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The Nerd and the Prince (Dreamspun Desires #66)

by B. G. Thomas

A Small-Town Dreams StoryPrince Charming is the man next door. Small-town business owner Jason Brewster has big dreams: world travel, adventure, and most of all, a passionate romance worthy of a fairy tale. But he doesn’t believe fantasies can come true…. Until Adam moves in next door. He’s handsome, cultured, European, and best of all, interested in Jason. It’s like something out of the stories Jason loves. But Adam—whose real name is Amadeo Montefalcone—has a secret. He's royalty, prince of the small country of Monterosia. Only he doesn't want to rule, and especially doesn't want the loveless marriage waiting for him at home. So he ran away in search of true love. With a man. And with Jason, he finds it. But Adam can't run forever. The truth will come out. If Jason can forgive Adam’s deception, they might find their happily ever after.

Bromantically Yours

by K. C. Wells

A friends-to-lovers novella that came from Out of the Shadows, because Nate and Dylan needed a story…. Nate and Dylan have been pals for a long time. So what if their friends think they’ve got a little bromance going? Doesn’t mean there’s anything more to it than that, right? And even if there is, Nate and Dylan are totally oblivious…. Until the night they share a drunken kiss—and everything changes.

Avant que tu te brises (Secrets (Français) #1)

by Laura Brohan Parker Williams K. C. Wells

Secrets, tome 1Il y a six ans, Ellis assistait à son premier briefing en tant que nouvelle recrue de l’unité d’élite de Londres. Son nouvel équipier, Wayne, devint rapidement son meilleur ami. Lorsque Wayne commence à remarquer des changements dans le comportement d’Ellis – son attitude imprévisible, les effets néfastes de son manque de sommeil –, il comprend qu’il doit agir avant que son ami finisse par craquer. Il lui propose alors de venir à la soirée d’inauguration d’un nouveau club BDSM, le Secrets, dont il est membre. Son objectif ? Donner l’occasion à Ellis de voir en quoi consiste ce club avant de lui faire une proposition. Wayne veut retrouver son meilleur ami et, selon lui, le meilleur moyen d’y arriver est de prendre Ellis en main et de contrôler sa vie. Cependant, il doit faire face à quelques obstacles. Ellis est hétérosexuel, borné et sexy. Wayne sait qu’il doit mettre ses propres sentiments de côté afin de venir en aide à son ami, mais il est stupéfait quand il découvre ce dont Ellis a réellement besoin.

Somebody to Die For (Dreamspun Beyond #27)

by Kris T. Bethke

A Requiem Inc. StoryDying is easy. New love is terrifying. Avery Wagner quit ghostwalking when he lost his beloved anchor to cancer. Now teaching others who have the ability, he’s beginning to live again—but he’s not looking for another lover, not now, maybe not ever. But then he meets Jameson… younger, talented, dedicated, almost perfect, even though his mouth sometimes opens ahead of his brain. And Jameson wants Avery desperately, though he’ll settle for friendship if he can’t have more. When an emergency demands they work together in the field, Avery discovers just how perfect Jameson is. But he had a perfect love once before, and he’s scared to even consider that he might have a chance at another. Can he trust Jameson with his newly healing heart?

Kairos (Italiano)

by Claudia Nogara Mary Calmes

A volte, il giorno più bello della tua vita è quello che non avresti mai potuto immaginare. Joe Cohen ha dedicato gli ultimi due anni a una cosa sola: accudire e nutrire Kade Bosa, suo socio nella loro agenzia investigativa, coinquilino e migliore amico. Per lui Kade rappresenta il mondo, anche se alla loro relazione manca ciò che Joe desidera di più. Ma non vuole fare pressioni: Kade ha un passato travagliato, e Joe è abbastanza certo di essere l’unica cosa che gli impedisce di crollare. Allontanato dalla sua stessa famiglia, Joe sa bene quanto sia importante tenere strette le persone a cui si vuole bene, ma non si sarebbe mai aspettato che il suo passato e il suo presente si scontrassero, e che la stessa cosa succedesse a Kade. La prova in cui si sono imbattuti potrebbe cambiare le loro vite, dal tragico passato di Kade al loro lavoro. E potrebbe persino regalare loro il futuro che Joe non avrebbe mai osato desiderare…


