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Fault Current Limiters: Concepts and Applications (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Hassan Haes Alhelou Mohammad Reza Barzegar-Bafrooei Jamal Dehghani-Ashkezari Asghar Akbari Foroud

This book presents a comprehensive survey of fault current limiters (FCLs) and their applications in power system to cope with the fault current. The book reviews characteristics, technologies, topologies, working principles, applications, and the interaction of FCLs with the power system. In the attempts to develop FCL with close to ideal attributes, academic researchers and companies offer the different configurations that are mostly classified into non-superconducting fault current limiters and superconducting fault current limiters (SFCLs). Both categories are included in this book, and therefore, it can serve as an excellent stepping-stone for senior and/or graduate students who are interested in knowing the reason of the increase in short circuit level in the power system, fault current limitation measures, benefits and drawbacks of the application of FCLs in power systems, the state-of-the-art of fault current limitation techniques, as well as recent advances in this area.

Fault Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Reliability for Electrical Machines and Drives (IEEE Press)

by Elias G. Strangas Guy Clerc Hubert Razik Abdenour Soualhi

Fault Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Reliability for Electrical Machines and Drives An insightful treatment of present and emerging technologies in fault diagnosis and failure prognosis In Fault Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Reliability for Electrical Machines and Drives, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a comprehensive exploration of current and emerging approaches to fault diagnosis and failure prognosis of electrical machines and drives. The authors begin with foundational background, describing the physics of failure, the motor and drive designs and components that affect failure and signals, signal processing, and analysis. The book then moves on to describe the features of these signals and the methods commonly used to extract these features to diagnose the health of a motor or drive, as well as the methods used to identify the state of health and differentiate between possible faults or their severity. Fault Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Reliability for Electrical Machines and Drives discusses the tools used to recognize trends towards failure and the estimation of remaining useful life. It addresses the relationships between fault diagnosis, failure prognosis, and fault mitigation. The book also provides: A thorough introduction to the modes of failure, how early failure precursors manifest themselves in signals, and how features extracted from these signals are processed A comprehensive exploration of the fault diagnosis, the results of characterization, and how they used to predict the time of failure and the confidence interval associated with it A focus on medium-sized drives, including induction, permanent magnet AC, reluctance, and new machine and drive types Perfect for researchers and students who wish to study or practice in the rea of electrical machines and drives, Fault Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Reliability for Electrical Machines and Drives is also an indispensable resource for researchers with a background in signal processing or statistics.

Fault Estimation for Network Systems via Intermediate Estimator

by Jun-Wei Zhu Xin Wang Guang-Hong Yang

This book is concerned with the fault estimation problem for network systems. Firstly, to improve the existing adaptive fault estimation observer, a novel so-called intermediate estimator is proposed to identify the actuator or sensor faults in dynamic control systems with high accuracy and convergence speed. On this basis, by exploiting the properties of network systems such as multi-agent systems and large-scale interconnected systems, this book introduces the concept of distributed intermediate estimator; faults in different nodes can be estimated simultaneously; meanwhile, satisfactory consensus performances can be obtained via compensation based protocols. Finally, the characteristics of the new fault estimation methodology are verified and discussed by a series of experimental results on networked multi-axis motion control systems. This book can be used as a reference book for researcher and designer in the field of fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control and can also be used as a reference book for senior undergraduate and graduate students in colleges and universities.

The Fault Lines of Inequality: COVID 19 and the Politics of Financialization

by Huw Macartney Johnna Montgomerie Daniela Tepe

This book examines how decisions made by the Conservative government during the COVID19 pandemic have increased economic inequality in the UK. Decades of austerity, asset-based welfare and financialization had already exacerbated social divisions in the UK prior to the pandemic. The political blueprint behind these measures combined Privatized Keynesianism and the Asset Economy. To explain, economists have highlighted that inequality derives from the fact that income from wealth increases at a faster rate than income from wages. The ensuing political assumption is that – in the face of pressures on public finances – promoting asset ownership is the best alternative to government-funded welfare schemes. What this meant, as the pandemic unfolded, was that when tough decisions about resource allocation needed to be made, the UK Treasury and the Bank of England found almost unlimited funds to rescue and protect asset-holders and middle-income homeowners, whilst reverting to a narrative of “misfortune” for the asset-less poor. This book assesses the political decisions taken by UK policymakers during 2020-21 and their consequences. In doing so, it challenges policymakers and the informed public to re-consider the morality of inequality, and to make alternative decisions to promote a more ecologically sustainable, caring, equal and prosperous society.

