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La luz entre los mundos

by Laura E Weymouth

Este libro es un debut lírico e hipnotizador para los fans de The Raven Boys y The Magicians. <P><P>La historia narra las aventuras de dos hermanas, unidas por la sangre y el destino, mientras luchan por encontrar su lugar en nuestra tierra después de pasar años gobernando como reinas en un mundo de mitos y magia. Una reina coronada en los bosques es una reina por siempre. <P><P>Este es el lema de Evelyn Hapwell. Hace seis años, Evelyn fue llevada a un reino extraño y hermoso, donde ella gobernó junto a su hermano y hermana durante décadas. Pero los niños Hapwell fueron enviados de regreso a sus antiguas vidas en nuestro propio mundo, y cada día, Evelyn despierta esperando regresar a los bosques. <P><P>A medida se hace cada vez más evidente que no habrá un regreso triunfal a casa, y que ella es en realidad una reina en exilio, Evelyn lucha con conformarse, vivir en este mundo, y cómo construir un reino aquí. <P><P>La política exterior y gobernar un país son bastante simples, pero los muchachos, y el internado y los amigos en una Inglaterra posguerra son totalemnte otro asunto. Su hermana ha desaparecido. Cuatro palabras son todo lo que se necesita para hacer añicos el autoexilio de Len Hapwell en Estados Unidos. <P><P>Tras desistir de la lucha por mantener a Evelyn en la realidad, Len regresa a Londres y se entera que su hermana ha desaparecido. Abrumada con la culpa por haber abandonado a Ev, Len busca respuestas mientras enfrenta las consecuencias de la desaparición de Evelyn. <P><P>Para descubrir la verdad de lo sucedido a su hermana, Len debe enfrentar cuán profundamente perturbada Evelyn estaba realmente, y lo que ella estaba dispuesta a hacer para volver a su querido reino.

Luz estelar: . (Los Gatos Guerreros | La Nueva Profecía #Volumen 4)

by Erin Hunter

Más aventuras, acción e intrigas felinas en Luz estelar, la cuarta entrega de «Los Gatos Guerreros | La Nueva Profecía». Los gatos han llegado finalmente al que será su nuevo hogar, el que sus antepasados habían deseado para ellos. Sin embargo, aún tienen por delante un camino largo y difícil. Los clanes deberán dejar a un lado aquello que los ha unido durante la travesía y emprender la tarea de delimitar nuevos territorios y aprender a detectar los peligros que esconde este entorno desconocido. Y todavía más importante: tendrán que encontrar una manera de sustituir la Piedra Lunar. Así, mientras esperan una señal definitiva del Clan Estelar, algunos gatos empiezan a sospechar que más de un guerrero alberga intenciones malvadas, y que los peligros del bosque no son nada comparados con los que se agazapan en el seno de los propios clanes... «La Nueva Profecía» es la segunda saga de «Los Gatos Guerreros», una serie que se ha traducido ya a 36 idiomas, lleva vendidos más de 30 millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo y ha permanecido durante más de dos años en la lista de grandes éxitos de The New York Times.

Una luz incierta: Saga Mentes Poderosas 3 (Mentes poderosas #Volumen 3)

by Alexandra Bracken

El tercer libro de la trepidante serie Mentes poderosas, para los fans de Divergente y Los juegos del hambre. Ruby ha emergido como una de las líderes de un grupo rebelde dispuesto a acabar con el gobierno corrupto. A pesar de que sigue dolida por las consecuencias de haber utilizado sus poderes con Liam, Ruby formará una incierta alianza con Cole, el hermano mayor de este, con el que comparte un peligroso secreto. Más allá de sus diferencias, a Ruby y a Cole les une una misión: hay miles de chicos como ellos encerrados en los campos. Y su libertad depende de Ruby. Con el destino de toda una generación en sus manos, Ruby sabe que todo pende de un hilo... Cualquier paso en falso podría ser la chispa que destara el caos.

