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Son, This Is Your CEO Daddy: Volume 11 (Volume 11 #11)

by Jiao WoLinKouMen

Four years ago, an accident forced Chen Xi to leave home. Four years later, he was actually captured by the man when he returned with the treasure. "Wild man, let go of me." Chen Xi looked at Jiang Mo Chuan, who was pulling her pants up with a hint of anger in her eyes. "Wild woman, the child hasn't been fed yet." Jiang Mo Chuan looked at Chen Xi speechlessly. Love …

Son, This Is Your CEO Daddy: Volume 12 (Volume 12 #12)

by Jiao WoLinKouMen

Four years ago, an accident forced Chen Xi to leave home. Four years later, he was actually captured by the man when he returned with the treasure. "Wild man, let go of me." Chen Xi looked at Jiang Mo Chuan, who was pulling her pants up with a hint of anger in her eyes. "Wild woman, the child hasn't been fed yet." Jiang Mo Chuan looked at Chen Xi speechlessly. Love …

Son, This Is Your CEO Daddy: Volume 16 (Volume 16 #16)

by Jiao WoLinKouMen

Four years ago, an accident forced Chen Xi to leave home. Four years later, he was actually captured by the man when he returned with the treasure. "Wild man, let go of me." Chen Xi looked at Jiang Mo Chuan, who was pulling her pants up with a hint of anger in her eyes. "Wild woman, the child hasn't been fed yet." Jiang Mo Chuan looked at Chen Xi speechlessly. Love …

Son, This Is Your CEO Daddy: Volume 17 (Volume 17 #17)

by Jiao WoLinKouMen

Four years ago, an accident forced Chen Xi to leave home. Four years later, he was actually captured by the man when he returned with the treasure. "Wild man, let go of me." Chen Xi looked at Jiang Mo Chuan, who was pulling her pants up with a hint of anger in her eyes. "Wild woman, the child hasn't been fed yet." Jiang Mo Chuan looked at Chen Xi speechlessly. Love …

Son, This Is Your CEO Daddy: Volume 18 (Volume 18 #18)

by Jiao WoLinKouMen

Four years ago, an accident forced Chen Xi to leave home. Four years later, he was actually captured by the man when he returned with the treasure. "Wild man, let go of me." Chen Xi looked at Jiang Mo Chuan, who was pulling her pants up with a hint of anger in her eyes. "Wild woman, the child hasn't been fed yet." Jiang Mo Chuan looked at Chen Xi speechlessly. Love …

Son, This Is Your CEO Daddy: Volume 19 (Volume 19 #19)

by Jiao WoLinKouMen

Four years ago, an accident forced Chen Xi to leave home. Four years later, he was actually captured by the man when he returned with the treasure. "Wild man, let go of me." Chen Xi looked at Jiang Mo Chuan, who was pulling her pants up with a hint of anger in her eyes. "Wild woman, the child hasn't been fed yet." Jiang Mo Chuan looked at Chen Xi speechlessly. Love …

Son, This Is Your CEO Daddy: Volume 15 (Volume 15 #15)

by Jiao WoLinKouMen

Four years ago, an accident forced Chen Xi to leave home. Four years later, he was actually captured by the man when he returned with the treasure. "Wild man, let go of me." Chen Xi looked at Jiang Mo Chuan, who was pulling her pants up with a hint of anger in her eyes. "Wild woman, the child hasn't been fed yet." Jiang Mo Chuan looked at Chen Xi speechlessly. Love …

El soñador desconocido (El soñador desconocido #Volumen 1)

by Laini Taylor

Déjate cautivar por un mundo mítico de pavor y asombro, palomillas y pesadillas, amor y exterminio. Bienvenido a Weep. Podrán quitarte tu casa, tu familia, incluso tu nombre, pero nunca lograrán despojarte de tus sueños. Aquello era imposible, por supuesto. Pero... ¿cuándo en la vida eso ha detenido a un soñador en la búsqueda de su sueño? El sueño elige al soñador, y no al revés, y Lazlo Strange, huérfano de guerra y aprendiz de bibliotecario, ha temido siempre que su sueño eligiera mal. Desde los 5 años ha estado obsesionado con la mítica ciudad perdida de Weep, pero sería preciso alguien más audaz y valiente que él para cruzar medio mundo en su busca. Entonces se le presenta una asombrosa oportunidad en la persona de un héroe llamado Godslayer y una pandilla de legendarios guerreros, así que Lazlo ha de aprovechar su oportunidad o perderá su sueño para siempre. ¿Qué habrá pasado en Weep hace doscientos años para que fuera aislada del resto del mundo? ¿A quién mató exactamente el esbirro Godslayer en el nombre de dios? ¿Y cuál es el misterioso problema que ahora intenta resolver buscando ayuda? Las respuestas esperan en Weep, igual que algunos otros misterios, como aquella diosa de piel azulada que se le aparece a Lazlo en sueños. ¿Cómo es que la ha soñado aun antes de saber siquiera de su existencia? Y si todos los dioses están muertos, ¿por qué ella parece tan real? En esta imponente novela de gran alcance, la sombra del pasado es tan real como los fantasmas que merodean en la ciudadela de los dioses aniquilados.