Fault Location on Transmission and Distribution Lines: Principles and Applications (IEEE Press)

by Swagata Das Surya Santoso Sundaravaradan N. Ananthan

This book provides readers with up-to-date coverage of fault location algorithms in transmission and distribution networks. The algorithms will help readers track down the exact location of a fault in the shortest possible time. Furthermore, voltage and current waveforms recorded by digital relays, digital fault recorders, and other intelligent electronic devices contain a wealth of information. Knowledge gained from analysing the fault data can help system operators understand what happened, why it happened and how it can be prevented from happening again. The book will help readers convert such raw data into useful information and improve power system performance and reliability.

FBL Klein Vogelbach Functional Kinetics: Band 2: Hands on - Hands off (FBL Klein-Vogelbach)

by Irene Spirgi-Gantert Gerold Mohr Markus Oehl Salah Bacha Ulrike Rostin

Die vier bewährten Lehr- und Praxisbücher der Funktionellen Bewegungslehre zu Grundlagen, therapeutischen Übungen, Ballübungen und Behandlungstechniken kompakt in zwei Bänden zusammengefasst! Mit Band 1 „Untersuchen und Behandeln“ und Band 2 „Hands on – Hands off“ sind Sie perfekt gerüstet! Physiotherapeuten finden in Band 2 die Prinzipien zu allen wesentlichen Techniken und Übungen der Funktionellen Bewegungslehre, über 40 Übungen und neue funktionelle Tests für das Überprüfen von Mobilität, Elastizität, Stabilität, Bewegungsdissoziation und Koordination. Wie sieht der klinische Denk- und Entscheidungsprozess von Hands-on zu Hands-off aus? Wie muss das funktionelle Training aufgebaut werden, damit ein müheloser Transfer in den Alltag gelingt? Welche Bewegungschoreografien fördern die Interaktion der Körperabschnitte untereinander optimal? Erfahrene FBL-Instruktoren beantworten Ihnen diese Fragen! Aus dem Inhalt · Grundparameter der Bewegungsökonomie · Neurofunktionelle Tests · Mobilisierende Massage, hubfreie und widerlagernde Mobilisation und funktionelle Übungen mit und ohne Ball · Training von Bewegungskontrolle und Geschicklichkeit aller Körperabschnitte Plus: Videos und Handouts veranschaulichen die praktische Umsetzung optimal! Nutzen Sie die bewährten und ständig weiterentwickelten Methoden der FBL und lernen Sie, die körperlichen Ressourcen Ihrer Patienten optimal zu fordern und zu fördern.

FBL Klein-Vogelbach Functional Kinetics: Band 1: Untersuchen und Behandeln (FBL Klein-Vogelbach)

by Irene Spirgi-Gantert Tiziana Grillo Gerold Mohr Ulrike Rostin Salah Bacha Markus Oehl

Die vier bewährten Lehr- und Praxisbücher der Funktionellen Bewegungslehre zu Grundlagen, therapeutischen Übungen, Ballübungen und Behandlungstechniken kompakt in zwei Bänden zusammengefasst! Mit „Untersuchen und Behandeln“ und „Hands on – Hands off“ sind Sie perfekt gerüstet! Dieses Buch liefert Physiotherapeuten die Grundlagen und alle wesentlichen Techniken der Funktionellen Bewegungslehre. Welchen Einfluss hat die Schwerkraft auf Haltung und Bewegung? Welche Bewegungen des täglichen Lebens sollten während des Befundes überprüft werden? Und wie genau funktioniert eigentlich der „Flamingo“? Die Experten beantworten Ihnen diese Fragen! Aus dem Inhalt· Basics zu Myofaszien, Bewegung, Haltung und motorischem Lernen· Untersuchung, u.a. mit Blick auf Konstitution, Beweglichkeit, Statik und ADL· Mobilisierende Massage, hubfreie und widerlagernde Mobilisation und funktionelle Übungen mit und ohne Ball Plus: Videos und Handouts veranschaulichen die praktische Umsetzung optimal! Nutzen Sie die bewährten und ständig weiterentwickelten Methoden der FBL und lernen Sie, die körperlichen Ressourcen Ihrer Patienten optimal zu fordern und zu fördern.

