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Kontrola wersji z systemem Git. Narz?dzia i techniki programistów. Wydanie II

by Jon Loeliger Matthew McCullough

Systemy kontroli wersji przechodz? ci?g?? ewolucj?. Jeszcze niedawno popularny by? system CVS, który zosta? wyparty przez SVN. Ostatnie lata to inwazja rozproszonych systemów kontroli wersji z Gitem na czele. Git pozwala ka?demu programi?cie na posiadanie prywatnego repozytorium i korzystanie z jego dobrodziejstw bez wp?ywu na inne repozytoria. Jeste? ciekaw, jakie jeszcze zalety ma Git?Je?eli tak, trafi?e? na idealn? ksi??k?, dzi?ki której b?yskawicznie wkroczysz w ?wiat Gita. Na pocz?tek krok po kroku przejdziesz przez proces instalacji, a nast?pnie dostosujesz ?rodowisko do swoich potrzeb. W kolejnych rozdzia?ach poznasz dost?pne polecenia oraz nauczysz si? zarz?dza? plikami. Ponadto przekonasz si?, jak ?atwo mo?na stworzy? odga??zienia kodu oraz przegl?da? ró?nice pomi?dzy wersjami pliku. Git posiada zaawansowane narz?dzia do ??czenia kodu - b?dziesz móg? je dog??bnie pozna?. Na koniec przeczytasz o zaawansowanych mo?liwo?ciach systemu Git, takich jak wspó?praca z SVN. Ta ksi??ka jest doskona?ym podr?cznikiem dla ka?dego pocz?tkuj?cego u?ytkownika systemu Git, zaawansowani równie? znajd? tu sporo przydatnych informacji. Wykorzystaj potencja? Gita!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce: odkryjesz rozproszone systemy kontroli wersji poznasz ich zalety zainstalujesz i skonfigurujesz system Git poznasz system kontroli wersji GitWykorzystaj potencja? systemu kontroli wersji Git!

Konzepte und Instrumente des Dialog-Marketings (essentials)

by Ralf T. Kreutzer

Dialog-Marketing wird nicht nur von immer mehr Unternehmen eingesetzt, sondern zunehmend auch von Verbänden, Organisationen sowie sozialen Bewegungen. Das verfolgte Ziel ist dabei stets das gleiche: Dem eigenen Anliegen soll Gehör verschafft und Kunden sollen durch einen Appell aktiviert werden, all dies auf möglichst effiziente und effektive Weise. In diesem Beitrag vermittelt Ralf T. Kreutzer dem Leser einen umfassenden Einblick in die Thematik des Dialog-Marketings und dessen relevante Anwendungsfelder.

Kotter on Accelerating Change

by John P. Kotter

This collection offers the full digital editions of two seminal books by global leadership expert John P. Kotter: his international bestseller, Leading Change, and Accelerate, his award-winning framework for enabling companies to compete and win in a world of constant turbulence and disruption.Leading Change-now considered the change bible for leaders and managers worldwide-reveals why change is so difficult and lays out an actionable, eight-step process for implementing successful transformations. Cited by business leaders and influential organizations worldwide as the book to read when starting any type of change initiative, Accelerate (XLR8) vividly illustrates the five core principles underlying a new dual operating system, the eight accelerators that drive it, and how leaders must create a sense of urgency through role modeling. Perhaps most crucial, the book reveals how the best companies focus and align their people's energy around what Kotter calls the big opportunity.If you're a pioneer, a leader who knows that bold change is necessary to survive and thrive in an ever-changing world, these two books will set you on a path to accelerate into a better, more profitable future.Regarded by many as the authority on leadership and change, John P. Kotter is a New York Times bestselling author, award-winning business and management thought leader, business entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and Harvard Business School professor. His ideas, books, speeches, and the company he founded in 2008, Kotter International, have helped mobilize people around the world to better lead organizations, and their own lives, in an era of increasingly rapid change. Kotter has authored nineteen books to date-twelve of them bestsellers. His books have reached millions and have been printed in over 150 foreign language editions.

