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Ladies of the Lights: Michigan Women in the U.S. Lighthouse Service

by Patricia Majher

"A great read about some great ladies, Pat Majher'sLadies of the Lightspays long overdue homage to an overlooked part of Great Lakes maritime history in which a select group of stalwart women beat the odds to succeed in a field historically reserved for men. " ---Terry Pepper, Executive Director of Great Lakes Lighthouse Keeper's Association Michigan once led the country in the number of lighthouses, and they're still a central part of the mystique and colorful countryside of the state. What even the region's lighthouse enthusiasts might not know is the rich history of female lighthouse keepers in the area. Fifty women served the sailing communities on Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior, as well as on the Detroit River, for more than 100 years. From Catherine Shook, who raised eight children while maintaining the Pointe Aux Barques light at the entrance to Saginaw Bay; to Eliza Truckey, who assumed responsibility for the lighthouse in Marquette while her husband fought for four years in the Civil War; to Elizabeth Whitney, whose combined service on Beaver Island and in Harbor Springs totaled forty-one years---the stories of Michigan's "ladies of the light" are inspiring. This is no technical tome documenting the minutiae of Michigan's lighthouse specifications. Rather, it's a detailed, human portrait of the women who kept those lighthouses running, defying the gender expectations of their time. Patricia Majher is Editor ofMichigan Historymagazine, published by the Historical Society of Michigan. Prior, she was Assistant Director of the Michigan Women's Historical Center and Hall of Fame in Lansing, Michigan. In addition, she has been writing both advertising and editorial copy for almost thirty years and has been a frequent contributor to Michigan newspapers and magazines.

Ladies, Upstairs!: My Life in Politics and After

by Monique Bégin

More than fifty years after most Canadian women received the right to vote, very few women were elected as members of Parliament and none came from Quebec. Canada's 1972 federal election marked a refreshing transition. Twice as many female candidates ran for office than in the previous election, and, of the five women elected to the House of Commons that year, three Liberal Party candidates – Monique Bégin, Albanie Morin, and Jeanne Sauvé – shared the honour of being the first Quebec women MPs. In this riveting memoir of a trailblazing female politician, Monique Bégin tells the story of her journey into politics and beyond. Born in Italy, Bégin spent her childhood in France and Portugal before arriving in Montreal as a refugee of the Second World War. In 1967, she was swept into the world of politics when she became executive secretary of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. Inspired by Pierre Trudeau, she then ran for the House of Commons and served in various cabinet positions, ultimately spearheading the landmark Canada Health Act before retiring to pursue a career in academia. Offering a revealing glimpse into the pervading sexism of Canadian public life, Ladies, Upstairs! details the experiences of a feisty, candid outsider who, through sheer fortitude, intelligence, and hard work, became minister of health and welfare, a university dean, a sought-after member for commissions of inquiry, and an international expert on public health. The voice of a woman in a male world, a francophone among anglophones, and a skeptical politician, Ladies, Upstairs! provides a fascinating account of one of Canada's most impressive federal ministers and her discoveries through the decades.

Ladies, Upstairs!: My Life in Politics and After

by Monique Bégin Bob Rae

More than fifty years after most Canadian women received the right to vote, very few women were elected as members of Parliament and none came from Quebec. Canada's 1972 federal election marked a refreshing transition. Twice as many female candidates ran for office than in the previous election, and, of the five women elected to the House of Commons that year, three Liberal Party candidates – Monique Bégin, Albanie Morin, and Jeanne Sauvé – shared the honour of being the first Quebec women MPs. In this riveting memoir of a trailblazing female politician, Monique Bégin tells the story of her journey into politics and beyond. Born in Italy, Bégin spent her childhood in France and Portugal before arriving in Montreal as a refugee of the Second World War. In 1967, she was swept into the world of politics when she became executive secretary of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. Inspired by Pierre Trudeau, she then ran for the House of Commons and served in various cabinet positions, ultimately spearheading the landmark Canada Health Act before retiring to pursue a career in academia. Offering a revealing glimpse into the pervading sexism of Canadian public life, Ladies, Upstairs! details the experiences of a feisty, candid outsider who, through sheer fortitude, intelligence, and hard work, became minister of health and welfare, a university dean, a sought-after member for commissions of inquiry, and an international expert on public health. The voice of a woman in a male world, a francophone among anglophones, and a skeptical politician, Ladies, Upstairs! provides a fascinating account of one of Canada's most impressive federal ministers and her discoveries through the decades.

