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Sombras de medianoche

by Lara Adrian Denise Despeyroux

Los agrestes y fríos territorios de Alaska han sido inundados por un mar de sangre. Las sombras acechan de nuevo y la ola de asesinatos hace revivir en Alexandra Maguire terribles recuerdos de su pasado. Y de pronto, un extraño oscuro y seductor, con sus propios secretos, aparece en su vida. Enviado desde Boston para investigar estos salvajes ataques, el vampiro Kade tiene sus propios motivos para regresar al helado y olvidado lugar del que procede. Atormentado y avergonzado por algo acontecido hace años, Kade pronto será consciente de la auténtica amenaza a la que se enfrenta, una amenaza que pondrá en peligro el frágil lazo que le une a una valiente y decidida mujer que despierta en él profundas pasiones y primitivas necesidades. Ninguno de los dos está preparado para lo que les espera. Kade se ve obligado a arrastrar a Alex hasta un mundo plagado de sangre y oscuridad, en el que ambos deberán enfrentarse a sus propios demonios para mantener los que de verdad les importa y los une.

Sombras de Raven (Eureka en la serie del amor #5)

by Tamara Hart Heiner

Ella no está buscando un hombre. Y él no está buscando una familia. Pero, de algún modo, se encuentran uno al otro. Desde que Amber se convirtió en una madre soltera, se esforzó por procurar comodidades para sí misma y para su hija. Cuando se presenta la oportunidad de convertirse en copropietaria de la empresa de planificación de bodas para la que trabaja, Amber sabe que es justo lo que necesita para establecerse como una mujer independiente. Por supuesto que no cuenta con Tyson, el gerente del hotel local, a cuyos pies cae. Amber es la clase de chica con la que él siempre ha soñado: inteligente, responsable y capaz de cumplir con cualquier tarea frente a ella. Lo único que no incluía en su plan era a un hijo. Mientras Amber lucha contra su naturaleza independiente, Tyson lucha contra sus sentimientos de insuficiencia. ¿Serán capaces de cooperar y hacer de sus pedazos algo completo?

Sombras de Rose: Un viaje en el tiempo de romance y fantasmas

by Deb Stover

Deb Stover nos lleva de la mano a un apasionante viaje en el tiempo donde conviven el pasado y el presente, conjugándose en una aventura de romance, suspenso, sensualidad, recreación de época, humor, en fin...creatividad. Una delicia.

Sombras en el tiempo

by Jordi Sierra i Fabra

Carmen y sus hijos llegan a la Barcelona de 1949 para reunirse con Antonio, el padre de familia, que les espera después de trabajar varios años en la ciudad. Animados por la promesa de una vida mejor, alejada de las penurias del campo en Murcia, su tierra natal, se enfrentan a la dureza de un mundo desconocido para ellos donde las heridas entre vencedores y vencidos están todavía demasiado abiertas. El deseo de Úrsula por triunfar en los escenarios como cantante, las dificultades de Fuensanta para incorporarse al mundo laboral, los devaneos amorosos del galán Ginés, la lucha de Salvador contra la intolerancia y la brecha que empezará a crearse entre Carmen y Antonio por los secretos de un matrimonio oscuro marcarán sus destinos en un país que camina con esfuerzo en pos del futuro.Con las cartillas de racionamiento, la represión ideológica, la amenaza de las cárceles franquistas o la tenaz rebeldía de los maquis como telón de fondo, Sombras en el tiempo es una historia minuciosamente ambientada que atrapará al lector por sus personajes emotivamente trazados, sus tramas apasionantes y la sensacional recreación de los años más emblemáticos y turbulentos de la posguerra, un tiempo donde la subsistencia del día a día era el único recurso frente a la adversidad.Una desgarradora novela repleta de amor, coraje y esperanza.

