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Showing 99,976 through 100,000 of 100,000 results

David Neeleman: Flight Path of a Servant Leader (A)

by Matthew D. Breitfelder William W. George

David Neeleman, founder of JetBlue, is forced to confront a crisis in customer confidence following operational difficulties on February 14, 2007. This becomes a vital test of his leadership.

David Neeleman: Flight Path of a Servant Leader (B)

by Matthew D. Breitfelder William W. George

David Neeleman (B) traces the events subsequent to the (A) case.

Pete Carroll: Building A Winning Organization through Purpose, Caring, and Inclusion

by Matthew D. Breitfelder Monte Burke Ranjay Gulati

Pete Carroll, the head coach of the Seattle Seahawks, is the American football world's anomaly. His leadership style is the opposite of the traditional one, a more humanistic approach, based on developing and nurturing strong connections with his players on an interpersonal level and on celebrating, and not suppressing, their individuality. It is anchored by psychology and mindfulness, with Grit author Angela Duckworth noting that Carroll is tapping into something universal about human performance and potential. Carroll believes that to elevate your game you need to start with a strong sense of purpose that is anchored in a clear personal philosophy. As a leader he is committed to the idea that caring personally about each player and his unique needs, background and aspirations is fundamental to his success as a coach. His style is seen by some as overly positive, "touchy feely" and lacking the top-down edge expected of successful coaches. But what casual observers miss is the rigor, discipline, intense spirit of competition and a passion for winning that underpin his approach. His leadership has enabled a distinctive culture that has become a magnet for highly talented players, especially those who are known as gifted and value their individualism. His results provide clear evidence that his model works. Carroll is among the most successful football coaches of the last 50 years, achieving a remarkable level of consistently competing at the highest levels, including winning both a Super Bowl and multiple collegiate national titles. Carroll has influenced numerous championship-winning coaches in football and basketball, including the NBA's Golden State Warriors and the NCAA's LSU Tigers. And the increasing embrace of Carroll's leadership practices by CEO's including Microsoft's Satya Nadella demonstrate that his caring and humanistic form of leadership may help deliver exceptional results far beyond the football field.

Organisationale Spannungen und Paradoxien in radikal selbst organisierten Unternehmen

by Elsa Breit

Heutzutage sind Unternehmen von sehr volatilen Umweltbedingungen umgeben. Um auf diese adäquat reagieren zu können, arbeiten einige Pioniere radikal selbst organisiert mit Organisationsformen wie Holakratie und Soziokratie Bei radikaler Selbstorganisation wird Autorität formal und organisationsweit an die Mitarbeitenden übertragen. Elsa Breit untersucht in diesem Buch, welche organisationalen Spannungen und Paradoxien bei der Transformation hin zu radikaler Selbstorganisation auftreten, wie Unternehmen mit diesen umgehen und zu welchen Auswirkungen separierende und integrierende Ansätze führen. Dazu untersucht sie zwei holakratisch organisierte Unternehmen empirisch in den Spannungsfeldern Lernen, Organisation, Handlungsfähigkeit, Macht und Leistung. Der Paradoxie „Lerne Fremdorganisation, um selbst organisiert zu sein“ kann beispielweise durch intensives Training für Mitarbeitende und Begleitung durch Coaches begegnet werden. Elsa Breit zeigt mit ihrer Forschung, dass bei einer Integration von Paradoxien mit einer Sowohl-als-auch-Strategie positive Kreisläufe der Selbstorganisation und -verantwortung, Entwicklung von Rollen und Kreisen zur Anpassung an Umweltbedingungen, Spannungsverarbeitung und damit Komplexitätsbewältigung und Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit eintreten können. Radikale Selbstorganisation in Verbindung mit paradoxem Denken, nachhaltigem Unternehmenszweck, verteiltem Eigentum hat außerdem großes Potential für nachhaltiges und demokratisches Wirtschaften.