Ladies Who Punch: The Explosive Inside Story of "The View"

by Ramin Setoodeh

THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES AND WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER <P><P>Like Fire & Fury, the gossipy real-life soap opera behind a serious show. When Barbara Walters launched The View, network executives told her that hosting it would tarnish her reputation. Instead, within ten years, she’d revolutionized morning TV and made household names of her co-hosts: Joy Behar, Star Jones, Meredith Vieira and Elisabeth Hasselbeck. But the daily chatfest didn’t just comment on the news. It became the news. And the headlines barely scratched the surface. <P><P>Based on unprecedented access, including stunning interviews with nearly every host, award-winning journalist Ramin Setoodeh takes you backstage where the stars really spoke their minds. Here's the full story of how Star, then Rosie, then Whoopi tried to take over the show, while Barbara struggled to maintain control of it all, a modern-day Lear with her media-savvy daughters. <P><P>You'll read about how so many co-hosts had a tough time fitting in, suffered humiliations at the table, then pushed themselves away, feeling betrayed—one nearly quitting during a commercial. Meanwhile, the director was being driven insane, especially by Rosie. <P><P>Setoodeh uncovers the truth about Star’s weight loss and wedding madness. Rosie’s feud with Trump. Whoopi’s toxic relationship with Rosie. Barbara’s difficulty stepping away. Plus, all the unseen hugs, snubs, tears—and one dead rodent. <P><P>Ladies Who Punch shows why The View can be mimicked and mocked, but it can never be matched. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

El lado b de la cultura: Codazos, descaro y adulterio en el México del siglo XX

by Julia Santibáñez

Pasa, lectora, lector, estás en tu fiesta. Más que un libro, este objeto es un carnaval de cincuenta estaciones que desfila tras las bambalinas de la cultura mexicana. En él participan Tin Tan y Pita Amor, María Félix y Monsiváis, Piporro y Tongolele, Nahui Olin y Jorge Ibargüengoitia, los beats y Marilyn Monroe, Vitola y José Revueltas. Entre muchos, muchos otros. Mientras pasan, nos van contando de sus vicios, supersticiones, sus pleitos y apodos, los cuadrángulos amorosos que formaron y los cabarés que visitaron. Guiados por la insaciable curiosidad de Julia Santibáñez, nos enteramos de quiénes fueron huéspedes de Lecumberri y quiénes invitados a la casa de Carlos Fuentes; qué escritores la hicieron de actores y qué libros y películas gozaron de la mercadotecnia inversa de la censura y por qué. Encuentra aquí lo que los libros ceremoniosos nunca dirán sobre escritores, artistas e intelectuales.

El lado oscuro del Porfiriato

by Garza James Alex

Sexo, crímenes y vicios en la Ciudad de México. James Alex Garza retrata a la ciudad de México de principios del siglo pasado, con sus calles que escapan a una aparente y desigual opulencia, y revive a los personajes que la llenaron de historias dignas de una novela de suspenso o de terror. Este libro ofrece una breve caminata por la Ciudad de México y nos revela una realidad criminal gestada durante cien años. En este libro se retoman algunos de los crímenes más sonados del Porfiriato: se relatan episodios de desamor y crímenes pasionales; se ahonda en una psique como la de "El Chalequero", asesino en serie; se desenmascara la red de complicidad de una banda asaltantes y se conocen las alianzas corruptas de la policía. El lado oscuro del Porfiriato explora el lado oscuro de una ciudad que pugnaba por entrar a la modernidad al tiempo que se regodeaba en un régimen a la antigua usanza, regido por veleidades de toda índole, a la vez autoritario y aristocrático.

El lado V: Biografía de La Bruja Juan Sebastián Verón

by Sergio Maffei

Escita con la estrecha colaboración del jugador esta biografía revisa laextensa carrera y cuenta anécdotas con grandes personajes como DiegoMaradona, Lionel Messi, David Beckham, César Luis Menotti, CarlosBilardo y Marcelo Bielsa. La Bruja que todos conocen, el jugador de fútbol enorme al que más deuna vez se intentó convertir en villano (y que siempre se las arreglópara terminar los cuentos como héroe), pero también el Juan Sebastiáníntimo, de entrecasa, con sus broncas, sus alegrías, sus amores, sufamilia, sus enemigos, sus salidas de pista y sus sueños. Retratoperfecto de un personaje digno de ser contado.