Luz roja, luz verde. El juego del calamar. Una novela no oficial

by Lou Allori

El libro de la serie que arrasa en el mundo entero: EL JUEGO DEL CALAMAR. ¿HASTA DÓNDE LLEGARÍAS POR DINERO? Will procede de una familia con pocos medios, pero tiene la oportunidad de estudiar en la universidad más prestigiosa... y también la más cara. Su madre lo ha sacrificado todo para que estudie en esa escuela, y él encadena un trabajo mal pagado tras otro para poder llegar a fin de mes. Pero sus esfuerzos no son suficientes para continuar durante los cinco cursos de la carrera, y menos cuando le acaban de rechazar una beca que podría haber acabado con sus problemas. En ese preciso momento le ofrecen una oportunidad que le cambiará la vida. Lo único que tiene que hacer es llamar al número que aparece en el dorso de la tarjeta y decir sí a ganar millones. Desesperado, Will decide lanzarse a la aventura, aunque aún no lo sabe todo... y es que esta aventura puede ser mortal. BUENA SUERTE, WILL. ¡EMPIEZA LA PESADILLA! ¡SUMÉRGETE EN ESTA FANFICCIÓN HELADORA Y NO OFICIAL DE LA SERIE-FENÓMENO EL JUEGO DEL CALAMAR!

Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses: A Novel

by Kristen O'Neal

<P><P>Teen Wolf meets Emergency Contact in this sharply observed, hilarious, and heartwarming debut young adult novel about friendship and the hairy side of chronic illness. <P><P>Priya worked hard to pursue her premed dreams at Stanford, but a diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease during her sophomore year sends her back to her loving but overbearing family in New Jersey—and leaves her wondering if she’ll ever be able to return to the way things were. Thankfully she has her online pen pal, Brigid, and the rest of the members of “oof ouch my bones,” a virtual support group that meets on Discord to crack jokes and vent about their own chronic illnesses. <P><P>When Brigid suddenly goes offline, Priya does something out of character: she steals the family car and drives to Pennsylvania to check on Brigid. Priya isn’t sure what to expect, but it isn’t the horrifying creature that's shut in the basement. With Brigid nowhere to be found, Priya begins to puzzle together an impossible but obvious truth: the creature might be a werewolf—and the werewolf might be Brigid. As Brigid's unique condition worsens, their friendship will be deepened and challenged in unexpected ways, forcing them to reckon with their own ideas of what it means to be normal.

Lying in the Deep

by Diana Urban

A juicy thriller of jealousy, love, and betrayal set on a Semester at Sea-inspired cruise ship, with a diverse cast of delightfully suspicious characters who&’ll leave you guessing with every jaw-dropping twist.After being jilted by her ex-boyfriend and best friend, Jade couldn't be more ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime—11 countries in 4 months, all from the luxurious Campus on Board ship—and to wedge an entire globe between her and the people who broke her heart.But when Jade discovers the backstabbing couple are also setting sail, her obsession with them grows and festers, leading to a shocking murder. And as their friends begin to drop like flies, Jade and her new crush must race to clear her name and find the killer they&’re trapped at sea with….before anyone else winds up in body bags.Perfect for readers of Natalie D. Richards, E. Lockhart, and Karen McManus!

Lying Out Loud: A Companion to The DUFF

by Kody Keplinger

A companion to Kody Keplinger's debut novel, THE DUFF!Sonny Ardmore is an excellent liar. She lies about her dad being in prison. She lies about her mom kicking her out. And she lies about sneaking into her best friend's house every night because she has nowhere else to go. Amy Rush might be the only person Sonny shares everything with -- secrets, clothes, even a nemesis named Ryder Cross. Ryder's the new kid at Hamilton High and everything Sonny and Amy can't stand -- a prep-school snob. But Ryder has a weakness: Amy. So when Ryder emails Amy asking her out, the friends see it as a prank opportunity not to be missed. But without meaning to, Sonny ends up talking to Ryder all night online. And to her horror, she realizes that she might actually like him. Only there's one small catch: He thinks he's been talking to Amy. So Sonny comes up with an elaborate scheme to help Ryder realize that she's the girl he's really wanted all along. Can Sonny lie her way to the truth, or will all her lies end up costing her both Ryder and Amy?

