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The 5 Unanswered Questions About 9/11: What the 9/11 Commission Report Failed to Tell Us

by James Ridgeway

The 9/11 Commission Report is widely declared to be the definitive account of the most devastating attack ever to take place on American soil, but in truth the most vital questions about 9/11 have not been asked, and an ever-growing number of facts casts clouds of suspicion over the actions and motivations of many key government officials and agencies. The 5 Unanswered Questions cuts through the official accounts and political "spin" to the questions that lie at the heart of this American tragedy.

5 Easy Theses: Commonsense Solutions to America's Greatest Economic Challenges

by James Stone

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A business leader and esteemed economic thinker outlines simple solutions to America&’s five most pressing public policy issues, from healthcare to education to inequality. America today confronts a host of urgent problems, many of them seemingly intractable, but some we are entirely capable of solving. In Five Easy Theses, James M. Stone presents specific, common-sense solutions to a handful of our most pressing challenges, showing how simple it would be to shore up Social Security, rein in an out-of-control financial sector, reduce inequality, and make healthcare and education better and more affordable. The means are right in front of us, Stone explains, in various policy options that — if implemented — could preserve or enhance government revenue while also channeling the national economy toward the greater good.Accessible and thought provoking, Five Easy Theses reveals that a more democratic, prosperous America is well within our reach.

4T Claves para descifrar el rompecabezas

by Hernán Gómez Bruera

«UN LIBRO QUE HABRÍA QUE PONER EN MANOS DEL PRESIDENTE […] UN TEXTO QUE NOS PERMITIRÁ TREPAR A LA COPA DE LOS ÁRBOLES Y AYUDARÁ A ENTENDER EN QUÉ PUNTO NOS ENCONTRAMOS DE ESTE ARDUO Y APASIONANTE CAMINO.» JORGE ZEPEDA PATTERSON Vivimos en un México polarizado en el que hemos dejado de escucharnos y de dialogar. El espacio para la conversación y el debate se ha ido cerrando cada vez más en medio de la confrontación entre dos polos radicales: uno de apoyo incondicional y otro de desprecio profundo hacia el presidente López Obrador y su “Cuarta Transformación”. Hasta ahora, la 4T ha carecido de un relato sobre sí misma, armado con razones y no sólo con discursos, emociones y actos de poder. Tanto el obradorismo como el Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena) cuentan, hasta ahora, con una producción intelectual limitada para darle sustento. Al mismo tiempo, el análisis que nos ofrece la mayor parte de los intelectuales públicos suele tomar como punto de partida la descalificación o la extrema caricaturización del gobierno actual, antes que un genuino interés por entender y explicar lo que no necesariamente se comprende. Blanca Heredia y Hernán Gómez reúnen en este libro a reconocidos académicos y expertos en distintas temáticas quienes, desde posturas y ángulos muy diversos, pero animados por el deseo compartido de entender, hacen una revisión crítica de los aciertos y desaciertos durante el periodo presidencial en curso. A lo largo de 17 ensayos se busca entender el fenómeno obradorista en su conjunto y se revisan políticas, temas y acciones gubernamentales específicas. 4T, claves para descifrar el rompecabezas ofrece nuevas preguntas y miradas analíticas frescas que buscan aportar pistas para entender el programa político del gobierno actual en sus propios términos.

48 Liberal Lies About American History: (That You Probably Learned in School)

by Larry Schweikart

Over the last forty years, history textbooks have become more and more politically correct and distorted about our country's past, argues professor Larry Schweikart. The result, he says, is that students graduate from high school and even college with twisted beliefs about economics, foreign policy, war, religion, race relations, and many other subjects. As he did in his popular A Patriot's History of the United States, Professor Schweikart corrects liberal bias by rediscovering facts that were once widely known. He challenges distorted books by name and debunks forty-eight common myths. A sample: * The founders wanted to create a "wall of separation" between church and state * Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation only because he needed black soldiers * Truman ordered the bombing of Hiroshima to intimidate the Soviets with "atomic diplomacy" * Mikhail Gorbachev, not Ronald Reagan, was responsible for ending the Cold War America's past, though not perfect, is far more admirable than you were probably taught.