Computerspiele im Diskurs: Aggression, Amokläufe und Sucht

by Tobias C. Breiner Luca D. Kolibius

Dieses Fachbuch ist eine umfassende Abhandlung zur Debatte um die negativen Auswirkungen von Computerspielen: Aggressionen, Amokläufe und Sucht. Die kontroverse Debatte zur Beziehung zwischen Computerspielen und Aggression wird hier auf Grundlage neuster wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse aufgearbeitet. Darüber hinaus inspirierte die Aufnahme in die aktuellste Version des Klassifikationssystems DSM für Internet Gaming Disorder (Computerspielsucht) eine Vielzahl wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen, welche hier übersichtlich zusammengetragen werden. In diesem Buch finden Sie die Antworten auf folgende Fragen: Welche Symptome machen eine Computerspielabhängigkeit aus und welche Therapiemöglichkeiten gibt es?Geht Computerspielsucht mit Veränderungen im Gehirn und der Persönlichkeit einher?Gibt es eine kausale Beziehung zwischen Computerspielen einerseits und Aggressivität und Amokläufen andererseits? Die Autoren kommen dabei nach Sichtung der Studienlage zu überraschenden Erkenntnissen. Dieses Buch unterstützt Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten, Psychiater, Pädagogen, Therapeuten, Lehrkräfte und Eltern die Welt der Computerspiele zu navigieren.

Farb- und Formpsychologie

by Tobias C. Breiner

Dieses Werk ist eine umfassende und praxisrelevante Darstellung zur Farb- und Formpsychologie. Mit einer klaren Sprache und über 100 farbigen Abbildungen wird Ihnen die komplexe Thematik auf eine wissenschaftliche und anregende Art veranschaulicht.Über eine allgemeine Einführung in die Grundlagen des visuellen Systems hinaus werden Sie ebenfalls spezielles Wissen zu Assoziationen, Wirkungen und Anwendungen bestimmter Farben und Formen erwerben. Speziellen Wert legt der Autor dabei auf deren Einsatz im Game Design. Es wird zudem erstmals eine neue Farbstudie präsentiert, die zeigt, dass die Assoziationen zu Farben sich in einem in sich logischen dreidimensionalen System anordnen lassen. Die daraus gezogenen überraschenden Erkenntnisse liefern mögliche Antworten auf fundamentale Fragen der Philosophie. Das Buch ist daher nicht nur ein Muss für Wahrnehmungspsychologen und Designer, sondern eine Bereicherung für alle an dieser Thematik Interessierten.

Psychologie des Geschichtenerzählens

by Tobias C. Breiner

In diesem Buch geht es um die Psychologie guter Geschichten und deren Handlungsfiguren. Es beantwortet Fragen wie:Warum rühren uns manche Filme zu Tränen und andere lassen uns kalt?Warum fesseln uns manche Romane so, dass wir bis tief in die Nacht weiterlesen? Warum quälen wir uns dagegen durch manche Pflichtlektüre hindurch?Warum zocken wir manches Adventure-Game bis zum letzten Level während wir bei anderen schnell die Lust verlieren? Das Werk ist für all diejenigen verfasst, die sich in irgendeiner Weise mit der Erzeugung und Bewertung von Handlungen befassen. Sowohl Charakter- und Game-Designer profitieren durch neue archetypische Modelle und Psychologen können mit der hier präsentierten dodekazyklischen Heldenreise innovative therapeutische Methoden entwickeln. Roman- und Drehbuchautoren bekommen eine Blaupause für erfolgsversprechende Geschichten, die sich auch auf das Interactive Storytelling übertragen lässt und Regisseure sowie Film-, Computerspiel- und Literaturkritiker erhalten durch den Inhalt des Werkes gezielte Bewertungskriterien.

