Hay un arte, que requiere seguridad y pasos precisos para proveer productos alimenticios del mejor resultado. Añada especias, marinados, y cualquier número de ideas potenciadoras de sabor y disfrútelas meses después. Cualquier número de combinaciones es posible. Una vez que haya dominado las 30 recetas contenidas en este libro de cocina de instrucciones fáciles, usted asombrará a su familia y amigos con sus propias creaciones. No hay nada que pueda salir mal con estas maravillosas recetas. Puede ser divertido y fácil. Lo veremos todo en las páginas del oportuno libro de cocina: qué es envasado y conserva- cómo funciona, el real Cómo, y una colección realista de maravillosas recetas. Aprenda lo que miles ya han descubierto: envasar y conservar sus comidas puede ser apremiante y económico- deje atónitos a sus amigos, y después dígales en dónde consiguió esta joya de libro de cocina. Si lo puede comer... lo puede hacer conserva. Esta oportuna guía de instrucciones y libro

Environmental Health and Child Survival

by World Bank

Each year, millions of children in developing countries fall sick and die from diseases caused by polluted air, contaminated water and soil, and poor hygiene behavior. Repeated infectious also contribute to malnutrition in children, and subsequently impacts future learning and productivity. This book analyzes the linkages between malnutrition and environmental health, and assesses the burden of disease on young children, and its economic costs.

Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops

by Angharad M. R. Gatehouse Natalie Ferry

The genetic modification of crops continues to be the subject of intense debate, and opinions are often strongly polarised. Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crops addresses the major concerns of scientists, policy makers, environmental lobby groups and the general public regarding this controversial issue, from an editorially neutral standpoint. While the main focus is on environmental impact, food safety issues, for both humans and animals are also considered. The book concludes with a discussion on the future of agricultural biotechnology in the context of sustainability, natural resource management and future global population and food supply.

La enzima para rejuvenecer: Revierte el envejecimiento. Revitaliza tus células. Restaura tu vigor

by Hiromi Shinya

Uno de los grandes deseos del ser humano es mantenerse joven, sano y lleno de energía. Gracias a los estudios del doctor Shinya, este anhelo está muy cerca de convertirse en una realidad. Una vez más el doctor Hiromi Shinya, autor de La enzima prodigiosa, cambia por completo nuestra percepción de lo que es posible respecto a la salud con su nuevo libro La enzima para rejuvenecer. Con La enzima para rejuvenecer el doctor Hiromi Shinya cambia por completo nuestra percepción de la salud una vez más. En esta obra, el doctor Shinya enfoca su talento visionario a solucionar el problema de las células del envejecimiento y sus conclusiones resultan verdaderamente impactantes. En este libro aprenderás: o Cómo las enzimas de rejuvenecimiento transforman las células zombi en células sanas. o Cómo puedes restablecer tu energía limpiando tus células de "basura". o Por qué los alimentos morados mejoran tu memoria. o Por qué tomar agua de Kangen contribuye a tu salud y energía. o Por qué la cúrcuma previene la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Uno de los grandes deseos del ser humano es mantenerse joven, lozano y lleno de energía. Gracias a los estudios del doctor Shinya y al plan de rejuvenecimiento que nos ofrece aquí, este anhelo está muy cerca de convertirse en una realidad. La crítica ha opinado: "El doctor Hiromi Shinya logró un avance impactante y vanguardista en el campo de la cirugía abdominal (además de la coinvención de la colonoscopia) que dio lugar a un cambio radical en el pensamiento médico" -The New York Times-

Enzyme Nutrition

by Edward Howell

Why is eating food in its natural state, unprocessed and unrefined, so vital to the maintenance of good health? What is lacking in our modern diet that makes us so susceptible to degenerative disease? What natural elements in food may play a key role in unlocking the secrets of life extension? These fascinating questions, and many more, are answered in Enzyme Nutrition. Written by one of America's pioneering biochemists and nutrition researchers, Dr. Edward Howell, Enzyme Nutrition presents the most vital nutritional discovery since that of vitamins and minerals--food enzymes. Our digestive organs produce some enzymes internally, however food enzymes are necessary for optimal health and must come from uncooked foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, raw sprouted grains, unpasteurized dairy products, and food enzyme supplements. Enzyme Nutrition represents more than fifty years of research and experimentation by Dr. Howell. He shows us how to conserve our enzymes and maintain internal balance. As the body regains its strength and vigor, its capacity to maintain its normal weight, fight disease, and heal itself is enhanced.