L'adolescence En Italie Avant L’Euro

by Claudio Ruggeri Marjorie Ursulet

Deux amis se rencontrent durant un après-midi d'été, pendant lequel le plus jeune des deux écoute les anecdotes et les récits de l'autre, à propos d'un monde récemment disparu, qui ne pourra plus exister, ce monde où il n'était pas rare d'entendre la phrase "Non ho una Lira*..."* Bien que la monnaie d'échange en Italie soit actuellement l'Euro, cette expression est encore utilisée, alors que l'authenticité des expressions équivalentes françaises comme "Je n'ai plus un rond" ou encore "Je n'ai plus un radis", n'a en aucun cas été affectée par le passage du Franc à l'Euro.

Los ladridos de la historia: Retratos de personajes célebres a través de sus perros

by María Rita Figueira

Mentes geniales, hombres heroicos, mujeres fascinantes, personajes conun componente en común: el amor incondicional hacia los perros. Por una razón u otra, ciertas personalidades fueron marcadasa fuego por sus mascotas generando vínculos que superaron en intensidady apego a cualquier relación que mantuvieron con seres humanos. SigmundFreud, Frida Kahlo, Alejandro Magno, Juan Domingo Perón, Pablo Picasso,Hitler, Neruda, Trotsky, Virginia Woolf, Rodolfo Valentino, SimónBolívar, entre tantos otros. A través de una rigurosa investigación, laautora crea maravillosos retratos y biografías de sus protagonistas. Yen cada capítulo realiza una puesta en escena donde adquiere importanciael ser humano pero también su perro. Condimenta con anécdotas, realidady ficción, la vida de figuras polémicas.El libro nos abre las puertas al mundo canino y nos invita a un viajedonde las distintas razas, costumbres y épocas se describen consensibilidad y colorido. Hocicos fríos, cálidos abrazos, manos y patasse funden en caricias.María Rita Figueira, fiel a su amor por esta especie singular y querida,logra un verdadero tributo a la historia y también al parentesco quenace entre algunas personas y sus perros.

El ladrón de mapas: El saqueo a las bibliotecas de Uruguay, Argentina, España e Italia

by Andrés López Reilly

Una crónica real sobre un hecho que parece ficción: un ladrón uruguayo que robó mapas de inestimable valor, perteneciente a una organización especializada en el tráfico de obras de arte. Una trincheta escondida en un estuche de lentes, un falso carné de investigador y una cara de piedra fueron los artilugios para concretar un robo de mapas incunables -impresos entre 1453 y 1500- de inestimable valor. El monto del atropello en la Biblioteca Nacional de España en 2007 y el modo sin precedentes en que se concretó destaparon una red delictiva con ramificaciones en varios continentes y vinculación con la mafia que se extiende al día de hoy. ¿El ladrón? Un uruguayo que perpetró sus artes también en su tierra y, pese a todo, sigue descansando en un country bonaerense. La trama parece de novela, pero es tan real como vertiginosa, y la cuenta magistralmente el periodista Andrés López Reilly. La investigación, que le llevó años de labor, comenzó con la visita de un misterioso informante. De allí en más, el cronista persiguió las huellas del usurpador de mapas por el Río de la Plata, se encontró con que los cerebros de la organización habían desfilado por Montevideo incluso con acreditaciones del Vaticano, se topó con inescrupulosos libreros y falsos directores de museos, para comprobar finalmente la escasa protección de ese acervo tan rico y que en parte se perdió para siempre.