Challenges and Opportunities for Change in Food Marketing to Children and Youth

by Heather Breiner

The childhood obesity epidemic is an urgent public health problem. The most recent data available show that nearly 19 percent of boys and about 15 percent of girls aged 2-19 are obese, and almost a third of U. S. children and adolescents are overweight or obese (Ogden et al. , 2012). The obesity epidemic will continue to take a substantial toll on the health of Americans. In the midst of this epidemic, children are exposed to an enormous amount of commercial advertising and marketing for food. In 2009, children aged 2-11 saw an average of more than 10 television food ads per day (Powell et al. , 2011). Children see and hear advertising and marketing messages for food through many other channels as well, including radio, movies, billboards, and print media. Most notably, many new digital media venues and vehicles for food marketing have emerged in recent years, including Internet-based advergames, couponing on cell phones, and marketing on social networks, and much of this advertising is invisible to parents. The marketing of high-calorie, low-nutrient foods and beverages is linked to overweight and obesity. A major 2006 report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) documents evidence that television advertising influences the food and beverage preferences, requests, and short-term consumption of children aged 2-11 (IOM, 2006). Challenges and Opportunities for Change in Food Marketing to Children and Youth also documents a body of evidence showing an association of television advertising with the adiposity of children and adolescents aged 2-18. The report notes the prevailing pattern that food and beverage products marketed to children and youth are often high in calories, fat, sugar, and sodium; are of low nutritional value; and tend to be from food groups Americans are already overconsuming. Furthermore, marketing messages that promote nutrition, healthful foods, or physical activity are scarce (IOM, 2006). To review progress and explore opportunities for action on food and beverage marketing that targets children and youth, the IOM's Standing Committee on Childhood Obesity Prevention held a workshop in Washington, DC, on November 5, 2012, titled "New Challenges and Opportunities in Food Marketing to Children and Youth. "

Multinationale Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern und Europa: Herausforderungen und Strategien

by Andreas Breinbauer Louis Brennan Johannes Jäger Andreas G. M. Nachbagauer Andreas Nölke

In letzter Zeit hat die Öffentlichkeit Bedenken hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen multinationaler Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern geäußert. Die Expansion chinesischer multinationaler Unternehmen nach Europa und die Belt and Road Initiative ist ein prominentes Beispiel, das Hoffnung geweckt hat, aber auch das Bewusstsein für die langfristigen Auswirkungen geschärft hat. Auf der Grundlage einer systematischen Analyse von Internationalisierungstheorien, der Rolle ausländischer Direktinvestitionen und multinationaler Unternehmen in Verbindung mit eingehender empirischer Forschung anhand von Fallstudien in der Türkei, Russland, Lateinamerika, Asien und Europa befasst sich dieser aktuelle Sammelband mit den Chancen und Bedenken im Zusammenhang mit diesem neuen Trend. Darüber hinaus liefert er neue Erkenntnisse, die für Wissenschaftler, politische Entscheidungsträger, regionale Wirtschaftsagenturen und Studenten sowie für die breite Öffentlichkeit von großer Bedeutung sind. Durch die Konzentration auf die (potenziellen) Auswirkungen der Expansion multinationaler Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern auf Europa und die Einbeziehung einer langfristigen Perspektive bietet das Buch eine neue Sichtweise auf ein äußerst kontroverses Thema.

Geld Macht Gefühle

by Silvia Breier

Dieses Sachbuch betrachtet eines der letzten großen Tabus unserer Zeit aus Sicht der Psychologie: Das Geld! – Was ist Geld eigentlich? Wie beeinflusst es unser Leben, unsere Gefühle, unser Denken und Handeln? Warum hat es diese Wirkung auf einzelne Menschen und die ganze Gesellschaft? Wieso ist es uns unangenehm, über „unser“ Geld und unsere Abhängigkeit davon zu reden? Silvia Breier gibt kurzweilige Antworten auf diese Fragen und verknüpft dabei auf unterhaltsame Weise tiefenpsychologische mit verhaltenspsychologischen, sozialhistorischen und ökonomischen Erkenntnissen. Lernen Sie Ihre eigene Beziehung zum Geld besser kennen – denn die Art und Weise, wie wir zu Geld stehen, was wir davon halten und welche Gefühle wir damit verbinden, beeinflusst unseren Umgang damit und entscheidet, ob wir finanziell erfolgreich sind oder scheitern. – Gelangen Sie zu einem entspannten und erfolgreichen Umgang mit „dem lieben Geld“ und einem zufriedenen Leben – unabhängig von der Höhe Ihres Kontostands!