by Valentina Andreose Amy Lane

Sono trascorsi dieci anni da quando il vicesceriffo Aaron George, rimasto vedovo, si è trasferito a Colton per far crescere i figli in una cittadina sicura. Tra i membri della comunità, ha conosciuto il professor Larkin, detto Larx, un allegro e divertente insegnante di scienze e allenatore di atletica delle superiori. La promozione a preside ha costretto però l’insegnante a rinunciare agli allenamenti e a correre da solo su una strada pericolosa. Aaron, che fino a quel momento ha sempre e solo dedicato la sua vita ai figli, si scopre improvvisamente preoccupato per quell’uomo e distratto dal suo petto nudo e luccicante di sudore. Anche Larx vive per le figlie e i suoi studenti. Non è pronto a farsi ammaliare da Aaron, ma quando quest’ultimo si offre di correre con lui, inizia ad apprezzare la fermezza e l’umorismo del vicesceriffo. Inoltre hanno le stesse priorità: innanzitutto i figli, poi il lavoro, e i propri interessi tristemente all’ultimo posto. Basta però un bacio a trasformare due uomini sulla soglia dei cinquant’anni in due adolescenti innamorati, nonostante le responsabilità di cui devono farsi carico. Poi un atto di violenza minaccia di soffocare sul nascere la loro relazione. Saranno quelle responsabilità a svolgere un ruolo fondamentale nell’impedire alla città di esplodere. E quando la situazione raggiungerà il punto critico, la loro nuova famiglia appena formata potrebbe essere proprio ciò che impedisce al mondo che li circonda di crollare.

Stone the Crows (Wolf Winter #2)

by Ta Moore

Sequel to Dog DaysA Wolf Winter NovelWhen the Winter arrives, the Wolves will come down over the walls and eat little boys in their beds. Doctor Nicholas Blake might still be afraid of the dark, but the monsters his grandmother tormented him with as a child aren’t real. Or so he thought…until the sea freezes, the country grinds to a halt under the snow, and he finds a half-dead man bleeding out while a dead woman watches. Now his nightmares impinge on his waking life, and the only one who knows what’s going on is his unexpected patient. For Gregor it’s simple. The treacherous prophets mutilated him and stole his brother Jack, and he’s going to kill them for it. Without his wolf, it might be difficult, but he’ll be damned if anyone else gets to kill Jack—even if he has to enlist the help of his distractingly attractive, but very human, doctor. Except maybe the prophets want something worse than death, and maybe Nick is less human than Gregor believes. As the dead gather and the old stories come true, the two men will need each other if they’re going to rescue Jack and stop the prophets’ plan to loose something more terrible than the wolf winter.

Slow Pitch

by Amy Lane

Tenner Gibson has a job he enjoys, a prickly ex-wife, and an adorable daughter he wouldn’t trade for the world. With no romance, no sex life, and no other hobbies, a rec league softball team is as close as he gets to hedonism. But life throws him a curveball when cocky Ross McTierney sets his sights on getting under Tenner’s skin. One explosion of lust later, Tenner wonders what possessed him to have a quickie with Ross, and Ross wonders how to do it again. Tenner has eight weeks to convince his tiny modern family that Ross is what’s best for him. Ross has eight weeks to get used to the idea that complicated doesn’t always mean bad. Their sex life is moving at the speed of light, and everything in their relationship is coming at them too fast…. But together, they might make a connection and knock it out of the park.

Promesses (Coda (Français))

by Marie Sexton

Coda, numéro hors sérieAdolescent, Dominic Jacobsen soupçonne déjà qu’il est gay. Il a toute la confirmation nécessaire lorsqu’un garçon de passage grimpe sur le siège arrière de sa GTO. Une soirée avec Lamar Franklin suffit à le convaincre qu’il a trouvé l’homme de sa vie. Malheureusement, une soirée est tout ce qu’il a avant que Lamar retourne à Tucson. Quinze ans plus tard, après avoir mis fin à la dernière d’une série de relations désastreuses, Lamar revient à Coda dans le Colorado. Il est seul, déprimé et reçoit des coups de téléphone anonymes la nuit. Lamar est prêt à renoncer lorsqu’il se retrouve face à son passé. Depuis ses dix-sept ans, Dominic rêve de retrouver Lamar, mais ça ne signifie pas qu’il y est prêt. C’est déjà assez difficile d’affronter les rumeurs d’une petite ville et les mélodrames d’une grande famille, Dominic refuse de perdre la garde de sa fille adolescente, Naomi. La seule solution, c’est de s’assurer que Lamar et lui restent amis, rien de plus. Quoi qu’il arrive, ils garderont leurs vêtements. Rien de plus simple, n’est-ce pas ?