Lads: A Memoir of Manhood

by Dave Itzkoff

"What I wanted after college was a job and my own apartment, but what I needed was a good comeuppance, and that's what I got." When Dave Itzkoff graduated from Princeton in 1998--the first member of his family to earn a college degree--he expected to be rewarded with a career, and a life, that mattered. Instead, he ended up convinced that he was selling the entire institution of manhood down the river. After a series of personal and professional experiences stripped him of any lingering sense of entitlement, Itzkoff found himself working as an editor at Maxim, the pugnacious frontrunner in a new breed of men's periodicals dubbed "lad magazines." There, he was initiated into a culture of heavily retouched girlie pictorials, dirty jokes, disingenuous sex advice, and shopping guides for expensive electronic gadgetry. And as Maxim continued its inexorable rise to become the most successful men's magazine in modern publishing history, Itzkoff was left wondering what his work-and his life-really meant. Lads is the hilarious, heartbreaking story of Dave Itzkoff's efforts to define himself as a man while working at a magazine that was purveying a vision of young manhood-a state of perpetual adolescence-that was seductive to all but viable for none. Lads takes us deep inside one young man's struggle with identity, responsibility, and sexuality, in an unsparingly candid account of how men really relate to one another, as fathers and sons, as employers and employees, as colleagues and friends. Lads is trenchant. Lads is perceptive. Lads is alarmingly funny. This is an unforgettable debut from a young writer of astounding talent.

Lads Before the Wind: Adventures in Porpoise Training

by Karen Pryor Konrad Lorenz

In this book the reader learns almost as much about human behavior as about porpoise behavior. Starting from scratch, with a report on operant conditioning in one hand and a bucket of fish in the other, Karen Pryor learned to train porpoises, learned to train trainers, and gradually came to be recognized as an international authority on whale and porpoise behavior and training. Lads Before the Wind takes its title from Herman Melville ("They are the lads that always live before the wind. They are accounted a lucky omen"). Karen Pryor draws on her eight years as head trainer at Hawaii's Sea Life Park and Oceanic Institute. Working with entirely new species of whales and porpoises (at least new for training purposes), she and her team pioneered in logical and behavioral research.

Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey: The Lost Legacy of Highclere Castle

by Countess Of Carnarvon

'Bright, breezy and unpretentious' Guardian'A loving and faithful portrait of Almina and her world' Countryfile magazine* * * * * *The story of the real Downton Abbey, told by Lady Fiona Carnarvon, chatelaine of Highclere Castle where the phenomentally successful TV series was filmed.Lady Fiona Carnarvon became the chatelaine of Highclere Castle - the setting of the hit series Downton Abbey - eight years ago. In that time she's become fascinated by the rich history of Highclere, and by the extraordinary people who lived there over the centuries. One person particularly captured Fiona's imagination - Lady Almina, the 5th Countess of Carnarvon. Almina was the illegitimate daughter of banking tycoon Alfred de Rothschild. She was his only daughter and he doted on her. She married the 5th Earl of Carnarvon, at 19, with an enormous dowry. At first, life at Highclere was a dizzying mix of sumptuous banquets for 500 and even the occasional royal visitor. Almina oversaw 80 members of staff - many of whom came from families who had worked at Highclere for generations. But when the First World War broke out, life at Highclere changed forever. History intervened and Almina and the staff of Highclere were thrown into one of the most turbulent times of the last century. Almina was forced to draw on her deepest reserves of courage in order to ensure her family, the staff and the castle survived. This is the remarkable story of a lost time. But Highclere remains and in this book, Fiona weaves Almina's journey and those of her family into the heritage and history of one of England's most exquisite Victorian castles.

Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey: The Lost Legacy of Highclere Castle

by Countess Of Carnarvon

'Bright, breezy and unpretentious' Guardian'A loving and faithful portrait of Almina and her world' Countryfile magazine* * * * * *The story of the real Downton Abbey, told by Lady Fiona Carnarvon, chatelaine of Highclere Castle where the phenomentally successful TV series was filmed.Lady Fiona Carnarvon became the chatelaine of Highclere Castle - the setting of the hit series Downton Abbey - eight years ago. In that time she's become fascinated by the rich history of Highclere, and by the extraordinary people who lived there over the centuries. One person particularly captured Fiona's imagination - Lady Almina, the 5th Countess of Carnarvon. Almina was the illegitimate daughter of banking tycoon Alfred de Rothschild. She was his only daughter and he doted on her. She married the 5th Earl of Carnarvon, at 19, with an enormous dowry. At first, life at Highclere was a dizzying mix of sumptuous banquets for 500 and even the occasional royal visitor. Almina oversaw 80 members of staff - many of whom came from families who had worked at Highclere for generations. But when the First World War broke out, life at Highclere changed forever. History intervened and Almina and the staff of Highclere were thrown into one of the most turbulent times of the last century. Almina was forced to draw on her deepest reserves of courage in order to ensure her family, the staff and the castle survived. This is the remarkable story of a lost time. But Highclere remains and in this book, Fiona weaves Almina's journey and those of her family into the heritage and history of one of England's most exquisite Victorian castles.

Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey: The Lost Legacy of Highclere Castle

by The Countess of Carnarvon

Full-color photographs included throughout.Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey tells the story behind Highclere Castle, the real-life inspiration and setting for Julian Fellowes's Emmy Award-winning PBS show, and the life of one of its most famous inhabitants, Lady Almina, the 5th Countess of Carnarvon. Drawing on a rich store of materials from the archives of Highclere Castle, including diaries, letters, and photographs, the current Lady Carnarvon has written a transporting story of this fabled home on the brink of war. Much like her Masterpiece Classic counterpart Lady Cora Crawley, Lady Almina was the daughter of a wealthy industrialist, Alfred de Rothschild, who married his daughter off at a young age, her dowry serving as the crucial link in the effort to preserve the Earl of Carnarvon's ancestral home. Throwing open the doors of Highclere Castle to tend to the wounded of World War I, Lady Almina distinguished herself as a brave and remarkable woman. This rich tale contrasts the splendor of Edwardian life in a great house against the backdrop of the First World War and offers an inspiring and revealing picture of the woman at the center of the history of Highclere Castle.

Lady Almina y la verdadera Downton Abbey: El legado perdido de Highclere Castle

by Lady Fiona Carnarvon

Lady Fiona Carnarvon, la octava condesa, relata la extraordinaria historia del auténtico Downton Abbey, aún más fascinante que la ficción. Lady Fiona Carnarvon se convirtió en señora de Highclere Castle -escenario de la exitosa serie Downton Abbey- hace ocho años. En este periodo ha llegado a sentir fascinación por la interesante historia de Highclere y por las extraordinarias personas que han residido allí a lo largo de los siglos. Pero una persona en particular captó el interés de Fiona: lady Almina, la quinta condesa de Carnarvon. Almina fue la hija ilegítima del magnate de la banca Alfred de Rothschild. Fue su única hija y objeto de devoción por su parte. A los diecinueve años, con una inmensa dote, se casó con el quinto conde de Carnarvon. Al principio, la vida en Highclere transcurrió en una vertiginosa sucesión de suntuosos banquetes para quinientas personas e incluso algún que otro invitado real. Almina supervisó a ochenta empleados, muchos de los cuales procedían de familias que llevaban generaciones trabajando en Highclere. Pero el estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial cambió para siempre la vida en Highclere, tanto arriba como abajo. Los avatares de la historia hicieron que Almina y el personal de Highclere se vieran envueltos en uno de los periodos más turbulentos del pasado siglo. Almina tuvo que hacer acopio de todo su arrojo para garantizar la supervivencia de su familia, del personal y del castillo. Esta es la extraordinaria historia de una época desaparecida. Sin embargo, Highclere permanece y en este libro lady Carnarvon narra la andadura de Almina y de su familia, el legado y la historia de una de las casas solariegas victorianas más exquisitas de Inglaterra.

The Lady and the Panda

by Vicki Croke

Here is the astonishing true story of Ruth Harkness, the Manhattan bohemian socialite who, against all but impossible odds, trekked to Tibet in 1936 to capture the most mysterious animal of the day: a bear that had for countless centuries lived in secret in the labyrinth of lonely cold mountains. In The Lady and the Panda, Vicki Constantine Croke gives us the remarkable account of Ruth Harkness and her extraordinary journey, and restores Harkness to her rightful place along with Sacajawea, Nellie Bly, and Amelia Earhart as one of the great woman adventurers of all time.Ruth was the toast of 1930s New York, a dress designer newly married to a wealthy adventurer, Bill Harkness. Just weeks after their wedding, however, Bill decamped for China in hopes of becoming the first Westerner to capture a giant panda-an expedition on which many had embarked and failed miserably. Bill was also to fail in his quest, dying horribly alone in China and leaving his widow heartbroken and adrift. And so Ruth made the fateful decision to adopt her husband's dream as her own and set off on the adventure of a lifetime.It was not easy. Indeed, everything was against Ruth Harkness. In decadent Shanghai, the exclusive fraternity of white male explorers patronized her, scorned her, and joked about her softness, her lack of experience and money. But Ruth ignored them, organizing, outfitting, and leading a bare-bones campaign into the majestic but treacherous hinterlands where China borders Tibet. As her partner she chose Quentin Young, a twenty-two-year-old Chinese explorer as unconventional as she was, who would join her in a romance as torrid as it was taboo.Traveling across some of the toughest terrain in the world-nearly impenetrable bamboo forests, slick and perilous mountain slopes, and boulder-strewn passages-the team raced against a traitorous rival, and was constantly threatened by hordes of bandits and hostile natives. The voyage took months to complete and cost Ruth everything she had. But when, almost miraculously, she returned from her journey with a baby panda named Su Lin in her arms, the story became an international sensation and made the front pages of newspapers around the world. No animal in history had gotten such attention. And Ruth Harkness became a hero. Drawing extensively on American and Chinese sources, including diaries, scores of interviews, and previously unseen intimate letters from Ruth Harkness, Vicki Constantine Croke has fashioned a captivating and richly textured narrative about a woman ahead of her time. Part Myrna Loy, part Jane Goodall, by turns wisecracking and poetic, practical and spiritual, Ruth Harkness is a trailblazing figure. And her story makes for an unforgettable, deeply moving adventure.From the Hardcover edition.