The Development of High Technology Industries: An International Survey (Routledge Library Editions: The Economics and Business of Technology #9)

by Michael J. Breheny Ronald McQuaid

This book, originally published in 1988, reviews the development of high technology industries at global and selected national and local levels, providing a unique insight into reasons for and consequences of such modern industrial development. It appraises government policies for assisting the development of this sector and focuses on the fact that high tech industry tends to be concentrated in particular regions of countries which attain the status of 'successful populations'. High technology industry seems to offer little benefit to declining manufacturing areas and the book offers explanations for these regional concentrations and assesses the likely consequences.

Best Practices for Transportation Agency Use of Social Media

by Susan Bregman Kari Edison Watkins

Timely updates, increased citizen engagement, and more effective marketing are just a few of the reasons transportation agencies have already started to adopt social media networking tools. Best Practices for Transportation Agency Use of Social Media offers real-world advice for planning and implementing social media from leading government practit

Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build The Ideal World

by Rutger Bregman

Universal basic income. A 15-hour workweek. Open borders. Does it sound too good to be true? One of Europe's leading young thinkers shows how we can build an ideal world today.After working all day at jobs we often dislike, we buy things we don't need. Rutger Bregman, a Dutch historian, reminds us it needn't be this way-and in some places it isn't.Rutger Bregman's TEDTalk about universal basic income seemed impossibly radical when he delivered it in 2014. A quarter of a million views later, the subject of that video is being seriously considered by leading economists and government leaders the world over. It's just one of the many utopian ideas that Bregman proves is possible today.Utopia for Realists is one of those rare books that takes you by surprise and challenges what you think can happen. From a Canadian city that once completely eradicated poverty, to Richard Nixon's near implementation of a basic income for millions of Americans, Bregman takes us on a journey through history, and beyond the traditional left-right divides, as he champions ideas whose time have come. Every progressive milestone of civilization-from the end of slavery to the beginning of democracy-was once considered a utopian fantasy. Bregman's book, both challenging and bracing, demonstrates that new utopian ideas, like the elimination of poverty and the creation of the fifteen-hour workweek, can become a reality in our lifetime. Being unrealistic and unreasonable can in fact make the impossible inevitable, and it is the only way to build the ideal world.

You Can Change Other People: The Four Steps to Help Your Colleagues, Employees-- Even Family-- Up Their Game

by Peter Bregman Howie Jacobson

Discover how to change the lives of the people around you In You Can Change Other People, the world’s #1 executive coach, Peter Bregman, and Howie Jacobson, Ph.D., share the Four Steps to help the people around you make positive change — even if they’ve been stuck for years. The authors rely on over 50 years of collective professional experience to show you exactly what to say to influence those around you for the better. Changing the way you talk will stop you from being perceived as a critic, and turn you into a welcomed and effective ally. You’ll learn how to: Disarm their defensiveness and increase their confidence to act Turn people’s biggest problems into even bigger opportunities Ensure accountability and follow through without making them dependent on you No one wants to be changed; but change and personal growth are critical to success, and more importantly, to a fulfilled life. You Can Change Other People is a must-read for those who want to improve their impact with co-workers, family members, and everyone in between.