Soñando con el demonio (Abrazando la oscuridad #2)

by Alina Covalschi

A veces no hay forma de escapar de lo que se siente. La atracción entre ellos es innegable y la pasión insaciable. Ella le mostró cómo sentir. Él le mostró cómo amar. Vivian es un demonio celestial que salva a las personas indefensas atrapadas en el Inframundo. En sus sueños, ella puede ver a esas almas necesitadas y, con la ayuda de sus poderes, las libera. Chad es el hijo de la mujer que salvó el mundo de los horrores del Infierno. Una mujer que tiene unos poderes inimaginables. Sus padres son los guardianes de los humanos, los únicos demonios que tienen un corazón vivo. Todas las noches, él sueña con una mujer rubia de ojos morados que llora y que baña sus ojos en lágrimas de sangre. Juntos descubren un gran amor, un amor capaz de sobrevivir a toda la maldad que el Infierno tiene preparado para ellos.

Soñando despierta

by Carla Medina

Una historia de amor, valores humanos, lealtad, solidaridad con el dolor y amistad cuyo objetivo es demostrar que, con la fuerza del amor, todo es posible. Un libro espectacular que cautivará la mente y los corazones de cualquier joven, encontrando así su camino hacia la amistad, el amor y el aprecio por la vida. Un encuentro fortuito e inesperado despierta en dos personas completamente diferentes los más profundos sentimientos; un par de miradas bastan para unir dos corazones. Sin saberlo, estos dos jóvenes han unido sus vidas de las maneras más intensas y ahora el destino no les permitirá tomar caminos diferentes. La muerte, los accidentes, la lejanía, las mentiras y los secretos más oscuros se atraviesan en las vidas de Leila y Darío; vidas que, sin saber, comparten en demasiados niveles. Un accidente dejó por semanas a Carla Medina en cama. Con el tiempo que tuvo, empezó a soñar despierta; su mente sellenó de princesas, de príncipes, de castillos y hadas, de espíritus malignos y atemorizantes y, sobre todo, de amor y de sueños. Carla unió todos esos sueños y creó no sólo dos personaje entrañables unidos por una gran historia de amor pero además, los visualizó y los situó en un mundo único. El libro está plagado de imágenes artísticas y llamativas que nos colorean a Leila y a Darío así como a sus seres queridos, sus lugares preferidos, sus miedos y sus grandes valores como personas.


by Jill Barnett

Reseña premiada de Publicaciones Weekly: “¡Un rayo de sol estival! Jill Barnett ha elaborado otro encantador cuento lleno con diálogo, pleno de humor y una pizca de magia.” La mayoría de las chicas inglesas conocen al deseo de sus corazones en medio de un atestado salón de baile o en un distinguido salón, Letitia Olive Hornsby encuentra el suyo cuando lo noquea en un río. Una vándala de cabello rizado y ojos azules de sólo once años, ella decide aún en ese entonces que Richard, el deslumbrante, apuesto, y totalmente poco respetable hijo del Earl de Downe, es el caballero blanco de sus sueños. Richard espera que su vida sea aburrida y apacible una vez que esté en casa, pero tras un encuentro fortuito con la entrometida Letty y su detestable perro Gus, él descubre que no hay descanso para el impío. Pronto se encuentra a sí mismo cautivo a bordo de un barco de contrabandistas con una adorable jovencita que es una catástrofe andante… y con su enorme perro zopenco. Sin perder ni un latido, ella los mete en un predicamento hilarante tras otro antes que Richard se dé cuenta que ella podría ser la única mujer que puede salvar su alma negra, con una fe en él que es lo bastante brillante para quemar las sombras del corazón más oscuro. Si él puede sobrevivir…