The Lady and The Panda: The True Adventures of the first American Explorer to bring back China's most Exotic Animal

by Vicki Constantine Croke

Here is the astonishing true story of Ruth Harkness, the Manhattan bohemian socialite who, against all but impossible odds, trekked to Tibet in 1936 to capture the most mysterious animal of the day: a bear that had for countless centuries lived in secret in the labyrinth of lonely cold mountains. In The Lady and the Panda, Vicki Constantine Croke gives us the remarkable account of Ruth Harkness and her extraordinary journey, and restores Harkness to her rightful place along with Sacajawea, Nellie Bly, and Amelia Earhart as one of the great woman adventurers of all time. Ruth was the toast of 1930s New York, a dress designer newly married to a wealthy adventurer, Bill Harkness. Just weeks after their wedding, however, Bill decamped for China in hopes of becoming the first Westerner to capture a giant panda–an expedition on which many had embarked and failed miserably. Bill was also to fail in his quest, dying horribly alone in China and leaving his widow heartbroken and adrift. And so Ruth made the fateful decision to adopt her husband’s dream as her own and set off on the adventure of a lifetime. It was not easy. Indeed, everything was against Ruth Harkness. In decadent Shanghai, the exclusive fraternity of white male explorers patronized her, scorned her, and joked about her softness, her lack of experience and money. But Ruth ignored them, organizing, outfitting, and leading a bare-bones campaign into the majestic but treacherous hinterlands where China borders Tibet. As her partner she chose Quentin Young, a twenty-two-year-old Chinese explorer as unconventional as she was, who would join her in a romance as torrid as it was taboo. Traveling across some of the toughest terrain in the world–nearly impenetrable bamboo forests, slick and perilous mountain slopes, and boulder-strewn passages–the team raced against a traitorous rival, and was constantly threatened by hordes of bandits and hostile natives. The voyage took months to complete and cost Ruth everything she had. But when, almost miraculously, she returned from her journey with a baby panda named Su Lin in her arms, the story became an international sensation and made the front pages of newspapers around the world. No animal in history had gotten such attention. And Ruth Harkness became a hero. Drawing extensively on American and Chinese sources, including diaries, scores of interviews, and previously unseen intimate letters from Ruth Harkness, Vicki Constantine Croke has fashioned a captivating and richly textured narrative about a woman ahead of her time. Part Myrna Loy, part Jane Goodall, by turns wisecracking and poetic, practical and spiritual, Ruth Harkness is a trailblazing figure. And her story makes for an unforgettable, deeply moving adventure.

Lady at the O.K. Corral: The True Story of Josephine Marcus Earp

by Ann Kirschner

Lady at the O.K. Corral: The True Story of Josephine Marcus Earp by Ann Kirschner is the definitive biography of a Jewish girl from New York who won the heart of Wyatt Earp.For nearly fifty years, she was the common-law wife of Wyatt Earp: hero of the O.K. Corral and the most famous lawman of the Old West. Yet Josephine Sarah Marcus Earp has nearly been erased from Western lore. In this fascinating biography, Ann Kirschner, author of the acclaimed Sala's Gift, brings Josephine out of the shadows of history to tell her tale: a spirited and colorful tale of ambition, adventure, self-invention, and devotion. Reflective of America itself, her story brings us from the post–Civil War years to World War II, and from New York to the Arizona Territory to old Hollywood.In Lady at the O.K. Corral, you’ll learn how this aspiring actress and dancer—a flamboyant, curvaceous Jewish girl with a persistent New York accent—landed in Tombstone, Arizona, and sustained a lifelong partnership with Wyatt Earp, a man of uncommon charisma and complex heroism.