Kunststoffe für Ingenieure: Ein Überblick (essentials)

by Bernd Schröder

Für die Auswahl geeigneter Kunststoffe ist es hilfreich, die physikalisch-technischen Eigenschaften der Materialien zu kennen. Entsprechend den Gruppen Duroplaste, Thermoplaste, Elastomere und Schäume werden die Eigenschaften aufgelistet und Anwendungsbereiche erläutert.

Language and the Right to Fair Hearing in International Criminal Trials

by Catherine S. Namakula

Language and the Right to Fair Hearing in International Criminal Trials explores the influence of the dynamic factor of language on trial fairness in international criminal proceedings. By means of empirical research and jurisprudential analysis, this book explores the implications that conducting a trial in more than one language can have for the right to fair trial. It reveals that the language debate is as old as international criminal justice, but due to misrepresentation of the status of language fair trial rights in international law, the debate has not yielded concrete reforms. Language is the core foundation for justice. It is the means through which the rights of the accused are secured and exercised. Linguistic complexities such as misunderstandings, translation errors and cultural distance among participants in international criminal trials affect courtroom communication, the presentation and the perception of the evidence, hence jeopardizing the foundations of a fair trial. The author concludes that language fair trial rights are priority rights situated in the minimum guarantees of fair criminal trial; the obligation of the court to ensure fair trial or accord the accused person a fair hearing also includes the duty to ensure they can understand and be understood.

Language and Translation in Postcolonial Literatures: Multilingual Contexts, Translational Texts (Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures)

by Simona Bertacco

This collection gathers together a stellar group of contributors offering innovative perspectives on the issues of language and translation in postcolonial studies. In a world where bi- and multilingualism have become quite normal, this volume identifies a gap in the critical apparatus in postcolonial studies in order to read cultural texts emerging out of multilingual contexts. The role of translation and an awareness of the multilingual spaces in which many postcolonial texts are written are fundamental issues with which postcolonial studies needs to engage in a far more concerted fashion. The essays in this book by contributors from Australia, New Zealand, Zimbabwe, Cyprus, Malaysia, Quebec, Ireland, France, Scotland, the US, and Italy outline a pragmatics of language and translation of value to scholars with an interest in the changing forms of literature and culture in our times. Essay topics include: multilingual textual politics; the benefits of multilingual education in postcolonial countries; the language of gender and sexuality in postcolonial literatures; translational cities; postcolonial calligraphy; globalization and the new digital ecology.

Language for God in Patristic Tradition: Wrestling with Biblical Anthropomorphism

by Mark Sheridan

Language for God in Patristic Tradition

Language, Immigration and Labor

by Elise M. Dubord

This book explores dominant ideologies about citizenship, nation, and language that frame the everyday lives of Spanish-speaking immigrant day laborers in Arizona. It examines the value of speaking English in this context and the dynamics of intercultural communication in fast-paced job negotiations.

Late-Talking Children: A Symptom or a Stage? (The\mit Press Ser.)

by Stephen M. Camarata

What parents need to know about the causes and treatment of children's late talking: how to avoid misdiagnoses, navigate the educational system, and more.When children are late in hitting developmental milestones, parents worry. And no delay causes more parental anxiety than late talking, which is associated in many parents' minds with such serious conditions as autism and severe intellectual disability. In fact, as children's speech expert Stephen Camarata points out in this enlightening book, children are late in beginning to talk for a wide variety of reasons. For some children, late talking may be a symptom of other, more serious, problems; for many others, however, it may simply be a stage with no long-term complications.Camarata describes in accessible language what science knows about the characteristics and causes of late talking. He explains that late talking is only one of a constellation of autism symptoms. Although all autistic children are late talkers, not all late-talking children are autistic. Camarata draws on more than twenty-five years of professional experience diagnosing and treating late talkers—and on his personal experience of being a late talker himself and having a late-talking son. He provides information that will help parents navigate the maze of doctors, speech therapists, early childhood services, and special education; and he describes the effect that late talking may have on children's post-talking learning styles.