Sombras en la Luna: Sueño de amor en Navidad

by Gloria V. Casañas

En Sombras en la Luna, Gloria V. Casañas reúne a todos sus personajes en una Navidad inolvidable, tanto para ellos como para sus lectores, que volverán a sentir las emociones que acompañaron las dos novelas anteriores de esta tríada navideña. Para Ismael Amherst, ha llegado el tiempo de regresar al solitario refugio del Valle de los Pioneros. Después de atravesar la Gran Pradera guiando caravanas hacia el Oeste, la tierra prometida de los colonos, es el momento de encauzar su vida y decidir si vivirá entre los hurones, el pueblo de su madre, o se quedará junto a su padre, el tercer barón de Amherst. El destino, sin embargo, le reserva un último viaje que trastocará sus planes. Emma, la joven mormona que oculta secretos, lo conduce a una peligrosa encrucijada. ¿Será ella la mujer que sus sueños le incitan a encontrar? ¿O deberá seguir la señal del águila dorada que lo acompaña en la travesía? Con la intuición heredada de sus ancestros, Ismael sabe que algo lo aguarda en la casa familiar, donde además deberá enfrentar el matrimonio de su hermano con Juliana Balcarce, la mujer que en otro tiempo hizo latir su corazón. Unas cartas misteriosas le inspiran una insólita comunión con alguien desconocido que se hace llamar Ojos de Luna. Ya no es tan fácil tomar decisiones, y el rumbo que Ismael creía marcado se tuerce una y otra vez.

Sombras Ocultas

by Tatiana Untu

<P>Si te gustan las historias románticas, con intriga y misterio, acompañadas de intensos toques eróticos, no te pierdas esta interesante novela con un final sorprendente. <P>Este libro narra la historia de Claris Torres, una mujer hecha a sí misma que trata de huir de los fantasmas de su pasado en un entorno tan chic como perverso. Con un padrastro de instintos enfermizos, expulsada de la Universidad y obligada a asistir a sesiones de ayuda con un acreditado psicoterapeuta, la insustancial vida de Claris da un giro crucial cuando dos personas se cruzan en su destino, una antigua compañera de clase y un psiquiatra suplente. <P>Es entonces cuando Isabela, que es su verdadero nombre, conoce muy de cerca el universo del sado a través de su amiga Luz Casillas, una chica que se desenvuelve en los márgenes del bien y del mal, ajena al verdadero precio que hay que pagar a veces por nuestras decisiones. <P> Pero, al mismo tiempo, Claris asiste al despertar del sexo y la pasión más intensos de la mano de un hombre tan sorprendente como carismático, que la conducirá por todos los recovecos del placer y el deseo. En una lucha constante consigo misma, nuestra protagonista vivirá situaciones al límite gracias a las cuales podrá ir rasgando las sombras de su pasado para reencontrarse con su verdadero yo, desterrando para siempre el lastre de sus miedos e inseguridades. <P>Como la princesa de El lago de los cisnes, Claris experimentará una auténtica metamorfosis interior que la llevará a mudar la piel de su alma para volar libre como un pájaro a través de las páginas de este libro.

Sombras Perversas

by A. D. Justice

Devon “Shadow” Kane escolheu uma vida de anonimato no momento em que entrou no mundo clandestino da CIA. Seu treinamento fez dele um assassino, uma habilidade que ele não tem escrúpulos em usar. Elle Sinclair, a irmã mais nova do seu amigo de infância, está longe de ser a garota da porta ao lado. Ela será a próxima grande estrela. Ela também é a pessoa que ele não pode ter. As luzes ofuscantes dos flashes das lâmpadas em seu mundo de celebridades contradizem a discrição e a invisibilidade exigidas no dele. Então ela se foi. Desapareceu, sem uma palavra ou vestígio. Um pedido desesperado de ajuda de seu irmão testa as habilidades secretas de Shadow. As apostas são altas e Shadow vai arriscar tudo por ela. As únicas duas constantes na equação são a ameaça de revelar seu disfarce e a probabilidade de não alcançá-la a tempo. Com perigo por toda parte, Shadow e Elle podem sobreviver? Ou as sombras perversas que os cercam finalmente causarão sua morte?