Lady Audley's Secret

by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

A barrister becomes a detective when his friend disappears at an English manor in this classic Victorian novel. Beautiful Lucy Graham charms every man she meets, including wealthy widower Sir Michael Audley. After they marry, he refurbishes his mansion to create a little palace for his new wife, where her future seems bright. Her past, however, is shrouded in darkness, and she’ll do whatever it takes to keep it hidden. Then Sir Michael’s nephew, Robert, a London barrister, comes for a visit with his good friend George Talboys for a week of fishing. But when George mysteriously vanishes, there’s no time to relax. Increasingly suspicious of his new aunt, Robert searches for clues, determined to find his friend and discover exactly who Lady Audley really is. One of the most popular examples of the “sensation novel” craze that swept England during the nineteenth century, Lady Audley’s Secret is said to reflect themes from a real-life crime of the era, the notorious Constance Kent case.

Lady Bird: A Biography of Mrs. Johnson (Biography Ser.)

by Jan Jarboe Russell

A revealing biography of Lady Bird Johnson with startling new insights into her marriage to Lyndon Baines Johnson and her unexpectedly strong impact on his presidency. Long obscured by her husband's shadow, Claudia "Lady Bird" Johnson emerges in this first comprehensive biography as a figure of surprising influence and the centering force for LBJ, a man who suffered from extreme mood swings and desperately needed someone to help control his darker impulses. Expertly researched and written, Lady Bird draws from rare conversations with the former First Lady and from interviews with key members of Johnson's inner circle of friends, family, and advisers. With chapters such as "Motherless Child," "A Ten-Week Affair," and "LBJ's Midlife Crisis," Lady Bird sheds new light on Mrs. Johnson's childhood, on her amazing acumen as a businesswoman, and on the central role she played in her husband's life and political career. A vital link to the Kennedys during LBJ's uneasy tenure as vice president and a voice of conscience on civil rights, Lady Bird is portrayed here as a political force, strikingly different from the somewhat minor figure depicted in previous works on LBJ. Especially fascinating today, in light of the enormous attention now focused on the private lives of our leaders, are the personal details about her marriage to a man whose extramarital affairs were widely discussed. In this intimate portrait, Russell shows us the private Lady Bird -- not only a passionate conservationist but a remarkable woman who greatly influenced her husband, his administration, and the country.

Lady Bird: A Biography of Mrs. Johnson

by Jan Jarboe Russell

Long obscured by her husband's shadow, Claudia "Lady Bird" Johnson emerges in this first comprehensive biography as a figure of surprising influence and the centering force for LBJ, a man who suffered from extreme mood swings and desperately needed someone to help control his darker impulses. Expertly researched and written, Lady Bird draws from rare conversations with the former First Lady and from interviews with key members of Johnson's inner circle of friends, family, and advisers. With chapters such as "Motherless Child," "A Ten- Week Affair," and "LBJ's Midlife Crisis," Lady Bird sheds new light on Mrs. Johnson's childhood, on her amazing acumen as a businesswoman, and on the central role she played in her husband's life and political career. A vital link to the Kennedys during LBJ's uneasy tenure as vice president and a voice of conscience on civil rights, Lady Bird is portrayed here as a political force, strikingly different from the somewhat minor figure depicted in previous works on LBJ. Especially fascinating today, in light of the enormous attention now focused on the private lives of our leaders, are the personal details about her marriage to a man whose extramarital affairs were widely discussed. In this intimate portrait, Russell shows us the private Lady Bird-not only a passionate conservationist but a remarkable woman who greatly influenced her husband, his administration, and the country.