18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done

by Peter Bregman

Based upon his weekly Harvard Business Review columns (which is one of the most popular columns on, receiving hundreds of thousands of unique page views a month), 18 MINUTES clearly shows how busy people can cut through all the daily clutter and distractions and find a way to focus on those key items which are truly the top priorities in our lives. Bregman works from the premise that the best way to combat constant and distracting interruptions is to create productive distractions of one's own. Based upon a series of short bite-sized chapters, his approach allows us to safely navigate through the constant chatter of emails, text messages, phone calls, and endless meetings that prevent us from focusing our time on those things that are truly important to us. Mixing first-person insights along with unique case studies, Bregman sprinkles his charming book with pathways which help guide us -- pathways that can get us on the right trail in 18 minutes or less.

18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction and Get the Right Things Done

by Peter Bregman

The most important business/self-help book since EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE and THE ONE-MINUTE MANAGER.How often do you get to the end of another long and frantic day and wonder why so many important things didn't get finished? We've never worked so hard and felt so unproductive and unfulfilled. 18 MINUTES takes this challenge and turns it on its head. Peter Bregman, top HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW columnist and global management consultant, shatters the myth of getting it all done by offering a clear and simple plan for getting the right things done. He shows how the best way to fight distracting interruptions is to create productive ones ourselves, a practice that can be easily implemented in 18 minutes a day. The result is a simple yet comprehensive approach to managing your life a year, a day, and a moment at a time so that your life moves forward the way you want and at the pace you want.

18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction and Get the Right Things Done

by Peter Bregman

How often do you get to the end of another long and frantic day and wonder why so many important things didn't get finished? We've never worked so hard and felt so unproductive and unfulfilled. 18 MINUTES takes this challenge and turns it on its head. Peter Bregman, top HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW columnist and global management consultant, shatters the myth of getting it all done by offering a clear and simple plan for getting the right things done. He shows how the best way to fight distracting interruptions is to create productive ones ourselves, a practice that can be easily implemented in 18 minutes a day. The result is a simple yet comprehensive approach to managing your life a year, a day, and a moment at a time so that your life moves forward the way you want and at the pace you want.Written and read by Peter Bregman(p) 2011 Hachette Audio

18 minutos: Encuentre su foco, controle las distracciones y consiga hacer lo importante

by Peter Bregman

El método para lograr concentrarse en aquello que es realmente prioritario para usted. ¿No siente con frecuencia que llega al final de su jornada agotado, pero sin haber avanzado en ninguna de las tareas que se había fijado como prioridades en su trabajo o en su vida personal? 18 minutos plantea la solución que le permitirá eliminar las constantes distracciones del día a día y concentrarse en aquellas actividades que le resultan realmente importantes. El autor parte de la premisa de que la mejor fórmula para luchar contra las constantes interrupciones es crear nuestras propias distracciones productivas. Estructurado en breves capítulos, el libro enseña una estrategia que nos permitirá navegar sin naufragar por el continuo flujo de correos electrónicos, mensajes, llamadas y reuniones que nos impiden dedicar nuestro tiempo a todo aquello que es realmente importante para nosotros... con invertir tan solo 18 minutos cada día. Reseñas:«18 minutos es una guía verdaderamente inteligente, asequible y, sobre todo, muy práctica, y que contribuirá a potenciar su eficacia y a incrementar su satisfacción. Yo lo he comprobado en mi propio trabajo. Usted también lo notará.»Daniel H. Pink, autor del best seller Una nueva mente «Sentir que mantenemos el control sobre cómo empleamos nuestro tiempo es un factor clave para alcanzar la felicidad. En este libro ameno y práctico, Peter Bregman nos muestra cómo disponer de tiempo suficiente para hacer las cosas que realmente nos importan, de tal forma que nuestra vida se convierta en un reflejo de nuestros valores y prioridades.»Gretchen Rubin, autora del best seller Objetivo: felicidad «Lea este libro. La sabiduría de su autor, su humildad y su capacidad para narrar impregnan cada página. 18 minutos es la mejor combinación entre un libro de empresa y uno de superación personal.»Robert Sutton, profesor de la Universidad de Stanford y autor de Buen jefe, mal jefe