Soñar castillos de arena

by Deborah Heredia

Gabriela jamás pensó que se enamoraría de un desconocido, y menos durante las vacaciones de verano... Este podría ser el último verano en el que el Hostal Resol abre sus puertas. Situado en el corazón de una hermosa cala, su dueña está sometida a la presión de las grandes cadenas hoteleras, que la hostigan para que venda los terrenos. Por eso, cuando a Gabriela se le presenta la oportunidad de trabajar en verano en el hostal en el que veraneaba durante la infancia, no se lo piensa dos veces y hace las maletas dispuesta a disfrutar. Lo que no espera es encontrarse con unos ojos miopes que revolucionarán su vida. Con los ojos de Ulises. Y con su encanto y optimismo... y con la decisión de salvar el hostal. Gabriela. Veintitrés años. Piscis. Soñadora, bohemia, extrovertida. Tiene una obsesión con los minerales y sus esotéricas propiedades y en su habitación nunca falta una barrita de incienso. Ulises. Veinticinco años. Leo. Comprometido, trabajador, constante. El marketing y la dirección de empresas es lo único que se le da bien. No tiene un lugar al que llamar hogar ni al que volver, pero sí un secreto: no es quien dice ser. Un hostal que cierra sus puertas, un paraje idílico y un secreto que cambiará la vida de ambos para siempre.


by A. F. Henley

At thirty-six, Ian feels done with the world. When a night at a bar goes as poorly as expected, he wants only to return home to be miserable in peace. Instead, he encounters Jordan. Hot, young, and interested, Jordan is everything Ian's ever wanted and nothing he believes himself capable of actually obtaining.Jordan has enough going on in his life trying to scrape together a living for himself and his autistic son. When he meets Ian, all he wants is a brief, erotic moment and nothing else.But fate throws them together again and again, and Ian finds himself determined to do whatever it takes to give their story a happy ending -- no matter what secrets Jordan's past has waiting for him.

Sonata para Beatrice (Las Dankworth #Volumen 1)

by Claudia Cardozo

Un amor capaz de derribar mil y un obstáculos para encontrar la felicidad. La primera entrega de la serie de época «Las Dankworth». Cinco hermanas. Cinco personalidades diferentes atravesadas por un mismo sentimiento: el amor en sus distintas formas de expresión. Joven, entusiasta y con un particular talento para la cocina, Beatrice Dankworth, la mayor de cinco hermanas, debe dejar su hogar en Stratford para ayudar a los suyos. Gracias a los contactos de su madre, termina como asistente de cocina en la mansión de los Havilland, una familia cuyos miembros resultan tan curiosos como interesantes. Y sin duda, el más atractivo de ellos es Conrad. Apuesto, brillante y considerado un pianista prodigio, Conrad Havilland pudo haber tenido el mundo a sus pies, pero un terrible accidente frustra todas sus ilusiones. Incapacitado para volver a tocar y con las secuelas del accidente como un constante recordatorio de su desgracia, se convierte en un ser amargado a quien incluso su propia familia apenas tolera. Cuando Beatrice y Conrad se conocen, se desata una guerra sin cuartel entre ambos, pero con el tiempo, según cada uno va dejando caer sus defensas y descubre al extraordinario ser humano que es el otro, no podrán evitar enamorarse. Sin embargo, ambos tendrán que decidir si están dispuestos a derribar las barreras que se les presenten y entregarse al amor. «Hacía tiempo que deseaba tener en mis manos novelas así, de raigambre victoriana, donde mujeres valientes tuvieran que abrirse paso en una sociedad de costumbres rígidas y espíritu condenatorio. Y que todas ellas sean, además, hermanas y nacidas en un ambiente rural, dotadas sólo de la fuerza de su corazón para sobrevivir, le otorga a esta serie un atractivo que ya es universal. ¡Dejemos entrar a las Dankworth y feliz lectura para todos!» Gloria V. Casañas

The Song (Sons of Destiny #4)

by Jean Johnson

Eight brothers, born in four sets of twins, two years apart to the day--they fulfill the Curse of Eight Prophecy. To avoid tempting their destiny, the brothers are exiled to Nightfall Island , where women are forbidden. This presents a challenge for the brother whose magic has been destroyed... Evanor, fourth-born of the Sons of Destiny, lost his voice--and with it, his powers--in the violent battle that freed his family from their greatest enemy. Thankfully, with the safe return of his twin, Evanor now knows precisely who can bring his songs back to life. She is the enchanting widow Mariel, a Healer brought to Nightfall to help the brothers in their hour of need. For Mariel and her young son, that means leaving their beloved homeland for the unfamiliar island of Nightfall and its still-forbidden shores...and with it, risking the passion she stirs in her intriguing patient's heart. But a new danger looms when the Council of Katan learn there might be women on the Isle...

