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by Stephen Fulder

Garlic is a folk remedy with 5,000 years of history which is today being taken very seriously by medical researchers who have proved its particular value in preventing coronary artery disease.

The 4-day Wonder Diet: Lose Ten Pounds in Four Days

by Margaret Danbrot

For years this diet of unknown origin has been xeroxed and passed from office-worker to homemaker to the figure-concious. It promises a five to ten pound loss which can only be pursued once a month. Dairy and grain products are eliminated but the regime allows for some substitutions where other foods are concerned. Advice is offered for using this diet appropriately and for follow- up strategies.

The Bronfman Dynasty; the Rothschilds of the New World

by Peter C. Newman

The Bronfman family is a Canadian Jewish family who made a fortune with the family's Seagram Company.

The Threat: Inside the Soviet Military Machine

by Andrew Cockburn

A leading expert draws on extensive European and American sources and numerous interviews to assess Soviet weapons design, procurement practices, and strategic policies and demonstrates the clear inferiority of the Soviet military machine

La Cucina: A Novel of Rapture

by Lily Prior

Brimming with magic realism, this novel celebrates sensuality - the melding of sexual love and the pleasures of the kitchen. Rosa Fiore, a consummate cook, leaves her village after her lover is murdered. After twenty-five years as a librarian in Sicily she meets a new lover, a mysterious Englishman who shares her passion for cooking. Minor characters include Rosa's sexually voracious mother, her brothers Guerra and Pace who are conjoined twins, her snoopy 111-year-old neighbor Nonna Frolla, and a lascivious priest.

Coping with Celiac: the Great Masquerader

by Aileen M. Bennett

This is a book about sharing: shared stories, recipes, information about books that have been of help and general advice. This is a book for those who have Celiac Sprue, a disorder that makes the gluten that is in many foods a poison. This is easy to read and has lots of good resources.

Soy of Cooking

by Marie Oser

delicious, nutritious, low-fat, fat-free vegetarian recipes, some using soy, some not

Nutrition and Mental Illness: An Orthomollecular Approach to Balancing Body Chemistry

by Carl C. Pfeiffer

Nutritional therapy for mental illness. Explains the role played by vitamins and trace elements in mental health.


by Hasnain Walji

Information about the hormone melatonin.

At Home With Gladys Knight: Her Personal Recipe for Living Well, Eating Right, and Loving Life

by Gladys Knight Abe Ogden

Gladys Knight shares her life and gives practical advice for coping with diabetes. Recipes are included. There is a bit of text missing or garbled, but it should not take away from the enjoyment or usefulness of this book. Written with warmth. Scan-quality embossed braille copy should be quite readable.

Penny-Pinching Main Dishes

by Joanna Lund

Recipes and useful information for diabetes and weight loss.

What You Can Do To Prevent Diabetes

by Annette Maggi Jackie Boucher

This is composed of eight parts, in them you will find among other things, a simple changes journal, and realistic examples of how the plan they outline can be applied to every-day life.

Favorite Pickles And Relishes

by Andrea Chesman

Basic information on preparing, canning, and freezing pickles and relishes. Contains about 40 recipes.

Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution

by Robert C. Atkins

Dr. Atkins's famous regimen for weight-loss and maintenance.

Chocolate Fever

by Robert Kimmel Smith

Henry Green loves chocolate and eats it all the time. Even to the point of getting a case of Chocolate Fever!

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: America's Doctor Tells You Why the Health Experts are Wrong

by David Schrieberg Dean Edell

Radio talk show host Dr. Dean Edell at his best.

The Devil's Larder

by Jim Crace

Short stories sharing the theme of food

In the Night Kitchen

by Maurice Sendak

Classic dreamlike children's tale of a boy's nighttime cooking adventures.

Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats

by Susan Hubble Richard H. Pitcairn

How to prepare a homemade diet for your pet, including raw meat and grains. Natural treatments for common problems. Includes a quick reference section by disease, and a section on emergency first aid. Includes recipes for easy-to-make, dog-devouring treats.

The Ultimate Weight Solution: The Seven Keys to Weight-Loss Freedom

by Phillip C. Mcgraw

'YOU HAVE A DECISION TO MAKE." Those are the opening words Dr. Phil uses in his new and groundbreaking weight loss book. You know he is talking to you if you are among the millions who have chased one fad diet after another, none of which ever works. Dr. Phil is talking about the decision you have to make to change all of that. You know those crash diets never last, and you have to quit lying to yourself and get real about making the ultimate choice to finally take control of your weight and your life. "If you are overweight, you are out of control. That's not a natural place to be," says Dr. Phil. The Ultimate Weight Solution will give you the control that you crave. Dr. Phil wants to lead you to weight loss freedom. He's spent over thirty years working with overweight patients to get results that last. Now, in The Ultimate Weight Solution, he sounds his loudest wake-up call yet, giving the bottom-line truth and his unprecedented 7 Key approach to permanent weight loss. You know all too well that the "diet" experience can be bitterly disappointing. The Ultimate Weight Solution will change the way you behave and think about food, weight loss, and, ultimately, yourself. In this landmark book, Dr. Phil delivers an action-oriented plan to give you immediate results, results that will last a lifetime. Forget counting calories or tracking carbs or fat. You'll get the real reasons you've lost control of your weight, with tools to identify what to eat, when to eat, how to eat, and why you eat when you don't want to. Knowledge is power, and you're about to "break the code" on how to get off of the weight loss roller coaster and fix this problem once and for all. Dr. Phil hands you the keys so that you can finally be in control of your weight instead of your weight being in control of you. Congratulations! When you picked up The Ultimate Weight Solution, you took the first important step down the road to weight loss freedom. It's your health, it's your life, it's your decision.

The South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss

by Arthur Agatston

A three-phase plan to loosing weight and keeping it off. Includes eating plans, recipes and a glycemic index. Diabetics may found some of the recipes to be useful. Also includes a history of popular fad diets. A sensible approach which recognizes individual differences and preferences. Recommends walking as a safe and readily available exercise tool. Includes a plan to help nonwalkers work up to walks that will burn significant numbers of calories.

99 Things You Can Do: Salads and Sides

by Meriel Bradley

"SALADS & SIDES is the natural complement to my book "99 Things You Can Do: ON A GRILL". Now you can add delicious salads and side dishes to any meal quickly and easily. I've designed the recipes to be easy to follow, simple to prepare, and delicious to eat-- all to help you add a little extra flare to your meals without spending hours in the kitchen. Featuring fresh, pure ingredients, these homegrown recipes will be a pleasure to prepare and will surely become family favorites. Follow the Quick Tips and learn how to maximize your time in the kitchen, enhance your meals and bring the best to your table and family." This file should make an excellent embossed braille copy. Recipes for: salads, scones, breads, potatoes and more. Easy and delicious.

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