Four Seconds

by Peter Bregman

All too often our best efforts to accomplish the things we want most--to do our jobs well, to make meaningful contributions at home and at work, to have satisfying relationships with loved ones, friends, neighbors, and coworkers--are built on bad habits that sabotage us. We feel overwhelmed by our increasingly large to-do list, so we automatically multitask to get more done--and end up more stressed and more overloaded. We say something with the hopes of impressing the other person, but instead of end them--then spend days trying to repair the damage. We give what we think is a pep talk to our team-- but they walk away demotivated.How can we be most effective and productive in a world that moves too fast and demands so much of us?In Four Seconds, Peter Bregman shows that the answer is to pause for as few as four seconds--the length of a deep breath--to replace bad habits and reactions with more productive behaviors. In his trademark style of blending personal anecdotes with practical advice, Bregman reveals some of our most common counter-productive tendencies and describes counter-intuitive strategies for acting more intentionally, including: Why setting goals can actually harm your performance How to use strategic disengagement to recover focus and willpower Why listening--not arguing--is the best strategy for changing someone's mind How taking responsibility for someone else's failure can actually help you succeedDrawn from Bregman's hugely popular Harvard Business Review blog, this engaging and wise book provides simple solutions to create the results you want without the stress.

Leading With Emotional Courage: How to Have Hard Conversations, Create Accountability, And Inspire Action On Your Most Important Work

by Peter Bregman

The Wall Street Journal bestselling author of 18 Minutes unlocks the secrets of highly successful leaders and pinpoints the missing ingredient that makes all the difference You have the opportunity to lead: to show up with confidence, connected to others, and committed to a purpose in a way that inspires others to follow. Maybe it’s in your workplace, or in your relationships, or simply in your own life. But great leadership—leadership that aligns teams, inspires action, and achieves results—is hard. And what makes it hard isn’t theoretical, it’s practical. It’s not about knowing what to say or do. It’s about whether you’re willing to experience the discomfort, risk, and uncertainty of saying or doing it. In other words, the most critical challenge of leadership is emotional courage. If you are willing to feel everything, you can do anything. Leading with Emotional Courage, based on the author’s popular blogs for Harvard Business Review, provides practical, real-world advice for building your emotional courage muscle. Each short, easy to read chapter details a distinct step in this emotional “workout,” giving you grounded advice for handling the difficult situations without sacrificing professional ground. By building the courage to say the necessary but difficult things, you become a stronger leader and leave the “should’ves” behind. Theoretically, leadership is straightforward, but how many people actually lead? The gap between theory and practice is huge. Emotional courage is what bridges that gap. It’s what sets great leaders apart from the rest. It gets results. It cuts through the distractions, the noise, and the politics to solve problems and get things done. This book is packed with actionable steps you can take to start building these skills now. Have the courage to speak up when others remain silent Be stable and grounded in the face of uncertainty Respond productively to opposition without getting distracted Weather others’ anger without shutting down or getting defensive Leading with Emotional Courage coaches you to build your emotional courage, exercise it effectively, and create an environment in which people around you take accountability to get hard things done.

Monumental Ambivalence: The Politics of Heritage

by Lisa Breglia

From ancient Maya cities in Mexico and Central America to the Taj Mahal in India, cultural heritage sites around the world are being drawn into the wave of privatization that has already swept through such economic sectors as telecommunications, transportation, and utilities. <P><P>As nation-states decide they can no longer afford to maintain cultural properties—or find it economically advantageous not to do so in the globalizing economy—private actors are stepping in to excavate, conserve, interpret, and represent archaeological and historical sites. But what are the ramifications when a multinational corporation, or even an indigenous village, owns a piece of national patrimony which holds cultural and perhaps sacred meaning for all the country's people, as well as for visitors from the rest of the world?

Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex

by Peter R. Breggin

From the author of "Toxic Psychiatry" and "Talking Back to Prozac" "Peter Breggin is the conscience of American psychiatry. Once more he updates us on the real evidence with respect to the safety and effectiveness of specific psychiatric medications and ECT. This information is needed by all mental health professionals, as well as patients and families. " --Bertram Karon, Ph. D. , Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University, Author of "The Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia". "Nowhere does false medical thinking do more harm than in the modern psychiatric argument that mental illness is easily diagnosed and then cured by a side-effect free drug. Nowhere is the correct psychiatric thinking more evident than in the books by Peter Breggin. " -- William Glasser, MD, psychiatrist, author of "Reality Therapy". In "Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry," renowned psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin, M. D. , presents startling scientific research on the dangerous behavioral abnormalities and brain dysfunctions produced by the most widely used and newest psychiatric drugs such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Cymbalta, Effexor, Xanax, Ativan, Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, Strattera, Risperdal, Zyprexa, Geodon, Abilify, lithium and Depakote. Many of Breggins earlier findings have improved clinical practice, led to legal victories against drug companies, and resulted in FDA-mandated changes in what the manufacturers must admit about their drugs. Yet reliance on these drugs has continued to escalate in the last decade, and drug company interests have overwhelmed psychiatric practice. This greatly expanded second edition, supported by the latest evidence-based research, shows that psychiatric drugs achieve their primary or essential effect by causing brain dysfunction, and that they tend to do far more harm than good. New scientific analyses in this completely updated edition include: Chapters covering every new antidepressant and stimulant drug Twenty new guidelines for how to conduct non-drug therapy A chapter describing how to safely withdraw from psychiatric drugs A discussion of "medication spellbinding," explaining how patients fail to appreciate their drug-induced mental dysfunctions Documentation of how the drug companies control research and the flow of information about psychiatric treatments.

Rollenspiele im Assessment Center: Aufbau, Konzeption und Durchführung für Eignungsdiagnostiker (essentials)

by Jens Bregas

Dieser Band beschäftigt sich erstmals ausschließlich mit einer zentralen Übung zeitgemäßer Assessment Center, dem Rollenspiel. Trotz aller Neuerungen und Erweiterungen des Assessment Centers scheint das Erleben eines AC-Kandidaten in der Interaktion mit einem Rollenspielpartner alternativlos zu sein. Doch was macht ein gutes Rollenspiel aus und wie erstellt man es? Hinweise aus der AC-Literatur sowie vielfältige Erfahrungen mit dieser AC-Übung werden hier systematisch zusammengetragen und liefern einen Leitfaden für die praktische Anwendung.

Curso para hablar en público

by Daniela Bregantin

¿Se pone nervioso cuando tiene que hablar en público? ¿Sabe atraer la atención de su audiencia? Aprenda las mejores técnicas para hablar en público ya utilizadas por los maestros de la retórica antigua y por los exponentes contemporáneos de las escuelas de public speaking. Conseguirá pensar y organizar bien el contenido, identificar correctamente el objetivo y la audiencia, y ganarse la atención del público. Esta guía contiene múltiples ejemplos y ejercicios para aprender a comunicar con eficacia, con lo que conseguirá ser más persuasivo y valorar la capacidad oratoria de los demás. Daniela Bregantin, licenciada en Literatura moderna por la Universidad Estatal de Milán, es experta en gestión de recursos humanos y profesora de public speaking y técnicas de comunicación. También ha sido actriz y profesora de declamación y expresión corporal, ha colaborado con el departamento de comunicación de diferentes empresas y es autora de numerosos artículos sobre temas de comunicación y desarrollo directivo en publicaciones del sector.

Revealed: Using Remote Personality Profiling to Influence, Negotiate and Motivate

by Janet Breeze J. Taylor A. Furnham

It is not always possible to interview or meet people face-to-face before significant negotiations or decisions have to be made. They may be business competitors or candidates for an important leadership role. Revealed is a book for those who need to assess others and make decisions about people, without being able to meet and interview them

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