47 Percent: Uncovering the Romney Video That Rocked the 2012 Election

by David Corn

From the reporter who broke the Romney video story, 47 Percent reveals for the first time the dramatic tale of how David Corn, Washington Bureau chief at Mother Jones, MSNBC analyst and author of the New York Times bestseller Showdown, learned of its existence, located the source, authenticated the video, and persuaded the source to let him release it. In 47 Percent, Corn recounts how the 47 percent video fit into the ongoing narrative of the 2012 election and greatly changed the course of the campaign. This instant, on-the-news book also features an astute review of the first debate between President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney and assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate as they head into the final stretch of this historical election.

47 Horas: La Caída y Resurgimiento de Hugo Chávez (James Mitchel no 2 #2)

by Clinchandhill

Tras tropezar con un complot para derrocar al gobierno democráticamente elegido de Hugo Chávez, James Mitchel se encuentra en medio de un golpe en el que parece estar implicado su propio país. En su nuevo cargo como agregado militar de la embajada estadounidense en Caracas, intenta escapar del horror de su última misión y de las pesadillas que siguen persiguiéndole. Pero la vida rara vez es tan sencilla en el turbio mundo de la geopolítica. Impulsado por la necesidad de enmendar los errores del pasado, Mitchel forma equipo con su mejor amigo, el oficial de inteligencia venezolano José Abrantes, en un esfuerzo por restaurar el poder democrático y evitar nuevos derramamientos de sangre en una emocionante carrera contrarreloj. Esta es la segunda novela de aventuras de James Mitchel, una obra de ficción basada en hechos reales. ¿Qué ocurrió durante el golpe de Estado más breve de la historia? 47 horas, caída y resurgimiento de Hugo Chávez, de @Clinchandhill. Un #thriller #político de ritmo trepidante basado en hechos reales.

46 Pages: Thomas Paine, Common Sense, and the Turning Point to American Independence

by Scott Liell

Thomas Paine, a native of Thetford, England, arrived in America's colonies with little in the way of money, reputation, or prospects, though he did have a letter of recommendation in his pocket from Benjamin Franklin. Paine also had a passion for liberty in all its forms, and an abiding hatred of tyranny. His forceful, direct expression of those principles found voice in a pamphlet he wrote entitled Common Sense, which proved to be the most influential political work of the time. Ultimately, Paine's treatise provided inspiration to the second Continental Congress for the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. 46 Pages is a dramatic look at a pivotal moment in our country's formation, a scholar's meticulous recreation of the turbulent years leading up to the Revolutionary War, retold with excitement and new insight.

45: A Portrait of My Knucklehead Brother Jeb

by Scott Dikkers Peter Hilleren

An irreverent take on the national bestseller 41: A Portrait of My Father by George W. Bush, 45 is a no-holds-barred tell-all written in the voice of former president George W. Bush as he stumps for his brother Jeb--perhaps doing more harm than good. In 45: A Portrait of My Knucklehead Brother Jeb, George W. Bush takes readers on a journey through his "butt-faced kid brother's" life, detailing the experiences that forged his presidential character, and in his own plainspoken and sometimes even comprehensible style, showing us why the younger Bush should be the next leader of the free world. And while he definitely wants Jeb to be commander-in-chief, he just can't stop razzing him either. 45 is the most hilarious (and backhanded) presidential endorsement you've ever read--a true literary noogie from one brother to another.

42: Inside the Presidency of Bill Clinton (Miller Center of Public Affairs Books)

by Michael Nelson Barbara A. Perry Russell L. Riley

This book uses hundreds of hours of newly opened interviews and other sources to illuminate the life and times of the nation's forty-second president, Bill Clinton. Combining the authoritative perspective of these inside accounts with the analytic powers of some of America's most distinguished presidential scholars, the essays assembled here offer a major advance in our collective understanding of the Clinton White House. Included are path-breaking chapters on the major domestic and foreign policy initiatives of the Clinton years, as well as objective discussions of political success and failure. p>42 is the first book to make extensive use of previously closed interviews collected for the Clinton Presidential History Project, conducted by the Presidential Oral History Program of the University of Virginia's Miller Center. These interviews, recorded by teams of scholars working under a veil of strict confidentiality, explored officials' memories of their service with President Clinton and their careers prior to joining the administration. Interviewees also offered political and leadership lessons they had gleaned as eyewitnesses to and shapers of history. Their spoken recollections provide invaluable detail about the inner history of the presidency in an age when personal diaries and discursive letters are seldom written. The authors producing this volume had first access to more than fifty of these cleared interviews, including sessions with White House chiefs of staff Mack McLarty and Leon Panetta, Secretaries of State Warren Christopher and Madeleine Albright, National Security Advisors Anthony Lake and Sandy Berger, and a host of political advisors who guided Clinton into the White House and helped keep him there. This book thus provides a multidimensional portrait of Bill Clinton's administration, drawing largely on the observations of those who knew it best.p>ContributorsSpencer D. Bakich, University of RichmondBrendan J. Doherty, United States Naval AcademyPatrick T. Hickey, West Virginia Universityp>Elaine Kamarck, Center for Effective Public Management, Brookings InstitutionSidney M. Milkis, University of VirginiaMegan Moeller, University of Texas at AustinMichael Nelson, Rhodes College and the Miller Center, University of Virginia>Bruce F. Nesmith, Coe CollegeBarbara A. Perry, Miller Center, University of VirginiaPaul J. Quirk, University of British Columbiap>Russell L. Riley, Miller Center, University of Virginia Andrew Rudalevige, Bowdoin CollegeRobert A. Strong, Washington and Lee UniversitySean M. Theriault, University of Texas at Austin