FDG-PET/CT and PET/MR in Cardiovascular Diseases

by Matthieu Pelletier-Galarneau Patrick Martineau

This book is a clinically oriented, up-to-date, and in-depth review of the various applications of FDG-PET/CT and PET/MR in cardiovascular diseases with emphasis on the current available evidence. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging with fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) has seen increased applications in cardiovascular diseases over the last decades. Its utility is already established in a wide range of conditions, including myocardial viability imaging, assessment of inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis and vasculitis, as well as imaging of infectious processes, such as infective endocarditis and cardiac implantable electronic device infection. In addition, there are several emerging indications such as the imaging of left ventricular assisting device infection and native valve endocarditis as well as new applications under investigation.The first section of the book reviews the technical basis of cardiovascular PET/CT and PET/MR imaging as well as cardiac metabolism. The following chapters each present specific pathologies, presenting epidemiology, pathophysiology, and diagnostic strategies, along with high quality clinical cases to support the discussion. The final chapter is a review of 15 interesting and clinically relevant cases.This is an ideal guide for nuclear medicine physicians, cardiologists, radiologists, residents, post-graduate fellows, and technologists.

FDTD Analysis of Guided Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Time-Modulated Dielectric Medium (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)

by Debdeep Sarkar

This book presents a detailed analytical and computational electromagnetic (CEM) treatment of guided electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in independently time-varying dielectric medium, using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation technique. The contents provide an extensive literature review, explaining the importance of time-varying media (temporal photonic crystals) in new exotic applications that involve rich EM phenomena such as parametric amplification, frequency conversion, non-reciprocal gain, electromagnetic energy accumulation, temporal coating and temporal aiming (beam-forming). A one-dimensional (1D) FDTD simulation paradigm is then formulated in this book, starting from Maxwell's equations and boundary conditions. The issues of hard/soft source realizations, perfectly matched layers (PMLs), choice of simulation parameters (cell-size and time-stepping) are thoroughly explained through new visualization tools. This book provides a unique combination of rigorous analytical techniques, several FDTD simulation examples with reproducible source-codes, and new visualization/post-processing mechanisms. The contents of this book should prove to be useful for students, research scholars, scientists and engineers, working in the field of applied electromagnetics, and aiming to design cutting-edge microwave/optical devices based on time-varying medium.

La fe de ayer: Amor, fútbol y revolución

by Juan Carlos Ortecho Fernández

Una historia de fútbol, amor y revolución Juan Carlos Ortecho explora en La fe de ayer la edad dorada del fútbol peruano, así como el «lado B» de los estertores finales de la dictadura militar, la transición hacia la democracia y el preámbulo del descalabro y el terror de los años ochenta en el país. Narrada desde una entrañable mirada infantil, esta novela aborda la construcción de los primeros afectos y el descubrimiento de los desencantos amorosos. Asimismo, el poder articulador que tiene el fútbol y los cambios acelerados que experimentaron la capital y una sociedad que entonces parecían condenadas a caer de manera irremisible por el despeñadero de la violencia y el pesimismo. Entre apagones, carencias y un clima de creciente desintegración social y política, pero también entre jornadas deportivas memorables —de la selección nacional y el club Universitario de Deportes—, películas, programas de televisión y canciones que dejaron una huella en el imaginario nacional, y apasionantes recorridos por calles, plazas y bodegas de una Lima que ya no existe, Ortecho nos invita a ingresar al túnel del tiempo para transitar la cartografía de sus recuerdos. Allí donde confluyen los triunfos y desengaños que marcan el devenir tanto del fútbol como de la vida afectiva y familiar de toda una generación.