The Song

by Jean Johnson

A beautiful healer must brave an island where women are forbidden, in order to restore a wounded soldier's voice and powers.

Song and Key (Dreamspun Beyond #11)

by Alix Bekins Connie Bailey

A Men From GLEN MissionSo-called monsters won’t hold these spies back! For two secret agents on a mission to a secluded Romanian village, the toughest fight they face may not be against the folktale monsters lurking in the foggy mountains and old ruins, but against their unlikely attraction to each other. Keller Key is the top operative at the covert Global Law Enforcement Network—and boy does he know it. Sexy half-Ukrainian, half-Korean Sevastyan Song is a close second. When the agents go undercover to investigate an old friend’s suspicious death, it soon becomes clear something sinister is afoot in the ancient forest and decrepit abbey. If an evil organization doesn’t spell the end of them, the angry locals might. But if they’re going to conquer their enemies, they need to keep their hands off each other and their minds on the case, in a rivals-to-lovers paranormal mash-up that gives new meaning to spy-on-spy action.

A Song At Sunset: A moving World War Two love story of family, heartbreak and guilt

by Amelia Carr

A wartime love affair tears a family apart. Can old wounds ever be healed?The past takes action on the present in A Song At Sunset, as secret lovers torn apart in World War Two separates a mother and daughter by guilt and shame forty years later. Amelia Carr's novel is the perfect read for fans of Lucinda Riley, Rachel Hore and Katherine Webb.When the Second World War breaks out, Carrie Chapman rebels against her controlling husband to work at a local hospital. Amidst the chaos of the Bristol blitz, Carrie finds herself falling in love with a young doctor, Dev. Carrie's willing to defy convention and leave her stifling marriage for Dev, but one summer evening, horrific events change Carrie's life for ever. Since that night, for forty years, Carrie's beloved daughter, Gillian, has refused to see or speak to her. Now, someone is digging into the past. Will Carrie break her long silence and, if she does, will Gillian finally be able to forgive?What readers are saying about A Song At Sunset:'A lovely read. Don't miss it''I could not put this book down, it has everything - love, misunderstandings, duty, family''It is a tale of the way a troubled family interacts. Beautifully and sympathetically observed'

A Song At Sunset: A moving World War Two love story of family, heartbreak and guilt

by Amelia Carr

A wartime love affair tears a family apart. Can old wounds ever be healed?The past takes action on the present in A Song At Sunset, as secret lovers torn apart in World War Two separates a mother and daughter by guilt and shame forty years later. Amelia Carr's novel is the perfect read for fans of Lucinda Riley, Rachel Hore and Katherine Webb.When the Second World War breaks out, Carrie Chapman rebels against her controlling husband to work at a local hospital. Amidst the chaos of the Bristol blitz, Carrie finds herself falling in love with a young doctor, Dev. Carrie's willing to defy convention and leave her stifling marriage for Dev, but one summer evening, horrific events change Carrie's life for ever. Since that night, for forty years, Carrie's beloved daughter, Gillian, has refused to see or speak to her. Now, someone is digging into the past. Will Carrie break her long silence and, if she does, will Gillian finally be able to forgive?What readers are saying about A Song At Sunset:'A lovely read. Don't miss it''I could not put this book down, it has everything - love, misunderstandings, duty, family''It is a tale of the way a troubled family interacts. Beautifully and sympathetically observed'

A Song at Twilight

by Pamela Sherwood

"Robin and Sophie's love story is a sweeping tale filled with drama and yearning."--Teresa Grant, author of The Paris Affair Late in England's Victorian age, the world is changing--new freedoms, new ideas, and perhaps a chance for an old love to be new again... A love too strong to let go... Aspiring singer Sophie Tresilian had the world at her feet--fame, fortune, and true love--until the man of her dreams broke her heart. Now she's the toast of Europe, desired by countless men but unwilling to commit to any of them. Then Robin Pendarvis walks back into her life... Four years ago, Robin had hoped to make Sophie his bride, but secrets from his past forced him to let her go. Seeing her again revives all the old pain--and all the old passion. It might be against every rule, but somehow, some way, he will bring them together again. "Sherwood effortlessly evokes the world of Edith Wharton and Henry James...An elegantly written debut with a richness and depth worth savoring."--Booklist, STARRED REVIEW for Waltz with a Stranger