Lying, Truthtelling, and Storytelling in Children’s and Young Adult Literature: Telling It Slant (Children's Literature and Culture)

by Anita Tarr

Even though we instruct our children not to lie, the truth is that lying is a fundamental part of children’s development—socially, cognitively, emotionally, morally. Lying can sometimes be more compassionate than telling the truth, even more ethical. Reading specific children’s books can instruct child readers how to be guided by an etiquette of lying, to know when to tell the truth and when to lie. Equally important, these stories can help prevent them from being prey to those liars who are intent on taking advantage of them. Becoming a critical reader requires that one learn how to lie judiciously as well as to see through others’ lies. When humans first began to speak, we began to lie. When we began to lie, we started telling stories. This is the paradox, that in order to tell truthful stories, we must be good liars. Novels about child-artists showcased here illustrate how the protagonist embraces this paradox, accepting the stigma that a writer is a liar who tells the truth. Emily Dickinson’s phrase “telling it slant” best expresses the vision of how writers for children and young adults negotiate the conundrum of both protecting child readers and teaching them to protect themselves. This volume explores the pervasiveness of lying as well as the necessity for lying in our society; the origins of lying as connected to language acquisition; the realization that storytelling is both lying and truthtelling; and the negotiations child-artists must process in order to grasp the paradox that to become storytellers they must become expert liars and lie-detectors.

The Lying Woods

by Ashley Elston

Owen Foster has never wanted for anything. Then his mother shows up at his elite New Orleans boarding school cradling a bombshell: his privileged life has been funded by stolen money. After using the family business, the single largest employer in his small Louisiana town, to embezzle millions and drain the employees' retirement accounts, Owen's father vanished without a trace, leaving Owen and his mother to deal with the fallout.Owen returns to Lake Cane to finish his senior year, where people he hardly remembers despise him for his father's crimes. It's bad enough dealing with muttered insults and glares, but when Owen and his mother receive increasingly frightening threats from someone out for revenge, he knows he must get to the bottom of what really happened at Louisiana Frac...and the cryptic note his father sent him at his boarding school days before disappearing. Owen's only refuge is the sprawling, isolated pecan orchard he works at after school, owned by a man named Gus who has his own secrets--and in some ways seems to know Owen better than he knows himself. As Owen uncovers a terrible injustice that looms over the same Preacher Woods he's claimed as his own, he must face a shocking truth about his past--and write a better future.

Lyndon B. Johnson (The American Presidents Series)

by Charles Peters Arthur M. Schlesinger

Peters, a keen observer of Washington politics for more than five decades, shares his insider knowledge and experiences to tell the story of Johnson's presidency as the tale of an immensely talented politician driven by ambition and desire.

Lynx (Rodeo Romance #1)

by Connie Vines

With a dangerous reputation for taking chances and tempting fate, rugged cowboy Lynx Maddox had one goal in life—to win the coveted Silver Buckle rodeo championship. But when he sets eyes on lovely Rachel Scott, he becomes determined to capture her as well. Rachel traveled the circuit with her famous rodeo rider dad until his fatal accident in the arena. Now, she wants nothing to do with that world—or the men who risk their lives for one brief moment of glory. But her attraction to Lynx becomes too powerful to deny. . . and his unexpected gentleness too seductive to resist. . .