La Fe Que Agrada a Dios: Escucha Su Voz – Cumple Tu Misión – Alcanza Tu Destino

by Elmer J. Castro

Nuestro Dios es un Dios de milagros. La Biblia está llena de ejemplos que demuestran esa realidad del carácter de Dios. Sin embargo, poco a poco más y más creyentes viven un caminar en Cristo robado de la expectativa de experimentar lo sobrenatural de Dios a este lado del cielo.Al ver esta realidad, algunos tratan de hacer más, creer más, o modificar su formula interna de lo que es la fe. Otros, toman el lado opuesto, creen menos, piden menos y también así modifican su definición de lo que es la fe. ¿Pero, qué es la fe?En La Fe Que Agrada a Dios, el autor aborda esta situación y pregunta central enfocando el propósito de la fe—agradar a Dios. Con esa perspectiva, el autor invita al lector a una jornada a través de la Biblia para: >> Descubrir el fundamento de la fe que agrada a Dios,>> Explorar las siete diferentes dimensiones de la fe,>> Mirar ejemplos del diario vivir que aplican a las diferentes dimensiones de la fe,>> Reflexionar e identificar las áreas fuertes y débiles en su caminar de fe.Mediante este libro el autor desea compartir verdades bíblicas que provean crecimiento y perspectiva que empoderen al creyente. Exponer verdades y promesas disponibles para que el creyente pueda vencer oposición glorificando a Dios en el proceso. Proveer herramientas para que que el lector pueda escuchar la voz de Dios, cumplir su misión, y así alcanzar el destino para el cual fue creado.SOBRE EL AUTORDesde temprana edad Elmer J. Castro sintió el llamado de Dios a predicar, lo cual hizo por primera vez a los 8 años. Más tarde, sirviendo como líder estudiantil en la Asociación Bíblica Universitaria, descubrió su pasión por la enseñanza y discipulado de otros creyentes. En adición a compartir y enseñar la Palabra, Elmer ha servido como guitarrista en grupos de alabanza y adoración por más de veinte años y actualmente lidera el de su iglesia, La Cosecha. En lo profesional, posee una maestría en Desarrollo Organizacional, lidera el departamento de adiestramiento en una agencia gubernamental, y es un coach de liderazgo acreditado por la Federación Internacional de Coaching. Actualmente Elmer reside en el área de Columbia, Carolina del Sur junto a su esposa y sus dos hijos y su perrita.

Fear and Primordial Trust: From Becoming an Ego to Becoming Whole (Explorations in Mental Health)

by Monika Renz Mark Kyburz (translator)

Fear and Primordial Trust explores fear as an existential phenomenon and how it can be overcome. Illustrated by clinical examples from the author’s practice as a psychotherapist and spiritual caregiver working with the severely ill and dying, the book outline theoretical insights into how primordial trust and archaic fear unconsciously shape our personality and behaviour. This book discusses in detail how in our everyday world, we lack primordial trust. Nevertheless, all of us have internalized it: as experiences of another non-dual world, of being unconditionally accepted, then sheltered and nurtured. The book outlines how from a spiritual viewpoint, we come from the non-dual world and experience a transition by becoming an ego, thereby experiencing archaic fear. This book explains fear in terms of two challenges encountered in this transition: firstly, leaving the non-world world when everything changes and we feel forlorn. Secondly, on awakening in the ego when we feel dependent and overwhelmed by otherness. The book also helps readers to understand trust as the emotional and spiritual foundation of the human soul, as well as how fear shapes us and how it can be outgrown. The book makes the case that understanding fear and primordial trust improves care and helps us to better understand dying. It will be of interest to academics, scholars and students in the fields of psychiatry, counselling, psychotherapy and palliative care and to all those interested in understanding fear, trust and the healing potential of spiritual experiences.

Fear and Trembling: A New Translation

by Søren Kierkegaard

This newly translated Fear and Trembling, a foundational document of modern philosophy and existentialism, could not be more apt for our perilous times. First published in 1843 under the pseudonym Johannes de silentio (“John of Silence”), Soren Kierkegaard’s richly resonant Fear and Trembling has for generations stood as a pivotal text in the history of moral philosophy, inspiring such artistic and philosophical luminaries as Edvard Munch, W. H. Auden, Walter Benjamin, and existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre. Now, in our era of immense uncertainty, renowned Kierkegaard scholar Bruce H. Kirmmse eloquently brings this classic work to a new generation of readers. Retelling the biblical story of the binding of Isaac, Fear and Trembling expounds on the ordeal of Abraham, who was commanded by God to sacrifice his own son in an exceptional test of faith. Disgusted at the self-certainty of his own age, Kierkegaard investigates the paradox underlying Abraham’s decision to allow his duty to God to take precedence over his duties to his family. As Kierkegaard’s narrator explains, the story presents a difficulty that is not often considered—namely, that after the ordeal is over and Isaac has been spared at the last moment, Abraham is capable of receiving him again and living normally, even joyfully, for the rest of his days. Almost inexplicably, “Abraham had faith and did not doubt.” Deftly tracing the autobiographical threads that run throughout the work, Kirmmse initially, in his lucid and engaging introduction, demystifies Kierkegaard’s fictive narrator, Johannes de silentio, drawing parallels between Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son and the author’s personal “sacrifices.” Ultimately, however, Kirmmse reveals Fear and Trembling as a fiercely polemical volume, designed to provoke the reader into considering what is actually meant by the word “faith,” and whether those who consider themselves “true believers” actually are. With a vibrancy almost never before seen in English, and “a matchless grasp of the intricacies of Kierkegaard’s writing process” (Gordon Marino), Kirmmse here definitively demonstrates Kierkegaard’s enduring power to illuminate the terrible wonder of faith.