Late-Talking Children

by Stephen M. Camarata

When children are late in hitting developmental milestones, parents worry. And no delay causes more parental anxiety than late talking, which is associated in many parents' minds with such serious conditions as autism and severe intellectual disability. In fact, as children's speech expert Stephen Camarata points out in this enlightening book, children are late in beginning to talk for a wide variety of reasons. For some children, late talking may be a symptom of other, more serious, problems; for many others, however, it may simply be a stage with no long-term complications. Camarata describes in accessible language what science knows about the characteristics and causes of late talking. He explains that today's greater awareness of autism, as well as the expanded definition of autism as a "spectrum" of symptoms, has increased the chances that a late-talking child will be diagnosed -- or misdiagnosed -- with autism. But, he reminds us, late talking is only one of a constellation of autism symptoms. Although all autistic children are late talkers, not all late-talking children are autistic. Camarata draws on more than twenty-five years of professional experience diagnosing and treating late talkers -- and on his personal experience of being a late talker himself and having a late-talking son. Camarata offers parents valuable guidance on seeking treatment, advising them to get second and third opinions if necessary, and warning them against false diagnoses, unqualified practitioners, and ineffective therapies. He provides information that will help parents navigate the maze of doctors, speech therapists, early childhood services, and special education; and he describes the effect that late talking may have on children's post-talking learning styles.

Latin American and Caribbean Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices

by Tom Watson

The National Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices series is the first to offer an authentic world-wide view of the history of public relations. It will feature six books, five of which will cover continental and regional groups. This book in the series focuses on Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Law of Journalism and Mass Communication (Fourth Edition)

by Joseph Russomanno Susan Dente Ross Amy L. Reynolds Robert Trager

With its clear and engaging writing, essential coverage and analysis, and substantive discussion of case law, this is a popular and comprehensive introduction to the law of journalism and mass communication. It includes: Photos and feature boxes, as well as a marginal glossary of legal terms and concepts Hypothetical cases which start each chapter and are then followed by a timeline showing landmark cases in context. Real World Law boxes illustrating contemporary examples and emerging topics Points of Law boxes underlining key points and legal tests. A student companion website to help aid review and study.

The Leader's Guide to Speaking with Presence: How to Project Confidence, Conviction, and Authority

by John Baldoni

Whether in a meeting or a presentation, a watercooler conversation or a formal speech, a leader&’s most important job is to.Your idea may be groundbreaking. The potential profits might be exhilarating. The time to act may be right now, but if you&’re not able to craft and deliver a clear message that doesn&’t lead the audience to gain your perspective, that can be the difference between your pitch being transformational and becoming forgettable.Executive coach and leadership expert John Baldoni provides this concise tool kit containing more than 100 practical tips for creating and communicating meaningful messages with presence and authority.In The Leader's Guide to Speaking with Presence, you will discover how to:Present their ideas clearly and provide contextRadiate confidence and put the audience at easeRefine their deliveryUse stories to inform, involve, and inspireLeverage the energy of any roomConvey optimism tempered with reality to gain buy-inTurn PowerPoint presentations into performancesWhen a leader learns to own the room with an authentic and persuasive speech, the audience will become putty in their hands. The Leader's Guide to Speaking with Presence helps leaders achieve the kind of genuine presence that evolves into lasting trust and quantifiable influence.