Mac in the City of Light

by Christopher Ward

Mac’s school trip to Paris turns into an adventure she never imagined. Fourteen-year-old California girl Mackenzie, known as Mac, goes on a school trip to Paris where she meets up with an old musician friend of her dad’s, Rudee Daroo, who now makes a living as a cab driver. Rudee reveals that some of the greatest monuments in Paris are being either destroyed or stolen and that the city is slowly becoming darker.Mac finds herself in league with a crew of crazy cabbies and their friends as she tries to right these wrongs. She encounters sinister, shadowy characters who live in the Paris underground, a philosopher gendarme, a gypsy who can dance people into dream states, and gargoyles come to life. From dodging her school group to a heart-stopping encounter atop Notre Dame Cathedral, Mac needs all the resources she can muster to help Paris remain the "City of Light."

Mac on the Road to Marseille: The Adventures of Mademoiselle Mac

by Christopher Ward

Fifteen-year-old Mackenzie returns to Paris to attend the Christmas Eve wedding of her Dad's old friend, Rudee Daroo, and the love of his life, dancer Sashay D'or. Mac is told about the annual New Year's taxi road rally, this year hosted by the Marseille Marauders, the nastiest lot of drivers you've ever seen. Partnered with hulking cabbie Blag Lebouef, Mac manages to convince her parents that the road rally is more like a carefree drive in the French countryside than the death-defying cutthroat rivalry it's always been. Negotiating brutal weather, cryptic signage, outright sabotage, random flocks of sheep, and zigzagging back roads, Mac and Blag might be the perfect combination of cunning and brute strength. On the road, she makes the startling discovery that the clues the drivers have been given during the rally could lead to the discovery of some valuable missing artwork. Is that worth losing the rally over?

Mac Undercover (Mac B. , Kid Spy Ser. #1)

by Mac Barnett Mike Lowery

James Bond meets Diary of a Wimpy Kid with this groundbreaking new fully-illustrated chapter book series Mac B., Kid Spy. The precious Crown Jewels have been stolen, and there's only one person who can help the Queen of England: her newest secret agent, Mac B. Mac travels around the globe in search of the stolen treasure...but will he find it in time? From secret identities to Karate hijinks, this fast-paced, witty and historically inspired chapter book will keep readers guessing until the very last page. With full-color illustrations and fascinating historical facts masterfully sprinkled throughout, this series offers adventure, intrigue, absurdity, history and humor. Discover this totally smart and side-splittingly funny new series, and experience what it's really like to be a kid spy.

Macarons at Midnight

by Suzanne Nelson

Lise Santos meets a boy of her dreams at the midnight taste test of a bakery and shares macarons with him. Both don't reveal their feelings nor exchange their names. But when Lise finds the guy again, he is not anything like she expected. She seeks the help of Viv, but Viv starts flirting with the boy. Now Lise's head and heart are in a jumble. Can she gather the courage to admit her true feelings...or is this a recipe for total disaster?


by William Shakespeare Roma Gill

Oxford School Shakespeare is an acclaimed edition especially designed for students, with accessible on-page notes and explanatory illustrations, clear background information, and rigorous but accessible scholarly credentials. Macbeth is one of the most popular texts for study by secondary students the world over. This edition includes illustrations, preliminary notes, reading lists (including websites) and classroom notes.

Machiavelli: A Lost Story from the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel

by Michael Scott

Nicholas Flamel appeared in J. K. Rowling&’s Harry Potter series—but did you know he really lived? And he might still be alive today! Discover the truth behind Michael Scott&’s New York Times bestselling series the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel with &“Machiavelli: Guardian of Paris,&” an ebook original short story. It is 1793, and Paris is in the grip of the Terror—the terrible days of the French Revolution. Drawn by the destruction and chaos, Black Annis has come to the city with dark plans to bring even more death upon its people, and only one person stands in her way: the immortal human Machiavelli. Now, that lost story is told. . . . The Dark Elders granted Machiavelli eternal life. But the Prince lives only for himself, and he won&’t allow Black Annis to destroy the city he&’s come to call home. Only, is isn&’t just Black Annis that Machiavelli&’s up against—the Dark Elder is out to raise the catacombs of Paris, and now the dead are roaming the streets once more. &“Fans of adventure fantasies like Rick Riordan&’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians series will eat this one up.&” —VOYA Read the whole series! The Alchemyst The Magician The Sorceress The Necromancer The Warlock The Enchantress