Epic Meal Time

by Josh Elkin Harley Morenstein

Do you find yourself craving pizza topped with deep-fried chicken nuggets and fries? Does a six-patty burger buried under a mound of bacon have your mouth watering? How about a 5,800-calorie corn dog? Harley Morenstein (a.k.a. The Sauce Boss), created EpicMealTime for the ex­treme chef in all of us. His kitchen crew (none of whom, amazingly enough, have had any culinary education or previous cooking experience), brings his artery-clogging visions to life--and now you can, too, using ingredients as diverse as waffles, chicken hearts, cake mix, tortilla chips, maple syrup, fast food menu items, bacon grease, Irish crème whiskey, cheese sticks, breakfast sausage, pounds and pounds of bacon . . . and much more!

The Epicurious Cookbook: More Than 250 of Our Best-Loved Four-Fork Recipes for Weeknights, Weekends & Special Occasions

by The Editors of Tanya Steel

For home cooks hungry for make-again recipes, here is an impeccably curated collection from Epicurious with more than 250 of their "4-fork" recipes, conveniently compiled in a book with new photography, new headnotes, and informative user tips. Epicurious is, undisputedly, the most respected website for people who like to cook. In their first-ever cookbook, the Epicurious editors have culled their extraordinary database of 180,000 recipes and selected their most popular recipes. Organized seasonally and by meal type, The Epicurious Cookbook offers everything from 30-minute weeknight dinners to weekend warrior show-stoppers. Also included are comfort food favorites, small dishes perfect for parties and plenty of repertoire-building mains and sides, plus breakfasts, breads, and desserts. All new stunning four-color photography shows Epicurious at its most irresistible. Throughout are Epicurious member suggestions for tweaking recipes, ideas for menu planning, smart substitutions, and homespun recipes from dozens of Epicurious members newly tested for this cookbook. Recipes include:

The Epicurious Cookbook

by The Editors of Tanya Steel

For Epicurious's enormous and devoted community -- 7.5 million unique visitors a month -- and home cooks seeking a perfectly curated roster of diverse recipes, here are the top-rated recipes from Epi, compiled conveniently in a book with brand-new stunning colour photography. is, undisputedly, the website for people who like to cook. Launched in the dark ages of 1995, Epi was one of the first on the block and is the go-to respected food site among home cooks. Now, The Epicurious Cookbook provides a completely new experience for Epi's fans with a perfectly curated roster of Epi's 300 best recipes organized seasonally for breakfasts, starters, mains, sides, breads, and desserts. The book includes new headnotes and 100 new photographs, plus dozens of member recipes that have been tested in Epi's kitchens. Throughout, readers will find clever substitutions, special holiday menus, and make-ahead tips, from Epi's editors and community alike.

Epidemiology Of Diet And Cancer (Ellis Horwood Series In Food Science And Technology Ser.)

by M.J. Hill A. Giacosa Christine P.J. Caygill

This volume investigates the links between the incidence of diet-related cancers and dietary patterns within Europe. It presents current understanding of the major cancers thought to be caused by diet alongside detailed data on regional variations in dietary composition, and collates these sets of information to illustrate associations between food