The Fear Economy: A Theory of Output, Interest, and Safe Assets (Imf Working Papers)

by Agarwal

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Fear, Hate, and Victimhood: How George Wallace Wrote the Donald Trump Playbook (Race, Rhetoric, and Media Series)

by Andrew E. Stoner

When Donald Trump announced his campaign for president in 2015, journalists, historians, and politicians alike attempted to compare his candidacy to that of Governor George Wallace. Like Trump, Wallace, who launched four presidential campaigns between 1964 and 1976, utilized rhetoric based in resentment, nationalism, and anger to sway and eventually captivate voters among America’s white majority. Though separated by almost half a century, the campaigns of both Wallace and Trump broke new grounds for political partisanship and divisiveness.In Fear, Hate, and Victimhood: How George Wallace Wrote the Donald Trump Playbook, author Andrew E. Stoner conducts a deep analysis of the two candidates, their campaigns, and their speeches and activities, as well as their coverage by the media, through the lens of demagogic rhetoric. Though past work on Wallace argues conventional politics overcame the candidate, Stoner makes the case that Wallace may in fact be a prelude to the more successful Trump campaign.Stoner considers how ideas about “in-group” and “out-group” mentalities operate in politics, how anti-establishment views permeate much of the rhetoric in question, and how expressions of victimhood often paradoxically characterize the language of a leader praised for “telling it like it is.” He also examines the role of political spectacle in each candidate’s campaigns, exploring how media struggles to respond to—let alone document—demagogic rhetoric.Ultimately, the author suggests that the Trump presidency can be understood as an actualized version of the Wallace presidency that never was. Though vast differences exist, the demagogic positioning of both men provides a framework to dissect these times—and perhaps a valuable warning about what is possible in our highly digitized information society.

Fear Less Live More: Everything I’ve learned from testing my limits

by Aimee Fuller

'Full of wisdom' - Dr Xand van Tulleken'Raw, relatable and uplifting' - Wayne Bridge'A must-read' - Jade Jones OBE'A brilliant book' - Jenni FalconerHarness your fears and supercharge your life with this inspirational guide.As someone who has lived outside her comfort zone, Aimee Fuller has a lot to say about fear. A former professional snowboarder who spent years riding on the fine edge of progression at the top of her sport, she made history as the first woman to land a double backflip in competition and competed in two Winter Olympics. In 2019, Aimee fronted the documentary Running in North Korea, which shows her running her first-ever marathon in one of the most isolated countries in the world. Through testing her own resilience, she has discovered that while it is scary to step outside your comfort zone, it can also be a prerequisite for growth.In this bright and insightful book, Aimee gives an honest account of her experiences with fear and how, when the worst happens, she manages to pick herself back up again with purpose and an even greater thirst for life. Encouraging you to get up close and personal with your fears, Aimee shows you:-What fear is, both physically and mentally-How to recognise it in yourself-How to be mindful of fear without letting it take control-How to reframe fear and build a healthy relationship with it-What to do when things go wrongDrawing on her training as a professional athlete, Aimee provides confidence-building tools that can be applied to any aspect of life, like goal-setting, maintaining consistency, celebrating your strengths, learning from failure, taking comfort in choice, owning your decisions and visualising success. Fear Less, Live More is for anyone who wants to be the driver of their own life.