Sombre est le cheval (Californie équestre #1)

by Louis Tarpin Kate Sherwood

Californie équestre, tome 1Dan pourrait simplement partir, laisser tout ça derrière lui. Il a suffisamment d'argent. Il pourrait se faire envoyer ses affaires et son cheval plus tard, où qu'il soit. Partir, c'était ce qu'il faisait quand il ne pouvait plus faire face, avant. Et ça marchait. Justin Archer est pour Dan Wheeler un collègue, un partenaire, un amour et une stabilité incomparables. Mais quand Dan se retrouve seul, à travailler comme entraîneur pour les parents de Justin, il doit accepter l'inéluctable : sa vie parfaite a disparu à jamais. Mais il rencontre le milliardaire Evan Kaminski, venu acheter un cheval pour sa petite sœur, et Jeff Stevens, le partenaire d'Evan et l'entraîneur de sa sœur, et qui semble partager plus qu'une passion des chevaux avec Dan. Pris dans la tourmente de sa propre vie, Dan est confronté aux passions tumultueuses d'Evan et à la sagesse tranquille de Jeff. Sera-t-il assez fort pour se jeter à nouveau dans le jeu de l'amour, ou serait-il plus simple - plus sûr - de rester seul ?

Sombre était la nuit (Californie équestre #2)

by Louis Tarpin Kate Sherwood

Suite de Sombre est le chevalCalifornie équestre, tome 2À deux, c'est déjà difficile. Alors ajouter un troisième là-dedans... Je ne sais pas. Est-ce que ce n'est pas chercher les emmerdes ? Ça n'a pas été facile, mais l'entraîneur équestre Dan Wheeler commence à se construire une nouvelle vie en Californie, avec ses amants Evan Kaminski et Jeff Stevens. Quand tout se passe bien, c'est magnifique ; affection, humour, passion. Mais tout ne se passe pas toujours au mieux. Dan a toujours du mal à accepter la perte de son compagnon précédent, et semble douter parfois de son droit à être heureux. Evan est jaloux de chaque rival possible, y compris Jeff. Et Jeff se demande s'il n'est pas trop vieux pour les deux jeunes hommes, s'il ne devrait pas se retirer complètement. Malgré tout, Dan a commencé à s'attacher aux deux hommes. Est-ce suffisant ? Être ensemble les blesse ; mais être séparés ne les blesserait-il pas davantage ?

Some Assembly Required

by Bru Baker Lex Chase

Everyone wishes they were dead when wandering the purgatory of a home furnishings store, but these guys actually are. Benji Goss is the quintessential good guy. When his boyfriend dumps him and moves out, Benji obligingly keeps the cat--even though he's allergic--because his ex's new place doesn't accept pets. He's always joked the cat would be the death of him, but not in a way he expects when a feline mishap crushes him under a DEL TORO bookcase. Snarky loner Patrick Bryant is in such a rut he barely remembers the life he used to lead. The last thing he recalls is being decapitated by a DEL TORO bookcase in a freak accident. As a spiritual CASA resident, he haunts the aisles of affordable Italian furniture, assisting fellow spirits in moving on to their final destinations. When Benji appears in the CASA café, Patrick considers the naïve spirit just the man to cure his boredom. Benji's relentless optimism chips away at Patrick's sarcasm, making him question if there's something beyond what he can see. But the heart is like CASA furniture--there's always some assembly required.

Some Assembly Required

by Lynn Kiele Bonasia

Thirty-nine-year-old Rose is content with her safe life: both her job writing manuals for appliances and her long-term boyfriend are reasonably satisfying. But when Mr. Almost Right betrays her, Rose decides there has to be more to it than writing succinct descriptions about how to use the timer on a Pause 'n Serve coffeemaker. Lured by the therapeutic promise of Cape Cod's sand, salt, and waves, Rose abandons her careful past and leaves the city far behind. Rose wants only to heal her broken heart. But with the help of a few eccentric neighbors, a fulfilling new job as the world's oldest cub reporter, and a compellingly odd new man, she comes to realize that her past is the furthest thing from her mind -- and she may just have stumbled upon her future happiness.