Learn Chinese with Mike Advanced Beginner to Intermediate Coursebook Seasons 3, 4 & 5: Enhanced Edition Part 5

by Mike Hainzinger

"It is definitely new, and it definitely works." -Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University What do I get when I learn Chinese with Mike? This ebook contains 10 video-based lessons and is part five of a series of six. It features audio and visual learning material and works best on tablets and smartphones. Addictive learning Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while. Why Chinese with Mike? Chinese with Mike is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of short and highly addictive video lessons, you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun! What will I learn? Season 3 Learn to tell people the milk is in the refrigerator and your dirty clothes are under the bed. You'll also learn about jobs, dreams and measure words. Season 4 You'll learn some new adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions and best of all, you'll get to watch Mike Laoshi's ballet lesson and retirement press conference. Season 5 This was never meant to be, but Mike Laoshi was lured out of retirement. You'll learn how to make comparisons (I am smarter than you) and use superlatives (This is the best Chinese book ever!). Also talk about the past and the future and use transitions to put events in sequence. Why will learning Chinese be a breeze? · Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course · Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples · Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language · Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits · Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas · Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speaking Chinese with Mike is suitable for classroom, self-study or home schooling. Praise for Mike The coolest Chinese teacher out there. Totally rad!! Like a rock star teacher. Excellent for beginners. Entertaining too! As an instructor, I have found Prof. Hainzinger's teaching material was very practical; it was very easy to be inserted into our classroom activities because of its fragmented structural style, and its companying video files. In addition, the students really appreciated the lively style of the text, as well the vivid video contributions. Yuxiang Liu Lecturer in Chinese, EALC The University of Chicago

Learn Chinese with Mike Advanced Beginner to Intermediate Coursebook Seasons 3, 4 & 5: Enhanced Edition Part 6

by Mike Hainzinger

"It is definitely new, and it definitely works." -Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University What do I get when I learn Chinese with Mike? This ebook contains 10 video-based lessons and is part four of a series of six. It features audio and visual learning material and works best on tablets and smartphones. Addictive learning Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while. Why Chinese with Mike? Chinese with Mike is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of short and highly addictive video lessons, you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun! What will I learn? Season 3 Learn to tell people the milk is in the refrigerator and your dirty clothes are under the bed. You'll also learn about jobs, dreams and measure words. Season 4 You'll learn some new adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions and best of all, you'll get to watch Mike Laoshi's ballet lesson and retirement press conference. Season 5 This was never meant to be, but Mike Laoshi was lured out of retirement. You'll learn how to make comparisons (I am smarter than you) and use superlatives (This is the best Chinese book ever!). Also talk about the past and the future and use transitions to put events in sequence. Why will learning Chinese be a breeze? · Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course · Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples · Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language · Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits · Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas · Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speaking Chinese with Mike is suitable for classroom, self-study or home schooling. Praise for Mike The coolest Chinese teacher out there. Totally rad!! Like a rock star teacher. Excellent for beginners. Entertaining too! As an instructor, I have found Prof. Hainzinger's teaching material was very practical; it was very easy to be inserted into our classroom activities because of its fragmented structural style, and its companying video files. In addition, the students really appreciated the lively style of the text, as well the vivid video contributions. Yuxiang Liu Lecturer in Chinese, EALC The University of Chicago

Learn Chinese with Mike Advanced Beginner to Intermediate Coursebook Seasons 3, 4 & 5: Enhanced Edition Part 4

by Mike Hainzinger

"It is definitely new, and it definitely works." -Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University What do I get when I learn Chinese with Mike? This ebook contains 10 video-based lessons and is part four of a series of six. It features audio and visual learning material and works best on tablets and smartphones. Addictive learning Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while. Why Chinese with Mike? Chinese with Mike is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of short and highly addictive video lessons, you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun! What will I learn? Season 3 Learn to tell people the milk is in the refrigerator and your dirty clothes are under the bed. You'll also learn about jobs, dreams and measure words. Season 4 You'll learn some new adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions and best of all, you'll get to watch Mike Laoshi's ballet lesson and retirement press conference. Season 5 This was never meant to be, but Mike Laoshi was lured out of retirement. You'll learn how to make comparisons (I am smarter than you) and use superlatives (This is the best Chinese book ever!). Also talk about the past and the future and use transitions to put events in sequence. Why will learning Chinese be a breeze? · Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course · Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples · Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language · Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits · Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas · Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speaking Chinese with Mike is suitable for classroom, self-study or home schooling. Praise for Mike The coolest Chinese teacher out there. Totally rad!! Like a rock star teacher. Excellent for beginners. Entertaining too! As an instructor, I have found Prof. Hainzinger's teaching material was very practical; it was very easy to be inserted into our classroom activities because of its fragmented structural style, and its companying video files. In addition, the students really appreciated the lively style of the text, as well the vivid video contributions. Yuxiang Liu Lecturer in Chinese, EALC The University of Chicago