Epistenology: Wine as Experience (Arts and Traditions of the Table: Perspectives on Culinary History)

by Nicola Perullo

We think we know how to appreciate wine—trained connoisseurs take dainty sips in sterile rooms and provide ratings based on objective knowledge and technical expertise. In Epistenology, Nicola Perullo vigorously challenges this approach, arguing that it is the enjoyment of drinking wine as an active and participatory experience that matters.Perullo argues that wine comes to life not in the abstract space of the professional tasting but in the real world of shared experiences; wines can change in these encounters, and drinkers along with them. Just as a winemaker is not simply a producer but a nurturer, a wine is fully known only through an encounter among a group of drinkers in a specific place and time. Wine is not an object to analyze but an experience to make, creatively opening up new perceptual possibilities for settings, cuisines, and companions.The result of more than twenty years of research and practical engagement, Epistenology presents a new paradigm for the enjoyment of wine and through it a philosophy based on participatory and relational knowledge. This model suggests a profound shift—not knowledge about but with wine. Interweaving philosophical arguments with personal reflections and literary examples, this book is a journey with wine that shows how it makes life more creative and free.

Epitaph for a Peach

by David M. Masumoto

A lyrical, sensuous and thoroughly engrossing memoir of one critical year in the life of an organic peach farmer, Epitaph for a Peach is "a delightful narrative . . . with poetic flair and a sense of humor" (Library Journal). Line drawings.

Eric Lanlard's Afternoon Tea

by Eric Lanlard

Master pâtissier and baker to the stars Eric Lanlard returns with a gorgeous new book crammed with deliciously achievable recipes for the perfect afternoon tea.With 90 recipes for sweet and savoury treats, this book contains all the cakes, pastries, tarts and biscuits you could wish for, from Gruyère Eclairs to Pistachio and Rosewater Scones. In addition, menu ideas offer the perfect combination of flavours for your afternoon tea.Whether you're throwing a lavish tea party or simply looking for that perfect Coffee Cake recipe, this is the must-have afternoon tea cookbook.

Erin Bakes Cake: Make + Bake + Decorate = Your Own Cake Adventure!

by Erin Gardner

"You have not eaten cake until you have eaten one of Erin's...ERIN BAKES CAKE is a must on your shelf." —Daphne OzLearn how to bake easy but elaborately decorated cakes—no fondant needed!Erin Gardner’s cake recipes share a delicious, time-saving secret: they're all the same. Why play the guessing game of sifting through dozens of recipes when all you need are just a few that contain hundreds of variations—572, to be exact! The cakequations in Erin Bakes Cake teach you how to combine her cake, buttercream, cookie, and candy recipes in endless mouth-watering ways. Erin’s cake recipes aren’t sorcery—they’re science. They all share similar ratios of ingredients that add tenderness, strength, or flavor. You don’t have to be an expert. Everyone can learn to make a great cake!Erin Bakes Cake provides the building blocks for constructing a great cake, and then offers endless ways those blocks can be reassembled. Erin shares the baking tips she learned as a professional pastry chef and wedding cake baker, what tools to use, how to perfect the cake’s finish, and other tricks of the baking trade. She then shows you how to make gorgeous and intricately decorated cakes by elevating simple, but delicious, ingredients like candy, cookies, and chocolate. Erin’s created cake designs that are festive, chic, and easy to recreate at home without the use of hard-to-deal-with fondant. And best of all, you can make every recipe your own! The Any Veggie Cake cake can be transformed into a classic carrot cake, zucchini cake, or sweet potato cake. A creamy cake filling isn’t limited to buttercream with the inclusion of recipes for caramel, ganache, marshmallow, and more. A chocolate birthday cake recipe can be reimagined as red velvet or chocolate toffee. Elements of crunch, like peanut brittle, honeycomb candy, or even cookie crumbles, can be sprinkled onto your cake layers for tasty added texture.