41: A Portrait of My Father (A\vintage Español Original Ser.)

by George W. Bush

George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, has authored a personal biography of his father, George H. W. Bush, the 41st President. Forty-three men have served as President of the United States. Countless books have been written about them. But never before has a President told the story of his father, another President, through his own eyes and in his own words. A unique and intimate biography, the book covers the entire scope of the elder President Bush's life and career, including his service in the Pacific during World War II, his pioneering work in the Texas oil business, and his political rise as a Congressman, U.S. Representative to China and the United Nations, CIA Director, Vice President, and President. The book shines new light on both the accomplished statesman and the warm, decent man known best by his family. In addition, George W. Bush discusses his father's influence on him throughout his own life, from his childhood in West Texas to his early campaign trips with his father, and from his decision to go into politics to his own two-term Presidency.

41: A Portrait of My Father

by George W. Bush

George W. Bush, the 43rd President of the United States, has authored a personal biography of his father, George H. W. Bush, the 41st President. <P> Forty-three men have served as President of the United States. Countless books have been written about them. But never before has a President told the story of his father, another President, through his own eyes and in his own words. A unique and intimate biography, the book covers the entire scope of the elder President Bush’s life and career, including his service in the Pacific during World War II, his pioneering work in the Texas oil business, and his political rise as a Congressman, U.S. Representative to China and the United Nations, CIA Director, Vice President, and President. The book shines new light on both the accomplished statesman and the warm, decent man known best by his family. In addition, George W. Bush discusses his father’s influence on him throughout his own life, from his childhood in West Texas to his early campaign trips with his father, and from his decision to go into politics to his own two-term Presidency.


by Claudia Casanova George W. Bush

Nunca desde los tiempos de John Quincy Adams y John Adams en la Casa Blanca hace 190 años han sido padre e hijo presidentes de los Estados Unidos. En 41: un retrato de mi padre, George W. Bush el presidente número 43, nos guía a lo largo de la vida y el liderazgo de su padre, George H.W. Bush, el presidente número 41. Íntimo y conmovedor, 41 es un libro que solo un hijo --y también presidente-- podía escribir. La vida de George H.W. Bush es una gran historia americana. A raíz del ataque a Pearl Harbor y contra los deseos de su padre, pospuso sus estudios para pilotar en las fuerzas armadas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras varias misiones en el Pacífico, regreso a Estados Unidos donde se casó con Barbara Pierce, la mujer que tanta influencia tendría sobre padre e hijo. Tras una exitosa carrera en Wall Street, su espíritu aventurero hizo que la joven familia se trasladara a Texas. Recordando su niñez en Midland, Texas, George W. Bush explora como su padre desarrolló su instinto, su capacidad para las relaciones personales, y su habilidad para arriesgar al tiempo que triunfaba en el mundo del petróleo primero y en política después. George W. Bush describe las extraordinarias tres décadas de su padre en la política --en el Congreso primero, más tarde como embajador, director de la CIA, vicepresidente bajo Ronald Reagan y finalmente presidente de los Estados Unidos en 1988. Pero más que una biografía, 41 nos ofrece las lecciones que un hijo aprendió del hombre al que admira y adora. George W. Bush reflexiona sobre la influencia que su padre tuvo en su vida tanto personal como política, y revela como el apoyo constante y silencioso de su padre lo ayudó en los momentos más difíciles. George H.W. Bush fue uno de los políticos más influyentes norteamericano del siglo XX, y uno de los hombres de estado más queridos del siglo XXI. 41 es un emotivo tributo a un inspirador padre y a un gran estadounidense.