Learn Chinese with Mike Advanced Beginner to Intermediate Coursebook Seasons 3, 4 & 5: Enhanced Edition Part 3

by Mike Hainzinger

"It is definitely new, and it definitely works." -Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University What do I get when I learn Chinese with Mike? This ebook contains 10 video-based lessons and is part four of a series of six. It features audio and visual learning material and works best on tablets and smartphones. Addictive learning Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while. Why Chinese with Mike? Chinese with Mike is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of short and highly addictive video lessons, you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun! What will I learn? Season 3 Learn to tell people the milk is in the refrigerator and your dirty clothes are under the bed. You'll also learn about jobs, dreams and measure words. Season 4 You'll learn some new adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions and best of all, you'll get to watch Mike Laoshi's ballet lesson and retirement press conference. Season 5 This was never meant to be, but Mike Laoshi was lured out of retirement. You'll learn how to make comparisons (I am smarter than you) and use superlatives (This is the best Chinese book ever!). Also talk about the past and the future and use transitions to put events in sequence. Why will learning Chinese be a breeze? · Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course · Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples · Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language · Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits · Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas · Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speaking Chinese with Mike is suitable for classroom, self-study or home schooling. Praise for Mike The coolest Chinese teacher out there. Totally rad!! Like a rock star teacher. Excellent for beginners. Entertaining too! As an instructor, I have found Prof. Hainzinger's teaching material was very practical; it was very easy to be inserted into our classroom activities because of its fragmented structural style, and its companying video files. In addition, the students really appreciated the lively style of the text, as well the vivid video contributions. Yuxiang Liu Lecturer in Chinese, EALC The University of Chicago

Learn Chinese with Mike Advanced Beginner to Intermediate Coursebook Seasons 3, 4 & 5: Enhanced Edition Part 1

by Mike Hainzinger

"It is definitely new, and it definitely works." -Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University What do I get when I learn Chinese with Mike? This ebook contains 10 video-based lessons and is part four of a series of six. It features audio and visual learning material and works best on tablets and smartphones. Addictive learning Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while. Why Chinese with Mike? Chinese with Mike is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of short and highly addictive video lessons, you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun! What will I learn? Season 3 Learn to tell people the milk is in the refrigerator and your dirty clothes are under the bed. You'll also learn about jobs, dreams and measure words. Season 4 You'll learn some new adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions and best of all, you'll get to watch Mike Laoshi's ballet lesson and retirement press conference. Season 5 This was never meant to be, but Mike Laoshi was lured out of retirement. You'll learn how to make comparisons (I am smarter than you) and use superlatives (This is the best Chinese book ever!). Also talk about the past and the future and use transitions to put events in sequence. Why will learning Chinese be a breeze? · Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course · Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples · Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language · Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits · Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas · Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speaking Chinese with Mike is suitable for classroom, self-study or home schooling. Praise for Mike The coolest Chinese teacher out there. Totally rad!! Like a rock star teacher. Excellent for beginners. Entertaining too! As an instructor, I have found Prof. Hainzinger's teaching material was very practical; it was very easy to be inserted into our classroom activities because of its fragmented structural style, and its companying video files. In addition, the students really appreciated the lively style of the text, as well the vivid video contributions. Yuxiang Liu Lecturer in Chinese, EALC The University of Chicago