Lady Bird and Lyndon: The Hidden Story of a Marriage That Made a President

by Betty Boyd Caroli

A fresh look at Lady Bird Johnson that upends her image as a plain Jane who was married for her money and mistreated by Lyndon. This Lady Bird worked quietly behind the scenes through every campaign, every illness, and a trying presidency as a key strategist, fundraiser, barnstormer, peacemaker, and indispensable therapist.Lady Bird grew up the daughter of a domineering father and a cultured but fragile mother. When a tall, pushy Texan named Lyndon showed up in her life, she knew what she wanted: to leave the rural Texas of her childhood and experience the world like her mother dreamed, while climbing the mountain of ambition she inherited from her father. She married Lyndon within weeks, and the bargain they struck was tacitly agreed upon in the courtship letters they exchanged: this highly gifted politician would take her away, and she would save him from his weaknesses. The conventional story goes that Lyndon married Lady Bird for her money, demeaned her by flaunting his many affairs, and that her legacy was protecting the nation's wildflowers. But she was actually a full political partner throughout his ascent--the one who swooped in to make the key call to a donor, to keep the team united, to campaign in hostile territory, and to jumpstart him out of his paralyzing darkness. And while others were shocked that she put up with his womanizing, she always knew she had the upper hand. Lady Bird began the partnership by using part of her nest egg to help finance Lyndon's first political campaign. Over and over, she kept him from quitting, including the 1948 election when he was so immobilized with self-pity that she had to pick up the phone to solicit donations on his behalf. She was also the one who got him out of bed, when he was in a deep funk, to go to the 1964 Democratic nominating convention. In Lady Bird and Lyndon, Betty Boyd Caroli restores Lady Bird to her rightful place in history, painting a vivid portrait of a marriage with complex, but familiar and identifiable overtones.

Lady Bird Johnson: Hiding in Plain Sight

by Julia Sweig

A magisterial portrait of Lady Bird Johnson, and a major reevaluation of the profound yet underappreciated impact the First Lady's political instincts had on LBJ’s presidency. <P><P>In the spring of 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson had a decision to make. Just months after moving into the White House under the worst of circumstances—following the assassination of President John F. Kennedy—he had to decide whether to run to win the presidency in his own right. He turned to his most reliable, trusted political strategist: his wife, Lady Bird Johnson. The strategy memo she produced for him, emblematic of her own political acumen and largely overlooked by biographers, is just one revealing example of how their marriage was truly a decades-long political partnership. <P><P>Perhaps the most underestimated First Lady of the twentieth century, Lady Bird Johnson was also one of the most accomplished and often her husband's secret weapon. Managing the White House in years of national upheaval, through the civil rights movement and the escalation of the Vietnam War, Lady Bird projected a sense of calm and, following the glamorous and modern Jackie Kennedy, an old-fashioned image of a First Lady. In truth, she was anything but. As the first First Lady to run the East Wing like a professional office, she took on her own policy initiatives, including the most ambitious national environmental effort since Teddy Roosevelt. <P><P>Occupying the White House during the beginning of the women's liberation movement, she hosted professional women from all walks of life in the White House, including urban planning and environmental pioneers like Jane Jacobs and Barbara Ward, encouraging women everywhere to pursue their own careers, even if her own style of leadership and official role was to lead by supporting others. Where no presidential biographer has understood the full impact of Lady Bird Johnson’s work in the White House, Julia Sweig is the first to draw substantially on Lady Bird’s own voice in her White House diaries to place Claudia Alta "Lady Bird” Johnson center stage and to reveal a woman ahead of her time—and an accomplished politician in her own right. <P><P><b>A New York Times Best Seller</b>

Lady Bird Johnson, That's Who!: The Story of a Cleaner and Greener America

by Tracy Nelson Maurer

Lady Bird Johnson, That's Who! is Tracy Nelson Maurer's lively picture book biography of Lady Bird Johnson, with a focus on her environmentalist passion and legacy as First Lady.Who fought to stop pollution? Who helped make America cleaner and greener? Lady Bird Johnson, That's Who!Claudia Alta Taylor was a lonely girl, shy as a butterfly growing up in Texas. She never dreamed she'd blossom into a visionary leader whose love for wildflowers, beautiful landscapes, and building community compelled her to lead the effort to combat pollution in the United States. A lifelong environmentalist, Lady Bird Johnson embraced her platform as First Lady to promote policy that beautified America’s roadways, waterways and parks, inspiring people to take pride in the places they live.With elements of women’s history, civics, and conservationism, this is a timely and informative picture book biography.

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