40 Years of Reform and Opening-up: China's Model and Experience

by Chaoyang Wang

This book consists of studies on China’s economic development since China carried out the reform and opening-up strategy, including China’s economic restructuring, economic operational mechanism, socialist market economy, inflation, the reform of the urban housing system, the economic impact of WTO entry, the future potential growth rate, global economic governance, structural fiscal and taxation reforms, the rapid growth of China’s financial industry, and more. These studies explores China’s successful experience of economic growth in the past and will shed some light on China’s economic development in the future, providing value to economists and Chinese scholars.

40 More Years

by Rebecca Buckwalter-Poza James Carville

Every four years Americans hold a presidential election. Somebody wins and somebody loses. That's life. But 2008 was an anomaly. The election of President Barack Obama is about something far bigger than four or even eight years in the White House. Since 2004, Americans have been witnessing and participating in the emergence of a Democratic majority that will last not four but forty years. To understand the emergence of a lasting Democratic majority we'll first have to spend a few moments reviewing the profound and relentless incompetence of the Bush administration -- and the pursuant collapse of the Republican Party. That means looking back at the failure of Republican ideas -- including a wholesale rejection of the myth of conservative superiority on the economy -- and holding our noses long enough to survey the gallery of truly repellent scoundrels, scandals, and screwups that the Republican Party has been responsible for over the last eight years. After completing the unpleasant but edifying task of autopsying the Republican Party, we'll examine the underpinnings of Democratic victories in 2004, 2006, and 2008 -- and make the argument for why Democrats are going to keep winning. (Two words: young people.) In short, the Republicans are going to keep getting spanked again and again for forty more years because we're right and they're wrong, and Americans know it.

The 4% Solution: Unleashing the Economic Growth America Needs

by The Bush Institute

With contributions from world renowned economists and Nobel prizewinners, The 4% Solution is a blueprint for restoring America's economic health The United States is reaching a pivotal point in its economic history. Millions of Americans owe more on their homes than they are worth, long-term unemployment is alarmingly high, and the Congressional Budget Office is projecting a sustainable growth rate of only 2.3%--a full percentage point below the average for the past sixty years. Unless a turnaround comes quickly, the United States could be mired in debt for years to come and millions of Americans will be pushed to the sidelines of the economy. The 4% Solution offers clear and unflinching ideas on how to revive America's economy. It sets a positive economic goal and asks some of the top economic minds on how to achieve it. With a focus on removing government constraints, The 4% Solution defines the policies that will allow Americans to save, invest, and create the jobs that the United States needs. The 4% Solution draws on the best minds in the business, including five Nobel laureates: · Robert E. Lucas, Jr., on the history and future of economic growth · Gary S. Becker on why we need immigrants in order to grow · Edward Prescott on the cost (to growth) of the welfare state · Vernon Smith on why housing leads us into and out of recessions · Myron Scholes on why we need to innovate in order to grow the economy

3rd EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)

by Rui José Kristof Van Laerhoven Helena Rodrigues

This proceedings presents the papers from Urb-IoT 2018 - 3rd EAI International Conference on IoT in Urban Space, which took place in Guimarães, Portugal on 21-22 November 2018. The conference aims to explore the emerging dynamics within the scope of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the new science of cities.The papers discuss fusion of heterogeneous urban sources, understanding urban data using machine learning and mining techniques, urban analytics, urban IoT infrastructures, crowd sourcing techniques, incentification and gamification, urban mobility and intelligent transportation systems, real time urban information systems, and more. The proceedings discuss innovative technologies that navigate industry and connectivity sectors in transportation, utility, public safety, healthcare, and education. The authors also discuss the increasing deployments of IoT technologies and the rise of the so-called 'Sensored Cities'‚ which are opening up new avenues of research opportunities towards that future.

3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage II: How to Manage Data and Knowledge Related to Interpretative Digital 3D Reconstructions of Cultural Heritage (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10025)

by Sander Münster Mieke Pfarr-Harfst Piotr Kuroczyński Marinos Ioannides

This book reflects a current state of the art and future perspectives of Digital Heritage focusing on not interpretative reconstruction and including as well as bridging practical and theoretical perspectives, strategies and approaches. Comprehensive key challenges are related to knowledge transfer and management as well as data handling within a interpretative digital reconstruction of Cultural Heritage including aspects of digital object creation, sustainability, accessibility, documentation, presentation, preservation and more general scientific compatibility. The three parts of the book provide an overview of a scope of usage scenarios, a current state of infrastructures as digital libraries, information repositories for an interpretative reconstruction of Cultural Heritage; highlight strategies, practices and principles currently used to ensure compatibility, reusability and sustainability of data objects and related knowledge within a 3D reconstruction work process on a day to day work basis; and show innovative concepts for the exchange, publishing and management of 3D objects and for inherit knowledge about data, workflows and semantic structures.