Macho!: A Novel

by Victor Villaseñor

Roberto Garcia is only seventeen, but he already has big dreams of making his fortune, building a family, and gaining the respect of his community. With ambition to burn and a passion to prove his manhood, Roberto takes the dangerous journey north, crossing the Mexican border to pick fruit in the "golden fields" of California. It is said that a good man can make more money there in a week than in an entire year in the mountains of Michoacán, his home. With dreams that overshadow harsh realities, Roberto is unprepared for the jammed boxcars and bolted trucks that carry undervalued migrant workers through the searing desert to long days of harsh labor. Raw, powerful, poetic, and heartbreaking, Macho! brings to life the brutality of migrant labor, Cesar Chavez's efforts to unionize workers, and a vivid portrayal of the immigrant experience through the eyes of a brave young man who bids goodbye to everything he knows to follow his dreams. Powerfully written, Macho! captures the raw emotion, intensity, and vitality of survival while confronting the best and worst of people and life.

Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know

by Samira Ahmed

It is August in Paris and budding art historian Khayyam should be having the time of her life - but even in the City of Lights she can't stop worrying about the mess she left back home in Chicago. Only when she meets a cute young Parisian - who happens to be a distant relative of the novelist Alexandre Dumas - do things start to get interesting, as she starts to unveil the story of a 19th century Muslim woman whose path may have intersected with Dumas, Eugène Delacroix and Lord Byron.Two hundred years earlier in the Ottoman empire, Leila is the most favoured woman in the Pasha's harem. Her position is meant to be coveted; but she is struggling to survive as she fights to keep her true love hidden from her jealous captor.Echoing across centuries, as Khayyam uncovers the scintillating truth of Leila's long-forgotten life, her own destiny is transformed forever.

Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know

by Samira Ahmed

Told in alternating narratives that bridge centuries, the latest novel from New York Times bestselling author Samira Ahmed traces the lives of two young women fighting to write their own stories and escape the pressure of cultural expectations in worlds too long defined by men. It&’s August in Paris and 17-year-old Khayyam Maquet—American, French, Indian, Muslim—is at a crossroads. This holiday with her parents should be a dream trip for the budding art historian. But her maybe-ex-boyfriend is probably ghosting her, she might have just blown her chance at getting into her dream college, and now all she really wants is to be back home in Chicago figuring out her messy life instead of brooding in the City of Light.Two hundred years before Khayyam&’s summer of discontent, Leila is struggling to survive and keep her true love hidden from the Pasha who has &“gifted&” her with favored status in his harem. In the present day—and with the company of a descendant of Alexandre Dumas—Khayyam begins to connect allusions to an enigmatic 19th-century Muslim woman whose path may have intersected with Alexandre Dumas, Eugène Delacroix, and Lord Byron. Echoing across centuries, Leila and Khayyam&’s lives intertwine, and as one woman&’s long-forgotten life is uncovered, another&’s is transformed.