The Temple of Heaven (Made In China #2)

by Z. Allora

Made In China: Book TwoMusic is Tian Di’s life and his love, and he’s made plenty of sacrifices. His career is finally taking off with his band, Made in China, and he’ll continue to put music first… until he meets Jordon. Then insta-lust becomes insta-love and a commitment to the future—no matter how difficult it might be. Jordon lives in a bubble constructed by his overprotective older brothers, who are so controlling that they’ve kept him from dating. A talented artist, Jordon managed to keep his success with a Japanese manga publisher a secret from his family, but now he fears discovery. It’s easier to let his brothers handle everything, but Jordon has reached his limit. He’s ready to draw some boundaries so he can be his own man and face all the challenges that come with that. Their families and careers aren’t the only obstacles. Jordon must accept his identity as a gay man who doesn’t top or bottom. Fortunately, Tian Di—and his special talents—help Jordon open up to his sexuality in an erotic adventure that spans Japan and China, and with love, luck, hard work, and open minds, will end in a happily ever after.

Eine lange, gewundene Straße (Bär, Otter Und Der Junge Serie Ser. #4)

by Teresa Simons Tj Klune

Fortsetzung zu Die Kunst des AtmensUnsere Familie besteht nicht zwingend aus unseren Blutsverwandten. Sie besteht aus den Menschen, die uns lieben – denen, die uns zu dem machen, was wir sind. Und hier, am Ende, steht Bär und Otter die bisher größte Prüfung bevor. Da ist ein kleines Mädchen, das an die Tür klopft, weil es keinen anderen Ort gibt, an den es gehen kann. Da ist ein klingelndes Telefon, das unerwartete Neuigkeiten bringt. Da ist ein Bruder, der heimkehrt, nachdem er gelernt hat, auf eigenen Füßen zu stehen. Als diese Ereignisse zusammentreffen, wird sich das Leben für sie alle unweigerlich ändern. Angefangen mit Bär, Otter und der Junge und fortgeführt in Familiengründung, Artenschutz inbegriffen hat TJ Klune eine Geschichte von Familie und Brüdern, Liebe und Aufopferung erzählt. In diesem letzten Kapitel pflastern die Geschehnisse der Vergangenheit die lange, steinige Straße in eine Zukunft, mit der niemand gerechnet hatte.

Mach's noch einmal, Dan

by Alina Becker Ba Tortuga

Danny Avery arbeitet als Lehrer in einer Kleinstadt in Colorado. Einige Jahre vor der Erfindung von High-Speed-Internet, sozialen Netzwerken, Smartphones oder Streaminganbietern versucht Danny nur, sich nicht immer von seiner wilden Teenagerzeit einholen zu lassen und sein Leben in bewährter Art zu leben: einen Tag nach dem anderen. Der Letzte, den er in der Stadt erwartet hätte, ist Harlan Quinn, sein früherer bester Freund, ein Bad Boy, wie er im Buche steht. Danny ist noch schockierter, als er herausfindet, dass Quinn der neue Sheriff und sein neuer Nachbar ist. Quinn weiß, dass in seiner alten Heimatstadt mehr steckt, als auf den ersten Blick zu erkennen ist. Und auch in Danny steckt mehr, als alte Erinnerungen und ein ruhiges Leben. Aber ganz wie in alten Zeiten hat Quinn ein Talent dafür, Dinge aufzuwirbeln. Von diesem Talent macht er gerne Gebrauch, um Danny zu der Erkenntnis zu bringen, dass das Leben mehr für ihn bereithält und es auch für ihre alte Heimatstadt einen Neuanfang geben könnte – falls sie das konservative Gedankengut der alten Stadt nicht vorher umbringt.