Fear Less Live More: Everything I’ve learned from testing my limits

by Aimee Fuller

'Full of wisdom' - Dr Xand van Tulleken'Raw, relatable and uplifting' - Wayne Bridge'A must-read' - Jade Jones OBE'A brilliant book' - Jenni FalconerHarness your fears and supercharge your life with this inspirational guide.As someone who has lived outside her comfort zone, Aimee Fuller has a lot to say about fear. A former professional snowboarder who spent years riding on the fine edge of progression at the top of her sport, she made history as the first woman to land a double backflip in competition and competed in two Winter Olympics. In 2019, Aimee fronted the documentary Running in North Korea, which shows her running her first-ever marathon in one of the most isolated countries in the world. Through testing her own resilience, she has discovered that while it is scary to step outside your comfort zone, it can also be a prerequisite for growth.In this bright and insightful book, Aimee gives an honest account of her experiences with fear and how, when the worst happens, she manages to pick herself back up again with purpose and an even greater thirst for life. Encouraging you to get up close and personal with your fears, Aimee shows you:-What fear is, both physically and mentally-How to recognise it in yourself-How to be mindful of fear without letting it take control-How to reframe fear and build a healthy relationship with it-What to do when things go wrongDrawing on her training as a professional athlete, Aimee provides confidence-building tools that can be applied to any aspect of life, like goal-setting, maintaining consistency, celebrating your strengths, learning from failure, taking comfort in choice, owning your decisions and visualising success. Fear Less, Live More is for anyone who wants to be the driver of their own life.

The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion Vol. I (The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion #1)

by James George Frazer

On the question of how far the almost universal belief in the survival of the human spirit after death, which is implied by the fear of the dead, can be regarded as evidence of the truth of that survival, or opinions will doubtless always be divided. From the crudities, inconsistencies and absurdities in which the belief commonly clothes itself, an impartial observer might be tempted to conclude that the spirits of the dead exist only in the imagination of the fond and foolish portion of mankind; but this conclusion, so little consonant with the natural wishes, and perhaps the instincts, of humanity, is not likely to be ever popular, and it seems probable that the great majority of our species will continue to acquiesce in a belief so flattering to human vanity and so comforting to human sorrow. And it cannot be denied that the champions of eternal life have entrenched themselves in a strong, if not impregnable, position; for if it is impossible to prove the immortality of the soul, it is, in the present state of our knowledge, equally impossible to disprove it. But the batteries of science have an ever longer range, and on this side they may yet make a deep breach in the frowning bastions of faith.Sir James G. Frazer (1854-1941) is famous as the author of "The Golden Bough."

The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion Vol. II (The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion #2)

by James George Frazer

On the question of how far the almost universal belief in the survival of the human spirit after death, which is implied by the fear of the dead, can be regarded as evidence of the truth of that survival, or opinions will doubtless always be divided. From the crudities, inconsistencies and absurdities in which the belief commonly clothes itself, an impartial observer might be tempted to conclude that the spirits of the dead exist only in the imagination of the fond and foolish portion of mankind; but this conclusion, so little consonant with the natural wishes, and perhaps the instincts, of humanity, is not likely to be ever popular, and it seems probable that the great majority of our species will continue to acquiesce in a belief so flattering to human vanity and so comforting to human sorrow. And it cannot be denied that the champions of eternal life have entrenched themselves in a strong, if not impregnable, position; for if it is impossible to prove the immortality of the soul, it is, in the present state of our knowledge, equally impossible to disprove it. But the batteries of science have an ever longer range, and on this side they may yet make a deep breach in the frowning bastions of faith.Sir James G. Frazer (1854-1941) is famous as the author of "The Golden Bough."

The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion Vol. III (The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion #3)

by James George Frazer

On the question of how far the almost universal belief in the survival of the human spirit after death, which is implied by the fear of the dead, can be regarded as evidence of the truth of that survival, or opinions will doubtless always be divided. From the crudities, inconsistencies and absurdities in which the belief commonly clothes itself, an impartial observer might be tempted to conclude that the spirits of the dead exist only in the imagination of the fond and foolish portion of mankind; but this conclusion, so little consonant with the natural wishes, and perhaps the instincts, of humanity, is not likely to be ever popular, and it seems probable that the great majority of our species will continue to acquiesce in a belief so flattering to human vanity and so comforting to human sorrow. And it cannot be denied that the champions of eternal life have entrenched themselves in a strong, if not impregnable, position; for if it is impossible to prove the immortality of the soul, it is, in the present state of our knowledge, equally impossible to disprove it. But the batteries of science have an ever longer range, and on this side they may yet make a deep breach in the frowning bastions of faith.Sir James G. Frazer (1854-1941) is famous as the author of "The Golden Bough."