Ernährung bei Eisenmangel: Stoffwechsel - Bioverfügbarkeit - Diagnostik

by Klaus Günther

Rund ein Viertel der Weltbevölkerung ist von Eisenmangel betroffen, als besondere Risikogruppe gelten Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter sowie Kinder und Jugendliche. Das Fachbuch beschäftigt sich mit den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen rund um die Eisenversorgung des menschlichen Organismus mit natürlichen Lebensmittel. Dabei räumt es mit dem Irrglauben auf, dass pflanzliches Eisen weniger wertvoll ist als tierisches Eisen, indem es die Eisenaufnahme aus pflanzlichen Lebensmitteln über einen neu entdeckten Stoffwechselweg vorstellt. Daraus lassen sich neue Gesichtspunkte für Vegetarier und Veganer ableiten, die bislang zur Risikogruppe zählten. Des Weiteren widmet es sich den vielfältigen Diagnosemöglichkeiten eines Eisenmangels und beschreibt gängige Methoden zur Bestimmung der Bioverfügbarkeit von Eisen in Lebensmitteln. Neue Erkenntnisse über die Biochemie des Eisens im Hirnstoffwechsel, die Wechselwirkung von Eisen mit anderen Spurenelementen sowie praktische Hinweise für besondere Ernährungsweisen, Risikogruppen und Altersklassen und Kochrezepte mit einfachen Angaben zur Eisenaufnahme komplettieren das Werk. Das Buch richtet sich an Ernährungs- und Allgemeinmediziner, Ernährungs- und Lebensmittelwissenschafter, Diätologen, Apotheker und Ernährungsberater.

Ernährung, die große Herausforderung

by Sarah Melián Esser Enrique Pons Sintes

Gesunde Ernährung ist zu einer großen Herausforderung geworden, da die Lebensmittelindustrie ihre wirtschaftlichen Vorteile aus den Lebensmitteln zieht. Wir leben in einer Zeit der Eile, in der man hauptsächlich verarbeitete Lebensmittel in den Supermärkten findet und unverarbeitete, authentische Lebensmittel von den Märkten verbannt worden sind. Man gelangt sehr schwer an diese Waren und sie sind häufig überteuert. Dieses Buch versucht ein wenig Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen und beschreibt wie man trotz Lebensmittelindustrie an gesunde Nahrungsmittel gelangt. Letztendlich haben die Konsumenten die Kraft all dies zu ändern.

Escape Your Weight

by Edward J. Jackowski

Last year, according to The Institute of Medicine, Americans spent in excess of $33 billion on weight-loss products and services. However, the economic cost of obesity in the USA was about $117 billion during this same time period.Obviously a dilemma exists. Why? If all we needed to do was take a magic pill, exercise 10 minutes a day, or eliminate carbs from our diet, as so many "Get-Thin-Quick" schemes suggest, then why are so many of us still vastly overweight?Because such easy schemes do not tell the whole story about what we need to do to get fit and stay fit. And because we're all different. We think differently, we eat differently, and we exercise (or don't) differently. So we need diet and exercise plans designed especially for us. Whether we're 10 pounds overweight or 25 pounds overweight. Whether we like to exercise or whether we loathe exercise. Whether we can stick to a diet six days a week or 3 days a week. Whether we can exercise every day or twice a week. Escape Your Weight gives you a choice of eating plans and exercise plans that fit you, your likes and dislikes, your strengths and your weaknesses.With expertly photographed exercise plans that are easy even for beginners, along with minimal, inexpensive equipment (no gym required), Escape Your Weight will explain what YOU need to do and what YOU need to eat to become slim and fit.

ESCHERICHIA COLI O157: Review of a Draft Risk Assessment

by Committee on the Review of the USDA E. coli O157:H7 Farm-to-Table Process Risk Assessment

A Review of a Draft Risk Assessment

Escoffier Le Guide Culinaire Fifth edition

by Auguste Escoffier H. L. Cracknell R. J. Kaufmann

Unabridged English translation of Escoffier's original text and includes more than 5,000 recipes in narrative form for everything from sauces, soups, garnishes, and hors d'oeuvres to fish, meats, poultry, and desserts.