Zerbrochenes Glas

by Melina Wilke John Inman

Im Alter von sechsundzwanzig Jahren geht Gordon Stafford davon aus, dass seine Tage gezählt sind. Zumindest hofft er das. Vor zwei Jahren kam durch seine Schuld bei einem Autounfall ein Mann ums Leben. Seither plagen ihn Schuldgefühle und Selbstmordgedanken. Dann bewahrt ihn Squirt – ein Obdachloser, der sein eigenes Päckchen zu tragen hat – vor einem schrecklichen Schicksal. Über Nacht findet Gordon nicht nur ein neues Licht, dem er folgen kann und vielleicht sogar den Mut, zu leben, sondern er begreift auch, dass vielleicht am Ende des Tunnels die Liebe auf ihn wartet. Gordon hätte nie gedacht, dass er einen Weg finden würde, sich selbst zu vergeben. Doch indem er das tut, öffnet er sein Herz – für die Liebe eines Mannes, den er am meisten verletzt hat.

Rattlesnake (Deutsch)

by Anna Doe Kim Fielding

Zwischen dem Landstreicher Jimmy und dem Barmann Shane fliegen die Funken. Aber wird Jimmy um Shanes Willen dem Ruf der Straße widerstehen können? Jimmy Dorsett ist schon seit seiner Jugend auf der Straße unterwegs, ohne Heim und ohne Hoffnung. Er besitzt nicht viel: eine Reisetasche, ungezählte Geschichten aus einem unsteten Leben und eine alte Rostschüssel von Auto. In einer kalten Nacht nimmt er in der Wüste einen Anhalter mit, der ihm etwas Unverhofftes hinterlässt – nämlich den Brief eines sterbenden Mannes an den Sohn, den er seit Jahren nicht mehr gesehen hat. Jimmy will den Brief bei seinem Adressaten abliefern und landet in Rattlesnake, einer kleinen Stadt in den Hügeln der kalifornischen Sierra. Im Zentrum der Stadt befindet sich das Rattlesnake Inn, wo der frühere Cowboy Shane Little als Barmann arbeitet. Zwischen den beiden Männern fliegen die Funken, und als Jimmys Auto den Geist aufgibt, besorgt ihm Shane im Rattlesnake Inn einen Job als Handwerker. In der Gemeinschaft der kleinen Stadt und in Shanes Armen findet Jimmy eine ungewohnte Ruhe. Aber das kann nicht von Dauer sein. Die Straße ruft und Shane – ein starker, stolzer Mann mit einer leidvollen Vergangenheit und einer komplizierten Gegenwart – hat mehr verdient als einen verlogenen Landstreicher, der es nirgends lange aushält.

Under His Protection (Dreamspun Desires #80)

by LaQuette

They can escape their enemies, but not the desire between them. Prosecutor Camden Warren is on the fast track to professional nirvana. With his charm, his sharp legal mind, and his father as chief judge in the highest court in NY, he can’t fail. Nothing can derail his rise to the top… until an attempt on his life forces him to accept the help of a man he walked out on five years ago. Wounded in the line of duty, Lieutenant Elijah Stephenson wants to ride his new desk job until retirement—not take a glorified babysitting gig with more risk than it’s worth… especially not protecting the entitled lawyer who disappeared after the best sex of their lives. The threat against Camden’s life is real, but their passion for each other might prove the greatest danger they’ve yet to face.

Meet Me in Shanghai (World of Love)

by Luca Domani

What are the odds of meeting your perfect match in a city of twenty-four million people—halfway around the world? Software engineer Jeff has never set foot outside North America when his company sends him to Shanghai. It’s daunting to say the least, and Jeff is soon lost. He’s rescued by Chinese American banker Greg—a man who immediately sparks Jeff’s desire. But in a city so large and chaotic, what are the chances that they’ll bump into each other again? When they do, a vigorous friendship forms despite Greg’s devotion to his high-powered—and high-stress—career. Both men want more, but Greg never takes things further, and Jeff’s time in China is running out. Soon he has only one night left. Will it be a last night together as friends… or the beginning of something that can last despite the distance between them?World of Love:Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.

Personal Best: Going For The Gold (Personal Best #1)

by Sean Michael

Personal Best: Book OneMike Gauliet could be a world-class swimmer if he took better care of himself. He’s too good to let go, so his team coach calls in a private trainer, up-and-coming hardass Jessy Turner. Jessy locks Mike down, putting him on a strict regimen of diet and exercise that Mike resents a lot until he realizes the changes are making him a better swimmer. Jessy finds Mike all but irresistible but keeps his distance and remains professional, focusing all his attention on what’s best for Mike and his career. The two of them resist their attraction to each other for as long as they can, but eventually they have to give into the heat between them. When things go wrong, though, can they, and their sports careers, survive the strain?