The Mad Cook of Pymatuning

by Christopher Lehmann-Haupt

In this chilling novel about a 1950s boys' summer camp gone awry, the former New York Times literary critic has created a brilliant coming-of-age story with undertones reminiscent of Lord of the Flies. Christopher Lehmann-Haupt's novel is at once a fantasy, a barbed portrait of boyhood in the dawning of the Eisenhower era, and a no-holds-barred story of terror of the sort that won him praise for his previous novel,A Crooked Man. Jerry Muller has been a regular at Camp Seneca for years. Now that he's a teenager and counselor, things don't seem quite right at his traditional summer haunt. As Jerry plunges into the mysteries around him, he finds himself growing up fast -- maybe too fast. He's attracted to T. J. , a pretty girl who might have a boyfriend but who flirts anyway, and he's shocked by the truth about his friend Oz, who's more interested in Jerry than in the likes of T. J. He sees something is strangely amiss with the husband and wife who own the camp. But above all, he's scared of the cruel game masterminded by Buck. Of Seneca ancestry, Buck is a sinister, bigger-than-life expert on Indian lore. He is also an organizer of scary games who may just possibly be a psychopath and a killer, and in whose hands the camp's make-believe, designed to scare the kids, becomes first a savage and brutal test of strength, then, by small steps, genuinely dangerous. As Jerry unravels the mysteries surrounding the ordinary-looking camp, he struggles to understand how "the Forbidden Woods," which have always been off-limits to campers as a kind of game and dare, have somehow become genuinely frightening -- all the more reason to discover the secrets that lie behind Camp Seneca's facade. The story reaches its climax in a shocking scene that neither Jerry nor the reader is likely to forget. Christopher Lehmann-Haupt's new novel is a wicked, suspenseful, and deeply original tale.

Mad Love

by Suzanne Selfors

When you're the daughter of the bestselling Queen of Romance, life should be pretty good. But 16-year-old Alice Amorous has been living a lie ever since her mother was secretly hospitalized for mental illness. After putting on a brave front for months, time is running out. The next book is overdue, and the Queen can't write it. Alice needs a story for her mother-and she needs one fast. <p><p> That's when she meets Errol, a strange boy who claims to be Cupid, who insists that Alice write about the greatest love story in history: his tragic relationship with Psyche. As Alice begins to hear Errol's voice in her head and see things she can't explain, she must face the truth-that she's either inherited her mother's madness, or Errol is for real.

Madame Tussaud's Apprentice: An Untold Story of Love in the French Revolution

by Kathleen Benner Duble

In 1789, with the starving French people on the brink of revolution, orphaned Celie Rosseau, an amazing artist and a very clever thief, runs wild with her protector, Algernon, trying to join the idealistic freedom fighters of Paris. But when she is caught stealing from none other than the king's brother and the lady from the waxworks, Celie must use her drawing talent to buy her own freedom or die for her crimes. Forced to work for Madame Tussaud inside the opulent walls that surround Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, Celie is shocked to find that the very people she imagined to be monsters actually treat her with kindness. But the thunder of revolution still rolls outside the gates, and Celie is torn between the cause of the poor and the safety of the rich. When the moment of truth arrives, will she turn on Madame Tussaud or betray the boy she loves? From the hidden garrets of the starving poor to the jeweled halls of Versailles, Madame Tussaud's Apprentice is a sweeping story of danger, intrigue, and young love, set against one of the most dramatic moments in history.

Madame Tussaud's Apprentice: An Untold Story of Love in the French Revolution

by Kathleen Benner Duble

In 1789, with the starving French people on the brink of revolution, orphaned Celie Rosseau, an amazing artist and a very clever thief, runs wild with her protector, Algernon, trying to join the idealistic freedom fighters of Paris. But when she is caught stealing from none other than the king's brother and the lady from the waxworks, Celie must use her drawing talent to buy her own freedom or die for her crimes. Forced to work for Madame Tussaud inside the opulent walls that surround Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, Celie is shocked to find that the very people she imagined to be monsters actually treat her with kindness. But the thunder of revolution still rolls outside the gates, and Celie is torn between the cause of the poor and the safety of the rich. When the moment of truth arrives, will she turn on Madame Tussaud or betray the boy she loves? From the hidden garrets of the starving poor to the jeweled halls of Versailles, Madame Tussaud's Apprentice is a sweeping story of danger, intrigue, and young love, set against one of the most dramatic moments in history.

Made 4 You

by Eric Walters

Becky James lives in a small town where nothing ever changes. But there’s something very different about the new student, Gene Newman. Brilliant, talented, and socially awkward, Gene is like nobody else Becky has ever known. Little does she know just how different he actually is. Gene confides in Becky that he has a secret. More than that, he is a secret. And, apparently, it’s a secret worth killing for.

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