366 Days in Abraham Lincoln's Presidency: The Private, Political, and Military Decisions of America's Greatest President

by Harry Turtledove Stephen A. Wynalda

In a startlingly innovative format, journalist Stephen A. Wynalda has constructed a painstakingly detailed day-by-day breakdown of president Abraham Lincoln's decisions in office-including his signing of the Homestead Act on May 20, 1862; his signing of the legislation enacting the first federal income tax on August 5, 1861; and more personal incidents like the day his eleven-year-old son, Willie, died. Revealed are Lincoln's private frustrations on September 28, 1862, as he wrote to vice president Hannibal Hamlin, "The North responds to the [Emancipation] proclamation sufficiently with breath; but breath alone kills no rebels." 366 Days in Abraham Lincoln's Presidency includes fascinating facts like how Lincoln hated to hunt but loved to fire guns near the unfinished Washington monument, how he was the only president to own a patent, and how he recited Scottish poetry to relieve stress. As Scottish historian Hugh Blair said, "It is from private life, from familiar, domestic, and seemingly trivial occurrences, that we most often receive light into the real character." Covering 366 nonconsecutive days (including a leap day) of Lincoln's presidency, this is a rich, exciting new perspective of our most famous president. This is a must-have edition for any historian, military history or civil war buff, or reader of biographies.

365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy

by James Delingpole

Start every day off RIGHT! Try one of our 365 ways to drive a liberal (even more) crazy. Whether you quote from the Constitution (what, that old relic?) or point out the facts about global warming (as in, the planet has been steadily cooling for the past decade)-this is one sure-fire way to get under a lefty's (thin) skin. Timed to take advantage of the new year, 365 Ways to Drive a Liberal Crazy is the ultimate politically incorrect handbook and is perfect for any conservative, republican, or tea partier!

33 Revolutions

by Howard Curtis Canek Sánchez Guevara

The hero of this mordant portrayal of life in contemporary Cuba is a black Cuban whose parents were enthusiastic supporters of the Castro Revolution. His father, however, having fallen foul of the regime, is accused of embezzlement and dies of a stroke. Following her husband's death, his mother flees the country and settles in Madrid. Our hero separates from his wife and now spends much of his time in the company of his Russian neighbor, from whom he discovers the pleasures of reading. The books he reads gradually open his eyes to the incongruity between party slogans and the gray oppressive reality that surrounds him: the office routine; the daily complaints of his colleagues about problems big and small; his own obsessive thoughts which circulate like a broken record. Every day he photographs the spontaneous eruptions of dissent on the streets and witnesses the sad spectacle of young people crowding onto makeshift rafts and leaving the island. Every night he suffers from Kafkaesque nightmares in which he is arrested and tried for unknown crimes. His disappointment and delusion grow until a day comes when he declares his unwillingness to become an informer, and his real troubles begin.33 Revolutions is a candid and moving story about the disappointments of a generation that believed in the ideals of the Castro Recolution. it is a unique look into the lives of ordinary people in Cuba over the past five decades and a stylish work of fiction about a young man's awakening.

33 Artists in 3 Acts

by Sarah Thornton

This compelling narrative goes behind the scenes with the world's most important living artists to humanize and demystify contemporary art. The best-selling author of Seven Days in the Art World now tells the story of the artists themselves--how they move through the world, command credibility, and create iconic works. 33 Artists in 3 Acts offers unprecedented access to a dazzling range of artists, from international superstars to unheralded art teachers. Sarah Thornton's beautifully paced, fly-on-the-wall narratives include visits with Ai Weiwei before and after his imprisonment and Jeff Koons as he woos new customers in London, Frankfurt, and Abu Dhabi. Thornton meets Yayoi Kusama in her studio around the corner from the Tokyo asylum that she calls home. She snoops in Cindy Sherman's closet, hears about Andrea Fraser's psychotherapist, and spends quality time with Laurie Simmons, Carroll Dunham, and their daughters Lena and Grace. Through these intimate scenes, 33 Artists in 3 Acts explores what it means to be a real artist in the real world. Divided into three cinematic "acts"--politics, kinship, and craft--it investigates artists' psyches, personas, politics, and social networks. Witnessing their crises and triumphs, Thornton turns a wry, analytical eye on their different answers to the question "What is an artist?" 33 Artists in 3 Acts reveals the habits and attributes of successful artists, offering insight into the way these driven and inventive people play their game. In a time when more and more artists oversee the production of their work, rather than make it themselves, Thornton shows how an artist's radical vision and personal confidence can create audiences for their work, and examines the elevated role that artists occupy as essential figures in our culture.