Personal Best 2: A Going For The Gold Novel (Personal Best #2)

by Sean Michael

Personal Best: Book TwoSwimmer Mike Gauliet is moving up in the elite ranks of the American swim team, despite his repetitive stress injuries. He's hiding his pain from coach Jessy Turner, not wanting to give in to it or let his coach and lover down, and by the time he gets treatment, it’s almost too late. Jessy helps Mike heal, both in an out of the bedroom, and their need for each other grows as quickly as Mike’s career. They’re scorching hot and ready to go to the top competitions when another injury forces Mike to the sidelines. Jessy thinks this one is no accident, and Mike has to work hard to recover the lost ground. Mike needs a break from the nonstop stress of training, so they move to the coast so Mike can recuperate once again. But their struggles don’t end with getting him back in competition form, and they can’t truly call it a victory unless they can find the balance between their romantic relationship and Mike grabbing the success he’s earned.

Personal Best 3 (Personal Best #3)

by Sean Michael

Personal Best: Book ThreeSwimmer Mike Gauliet is on his way to an Olympic berth, sitting on the edge of fulfilling his potential and achieving the dreams his coach and lover, Jessy Turner, has for both of them. All Mike wants to think about is swimming his laps faster than anyone else. Too bad things aren’t going exactly according to plan. Mike’s getting threats, and he’s afraid to tell Jessy and determined to handle things alone. When the threats escalate to the point where Mike can’t hide them, though, Jessy takes over, moving Mike to a new training location, promising to keep him safe. Mike and Jessy try to go on with business as usual, but someone has such hatred for Mike that it seeps into their everyday life, straining their relationship, making Mike wonder if he even wants to swim anymore. Danger lurks around every corner, in and out of the pool, and while Mike and Jessy work with the police to discover the culprit, one attack leaves their life in shambles. Can Mike and Jessy find their attacker and get Mike back on track to a championship?

Recomponiendo a Noel

by Traductores Anónimos Charlie Cochet

No todo son brillantes copos de nieve y bastones de caramelo dulce en la ciudad del Polo Norte. Los oficinistas Tim y Noel no hacen otra cosa en todo el día más que pelearse y tanto antagonismo podría estar basado en el odio... o en una atracción mutua. Depende de Jack Frost y de su amigo elfo Rudy, abordar las hostilidades e introducir algunos besos de Navidad, pero ¿está el príncipe Frost preparado para el desafío de poner en marcha un nuevo romance cuando alguien está tratando de romper su espíritu navideño?

Love You So Madly (The Love You So Stories #2)

by Tara Lain

A Love You So StoryBen Shane has it all… and he’d like to give some of it back. While he loves his job heading a foundation that funds worthy causes around the world, his engagement to one of America’s wealthiest men leaves him feeling more like a trophy wife than a valued partner. The first warning that his relationship might not be designed to last is his irresistible lust for Dusty Kincaid, the golden-haired, bright-eyed handyman for his company. Though Dusty is odd for a twenty-three-year-old—no liquor, no sugar, and he can’t even drive—the more Ben gets to know Dusty, the more he admires him. But is Ben going to give up a guy who drives a Ferrari for one who takes the bus? He must be mad. Dusty knows he and Ben can never work. After all, Ben’s perfect… and Dusty isn’t. But Ben might surprise everyone with proof that he’s only mad in love.

Quel che succede da Joe

by Claudia Nogara Sjd Peterson

La promessa del lavoro dei suoi sogni spinge Murphy a trasferirsi in Florida, ma al suo arrivo lo aspetta un brusco risveglio: il progetto è sospeso. Si trova perciò davanti a un bivio: tornarsene in Michigan con la coda tra le gambe o restare per trovare un altro lavoro? Le sue prospettive sembrano migliorare quando entra in un bar e scopre che il proprietario sta cercando qualcuno per ristrutturare l’appartamento al piano superiore. Accetta con gioia l’incarico, per rendersi conto solo in un secondo momento che ha già conosciuto Joe Sterling, il proprietario di Kaffeinate: la prima sera in città lo ha rimorchiato in un club. Murphy e Joe sono entrambi orgogliosi, passionali e schietti. Nessuno dei due è alla ricerca di una relazione, sebbene non possano negare che le loro personalità si sposino come caffè e ciambelle. Il loro rapporto si incrina quando Joe scopre che Murphy è stato assunto dalla società che ritiene stia cercando di danneggiare le imprese del quartiere e l’ambiente. Finché Murphy continua a lavorare per loro, Joe non vuole avere nulla a che fare con lui, mettendo così a rischio la speranza di un inaspettato lieto fine.