Some Boys

by Patty Blount

Some girls say no. Some boys don't listen.When Grace meets Ian, she's afraid. Afraid he'll reject her like the rest of the school, like her own family. After she accuses Zac, the town golden boy, of rape, everyone turns against her. Ian wouldn't be the first to call her a slut and a liar.Except Ian doesn't reject her. He's the one person who looks past the taunts and the names and the tough-girl act to see the real Grace. He's the one who gives her the courage to fight back.He's also Zac's best friend."A bold and necessary look at an important, and very real, topic. Everyone should read this book." -- Jennifer Brown, author of Thousand Words and Hate ListA gut-wrenching, powerful love story told from alternating points of view by the acclaimed author of Send.

Some Brief Folly

by Patricia Veryan

The Napoleonic wars are at their height on the Continent when Miss Euphemia Buchanan, young, much sought-after, and unattainable, decides to journey from London to Bath with her brother Simon and her young page Kent to spend the Christmas holidays with Great Aunt Lucasta. Along the way, she entreats Simon to detour past the imposing lines of Dominer, the palatial country estate of Garret Hawkhurst, the appallingly dangerous rake responsible (or so it is rumored) for the deaths of his own wife and child. But didsaster strikes in the form of a landslide, and the Buchannan's coach is overturned and brought within inches of complete destruction. It is only through the bravery and immediate efforts of a passing gentleman that Euphemia and her wounded brother and page are rescued at all. But Euphemia's grateful thanks turn to horror when she realizes her rescuer is none other than the infamous Garrett Hawkhurst, and that she has no recourse but to help Simon and Kent convalesce within the walls of Dominer itself...

Some Die Telling

by Stella Cameron

From the cover flap: "Ellen Shaw arrives in London expecting to join her sister Fiona, who's found her the perfect job managing an antiquarian bookshop. Instead she finds an empty apartment, and no sign of her sister. Ellen's only contact is Hugh Weston, Fiona's boss and the bookshop's owner. Though Hugh seems solid and dependable, he remains a stranger she's not sure she can trust. Hugh has his own theories about Fiona's disappearance: his grandmother had beenmurdered only days before, and Hugh suspects Fiona had something to do with it. As danger begins to stalk Ellen through the streets of London, Hugh has only moments to decide if she's Fiona's partner in crime...or an unlucky pawn who needs hs help."

Some Dukes Have All the Luck (Synneful Spinsters)

by Christina Britton

Ash Hawkins, Duke of Buckley, no more wants to marry than he wants a stick in his eye. As the owner of a gaming hell, he is all too aware the odds of a happy marriage are against him. But raising his three rebellious wards alone is proving more than he can handle. He needs to find someone who stands to benefit from a marriage of convenience as much as he does. Someone logical, clinical, and rational. And in a stroke of luck, he quite literally stumbles over just such a woman. After years of ridicule for being more interested in bugs than boys, Bronwyn has accepted that she&’ll never marry for love. Her parents, however, are threatening to find her a husband. Bronwyn doesn&’t need any scientific research to show her Ash has secrets. But his proposal would give her the freedom to continue her entomology research and perhaps finally get published. Just as long as she can keep her mind on her work and off his piercing eyes, broad shoulders, and wicked, wicked tongue.

Some Enchanted Season

by Marilyn Pappano

Sometimes miracles do happen. When Maggie left her husband Ross that fateful Christmas Eve, their marriage was over. But a near fatal accident on an ice-slick road changed everything. Now another Christmas approaches. While Maggie hasn't regained all her memory, she's ready to test her strength at home--with Ross as her only companion. Sharing a house with him once more, putting on the best face for their neighbors, Maggie knows she's living a lie. Then she glimpses Ross as he used to be: playful and passionate, the man of her dreams before ambition changed him. She couldn't know he's feeling the same regrets, the same heartache. . . or that he fears the return of her memory. What will happen when she remembers the reason she fled from him last year? It will take a miracle to send the walls of anger and secrecy tumbling down and reunite the divided couple. But in the small town of Bethlehem, miracles do happen. . . .