España: Exploring the Flavors of Spain

by James Campbell Caruso

Including the chef’s guide to classic Spanish ingredients, this beautifully photographed collection entails tapas (small bites) of meat, seafood and vegetables; scrumptious soups; hearty main dishes; and delectable desserts, all using fresh produce, the finest cheeses and meats, and special spices.

Especias que curan

by Josep Lluis Berdonces

¡Descubre las virtudes terapéuticas de las especias! Habitualmente, usamos las especias en la cocina para aderezar o dar color a nuestros platos. Pero ¿sabías que las especias tienen extraordinarios beneficios para nuestra salud? En Especias que curan encontrarás recetas, consejos y datos sorprendentes que te permitirán aprovecharlas al máximo. Descubre las propiedades de una gran variedad de hierbas y especias que pueden despertar tus sentidos y ayudar a preservar tu salud, y atrévete a experimentar y crear tus propios brebajes en casa. Incluye un índice de especias y una variedad de recetas para salsas, bebidas, licores y tratamientos curativos.

Essential 3-Ingredient Cocktails: 75 Classic And Contemporary Drinks To Make At Home

by Amy Traynor

3-ingredient cocktails to help you master the craft of home mixology Making a great homemade cocktail doesn't have to be as intimidating as it may sound. Essential 3-Ingredient Cocktails shows you how to make fantastic cocktails from the comfort of your home, without prior experience or lots of fancy equipment and ingredients. Brimming with tried-and-true advice, this guide makes home mixology as easy as 1, 2, 3. All you need are a few essential tools, a bottle of your favorite spirit, and this collection of 75 easy-to-make, properly balanced 3-ingredient cocktails. Essential 3-Ingredient Cocktails includes: Bottom to top-shelf—Discover how to stock your bar with the essential tools and equipment, best spirits, and more, including recipes for mixing up your own flavored syrups. Raise a glass—Try your hand at 75 simple-to-make, 3-ingredient cocktails, ranging from a classic Old-Fashioned to a creative Elderflower Spritz. In the spirit—Categorized by spirit type, each recipe chapter includes a fascinating exploration of the origins and evolution of each spirit. Ditch the crowds of noisy bars and entertain in the comfort of your living room with Essential 3-Ingredient Cocktails. Cheers!

The Essential Air Fryer Cookbook: The Only Book You Need for Your Small, Medium, or Large Air Fryer

by Bruce Weinstein

Unleash the power of your air fryer with this comprehensive air fryer bible, featuring 300+ recipes designed for every size, brand, and model, from the authors of the bestselling Instant Pot Bible. Welcome to the air fryer revolution. More than 7 million Americans use air fryers to make the crispiest French fries or crunchiest chicken tenders without the mess or health concerns of deep-frying. But your air fryer can also sear a rib-eye steak in half the time it takes to heat up the grill, roast perfect vegetables, and reheat leftovers while putting your microwave to shame.Only The Essential Air Fryer Cookbook can show you how to make the most of this versatile kitchen appliance, for every meal of the day. Each of the 300-plus recipes gives ingredients and timings for every size of air fryer (from small 2-quart models to 10-quart ones), plus extra recipes to make each dish a complete, delicious meal.This comprehensive air fryer bible will help you make delicious roasted chicken and healthy vegetable sides, decadent desserts, delightful snacks, and crispy wings and tenders that beat take-out by a mile. And air-frying experts Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough offer customized ingredient lists and timings alongside clear, easy-to-follow directions that will have you cooking like a pro, no matter your skill level.You'll enjoy:Kale ChipsBetter-Than-Chinese-Take-Out Orange ChickenHearty Roasted Vegetable SoupCauliflower-Crust PizzaCrispy Ranch Chicken ThighsFried Green TomatoesJalapeño PoppersPerfect BroccoliniEasy CarnitasShrimp TeriyakiZucchini FriesBlueberry CrispChewy Coconut CakeFried OreosAnd more!

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