Fearing God: How the Fear of God and Our Love for God Create a Trust in God

by Nathan Carlson

Fearing God teaches how the fear of God and love for God create a trust in God. Don’t be afraid of God, fear him. The fear of the Lord is a wonderful gift from God for through it Christians find godly wisdom, but so much more. It also keeps them from sin and all of sin’s devastation, provides contentment and rest, protection and security, and through it God’s blessings are bestowed. It is a prerequisite to discipleship, instills in Christians godly courage and was a common trait of all heroes of their faith. Fearing God teaches readers how the fear of the Lord is God’s gracious gift. Yes, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but it is so much more…it also gives people rest and contentment, God’s blessing, provision, and protection. Rediscover this timeless truth and learn what it means to have courageous fear.

Fearless: Harriet Quimby A Life without Limit

by Don Dahler

In the spirit of the bestseller Fly Girls comes the definitive and compelling true story of Harriet Quimby, the first American woman to receive a pilot's license.In the early twentieth century, headlines declared that "the era of women has dawned." Against this changing historical backdrop, Harriet Quimby's extraordinary life stands out as the embodiment of this tumultuous, exciting era—when flight was measured in minutes, not miles.This untold piece of feminist history unveils Quimby's incredible story: rising from humble beginnings as a dirt-poor farm girl to become a globe-trotting journalist, history-making aviator, and international celebrity. With her tragic death in 1912 at the age of thirty-seven, her story faded, with her many accomplishments—the first woman to fly solo over the English Channel among them—overshadowed by major events, including the sinking of the Titanic.With black and white illustrations throughout, Fearless is the definitive biography of the first licensed female American pilot: one of the most inspiring hidden figures of history.

Fearless Finances: A Timeless Guide to Building Wealth

by Cassandra Cummings

BUILD GENERATIONAL WEALTH WITH CLEAR AND ACTIONABLE INVESTMENT STRATEGIESCassandra Cummings, leading financial expert, and founder of The Stocks & Stilettos Society, shows women how to crush their financial goals, overcome their fears, and grow their wealth through the power of investing.Historically, women of color have been shut out of the wealth-building game. Cassandra Cummings has made it her mission to change that by creating a vibrant and successful online community of more than 100,000 women investors. In her new book, Cassandra brings the powerful lessons of their achievements to you.In this book, Cassandra will teach you how to:Conquer longstanding fears around moneyDevelop a firm foundation for you and your familyInvest in the stock market for wealth creation and legacy buildingPrepare for a lifelong winning financial seasonFearless Finances walks you through the keys to building your success squad of trusted experts, as well as women who kicked fear out of the way to achieve their financial dreams. Now, so can you.

Fearless Women of the Bible: Finding Unshakable Confidence Despite Your Fears and Failures (InScribed Collection)

by Lynn Cowell

How to Live in Bold ConfidenceHave you ever needed confidence in a specific circumstance and couldn&’t think of an example of anyone who had &“been there, overcome that&”?Author and speaker Lynn Cowell took every form of insecurity we experience as women and asked God to reveal how we should respond. The result is this in-depth, six-week Bible study spanning obscure and recognizable women in Scripture who demonstrate unshakable confidence no matter their circumstances.This six-week study will help you to:Stand with resolve when your confidence faces adversity—Women of ExodusStep out in your own defense when your confidence is challenged— The Daughters of ZRemain faithful when your confidence in God is elusive—RahabFocus on what is true when your confidence in relationships is questioned— Abigail & MichalTrust when your confidence is in doubt—Martha & MaryIncludes biblical and historical background insights, practical application, and a memory verse for each chapter. This study may be completed individually or with a small group.

Feasibility Studies: An Architect’s Guide

by Peter Farrall

Find that you’re spending much longer than planned on a feasibility study? Or that you have drifted into detailed design without formalising an appropriate form of appointment? This practical guide details the benefits of a feasibility study. Once you’ve secured the commission, how do you ensure you’re following current best practice? Aimed at architects, it identifies the pitfalls involved in undertaking a feasibility study and explains how to set boundaries, organise the process and manage clients’ aspirations. By featuring recent live projects, alongside advice from successful architectural practices, it illustrates how a feasibility study can help achieve positive outcomes and avoid the dangers of a poorly defined brief and service proposal. Presenting the client’s, as well as the architect’s, perspective, this publication highlights why a feasibility study is a sensible way of establishing viability prior to committing to a full-service commission. It underlines the significance of ‘adding value’ as an architect.

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