Some Girls Bite

by Chloe Neill

The First Chicagoland Vampires NovelThey killed me. They healed me. They changed me.Sure, the life of a graduate student wasn't exactly glamorous, but I was doing fine until Chicago's vampires announced their existence to the world. When a rogue vampire attacked me, I was lucky he only got a sip. Another bloodsucker scared him off and decided the best way to save my life was to make me the walking undead.Now I've traded sweating over my thesis for learning to fit in at a Hyde Park mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan "Lord o' the Manor" Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed,four-hundred-year-old vampire, he has centuries' worth of charm, but unfortunately he expects my gratitude--and servitude. Right...But someone's out to get me. Is it the rogue vampire who bit me? A vamp from a rival House? An angry mob bearing torches? My initiation into Chicago's nightlife may be the first skirmish in a war--and there will be blood.

Some Girls Bite: A Chicagoland Vampires Novel

by Chloe Neill

The First Chicagoland Vampires NovelThey killed me. They healed me. They changed me.Sure, the life of a graduate student wasn’t exactly glamorous, but I was doing fine until Chicago’s vampires announced their existence to the world. When a rogue vampire attacked me, I was lucky he only got a sip. Another bloodsucker scared him off and decided the best way to save my life was to make me the walking undead.Now I’ve traded sweating over my thesis for learning to fit in at a Hyde Park mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan “Lord o’ the Manor” Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed,four-hundred-year-old vampire, he has centuries’ worth of charm, but unfortunately he expects my gratitude—and servitude. Right…But someone’s out to get me. Is it the rogue vampire who bit me? A vamp from a rival House? An angry mob bearing torches? My initiation into Chicago’s nightlife may be the first skirmish in a war—and there will be blood.

Some Girls Bite: A Chicagoland Vampires Novel

by Chloe Neill

The First Chicagoland Vampires NovelThey killed me. They healed me. They changed me.Sure, the life of a graduate student wasn’t exactly glamorous, but I was doing fine until Chicago’s vampires announced their existence to the world. When a rogue vampire attacked me, I was lucky he only got a sip. Another bloodsucker scared him off and decided the best way to save my life was to make me the walking undead.Now I’ve traded sweating over my thesis for learning to fit in at a Hyde Park mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan “Lord o’ the Manor” Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed,four-hundred-year-old vampire, he has centuries’ worth of charm, but unfortunately he expects my gratitude—and servitude. Right…But someone’s out to get me. Is it the rogue vampire who bit me? A vamp from a rival House? An angry mob bearing torches? My initiation into Chicago’s nightlife may be the first skirmish in a war—and there will be blood.

Some Girls Bite: A Chicagoland Vampires Novel (Chicagoland Vampires Series)

by Chloe Neill

Sure, the life of a graduate student wasn't exactly glamorous, but it was mine. I was doing fine until Chicago's vampires announced their existence to the world - and then a rogue vampire attacked me. But he only got a sip before he was scared away by another bloodsucker ... one who decided the best way to save my life was to take it.Turns out my saviour was the master vampire of Cadogan House. Now I've traded sweating over my thesis for learning to fit in at a Hyde Park mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan 'Lord o' the Manor' Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed, four hundred year old vampire, he has centuries' worth of charm, but unfortunately he also seems to expect my eternal gratitude - and servitude. Right ...But my burgeoning powers (all of a sudden, I'm surprisingly handy with some serious weaponry), an inconvenient sunlight allergy, and Ethan's attitude are the least of my concerns. Someone's out to get me. Is it the rogue vampire who bit me? A vamp from a rival House? An angry mob bearing torches?My initiation into Chicago's nightlife may be the first skirmish in a war - and there's going to be blood ...

Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires #1)

by Chloe Neill

Sure, the life of a graduate student wasn't exactly glamorous, but it was mine. I was doing fine until Chicago's vampires announced their existence to the world - and then a rogue vampire attacked me. But he only got a sip before he was scared away by another bloodsucker . . . one who decided the best way to save my life was to take it. Turns out my saviour was the master vampire of Cadogan House. Now I've traded sweating over my thesis for learning to fit in at a Hyde Park mansion full of vamps loyal to Ethan 'Lord o' the Manor' Sullivan. Of course, as a tall, green-eyed, four hundred year old vampire, he has centuries' worth of charm, but unfortunately he also seems to expect my eternal gratitude - and servitude. Right . . . But my burgeoning powers (all of a sudden, I'm surprisingly handy with some serious weaponry), an inconvenient sunlight allergy, and Ethan's attitude are the least of my concerns. Someone's out to get me. Is it the rogue vampire who bit me? A vamp from a rival House? An angry mob bearing torches? My initiation into Chicago's nightlife may be the first skirmish in a war - and there's going to be blood . . .

Some Girls Do

by Leanne Banks

"You want me to find a husband for your daughter?" As personal assistant to the rich and eccentric, Katie Collins thought she'd heard it all. Now to keep her job she has to play matchmaker for her boss's only child. With her shapeless clothes and prim appearance, Katie has not had much experience with the opposite sex. That doesn't stop her from trying to turn shy Wilhemina into a swan. Or from dragging reluctant bodyguard Michael Wingate to Texas, where their lovelorn heiress has run off to lasso herself a cowboy. Working with Michael becomes more dangerous than Katie bargained for. He is exactly the kind of control freak she despises -- and so hot he melts her plain-Jane defenses faster than a desert sunrise. Of course, falling in love with the man is out of the question. But just once Katie Collins wants to be a little naughty, to discover why all good girls sometimes want to be bad!

Some Girls Do

by Jennifer Dugan

In this YA contemporary queer romance from the author of Hot Dog Girl, an openly gay track star falls for a closeted, bisexual teen beauty queen with a penchant for fixing up old cars. Morgan, an elite track athlete, is forced to transfer high schools late in her senior year after it turns out being queer is against her private Catholic school's code of conduct. There, she meets Ruby, who has two hobbies: tinkering with her baby blue 1970 Ford Torino and competing in local beauty pageants, the latter to live out the dreams of her overbearing mother. The two are drawn to each other and can't deny their growing feelings. But while Morgan--out and proud, and determined to have a fresh start--doesn't want to have to keep their budding relationship a secret, Ruby isn't ready to come out yet. With each girl on a different path toward living her truth, can they go the distance together?

Some Girls Do

by Clodagh Murphy

'Steaming hot chick lit ... Murphy is a laugh-out-loud, talented and insightful writer' Irish IndependentSome Girls Do is a witty, sexy and warm-hearted serving of contemporary fiction that will have you hooked until the very last page.Claire Kennedy, aka internet sensation NiceGirl, is the anonymous author of a steamy sex blog. She's an expert at writing about sex, but little do her fans know that bookish Claire isn't quite as experienced in the bedroom as her online persona. But everyone makes stuff up on the internet, right?Except that NiceGirl attracts the attention of London publisher Mark Bell. Handsome, charming and successful, Mark is offering Claire the life she's always dreamed of - a steady relationship, the literary world of London and a hot book deal.But when Claire enlists the help of brooding artist Luca to brush up on her sex skills before she's discovered for a fraud, things begin to get complicated...Great sex, friendship AND love - can't a girl have it all?

Some Kind Of Girl

by Verdiana Nobile Valeria Beotti

London. A guy meets a girl. But this is not a love story. Not a traditional one, at least. She has petroleum coloured hair, she's a bit 'wacky, talkative, pushy. He, a brilliant young journalist trapped in an unrewarding job. Together they plunge to the discovery of their city, turning every date into a little adventure, learning to know each other and dreaming about the future. But, one morning, she disappears. Without a note, with no explanation. Every object related to her seems magically vanished. Finding her, for him, becomes an obsession leading him to doubt himself, to face uncomfortable truths, to re-evaluate his choices, his relationships with other poeple, the whole concept he has always had of himself and his world. Who really is Leila? How much is she real?

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