31 Days: Gerald Ford, the Nixon Pardon, and a Government in Crisis

by Barry Werth

In 31 Days, acclaimed historian Barry Werth takes readers inside the White House during the tumultuous days of August 1974, following Richard Nixon's resignation and the swearing-in of America's "accidental president," Gerald Ford. The Watergate scandal had torn the country apart. In a dramatic, day-by-day account of the new administration's inner workings, Werth shows how Ford, caught between political expedience, the country's demands for justice, and his own moral compass, struggled valiantly to restore the nation's tarnished faith in its leadership. With deft and refreshing analysis Werth illuminates how this unprecedented political upheaval produced new fissures and battle lines, as well as new opportunities for political advancement for ambitious young men such as Donald Rumsfeld, who had been Nixon's ambassador to NATO, and Dick Cheney, already coolly efficient as Rumsfeld's former deputy. A superbly crafted presidential history with all of the twists and turns of a thriller, 31 Days sheds new light on the key players and political dilemmas that reverberate in today's headlines.

30 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Turns and Twists in Economies, Politics, and Societies in the Post-Communist Countries (Palgrave Studies in Economic History)

by Alexandr Akimov Gennadi Kazakevitch

The year 2019 marks 30 years since the fall of the Berlin wall. This symbolic event led to German unification and the collapse of communist party rule in countries of the Soviet-led Eastern bloc. Since then, the post-communist countries of Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe have tied their post-communist transition to deep integration into the West, including EU accession. Most of the states in Central and Eastern Europe have been able to relatively successfully transform their previous communist political and economic systems. In contrast, the non-Baltic post-Soviet states have generally been less successful in doing so. This book, with an internationally respected list of contributors, seeks to address and compare those diverse developments in communist and post-communist countries and their relationship with the West from various angles. The book has three parts. The first part addresses the progress of post-communist transition in comparative terms, including regional focus on Eastern and South Eastern Europe, CIS and Central Asia. The second focuses on Russia and its foreign relationship, and internal politics. The third explores in detail economies and societies in Central Asia. The final part of the book draws some historical comparisons of recent issues in post-communism with the past experiences.

30 Years of Matt: The best of the best - brilliant cartoons from the genius, award-winning Matt.

by Matt Pritchett

From all-day opening hours to President Trump; from the first Red Nose Day to Brexit...The last 30 years has seen some momentous - and not so momentous - events. 6 Prime Ministers, 7 General Elections, from Thatcher to New Labour, Cameron's Coalition to May's Minority. 1 Brexit, 1 hung Parliament, 1 Queen, 3 Popes and the first black US President. And chronicling the entire three decades is Matt, beloved, award-winning cartoonist - and the very best there is. Whether it's beleaguered commuters, political surprises, national absurdities, Royal babies or the weather, Matt always encapsulates the moment with the perfect cartoon.'Matt is the Don Bradman of daily cartoonists - so much greater than his nearest rivals it's almost embarrassing' Stephen Fry

30 Years of Matt: The best of the best - brilliant cartoons from the genius, award-winning Matt.

by Matt Pritchett

From all-day opening hours to President Trump; from the first Red Nose Day to Brexit...The last 30 years has seen some momentous - and not so momentous - events. 6 Prime Ministers, 7 General Elections, from Thatcher to New Labour, Cameron's Coalition to May's Minority. 1 Brexit, 1 hung Parliament, 1 Queen, 3 Popes and the first black US President. And chronicling the entire three decades is Matt, beloved, award-winning cartoonist - and the very best there is. Whether it's beleaguered commuters, political surprises, national absurdities, Royal babies or the weather, Matt always encapsulates the moment with the perfect cartoon.'Matt is the Don Bradman of daily cartoonists - so much greater than his nearest rivals it's almost embarrassing' Stephen Fry

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