Song for a Cowboy (Kings of Country #2)

by Sasha Summers

Country star Emmy Lou King is singing the blues over the cowboy who got away...Emmy Lou King's whole family is legendary in country music. When she lands the opportunity to sing the American Football League anthem and serve on one of the AFL's anti-drug charities, she's sure she can handle working with Brock Watson. She was charmed by the cowboy once upon a time—and she's never loved anyone else—but she can handle it. Right?Brock Watson is feeling the pressure. From dealing with his father's declining health, to keeping their ranch running, staying in game-ready shape, and his dedication to the charity that changed his life, there's no time for anything else. Emmy Lou included. After six years, he'd like to think she couldn't mess with his head anymore. But one look, one smile—and he knows she's as dangerous as ever. He can't resist her—he never could.The more time Emmy Lou spends with Brock, the harder it is for them to keep their distance.Praise for Sasha Summers's cowboy romances:"Romance that will keep you reading into the night."—JODI THOMAS, New York Times bestselling author, for Jace"The combination of romantic and familial drama in this behind-the-scenes glimpse into the country music world is sure to have readers coming back for more."—Publishers Weekly for Jace"Contemporary romance fans will definitely enjoy Summers's fast-paced, engrossing tale."—Booklist for Jace

Song for a Lifetime

by Mary Haskell Curtis

Using her stunning looks and hypnotically beautiful voice, Marcy Hanson achieved success beyond what she had imagined. But Dirk's charm pervaded her thoughts, leaving her paralyzed by love. Dirk, back to reclaim his love, bursts back into Marcy's life as disruptively as he left, but he brings more than flowers and the promise of romance. He brings a choice: his love for her or her love for music. Now Marcy must choose what part of her heart to follow. Which will she give up?

A Song for Arbonne

by Guy Gavriel Kay

Blaise of Gorhaut is a warrior. He fought for his king and country, until the king died with an arrow in his eye at the battle of Iersen Bridge, and a dishonorable treaty ceded a good part of his country to foreign hands. He has broken relations with his father, adviser to the king of Gorhaut, and abandoned the use of his family name. <P><P> Now, Blaise is a mercenary. He never expected to work for the lords of Arbonne, the warm, fertile lands south of Gorhaut, whose people praise the love of women—they even worship a goddess, instead of the god. They are a soft people, or so he thought. But for all their nonsense about love, their troubadours and songs, they will fight for their country, when invasion comes from the north.

A Song for Bahau

by Richard De Souza

1942 - The Japanese Imperial Army had bombed Singapore, crippling its British colonisers. The British surrender, leaving the citizens to survive under their villainous Japanese conquerors. A group of citizens are forced to a disease-plagued acreage in the jungles of Malaya. Under the watchful eye of ruthless Japanese guards, the group slave on impoverished soil to eke out a living. Malnutrition, diseases and death, ravage the detainees. The Japanese keep the life-giving medicine for themselves. Joe Monteiro soon finds himself relentlessly pursued by the Japanese in the treacherous jungle. Maria, the girl he loves, is in the throes of death. On the verge of death himself, Joe must get the quinine to her...before it's too late. The Japanese and the jungle stand in his way. "If the Japs don't finish him, the jungle will."

A Song for Ella Grey

by David Almond

Written in lyrical prose, this novel for fans of epic romances and mythology retellings explores themes of love, loss, fate, and destiny set against the dramatic and diverse backdrop of Northern England. David Almond, recipient of the prestigious Hans Christian Andersen Award, a Printz Honor for Skellig, and the Printz Award for Kit's Wilderness, has crafted an enchanting modern take on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Claire and Ella and their friends are bound by ties so strong they seem unbreakable. Then the strange and handsome Orpheus strolls onto the beach, and he sings them all into an astonishing new understanding of themselves. Ella is caught the hardest, fastest, deepest--and Claire is left with the pain of looking on. Raw, emotional, lyrical, funny, and true, A Song for Ella Grey is a tale of the joys, troubles, and desires of modern teens. It takes place in the ordinary streets of Tyneside and on the beautiful beaches of Northumberland. It's a story of first love, a love song that draws on ancient mythical forces. A love that leads Ella, Orpheus, and Claire to the gates of Death and beyond."Almond's lyrical narrative will sweep readers on a journey to unearthly, mysterious realms and back."--Publishers Weekly, Starred Review"Innovative and dreamlike . . . and told in Almond's lyrical, distinctive prose. Teen readers of a literary bent and mythology enthusiasts will love this latest work."--School Library Journal, Starred Review"Almond brings his hypnotic lyricism to this darkly romantic tale that sings of the madness of youth, the ache of love, and the near-impossibility of grasping death."--Kirkus ReviewsFrom the Hardcover edition.

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