Nachos et hasch (Les\hommes Du Mary Ser.)

by Emmanuelle Guilluy Brandon Witt

Les hommes du Mary, numéro hors sérieDarwin Michaels vit son rêve dans la Mile High City. Bien que Denver offre le travail parfait, de délicieux dîners, et un tourbillon d’options de rancards, Darwin perd l’espoir qu’il puisse trouver le bon pour éveiller son intérêt pendant plus qu’un coup d’un soir – jusqu’à ce qu’il pose les yeux sur Cody Russel. Cody vient juste d’accomplir le but de sa vie – foutre le camp du Kansas. D’un seul coup, il trouve un travail au Hamburger Mary’s, obtient une nouvelle famille et la chance d’être avec d’autres gays ! Tout ce qui lui manque est quelqu’un de spécial. Mais quand Darwin montre son intérêt, Cody est sûr que c’est trop beau pour être vrai. Après tout, qu’est-ce que Darwin peut éventuellement voir dans un décrocheur au lycée lui servant des nachos ? Alors que Darwin tombe amoureux, Cody lutte pour se rendre compte de sa valeur. Quand son passé menace la vie fragile qu’il construit, Cody part en spirale dans un moment de sombre dépression. Mais Darwin est déterminé à montrer à Cody que l’amour, la famille et un foyer sont là pour lui…. Cody acceptera-t-il ce qui est offert ?

Palle al volo (Spalle Al Muro Ser. #1)

by Veronica Zana Tara Lain

Un libro della serie Spalle al muroUna doppia dose di maschio alfa potrebbe essere meglio di una. Sebbene appena reduce da una relazione violenta con un bastardo, lo sguardo curioso di David Underwood cade su due giocatori sexy della squadra di pallavolo australiana, a Laguna Beach, mettendolo di nuovo nei guai. Eppure, quando quello schianto di Gareth Marshall prova il proprio interesse per lui facendo coming out con la squadra, David soccombe all’attrazione per il pallavolista. Peccato che il partner di Gareth, Edge, attraente quanto il primo, farà della vita dei due amanti un inferno. Per Gareth, tutto il tempo passato a celare il proprio orientamento sessuale – e la propria attrazione – dal suo migliore amico, Edge, nonché da tutte le altre persone intorno a lui, non fa che acuire le ferite e aumentare la frustrazione. David è il primo uomo che riesce a competere con Edge per la sua passione. Ma anche Edge ha un segreto, e l’ex-ragazzo di David non demorderà finché non riavrà David alla sua mercé. Con tutti questi ostacoli, riuscirà mai un uomo gay di Laguna a trovare la felicità con un maschio alfa… o due?

Au bout du chemin

by Cassie Black M. J. O'Shea

Angus vit depuis dix ans avec le même homme. Quand son petit ami rompt avec lui le soir de son trentième anniversaire, avant d’annoncer ses fiançailles avec un jeune homme de vingt-deux ans dix heures plus tard, Angus est effondré. Pour dire les choses gentiment. Il passe ses journées au lit, boit à s’en anesthésier chaque soir, et finit par perdre son travail et son appartement. Son meilleur et plus vieil ami, Reece, décide qu’il est temps d’intervenir. Et de changer d’air. Reece et Angus partent en voyage à travers les États-Unis. Ils n’ont pas vraiment de plan, ils vont où la route les mène. Il faut deux jours à Angus pour répondre autrement que par des grognements quand Reece lui parle, puis, peu à peu, il s’ouvre. Ils roulent, parlent, guérissent, crient, boivent parfois un peu trop, dansent, rencontrent de nouveaux amis… et quelque part entre Portland, Oregon, et Portland, Maine, ils tombent amoureux. Ce qui est bien la dernière chose à laquelle Angus s’attendait.

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