Learn Chinese with Mike Advanced Beginner to Intermediate Coursebook Seasons 3, 4 & 5: Enhanced Edition Part 2

by Mike Hainzinger

"It is definitely new, and it definitely works." -Dr. Licheng Gu, Program Director, African & Asian Languages, Northwestern University What do I get when I learn Chinese with Mike? This ebook contains 10 video-based lessons and is part four of a series of six. It features audio and visual learning material and works best on tablets and smartphones. Addictive learning Mike Laoshi (Teacher Mike) will astound you with his unparalleled ability to make learning Mandarin Chinese fun and easy. Be warned, his teaching style is highly addictive, so if you have a family, career or social life, you may want to put those on hold for a little while. Why Chinese with Mike? Chinese with Mike is 100% new and breaks with traditional Chinese curricula. Mike's humour, mixed with his logical, step-by-step approach shields learners from the unnecessary complexities of Mandarin Chinese. Through a blend of short and highly addictive video lessons, you'll acquire essential Chinese with confidence. More importantly, you get a little one-on-one time with Mike, as he makes learning Chinese ridiculously easy-and fun! What will I learn? Season 3 Learn to tell people the milk is in the refrigerator and your dirty clothes are under the bed. You'll also learn about jobs, dreams and measure words. Season 4 You'll learn some new adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions and best of all, you'll get to watch Mike Laoshi's ballet lesson and retirement press conference. Season 5 This was never meant to be, but Mike Laoshi was lured out of retirement. You'll learn how to make comparisons (I am smarter than you) and use superlatives (This is the best Chinese book ever!). Also talk about the past and the future and use transitions to put events in sequence. Why will learning Chinese be a breeze? · Mike builds confidence through his logical step-by-step design of the course · Mike explains pronunciation with clear, familiar examples · Mike adds interesting facts about the intricacies of language · Mike includes lots of cultural tidbits · Mike recognizes and explains thoroughly troublesome areas · Mike uses native speakers to help you with listening and speaking Chinese with Mike is suitable for classroom, self-study or home schooling. Praise for Mike The coolest Chinese teacher out there. Totally rad!! Like a rock star teacher. Excellent for beginners. Entertaining too! As an instructor, I have found Prof. Hainzinger's teaching material was very practical; it was very easy to be inserted into our classroom activities because of its fragmented structural style, and its companying video files. In addition, the students really appreciated the lively style of the text, as well the vivid video contributions. Yuxiang Liu Lecturer in Chinese, EALC The University of Chicago

Learning Alfresco Web Scripts

by Ramesh Chauhan

If you are an Alfresco developer who has no experience with web scripts and you want to start developing Alfresco web scripts, then this book is definitely for you.

Learning Bootstrap

by Ulrich Sossou Aravind Shenoy

If you want to learn to build enterprise-level websites efficiently with Bootstrap, this book is for you. You must have a basic and fundamental understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; however, there is no need to have prior Bootstrap experience.

Learning Less.js

by Alex Libby

If you are a designer or developer who wants to quickly learn how to harness the power of Less.js to write more efficient CSS styles that can be applied to a website of any size, then this book is for you. This book will help you master both the basic functions and advanced features of Less.js. It would be helpful to have some familiarity of writing CSS styles, although no prior experience of using CSS preprocessors is required.

Learning Magento Theme Development

by Richard Carter

This book is for web designers and developers with existing knowledge of CSS, HTML, and XML, who wish to learn more about Magento-specific theming techniques. Some knowledge of PHP may be useful, but is not necessary.

Learning Selenium Testing Tools with Python

by Unmesh Gundecha

If you are a quality testing professional, or a software or web application developer looking to create automation test scripts for your web applications, with an interest in Python, then this is the perfect guide for you. Python developers who need to do Selenium testing need not learn Java, as they can directly use Selenium for testing with this book.

Learning Zurb Foundation

by Kevin Horek

If you are a web designer, developer, or anyone who is interested in building responsive websites, then this book is a must-have. Basic knowledge of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript is required.

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